I have come to you for help, Malajhaliza has declared war on me and I need backup, together we can ban together and shut him out. If you help me, people will look at you and say, "There goes a hero." If you don't people will look at you and think,"What a loser, can't help a smaller nation." So I ask you, will you help or will you ingore a nation in need. If you do decide to help, telegram me. I thank you.
The nation of Sydia request information on the nature of this conflict.
Sydian Minister of Defence
To get your info check your telegrams Syria.
The nation of Sydia request information on the nature of this conflict.
Sydian Minister of Defence
Same here
Intercepted communication:
Sydia regrets to inform you that due to the syle of government your country employs it is unable to commit troops to your current conflict.
Message end.
Sydian Minister of Defence.
The war is over sorry to inconvience anyone.
Xiang Gang
13-10-2003, 21:07
The Imperial Parliament has discussed the issue of creating an embassy to a Pscychotic Dictatorship at great length, and has come up with the following:
1. In exchange for a pledge of 5 000 men to your nation's defence for the next ten years, we would set up an Imperial Representative Bureau
2. Imperial Representative Burea (IRB) would analyse your nation and encourage it to move to democracy
3. We would reserve the right to withdraw both the IRB and armed forces (this would happen simultaneously)
We await your response.
Uhhh... sure that would be a great idea (sorry I haven't been on in a while).