NationStates Jolt Archive

Other Gods Go To War (Private RP) - Page 2

Pages : 1 [2]
Western Might
21-12-2003, 03:33
ooc: no prob. mine doesn't work half the time at my house either. which is why i use the laptop i bought during study hall.

IC: No good kris we are both high ranking officers in our own military. So I don't think that would work. They will come at use from the ground. They have use out numbered and outgunned. It would be the same thing i would do." Kieth grined " In fact i had almost the same plan in taking you out when we were fighting"
25-12-2003, 14:52
"Did you?"

Kris felty strangly honoured

"Well what are we gona do?"
Western Might
25-12-2003, 17:13
"Best thing to do is stay in these woods and move our way down the mountain." As if to prove a point the chopper passes overhead this time more slowly and they could hear the rotors slow as it was landing in the open area where they had been having their picnic.
"Ok Kris we have to move now." He took her hand and headed off down the hill wanting to get as much space between them and their attackers.
28-12-2003, 22:27
Kris held onto Keith and ran with him. She really wanted out of this. If her and Keith died. Well they couldn't get married. So naturally living was the preffered outcome.

She started running faster than Keith. "C'mon!!"
Western Might
29-12-2003, 00:10
Kieth had to admire her speed. She could mostly keep it for miles. He on the other hand had to push it. Kieth was not a slow runner by back, but he ran with enduance not speed so he would be slow than Kris. But since he was running for his life he would be pushing speed.

Kieth saw the firgue in a clump of trees. But had no time to respond in anyway as he heard the rat-i-tat of a old style AK modle assult rife. The bullets missed the running couple and soon the shooter had to reload .. no wait. Kieht saw the shoter baging the rifle on a tree. Jammed how good for us This told kieth two things. One, the shooter was a piss poor shot most likely a civilian or Militia. and two, the weaon hand not been cleaned in sone time.

"kieth as he got a clean line of view took aim and fired of one roound the bullet hitting it's mark. Killing the shooter. "Kris cover me I'm getting that mans ammo belt"
29-12-2003, 20:11
Kris turned and pointed her gun 1st at the dead gunner and then around, eyes peeled for any movement.

"Quick Keith, we've got to keep moving!"
Western Might
29-12-2003, 23:46
*kieth mad his way to the body making sure no other shooters were near by. In a work the man look average, except for the bullet hole in him. He wore black from head to toe was cllean shaven and bore no unit patchhes that he could see.
Since he was short on time. Kieth picked up the mans web belt and holsters sidearm. He was about to the the rest, but he picked up the AK as he might have to to unjam it.

He made his wa sback to Kris he handed her the web belt which hand several grenades on it. "Ok, now we can move"
05-01-2004, 00:00
"OK Good. Were a bit better armed now, it's all good so far... Right lets go.." Kris led the way on down a ravine between to steep hill sides. "It should be harder for them to spot us down here"
Western Might
05-01-2004, 02:53
Kieth saw a place not 100 yards away that gave good cover. So he pointed it out to kris. Kris. "Kris head for that clump of tree's over there. We can get our barings and maybe get this piece of metal out of my arm."
17-01-2004, 14:29
Kris saw the place Kieth was refering to.

"Ok Keith, lets move" And with a new burst of speed, they ran off to the clearing...
Western Might
18-01-2004, 21:58
Kieth heard the chopper pass nearby, but wasn't close enough to spot them. Jieth entered the spot he had pointed out he plumped down of a stump. "Wow And I thought I was in good shape" He said when he noticed Kris had barllt broken a sweat. Time to got to the company and get some upgrades. he thought to himself.
21-01-2004, 11:03
"Right, lets look at that arm then" Kris took hold of his arm and started bandaging it with a 1st aid kit from her pack. "Should be fine for a while, we need to get to a base though, and fast.."
Western Might
21-01-2004, 16:53
He gave a gunt as Kris pressed the bandage down on the wound. "Damn that smarts." But he smiled at her anyway muttering thanks when she was done. he then looked at the jammed AK that he had brought and thinking it wise to have somthing more than two pistols to shot back with, he started to disassemble the old rifle.
22-01-2004, 18:53
Kris looked at the AK Kieth was taking apart. "Must be a preety crap AK to jam Kieth, their selling point is that they don't..." She looked out past the forrest they were in. "Is they a base near now?"
Western Might
22-01-2004, 19:21
Kieth looked up from the rifle. "Your right kris, the Ak is the most field friendly weapon i have ever known. But this... " He heald up the firing chamber. "This hasn't been cleaned in years. And to answer your question yes there is a base near here. Maybe 7 or 8 miles away."
01-02-2004, 19:02
"Then i suggest we get moving Babes.." she looked at the sky " won't be long before they come back for more..."
Western Might
01-02-2004, 21:11
Kieth slapped the last piece of the rifle back in place. "Well it should work now." He rose to heet looking all around him befor he motioned for kris to follow. And agian they began to make their way through the woods. But unknown to them they were being watched.
02-02-2004, 11:25
"So this is the way to the base Keith?" She followed him with haste as this whole situation was starting to un-nerve her now...
Western Might
02-02-2004, 15:38
"It's east of our current position" Keith was moving at a fast walk keeping his eyes moving at all times. Suddenlly his eyes caught somthing that seemed out of place and he stropped motioning Kris to do the same.
He knealed down, handing the AK off to kris. he reached back and got a small knive he lifed from the attacker they had killed, and fiddles with somthing in a pile of leaves.
04-02-2004, 10:58
Now as trained as Kris was, she could disable a grown man, crippled a tank, draw up attack plans for advance and hold a line in defense, she had no idea what Kieth was upto, so she had to silent admit defeat and ask...

"What in gods name are you doing!?"
Western Might
04-02-2004, 15:37
"Shhh" Was all kieth said. Then his hands stuck slicing at somthing. He then stood up a long slender back object in his hand. "Black Viper, we didn't want to walk by it. Its bite could kill a full grown man in minutes." he tosed the body away. in a nearby bush. "Plus there was the fact that there was also a land mine right there as well.
Western Might
04-02-2004, 15:38
"Shhh" Was all kieth said. Then his hands stuck slicing at somthing. He then stood up a long slender back object in his hand. "Black Viper, we didn't want to walk by it. Its bite could kill a full grown man in minutes." he tosed the body away. in a nearby bush. "Plus there was the fact that there was also a land mine right there as well.
Western Might
04-02-2004, 15:38
"Shhh" Was all kieth said. Then his hands stuck slicing at somthing. He then stood up a long slender back object in his hand. "Black Viper, we didn't want to walk by it. Its bite could kill a full grown man in minutes." he tosed the body away. in a nearby bush. "Plus there was the fact that there was also a land mine right there as well.
Western Might
04-02-2004, 15:39
"Shhh" Was all kieth said. Then his hands stuck slicing at somthing. He then stood up a long slender back object in his hand. "Black Viper, we didn't want to walk by it. Its bite could kill a full grown man in minutes." he tosed the body away. in a nearby bush. "Plus there was the fact that there was also a land mine right there as well.
Western Might
04-02-2004, 15:39
"Shhh" Was all kieth said. Then his hands stuck slicing at somthing. He then stood up a long slender back object in his hand. "Black Viper, we didn't want to walk by it. Its bite could kill a full grown man in minutes." he tosed the body away. in a nearby bush. "Plus there was the fact that there was also a land mine right there as well.
04-02-2004, 16:11
"Ah i see....." Kris hated snakes. She regained her composure. "Lets get moving again then..." She started walking east.
Western Might
07-02-2004, 16:14
Kieth nodded and placed himself ahead of Kris as to make sure no other surprises came up.

Minutes later the group that was following th two found the body of the dead viper and their failed atempt to blow the couple up.
"I took you one of them would find it" said one

"Shut up! We have plenty of time to get those two. And once we do we need to make sure it looks like ZKieth was the one that killed Kris. Andor did you bring the weapon?"

Andor nodded "Standard WM infantry weapon the one Kieth awas seems to use."

"Good, but make sure when we get to those two Kieth is not hit by any of those bullets. If that happens this mission failes."
07-02-2004, 22:27
Kris felt like someone had walked over he grave. "We need to keep moving Keith...."

*At the Base Kris and Kieth are aiming for*

"Sir, we're picking up 2 people on radar. And 4 following about 30 meters away"

"Moniter the situation cadet"

Western Might
09-02-2004, 16:02
The Shy had taken on a fast approching overcast. And wwitht the approching night the light began to fade. Though the moon shined through a hole in the clouds Someone is following us... I know it Thought Kieth. But he didn't want to worry Kris they were so close the the base that he could see a guard and the main gate. "We almost there Kris now if we don't spook the guard..."

*200 yards behind them*

"I got the Trixian #&*%$ in my sights sir. You sure thes the right one? She looks to young to be an general."

"Don't let her looks fool you boy she is a dangerous killer who strikes without mercy. So just shot her"

"Allright sir, taking the shoot now sir...." and the man finger began to tighten on the trigger.

*Back at Kris and Kieths position.*

I was just by chance Kieth had been looking behind him. He had seem somthing move past him and followe dthat movment, b ut ended up being a rabbit. But them he was a quick flash. Like light reflecting off a scope. Without a moments hesitation he dived at Kris wraping his arms around her just as he heard tghe bark of the rifle. Then the white hot pain in his lowere back but nothing below it.
20-02-2004, 21:00
Kris turned as Kieth jumped on her, she then realised that Kieth waas a dead weight. Jesus Kieth, NO! She took the AK from him and peppered the surrounding area behind them, when it seem the the movement had stopped she bent down to Kieth.

"Can you hear me Kieth?" Please say yes, i can't lose you now!
Western Might
21-02-2004, 00:19
An officer never runs a battle from the from tjhe front lines, he alwas leads fron the rear. That was rule number one in officer training. After 30 seconds of that he got up and punched the instructor.
Wait why was he thinking of this now? And was was everything dark? Who was that whispering his name into his ear and talking to him? And couldn't he feel his legs?
Kieth slowly came back to rality he remembered what happed. He was shot but who was that beside him.. wait! "Kris?! Kris are you ok? get down it you are they were aiming at you!" He knew he was hiit bad but he couldn't tell for sure. "Kris You need to get to that base and get help." I'm live for a few more minutes and even after that they can bring me back. Now.." He reached into his pocket and took out his ID card, it was a smeared with blood. The pther object was a gold ring with a family crest on it. "Now these..."cough" should get you into that base, so go Kris. " Cought Cough.
21-02-2004, 01:08
Kris didn't want to leave Kieth but she knew to stay would be to let him die, she needed to get help, she ran to the base.

When she arrived the guard stopped her.

"Wheres your ID?"

"My ID? MY ID! GODAMMIT! Here! This is Kieth ID card, i need a medic NOW!"

Shocked. The guard ran off to get a medic. Minutes later one came out and Kris led him to Kieth.

"Please save him, please..."

"I'll try miss, i'll try..."
Western Might
21-02-2004, 01:50
Kieth had slowed down his breathing, still the life force was draining out of him. He was dieing. And while Kris was gone he talked to himself.. "Well looks like i got myslef into another mess. God I should have worn body armor, but i maut be getting soft in my old age. Well thankfully I'll be behind a desk before to long." he went silent when he heard people approching. And sighed when he saw it was Kris and a medic.

**Meanwhile 200 yard away.
"Well did you hit her? Did you hit that tixian &%$@! ?

The sniper didn't wan to tell the person in charge "Um well not quite sir..."

"What do you mean not quite either you did or you didn't."

"Well I saw he go down but.. So did the general. And it looked like she limped off sosn after..."

"Damn it! Damn it to hell!* the officer in charge let out a sigh. * Ok she headed to that base right Well if they have any sence they would think kris would have shoot Kieth/ So lets get out of here." His men soon packed up their thing s and moved back to the chopper.

*** back at the hill were kieth, kris and the Medic are.

Holly shit it's general Kieth! The medic hand were shackiing and he tried to bandage the gerneral would and geting a plasma pack feeding into his arm. You what ever your anme is hold the bandages on his front and back. I need to call in a medchopper" After Kris placed her hands on Kieth head made the call on his radio. "Echo Base this is Medic 320 requsting medic chopper pick up 100 yard east south east of Eye Sight listening station 122, Over

"This is Echo Base we read you 5 by 5 though requst for medic chopper is denied"

"Echo Base wounded in question is general Kieth Williams Vice President elect. Repeat Wounded in question is Vice President elect General Kieth Williams...

"Holy Shit! Copy that Medic 320 we're sending a chopper out there ASAP , so hold on."
21-02-2004, 15:01
Kris listened to the radio conversation unfold and whilst she was glad a chopper was being sent, she wondered why it was denied 1st off, all trixian troops were considered equal and all would get medical treatment. But that didn't matter now.

She lent down and rubbed Kieth brow. "It's gona be ok baby.."
Western Might
21-02-2004, 19:07
Kieth turned his head slowly, looking at his beloved Kris. "Don't worry sweetheart. I'll be fine, just a minor flesh wound that's all. Look If i don't make it I want to to keep my family ring."
27-03-2004, 11:08
"You are going to make it! Don't talk like that, your going to make it because i love you and i will marry you in a heartbeat if you survive..."

(sorry i've been out for a while)
Western Might
28-03-2004, 20:36
Kieth smiled up at Kris, reached up and placed a hand on her shoulder he knew his chances of making it were 50\50, maybe even less with a back would as he had. But he was a fighter and would do so for Kris. "Kris I love you, but there's once question I have to ask do you want a big wedding or a small wedding? "
30-03-2004, 12:24
"Whatever you want, i just want a wedding with you in it..."
Tears swelled in her eyes...
Western Might
30-03-2004, 20:40
The sound of chopper blades closed in on the group. The sound of the rotor was deeper and slower sounding then the chopper that had chased them earlier that day.

"Chooper coming in Ma'am but I don't think youl'll be allowed to get on.
03-04-2004, 23:06
"Don't think i'll be allowed to get on!?"

Kris took a step back.

"Oh i'll be gettin on alrite, where Keith go's I go..."

She flashed the gun tucked in the top of her combats.

"And thats my pass, and its a good pass i'm sure you'll agree, if you like your manhood where it is, rather than spread out across the floor..."
Western Might
06-04-2004, 15:16
The young mans face went dead white as he saw the woman pull a gun on him.
All Kieth did was chuckle, as he watched from were he layed on the ground. " I'd do it Corporal, she's not on to kid around."

The Medic just noted parting unfreezing as the chooper laded and two other medic came rushing over bereing a streacher. Withing seconds they had Kieth on it and were making their way back to the chopper.

Ma'am Better hurry up or they'll leave whitout ya." yelled the medic over the sound of the chopper blades.
07-04-2004, 17:20
Kris nodded a thankyou to the fear-sticken Medic, and ran to the chopper. It took off and the medic's set to work on Kieth.

"He's gona make it, isn't he?"
Western Might
08-04-2004, 14:43
The medic took a quick second to look at you. "He might ma'am, ant saty for sure with a wound like this. Anyway he might have to send some time in a regen tank. Sorry regeneration tank. See the bullet hit his lower spine. Making him paralized from the waist donw. But in this day in age that all cam be fix." The then turned his attention back to Kieth, who was unconsious.
Western Might
08-04-2004, 14:43
The medic took a quick second to look at you. "He might ma'am, ant saty for sure with a wound like this. Anyway he might have to send some time in a regen tank. Sorry regeneration tank. See the bullet hit his lower spine. Making him paralized from the waist donw. But in this day in age that all cam be fix." The then turned his attention back to Kieth, who was unconsious.
Western Might
07-05-2004, 14:46