NationStates Jolt Archive

Alien Issue *spoiler possible*

05-12-2003, 02:32
Hey, my nation is hitting an all-time-low in all three categories, so I am in desperate need of a miracle...

This issue has me stumped. I want to raise up my economy first, then freedoms, then rights.

The Issue

Due to the ongoing wars in neighboring countries, a recent rash of illegal immigrants have been caught at the borders of Zoogiedom, prompting many citizens to call for tighter immigration laws.
The Debate

1. Chastity Licorish of the Zoogiedom National Purity League says "These illegal aliens are just an eyesore with their strange customs and funny languages. Uneducated immigrants like these only worsen crime and steal valuable jobs! I say we should boot them all out on their ears and put a big fence around the country!"

2. Pip Jones of the Zoogiedom Civil Liberties Union says "We must welcome these refugees from any nation into our open arms, they are fleeing one oppressive dictatorial regime in the only way they know, we must not let them think they're jumping from the frying pan into the fire!"

3. "Hold on there, hold on people!" says Roger Winters of the Zoogiedom Broadcasting company, "We don't have to take either extreme, all we have to do is make a TV game show out of it! We put deadly obstacles on the border and monitor it with television cameras! Those that make it across win freedom and citizenship, and those who don't, well, lets just say that our buzzards won't starve. We could call it 'Who Wants to be an Immigrant?'!"

I can remember last time I voted number 2. That was when in a matter of days my economy fell from strong to basket case. :lol: