NationStates Jolt Archive

Nationstates and Wargaming.

29-09-2004, 07:43
For awhile Ive been toying around with the idea of Nationstates and miniatures wargaming. Is it possible? is it feasable? Ive seen modifications of the current Warhammer: 40k rules for WW2 and the Vietnam War...but recently Ive been more interested in fighting the famous battles of Nationstates. Ive started to toy around with the idea of writing up some NS Army lists for kicks...I was wondering if anyone else has done this for any game systems.
Further Maths
29-09-2004, 09:40
I'm currently in the middle of a big war (see - Regional Incidents - Massacre at Anseim).

A suggestion I came up with (because Warhammer 40k takes a long time with just a single battle and so would be even less practical for an entire war) was that we create a map of the nations involved, and play the war using similar rules to the board game Risk.

Each nation could be divided into counties (or whatever). The army lists could then be converted into little (virtual) plastic men and play could continue on the roll of the dice.

Of course, this would involve nations having more or less equal technology levels, and trusting each other not to lie about dice rolls, but if they don't the war isn't as much fun anyway.
Santa Barbara
29-09-2004, 19:08
In my other NS roleplaying sector we use a war system, a map and a moderator to do wars that we don't just RP. Basically it converts NS military and economy stats into production credits a la Axis and Allies.

But a Risk-scale thing would probably work better. That war system was OK but when the nations get large, and there are a lot of them, its absolute hell for the moderator.

And you need a moderator for that sorta thing...
30-09-2004, 02:12
Im more interested in the dramatic aspect of small scale wargaming though. Like particular incidents, battles, gunfights. Alot of wars in NS are "I launch a kajillion missiles" I more or less interested in where the missile fell, what impact it had on the troops, its impact on the resulting ground battle, etc.

Ive been looking at all sorts of scales for this. 28mm Skirish and 6mm "Micro-Armour" battles sounds like a good place to start. Eventually moving up to future tech space engagements. Air battles and the like.
30-09-2004, 02:17
Most miniature wargame rules are far too complex to get someone from NS to use.
11-10-2004, 00:21
Well Panzia, Im sure only wargamers would be interested in playing...I wasn't suggesting that people who weren't interested would be forced to play.