What is an agricultural sector??
whats that all about?!?! Farming I believe, hence the name "Agricultural Sector"
Agriculture is non-Industrial industry... Like Farming, Animals (Sheep, Cows, Chikens, Horses), and then plants like Cotton, and such...
how do i raise my agricultural sector then?!? and whats the point of this game...i dont get it...someone please explain
how do i raise my agricultural sector then?!? and whats the point of this game...i dont get it...someone please explain Witht he way I talk, I'd probably befuddle you all the more, but I'll try if I can, anything specific you want to know?
You don't want to raise your agricultural sector... Agriculture is nice, but a first world nation can only be achieved through Major Industry, and Major Commerce.
The United Nations releases a silly un-important report like this Agriculture Sector everyday. They just do random things, like yesterday it was "Largest Auto-Industrial Sector" and the day before that was "Largest Gambling Sector" and the day before that was "Healthiest Citizens"
The reports don't matter at all, they're just there to show where your nation stands on certain things.
[/quote] I'll try if I can, anything specific you want to know?[/quote]
how about...how do i raise my agricultural sector?
If you want to raise your Agriculture, just vote against large Industry on the Issues your country faces everyday...
19-10-2003, 00:28
If you are given issues that relate to it, answer them in such a way as to make it bigger. As for the point of the game: its to have fun.
If you want to raise your Agriculture, just vote against large Industry on the Issues your country faces everyday...
oh ok...thanks...and is there a goal in this game??? is there a way to take over nations...or trade?
If you want to raise your Agriculture, just vote against large Industry on the Issues your country faces everyday...
oh ok...thanks...and is there a goal in this game??? is there a way to take over nations...or trade? War and trade are done by RPing, short for Role Playing, done in the Forums.
If you want to raise your Agriculture, just vote against large Industry on the Issues your country faces everyday...
oh ok...thanks...and is there a goal in this game??? is there a way to take over nations...or trade? War and trade are done by RPing, short for Role Playing, done in the Forums.
huh??? how would that be done?!?!?!
If you want to raise your Agriculture, just vote against large Industry on the Issues your country faces everyday...
oh ok...thanks...and is there a goal in this game??? is there a way to take over nations...or trade? War and trade are done by RPing, short for Role Playing, done in the Forums.
huh??? how would that be done?!?!?! There are many examples, and there are also the stickied threads, you could read those, it's alot of material to sift through, but it's worth it, I learned how to RP right the hard way, no fun I assure you.
Cotswold Morris
19-10-2003, 00:39
With imagination and a certain je ne sais quoi! (or whatever the spelling is.)
19-10-2003, 00:41
You don't want to raise your agricultural sector... Agriculture is nice, but a first world nation can only be achieved through Major Industry, and Major Commerce.
Ehh, not necessarily -- this nation has the largest Ag sector in the region and is in the top 1000 in the world, but it has had a Frightening economy for months now.
Unrelated: I just changed from a Capitalist Paradise to an Inoffensive Centrist Democracy after many, many weeks. That's odd...
If you want to raise your Agriculture, just vote against large Industry on the Issues your country faces everyday...
oh ok...thanks...and is there a goal in this game??? is there a way to take over nations...or trade?
Your goal is to run your nation as best as possible, and like real governments your objective is diffrent to everyone else. Some nations want power, some want equality, etc.
As for war, that happens in these forums, in a textbased role play.
whats that all about?!?!
An agricultural sector is based around farming. It tends to be the main part of developing nations' economies, as well.
it is the things that go
"MOOOOO!, brawk!, oink and ETC
19-10-2003, 01:33
You don't want to raise your agricultural sector... Agriculture is nice, but a first world nation can only be achieved through Major Industry, and Major Commerce.Ahem.. look at Arda. I wonder if Melkor could be considered 1st world though...