NationStates Jolt Archive

Creation of International Court, send a judge!

19-10-2003, 05:33

I know that this has been tried many, many, many times by people who are much more able than me, but I find the current RP state quite depressing...

There are many RP's going on, most of them terrible beyond belief, although I've enjoyed reading a few, the majority seems to have completely devolved into:

Nation A: "I invade you with 1,000,000 infantry and 200,000 Abrams Tanks."

Nation B (several responses:)

1. We have a huge army and will pwn you if you invade us.
3. I nuke you with everything I have.

It is obvious that I am being a bit too general and am not covering all the grounds, but there are many flaws... for instance: Nation A simply mobilizes a million troops, a bunch of tanks, but there is no mention of the commander of this force, their morale, support units, how they will get to Nation B, no background material, etc. RPing is not simply about creating x army units to invade y nation, it is about the flavor, the background, and the consideration of all aspects of this army.

Nation B's responses are also typical... no mention of mobilizations, speeches, army positions, commanders, nation's terrain, etc. Also, it seems that whenever several countries are involved, one godmods and then the entire mess turns into an ignore fest... terrible. As for the use of WMD, they are used far too much, in reality, they should never or almost never be used.

ANYWAY, what does this have to do with an international court? Simple!

1. The role of the court would be to take evidence on a complaint from Nation A to Nation B, hopefully to stop a war from happening. For example, Nation A claims that Nation B occupies its land, kidnapped its citizens, is in violation of an agreement, has killed Nation A's ambassador, or any other reason that may spark a conflict.

2. The court would have jurisdiction only if both nations accept the court's guidance, and the court's decision would not be binding!
This is done to encourage both nations to participate... as more nations (hopefully) use this option then the court's ruling would be held in greater regard, and good minded nations may enforce it or back parties based on the court's decision.

3. Members of the court would be made of Esamopia as well as any nation that accepts the court's jurisdiction, other judges can also join when a conflict erupts. However, there is a maximum of five judges that can participate in any conflict, so the first five to announce that they'd take the case, as long as they are completely unbiased with regards to the conflict, get the case! Simple!


Since it is unlikely that the court would be used often, or until such time as it does, another division of the court will be created, staffed by the same judges, except here an unlimited number of judges can participate. The function of this division would be to rate RP's!! If a judge (from any nation) believes that a certain open RP is great, then they can ask that it be given praise from the court, and the same if a nation believes that it is terrible. This will primarily give judges something to do, and can also be seen by other RPers as time goes by and the court's prestige increases (hopefully) as a good destination to find any of the rare good RPs out there!

So please join, and if you have any comments, please be sure to read everything first, then you are most welcome to post!
19-10-2003, 05:37
Oh, I have also found another function of the court:

5. The court will also handle nominations of what nations are "Good" and which nations are "Bad" RPers.

Obviously there will be much disagreement, so decisions can only be made by a 2/3 majority, but this should serve as a welcome commendation to good RPers for their efforts, and would serve as a warning by RPers as to what nations cannot RP at all.

Nations would be encouraged to have a:

"Found to be a good RPer by International Court" or similar sig.
Steel Butterfly
19-10-2003, 05:39
I think there already is an international court somewhere

I am a lawyer for it
19-10-2003, 05:41
The Constitutional Monarchy of Rotovia sends the (retired) Honourable Cheif High Court Justice, Kate Mulgrow.
19-10-2003, 05:42
I think there already is an international court somewhere

I am a lawyer for it

Excellent!! I doubt that you have too many cases though? (I haven't seen it in action really... that's why I ask the question.)

At any rate, both courts could have concurrent jurisdiction, and I bet that your court does not have the features found in parts 4 and 5. So you can have a judge for this court as well!
The Damned People
19-10-2003, 05:43
Woaaaaaaaah. This reminds me of an old, old, old thread which was almost EXACTLY the same. I don't think I'm going to dig it up, though... I'll let it rest.

19-10-2003, 05:43
The Constitutional Monarchy of Rotovia sends the (retired) Honourable Cheif High Court Justice, Kate Mulgrow.

Ahem... we thank you for your support!

If at any time anyone has a case to bring (including Role Play (RP) ratings or threat ratings, please do!)
19-10-2003, 05:43
Woaaaaaaaah. This reminds me of an old, old, old thread which was almost EXACTLY the same. I don't think I'm going to dig it up, though... I'll let it rest.


Can we count on your support... or even vague indifference/tolerance?
The Damned People
19-10-2003, 05:44
Woaaaaaaaah. This reminds me of an old, old, old thread which was almost EXACTLY the same. I don't think I'm going to dig it up, though... I'll let it rest.


Can we count on your support... or even vague indifference/tolerance?

I give you the thumbs up, but I'm a bit busy to become involved, sorry.

19-10-2003, 05:45
Hey, sounds pretty good. 'Specially like that non-bindin' part. And since the old one is gone to dust and rot...

We'll send our representative. One "Doc" Bolivar.
A down home, backwoods, lawyer that ended up convicting the old dictator of war crimes before the revolutionary tribunal. Has since been an honored Counciler for the enlightened ruling board.
19-10-2003, 05:45
Woaaaaaaaah. This reminds me of an old, old, old thread which was almost EXACTLY the same. I don't think I'm going to dig it up, though... I'll let it rest.


Can we count on your support... or even vague indifference/tolerance?

I give you the thumbs up, but I'm a bit busy to become involved, sorry.


Excellent! Again, if anyone has a case to bring, feel free to do so, and any signs of praise/support/criticism are more than welcome.
19-10-2003, 05:46
Hey, sounds pretty good. 'Specially like that non-bindin' part. And since the old one is gone to dust and rot...

We'll send our representative. One "Doc" Bolivar.
A down home, backwoods, lawyer that ended up convicting the old dictator of war crimes before the revolutionary tribunal. Has since been an honored Counciler for the enlightened ruling board.

Most excellent! We believe that the court's prestige would greatly increase by such an honorable judge being a part of this court.

Thank you for the support.
19-10-2003, 05:51
Please... a case... anyone? Perhaps I'll propose one soon!
Soviet Haaregrad
19-10-2003, 05:53
Vladimir Borovski will join as a judge, he is the former Supreme Counciler of Haaregradia and is well respected here and abroad.
19-10-2003, 05:56
Vladimir Borovski will join as a judge, he is the former Supreme Counciler of Haaregradia and is well respected here and abroad.

Most excellent! We welcome your support!

As for a case... I beg someone to come up with something... suggest someone for an good/bad RPer award, or rate any open topic!
19-10-2003, 06:02
Aha! I've heard that a nation called "Automagfreek" which has been here for a while and is respected by many, will be leaving soon.

I wish to nominate them for an International Court commendation of honor, I will create a seperate thread for that.

All judges are welcome, since this is an issue by which an unlimited number of judges can take part in. Also, any judge is welcome, so if you wish to take part in those proceedings, please sign up as a judge here!
19-10-2003, 06:07
Please visit the thread, or search the threads for evidence!

If you have your own case, you are also welcome to bring it here.

If you would like to sign up, then you may also do so!!
19-10-2003, 06:10
When will you all just give up on the World Court idea? I've been tried by one (and it broke apart before I could be convicted), a member of two, and to my knowledge this is the fourth attempt. This time I'm going to cut my losses and stay out of it.
19-10-2003, 06:11
When will you all just give up on the World Court idea? I've been tried by one (and it broke apart before I could be convicted), a member of two, and to my knowledge this is the fourth attempt. This time I'm going to cut my losses and stay out of it.

Ha... I was actually there in the trial (the first one you mention) and I remember its destruction.

I know that the court idea is almost dead, but remember that this court includes the new ideas in Articles 4 + 5! Please read those parts first and I hope you can reconsider!
19-10-2003, 06:14
Well, I'll give the WC the benefit of the doubt one last time, but this time I'm only going to observe.
19-10-2003, 06:17
Well, I'll give the WC the benefit of the doubt one last time, but this time I'm only going to observe.

Excellent! Although I would apprecaite your help if you have any evidence or statement to offer in the "Automagfreek International Court" nomination thread!
19-10-2003, 06:26
Apollopoli welcomes such initiatives for greater peace and stability in the world. However, we believe that without a current structure proposed, the court will have great difficulty finding its feet when and if it is created. Apollopoli would also like to see the jurisdiction of such a proposed court to be extended beyond the proposed limits. We would like to see it have jurisdiction over international disputes such as human rights abuses, trade disputes, environmental management, resource control and trans-border crimes such as terrorism and smuggling.
19-10-2003, 06:28
Apollopoli welcomes such initiatives for greater peace and stability in the world. However, we believe that without a current structure proposed, the court will have great difficulty finding its feet when and if it is created. Apollopoli would also like to see the jurisdiction of such a proposed court to be extended beyond the proposed limits. We would like to see it have jurisdiction over international disputes such as human rights abuses, trade disputes, environmental management, resource control and trans-border crimes such as terrorism and smuggling.

We appreciate the suggestions, and a well-defined (and albeit lengthly...) constitution and Rules of Procedure/Evidence will be created in due time. This is just for tentative support and endorsment.

As for the broadening of jurisdiction, then any party may bring any other party to court, however both parties must participate and the decisions can never be binding. IT has been my experience in the past that doing it any other way (binding decisions, forcing defendant to appear, etc.) would lead to the breakdown of the court.
19-10-2003, 08:07
May I suggest the creation of a website for the court? It would provide the stability that only comes from having a physical enitity. An MSN Group would suffice, I'd create and maitain it If know one else wants the burdan.
19-10-2003, 08:10
The Rogue Nation of Smok offers its wholehearted endorsement of the International Court and sends it's representative, the Right Honorable Lou Jacobi, as its ambassador. Mr. Jacobi is one of the few Smokians with experience in interplanetary legal disputes, which we consider to be a valuable asset for the International Court.
Liverpool England
19-10-2003, 08:12
Liverpool England will send two people: A judge and a Diplomatic Observer. Judge: Juan Manuel Jonas
Western Asia
19-10-2003, 09:01
OOC: Hell, I've already been a part of two of these things...why not go for the hat trick?

IC: Western Asia will participate.
19-10-2003, 09:13
The ISK wishes to add it's supoprt to the WC idea, and sends their own delegate, a Dr John Rameshki. Dr Rameshki is a noted negotiator in the ISK, after he brokered the peace between the states of Katangara-proper and Prussia, who's emnity lasted for approximately 5 decades before then.

ooc: seems a good idea. im so in :D
Aztec National League
19-10-2003, 09:19
The Constitutional Monarchy of Rotovia sends the (retired) Honourable Cheif High Court Justice, Kate Mulgrow.

OOC: The return of Captain (now admiral) Janeway.

Star Trek joke in 5,4,3,2,1...
Nation A: "But Nation B invaded our lands and contaminated our people with their culture. That's against the prime directive..."

We support a International Court. It is time to rid ourselves of godmodding, war pig people!
19-10-2003, 14:59
The Constitutional Monarchy of Rotovia sends the (retired) Honourable Cheif High Court Justice, Kate Mulgrow.

OOC: The return of Captain (now admiral) Janeway.

Star Trek joke in 5,4,3,2,1...
Nation A: "But Nation B invaded our lands and contaminated our people with their culture. That's against the prime directive..."

We support a International Court. It is time to rid ourselves of godmodding, war pig people!

Gagh! The Trekkers' head explodes. Janeway was a devout follower of the Prime Directive, it's the Temporal Directive she hates, and Kirk who ignores the Prime Directive.

Ps. All my characters are from ST, no one noticed that yet.... I thaught making our puppet king Lenord Nimoey would raise a few Vulcaon eyebrows, but alas.