NationStates Jolt Archive

Kingom of Aransia [rp/open]

19-03-2009, 03:13
The gentle tapping of fingers against his desk could be heard by the Ministers in the room as King Grayson listened to them speak. For the first time since the Unification War had ended he was nervous. Rightfully so some would argue but to him it was unbecoming. Today was the day he would address the rest of the world and announce that his kingdom; Arnasia, would open the gates and welcome international interaction once more.

"Your Highness do you have any questions about the speech you are to give today?" asked Luke Glenham rather dryly. Tapping his fingers against the palm of his hand the young King looked up at his communications adviser and rolled his eyes while trying to be polite as he could. "No I do not Luke. We have been over the speech that we both wrote at least a dozen times now and I believe that I am well prepared. My only concern right now is how the rest of the world will react to hearing that our kingdom has come out into the open." he replied.

Glenham nodded and sat down on a couch to his left, next to the other adviser's. He hoped that the King didn't see his question as offensive; to be honest with himself, Luke Glenham was just as nervous and he was quite sure that so was everyone else in the room and throughout the land. But it was in fact Trevor Edison, the Minister of Foreign Affairs who decided to break the silence once more as King Grayson now paced back and forth.

"Sir, there is nothing to worry about. We have sent out feelers to other nations and have had quiet contact with several ally worthy governments for some time now and they all seem to agree that the time is right for Aransia to open it's gates. I also know for a fact that the populace supports your decision as do we and I am sure that this day will go down as a historical and glorious day for the Kingdom and her people." Edison said with a smile.

Walking over to the King he offered him a pat on the shoulder; one thing that no one besides himself and Admiral Quartermaine might do seeing their long history with him. Now smiling himself Grayson stood still and took a deep breath and then after a second he let it out as if he was putting his worries behind him, if only for the moment. Thank you old friend, he thought to himself. Looking forward towards Trevor he placed his hand on the man's shoulder and spoke.

"You are absolutely right, it is no wonder I trusted you for advice on the battlefield for so long. Because it certainly wasn't for your singing." he said chuckling.

As everyone finished laughing Noah took a step back from the Minister and then turned to everyone else. "If there is nothing else ladies and gentleman, I believe we have a news conference downstairs."

After a few moments of silence the King and his Ministers filed out of the room and were escorted by his guards downstairs to the press room in the palace. Stopping for a moment Grayson allowed the Ministers to all file into the room with the exceptions of Minister Edison and his adviser Glenham; who stayed behind. Moments later Luke and Trevor walked into the room and headed straight for the podium. Minister Edison took a position to the right of the podium and Luke Glenham stepped up to it where he introduced the King.

"Ladies and Gentleman of Aransia, and those from around the world honoring us with your viewership, it is with my most distinguished pleasure that I give you our King;His Royal Highness Noah Grayson."

As the press and crowd inside the press hall applauded King Grayson walked into the room smiling and offer a wave here and there to everyone as he stepped up to the podium. Looking forward towards the cameras he waited for the applause to die down before he spoke.

"My fellow Aransians, it is with great pleasure that I address our great kingdom and for the first time in over 30 years, the world today. You see 50 years ago a coup was started by a man named Lord Velix, a once trusted adviser of my father. While my father who was then king overcame the coup he could not overcome Lord Velix's lies to the people which eventually led to the splitting of our kingdom. Thus my father waged a war which we all know of as the Unification War. This war was not meant to strike back at Lord Velix but to keep our great kingdom united as one. Ultimately my father and our people succeeded!"

Noah paused for a moment as a brief burst of applause broke out from his ministers and the audience in the room and then he continued.

"Jump forward these 30 years and we are a prosperous and healthy people who has rebuilt from the ashes and overcome all that we have lost. We have achieved many a great things except such as top notch military, a booming economy, and a wonderful education system that thrives in the sciences. However there is one thing we have left to achieve. This thing that I speak about is having an open kingdom as we once did before the war. We can have a kingdom that sits forefront on the international stage, where other nations exchange ideas, culture, technology and many other things with us. We too can share all that we have accomplished and allow the world to see our great kingdom for what it is!

With that in mind I am pleased to announce that as of today Aransia will open the gates so to speak and allow travel to and from our country. Also the formation of the Foreign Ministry has been finalized and we will begin to hold conferences with fellow nations to discuss creating diplomatic ties. I ask you to join me today as we step forward into this new adventure and embrace it with open arms. Together we are building a brighter future for Aransia and for the rest of the world."

Applause erupted in the press room as King Grayson finished his speech and stood at the podium smiling to the cameras and all who were watching. Then he turned around and shook the hands of his Foreign Minister and Communications Adviser before waving to the cameras once more and walking out of the room, leaving the news crews to report on what they had just heard. The King and his ministers retired back to his office where he would await the news himself on the international reaction to his speech.
19-03-2009, 07:08
ooc: Planetary defense? Is this FT or something then?
19-03-2009, 12:31
((Not sure what you are seeing...we are MT though))