NationStates Jolt Archive

Marlena Cantrell in Critical Condition

The SLAGLands
20-11-2003, 05:47
The opening bathroom door is the only thing providing enough light to even cast a shadow on the darkened Plaid House, home of Prime Minister en absentia Marlena Vera Cantrell. She stands in the doorway, her hair wrapped in a towel, her body wrapped in a white floral print bathrobe. She looks around the darkness, eyes drooping from exhaustion.

It has been nearly a year since her third child was born, and even after having been through two before, she had still never known an experience quite like this one. The child was only half-human, after all--the product of an unfortunate accident that had left Marlena Cantrell the mother of a member of The Blind, Il Adib.

And he was a hassle. When a youngster is not only physically capable of climbing walls, but biologically inclined to do so, rearing can be a difficult task. Esmerelda, the Mother of the race, had told Marlena that both the penchant for climbing walls and the incredibly sharp teeth and claws would go away by the end of the first year. One year has almost expired, and Esmerelda's statement has almost come true. The child is beginning to walk (much better than most children his age) and even to speak in coherent sentences.

He's going to be a fine boy, Marlena thinks as she trudges into the kitchen for an evening cup of wine. He just needs to grow up a bit first.

She fumbles about for the light for just a moment before deciding to let the refrigerator light guide her instead. Her husband Tom and the kids are away for the evening at the hospital. Tom's mother. Pneumonia again. Poor lady...

She pops the cork from the vintage Bauxinian white wine in the refrigerator, then carries the bottle to the counter. Her eyes glance across the counter and the darkened kitchen. Breathing? No. Couldn't be. Little Ortcan is in bed, after all, and SLAGLandic security would be sure to pick up anyone who tried to come in. There is no possible way that...

"Hello, Mrs. Cantrell."

She whips around, brandishing the bottle in her right hand, wine pouring from the bottle onto her feet. Self-defense training, dear... don't forget... you can take him... you can take care of yourself... oh God, Tom, get home...

"Who's there?" she stammers, stepping forward only to slip backward against the counter. The voice snickers. He's on the other side of the fridge.

"Oh, it's only me, Mrs. Prime Minister," the voice replies. Male. Age is hard to determine, but the voice... "Surprised to hear me here like this? Oh, I'm sure you thought for certain that it would be a while before you would find me here like this... before I'd stand in the shadows and watch you, ankle-deep in wine."

The voice snickers yet again. Footsteps emerge from behind the refrigerator. Still no form... where is this guy?

"It's funny the way you humans seal your own fate."

The shape appears suddenly. Short. Large ears. He's getting out... oh God, no! Impossible!

It snickers again.


Marlena obeys its command and leaps into flight, only to slip a split-second later on the wine spilt on the polished linoleum floor. Her chin crashes to the ground first. She feels a tooth come loose. She feels her hands sliding across the ground in futility as her feet are pinned down, as the grip moves up her body, up to her back, up to her neck... and then the slashes...

Oh God... oh God... no...

Steel Butterfly
20-11-2003, 05:52
tag then
20-11-2003, 05:53
The SLAGLands
20-11-2003, 06:10
Open Diplomatic Press Release to All Nations

On Thursday, November 20, at 10:58 p.m., SLAGLandic Prime Minister Marlena Vera Cantrell was found unconscious in the kitchen of her home, the Plaid House. She was found with severe lacerations around her back and neck and trauma to the back of the head. She is currently in critical condition and is being kept at an undisclosed location.

In addition, Prime Minister Cantrell's son, Ortcan Barry Cantrell, has been declared missing. It is suspected that whoever perpetrated the attack against Prime Minister Cantrell kidnapped her son and has him in his or her custody. SLAGTown Police are investigating the kidnapping.

For the time being, Bodyguard Barry will be continuing his role as Acting Prime Minister until that time at which Prime Minister Cantrell is deemed fit to resume her duties as Prime Minister. In the event that the unthinkable does indeed take place, Bodyguard Barry will take over as Prime Minister until an election can be held.

All SLAGLandic citizens and those of the international community are requested to send any information regarding the location of Ortcan Barry Cantrell to The SLAGTown Police Department or The SLAGLandic Ministry of Defense. Photographs of the kidnapped have been transmitted.

In this, her time of need, I send my heartfelt condolences and best wishes to the Cantrell family and wish Prime Minister Cantrell a speedy recovery.
Minister of Foreign Relations
The Emerald Heights of The SLAGLands
The SLAGLands
20-11-2003, 06:27
OOC: That means open to replies now. ;)
20-11-2003, 06:35
To: SLAGLands Diplomats
From: Vrak Diplomatic Corps
Subject: Missing child

The Kingdom is enraged that such a henious act took place. Please submit all pertinent details to this office and our forces shall be on the look out - although it is doubful that the scum pakrah kidnapper or kidnappers made it to our lands.
The Eastern Bloc
20-11-2003, 06:37

To The Slaglands,

It is with the deepest empathy that I write to you. A nation as kind and considerate as The Slaglands should not have to endure times as trying as these. Our two nations have been allied for many years and so I feel as though an official from my own nation was attacked. This brutal act in itself seems to have no logical reasoning behind it. It is an unjustifiable action such as this that makes us wonder what kind of people are out there.

I hope your country recovers from this in good speed, and that Ms. Cantrell recover in an even quicker fashion.

Icarus Traiden

<<End Transmission>>
20-11-2003, 06:42
If the bastard who did this makes it to the Segments, I'll make sure he gets sent home tied up like the animal he is. Julius M Razak
Executive Officer
Federated Segments of Scolopendra
Reploid Productions
20-11-2003, 06:49
ALTIMIT Broadcaster
Encryption: Minimal
Broadcast type: Diplomatic
To: The Slaglands
Return transmission band: Open
IDENT: Tsume Dragonis - Reploid Productions

Our condolensces for this atrocious incident. As we are on a heightened alert at the moment, it is unlikely for someone to slip unknown into Shogunate lands. Should we come across the perp, they will be taken down with extreme prejudice.

Goddess willing, Prime Minister Marlena recovers swiftly.
~Tsume Dragonis
~Secretary of Defense
~Immortal Shogunate of Reploid Productions
<End Transmission>
imported_Sentient Peoples
20-11-2003, 07:11
To the government and people of the Emerald Heights of the SLAGLands, we grieve with you in this time. Our prayers are with the Prime Minister and her family in this time of need.

If there is any assistance we can render in this time, do not hesitate to ask.
D'ron Christopher Smith, Imperial President
The Federation of Sentient Peoples (
Federation Roleplay Policy (

D'ron scowled at the display. It was trite, but he could not think of better words to say. He hit the send button.

He then looked at his advisory status panel on the far wall. Farragut wanted a state of emergency declared for the Iraqstan - Um Lizza situation. And now this.

He pressed a button. "John? Make sure we have a courier vessel ready. We made need it."


"We may send a medical team to the SLAGLands."

"Yessir. It'll be ready, Mister President."

D'ron cut the connection, and pressed another button. "Margaret? Call VUMC. I want to know who the best trauma doctors in the nation are, and I want them on call in case they are needed to go to the SLAGLands to the Prime Minister."

"Yes, Mister President."
Liverpool England
20-11-2003, 07:13
Slag, I'll tag this first. Will reply later.
20-11-2003, 08:16
<tagedy tag>
20-11-2003, 11:27
We are very sorry to hear about your prime minister condition. We received her son's pictures, and we will be on the lookout. We ask The Bureaucratic States of Oglethorpia to help us set up a "seablock" south of the Emerald Heights
May it all end up well...
Matei Revert, Commander, RevTerr Alliance
20-11-2003, 13:33
20-11-2003, 14:07
Tag, post later.
Der Angst
20-11-2003, 14:14
From: The associated council of incorporated and private enterprises, DA
To: The Slaglands
Subject: Abduction of Ortcan Barry Cantrell

"We are shocked and outraged that something like this can happen in our world, not to mention in a nation as peaceful and integer as The Slaglands. Our condolences.

If there is any way we can help you, we will do it.


~ Mr. Morden


Northern DA, The manor:

"And what?" Althena returned Griffith questioning look, smiling.
"And what... Was it you?"
"Me? No. Why?"
"Heck, it`s what you always do. Is there an ally you did NOT betray?"
"Well, The Slaglands is not an ally..."
"True, that..."
"Anyway, no, neither me nor anyone else in soldats has anything to do with it."
Tor Yvresse
20-11-2003, 14:17
Tor Yvresse-Mars has had it's Ports placed on high Alert all seeking entrance to our lands shall be thoughly examined. This shall extend to the Citizens of Tor Yvresse-Mars who may be returning from trips abroad, where usually they might not be so thoughly checked. Until such a time as we discover that the foul person responsible for this act has been caught.

Farseer of Mars
Member of the Council
20-11-2003, 15:26
The people and leadership are saddened by this cowardous attack on the SLAGlandic PM. We wish for her to have a speedy recovery, and if given information about the son, we will keep our eyes and ears open in all the quadrants that we have influence.

Kail Peters
Head of Captain's Council, ruling body of DNS
DNS-1(currently in orbit around Earth)
Tanah Burung
20-11-2003, 17:10
The people and government of Tanah Burung are saddeneed at this tragic news. Our prayers are with the Prime Minister and the entire SLAGLandic family. Police have been ordered to search for a man matching Mr Cantrell's description; we will advise if we have any news.

Violeta Bi Bere
People's representative for foreign affairs & human rights
20-11-2003, 19:26
Liverpool England
21-11-2003, 02:01
Our thoughts go out to the Prime Minister's family, and we hope that she will not succumb. The police have managed to get hold of a man without identification papers fitting the discription of Mr. Cantrell, but the man is in a bad shape as he appears to have swam across water of some sort, and we cant get a word out of him. Please advise.
The SLAGLands
21-11-2003, 07:43
My thanks to the support of the international community in this, our time of need. Once we have any further information, I will be sure to notify you personally.

The police have managed to get hold of a man without identification papers fitting the discription of Mr. Cantrell, but the man is in a bad shape as he appears to have swam across water of some sort, and we cant get a word out of him. Please advise.

I can assure you that the man you found in the ocean was NOT me, nor was I ever even a suspect. I am sending this release from my wife's bedside, and quite frankly, I don't appreciate the implication here. Please do at least some degree of research into criminal investigation before you throw around baseless accusations.

Thomas Cantrell
Spouse to Marlena Vera Cantrell
The Most Glorious Hack
21-11-2003, 07:47
:Limited edition tag:
21-11-2003, 12:51
In our official release, we told about imposing a blocade in the southern part of the Emerald Heights. I guess you realizes that it is imposible for now to search a ship in the international waters because it would mean a declaration of war. I am sorry. Our patrols will be on alert, and we have airborne scaners from FSR fying over every ship we can see, maybe we find someone's vital signs placed in what should have been an fuel tank or something. Then we'll have a reason to stop them
Dread Lady Nathicana
21-11-2003, 16:00
Nathicana read the report, her expression one of regret, concern, and no small amount of guilt.

That poor woman ... and after everything else she's been through, now this? There is no justice.

Remembering all too well the events on Freod that had led to Marlena's pregnancy, she sat for a moment, rubbing her temples with a quiet sigh.

"Else," she said tiredly as she pressed the intercom button down. "Get me Marik, Pellegrino, and del Vecchio in here, pronto."

"Yes, ma'am," came the brief answer.

She poured herself a glass of wine, and sat back down in her chair, sipping it quietly as her mind turned over possible suspects, motives, and directions to take all this. The wine was becoming more a habit of late, rather than her usual ice water. The fact that her toxin extractor cut down the effectiveness of the alcohol, she supposed, had something to do with that. She didn't really want to think about the other reasons.

By the time the others arrived, she was on her third glass.

"Lets get down to business," she said, then settled in to review the report with the others, getting their impressions, opinions, and ideas over the next half hour.

Our hearts go out to Prime Minister Cantrell and her family at this heinous crime. It is our fervent hope that Marlena will recover well from this cowardly attack, and we put forward to our dear friend Barry the open offer of assistance. Please know that we will make every effort within our power to bring the perpetrator to justice, and return the child to his family.

--Nathicana D'Aquisto dal Lupo, Dread Lady of the Dominion
21-11-2003, 18:55
Prime Minister Cantrel has my condolences, and I assure you Cetaganda will provide anything you need. It would be useful to have a list on anyone you who is known to have a grudge against her, or possibly against the child. My staff says it would also be helpful if we had the medical report on he wounds, as it may help identify the weapon used. Also, the way that her attacker was not detected by security indicates it may be that psionics or magic may be involved. Contact us if you require an investigator to look into this angle.

-Emperor Gregor Vetinari
The SLAGLands
21-11-2003, 20:27
Private Communique to Triumvirate of Yut/Emerald Heights Security Forces:

What follows is a detailed description of the crime scene on the night of the attack of Prime Minister Marlena Vera Cantrell.

At approximately 10:54 p.m. Emerald Standard Time, Mrs. Cantrell was in her kitchen--as best we can tell, pouring herself a glass of wine. Her husband, Thomas Cantrell, and two of her children, Chayse and Dexter Cantrell, were visiting Thomas's mother Beatrice Cantrell at SLAGTown Memorial Hospital. Only Mrs. Cantrell and her youngest son, Ortcan Barry Cantrell, were in the house at the time.

At approximately this time, we have determined that an attacker appeared on the side of the kitchen opposite Mrs. Cantrell, as is indicated by the direction in which Cantrell fled. Cantrell's right ankle was twisted and a bottom-left bicuspid dislodged prior to the attack, which may indicate an attempt to flee hindered by an apparent fall--perhaps caused by a large puddle of wine found on her kitchen floor.

Prime Minister Cantrell suffered 9 lacerations about her neck and back from the assailant. These lacerations do not appear to be knife wounds--quite the contrary, they appear to have been caused by an attack of fingernails and teeth. Less severe bite wounds were found about Cantrell's shoulder.

In addition, Prime Minister Cantrell endured a blunt trauma to the back of the head. The cause of this trauma is unknown, but we suspect a well-placed--and very strong--elbow to Cantrell's neck caused the wound.

Since the attack, Prime Minister Cantrell's condition has been upgraded from critical to stable. She has gone comatose, and Spectacular Views Medical Center trauma specialists are tending to her round the clock. It is our hope that she will regain consciousness within the week, as her recovery has gone remarkably well thus far.

Furthermore to this attack, Prime Minister Cantrell's son Ortcan has disappeared. A survey of the boy's room indicates that his crib was tipped over, most likely in a struggle with the kidnapper.

The SLAGTown Police Department, in cooperation with the Ministry of Security, is releasing this information on evidence and suspects.

A long, curly black hair was found near the body of Cantrell. It has not returned from the Crime Lab yet, so we cannot confirm its origin. We believe, however, that it may be a hair from the attacker.

In addition, the security cameras in the kitchen and baby's bedroom of The Plaid House were disabled shortly prior to the attack, as their electrical cords were cut. It was this cutting that led the SLAGTown PD to receive notification; sadly, by the time we had arrived at the house, it was too late--the attacker had already gone.

The final piece of evidence is an odd sticky substance found on the floor of Ortcan Cantrell's bedroom and on the bars of his crib. This substance is also being investigated in the Crime Lab.

The list of possible suspects for an attack on a head of state is always enormous, and this event is no exception. Foreign enemies of The SLAGLands, such as members of Arda and GDODAD, cannot be ruled out. It is also a possibility that this attack was perpetrated by a member of the notorious New Slagalotz Revolutionary Party--the assassins of Prime Minister William Bicknell--or members of the Mirelli Syndicate, an infamous organized crime ring that may have a financial interest in Prime Minister Cantrell's attack.

Furthermore, Prime Minister Cantrell and her family entertained several guests over the course of the day. Thomas Cantrell's sister Harriet Kellsin and her son James visited the Cantrell home in the morning, leaving several hours later. Later in the day, The Plaid House welcomed dignitaries from The Outset Islands, as Il Adib Premier Mordiar and his wife Shterpa visited the Plaid House with Brethren of Shade Premier Portent. All guests have, according to Plaid House security, been accounted for leaving the house, but all of these suspects are being interrogated.

We have no physical description of the perpetrator at this time, but we will make certain to relay this information to all sources the moment we acquire it. What is most curious is that no one witnessed the perpetrator leaving the Plaid House, nor did any security devices detect this leaving. This may indicate that the suspect had access to or knowledge of the extensive tunnel network beneath SLAGTown.

We thank our friends in the Triumvirate of Yut and the Emerald Heights for their assistance during these troubling times.
Verc Velouri "V.V." Spitz
SLAGTown Chief of Police
22-11-2003, 15:23
This is sent as a private message, since I don't know if this is appropriate. However...
One of our profiler is interested in missing boys habits. He looked at the images you provided and then he required more data. I know my man. He thinks that the boy have something to do with that.
I might be out of line, but it is possible that the boy knew awhat and where to cut? I don't say that he attacked his mother. But is it posible that there is a connection between the criminal and the boy? Like, through his father?

Micra Doi, captain, FSR.
24-11-2003, 09:59

Cherished Neighbours and Allies within the Slaglands;

It troubles me to no ends that such an esteemed leader should be struck down in the very flower of her life; Madame Cantrell was, and is, truly a spirit to be reckoned with. Her attackers must be devious and wretched indeed to wish harm on such a woman.

Despite my feelings of sympathy, I cannot help see this attack on your leader as an indication of a supreme lack of security and discipline, not only in her personal guard, but in that of every citizen of the Slaglands. It is the fundemental duty of each and every member of a nation to watch out for each other; vigilance is the heart of salvation.

Perhaps while you reconsider the efficacy of your security service, Mallbertan forces may be able to provide additional services? Should you so desire, feel free to contact us.

With gravest of sympathies,

Ambrose the Advocate,
Lord Regent of Mallberta

24-11-2003, 10:05
Although you claim to have severed ties with us, Automagfreek still remains loyal and wishes Ms. Cantrell a speedy recovery....and her attacker(s) a slow and painfull death.
Rayne Xolantra
Potentate Striker of Automagfreek
Tanah Burung
24-11-2003, 17:33
SLAGTown (PTBI) -- A city holds its breath as it waits for the recovery of its Prime Minister, apparently struck down by an assailant while trying to defend her young son from a kidnapping attempt.

Marlena Cantrell, veteran leader of the SLAGLands, is reported in stable condition. Doctors hope she will recover within the week, and be able to identify her assailant.

Until then, there seems little than anyone can do. RevTerran ships patrol, searching for -- whatever looks suspicious. Mallbertan security forces stand poised to go in and help with -- whatever they can. In Tanah Burung, people pray rosaries for the life of both Cantrells, mother and son -- for all they can do is pray.

Cantrell is no warmonger, but she has her share of enemies. Regional security forces are on the lookout for a boy matching Ortcan Cantrell's description. But with clues sparse and evidence mounting that the attack may have been an inside job, the best bet to solve the crime is the Prime Minister's speedy recovery.

And so we hang on every heath bulletin from the bedside of Marlena Cantrell. A waiting game. While every day, the attacker may be putting more distance between himself and the law.

(this has been an elaborate bump.)
The SLAGLands
25-11-2003, 09:47
I might be out of line, but it is possible that the boy knew awhat and where to cut? I don't say that he attacked his mother. But is it posible that there is a connection between the criminal and the boy? Like, through his father?

Please desist with your baseless accusations against me. I am not a suspect in this case, and I can assure you that my son is not, either.

-Tom Cantrell

Despite my feelings of sympathy, I cannot help see this attack on your leader as an indication of a supreme lack of security and discipline, not only in her personal guard, but in that of every citizen of the Slaglands. It is the fundemental duty of each and every member of a nation to watch out for each other; vigilance is the heart of salvation.

Perhaps while you reconsider the efficacy of your security service, Mallbertan forces may be able to provide additional services? Should you so desire, feel free to contact us.

Thank you very much for the offer, Regent Ambrose, but I can assure you that this was very much an isolated incident. It is widely noted that crime is regarded as a veritable unknown in The SLAGLands, leading us to believe once again that this may have indeed been an inside job.

Should we require the need of outside forces to patrol our own borders, we will welcome our neighbours, but that is hardly a necessity now.
Bodyguard Barry
Acting Prime Minister
The Emerald Heights of The SLAGLands

Although you claim to have severed ties with us, Automagfreek still remains loyal and wishes Ms. Cantrell a speedy recovery....and her attacker(s) a slow and painfull death.

Although Mrs. Cantrell and Prime Minister Barry will no doubt frown upon me for having said this... thank you.

-Tom Cantrell
25-11-2003, 10:59
Message To: Acting Prime Minister Bodyguard Barry, The Emerald Heights of the SLAGlands
Message Fr: Domina Rene Seingult, the Dominion of Tsaraine
Message Re: Our condolences

Although Tsaraine has not been blessed with communication with the SLAGlandic Prime Minister, I can only offer my hopes and condolences, and those of the State as a whole, to Prime Minister Marlena Cantrell, her family, and the nation of the SLAGlands.

If there is anything that Tsaraine can offer in the search for Ortcan Cantrell or his kidnapper, be it Setnet data, EIC assistance, or analysis of genetic material, you need but ask.

Please tender my condolences to Tom Cantrell and the other members of the Cantrell family.
~ Domina Rene Seingult
Division Five Commandant
25-11-2003, 15:43
Thomas Cantrell, Barry Bodyguard, Verc Spitz [The SlagLands]
I am sorry, mister Cantrell, because my message was missinterpretated. I do not wish for a moment for you to think that someone would doubt your presence outside the house, or that someone would like to invent reasons and means for you to attack your wife. It seems that we have a little problem with understanding that "Ortcan" part of the missing boy's name. Since we did not received yet any description of you, Mr Cantrell, (remember that we have just openened diplomatic relations) we did not know what part does Il Adib play in this story; thus we had our doudts that the missing boy is actually your son.
However, I do not feel any need to apologise for asking about any possible link between the attacker and the boy. The reputation of the SlagLand Security is well known, and the implication of this attack goes far beyond your security problem. It is vital for anyone to know how one of the best-guarded persons in EH was attacked.
I am not saying that the boy attacked his mother. But I strongly believe that this possibility should be explored.
You have the evidence. We are just trying to help.
Micra Doi, leutenent, FSR
The SLAGLands
25-11-2003, 19:26
My thanks to Lieutenant Doi for clarifying this matter. Mr. Cantrell does not wish to comment further on the possibility that his son may have attacked his wife, but we have not ruled out the slim possibility of this being the case.

To clarify: prior to the return of Esmerelda to The Outset Islands, Il Adib fertilized new hosts after death. An Adib cell would swim from the dead Adib into the body of the nearest human or humanoid woman, at which point that woman would become pregnant. It was a remarkable means of self-preservation without parallel in nature.

Ortcan's birth was the result of such a fertilization. "Ortcan" is a name that has its roots in the tongue of the First Tribes of The Emerald Heights. Literally, it means "one who waits." This was the name of the Adib who was killed and fertilized Prime Minister Cantrell, and this became the name of the child that was born thereafter. In short, Ortcan is not the biological son of Tom Cantrell.

It is also worthwhile to note that Ortcan was killed during an appearance at the wedding of his brother, Acting Prime Minister Bodyguard Barry. Ortcan was enraged by the rejection of his brother, and as a result, he assaulted several guests at the wedding, nearly killing Dread Lady Nathicana d'Aquisto in the process. Ortcan was killed by Barry's bride, S.H.O.D.A.N. of Zero-One, and as a result, fertilized Prime Minister Cantrell almost immediately.

If any member of the RevTerr Alliance has any further questions regarding this matter, don't hesitate to ask.
Verc Velouri Spitz
SLAGTown Chief of Police
26-11-2003, 15:50
Wow! said Micra Doi after reading aloud to her team Spitz's reply on the monitor. So Ron was right, there is something different with the kid. However, we where wrong to assume that he might have a connection to his real father.
Not necesarly, Ron the profiler, moved his eyes of the monitor We still don't know how much of the deadman memory went jumping around to find a new host. I mean, the child was born with no memories at all, or was he born with first's Ortcan memories?
Genetic memory..., Micra remembered to breath in.
Yes. In the first case, we are dead in the water. FAR and FMR found nothing, every PoliceMan in Smaralzia has the boy's picture and it will be really up to SlagLands to bring new evidence in this case. However, if he rememberes something from his ... let's call it "prevous life", he might remember the incident at that wedding
....and the fact that he failed to kill someone. Micra was moving on:
It may be nothing or it may be something. I'll ask Spitz about this memory jump, using your theory as a ground for asking details. Cardif, send this mesage to the Database, they will be very interested to see this IlAdib reproduction. Let them notify the Ministry of Schools and the Research Departament.
26-11-2003, 17:23
{Secure YutLink Tranmission; m5 Security Protocols}
x Lady Eloise Savanche (Special Circumstances Directorate)
o Chief Verc Velouri Spitz (SLAGTown Police)

Cheif Spitz, I have been assigned to look into this matter, as it is external to the Empire. I look forward to working with you.
I have a few ideas at the moment. Obviously, whoever committed this crime was intelligent enough to cut the phone lines. However, the type of wounds were obviously not inflicted with a bladed weapon. This leads to two possibilities. The first is that whoever did this had an animal of some sort along, and used it to attack the Prime Minister. I think this is highly unlikely. The second is that the attacker himself had the claws. This leads to the conclusion that the attacker was not human. This seems much more likely.

I can think of only a few species that have claws and teeth that could do this, and I doubt any of them exist in the SLAGLands, with two exceptions: the Brethren of Shade and the Il Adib. While I hesitate to make such an accustation, it seems the only conclusion. If it is possible, find out information on the spacing of the claw and teeth marks. Comparing these to observations made by people who have seen the Il Adib and Brethren could help support the theory that one of them is responsible.

Another reason to suspect them is the missing child. It would not be the first time in history that a radical member of a race believed that it would be wrong for one of their children to be raised by someone not of their own, such as a human mother. While this would point more towards an Il Adib, a Brethren may also feel this way as they two species come from the same source.

Finally, a report on how the wires were cut would be helpful. Were they cut by simple bolt cutters, or by more esoteric ways? Where they easily reached, or would someone need special abilities to get to them?

-First Seeker Eloise Savanche
Special Circumstances Directorate
Imperial Union of Cetaganda
29-11-2003, 01:59
{General Metaverse (InfoNet Subset) Release - Cetagandan Central News Service}
x CCNS Pacific Branch (Kaolin District)
o SLAGWatch Groups (IR6), IntAffairs Groups (IR3), ToY Groups (IR4), Celebrity Watch Groups (IR2)

Cetaganda Continues To Assist Investigation

It has been several days since the attack on SLAGLands Prime Minister Marlena Cantrell, and there is still no word on any leads to finding her attacker, as well as the missing child Ortcan Cantrell. In a press release today, First Seeker Eloise Savanche said today that Special Circumstances would be assisting in the search internationally.

"I consulted with the Emperor and Justicar Vorsythe, and we came to the conclusion that this would be best handled by my directorate rather than a pure Justice operation. It is international and as such fall under our authority. That's not to say they won't be helping; we'll be in consultation with the best experts in Justice, and they will be handling any investigation inside our borders."

When asked if there was any difficulty anticipated with the use of Cetagandan inside the Emerald Heights, Lady Savanche replied, "Not at all. We'll be cooperating fully with SLAGTown Police, and I doubt Acting Prime Minister Barry will have any trouble us sending someone over if need be. His Grace knows that there are some areas where we're more experienced."

The SLAGLands
04-12-2003, 06:05
Open Diplomatic Press Release to All Nations

Less than 24 hours ago, Prime Minister Marlena Vera Cantrell regained consciousness. Doctors have upgraded her condition to "fair," and she continues to show remarkable improvement.

The SLAGTown Police Department will notify the world community immediately when they have named suspects after Prime Minister Cantrell's questioning.
Minister of Foreign Relations
The Emerald Heights of The SLAGLands
04-12-2003, 06:11
We are glad to hear of this new development.

The best to Mrs. Cantrell and her family in the coming days.

-- President Marvin Thomas
04-12-2003, 06:17
The SLAGLands
04-12-2003, 06:46
Bodyguard Barry pushed his sunglasses against his face as he leaned back in the wood-and-foam chair outside of Prime Minister Cantrell's hospital room. He tapped his foot impatiently, as Chief Spitz had been in the room for almost an hour. It was the first time in quite a while he had been impatient. It was unlike him to be impatient.

"Nervous, Barry?" The calm voice of Tom Cantrell joined in with the sound of Barry's tapping foot. The acting Prime Minister stopped, turning to Tom.

"Just wanna get this over with," he replied. "I want this investigation to get going. I want to get the son of a bitch who did this to her."

Tom smiles, leaning his head back and closing his eyes. "I know what you mean." He stretched his legs out and grunted quietly.

But Barry wasn't finished. He leaned forward in his chair, cupping his hands together, looking back and forth throughout the hall. "I mean, Tom... we know your wife has a lot of enemies. She's the Prime Minister of a major world power, after all. But doesn't it seem a bit odd that it was somebody... in the home?" He cringes. "And then to kidnap the kid... to kidnap my baby brother Ortcan..." Barry slams his fist against his leg. "God, I want to get this guy and..."

Almost as if summoned, the opening of the door signalled the departure from the room of Police Chief Spitz, a nervous look on his brow. Barry stood up quickly and began to speak, but was interrupted by a hushing finger to the lip from Spitz. Catching the hint, Barry nodded slowly, and Spits quietly shut the door behind him. Then, turning back to the two gentlemen, he removed his hat.

"The Prime Minister is asleep," Spitz said, his baritone voice trembling slightly. His fingers tapped against the bill of the hat nervously, his eyes fumbling about the room. Barry stood still and quietly in anticipation of Spitz's continuation. It didn't come.

"So... what did she say?" Barry asked. "Did she identify a suspect, Chief?" Spitz turned back to Barry for a moment, then turned his head nearly immediately.

"Prime Minister Cantrell has stated that she is, with absolute certainty, able to identify the perpetrator of this attack," Spitz replied. "I have conferred with the doctors as well, and they have stated that she is of sound mind and has suffered no mental damage..."

Barry stood still, cocking his head. "Chief, please... who did this?"

Police Chief Spitz sighed, looking directly into Barry's sunglasses. "Barry... Tom... Prime Minister Cantrell was attacked by... by..."


The SLAGTown Police Department has, through the questioning of Prime Minister Marlena Cantrell herself, confirmed that the Prime Minister's attacker was none other than... her own son, Ortcan Barry Cantrell.

While we are as shocked as anyone that this attack could have been perpetrated by a child so young, Prime Minister Cantrell has stated this accusation with, she claims, 100% confidence.

The child, therefore, is considered to be runaway. Ortcan Barry Cantrell is an 11-month-old half-Il Adib. He has dark black hair, no eyes, and large ears. He stands approximately 2'4" tall and weighs approximately 43 pounds. He is capable of walking and speaking in somewhat coherent sentences. He was last seen wearing a white Baby Love diaper with a train print along the side.

If you have any information regarding this missing child, please contact The SLAGLandic Ministry of Security or The SLAGTown Police Department immediately.
Verc Velouri Spitz
SLAGTown Chief of Police
04-12-2003, 07:24
So... Lemme get this straight. You want us to hunt down a 11-month old, blind, runaway? And arrest him on charges of assault?

The SLAGLands
04-12-2003, 07:27
So... Lemme get this straight. You want us to hunt down a 11-month old, blind, runaway? And arrest him on charges of assault?


OOC: The child is being treated as a runaway child, not a criminal. If that wasn't clear, I can clarify it. :oops:
imported_Sentient Peoples
04-12-2003, 07:42
If by some occurance, the child has made it to the Federation, we will restrain him until arrangements can be made for his return. James O'Connell, Minister, Justice Directorate
The Federation of Sentient Peoples (
Federation Roleplay Policy (
The SLAGLands
04-12-2003, 07:50
Open Transmission to All in Search of Ortcan Barry Cantrell:

I will keep this brief, as I'm not in the best of conditions right now, but I do feel it's in my best interest to make this statement personally.

Please do not harm my son, and please do not think of him as hostile. Despite what he may have done, he is still my child, and I love him very much. He is not a criminal; he is a runaway child, no different from any young person who is kidnapped or who disappears under similar circumstances. What I want most right now is for my poor, defenseless child to be returned safely to his mother's arms.

Thank you all for your kind wishes during this, my time of need. I can only hope you can show the same tenderness for my young child, wherever he may be.

Ortcan, baby, come home to Mommy.
Marlena Vera Cantrell
Prime Minister
The Emerald Heights of The SLAGLands
04-12-2003, 18:26
TO>Marlena Cantrell [Slaglands]
Good evening, Mrs Cantrell, we are glad to see that you are recovering so well. I am sorry that, although you are on your way to resolve your phisicall wounds, those conceraning your heart are still thee. We will, of course, continue to search for Ortcan.
But right now, we are glad to see you recovering. Good night!
Matei Revert, Commander
04-12-2003, 18:43
Right on, Ron!
Cardif, at Comunications, was, as usuall in cases like this, too happy.
You were right, the kid was involved.
Yes, but why? Micra's face was a half happy, half frozen mask. He is eleven month's old and blind.
Maybe they do have genetic memory. The slags told us they do not know whether there is or not genetic memory involved.
Even with that, why his mother? I thought he was angry with his brother, brother who will be very well guarded right now. Micra was too tired for that.
Well, let's take a brake. We where close enough, so we'll go celebrate. Tomorrow I'll send a message to Spitz so that he can see we are happy with PM's recovery. And then I'll bug him again with questions like "How was this possible?" and "Do IlAdib kids often run after their mother, and then into the wildness?"