Speedway World Cup-Closed
18-10-2003, 08:39
News Report:-
It was reported today that The First International Speedway World Cup is to be held in Pablicosta.
ISWC spokesman Geofrey Hancock told reporters this;
"We have chosen the flourishing nation Of Pablicosta for many reasons. The most predominate of these is the support for speedway that exists in Pablicosta, so obviously many tracks are allready built an available for the Championships.
Official Notification:-
"The number of Rider spots available for the qualifying stages is 32. 32 riders in eight races. Straight knockout, top two from each group go through to their respective heats in the finals. Positions are open immeiatley for teams to be put forward, the first 32 riders details and bikes received are automaticaly the 32 in the qualifiers. All I have left to say is good luck, and good day. Thank you"
James Belmore -TBF
Alex Belmore - TBF
Nicki Pedrov - PAB
David Huchkins - PAB
Naurhka Meuakl -KZP
Rurj Kaiwu, - KZP
Andrias Tomasz - LEN
Luke Master - LEN
Hitsuke Masushita - LEN
Micheal Yates - SKS
Shun And - SKS
Anand Payla - SKS
Thomas Aranya- HRK
Lionel Frisbee - NAS
Sergi Creegan - NAS
Martin Standard - NAS
Jorge Mendoza - TGS
Xkara Gili - REJ
Friday Knight - ARM
Tuesday Knight - ARM
Tom-orrow Knight - ARM
James Belmore
Naurhka Meuakl
Hitsuke Masushita
Thomas Aranya
Jorge Mendoza
Alex Belmore
Rurj Kaiwu
Micheal Yates
Lionel Frisbee
Friday Knight
Nicki Pedrov
Andrias Tomasz
Shun And
Sergi Creegan
Xkara Gili
David Huchkins
Luke Master
Anand Payla
Martin Standard
Tuesday Knight
Semi Finals
Race 1
James Belmore
Friday Knight
Xkara Gili
Anand Payla
Thomas Aranya
Nicki Pedrov
Michael Yates
Luke Master
The Belmore Family
18-10-2003, 08:46
Belmore Racing wishes to put forward it's speedway section onto this world cup.
18-10-2003, 08:50
Pablicosta's Official Entrants to the SWC are as follows. Nicki Pedrov, David Huchkins.
Pedrov, Nicki
Place Of Birth:-Pablicosta City, Pablicosta
Date Of Birth:-March 3rd, 1981.
Pablicosta Match Champion 1998,99,2000,2002.
Under 19's World Champion 1998.
Best Sportsman 2001.
Huchkins, David
Place Of Birth:-Unknown-Deep South Of Pablicosta
Date Of Birth:- August 30th, 1978
Pablicosta Match Champion 1997,2001, Runner up 98,99,2002
18-10-2003, 08:51
Belmore Racing wishes to put forward it's speedway section onto this world cup.
What do you meen speedway section? Only riders and bikes are required, no tracks-if thats what you meant. The next WC will be available for you though...
The Belmore Family
18-10-2003, 08:52
No Belmore racing has certain sections eg F1, speedway which enter different events.
18-10-2003, 08:54
OK, before entry is accepted we require stats, not neseceserily pictures, but names of your racers (no more than 3)
The Belmore Family
18-10-2003, 08:58
James Belmore
19 years old
Alex Belmore
21 years old
More to come
P.S. Have you signed up for the 3rd Champions league?
Kaze Progressa
18-10-2003, 18:43
Progressa Racing (Speedway) are willing to enter.
Their competitors are Naurhka Meuakl, at 27 the more experienced of the team and a huge force in the country's 'biKe sPeed Series', and Rurj Kaiwu, six years younger and seen as the future of Progressan speedway after a year of outrageous overtaking manouvers earnt him the biKe sPeed 'Young Rider of the Year'.
18-10-2003, 18:54
James Belmore
19 years old
Alex Belmore
21 years old
More to come
P.S. Have you signed up for the 3rd Champions league?
Accepted and added to the list.
P.S. No, iv been away in SA for a while. Could you add me in please.
19-10-2003, 08:14
Kaze, your riders are added to the list.
19-10-2003, 08:24
Speedway Bump
Kaze Progressa
19-10-2003, 09:27
Thanks Pablicosta... but could our three-letter code be KZP instead of PAG?
We will reward the winner with 100 Lolly Pops, of assorted flavours... Also for the winner from us will be $10,000 USD, and a collector Harley Davidson Bike from the late 1940s... But who cares about that, when you're getting ONE HUNDRED LOLLYS!
Liverpool England
19-10-2003, 09:34
Andrias Tomasz
Luke Master
Hitsuke Masushita
All part of Liverpool England Racing and Motor Sports Association (LERMSA)
Three letter acronym: LEN
19-10-2003, 10:39
Thanks Pablicosta... but could our three-letter code be KZP instead of PAG?
Done, Originaly the code was just for my benefit for commentry, but you can have what you like I guess.
19-10-2003, 10:40
Andrias Tomasz
Luke Master
Hitsuke Masushita
All part of Liverpool England Racing and Motor Sports Association (LERMSA)
Three letter acronym: LEN
Done! :wink:
Micheal Yates
Age: 21
Sponsor: Suraksha Motor & Engines PTE lmt
Shun And
Age: 28
Sponsor: Suraksha Sports Ministry
Anand Payla
Age: 31
Sponsor: Motorbikes & Racing Association, Hollyand, Suraksha
All 3 will be in the same team from our nation, the only difference are the sponsors. The 3 letter code is SKS, just to confirm.
19-10-2003, 11:15
Micheal Yates
Age: 21
Sponsor: Suraksha Motor & Engines PTE lmt
Shun And
Age: 28
Sponsor: Suraksha Sports Ministry
Anand Payla
Age: 31
Sponsor: Motorbikes & Racing Association, Hollyand, Suraksha
All 3 will be in the same team from our nation, the only difference are the sponsors. The 3 letter code is SKS, just to confirm.
Done :D Thank you for entering :)
Kaze Progressa
19-10-2003, 15:28
Thanks Pablicosta... but could our three-letter code be KZP instead of PAG?
Done, Originaly the code was just for my benefit for commentry, but you can have what you like I guess.
Hehe... KZP is our kind of international three-letter code, KP being the two-letter variant we use when possible... PAG is sure easier to say aloud though, so the commentators can call us 'The Pags' :D
19-10-2003, 16:33
Thanks Pablicosta... but could our three-letter code be KZP instead of PAG?
Done, Originaly the code was just for my benefit for commentry, but you can have what you like I guess.
Hehe... KZP is our kind of international three-letter code, KP being the two-letter variant we use when possible... PAG is sure easier to say aloud though, so the commentators can call us 'The Pags' :D
The Pags, lol.
BTW, spread the word, we need more entrants!
19-10-2003, 18:30
Speedway style BUMP
I'll enter the Haraki Hawks.
-Haraki Minister of Entertainment
19-10-2003, 18:41
I'll enter the Haraki Hawks.
-Haraki Minister of Entertainment
care to give me a name or two before you go on the list?
Uh ... Thomas Aranya. He's our best.
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
19-10-2003, 18:49
Nastic Knights are in ;-)
Lionel Frisbee
Age: 21
Sponsor: Nascar Motor Company
Sergi Creegan
Age: 28
Sponsor: Nascar Motor Company
Martin Standard
Age: 30
Sponsor: Nascar Motor Company
All 3 will be in the same team from our nation, The 3 letter code is NAS, just to confirm.
The Gulf States
19-10-2003, 19:03
Country Code: TGS
Jorge Mendoza, 23 yrs.
Bike: 2003 Cablen DR300
Sponsor: Cablen Motorcycles
19-10-2003, 19:52
All added to the list
Also, first races are listed, top two from each race go through. third place go into runner up contendership.
Only group 1 done so far, need 15 more riders before we can begin...
19-10-2003, 20:01
The RejiSydiAsene (Rejistanian Motorsport Asociation) would like to enter their domestic champion:
Name: Gili, Xkara
Naranti: Ligatania
Living in: Kalisimu
Age: 20
Make our nation code REJ, please.
19-10-2003, 20:11
Ooops, thought it would be clear if the surname stands first and the first name is seperated with a colon. The driver is called Xkara Gili :oops:
19-10-2003, 20:18
Oh, lol, I didnt know with it being a "different" name (like indian ones, being brittish i dunno which one comes first??) I'l change it round.
20-10-2003, 15:31
Thanks and BUMP!
20-10-2003, 18:07
BUMP, more entries needed....
20-10-2003, 19:56
20-10-2003, 20:24
20-10-2003, 21:10
21-10-2003, 17:35
21-10-2003, 17:35
21-10-2003, 19:15
23-10-2003, 08:03
imported_Arm strong
23-10-2003, 20:06
Count me in.
Country Code: ARM
Friday Knight, 23 yrs.
Tuesday Knight, 21 yrs.
Tom-orrow Knight, 24 yrs.
Kaze Progressa
24-10-2003, 21:56
Kaze Progressa think the Arm strong names are brilliantly funny, and we wish them a lot of luck in coming second to the Progressans. Of course, we really want to beat everyone, but we must accept that we cannot perform perfectly every race.
24-10-2003, 23:09
I think arm strong will appreciate your excellent use of the word bump
25-10-2003, 07:59
I think Pab would appreciate a few more members please...
Liverpool England
25-10-2003, 08:27
We need a few more people.... who can be good at Rping possibly, (Pabli?), would be able to keep track of this; the more the merrier, anyone care to proceed with this idea and join?
Another good one by myself even though this has just been bumped :P
Kaze Progressa
25-10-2003, 08:52
If we can't get any more members now, should we start with the ones we have? Is that practical in the structure Pab has atm?
25-10-2003, 09:50
If we can't get any more members now, should we start with the ones we have? Is that practical in the structure Pab has atm?
It could work, and thats what im going to do....
This will take a while to re order and reform.
Bare with me...
Kaze Progressa
25-10-2003, 12:59
I have spotted the reorganised plans... I have an alternative idea, though.
Seven races of three. Winners and five fastest runners-up go through.
Three races of four. Winners and fastest runner-up go through.
Final - one race of four.
25-10-2003, 16:18
I have spotted the reorganised plans... I have an alternative idea, though.
Seven races of three. Winners and five fastest runners-up go through.
Three races of four. Winners and fastest runner-up go through.
Final - one race of four.
Again, this could work, but both methods (that one and the one I chose) create the same result, one winner so it doesnt really matter.
The system is as follows.
Qualifying, top 2 from each group go through.
8 through.
Two races, again top two go through. Third and fourth places go into runer ups comp.
4 through/4 runners up
One race, winner is champion, second second placed, third third placed, fourth into runners up.
Runners up comp.
One race, 5 riders-obvious postitions.
25-10-2003, 16:47
Qualifying Races
James Belmore
Naurhka Meuakl
Hitsuke Masushita
Thomas Aranya
Jorge Mendoza
"Were back here at the Pablicosta National Speedway Circuit in Pablicosta City, and now the first race is ready to start. The fans really enjoying the atmosphere here, and ready for the riders. And here they come, over to the stadium".
A man in black and white chequred shirt and black trousers walks importantly out into the grassy center of the arena. He takes a microphone which lowers itself down on a wire which quickly retracts.
"Laaaaaadies and Gentlemen, are you ready for ACTION? (pauses as crowd cheer)
Are you ready for speed? (pauses again for cheering)
Are you ready for drama? (Pauses once more)
Then Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, I think our ready for
SPEEDWAY WORLD CUP 2003!!!!(crowd cheer enfaticly)
Now, please welcome the official representative for Pablicosta Speedway, Jackie Grey!!!"
(Crowd go wild again)
A bike roars somewhere in the vacinity and then, suddenly a man flies out from a ramp above the tunnel, soaring through the air before hitting the ground perfectly.
He turns the bike sharply and speeds arround the first bend, letting off fireworks as he turns. The fireworks explode into a rainbow of colour before jackie finishes his run and returns to the tunnel.
"And now, the riders from Group 1!!
In lane one James Belmore!!"(cheers)
Fireworks erupt beside the tunnel as belmore rides out to his lane.
"In lane two Naurhka Meuakl !!"(cheers)
More Fireworks.
"In lane three Hitsuke Masushita !!"(cheers)
More Fireworks.
"In lane four Thomas Aranya!!"(cheers)
Even more fireworks.
"In lane five Jorge Mendoza!!"(cheers)
Final fireworks.
"And now, we are ready to race!!!!!!!!!"
The lights go out and all five men spin away.
"Mendoza spins out into the lead arround the first bend, Meuakl forced way outside, oh he's hit the wall. Belmore forces his way past Masushita, whipping the bike arround. Meuakl looks like moving into third as they turn here, oh he missed the line-GOOD GOD! Thats one hell of a crash!
Meuakl lost control and sped into Masushita, sending him flying of to the left, bike intact. The two crashed hard into the wall, and neither have gotten up yet. This looks serious.
Obviously the race has stopped and the medics are on track, taking both men away on stretchers, the first casualties of the World Cup.
Now the referee must decide who races again.
Lights two and three both on, so they are both eliminated.
The race will be
Their off again, and belmore and Aranya off like anything, Mendoza hanging back a little, looks like he had a little engine start problem, but he's away now-and way, way behind.
There it is, Mendoza has pulled up to the side, a combination of engine trouble and knowing he was out forced him into an early stop, Belmore and Aranmy cruising home togethor, Belmore speeding to take the lead along the home straight, and winning-Aranya second and Mendoza third, and out.
Thank you for joining us this afternoon, we'l be bringing you the rest of the races as they come here on PNN."
26-10-2003, 09:08
OOC-next race will only come after some RPing from you guys about the first...
The Belmore Family
26-10-2003, 09:16
James Belmore:I am pleased to have won that race. It was a tough battle, Aranya and Mendoza took me straight to the line, allowing for no mistakes. I was pleased with the power the bike got me going over the line. I hope that speed can get me through the semis.
Kaze Progressa
26-10-2003, 09:22
Naurhka Meuakl was taken to hospital following his nasty crash in the Speedway World Cup last night. Meuakl collided with Hitsuke Matsushita after losing control on the second bend attempting an overtaking manouver.
Meuakl has been diagnosed with a broken bone in his right arm, which collided with the wall as his momentum from the crash with Matsushita sent him flying off the track area.
A spokesperson for Progressa Racing said Meuakl took an 'over-aggressive' line into the second turn, and did not have the traction to hold it. He had also taken slight damage to the right arm from hitting the wall on the first bend when forced onto the outside.
26-10-2003, 10:54
"welcome back to speedway here on channel one. We have two races for you know, and heres the line ups...
Alex Belmore
Rurj Kaiwu
Micheal Yates
Lionel Frisbee
Friday Knight
Nicki Pedrov
Andrias Tomasz
Shun And
Sergi Creegan
Xkara Gili
Looks like the ref is erady to set them off for the first race, the liights are on-and their they go! Belmore hasn't started yet, there he goes-he's all over the track, god job the rest of the riders are well ahead of him. He seems to have controll back over the bike now, keeping a relativly straight line. Now, hitting the first bend for the second time its
and Belmore.
Knight looks certain to go through, hes a got control over Frisbee in second as they approach the second bend again. Arround they go, Kaiwu hugging close to Frisbee there, but he's dropped back. Yates dives in alogn the straight, right past Kaiwu, oh my, nearly took Frisbee off his bike then.
And finally belmore looks to be getting some speed out of the bike, he's a good half a lap behind the rest of the pack as they finish. OH MY GOD!
Alex Belmore's bike has exploded into a huge ball of flames. Good God! belmore has been flung off his bike by the explosion, and is now lying unconcious on the concrete floor outside the track.
Paramedics are on the scene now.
The race will stand though, even though this terible explosion took Belmore out of the race, the rest had finished.
Looking back at the replay, there was a spark coming from near the fuel tank-then boom, right underneath the poor lad.
We have to take a break now, we'l be back soon."
"Welcome back to speedway, where we are going to have the second race of the day after a dramatic exit by Alex belmore.
The paramedics told us he is stablising, but he is very badly burnt.
But anyway, the ref has decided to put on the next race, so here's the line as they stand.
Nicki Pedrov
Andrias Tomasz
Shun And
Sergi Creegan
Xkara Gili
If this is anything like normal,, And will be away quickly, probably with Gili following.
lets see now as they get underway.
Arrouhnd the first bend its Gili, forcing his way onto the inside and taking first. Creegan has skidded, but hes back on the bike, and challenging Pedrov for third. backa rround to the first corner and its
Daredevil tactic from Creegan thundering up the inside to overtake Pedrov, but Pedrov blocks him, sending Creegan way back, back into fifth as Tomasz overtakes. Pedrov trying hard here, up the back straight, wheel to wheel with And, Gili way out of reach for him.
Pedrov dummies to the left and spins the bike out down the right, into second place.
Up front Gili has lost controll on the hime straight, but stays on the bike till he has crossed the line-Ouch-he hust the ground hard there. In second, Pedrov, third And, fourth Tomasz and last Creegan.
So, going through from those races its
Friady Knight
Michael Yates
and from race 2
Xkara Gili
Nicki Pedrov
We'l be back later with the final qualifier, and nes on Alex Belmore, good morning!"
The Belmore Family
26-10-2003, 11:01
Alex Belmore is currently lieing in an intesive care unit, in a comba, we are not sure whether he will survive.
Strap on Sally, 19
Location, going down, Queendom of LesbianLickers
Team acronym DOB (Dykes on Bikes)
26-10-2003, 11:07
Strap on Sally, 19
Location, going down, Queendom of LesbianLickers
Team acronym DOB (Dykes on Bikes)
Read the topic title-CLOSED
Not open!
26-10-2003, 11:08
The Speedway Association, and Pabliosta itslef offer our deepest sympathy and hope Alex is fit & well soon. We have begun carrying out an investigation into the accident, which is leading us to beleive it as a falty spark plug which start ed the chain of events.
Liverpool England
26-10-2003, 11:59
Liverpool England and its participants wish Alan Belmore a very speedy recovery. Two of Le's three participants have been eliminated, it's now all down to Luke Master.
26-10-2003, 12:19
"welcome back once again speedway fans, to the final qualifier of the day,
David Huchkins
Luke Master
Anand Payla
Martin Standard
Tuesday Knight
All lining up out on the track now, ready for the off. Master looks strong from what I have seen out on the practice tracks, but so does Payla, should be a good race.
The referee turns out the lights and their away well, Payla and Standard in the lead for now, Master in third and Huckins and Knight battling for places at the back. Their really close now, huchkins diving forward round the home straight again, but he cant quite steal third place away from master, who slips into second arround the bend. Standard decks his bike against the wall, but hes back up, just a long way behind now and leaving Huchkins in third.
Tuesday Knight doesnt look very secure on that bike, looks like he cant find any traction as Standard wizzes past him toward the final straight-accross the lien its Payla, Master, Huchkins, Standard and Knight.
Liverpool England
26-10-2003, 12:32
Luke Master: Only Liverpool England representative in Second Round
The Speedway World Cup continues in Pablicosta, and of three LE participants, 17-year-old Luke Master is the only one to make it through to Round Two. When asked, the qualifyer replied, "Wow. Second place? That's good - I've made it in, I just hope I can keep going..."
26-10-2003, 12:37
*Idine Sala speaks* This is Radio RejiCAST, here are the results from the first speedway qualifiers. *his voice gets louder of excitement* Gili'he Xkara has WON! Even if it looked at the end of the last round, as if he was falling down before reaching the finish, he managed to get the first place! That was unbelievable. He fell down, shortly after the line, but he seems to be not serious hurt. He said after an examination: "That's the risk of this sport. Such things can happen always." *short pause* *IS continues in a serious tone* Unfortunately,there are also bad news: Alex Belmore, compeing for The Belmore Family, was seriously hurt during the first race, when his bike exploded. We, and I guess you all in front of the radio too, wish him to recover completely.
The Belmore Family
26-10-2003, 14:28
Alex Dungate has awoken from his comba, but is still unable to speak. He is however expected to make a full recovery.
26-10-2003, 14:38
Alex Dungate has awoken from his comba, but is still unable to speak. He is however expected to make a full recovery.
You meen Alex Belmore.
Speedway and Pablicosta are very pleased that Belmore is recovering, and wish him well on his future recovery.
The Belmore Family
26-10-2003, 15:05
Alex Dungate has awoken from his comba, but is still unable to speak. He is however expected to make a full recovery.
You meen Alex Belmore.
Speedway and Pablicosta are very pleased that Belmore is recovering, and wish him well on his future recovery.
I've been RPing with to many Alex's at the moment.
26-10-2003, 15:50
Yer, I'v seen a few arround...
28-10-2003, 10:56
"Hello and welcome to the semi finals of the World Speedway Championships. Firs, I must apologise for the last efw sessions being missed, but all competition was stopped for a day to respect Alex belmore. Thankfully Alex is now making a full recovery, and is expected to leave hospital on thursday.
Now, today we have this line up down on the track ready and waiting for the off.
Race 1
James Belmore
Friday Knight
Xkara Gili
Anand Payla
Belmore is allready the favourite do go through in first, although Gili should give him a tough ride, Payla isnt expected to pull out any miracles after he pulled a ligament last night in his hotel.
The ref is behind them, and their away-Gili speeding out infront from the start, Knight is second and belmore third- Payal had a spun start and is trailing way behind.
Gili is well away from Knight, with belmore challenging Knight arround the second bend-he tales second place well there-and cleen away down the home straight. Right up behind Gili.
Ohh, not anymore, he took the corner far to fast trying to overtake and hit the rough stuff, but hes back in controll, and his faster bike keeps bringing him closer to Gilion the straights-but he's just not good enough as a rider to corner like Gili.
here they come, round the first bend for the last time now-the frst time belmores taken a corner well, and leaves him neck and neck with Gili-he's forcinh his way through, and Gili is forced to slow to corner, this is gonna be tight.
They both make it into the home straight-Belmore just in the lead-Gili weaves, and .... and takes second place, he's in the final with belmore.
Over in third itsm Payla and Knight couldn't even finish the race.
So into the final we have James Belmore and Xkhara Gili. Well done boys.
28-10-2003, 11:58
In I Sala (not in anyhow related to Idine Sala, Sala is just a commen last name): This is sports today on TV-R 1. Our interview guest is today *pauses* Gili'he Xkara! *audience cheers as Xkara Gili enters the scene* Hejida Gili'he! *they shake hands*
Gili: Hejida Sala'he!
Sala: Great race, you did!
Gili: Thanks!
Sala: You are the first-ever Rejistanian sportsman, who will represent our country in a final, what do you think?
Gili: I cease to think about such things before. Race is race no matter if it is Xamjona'tan kali or Xamjona'tan tekne. *The text 'no matter if it is a city-wide championship or a World championship' appears as subtitle for the international viewers*
Sala: Ah, come on, you don't want to tell me, that you don't think about it!
Gili: *smiles slightly* At least I try to see it this way.
Sala: What are your expectations for the final?
Gili: To finish! Of course I would really like to defeat a certain person there *smiles* but to finish is my first aim. There were so many riders, who did not do that during this competition.
Sala: This 'certain person' you'd like to defeat, is he Belmorian?
Gili: Yes, Belmore is his last name.
Sala: I, and as I guess the whole audience here, wish you good luck for this.
*audience shouts: * Va'jil, xamjona'han tekne! (Do it for the title)
*Sala tries to indicate, that she wants to say something, but the audience does not care. A commercial break begins*