NationStates Jolt Archive


22-05-2009, 02:58
I'm not sure where this goes exactly, so I'll post it here until further notice.

I entered the TEC as the Unified Galactic Republic, and then left the Jolt forums for some time. When I returned as the Buddislamic Empire, I found that:

1. Apparently, a fairly large war had broken out between The Fedral Union and Red Talons

2. The Fedral Union had somehow disbanded the TEC

3. The Obsidian Union had been formed as a replacement(?) for the TEC

4. Fedral Union has expelled my diplomats.

So I ask all involved members to answer the following two questions:

Question 1: Someone please tell me what the fuck happened?

Question 2: What can we do to resolve it?

Hopefully, this can turn into a kind of OOC negotiation table, and if not, a reference guide to the conflict.
The PeoplesFreedom
22-05-2009, 03:02
oh how I love noobs mixing OOC and IC actions so easily.
The Fedral Union
22-05-2009, 03:05

Those are the threads you need to read, Note that Bryn and auman I ignore but they are stirring the pot in the GA, so right now even though Im not the worst offender there every one is rushing to attack me, and try to start a war, I feel like Judas but hell who cares right?
22-05-2009, 03:12

Those are the threads you need to read, Note that Bryn and auman I ignore but they are stirring the pot in the GA, so right now even though Im not the worst offender there every one is rushing to attack me, and try to start a war, I feel like Judas but hell who cares right?

So I've been ignored for denouncing violence, not being in the second thread and removing Cadet Mark from a party that he was causing a disturbance at? So, essentially, I've been ignored for no reason what so ever then? I'd like to see some more definitive proof of my wrong doing, bro. And if I'm ignored, why was a Fedral diplomatic probe just talking to Ovlerlord Navarrone in my nation?
TRIAD Enterprises
22-05-2009, 03:17
A more complete timeline of events can be found in the following list of threads. This includes the events which triggered the current state of affairs, up to the Assembly meeting. I am working on creating a further timeline of threads post the Haven and Assembly threads, stay tuned.

This one:
Leads to this one:
Leads to this one:
Leads to this one:
Leads to this one:
Leads to this one:
The Fedral Union
22-05-2009, 03:17
It was talking to everyone else, I ignore you because we have ooc dislike for one another and I refuse to rp like that, this entier GA affair Has a bloody gun to my head and forcing me to accept ship I've rectoned or ignored Ie the bryn attack, IE bryns knowledge of me. continuing on this has been nothing but a game of OOC lolerbating and a perpetuation of a vendetta. I am honestly sick of this entire situation IC and OOC. It has been nothing but a headache and its not really fun at all. And before you all post that Oh im ignoring it because im not winning, look at the facts, I never got along with auman or bryn.

Time line is as follows:

1:Bryn (who I ignore) Hired Red talons to attack my shipping

2: I had (to my nation) Enough evidence to retaliate against red talons attempting to take a star base to draw his fleet and possibly the assailant of my routes out..

3: Now we have this entire three ring circus in the GA calling for OMG Holy war! mean while did we forget what happened over mars? or all the furries the millions you have killed bryn? hmm?

4:The TEC attempted to peace keep with IC intel I had gotten I did not know if they wanted to invade or not so I was on full alert and confronted them about it.

5: I just snapped oocly under all this BS and pressure and madee some rash decsions

6: We solved the TEC issue for now the groups back together.

7: Now I face ultimate doom from a collation of nations who all have committed genocide one way or another! IRONIC! ISIN'T IT!
The Fedral Union
22-05-2009, 03:24
I can tell you now its a massively repeating cycle!
Bryn Shander
22-05-2009, 03:26
Because I totally forced you to kill 416,000 people on a civilian station...

The Fedral Union
22-05-2009, 03:28
You where the entire mastermind of what happened oh I'm sorry how many did you kill in your furry glassing? millions? billions? How about your massive war over mars where your butts got kicked out of sol? you rectoned it but I'm sorry you wont accept my recton of your events (we don't mesh well so why bother? you just want to prove you can own me) but we have to accept all yours?
22-05-2009, 03:30
7: Now I face ultimate doom from a collation of nations who all have committed genocide one way or another! IRONIC! ISIN'T IT!

Where has my nation, Fluffywuffy, committed genocide? I would like to know.
The Fedral Union
22-05-2009, 03:32
Where has my nation, Fluffywuffy, committed genocide? I would like to know.

Not talking about you this was pre you entering the GA, hell core worlds committed genocide as well!.
22-05-2009, 03:35
I actually don't recall us having any bad blood. That is until you start swearing at me on instant messenger. Then there's the threats that you seem to level at even the slightest criticism.

In addition, I have never once committed an act of genocide in my most recent canon.

As I recall, a couple of week ago we were joking around on MSN while I was helping you develop your spycraft. Your ignore of me is inconsistent, what with your latest post to the GA it would be assumed that you don't ignore me if you could send a probe to Auman... To an association that is hosted by Auman... An association thats speaker of the house is an Aumanii.

And in your last post, you didn't even state a single valid reason as to why I'm being ignored... Which leads me to assume two things. 1.) I didn't actually do anything IC to warrant it. 2.) I didn't do anything OOC to warrant it. In reality, both of those statements are true. I didn't do a damn thing to you, Rob, and this ignore is dumb.
Bryn Shander
22-05-2009, 03:38
Actually, Rob, the exterminatus of Purden was never canon. It was copypasta from /tg/. Furthermore, the events of back then aren't canon anyway.

More importantly, I've never fought a war over Mars, massive or otherwise. There were only two times in all of my time over Mars that I even used my military. One was to help fend off the Tyranid invasion. The other was to help Auman restore peace after a Turk uprising. At no time did I ever fight another Martian nation.

Protip: You only retcon and ignore things when you lose or don't get your way. I retconned my nation's previous incarnation because it was stupid and didn't work with the Shadow of the An'Kazar game setting. There is a major difference.

I retconned after two years of inactivity. You retconned after your light frigate was unable to harm my cruiser using retarded tactics.
The Fedral Union
22-05-2009, 03:50
My idea of fun is not being invaded by

A) 9999 nations with trillions of troops just to take me down
B) people who obviously dislike me oocly and just want to butt in to a situation that isin't theirs ruin a good story just to take me out. I refuse to let you say OH RP WITH US OR YOUR A N00B! its like holding a gun to my head.
22-05-2009, 03:50
Not talking about you this was pre you entering the GA, hell core worlds committed genocide as well!., genocide? Be careful of who you accuse of such things, TFU. I understand you're stressed by all this, but please don't attack friend and foe alike.
Bryn Shander
22-05-2009, 03:52
Maybe you shouldn't have the foreign policy of a retard that just got his Stretch Armstrong doll taken from him if you don't want to get destroyed for committing atrocities against countless nations.
The Fedral Union
22-05-2009, 03:53
I refuse to rp in a situation where its like 30 on one, its not a story its a frakking gangbang
Bryn Shander
22-05-2009, 03:54
Well then, you shouldn't have blown up a station full of civilians and diplomats from more than 30 nations.
22-05-2009, 03:56
My idea of fun is not being invaded by

A) 9999 nations with trillions of troops just to take me down
B) people who obviously dislike me oocly and just want to butt in to a situation that isin't theirs ruin a good story just to take me out. I refuse to let you say OH RP WITH US OR YOUR A N00B! its like holding a gun to my head.

So I suppose dogpiling clusterfucks are only acceptable when you and your friends are doing it to brand new nations then? WHEN YOU KILL 416,000 PEOPLE YOU SHOULD EXPECT POLITICAL REPERCUSSIONS! There's a reason the United States didn't carpet bomb Iraq with nuclear weapons back in '03, bro. The Somali pirates have killed less people than you have.
The Fedral Union
22-05-2009, 03:57
because of course you all RPED THEM AS BEING THERE RIGHT? *chuckles* you never rped them as boarding or going there so yeah no cigar bud, Show me one thread where you did? and I would also appreciate it if you did not call me a retard kthnx
The Fedral Union
22-05-2009, 03:57
Yeah see auman its about fun in a fictional writing environment not ego, denied. Call me a noob if you will I want to have a good story.
Bryn Shander
22-05-2009, 03:58
So I suppose dogpiling clusterfucks are only acceptable when you and your friends are doing it to brand new nations then? WHEN YOU KILL 416,000 PEOPLE YOU SHOULD EXPECT POLITICAL REPERCUSSIONS! There's a reason the United States didn't carpet bomb Iraq with nuclear weapons back in '03, bro. The Somali pirates have killed less people than you have.

All the nuclear bombs in the world have killed less people than he did when he fragged Haven.
The Fedral Union
22-05-2009, 03:59
Where did you get those facts!
Bryn Shander
22-05-2009, 04:01
The bombs killed as many as 140,000 people in Hiroshima and 80,000 in Nagasaki by the end of 1945 (

220,000 < 416,000
The Fedral Union
22-05-2009, 04:02
Any way I cant see your posts any more, this case and story is closed.
Bryn Shander
22-05-2009, 04:03
And once again Rob ignores anyone that beats him.
22-05-2009, 04:05
Maybe you shouldn't have the foreign policy of a retard that just got his Stretch Armstrong doll taken from him if you don't want to get destroyed for committing atrocities against countless nations.
Flaming bad.
Bryn Shander
22-05-2009, 04:06
Flaming bad.

That was an analogy, not a flame.
22-05-2009, 04:06
And once again Rob ignores anyone that beats him.
Why, is he obligated to pay attention to people who are being abusive?
22-05-2009, 04:08
That was an analogy, not a flame.
No? I would like to know in what reality "maybe you shouldn't have the foreign policy of a retard" is not a direct attack on a poster. Perhaps in your reality, it is not a flame; in the one that I inhabit, it is.
22-05-2009, 04:09
Rob, I roleplayed as Mars' primary antagonist for three years. I single handedly defeated larger coalitions on my own and gained territory without retaliating against civilian populations. It was a great storyline, actually and my time as the underdog makes me believe that you can still have a good story when you're battling it out against impossible odds.

This is a game of writing. But it's also a very competitive game of politics. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. When you do something good, expect praise. When you do something bad, expect condemnation. When you kill indiscriminately, expect people to get very, very, angry. This is freeform roleplaying. Ignoring these 30 nations because they could possibly kick your ass is stupid. Especially when you can very easily avoid it all by using your head and engaging in effective diplomacy.

Ending the war against Red Talons is a start. You may have a reason to go for it, but in reality just wars are ended by hardball politics all the time. The war in Sri Lanka lasted decades longer than it should have due to the diplomatic intervention of foreign nations. Essentially you have a few choices available to you.

First off, you can be a good roleplayer and write. Your nation is catching a lot of flak from a lot of nations because of what you've done. What you can do is cease hostilities, apologize profusely, calculate the yearly wages of everyone killed on the station and pay it out to the families in a lump sum... and by that I mean calculate their wages to the day of retirement and give the family the life time wages. You can then hold the commanders responsible for this "accident" responsible.

To do that, you would first fire the officers. You would then hold an investigation into their actions. After that, if you can hold them accountable, hold a trial and if it comes to that, incarcerate them for their crimes.

The other option is, you defy the concerns of the international community, tell them to fuck off like you are right now, be a bad roleplay and ignore people because it's going to turn into a clusterfuck, keep stockpiling weapons of mass destruction and carry on the way you are now... Which makes you look bad OOC. Because you're looking unreliable here, Rob. Why would anyone at all want to roleplay with you if this is what they should expect every single time? I've been through this three times.
Bryn Shander
22-05-2009, 04:12
No? I would like to know in what reality "maybe you shouldn't have the foreign policy of a retard" is not a direct attack on a poster.

I'm comparing him to the stereotypical special needs child that throws a fit and gets violent when he doesn't get his way, because that is exactly how he is acting. Worse, he seems to think that after his rampage he doesn't have to deal with the consequences of his actions.
22-05-2009, 04:20
What, may I ask, are you ignoring, TFU? I would like an explicit list, if you wouldn't mind.
The Fedral Union
22-05-2009, 04:22
I will be ignoring any war that results from the GA thing, it would be a dog pile and non constructive rping. that thread is now semi closed between me and RT meaning its invite only. The war the story arc all of it is invite only.
Bryn Shander
22-05-2009, 04:23
Protip: I started that story arc. Ergo, it is not closed.
22-05-2009, 04:27
I'm comparing him to the stereotypical special needs child that throws a fit and gets violent when he doesn't get his way, because that is exactly how he is acting. Worse, he seems to think that after his rampage he doesn't have to deal with the consequences of his actions.
Flame: Expressing anger at someone in uncouth ways with OOC (out-of-character) comments (i.e. swearing, being obnoxious, threatening etc). It does to watch what you post IC (in-character) as well unless the other posters know you're not serious. You do not need to curse to be a flamer. Erudite slams while maintaining a veneer of politeness can also be considered flaming. Flaming in the forums should be reported in the Moderation forum, in the game itself, through Getting Help Page.

Griefing: Harrassing a nation because of what they did or said. This often manifests when one player follows another around in thread after thread, abusing and flaming the target nation. Note that this is distinct from Region Griefing, covered above.

Now I do believe he has expressed his wish not to play with you.
I also believe that the rules of this forums apply equally to all players.
Thank you, and good night.
The PeoplesFreedom
22-05-2009, 07:35
I lol at this entire mess.

Recon the whole thing and be done with it.
22-05-2009, 12:28
Wait...when did I do genocide?

I'm not denying I did it.

I just can't remember o_O
The Fedral Union
22-05-2009, 14:34
I could accept a war under certain circumstances.

1: Bryn Shander dose not impose his own tech limitations on any one else (because we all don't use M particles and know ways to counter them)
2: Its not a 30 nation dog pile
3: its a decent RP and not about "winning"
4: Bryn and Co. actually take losses From "Phasers" and other things a gun is a gun right?
22-05-2009, 16:45
Then it could be assumed that you will abide by your own rules as well. It's only fair, am I right?
The Fedral Union
22-05-2009, 17:04
22-05-2009, 19:32
And the problem I have with your terms is that if I did something vile enough to cause thirty or more nations to declare war on me, I'd fight it out. What you're doing is negating the truth of what you've done, refusing to use diplomacy to avoid the situation and then complaining to the mods when it's clear that you're incapable of dealing with the repercussions of what you have done.

Which is why I ignore you. You're ignored.
23-05-2009, 01:00
Wow, this got out of hand. :D

However, I do thank the people who provided me with the links and story outlines.