NationStates Jolt Archive

Difficulties (FT, OPEN)

The New British Shores
03-06-2009, 13:40
Alliance Trade Corps Ship Treasure

The Norkova Type Cargo Freigter Treasure slipped through space. Just outside Alliance Space on a standard cargo run across the stars. The Treasure was carrying a higly lucrative cargo that would provide the Alliance with a good source of income. Captain Tikila Niles watched from the central console as the Ship moved at Warp 4 through space. He frowned as he saw a blob of the lights speeding past that was completely black, indicating that there was another starship at warp on a different heading. His suspicions were confirmed when somesort of Torpedo was fired across their bow, the Torpedo distabalised the Treasure's older Warp field and was forced to drop out of warp.

Slowing from Warp the Treasure found herself in a star system, there was a Mukarta class nebula two hundred kilometres of their port bow and a small planatoid of their starboard bow. The ship that had fired on them come up on the ships aft quarter and attached a Tractor beam to their hull and pulled them in closer.
Tikila swore "Send a distress call to the Starfleet" He ordered as the ship rumbled.

USS Council NCC-34568

On the Bridge of the Intrepid Class Starship, Captain Patrick Moss listened to the Distress call the Council had picked up.
"I've confirmed the Carrier signle, it's from a Alliance Freighter" The Comms officer reported.
"Location" Patrick asked.
"Two point four lightyears away" The Comms officer replied.
"Set a course, maximum warp" Patrick ordered "ETA?"
"Twenty minutes" Helm reported as the Council jumped to warp.

OOC: Here's my Idea for this: My freighter has been stopped by your starship, for some reason you've stopped to search it, but haven't communicated, thus the Freighter sent a distress call. After who ever wants to be that ship posts, my Intrepid-Class will warp in.