Religious Conference in The Vortex Corporation (Peaceful RP) - Page 2
04-10-2003, 16:53
Father Louis Antoniou wipes a tear from his eye.
"You're right, both of you, the Cardinal would want the conference to continue, and he would've been honoured by your suggestions." he says.
04-10-2003, 17:23
For the latest developments in the investigation of the death of Archbishop John Cardinal Duras, please visit this thread:
05-10-2003, 12:43
Cardinal Walsh stood. “Fellow Princes of the Church, brothers and sisters, I think the creation of a Cardinal Duras Memorial Fund would be a true and fitting tribute to our late brother. To make the fund a reality, I would like to pledge a quarter of our Emperor’s humanitarian and development fund to the Cardinal Duras Memorial Fund. That makes an initial contribution of $250 billion. Who is willing to match that contribution? And how shall we administer the fund?”
"I feel that any contributing nation should have one religious and one secular administrator that meets in a consortium monthly with all others to discuss where humanitarian aid would be most effective. While our nation is nowhere near as large and productive as Excalbia, we would like to put 150 billion into this fund."
06-10-2003, 07:31
"What would be the point of a lay-person administrator?" asks Father Louis Antoniou. "The more administrators you have in a meeting, the less the fund will get done! We don't need another fund filled with inaccessible money because of the indecisive nature of committees! Let's appoint one administration team which can get the job done without all the red tape of a consortium or committee or what have you."
06-10-2003, 11:08
"If I may," Cardinal Walsh said rising from his seat, "I would suggest a compromise. Let each nation that contributes have representation in a board of directors that would meet in plenary session once a year and would elect an executive board, of perhaps three members, to adminster the fund efficiently through the rest of the year."
06-10-2003, 13:22
"If I may," Cardinal Walsh said rising from his seat, "I would suggest a compromise. Let each nation that contributes have representation in a board of directors that would meet in plenary session once a year and would elect an executive board, of perhaps three members, to adminster the fund efficiently through the rest of the year."
"I was going to suggest something similar myself, Your Eminence. Perhaps, my lord Cardinal, if I may be permitted to add something? Perhaps a nation's representation on the board should be proportionate to the amount it contributed that year?" suggests Father Antoniou.
07-10-2003, 06:42
double post
07-10-2003, 07:09
"I was going to suggest something similar myself, Your Eminence. Perhaps, my lord Cardinal, if I may be permitted to add something? Perhaps a nation's representation on the board should be proportionate to the amount it contributed that year?" suggests Father Antoniou.
Cardinal Walsh nodded. "Yes, yes. I believe the Holy Empire would support your suggestion, Father. I know that I find it... reasonable."
07-10-2003, 07:47
Princess Elena solemly walks up to the front and raises her voice so that it is audible to everyone, "The Empire of Flamazon pledges an initial amount of 3 billion flams to the Fund as a righteous CATHOLIC nation should. Please accept our gift."
07-10-2003, 07:51
The monk sits quietly listening to the catholics go on.....
Cardinal Walsh stood. “Fellow Princes of the Church, brothers and sisters, I think the creation of a Cardinal Duras Memorial Fund would be a true and fitting tribute to our late brother. To make the fund a reality, I would like to pledge a quarter of our Emperor’s humanitarian and development fund to the Cardinal Duras Memorial Fund. That makes an initial contribution of $250 billion. Who is willing to match that contribution? And how shall we administer the fund?”
"In order to show that Roanians can be as gentle as the next man, I pledge $250 of our own, to spreading his memory."
07-10-2003, 07:57
*Semi-OCC I would advise you not to be quite so generous as you might need that money for the possible war that will be waged against all of us that are supporting Resi.*
OOC: I am not taking part in that war. All I did was accidentally tell Resi that a shipment of Phantom Machines is inside his borders.
07-10-2003, 08:03
OOC: are you in league with the invadors? What's going on? Don't you have an alliance with Resi? In that case you would have to render your support is this not true?
07-10-2003, 08:18
The monk sits quietly listening to the catholics go on.....
"Brother," says Father Antoniou, "although this fund is named after Cardinal Duras, people of all denominations and faiths can contribute to it. It will be a non-denominational charity fund, doing the good works which almost all religions hold so dear. I'm not saying that you need to donate to it, far from it, merely that you shouldn't feel afraid to voice your opinion or even contribute to the fund just because you're not Catholic."
OOC: are you in league with the invadors? What's going on? Don't you have an alliance with Resi? In that case you would have to render your support is this not true?
I have... you'll see.
07-10-2003, 08:27
OOC: *yep i'm smiling* hmm wonder what you're going to do but i'll be patient and wait for you to make your move.
Aegeri takes a seat next to the Celeborne monk. In an old language, he softly says something, that apparently is very funny, judging from the grin on the monks' face. When they find control over themselves again, they both resume listening to the other delegates.
07-10-2003, 17:37
Aegeri takes a seat next to the Celeborne monk. In an old language, he softly says something, that apparently is very funny, judging from the grin on the monks' face. When they find control over themselves again, they both resume listening to the other delegates.
"I'm sorry brothers... but I do not see what could possibly be so amusing after we have just witnessed the death of the most beloved churchman in my entire country in horrific fashion in this very chamber!" snaps Father Louis Antoniou, tears welling in his eyes.
"Father Louis, we were not laughing at you, nor at the decease of your comrade. Please, accept my apologies if we have offended you."
07-10-2003, 17:49
"Father Louis, we were not laughing at you, nor at the decease of your comrade. Please, accept my apologies if we have offended you."
"No brother, please, accept my apologies..." says Father Antoniou. "I spoke out of turn..."
Kit stood in the corner, listening to how his idea was remade. It rather irritated him that he had been considered Catholic, but he kept his peace. His goddess wouldn't approve.
08-10-2003, 11:48
Cardinal Walsh saw the delegate from Rabid Liberals standing in a corner looking somewhat disturbed. "Pardon me, brothers and sister," the Cardinal said turning towards Kit. "You were one of the first to pledge a contribution to the Fund and its looks as though you have something you need to say. I would like to hear from you. What do you think of the compromise I proposed for governing the Fund?"
11-10-2003, 12:21
Please join further discussions of the fund here:
"Oh, nothing. Just a thought. I in fact quite agree with your ideas."