NationStates Jolt Archive


04-06-2004, 04:03
Nobody is going to talk that way to my brother, certainly not some scumbag...


Founded: 10 Feb 2004
Posts: 643

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 10:58 pm Post subject:


That's a load of shit, "Mobutoland". You posted the whole jig about asking for NBC equipment and crap, and then changed the title to get an alibi. Your a see-through clown, and you annoy me.
04-06-2004, 04:05
Please stop "MOD CALLING" people everytime someone says something you don't like to hear. You've brought alot of this tension on yourself.
Tuesday Heights
04-06-2004, 04:09
Yeah, FWS, I think you're bringing this on yourself... there's been a lot of your "MOD CALLS" in the last 48 hours. Seriously, can't you just ignore this, and move on especially since you flame in return:

That's a load of shit, "Mobutoland". You posted the whole jig about asking for NBC equipment and crap, and then changed the title to get an alibi. Your a see-through clown, and you annoy me.

Nobody talks to my brother that way you insolent worm... And tomorrow we will prove you all wrong, we will have pictures.
04-06-2004, 04:10
Yeah, FWS, I think you're bringing this on yourself... there's been a lot of your "MOD CALLS" in the last 48 hours. Seriously, can't you just ignore this, and move on?

Fine, but I don't like people insulting my brother... If he doesn't want to mod call it... Well then I guess I can just ignore it also.
04-06-2004, 04:10
Please stop "MOD CALLING" people everytime someone says something you don't like to hear. You've brought alot of this tension on yourself.

So because people swear at me, insult me, say awful things, and I don't want to just roll over and take it... I deserve to be attacked?
04-06-2004, 04:12
I've made a total of about 14 Mod calls...
Bodies Without Organs
04-06-2004, 04:16
You do realise, FWS, that calling Daylam a 'scumbag' constitutes flaming?
04-06-2004, 04:20
You do realise, FWS, that calling Daylam a 'scumbag' constitutes flaming?

I am sorry... I lost my temper... But I take a lot of flaming, I sometimes just lose my temper. :(
New Foxxinnia
04-06-2004, 04:27
I've made a total of about 14 Mod calls...Yeah...About that...I bet the Mods get really annoyed when you do that.
Bodies Without Organs
04-06-2004, 04:38
You do realise, FWS, that calling Daylam a 'scumbag' constitutes flaming?

I am sorry... I lost my temper... But I take a lot of flaming, I sometimes just lose my temper. :(

You will, of course, be filing a Mod Call on yourself?
04-06-2004, 05:34
You do realise, FWS, that calling Daylam a 'scumbag' constitutes flaming?

I am sorry... I lost my temper... But I take a lot of flaming, I sometimes just lose my temper. :(

You will, of course, be filing a Mod Call on yourself?

I would but I'm sure the mods are tired of hearing my complaining... I'm going to try to cool it on the Mod Calls for now.
04-06-2004, 06:51
I've made a total of about 14 Mod calls...

And you are but a month old?I have a near year old nation and I've called upon the mods only twice.
Crazy girl
04-06-2004, 07:42
and this is number 7....
The Psychotic Daunce
04-06-2004, 11:34
You must be doing something to provoke these people in the first place, otherwise I doubt you would have had people flaming you. People here are generally fairly respectful
Free Outer Eugenia
04-06-2004, 11:47
I deserve to be attacked?Well I most certaily think so. Nothing worse than a thin-skinned fascist.
The Psychotic Daunce
04-06-2004, 11:51
I deserve to be attacked?Well I most certaily think so. Nothing worse than a thin-skinned fascist.

Probably not the best idea to pick a fight with someone in the moderation forum :roll:
Free Outer Eugenia
04-06-2004, 12:59
I'm not picking a fight with him. I'm just saying that he is too thinskinned and that this is rather annoying.

And if someone had said this to him:
Nobody is going to talk that way to my brother, certainly not some scumbag...

He would have put in a modcall for flamebaiting, if not outright flaming.
I am a totally uninvolved party, but I just wanted to point out a bit of hypocracy. But maybe what I posted would be misconstrued as flame-bait bait baiting :roll:

You know how it is. If a thread's likleyhood to turn into a flame equals the half-life of unranium, it will be locked and there will be warnings all around.
Tuesday Heights
04-06-2004, 15:01
If a nation brings flaming on themselves, they shouldn't flame back and call on the mods, that's just plain delusional, I'm sorry to say. If one thinks that nothing will happen to them for doing the same thing back to a flamer, then, well, what's the point of reporting it if both parties might eventually get warned?
04-06-2004, 18:28
My name probably brings in on... All the pathetic leftists who can't handle a game.
Bodies Without Organs
04-06-2004, 19:01
All the pathetic leftists who can't handle a game.

I lost my temper...

As opposed to the rightists that can't?
04-06-2004, 20:15
04-06-2004, 20:16
I would have to agree with BWO

It seems you couldn't handle a game, it is not good RP to pick up and someones spelling and call them an idiot for it.

"First you idiot... It is Fascian... Not Facian... "
Free Outer Eugenia
05-06-2004, 13:06
My name probably brings in on... All the pathetic leftists who can't handle a game.No, I'd say that it's your personality as expressed by brilliantly diplomatic statements such as that. Seriously, if you were ever to have a conversation with yourself, you'd put in a modcall for every other post.
05-06-2004, 15:33
One day, "Crying Wolf" too much will get ya into trouble.
Rhyno D
05-06-2004, 17:52
Please stop "MOD CALLING" people everytime someone says something you don't like to hear. You've brought alot of this tension on yourself.

So because people swear at me, insult me, say awful things, and I don't want to just roll over and take it... I deserve to be attacked?

Dude, i went through the same thing. Yeah, it sucks, but think of it this way...Rise above, be the better person! The mods are too lazy to do anything about it anyways. If you ignore them, it makes you look a whole lot better, and then, when something really does piss you off, the mods will know that there's a good reason for you to be pissed.
05-06-2004, 19:00
Because our moderators are players who have volunteered to help out of the goodness of their hearts, please deal with lesser disputes without involving them. For example, if someone spams your regional message board, your region's Founder or UN Delegate can eject them.