Der Angst
18-10-2003, 14:33
ABC: Six hours ago, the protest of more than twohundred thousand people in Mönchengladbach against the 'Discrimination of private corporations', ended in violence after police forces of several Associate- corporations and some smaller ones begun to act against the protesters.
So far, more than fourhundred dead, and as many injured people are reported.
It might be noted that the police forces of the three largest corporations, Kusanagi Technologies, Soldats Inc. and White Hawk Ltd., did not act.
Representatives of the 'Private corporations' already announced that they would 'Not allow this butchers to continue'.
This outbreak of violence is yet another indicator of the growing tensions between the 'traditional' 'share- culture' that was established in DA long ago, after the 'Red Bracelet' war, and the new, nationalistic fractions, which see the foreign influence in DA as a threat and, to quote one of their Leaders, Clark, 'made DA a part of their empires'.
The protests were aimed to show the growing impatience of the 'nationalists', others might say 'anti- stock sellers' at the associates and the 'share- culture' in general, which denies them any political say, although they are already responsible for about 20% of DA`s GDP.
The 'anti- stock movement' begun shortly after (due to unnamed and not verified sources) Menelmacari influence forced our competing broadcasting company ANA to immediately end broadcasting 'Slaughter of Sin', due to the fact that it holds 15% of the ANA shares. Originally, it was a movement in the media sector, one of the earliest companies created in this new environment was the Angst Broadcasting Company, ABC, or, in other words, us.
Later, the movement spread through practically al sectors, until this new climax was finally reached.
Now, brothers, is the time, to take back what is ours, to force the associates to give up what they occupied, to win all there is to win!
May the victims of their rule never be forgotten!"
So far, more than fourhundred dead, and as many injured people are reported.
It might be noted that the police forces of the three largest corporations, Kusanagi Technologies, Soldats Inc. and White Hawk Ltd., did not act.
Representatives of the 'Private corporations' already announced that they would 'Not allow this butchers to continue'.
This outbreak of violence is yet another indicator of the growing tensions between the 'traditional' 'share- culture' that was established in DA long ago, after the 'Red Bracelet' war, and the new, nationalistic fractions, which see the foreign influence in DA as a threat and, to quote one of their Leaders, Clark, 'made DA a part of their empires'.
The protests were aimed to show the growing impatience of the 'nationalists', others might say 'anti- stock sellers' at the associates and the 'share- culture' in general, which denies them any political say, although they are already responsible for about 20% of DA`s GDP.
The 'anti- stock movement' begun shortly after (due to unnamed and not verified sources) Menelmacari influence forced our competing broadcasting company ANA to immediately end broadcasting 'Slaughter of Sin', due to the fact that it holds 15% of the ANA shares. Originally, it was a movement in the media sector, one of the earliest companies created in this new environment was the Angst Broadcasting Company, ABC, or, in other words, us.
Later, the movement spread through practically al sectors, until this new climax was finally reached.
Now, brothers, is the time, to take back what is ours, to force the associates to give up what they occupied, to win all there is to win!
May the victims of their rule never be forgotten!"