NationStates Jolt Archive

Operation Ragnarök (MT, TG to enter ATTN ISTO)

The Wolf Hold
30-05-2009, 00:39
OOC: Basically this is a joint training war game between Me, Oseato, Cukarica and Sutufani. It is based on a assault by Oseaton and Cukarican forces on my Fenris Islands with plenty of warning, with me resisting the assault with special forces assistance from Sutufinai. If you wish to join in TG me and we can discuss your participation

This is a map of the training islands with the defence lines and first move mapped out. Map (

Blue=Wolf Hold
Red Circles= Wargames analysis and control centres

ISTO Local Operations Base Tyr, Main Wargames Control Centre

The central command room had been transformed from a high-tech command and control centre to a room dedicated to processing hundreds of of thousands of signals from MILES training systems from four armed forces. It was to work in conjunction with the centres on Felag and Volva to make sure all of the wargame went soothly. The commander of the Tyr base and director of the Wolf Hold contingent of the co-ordination team was Major General Martins, a veteran of OPFOR. He had many years behind him in both actual combat and the MILES 2000 system. As he observed the screen that displayed all the forces on as hovering icons, he saw that the first planned move was for Oseato to attack Port Skoll. He laughed slightly as Port Skoll was guarded by little more then a cruiser group and some of the 53rd Reserve Infantry Division, it would be an easy victory for the Oseatons, unless the reserves could pull something out of the hat.

"You do realise that this is just one big game of laser tag but with tanks, aircraft and ships?" One of the junior techs commented as Martins looked over his console.

"Yep, its the best job in the world. How many jobs in the world pay you to play laser tag" He returned with a smile, the small joke causing chuckles around the room.

53rd Command Post, Port Skoll

The 53rd Reserve Infantry, one of the newest units created in the recent build up after the AMF led invasion of the Med. They had only basic training yet they were equipped with the latest weaponry, including Lyran made LY4A2 "Wolfhounds" However even with the best equipment they didn't stand a chance against regulars and they all knew that, it wasn't helped by the fact that their commanding officer was a pre-revolution, 57 year old colonel by the name of Horris Bamfield.

Bamfield looked out over his command post. It was a cluster of vehicles, tents and other random objects. He was tired, tired of stupid kids barley into their teens, tired of this stupid exercise and tired of his job, and the exercise had barely started. Bamfield was a pre-uprising officer, meaning he had commanded troops back before the military uprising, he still retained some loyalty to the old president but he knew that public expressions of loyalty would result in him being publicly executed, something he very much wanted to avoid. So he would try his best to do well in this exercise, maybe they would promote him out of this dead end job and up to a comfy desk job at command.

One of the reasons for Bamfields exasperation was justified, that being that every single enlisted member including the NCOs of the 53rd was not older then 19. Also the youngest of the soldiers was 15, in Bamfields opinion they were barely old enough to go out past ten let alone pick up a rifle and take part in one of the largest military exercises for the Wolf Hold in recent years. Whilst they were young, inexperienced and naive, they made up for it in youthful spirit and determination. They may not really know how their LAAAB-100s worked but by god they would try damn hard to use them. Examples of this were evident all over Port Skoll as the troops took up their pre-bombardment positions.

Checkpoint Zulu 4-3, Port Skoll
The Wolf WMIK swung round the corner of the deserted street, powering down the main road of the dockyard. Out of the speakers blasted Citizen Soldier by three doors down, the three troops inside all singing along happily.
"On that day when you need your brothers and sisters to care,
I'll be right here.
Citizen soldiers holding the light for the ones that we guide from the dark of despair.
Standing on guard for the ones that we sheltered,
We'll always be ready because we will always be there."
The three men were more boys. With the gunner being a day past his 16th birthday, the driver was just short of 16 and the commander, a sergeant was 19. However they were more then willing to try and kick the asses of the so called 'veteran' troops of Cukarica and Oseato, whether they actually would, was another matter.
30-05-2009, 18:41
ONS Jonathan Moss, Off of Var Island

Rear Admiral Carlton Webb and Lt. General Robert Horn stood around the command table in the CIC of the ONS Jonathan Moss, a Von Seelow class supercarrier. They prepared to strike the cruiser squadron standing between the carrier battle group and the target, Port Skoll. Both were veterans of joint operations, experts in amphibious landings. The command table glowed blue, illuminating the CIC in light glow. Webb quickly brought up information on the ships of his group and began to issue commands for his ships to begin the exercise.

On confirmation of the commands 2 Bonefish class SSNs glided through the water, silent and undectected, toward the Wolf Holdian cruiser squadron preparing their practice torpedoes as they did so. At the same time the carrier's compliment of USF-2000 Grim Reapers launched and made preparations to simulate a missile attack on the cruiser squadron. 24 planes in all, only two were armed with 2 practice missiles in their internal weapons bays. They would fire the missiles, which had had their warheads and active seekers removed, so that the Wolf Holdian ships could gain anti-missile practice, the rest of the planes would announce that they had fired and would simulate an attack on the ships. The practice missiles streaked through the air, harmlessly flying toward the squadron. The planes all broke off, dropping flares and chaff to simulate evading SAMs. Two EA-6B Prowlers fly up to provide jamming support for the retreating aircraft, flooding the airwaves with static and electronic interference.

ONS Alligatorfish

The submarine moved closer and closer to the Wolf Holdian squadron, preparing to launch it's attack and clear the way for the amphibious forces. Captain Simms stood over his command table, watching the plot of the Wolf Holdian ships. Suddenly the blue screen of the table came alive with activity as the ships moved to engage the Oseaton aircraft. Simms smiled to himself, the attack would give him the perfect cover for the Alligatorfish, and her sister ship the ONS Catfish, to launch their own attack.

"Sonar, designate targets for the weapons. Weapons, prepare to fire on my command." spoke Simms. On the command table each Wolf Holdian ship was being designated in order of priority. Contact Sierra-1 was what Sonar thought was the flagship of the squadron, all the others being targeted in their importance, taking into account weapons systems, class, etc. Simms would be firing only torpedoes, for he did not wish to reveal his position by firing any missiles. Loaded in the torpedo tubes were practice torpedoes. They had had their warheads removed and replaced with a small passive/active sonar module. When the torpedo had closed to a certain distance of what it thought was the target, it would release a loud active "ping" to allow all ships involved to know if the torpedo had "exploded." Their regular seekers still could be fooled by torpedo decoys, but this way weapons could be used for a life like simulation without endangering anyone. Even if the torpedo managed to run into one of the ships, it would harmlessly bounce off.

After Sonar had finished allocating priorities, Simms ordered the torpedo tubes flooded and then ordered the launch. The submarine shuddered as the torpedoes were ejected by the compressed air. Both submarines fired 6 torpedoes before they dove deep and slid away from the scene. Only one torpedo was allocated for a ship, if they had to launch again, they would, but they weren't going to stick around and wait to be hunted down. Simms hoped the combination of the air attack and torpedo assault would either force the ships to withdraw or would cripple them to the point where the Oseaton forces could land unopposed.
30-05-2009, 22:45
[OOC] Edited.


Island of Var,Operation Command 763

"Operation Ragnarök is going to start soon, gentlemen.
Our first coarse of action is taking a paratrooper brigade to "assault rear of Skoll defenders."

High Brigadier Hienzernau rubbed the growth on his chin as he unfolded his telescoping pointer. The projector at his right showed a satellite image of the small archipelago of Fenris Islands.
Even though this was simply a joint exercise,between the Directorate,Oseato,Wolf Hold and Sutufinai,Cukarican High Command wanted to show that even it's reserve force is one of the most formidable in the world,command over 15 000 men was given to a fairly inexperienced and young commander,High Brigadier Jans Hienzernau,who saw action only once,in the Imperium wars.
Back in the Command room,indicating the small city of Skoll located in the northern parts of the Fenris islands,Hienzernau turned to his audience.

"Unfortunately,we know little about the city itself,but as this is being only a exercise,we can start dropping our men around 15 km behind the city and start assaulting it tomorrow at 1200 hours."

Everyone in the room,looked at him,feeling as he isn't even capable of making a good and detailed battle plan.Suddenly the veil of silence was lifted and the Brigadier spoke.

"Gentlemen,i see that you even now question my ability to lead,but believe me we will not make a fiasco of this operation,even now as we speak,recon teams of the Directorium's 63rd Commando Brigade are getting information and scouting possible routes of attack.
Overall commander of the air assault will be Colonel Zundberg,tomorrow further information will be stated as we get the word from the 63rd.
That is all,Thank you."

Still a feeling of discomfort was obvious on the faces of senior officers,who were very unhappy with the Pro Consul's choice of commander for this Operation,they felt that General Rimmel or Admiral Flavius are much better suited for this position,which was occupied by this young Brigadier.

12 hours later,
Skies over Folkvangr

Within a series of quick deployments and hurried orders the Air Assault Command had managed to get all of 63rd,72nd and 192nd Skyguard Marine brigades ready to deploy with the 18th Transport Air Fleet which had been entirely activated and put to High Brigadier Heinzernau's use. Thanks in part to the burly Brigadier's implacable will and to the preparedness of the air fleets crews, several dozens of C-130 "Hercules" High Altitude Transport Planes had been prepped and all of the men and equipment stowed onboard.
By midnight of the transport fleet started its engines and took off. Their destination: Folkvangr.
A green light started to blink inside the large planes and the Skyguard Marines readied themselves for a high altitude insertion jump.
Colones Zundberg,a tall and handsome man,stood up before his men.

"Sky Guardsmen,as you obviously know this is a joint exercise with the forces of Oseato,Wolf Hold and Sutufinai.However i expect from you to prove that you are the best in the world.Just give the best,and the effort will be rewarded.
Now onwards into the blue skies!"

He yelled before he jumped into the wast sky,followed by his men.
United North States
31-05-2009, 16:12
Two weeks before:
Global News Headquarters:

A middle age man was sitting in a large metal desk, twirling his pencil.

"Thanks for coming in, Burns. I'm sorry about all the business with not getting permission before we put you on live, In the heat of the moment..."

Seating next to the middle age man was one Mr. Jimmy Burns. The young man looked tired, his eyes glazing over the business man.

"...The cash was cool. But like y'know any network would have like paid for that footage. Why am I here? Is something else going to like, to blow up?"

The man doesn't respond immediately, choosing his words carefully.

"You could say that. This is a nation of high class war journalist pansies. Jimmy as stupid as your left wing politics are, you're not afraid to call it like it is. Global News likes that. Bottom line:

There's nothing left for you here

"Your shitty apartment has been napalmed. Your third world gear is fried. By my watch your fifteen minutes are just about up. So the real question you should be asking yourself is what are you going to do next?I know you. I saw it in your eyes. You're hooked now. You need the action, the blood. And you know what Burns? Your not going to find it wasting your like shagging uneducated anarchists, and whining about how evil big corporations are, at www. I'm a little liberal Global needs men like you. Reporters who have the balls to step up and bear witness to history- to tell the stories of humanity's darkest hours. Jimmy, we are in one of these dark hours. History need you, the world needs you. And we have great dental."

Yeah, my name's Jimmy Burns, and yeah I am that punk blogger kid who just happend to be filming when a I.E.D hit a Mcdonalds, and my house. I was broke. I had no medical insurance. no apartment, no computer. So maybe, yeah, I should have looked over the fine print before I signed a three year contract. But that idiot was right, I was hooked to the action. The purchase of an Samsung MMXI, IPhone Sat Phone V2 and a crash course in war journalism, (that's how not to be shot if you don't know) all on my new Global News account. I was ready.

Six hours before:
Island of Var

Jimmy had spent the last, two hours trying to find his issued officer inside the Cukarica base. The situation at the base was tense. Though no one outright said anything, Jimmy noted the looks they gave to each other. They all told him the same thing: Were going to war . Jimmy pulled out his camera, and started to record. Walking towards a Cukarica soilder he spoke:

"Hello sir, I'm with GNN do you mind if I ask you some questions?"
31-05-2009, 22:41
UNS did you get permission for Wolf Hold to join?
Either way i will edit this post tommorow to respond to the posts,or delete it and make a new one.But definitely a post will be up tomorrow morning.
United North States
31-05-2009, 23:41
((Err, yes I did.))
01-06-2009, 09:32
[OOC] Oh well sorry then UNS.


Six hours before the operation:
Island of Var

"Hello sir, I'm with GNN do you mind if I ask you some questions?"
Marine Officer took a good glance of the young man,and quietly responded to him.He was stunned to see a foreign press reporter reporting and inquiring around the base,before the exercise has even started,and he didn't like the publicity his men were getting from the press.

"Of course,feel free to ask."

Officer responded,cleaning his Desert Eagle ( and readying his gear,which included and M21 ( rifle,full Dragonskin body protection suit,several grenades and rest of his combat air drop gear.Behind him,his squad was practicing hand to hand combat,and several mene were cleaning their rifles.
01-06-2009, 19:43
Special Operations Command Base 1

Warrant Officer Harvey Mint stood at the loading gate of the V-22 his men were loading onto. He checked the silencer on his weapon before nodding to his men already seated. "Check your gear, make sure you clean and ready to go. We're going to be lifting off any minute now. I don't want to be late, we have our orders. Destroy the Munitions and fuel depot, and if possible, communications."

The troops nodded and prepared themselves. Soldiers settled in and readied for deployment. They held on tight when the V-22s lifted off for moving into the warzone. They had determined it would take a few hours to arrive at the slow speed and low flight operations. But they would arrive at night, which was always good. Their planned LZ was in the jungle outside the airbase by a few dozen miles, a good long hike.

As the V-22s lifted off the Sutfen on the dirt airfield waved them off with a good luck. The whole group settled in for a long white-knuckle ride.

(V-22s are flying less than 2 meters off the ocean maybe 4 meters, moving as fast as they can, safely. They had hopes of being hidden from air defense radar so they could get a stealth insertion. Their Target is SOC1 to Fenris AFB. They'll be landing about... 24 to 28 miles outside the base. They have already secured Maps and satellite intelligence of the base and their targets.)
The Wolf Hold
05-06-2009, 12:03
WHS Fire and Flame

The lead cruiser of Cruiser Squadron 48 was the WHS Fire and Flame, a Kirov class battlecruiser, cutting through the waves around the island of Var, the fire and flames alongside the rest of Cruiser Squadron 48 was moving to intercept the Oseaton fleet that was approaching the island probably trying to cover their ground assault. The rest of the cruiser squadron consisted of two Ticonderoga class cruisers, four type 45 destroyers and six type 23 frigates.

The red lit CIC of the Fire and Flames was deadly silent as the Oseaton fleet was picked up on their radar. As they approached sirens began to wail as the air defence radar picked up the incoming air attack.
"Contact! Contact! Enemy aircraft, approaching on vector 2-4, designate as bravo one. Second flight detected designate bravo 2. Third flight designate bravo 3" As each hostile aircraft signature lit up on the radar display screen the fire control computers began to process the data to generate firing solutions for the squadrons SAMs and CIWS. The solutions plotted into the computers were transmitted to the rest of the squadron, the Fire and Flame's weapons operators and their corresponding systems. However just as the weapons would open fire they stood down and returned to their ready positions, as the operators declared they were firing. The two dummy missiles were left to the WHS Cinder, one of the Ticonderoga class cruisers, two RIM-162 missiles streaking from its launchers contacting with the missiles destroying them.

However the CIC had more things to worry about. "Ping! Off the port bow, we have fish in the water! Counting fish. They have targets locked and are actively pinging." Captain Farragut, commander of the Cruiser Squadron cursed loudly, his air defence radar had been jammed by the EA-6Bs so he had no idea if the enemy fighters were coming back around for another run or not and now he had enemy subs launching torpedoes at him and due to the threat of enemy fighter cover he couldn’t launch his ASW helicopters.

"Burn through that jamming, I want our air defence radars up and running ASAP. Order the squadron to fire off ASROCs on the estimated launch position, prepare the counter measures and fire off torpedoes on matching bearings, this is a drill, I repeat this is a drill"

"VLS have fired, rest of the squadron declaring launched. WHS Ferogash has an electrical failure and is standing down. The rest of the squadron has fired as ordered, torpedoes are away!"

From the bows of the front of the escorting destroyers launched counter torpedoes, speeding their way towards the approaching wave of Oseaton torpedoes. Whilst the Oseatons had used training torpedoes the Wolf Hold navy had not, the ships deployed to this entire training exercise carried almost all of their combat payload with only a small allocation for training munitions. With the last of the torpedoes launched, the Squadron awaited the communication from the control centre on Felag detailing what damage had been caused to the ships and what ships had been sunk.

The list was:

Light/Superfical Damage

WHS Fire and Flame-Kirov Class Battlecruiser
WHS Sea Cat-Type 23 Frigate

Severe Damage:

WHS Recidivist-Ticonderoga Class Cruiser
WHS Sea Wolf and Sea Sparrow- Type 23 Frigate

Slight listing:

WHS Offender-Ticonderoga Class Cruiser
WHS Fire fly-Type 45 Destroyer

On fire and sinking

WHS Roland and Sea Fox- Type 23 Frigates
WHS Carlsons Hope- Type 45 Destroyer

Fort Aseir-Folkvangr

Fort Aseir was 10km behind Port Skoll, it was similar in construction to the forts that guarded the entrance to the Lupus bay. A concrete fortification left over from the uprising, whilst the old goverment of the Wolf Hold hadn't paid much attention to the military as an originisation, they had built several large fortifications including several extensive concrete fortresses. Most of these forts had been demolished as they had been built in places that were no longer strategically vital. However the ones that remained in service were upgraded with every peice of modern technology avalible to The Wolf Hold. If one of the old guardsmen who serve in the forts cam back they wouldn't be able to even recognise them, the 88mm anti-air cannons had been replaced with Rapier and Land Wolf AA systems. The old, aged comms and radar suites had been completly revamped and the fort had even been exanded to hold three hole copmanies instead of the one it was normally ment to hold.

Whilst Port Skoll was held by the children of the 54th Reserve Infantry, Fort Aseir was home to three companies of the 33rd Mechsanised Infantry, the elite unit asigned to defend the high ranking officers of The Wolf Hold. One thousand of some of the best the Wolf Hold had to offer, with tank and air support held the fall back position incase Port Skoll fell. Their Commander was Major Daur, an veteran of several conflicts and lonf time commander of the Group 4 of the 33rd Mechanised. He was standing in the forts control room, observing the radar screens when the Cukarican aircraft began showing up on his screens. Pulling a pack of ciggarettes out of his ACUs pocket, flicking a switch on the comms board next to him that gave him a direct connection to the Skoll Air Defence Command and the fighters stationed there. "This is Fort Aseir to Skoll Air Defence Command, we need air cover over our sector, we have Cukarican paratroopers inbound"

"Recived Fort Aseir, dispatching 503rd and 504th Tactical Operations Squadrons. Good luck"

"Thank you Skoll ADC, Fort Aseir out" Closing the link he walked the short distance to the fire control room. From this room Fort Aseirs weaponry could be unleashed as well as the multiple SAM launchers scartered about the country side. "Are they in our firing arc?"

"Yes Major. Batterys 1 through to 22 are in range and locking on"

"Good, fire at will"

With that order their were now 100 odd hypothetical missiles heading for elements of the Cukarican paratrooper force as well as the 60 aircraft of the 503rd and 504th Tactical Operations Squadron heading to the defence of Folkvangr.


Will follow shortly