NationStates Jolt Archive

Join "The Free Republic Alliance"

15-10-2003, 00:03
I wish to recruit any libertarian, or conservative who is interested in an active, invasion safe region. I may create a message board for the region when I get enough people to warrant it. So, if you're a libertarian, or a conservative, you're welcome to join the region for political discussion, UN resolutions, and idle chit chat.:)

Here is a shortcut to the region:
15-10-2003, 00:08
While I can not leave my region, as I have made a substantial commitment to it already, I would like off our hand in friendship.
15-10-2003, 00:11
I Think you should join my region, 'Imperial Center' the home of the soon-to-be Imperial Coalition. Join while you can!
15-10-2003, 00:14
I Think you should join my region, 'Imperial Center' the home of the soon-to-be Imperial Coalition. Join while you can!

That would not be the wisest path, as many anti-imperialist nations have already taken note of that fledgling alliance.
15-10-2003, 00:24
Reminds me of our old enemies the Free Republic dot Com region....
15-10-2003, 01:01
I trying to syphon a few nations from that region.
15-10-2003, 05:30