Watch out AMF!
El gobierno de Nueva Esparta ha decidido que AMF no puede seguir formando parte de nuestro planeta.
Me alegra observar que ya las naciones se están haciendo cargo de estos rufianes y me alegra haber llamado la atención del mundo con mi pequeña guerra contra ellos para que se den cuenta quien es AMF en realidad y pongan fin a su maldad esparcida por el mundo.
¡Acabemos con los Sentinelas! ¡Acabemos con Damien! ¡Acabemos con AMF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
17-10-2003, 04:49
You're begging for another one, coward. You must have no feelings for the puke citizens of your shit-hole nation. Trust in the fact that once we are done with our current business, the Reavers will be coming for you. Prepare yourselves, for we are far less forgiving than the Sentinels.
Bastien the Bronze
Lord Reaver of Pantera
Drag the Waters of War
17-10-2003, 04:52
Presidential Residence
8:42 PM OST, Los Polvorines, Porlamar, Oglethorpia
Newell read the fax.
El gobierno de Nueva Esparta ha decidido que AMF no puede seguir formando parte de nuestro planeta. Me alegra observar que ya las naciones se están haciendo cargo de estos rufianes y me alegra haber llamado la atención del mundo con mi pequeña guerra contra ellos para que se den cuenta quien es AMF en realidad y pongan fin a su maldad esparcida por el mundo. ¡Acabemos con los Sentinelas! ¡Acabemos con Damien! ¡Acabemos con AMF!
He called over his secretary. "Run this through translation, and please give me a print out of what it translates into," Newell asked.
"Will do," the young woman replied leaving Newell's office.
Soon she placed a paper on his desk. "Here you are," she said kindly.
"Thanks," he said, picking up the sheet.
The government of New Esparta has decided that AMF cannot continue comprising of our planet. He cheers to me to observe that already the nations are becoming position of these ruffians and cheers me to have called the attention of the world with my small war against them so that they realize that is AMF in fact and end his badness scattered by the world. Let us end the Sentinelas! Let us end Damien! Let us end AMF!
"Hmm." He began composing a message to all the governments of the world.
From: The Allied States of Oglethorpia, Foreign Relations Bureau
Here are the statements of New Spartha, translated from Spanish.
The government of New Esparta has decided that AMF cannot continue comprising of our planet. He cheers to me to observe that already the nations are becoming position of these ruffians and cheers me to have called the attention of the world with my small war against them so that they realize that is AMF in fact and end his badness scattered by the world. Let us end the Sentinelas! Let us end Damien! Let us end AMF!
Let it be known that New Spartha still warmongers; let it be known that we have 100,000 Oglethorpian Defense Forces in the nation of New Spartha in a peacekeeping role.
Gordon Newell
Foreign Relations Bureau
The Allied States of Oglethorpia
Xanthal is prepared to defend our allies whenever it becomes necessary.
Esta matriz transformada homogénea representa la orientación y posición del extremo referido a la base en función de las n coordenadas articulares, es decir, esta matriz indica la localización del sistema final con respecto al sistema de referencia de la base del robot, teniendo en cuenta que la matriz de 3 X 3 indica la orientación de la herramienta mientras que la de 3 X 1 indica la traslación del origen al punto central de la herramienta.
OOC: For god's sake, speak English man! I don't want to run everything you say through a translator!
An open message to all nations:
Because of all messages that New Spartha has written and said, we pledge military support to AMF within any conditions needing to take down New Spartha.
Accept our offer, you gain and so does everyone else, for New Spartha will once and for all be silenced. May we destroy this fool of a nation!
Diomedious Kale, Emperor of Drognan
This is threatening...or not...
Duke Anthony Cucolo
Grand Duchy of Cucolo
17-10-2003, 05:03
Bah, it's gibberish anyways.
This transformed matrix homogenous represents the direction and position of the end referred to the base based on the n co-ordinated you will articulate, that is to say, this matrix indicates the location of the final system with respect to the system of reference of the base of the robot, considering that the matrix of 3 Xs 3 indicates the direction of the tool whereas the one of 3 Xs 1 it indicates the transfering of the origin to the central point of the tool.
^ Crazy guy.
::Blinks.:: What in blue blazes?...
New Empire
17-10-2003, 05:05
learn spanish then!
OOC-The world does not revolve around you or your language preference. The occaisional foreign language dialouge for a few sentences is good, adds style, but whole posts just pisses people off. The way you've been acting toward AMF, I'm suprised you aren't a glass bottomed lake right now.
17-10-2003, 05:06
Bah, it's gibberish anyways.
This transformed matrix homogenous represents the direction and position of the end referred to the base based on the n co-ordinated you will articulate, that is to say, this matrix indicates the location of the final system with respect to the system of reference of the base of the robot, considering that the matrix of 3 Xs 3 indicates the direction of the tool whereas the one of 3 Xs 1 it indicates the transfering of the origin to the central point of the tool.
^ Crazy guy. :shock: Gah its too much for me!!!!
OOC: Right. The best way to do something like that, while making a speech, is probably this:
::Lord Ramza Beoulve VIII stepped up to the podium and addressed the stick figures and stuffed animals boldly in his native language of Hinduish while a translator, uh, translated.::
Like that. I guess?
My point is that it is hard not to role play in your own language, that's why I probably never win a war, but I'm sure I would do it quite well at "Naciones Estados" if it existed.
Wandering Argonians
17-10-2003, 05:16
OOC: Part of fighting an effecive war is to know when you're beaten, New Spartha. You have been defeated, and I predict that you will be defeated again, reguardless of your skill as a role-player.
It has been hard to stay neutral in this, but if NS screams and demands another brutal beating, how can AMF be blamed for that?
17-10-2003, 05:43
This transformed matrix homogenous represents the direction and position of the end referred to the base based on the n co-ordinated you will articulate, that is to say, this matrix indicates the location of the final system with respect to the system of reference of the base of the robot, considering that the matrix of 3 Xs 3 indicates the direction of the tool whereas the one of 3 Xs 1 it indicates the transfering of the origin to the central point of the tool.
Technobabble make Hulk mad! Technobabble in Spanish make Hulk madder! Hulk smash nations when mad! Hulk crush New Spartha!
Da Big Green Dude Himself
Mercenary Soldiers
17-10-2003, 05:44
OOC: Crimmond apparently shares my rather twisted sense of humor... :twisted:
17-10-2003, 05:45
Crimmond, for that, you get a cookie.
In fact, several bushels of them.
Twelve to be exact.
One dozen bushels of cookies.
Yes, I measure cookies in bushels.
And with that, the Hulk recieved two thumbs up despite his gimmicky CG appearence.
Mercenary Soldiers
17-10-2003, 05:46
OOC: When did they reset the settings for post-number-title thingies? I used to be a powerbroker.
Ministry of Information
The Republic of Al Anbar demands that no further genocide against the people of New Spartha takes place. We ask the AMF to leave New Spartha alone. They are no harm to you. They may say whatever they wish but they will not be able to even dent your armed forces as was shown in the last war.
17-10-2003, 05:50
OOC: When did they reset the settings for post-number-title thingies? I used to be a powerbroker.*blink* Hey... they did! *is still powerbroker*
were those AMF security personnel chasing the politician so that he can be tarred and feathered?
Mercenary Soldiers
17-10-2003, 05:51
OOC: I respect your morals Al Anbar, but there's not much you, me, or most other people can do about it. New Spartha doesn't seem to know when he's beaten.
17-10-2003, 05:54
Also... 4000 posts! Whoooo!!!
OOC: Lucky... I'm barely reaching 100.
Mercenary Soldiers
17-10-2003, 05:57
OOC: 1,000 is within my grasp! *Evil Laugh*
17-10-2003, 05:57
were those AMF security personnel chasing the politician so that he can be tarred and feathered?lol, I decided to remove the pic, in case a mod is in a picky mood.
OOC: Pfft. I'd pay to see that. Well, not really, but it would be enjoyable to watch.
17-10-2003, 05:59
Du schwach, pathetischer Dummkopf. Noch haben Sie nichts erlernt, und noch einmal, leiden Sie.
Wie Sie sehen können, fährt Nationen der Welt, dieser Dummkopf entlang seinen alten Weisen fort. Weap nicht für ihn, wenn er umkommt.
Mercenary Soldiers
17-10-2003, 06:00
OOC: AMF seems to be talking about a farting nation... None of us speak German buddy!
17-10-2003, 06:01
You weakly, lofty fool. Still you have learned nothing, and once more, you suffer.
As you can see, continues nations of the world, this fool along his old ways. Weap not for him if he dies.Good retort. The German adds to it.
OOC: I should really point out to folks right now that just because you're not allowed to flagrantly flame people (at least OOC, I suppose) in English doesn't automatically mean you're allowed to do so in any other language... I know no one's done it so far, but just a friendly warning, I guess...
Mercenary Soldiers
17-10-2003, 06:03
OOC: So is it like a translation?
17-10-2003, 06:04
Adejaaniay, omfray ethay idelinesay eerschay itsway upportsay orfay Automagfreekay inway itsway inalfay andway ompletcay onquestcay ofway Ewnay Arthaspay. :lol:
Translation, for those of you who don't speak Pig Latin, "Adejaani, from the sidelines cheers its support for Automagrefreek in its final and complete conquest of New Spartha." :wink:
17-10-2003, 06:04
OOC: AMF seems to be talking about a farting nation... None of us speak German buddy!Говорите за вас непосредственно. (Speak for yourself)
Mercenary Soldiers
17-10-2003, 06:06
OOC: Now I can read the Pig-Latin, I study Spanish, not German. They are WAY more mexicans than germans where I come from.
OOC: Same here. Sounds like you may be in the south-western US too.
Mercenary Soldiers
17-10-2003, 06:08
OOC: Kentucky, actually. Which apparently has the best soil for growing marijuanna in the United States. Interesting tidbit of useless stoner info.
17-10-2003, 06:08
Good retort. The German adds to it.
What I said was:
You weak, pathetic fool. Still, you have learned nothing, and once again, your shall suffer.
As you can see, nations of the world, this fool continues along his old ways. Weap not for him when he dies.
17-10-2003, 06:09
Well, I almost got it... my German isn't quite right...
Mercenary Soldiers
17-10-2003, 06:09
OOC: Rather poetic...
17-10-2003, 06:13
Helfen Sie mir Gott, wenn neues Spartha ein weiteres Thema so.... bildet
Io voglio fare a panino per te, voui un panino? AMF, andiamo a manjare paninos!
Mercenary Soldiers
17-10-2003, 06:18
OOC: Was that Italian?
17-10-2003, 06:20
Io voglio fare a panino per te, voui un panino? AMF, andiamo a manjare paninos!
Boy, you must be smoking crack.
Moderatoren, verriegeln dieses Thema.
Говорите по-английски! Этот материал перевода раздражающ!
Ack! But I just... Oh, forget it... *goes off to shoot random redshirt intern*
17-10-2003, 06:22
Well, it sounds like New Spartha is just playing around with an online translator, so.....Moderatoralarm!
Mercenary Soldiers
17-10-2003, 06:23
OOC: Forgot those exsisted...
I'm a polyglotan, you stop with the translator, and if you had not noticed my first language is spanish... espanich!
Sure seems that way. I doubt anyone would want a sandwich made by him, too, just for the record.
Mercenary Soldiers
17-10-2003, 06:25
OOC: Isn't it 'Espanol', with a tilde over the 'O'?
OOC: Isn't it 'Espanol', with a tilde over the 'O'?Si
17-10-2003, 06:26
Sure seems that way. I doubt anyone would want a sandwich made by him, too, just for the record.
LOL, yeah, I saw that too.
*Noticed that New Spartha is not mentally capable of knowing English, Spanish, and Italian, hence the translator.
I think there's a tilde over the "N."
the tilde is over the n: ESPAÑ can you put a tilde over the O??????
Vamos a ver, Nueva Esparta. Tú hablas español, de hecho es tu lengua nativa. Al igual que yo. Pero el nombre de tu nación me suena familiar, y puede que esté relacionado con algo bastante...cercano, por así decirlo, a mi persona. ¿Puedo preguntarte de dónde eres?, me refiero, ¿De qué país, ciudad, etc, etc.?, sólo es curiosidad, pero la verdad estoy muy intrigada por saberlo.
Supongo que de todas maneras el idioma será una barrerra para la mayoría de los demás jugadores que quieran leer esto. Me sorprendió gratamente conseguir otra persona que entienda perfectamente el español aquí en Nationstates.
Mercenary Soldiers
17-10-2003, 06:29
OOC: Don't mock the redneck. :P 'Round here we call it 'mexican' instead of spanish.
Me alegra leerte Aleosia, se ve raro el foro de Nation States en español no?, el nombre de mi país no tiene relación con mi origen, te lo mando por telegrama porque estos tipos de aquí me dan miedo...y tú de donde eres?
Mercenary Soldiers
17-10-2003, 06:31
Vamos a ver, Nueva Esparta. Tú hablas español, de hecho es tu lengua nativa. Al igual que yo. Pero el nombre de tu nación me suena familiar, y puede que esté relacionado con algo bastante...cercano, por así decirlo, a mi persona. ¿Puedo preguntarte de dónde eres?, me refiero, ¿De qué país, ciudad, etc, etc.?, sólo es curiosidad, pero la verdad estoy muy intrigada por saberlo.
Supongo que de todas maneras el idioma será una barrerra para la mayoría de los demás jugadores que quieran leer esto. Me sorprendió gratamente conseguir otra persona que entienda perfectamente el español aquí en Nationstates.
OOC: Well put. I actually understood that.
17-10-2003, 06:32
Me alegra leerte Aleosia, se ve raro el foro de Nation States en español no?, el nombre de mi país no tiene relación con mi origen, te lo mando por telegrama porque estos tipos de aquí me dan miedo...y tú de donde eres?
That sounds so shitty...that's GOT to be an online translator.
Yo no tengo ningún problema en decir mi origen. Soy de Caracas, Venezuela, aunnque mi familia es española. Ya leeré más tarde los telegramas
Mercenary Soldiers
17-10-2003, 06:34
Yo no tengo ningún problema en decir mi origen. Soy de Caracas, Venezuela, aunnque mi familia es española. Ya leeré más tarde los telegramas
OOC: So you're from Caracas? Where's that?
Me alegra leerte Aleosia, se ve raro el foro de Nation States en español no?, el nombre de mi país no tiene relación con mi origen, te lo mando por telegrama porque estos tipos de aquí me dan miedo...y tú de donde eres?
That sounds so shitty...that's GOT to be an online translator.
No, está siendo sincero, AMF, sí sabe hablar español y de hecho es su lengua nativa.
No, he's being honest, AMF, he knows spanish and spanish is his native language indeed.
Caracas is in Venezuela. Venezuela is a country, you know?
If that's true, then Spanish is WEIRD.
Hmmm... different dialects of the same language I guess?
Mercenary Soldiers
17-10-2003, 06:37
OOC: Again, don't mock the redneck. :P
Bueno, por alguna razón no puedo enviar telegramas ahora, soy de Guadalajara, México Aleosia.... por que dice que mi nombre te recuerda algo cercano?
AMF: don't you undestand that my native language is spanish, I think you're the real moron dude!
Oops, 'scuse me -- Mexican.
AMF: don't you undestand that my native language is spanish, I think you're the real moron dude!*sniff sniff* I smell a flame war in the making...
Mercenary Soldiers
17-10-2003, 06:41
OOC: Here goes my fourth language...
Yo, New Spartha. Home skillet, ya needs ta chill, 'fore me an' my posse roll up on over ta yo 'hood and start poppin' caps off at ya dome? Ya feel me, or do I need to kick it back one time?
17-10-2003, 06:41
Bueno, por alguna razón no puedo enviar telegramas ahora, soy de Guadalajara, México Aleosia.... por que dice que mi nombre te recuerda algo cercano?
AMF: don't you undestand that my native language is spanish, I think you're the real moron dude!
Gehe, ich bin interessiere nicht, arschloch.
And Mercenary Soldiers, how is possible you don't know where is Caracas, there's a class called geography you should have attended
Es raro, la verdad pensé que eras de aquí. Es que el paraíso turístico acá en Venezuela es el Estado Nueva Esparta, de hecho. Gracioso ¿no?. Y aparte tu manera de escribir, sin modismos, me pareció típica de un Venezolano. Sé que hay muchas naciones venezolanas en Nationstates, pero nunca nadie ha entrado al foro. Gracias por permitirme postear algo en español, tenía tiempo teniendo ganas de hacerlo. :D
Ah, Ebonic. Very nicly done.
And Mercenary Soldiers, how is possible you don't know where is Caracas, there's a class called geography you should have attended
It looks to me as though you're having trouble understanding the line between IC-arguing and OOC-arguing.
Modalert, this has turned into an OCC and possible flamefest, besides being pointless
OOC: Here goes my fourth language...
Yo, New Spartha. Home skillet, ya needs ta chill, 'fore me an' my posse roll up on over ta yo 'hood and start poppin' caps off at ya dome? Ya feel me, or do I need to kick it back one time?
This is sad, very comments, I don't like to flame anyway...
That it has. Now *I* can't see the line between IC-arguing and OOC-arguing... Gah.
Mercenary Soldiers
17-10-2003, 06:44
OOC: I'm what's called a 'Hillbilly Homeboy', I speak Hickenese pretty well, too.
I propose a lock and AMF, the German flaming is childish. DOn't lower yourself to NS's level.
Mercenary Soldiers
17-10-2003, 06:46
OOC: Hopefully New Spartha will see that fighting AMF (If you can call it that.) is as pointless as translating stuff into different languages for purposes of insulting each other.
17-10-2003, 06:46
OOC: Here goes my fourth language...
Yo, New Spartha. Home skillet, ya needs ta chill, 'fore me an' my posse roll up on over ta yo 'hood and start poppin' caps off at ya dome? Ya feel me, or do I need to kick it back one time?
How's this?
Hey dawg, if y'alls niggaz don't chill wit dat shit, me and mah boyz finna bust a 187 on yo grandpa, ya feel me?
17-10-2003, 06:46
I propose a lock and AMF, the German flaming is childish. DOn't lower yourself to NS's level.
I wan't flaming.
If I wanted to flame, I would.
OOC: so New Spartha knows spanish eh? well...i know some filipino language down here and this is only what i can say to him:
you know what? speaking in another language cramps anyone style unless convention really demands otherwise... :lol:
No sabía que en Venezuela existía ese estado, me gustó ese nombre pero por la ciudad europea, en fin, cada día se aprende algo nuevo.
Tu país es muy bello, me gustaría visitarlo algún día. Unos familiares vivieron un tiepo por allá
I want to be impartial about this matter (as a matter of fact I didn't say nothing when AMF attacked NS). But I don't think that New Spartha is flaming right now, he's just talking a little...he's not insulting anybody...
Gracias Nueva Esparta, espero tengas la oportunidad de visitar este gran país (te recomiendo lo hagas después de que Chávez salga del poder). Yo también estuve una vez en México, pero sólo conocí Ciudad de México, pues estuve solo un fin de semana allá, la ciudad me pareció bella y con mucho sabor colonial, aunque algo sucia (creo que hace un par de años hicieron algo para limpiarla pero no me acuerdo bien)
Thanks Aeloisia, It was nice to meet you... I've got to go now, hope see you later.
*backs away from thread slowly**rethinks that and starts running away as fast as I can*
I think it’s wonderful that people can speak other languages, but to parade that ability before others, especially in thinly veiled insults, is a mark of arrogance and I daresay stupidity. I mean, I can speak some basic Korean but shall I post that here to prove how smart I am or how much of a jackass I really am? I’ve always found that people speaking another language in front of me and pretending that I’m not there or worse, pretending I don’t understand, is rude to say the least. A friend of mine who is 6’2” with blonde hair speaks Korean fluently and would often “play dumb” to see how rude the locals can be. Then, after a few minutes, he would tell them exactly what they said and what he thought about it. That quickly shuts them up.
--- Vrak's player
17-10-2003, 07:03
Mein Kopf wird explodieren....
(My head is going to explode......)
Mods, please lock this.
Hey!, I wasn't trying to impress anyone. I was just talking in a very friendly manner to Nueva Esparta in my native language. And NS and I didn't insult anyone in spanish, if you translate the spanish dialogue, it says "Where are you from?, you live in a very beautiful country indeed...I'm grateful to be able to talk in spanish in nationstates at last". a very innocent dialogue, as a matter of fact....
Hey!, I wasn't trying to impress anyone. I was just talking in a very friendly manner to Nueva Esparta in my native language. And NS and I didn't insult anyone in spanish, if you translate the spanish dialogue, it says "Where are you from?, you live in a very beautiful country indeed...I'm grateful to be able to talk in spanish in nationstates at last". a very innocent dialogue, as a matter of fact....
Aelosia: And yet, New Spartha thought he would look like a smart guy by sending AMF a message in Spanish.
My point is that it is hard not to role play in your own language, that's why I probably never win a war, but I'm sure I would do it quite well at "Naciones Estados" if it existed.
New Sparth: How do you make this weird logical connection that language ability would affect your strategic and tactical ability? I'm assuming of course that your troops can all understand you. :) I understand the communicative aspects since the main language used here is English, but I fail to see how lack of English ability is an excuse for bad strategic and political decisions.
OOC: Oh, I can explain that. Sometimes you just can't find the right words to describe where are your troops, what exactly are they doing in a specific situation, or understand what are the others roleplaying doing, that puts you in a tough spot. I think I had been a good role player, but it takes me a great effort sometimes. (As a matter of fact my boyfriend helps me in all the war threads, because I don't understand many of the tactical, warlike terms).
But Aelosia, I understand the communicative aspects already. But certainly a non-native English speaker running a nation of 62 million would be able to look at AMF's population (1.148 billion) and say, "You know, I think he just might squash me". So why does New Spartha continue to taunt him? I truly believe that not so smart people can be found everywhere in the world, irrespective of their mother tongue.
Or to put it another way:
"Dat AMF guy has a far largeh populashun dan mine. If I continue t' taunt him, he dgust mite skish me wid his supehior milit mite."
I read three pages of total BS so people can demonstrate that they know how to find a translator off of Google or they know a second language. And this served what purpose with the languages? What was accomplished here?
Just make it simple and to the point in a language everyone here knows:
Violence, just as American as apple pie. The time has come to kick your ass.
17-10-2003, 07:51
I'll tell you what was accomplished here:
New Spartha posted another thread specifically as flamebait and to annoy me.
He has already been warned about this once by the mods.
Well, I think this does exonorate your claim and defense in the NS community about New Spartha.
This did clarify some issues and makes EOTED totally wrong in their actions.
17-10-2003, 07:58
Well, I think this does exonorate your claim and defense in the NS community about New Spartha.
This did clarify some issues and makes EOTED totally wrong in their actions.
Is that sarcastic?
I attacked NS for totally IC reasons, and now he won't leave me alone because of it. Basically, he's a MagicChina Jr.
OOC: Well, it helps clarify things OOCly but not necessarily ICly. 8)
edit: I'm responding to Phyrric here.
Well, I think this does exonorate your claim and defense in the NS community about New Spartha.
This did clarify some issues and makes EOTED totally wrong in their actions.
Is that sarcastic?
I attacked NS for totally IC reasons, and now he won't leave me alone because of it. Basically, he's a MagicChina Jr.
We never doubted you, and should he trouble you, I will insult him in Indonesian!
New Spartha, mati telah! Kamu garbasi, dan bodoh sekali.
Oh, and I'll turn the rest of him into a uranium mine too.
Mercenary Soldiers
17-10-2003, 15:11
OOC: Here goes my fourth language...
Yo, New Spartha. Home skillet, ya needs ta chill, 'fore me an' my posse roll up on over ta yo 'hood and start poppin' caps off at ya dome? Ya feel me, or do I need to kick it back one time?
How's this?
Hey dawg, if y'alls niggaz don't chill wit dat shit, me and mah boyz finna bust a 187 on yo grandpa, ya feel me?
OOC: Not bad, that's a bit more from back in the day, from the golden age of 'Hip-Hop', the 80's.
17-10-2003, 17:05
AMF, just allow me to blast him off the earths surface with a few trilithium Devastator missiles. It'll wipe out the population centers, totally devastate the armed forces that are left and completely crush the nation.
The blast effect is about 11 megatons, but is not a radioactive weapon, just one hell of a bomb.
Mercenary Soldiers
17-10-2003, 17:48
OOC: Or the simpler, but still just as effective Neutron bomb. Kills living things, but doesn't harm structures. Perfect for resistance forces, as there's no need to rebuild.
OOC: Or the simpler, but still just as effective Neutron bomb. Kills living things, but doesn't harm structures. Perfect for resistance forces, as there's no need to rebuild.But blowing a n00b to hell is fun! Don't take this chance away from me!
Edit: Ooops... wrong nation.
17-10-2003, 18:04
New Spartha,
Ok it was cute at first. But now your just infuriating the hell outta me! I warn you, back down NOW!! Or I will come personally to end you suffering.
Clint "outta my cold dead hand" Eastwood
Secretary of Defense
Mercenary Soldiers
19-10-2003, 04:41
OOC: Ha! New Spartha got deleted!
OOC: Thanks to yours truly.
Mercenary Soldiers
19-10-2003, 04:46
OOC: And how did you accomplish this most paramount of feats?
OOC: Man, what an annoying tit. We all know he'll be back sooner or later, much like an infamous 'M'.
OOC: And how did you accomplish this most paramount of feats?
OOC: I bumped AMF's thread in the mod forum. :oops:
Mercenary Soldiers
19-10-2003, 04:52
OOC: Wha?
OOC: Man, what an annoying tit. We all know he'll be back sooner or later, much like an infamous 'M'.The Crater return? NEVER! He wouldn't do that?
OOC: Too late. Looks like he did. Can I call them or what?