15-10-2003, 03:15
2053:Attack on Science Vessel Hylian, Egg hatches in Cargo Hold
2095:Eggs found on LV-373 and Sargent Lriao get's too close and Egg hatches then facehuggers attack
2432:Failure in Stasis Pod 3 during study's on Eggs
2457:Mature Aliens attack science Oupost 3 and POC massacerd.
2643:Aliens sneak into science outpost 3 Pods and kill the scientists.
2095:Eggs found on LV-373 and Sargent Lriao get's too close and Egg hatches then facehuggers attack
2432:Failure in Stasis Pod 3 during study's on Eggs
2457:Mature Aliens attack science Oupost 3 and POC massacerd.
2643:Aliens sneak into science outpost 3 Pods and kill the scientists.