NationStates Jolt Archive

good suggestion

17-12-2004, 22:02
Here is a suggestion for the mods, even though it may sound a bit far-fetched:

There should be a database of all real countries that exist or have existed. Then, every nation would be designated a certain country or nation of a certain time period (including present) according to matching characteristics of the real country and the nationstates nation. So, a nation might be designated [Soviet Union- Cold War period] or, [Ancient Inca Civilization] or... [Present Day Israel]. In other words, the real nation and the NS nation are closest alike. And if you make a major decision, like finally throw away your democracy and become a dictatorship, the real-life nation designation will change to whatever currently fits your nation. Any comments?

Peace Always,
-Talf Yeknom of Yeknomia
17-12-2004, 22:09
You do realize there's five Earths that deal with this, right? Plus, we have 1 mil nations in the history of NS. The currently active nations are currently more than the entirety of human history.

Finally, how will you fit FT nations in? There's not exactly a historical reference to a nation existing nearly 2000 lightyears away from Earth that likes to drop by for visits and trade.
Right thinking whites
17-12-2004, 22:13
no this seems ike the opster wants a nice slice of earth incorpareted like you countrys resmbels cold war ussr, which could be used on many nations at once not just one also i dont think this is for rp just a way to replace the un ratings with somthing more understandable

i aslo doubt this will happen sence it seems that it would tke a major re codeing effort
17-12-2004, 22:49
Here is a suggestion for the mods, even though it may sound a bit far-fetched:

There should be a database of all real countries that exist or have existed. Then, every nation would be designated a certain country or nation of a certain time period (including present) according to matching characteristics of the real country and the nationstates nation. So, a nation might be designated [Soviet Union- Cold War period] or, [Ancient Inca Civilization] or... [Present Day Israel]. In other words, the real nation and the NS nation are closest alike. And if you make a major decision, like finally throw away your democracy and become a dictatorship, the real-life nation designation will change to whatever currently fits your nation. Any comments?

Peace Always,
-Talf Yeknom of Yeknomia

With that proposal, it would get extremely complicated on what territory to give specific nations. There would be a lot of bickering over let's say...Russia, Israel, the USA, etc. It would just be too complicated anyways, because of the all of the coding that would be needed for the million nations that have been registered.
Tuesday Heights
18-12-2004, 00:44
Sounds like a completey differnet game to me. :confused:
18-12-2004, 03:35
Not to mention I do not want to be part of some stupid past country. I am unique, and when I used to role play, I premeated all the earths, because I am one of those old geezers who still thinks the NationStates world is one massive space the size of Jupiter.