NationStates Jolt Archive

An offer he can't refuse... - Page 3

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17-11-2003, 08:44
(Empire steel and Coal ....Nice :) )

"I was thinking, since it costs us very little to mass produce radios, why not give a free radio with every 100 pounds of coal purchased from us. Our name would be in every household in Iansisle. Once we corner the private market, public markets can'nt be far behind." Sir Edmond say with a wink.
17-11-2003, 08:47
(I have my moments... ;))

"I say, what a wonderful idea!" Christian said raising his drink (Between the Corp War and Javin, my boys are making a corner on the scotch market;) )

"And of course, if these radios could pick up IanCorp, and other stations... so much the better. Let us get started on the campaign!"
17-11-2003, 08:49
(pounds fist into palm. "Yeah, we needs tah mess 'im up!"

I actually like having him there....I was actually afraid this conference might be so friendly it'd be boring. Kinda like Jarlsberg at the Coronation, eh? ;)

And I can just imagine Dhawan coughing into his hand when Katana says that bit about helping their workers. "Er, well, we don't really have a minimum wage law ... well, yes, yellow-dog contracts are legal ... well, yes, any spare body parts workers no longer need are thrown into the hot dogs at the end of the day ..."

Which reminds me, unusually enough, Mr. Katana the younger is waiting for a reply from the hotheaded doctor and his ambassador leashman.)

"Well, if there's one thing I'm good for on this trip, it's making sure we fit in like gloves. I'll try and talk our way out of any trouble; I should be able to, unless it's more paid goons like that O'Stanley."

Jason drove up Rorie Landing's main street, noting the mob outside Hudson Steel. Looks as if Mr. Brown's already busy."


At the aerodock, a friendly looking Noropian in a jumper approached anyone who might be standing guard around the plane. "Howdy," he smiled, wiping grease from his hands. "Fine lookin' bird you got there."
17-11-2003, 08:51
"Yes, the add campaign should begin. Then we start our own radio station....We need a tag line for our company, any ideas ?" He says sipping from his glass..
17-11-2003, 09:01
(LOL, Mess hiim up? Well, I like having him around too, it might be getting a wee bit testy in there, just the fertile grounds for debate... heh And Dhawan doesn't need to share that little tidbit, just fuels their fire. ;))

"Hmmm, I liked your idea, 'A company with moral structure.',"Christian said as he thought. "Ties into moral actions and since steel is used in buildings..."


"Yeah, it is," the CorpSec said. "One of our nicer models.

"Wow it's nice around here! Chilly though," he said as he crossed his arms, putting the inner arm inside his suit to keep warm, and wrap his hand around the pistol grip. "Can I help you sir?"

(Oh my poor guards... or the plane... depends on what Iansisle has planned. Plus the poor wounded guy and a comatose O'Stanley are still there too)


"Yeah, it looks like it." Paolo said as they passed by the area, staying on the periphery. "Let's go, before Brown comes out and sees us.

"It's good you know what to do here, as you can tell I'd stick out like a sore thumb. And I think we can take care of someone like Stanley."
17-11-2003, 09:09
(Oh my poor guards... or the plane... depends on what Iansisle has planned. Plus the poor wounded guy and a comatose O'Stanley are still there too)

(I'll take the secret with me to my grave! :P *mutters to self: 'he'll never suspect that I actually have NO plan...hahaha!' ;)*)

The blond man smiled at him. "I can tell you're not from around here. Why, most Noropians consider this shorts weather!" He swung his arm about in the sub-50° air. "And at least we're not having the monsoon anymore, eh?"


"I'm actually rather surprised Whitman tried something so blatent," said Jason as they pulled away from Hudson Steel's factory. There were only a few main streets in the tiny coastal town, but he managed to find a small boarding house towards outskirts. "This looks pretty likely. We can rent a flat for a couple days, but we'll need to get a story straight if anyone asks."
17-11-2003, 09:11
"A company with moral structure....Nice. Lets get this underway. We have an office lets start selling and see what happens. I will put a couple of armed guys in there to keep things safe. I say lets go."

> Advertising model<

Empire Steel and Coal , to encourge families spending more time together is offering a free radio to every family that purchases 100 pounds of coal or more from us. While you are at home and cozy, thanks to our clean burning coal, why not share a little music and a few exciting stories on your new radio, thanks to Empire Steel and Coal.

Empire Steel and Coal, a company with MORAL structure.
17-11-2003, 09:16
The blond man smiled at him. "I can tell you're not from around here. Why, most Noropians consider this shorts weather!" He swung his arm about in the sub-50° air. "And at least we're not having the monsoon anymore, eh?"

"Just stopping through sir, 'always wanted to see Iansisle', the boss said. so he stopped off here."

"I'm actually rather surprised Whitman tried something so blatent," said Jason as they pulled away from Hudson Steel's factory. There were only a few main streets in the tiny coastal town, but he managed to find a small boarding house towards outskirts. "This looks pretty likely. We can rent a flat for a couple days, but we'll need to get a story straight if anyone asks."

OOC: thinks the first story idea wouldn't work in Ianslsle. :lol:

IC: "Well if nothing else, it was a ballsy move on his part."

Paolo looked at the bording house.

"What about, two guys just passing through on a tour of the Shield? And this is the first place we stopped?"
17-11-2003, 09:36
"Yeah, I can't blame him. It's nice, though he could have picked a nicer time of year." The man tucked his hands inside his pockets, pulling out two cigarettes. "Smoke?"


Jason shook his head. "We need something more solid than that. Everyone and their mother are going to be on the lookout for a Gadsanian and a Tharian going about together. Combined with the fact that Rorie Landing must get near no tourist business in normal times..."

He snapped his fingers. "That's it!" He thought for a moment. "You're Enrico, ah, Alvatroni, from the Emba Giornale. I'm, ah, Aaron Young, from the Lakeriverwood Daily News. We're in town to cover the Brown story; if they mention it, we've already heard all the jokes about a Gadsanian and Tharian traveling together. Sound good?"
17-11-2003, 09:41
"Not bad! I think that'll work!" Paolo said. "What if they call the papers to ask about us though?"
17-11-2003, 09:42
"No thank you," the man said, "I don't smoke. What's monsoon season like?"

(Damn... what is that plan of yours Iansisle... what can it be. *pondering*)
17-11-2003, 09:57
"Not bad! I think that'll work!" Paolo said. "What if they call the papers to ask about us though?"

"Good question.." He sat pondering " First we need a good public information officer, somebody to handle all of the questions, after that we can tell them that we are a mom and pop orginization from anywhere. Perhaps we could be a multinational mineral corporation drawn to Iansisle by thier strong work ethic and family bonds. We want to bring jobs to the good, moral , hardworking people of Iansisle...What to you think ? do we have anyone who's face is not recognizable here ?"
17-11-2003, 09:59
"We'll just have to be careful not to attract so much attention to make them want to do that," Jason shrugged, the smiled thinly. "My Plan 'A's are usually solid, but my Plan 'B's often leave something to be desired." He stepped out of the car into the brisk Noropian air, holding the boarding house's door open for Paolo.


"Suit yerself," shrugged the mechanic, putting one back in his jacked and lighting up the other. "Helps keep you warm."

After a few puffs: "The monsoon season? It's pretty hairy, especially here on the coast. The rain comes down hard enough to dent buggies roofs, and the wind blows such as to knock down trees and take out windows! They have anything like that where you come from, mac?"
17-11-2003, 10:06
"Good question.." He sat pondering " First we need a good public information officer, somebody to handle all of the questions, after that we can tell them that we are a mom and pop orginization from anywhere. Perhaps we could be a multinational mineral corporation drawn to Iansisle by thier strong work ethic and family bonds. We want to bring jobs to the good, moral , hardworking people of Iansisle...What to you think ? do we have anyone who's face is not recognizable here ?"

"The mom and pop angle sounds good to me," Christian said. "If we came in as a multinational, then Iansisle's... fear of outsiders might kick in, denying us market share.

"A good PIO, we'd need to hire someone from Iansisle... I wonder if Jason knows anyone from the ambassador ranks that would like to make a lot of money."
17-11-2003, 10:08
"We'll just have to be careful not to attract so much attention to make them want to do that," Jason shrugged, the smiled thinly. "My Plan 'A's are usually solid, but my Plan 'B's often leave something to be desired." He stepped out of the car into the brisk Noropian air, holding the boarding house's door open for Paolo.

"Right," Paolo said as he walked in and got the door for Jason. "Here we are."

"Suit yerself," shrugged the mechanic, putting one back in his jacked and lighting up the other. "Helps keep you warm."

After a few puffs: "The monsoon season? It's pretty hairy, especially here on the coast. The rain comes down hard enough to dent buggies roofs, and the wind blows such as to knock down trees and take out windows! They have anything like that where you come from, mac?"

"Sometimes they do," the man said. "Although for us it's the snows. It can snow so hard in my little village that people are stuck inside their houses for days, not able to open the doors fully."
17-11-2003, 10:27
(well, Lark, I can tell you the plan is a throwback to an earlier Plot™ of ours, only in reverse. And that its reuse was inspired by a book I'm reading. Beyond that, though, I dunno...:))

The man whistled. "That's one thing; when it's cold enough to snow about here, it never does. (random obscure reference time!) Sounds almost like Jarlsberg, though I'd imagine that's not where you're from!" he chuckled, pulling again on his smoke.


Jason walked in, a tiny bell annoncing their arrival, but he couldn't see anyone. At last, a little Noropian woman came in, freezing at the sight of them. "H-hello?"

"Hi," replied Jason in a friendly manner. "We'd like a room, if that all right."

"T-there's rooms available."

"Stupendous!" smiled Jason. "Can we take one, two beds please?"

"A-are you..?"

Jason laughed. "Those two men from the news? In a way - we're both newspaper men, on assignment to the Hudson case. Let me tell you, it's not been easy. Why, when we were trying to get an interview in Intuton, they just about locked us up!" He chuckled again.

The lady seemed to relax somewhat, and Jason's easy conversational manner soon had her completely at ease. At last, after an exchange of money and keys, they were in the privacy of a second floor room. "That was easy enough," commented Jason.

(and, with that, I'm out for the night. Later, all!)
17-11-2003, 10:38
(an earlier plot in reverse??? Hmmmm.... And I've gotta bolt for a bit, I'll catch y'll in a while)
18-11-2003, 20:14
20-11-2003, 05:43
(OOC: sorry I haven't been on much, I've got a bug right now and my brain's turning to mush)
20-11-2003, 09:03
(Don't worry about it, Lark. I've actually got a bit of a bug myself, and, well, a case of World Cup fever ;)

Hope you feel better soon, dude!)
20-11-2003, 09:28
(A case of world cup fever? Soccer or Rugby? ;) )
20-11-2003, 14:07
(soccer, actually, and hockey. Oh, and NSMLB is starting up again!)
21-11-2003, 01:08
(Cool, so how are the Gulls, that's the right name isn't it?, doing this time around in hockey? Also, looks like Caselonia is taking his ball and going home in the third world developing nations conference, and taking a parting shot at you and I.)
21-11-2003, 01:09
*damn forums*
22-11-2003, 05:03
(damn forums nothing - my internet was just down for 36 hours! I thought I was going to die without NS! ;)

Yeah, the Gulls (after the five-time Taylor Cup champion San Diego Gulls, may they never lose :P). They're, ah, up and down. Lost 3-2, won 4-2, won 4-2, lost 5-0. Both losses to unranked teams, too :(. I'm not seeing playoffs in our future, alas.

By the way, passed you a note in the conference :))
24-11-2003, 06:26
I have returned. I had the plague....bad.
24-11-2003, 06:34
(Damn, sorry to hear that Cele. Looks like we were all down for the count this week. Hope you're doing better. Glad to see you're feeling good enough to get back on)
24-11-2003, 06:36
thanks. I am back up after spending 5 days in bed.....
24-11-2003, 06:37
5 days in bed? If you weren't sick then I was gonna ask what her name was and tell you I was jealous ;)
24-11-2003, 06:38
To sick for that too....Thats sick :)
24-11-2003, 06:44
To sick for that too....Thats sick :)

:shock: Wow... it's possible to be that sick?
24-11-2003, 06:48
To sick for that too....Thats sick :)

:shock: Wow... it's possible to be that sick?

It would apear so.....scary...
24-11-2003, 06:49
(Ahhhhh, gotcha. So how do we want to introduce this new company into Iansisle?)
24-11-2003, 06:51
(Perhaps in a bit, I am still catching up on stuff)
24-11-2003, 07:50
(*falls through the ceiling*

Hey, Cele, welcome back! Sorry to hear about your illness; I think we all caught a bug this week/weekend, but yours sounds really nasty! Anyhow, hope you feel better (well, I'm sorta assuming you do, since you're posting again, but thought I'd just say so ;)))
24-11-2003, 08:22
(*falls through the ceiling*

Hey, Cele, welcome back! Sorry to hear about your illness; I think we all caught a bug this week/weekend, but yours sounds really nasty! Anyhow, hope you feel better (well, I'm sorta assuming you do, since you're posting again, but thought I'd just say so ;)))

(Thanks , I just might live. I am going to be a bit of a slow poster for a bit however.)
24-11-2003, 08:25
(no worries, dude. Your health is much more important than NS.

Dear gods, I think an evil alien has taken over my brain! :shock: )
26-11-2003, 09:12
(Ahhhhh, gotcha. So how do we want to introduce this new company into Iansisle?)

( I think a full out advertising blitz.)
26-11-2003, 09:13
(Right, and I liked your idea of a radio with each sale, the better to penetrate the market for the other companies.)
26-11-2003, 09:14
( We just need to make our company a household word. And then we have them....)
26-11-2003, 09:19
(I've been trying to work on a logo, I've got a couple of ideas, now I just have to get access to the software to create it.)

Paolo turned to Jason in the boarding house, "How long should we stay here? It's going to be a while before things die down enough for us to talk to Brown again."


Christian sipped his drink, "When do you think they'll release the footage of Lexy visiting Brown? And how can we help them figure out that she's the same woman from the escpades with Sir Penton?"
26-11-2003, 09:27
Edmond leans back in his chair " I am going to send Iancorp a package with the pictures of Lexy and Brown, and news clippings of her being taken by the police. I am sure that they can figure it out."

OOC: Consider package sent.
30-03-2004, 10:22
(a thread saving *BUMP*)