World Cup 7 SCORES
31-08-2003, 15:30
This thread is for posting World Cup 7 scores and standings.
Please confine RPing and discussion to the main World Cup 7 thread (
31-08-2003, 15:41
Group 1
Bedistan 1 Ariddia 2
Etria 0 Rhaken Kull 4
The Republic of Canada 4 Middleton 1
Group 2
Liverpool England 1 Runaway Moose 2
Commerce Heights 3 Pavesia 4
Praetorian Rome 1 Intergallactic Hell 3
Group 3
Ravenspire 2 Tanah Burung 2
Freedom Country 2 Alasdair I Frosticus 1
Trafari 0 Nikea 2
Group 4
One Red Dot 1 Dark Outcasts 2
Bullonien 0 Aquilla 1
Pablicosta 1 Grand master Mark 1
Group 5
Europa Brittania 0 Errinundera 1
DePaul 1 LordSquall 3
Sliponia 3 Kaze Progressa 1
Group 6
Akbarland 2 Halfassedstates 0
Estiv 0 Tha Machine 5
The Promise of Joshua 1 Melita and Gaulos 3
Group 7
Busby 0 Kingsford 3
GnOoLoCoPeLep 2 Bardai 1
Davidus Voldemort 3 North Russia 2
Group 8
Pure Evil 0 Lunatic Goofballs 6
Demonic Beings 1 The Lowland Clans 3
Sazland 1 Katimarie 1
Group 9
Giant Zucchini 2 Oglethorpia 1
ENRG 2 Mezitzia 1
Terranos 2 Krieland 1
Group 10
The Belmore Family 0 Quohog 3
Fart wars 1 Dyelli Beybi 3
The Weegies 1 New-Persia 1
Group 11
Gesamtkuntswerk 0 Snub Nose 38 3
Gilmeecia 0 Antaeus Rising 3
Yatsumica 0 Nonexistentcitygrad 2
Group 12
Malundar 0 Squornshelous 2
Freedomnessity 2 Alhana Catherine 1
West Ariddia 2 Nintendania 1
Group 13
Dennisov 5 Spaam 1
Crimina 0 Christofi 3
Ribenia 0 Jacktazea 0
Group 14
Haraki 2 Svecia 1
Eisen Engel 3 Eauz 3
South euroland 1 Kerla 1
Group 15
Timway 0 Total n Utter Insanity 3
God Squad 2 Bizarro 1
Zihkav 0 Oddslavo 1
31-08-2003, 15:43
Group 1
Ariddia 3 The Republic of Canada 1
Rhaken Kull 3 Bedistan 2
Middleton 2 Etria 0
Group 2
Runaway Moose 0 Praetorian Rome 0
Pavesia 2 Liverpool England 4
Intergallactic Hell 0 Commerce Heights 0
Group 3
Tanah Burung 3 Trafari 0
Alasdair I Frosticus 0 Ravenspire 2
Nikea 1 Freedom Country 2
Group 4
Dark Outcasts 3 Pablicosta 1
Aquilla 0 One Red Dot 3
Grand master Mark 2 Bullonien 0
Group 5
Errinundera 2 Sliponia 0
LordSquall 0 Europa Brittania 3
Kaze Progressa 5 DePaul 3
Group 6
Halfassedstates 2 The Promise of Joshua 0
Tha Machine 2 Akbarland 3
Melita and Gaulos 2 Estiv 1
Group 7
Kingsford 4 Davidus Voldemort 1
Bardai 0 Busby 2
North Russia 1 GnOoLoCoPeLep 2
Group 8
Lunatic Goofballs 4 Sazland 1
The Lowland Clans 1 Pure Evil 2
Katimarie 0 Demonic Beings 4
Group 9
Oglethorpia 4 Terranos 1
Mezitzia 1 Giant Zucchini 3
Krieland 0 ENRG 2
Group 10
Quohog 3 The Weegies 0
Dyelli Beybi 2 The Belmore Family 3
New-Persia 3 Fart wars 2
Group 11
Snub Nose 38 6 Yatsumica 0
Antaeus Rising 1 Gesamtkuntswerk 1
Nonexistentcitygrad 6 Gilmeecia 1
Group 12
Squornshelous 3 West Ariddia 0
Alhana Catherine 0 Malundar 6
Nintendania 1 Freedomnessity 1
Group 13
Spaam 3 Ribenia 0
Christofi 0 Dennisov 0
Jacktazea 3 Crimina 1
Group 14
Svecia 2 South euroland 1
Eauz 2 Haraki 3
Kerla 1 Eisen Engel 3
Group 15
Total n Utter Insanity 2 Zihkav 0
Bizarro 2 Timway 5
Oddslavo 3 God Squad 0
EDIT: group 8 formatting error FIXED.
31-08-2003, 15:52
Please confine RPing and discussion to the main World Cup 7 thread (
Please confine RPing and discussion to the main World Cup 7 thread (
The Belmore Family
31-08-2003, 17:46
Table cancelled.
31-08-2003, 19:21
(For tagging purposes)
Only if you fix the errors....
[code:1:6099a440da]error-ridden table[/code:1:6099a440da]
[code:1:6099a440da]Tanah Burung 2 1 1 0 5 2 3 4
Ravenspire 2 1 1 0 4 2 2 4
Nikea 2 1 0 1 3 2 1 3
One Red Dot 2 2 0 0 5 2 3 6
Dark Outcasts 2 1 0 1 4 2 2 3
Melita and Gaulos 2 2 0 0 5 2 3 6
Estiv 2 0 0 2 1 7 -6 0
Busby 2 1 0 1 2 3 -1 3
North Russia 2 0 0 2 3 5 -2 0
Demonic Beings 2 1 0 1 5 3 2 3
Sazland 2 0 1 1 2 5 -3 1
Krieland 2 0 0 2 1 4 -3 0
The Weegies 2 0 1 1 1 4 -3 1
Nonexistentcitygrad 2 2 0 0 8 1 7 6
Antaeus Rising 2 1 1 0 4 1 3 4
Gesamtkuntswerk 2 0 1 1 1 4 -3 1
Gilmeecia 2 0 0 2 1 9 -8 0
Alhana Catherine 2 0 0 2 1 8 -7 0
Jacktazea 2 1 1 0 3 1 2 4[/code:1:6099a440da]
Plus check the ordering and gds.... a lot of them are off.
Of course you could always just use my table....
:!: :!:
World Cup 7 Website:
01-09-2003, 12:55
Giant Zucchini
01-09-2003, 13:49
One Red Dot 1 Dark Outcasts 2
How is it that One Red Dot can have 2 wins in 2 games?
01-09-2003, 19:27
Group 1
Etria 3 Ariddia 5
Middleton 0 Bedistan 2
The Republic of Canada 0 Rhaken Kull 3
Group 2
Commerce Heights 1 Runaway Moose 0
Intergallactic Hell 0 Liverpool England 4
Praetorian Rome 0 Pavesia 2
Group 3
Freedom Country 1 Tanah Burung 2
Nikea 0 Ravenspire 1
Trafari 1 Alasdair I Frosticus 2
Group 4
Bullonien 0 Dark Outcasts 1
Grand master Mark 0 One Red Dot 3
Pablicosta 2 Aquilla 2
Group 5
DePaul 2 Errinundera 0
Kaze Progressa 0 Europa Brittania 5
Sliponia 1 LordSquall 3
Group 6
Estiv 0 Halfassedstates 3
Melita and Gaulos 0 Akbarland 5
The Promise of Joshua 0 Tha Machine 2
Group 7
GnOoLoCoPeLep 1 Kingsford 2
North Russia 1 Busby 1
Davidus Voldemort 4 Bardai 1
Group 8
Demonic Beings 1 Lunatic Goofballs 2
Katimarie 1 Pure Evil 2
Sazland 4 The Lowland Clans 2
Group 9
ENRG 1 Oglethorpia 5
Krieland 0 Giant Zucchini 1
Terranos 1 Mezitzia 1
Group 10
Fart wars 0 Quohog 3
New-Persia 1 The Belmore Family 2
The Weegies 0 Dyelli Beybi 1
Group 11
Gilmeecia 1 Snub Nose 38 1
Nonexistentcitygrad 3 Gesamtkuntswerk 2
Yatsumica 1 Antaeus Rising 1
Group 12
Freedomnessity 0 Squornshelous 2
Nintendania 2 Malundar 4
West Ariddia 2 Alhana Catherine 0
Group 13
Crimina 0 Spaam 4
Jacktazea 1 Dennisov 2
Ribenia 2 Christofi 1
Group 14
Eisen Engel 0 Svecia 3
Kerla 0 Haraki 0
South euroland 3 Eauz 1
Group 15
God Squad 0 Total n Utter Insanity 2
Oddslavo 2 Timway 1
Zihkav 1 Bizarro 0
Snub Nose 38
01-09-2003, 21:42
Snub Nose 38
01-09-2003, 21:42
01-09-2003, 23:48
Yay for bumping! Yay for tagging! Yay for TnUI! Yay for OGLY!
Total n Utter Insanity
01-09-2003, 23:49
Why does it need bumping? aka STOP BUMPING!!!!!!
EDIT: Also stop tagging
Tagiing is so I can serch for my posts and find this.
My absolute last post in this thred.
02-09-2003, 03:46
[shameless tag]Tag! You're it![/shameless tag]
02-09-2003, 18:08
Group 1
Ariddia 4 Middleton 0
Bedistan 2 The Republic of Canada 0
Rhaken Kull 1 Etria 0
Group 2
Runaway Moose 3 Intergallactic Hell 0
Liverpool England 3 Praetorian Rome 1
Pavesia 3 Commerce Heights 3
Group 3
Tanah Burung 1 Nikea 0
Ravenspire 3 Trafari 0
Alasdair I Frosticus 0 Freedom Country 1
Group 4
Dark Outcasts 2 Grand master Mark 0
One Red Dot 3 Pablicosta 0
Aquilla 2 Bullonien 1
Group 5
Errinundera 2 Kaze Progressa 1
Europa Brittania 4 Sliponia 1
LordSquall 3 DePaul 3
Group 6
Halfassedstates 3 Melita and Gaulos 0
Akbarland 2 The Promise of Joshua 3
Tha Machine 1 Estiv 0
Group 7
Kingsford 3 North Russia 1
Busby 1 Davidus Voldemort 1
Bardai 1 GnOoLoCoPeLep 0
Group 8
Lunatic Goofballs 4 Katimarie 0
Pure Evil 3 Sazland 1
The Lowland Clans 3 Demonic Beings 2
Group 9
Oglethorpia 4 Krieland 0
Giant Zucchini 3 Terranos 0
Mezitzia 1 ENRG 2
Group 10
Quohog 4 New-Persia 1
The Belmore Family 6 The Weegies 1
Dyelli Beybi 6 Fart wars 0
Group 11
Snub Nose 38 4 Nonexistentcitygrad 0
Gesamtkuntswerk 1 Yatsumica 0
Antaeus Rising 1 Gilmeecia 2
Group 12
Squornshelous 4 Nintendania 0
Malundar 1 West Ariddia 1
Alhana Catherine 2 Freedomnessity 3
Group 13
Spaam 1 Jacktazea 1
Dennisov 1 Ribenia 1
Christofi 3 Crimina 0
Group 14
Svecia 2 Kerla 0
Haraki 1 South euroland 1
Eauz 2 Eisen Engel 3
Group 15
Total n Utter Insanity 1 Oddslavo 0
Timway 4 Zihkav 1
Bizarro 4 God Squad 2
03-09-2003, 18:37
Group 1
Ariddia 6 Rhaken Kull 2
Bedistan 3 Etria 0
Middleton 3 The Republic of Canada 4
Group 2
Runaway Moose 1 Pavesia 1
Liverpool England 2 Commerce Heights 2
Intergallactic Hell 4 Praetorian Rome 1
Group 3
Tanah Burung 2 Alasdair I Frosticus 0
Ravenspire 2 Freedom Country 0
Nikea 1 Trafari 0
Group 4
Dark Outcasts 5 Aquilla 1
One Red Dot 4 Bullonien 0
Grand master Mark 4 Pablicosta 3
Group 5
Errinundera 1 LordSquall 1
Europa Brittania 2 DePaul 0
Kaze Progressa 1 Sliponia 1
Group 6
Halfassedstates 4 Tha Machine 1
Akbarland 4 Estiv 0
Melita and Gaulos 3 The Promise of Joshua 0
Group 7
Kingsford 1 Bardai 0
Busby 1 GnOoLoCoPeLep 0
North Russia 1 Davidus Voldemort 1
Group 8
Lunatic Goofballs 4 The Lowland Clans 1
Pure Evil 0 Demonic Beings 2
Katimarie 1 Sazland 3
Group 9
Oglethorpia 5 Mezitzia 3
Giant Zucchini 4 ENRG 1
Krieland 1 Terranos 2
Group 10
Quohog 2 Dyelli Beybi 0
The Belmore Family 3 Fart wars 0
New-Persia 2 The Weegies 4
Group 11
Snub Nose 38 3 Antaeus Rising 0
Gesamtkuntswerk 4 Gilmeecia 1
Nonexistentcitygrad 2 Yatsumica 0
Group 12
Squornshelous 5 Alhana Catherine 1
Malundar 3 Freedomnessity 1
Nintendania 2 West Ariddia 3
Group 13
Spaam 2 Christofi 0
Dennisov 6 Crimina 1
Jacktazea 2 Ribenia 1
Group 14
Svecia 3 Eauz 1
Haraki 3 Eisen Engel 1
Kerla 1 South euroland 2
Group 15
Total n Utter Insanity 4 Bizarro 0
Timway 4 God Squad 0
Oddslavo 1 Zihkav 0
Total n Utter Insanity
03-09-2003, 20:19
What does it take to get through to you?
Snub Nose 38
03-09-2003, 20:38
Zihkav (5 times)
What does it take to get through to you?
I would suggest, possibly, just maybe one more
might do it. :wink:
We seem to have a lot of very high scoring teams, and many teams have won all their games. Although I'm glad to be one of those teams, the number who still haven't lost seems TOO high. Perhaps we should do something to make it less likely for so many teams to both remain undefeated, and to win with so many points. For the last qualifiers, the team with the highest GD was 30 after 14 games. We already have teams which have 15, 16, 17 and so on after 5 games. Maybe we should give less attacks, or something.
Not necessarily.... there are a lot of high scores in qualifying matches, since they are usually against second rate teams. However, there does seem to be a definite trend for high scores, as my 5-1 loss to Dennisov will attest. And Rhaken Kull's 6-2 loss to Ariddia. The formula might have to be changed for the main round. Oh, and perhaps introducing something that gives established teams more skill. Alhana Catherine is still without a win in the qualifiers, even though she this is her 4th or 5th cup.
And the table has been updated. :!: :!:
04-09-2003, 18:50
Not necessarily.... there are a lot of high scores in qualifying matches, since they are usually against second rate teams. However, there does seem to be a definite trend for high scores, as my 5-1 loss to Dennisov will attest. And Rhaken Kull's 6-2 loss to Ariddia. The formula might have to be changed for the main round. Oh, and perhaps introducing something that gives established teams more skill. Alhana Catherine is still without a win in the qualifiers, even though she this is her 4th or 5th cup.
I'm willing to modify the formula; this is the first go-round using it, and there's bound to be some tweaking necessary. Dennisov's 5-1 win was definitely a fluke. Dennisov gets only 10 attacks, based on their very average historical offensive production. Ariddia, however, has historically one of the best offenses in the game (they score 50% more goals than average) and Rhaken Kull has a slightly sub-par defense. Plus Ariddia is ranked 86 places higher than Rhaken Kull. So I can't say I'm too concerned about that particular score.
Alhana Catherine, to put it simply, has a crappy defense. They've allowed 1.93 goals per game, compared to average being 1.53. I'm sure that by the end of qualifying, they'll have won one.
I've been trying to do some analysis of the first five matches, and I'm certainly willing to look at modifying the formula for the main round, especially if the total average goals per game is coming out too high.
04-09-2003, 18:52
Group 1
Ariddia 3 Bedistan 1
Etria 1 The Republic of Canada 1
Middleton 1 Rhaken Kull 0
Group 2
Runaway Moose 1 Liverpool England 0
Commerce Heights 0 Praetorian Rome 3
Intergallactic Hell 1 Pavesia 3
Group 3
Tanah Burung 0 Ravenspire 0
Freedom Country 2 Trafari 1
Nikea 2 Alasdair I Frosticus 2
Group 4
Dark Outcasts 2 One Red Dot 0
Bullonien 2 Pablicosta 1
Grand master Mark 1 Aquilla 5
Group 5
Errinundera 0 Europa Brittania 0
********victory awared to Europa Brittania on forfeit
DePaul 4 Sliponia 1
Kaze Progressa 2 LordSquall 5
Group 6
Halfassedstates 2 Akbarland 1
Estiv 2 The Promise of Joshua 3
Melita and Gaulos 5 Tha Machine 2
Group 7
Kingsford 4 Busby 0
GnOoLoCoPeLep 2 Davidus Voldemort 0
North Russia 3 Bardai 1
Group 8
Lunatic Goofballs 2 Pure Evil 3
Demonic Beings 2 Sazland 1
Katimarie 2 The Lowland Clans 3
Group 9
Oglethorpia 2 Giant Zucchini 0
ENRG 2 Terranos 0
Krieland 0 Mezitzia 1
Group 10
Quohog 2 The Belmore Family 1
Fart wars 2 The Weegies 2
New-Persia 1 Dyelli Beybi 0
Group 11
Snub Nose 38 2 Gesamtkuntswerk 0
Gilmeecia 4 Yatsumica 1
Nonexistentcitygrad 1 Antaeus Rising 0
Group 12
Squornshelous 2 Malundar 0
Freedomnessity 2 West Ariddia 2
Nintendania 0 Alhana Catherine 0
Group 13
Spaam 2 Dennisov 3
Crimina 2 Ribenia 0
Jacktazea 2 Christofi 2
Group 14
Svecia 2 Haraki 1
Eisen Engel 3 South euroland 0
Kerla 3 Eauz 2
Group 15
Total n Utter Insanity 4 Timway 1
God Squad 2 Zihkav 2
Oddslavo 4 Bizarro 2
08-09-2003, 13:31
heh, i just tg'd the results to half the teams before i remembered that you dont need to tg results in the qualifiers :/ lol
Here hey are:
Group 1:
Rhaken Kull 4-4 Ariddia
Bedistan 2-0 Middleton
The Republic of Canada 2-2 Etria
Group 2
Pavesia 1-3 Runaway Moose
Liverpool England 4-1 Intergallactic Hell
Praetorian Rome 0-2 Commerce Heights
Group 3
Alasdair I Frosticus 0-1 Tanah Burung
Ravenspire 3-1 Nikea
Trafari 3-0 Freedom Country
Group 4
Aquilla 2-2 Dark Outcasts
One Red Dot 4-1 Grand master Mark
Pablicosta 0-3 Bullonien
Group 5
LordSquall 1-3 Errinundera
Europa Brittania 1-0 Kaze Progressa
Sliponia 1-2 DePaul
Group 6
Tha Machine 0-4 Halfassedstates
Akbarland 2-1 Melita and Gaulos
The Promise of Joshua 1-0 Estiv
Group 7
Bardai 0-2 Kingsford
Busby 4-0 North Russia
Yentrof 1-1 GnOoLoCoPeLep
Group 8
The Lowland Clans 2-4 Lunatic Goofballs
Pure Evil 3-1 Katimarie
Sazland 1-3 Demonic Beings
Group 9
Mezitzia 3-6 Oglethorpia
Giant Zucchini 2-1 Krieland
Terranos 2-1 ENRG
Group 10
Dyelli Beybi 0-3 Quohog
The Belmore Family 5-1 New-Persia
The Weegies 1-2 Fart wars
Group 11
Antaeus Rising 0-3 Snub Nose 38
Gesamtkuntswerk 5-2 Nonexistentcitygrad
Yatsumica 0-1 Gilmeecia
Group 12
Alhana Catherine 2-3 Squornshelous
Malundar 5-1 Nintendania
West Ariddia 0-3 Freedomnessity
Group 13
Christofi 3-1 Spaam
Dennisov 4-0 Jacktazea
Ribenia 0-1 Crimina
Group 14
Eauz 0-5 Svecia
Haraki 4-0 Kerla
South euroland 2-3 Eisen Engel
Group 15
Bizarro 0-1 Total n Utter Insanity
Timway 3-3 Oddslavo
Zihkav 1-3 God Squad
08-09-2003, 15:38
Dennisov's 5-1 win was definitely a fluke. Dennisov gets only 10 attacks, based on their very average historical offensive production.
FLUKE? We did win a WC!!! (now that was a surprise!) was even quite surprising to me
Dennisov isn't known for scoring loads of goals, usually winning by 1 or 2.
Maybe Gretzky and Bossy were on their game? :wink:
09-09-2003, 13:50
Matchday 8 results
Group 1
Ariddia 6-0 Etria
Middleton 3-1 Rhaken Kull
The Republic of Canada 1-0 Bedistan
Group 2
Runaway Moose 4-1 Commerce Heights
Intergallactic Hell 0-3 Pavesia
Praetorian Rome 0-2 Liverpool England
Group 3
Tanah Burung 3-2 Freedom Country
Nikea 0-1 Alasdair I Frosticus
Trafari 0-2 Ravenspire
Group 4
Dark Outcasts 5-0 Bullonien
Grand master Mark 3-2 Aquilla
Pablicosta 2-3 One Red Dot
Group 5
Errinundera 5-0 DePaul
Kaze Progressa 0-1 LordSquall
Sliponia 0-2 Europa Brittania
Group 6
Halfassedstates 4-0 Estiv
Melita and Gaulos 3-1 Tha Machine
The Promise of Joshua 2-3 Akbarland
Group 7
Kingsford 4-0 GnOoLoCoPeLep
North Russia 4-1 Bardai
Davidus Voldemort 2-2 Busby (sorry i was away when Yentrof got replaced by Davidus, its sorted now :)
Group 8
Lunatic Goofballs 4-1 Demonic Beings
Katimarie 1-2 The Lowland Clans
Sazland 0-0 Pure Evil
Group 9
Oglethorpia 2-0 ENRG
Krieland 0-3 Mezitzia
Terranos 0-2 Giant Zucchini
Group 10
Quohog 4-0 Fart wars
New-Persia 0-2 Dyelli Beybi
The Weegies 1-3 The Belmore Family
Group 11
Snub Nose 38 3-0 Gilmeecia
Nonexistentcitygrad 1-2 Antaeus Rising
Yatsumica 0-4 Gesamtkuntswerk
Group 12
Squornshelous 2-0 Freedomnessity
Nintendania 2-2 Alhana Catherine
West Ariddia 1-5 Malundar
Group 13
Spaam 5-0 Crimina
Jacktazea 2-1 Christofi
Ribenia 0-5 Dennisov
Group 14
Svecia 4-1 Eisen Engel
Kerla 1-2 Eauz
South euroland 1-0 Haraki
Group 15
Total n Utter Insanity 4-0 God Squad
Oddslavo 1-1 Bizarro
Zihkav 0-4 Timway
Dark Outcasts
09-09-2003, 13:53
Ohhh i didn't k now this thread existed! hehe 5-0 we rule (sort of)
Table updated:
Snub Nose 38
09-09-2003, 22:51
Anyone have a clue what happened to the WC7 RP thread?
10-09-2003, 17:19
Group 1
Middleton 0 Ariddia 4
Etria 0 Bedistan 0
Rhaken Kull 1 The Republic of Canada 4
Group 2
Intergallactic Hell 0 Runaway Moose 3
Commerce Heights 1 Liverpool England 2
Pavesia 4 Praetorian Rome 0
Group 3
Nikea 1 Tanah Burung 2
Freedom Country 1 Ravenspire 2
Alasdair I Frosticus 3 Trafari 1
Group 4
Grand master Mark 1 Dark Outcasts 2
Bullonien 0 One Red Dot 4
Aquilla 2 Pablicosta 1
Group 5
Kaze Progressa 1 Errinundera 4
DePaul 1 Europa Brittania 2
LordSquall 1 Sliponia 2
Group 6
Melita and Gaulos 0 Halfassedstates 2
Estiv 1 Akbarland 3
Tha Machine 2 The Promise of Joshua 1
Group 7
North Russia 0 Kingsford 1
GnOoLoCoPeLep 1 Busby 4
Bardai 1 Davidus Voldemort 1
Group 8
Katimarie 1 Lunatic Goofballs 3
Demonic Beings 1 Pure Evil 3
The Lowland Clans 2 Sazland 1
Group 9
Krieland 0 Oglethorpia 5
ENRG 0 Giant Zucchini 6
Mezitzia 0 Terranos 1
Group 10
New-Persia 0 Quohog 5
Fart wars 2 The Belmore Family 1
Dyelli Beybi 0 The Weegies 3
Group 11
Nonexistentcitygrad 2 Snub Nose 38 3
Gilmeecia 3 Gesamtkuntswerk 2
Antaeus Rising 4 Yatsumica 2
Group 12
Nintendania 0 Squornshelous 0
Freedomnessity 2 Malundar 3
Alhana Catherine 0 West Ariddia 0
Group 13
Jacktazea 0 Spaam 5
Crimina 1 Dennisov 2
Christofi 3 Ribenia 2
Group 14
Kerla 0 Svecia 2
Eisen Engel 1 Haraki 2
Eauz 2 South euroland 5
Group 15
Oddslavo 1 Total n Utter Insanity 4
God Squad 0 Timway 2
Bizarro 3 Zihkav 2
11-09-2003, 17:30
Group 1
Ariddia 3 The Republic of Canada 1
Etria 3 Middleton 1
Bedistan 4 Rhaken Kull 0
Group 2
Runaway Moose 3 Praetorian Rome 1
Commerce Heights 2 Intergallactic Hell 0
Liverpool England 2 Pavesia 1
Group 3
Tanah Burung 2 Trafari 1
Freedom Country 1 Nikea 0
Ravenspire 2 Alasdair I Frosticus 1
Group 4
Dark Outcasts 6 Pablicosta 0
Bullonien 1 Grand master Mark 0
One Red Dot 3 Aquilla 0
Group 5
Errinundera 1 Sliponia 0
DePaul 1 Kaze Progressa 1
Europa Brittania 4 LordSquall 1
Group 6
Halfassedstates 2 The Promise of Joshua 1
Estiv 1 Melita and Gaulos 4
Akbarland 7 Tha Machine 1
Group 7
Kingsford 3 Davidus Voldemort 0
GnOoLoCoPeLep 3 North Russia 2
Busby 1 Bardai 1
Group 8
Lunatic Goofballs 4 Sazland 0
Demonic Beings 1 Katimarie 1
Pure Evil 2 The Lowland Clans 3
Group 9
Oglethorpia 3 Terranos 0
ENRG 0 Krieland 0
Giant Zucchini 4 Mezitzia 1
Group 10
Quohog 6 The Weegies 0
Fart wars 1 New-Persia 1
The Belmore Family 4 Dyelli Beybi 0
Group 11
Snub Nose 38 7 Yatsumica 0
Gilmeecia 1 Nonexistentcitygrad 1
Gesamtkuntswerk 2 Antaeus Rising 2
Group 12
Squornshelous 4 West Ariddia 0
Freedomnessity 3 Nintendania 0
Malundar 2 Alhana Catherine 1
Group 13
Spaam 1 Ribenia 0
Crimina 2 Jacktazea 2
Dennisov 3 Christofi 1
Group 14
Svecia 3 South euroland 0
Eisen Engel 1 Kerla 0
Haraki 5 Eauz 0
Group 15
Total n Utter Insanity 3 Zihkav 0
God Squad 2 Oddslavo 1
Timway 3 Bizarro 1
14-09-2003, 15:39
Group A
Audioslavia 3 Malundar 4
Kingsford 1 Liverpool England 1
Group B
Total n Utter Insanity 1 One Red Dot 1
Oglethorpia 0 Busby 2
Group C
Errinundera 0 Bedistan 0
Lunatic Goofballs 1 Haraki 2
Group D
Quohog 1 Tanah Burung 1
Runaway Moose 1 Pure Evil 1
Group E
Lemmitania 3 The Belmore Family 4
Svecia 1 Giant Zucchini 2
Group F
Spaam 3 Europa Brittania 1
Ariddia 4 Nonexistentcitygrad 0
Group G
Halfassedstates 1 Dennisov 2
Squornshelous 3 Timway 1
Group H
Snub Nose 38 3 Akbarland 0
Dark Outcasts 3 Ravenspire 0
16-09-2003, 18:55
Group A
Audioslavia 3 Liverpool England 1
Kingsford 0 Malundar 4
Group B
Total n Utter Insanity 2 Busby 0
Oglethorpia 0 One Red Dot 1
Group C
Errinundera 2 Haraki 1
Lunatic Goofballs 1 Bedistan 0
Group D
Quohog 3 Pure Evil 3
Runaway Moose 1 Tanah Burung 0
Group E
Lemmitania 3 Giant Zucchini 1
Svecia 3 The Belmore Family 0
Group F
Spaam 2 Nonexistentcitygrad 0
Ariddia 5 Europa Brittania 2
Group G
Halfassedstates 4 Timway 0
Squornshelous 4 Dennisov 1
Group H
Snub Nose 38 1 Ravenspire 0
Dark Outcasts 2 Akbarland 4
18-09-2003, 18:06
Group A
Audioslavia 1 Kingsford 0
Malundar 3 Liverpool England 2
Group B
Total n Utter Insanity 0 Oglethorpia 1
One Red Dot 1 Busby 2
Group C
Errinundera 4 Lunatic Goofballs 1
Bedistan 3 Haraki 1
Group D
Quohog 1 Runaway Moose 3
Tanah Burung 1 Pure Evil 2
Group E
Lemmitania 1 Svecia 3
The Belmore Family 4 Giant Zucchini 3
Group F
Spaam 2 Ariddia 3
Europa Brittania 2 Nonexistentcitygrad 3
Group G
Halfassedstates 3 Squornshelous 1
Dennisov 2 Timway 2
Group H
Snub Nose 38 2 Dark Outcasts 2
Akbarland 2 Ravenspire 2
20-09-2003, 15:07
Errinundera 2 Audioslavia 2
Silver goal: Errinundera 2 Audioslavia 0
Malundar 1 Bedistan 2
Busby 0 Pure Evil 1
Runaway Moose 4 Total n Utter Insanity 1
Svecia 1 Squornshelous 0
Ariddia 1 Dark Outcasts 2
Halfassedstates 2 The Belmore Family 1
Snub Nose 38 1 Spaam 2
22-09-2003, 18:29
Bedistan 1 Pure Evil 1 AFT
Bedistan 2 Pure Evil 1 AET
Errinundera 4 Runaway Moose 0
Svecia 3 Dark Outcasts 2
Halfassedstates 1 Spaam 1 AFT
Halfassedstates 1 Spaam 2 AET
24-09-2003, 18:21
Bedistan 1 Errinundera 2
Svecia 0 Spaam 0 FT
Svecia 0 Spaam 0 AET
Penalty phase one: Svecia 1 Spaam 1
Sudden-death penalties: Svecia 1 Spaam 2
%protection against baleetion%