Viva "Your Nickname"
Aztec National League
19-10-2003, 09:03
We salute the nation of Your Nickname for it's ground breaking humor and it's medeling in wars. We hereby give the nation of Your Nickname an record of The Beatles' Revolution #9 autographed by John Lennon. **The citizens of the ANL offer to topple the statue of their beloved leader, High Chief Quetzalcoalt and erect a statue of the leader of Your Nickname instead.**
**Offer void in this universe.
As a token of appreciation, we shower you nation with Lolly's! Sadly, knocking 1/4th your population out with concussions from the hard candy...
"You win some, you lose some... Who wants a lolly!"
OOC: I bet I'll be sued by the Lolly Pop Corperation for over-usage of their Trade Mark...
Aztec National League
19-10-2003, 09:07
I meet more and more kindered spirits on this board! I presume your nations name has something to do with John Lennon's Imagine.
Edit: OOC: That happened to me on Friday. My school had a pep rally and some kid was throwing candy at the students and I got bunked on the head by a Milk Duds box :lol: .
Yep, that's it. My nation's motto is "Imagine All the People Living Life in Peace." :D (and that's a good job if you can get it, believe me)
Aztec National League
19-10-2003, 09:11
Yeah, my country's motto is "Live and Let Die and Let it Be."
Mine is "Money is all there is, and we are money" But i'm volleying in Parliment to change it to "All hail the Lolly! Lolly Pops for EVERYONE!"
Well, I just popped in briefly; I gotta go. :D Nice meeting another Beatle fan!
Aztec National League
19-10-2003, 09:20
Hope to see ya later. Take care.