NationStates Jolt Archive


The Grand World Order
04-03-2009, 02:51
The Magna Polis front of the Stoklo-GWO war. TNB and Whiskeasy have established a blockade on the GWO capital city, Magna Polis.

Original thread and announcements of blockade -

Here, we will stand and fight. - Motto of Magna Polis
Lord Sumguy
04-03-2009, 03:41
National Military Headquarters, New Virginia:

Mary Basset stood at a window on the third floor of the nation's military planning headquarters, looking down at the street below. Marching in a column that stretched as far as she could see were soldiers of the Abrahamic League, heading towards the nearby port, where more than a million were already assembled. As she watched, several thousand of the League's chaplain corps marched, past, the sun glinting off their helmets and illuminating the crosses, crescents, and stars of David that were emblazoned upon their uniforms, the column becoming for several minutes a gleaming mass of white and red.

From her window, the Hegemon smiled to herself as she watched the mass of soldiers board the transports of the fleet that was to join the blockade against, and possibly invade, Magna Polis.

New Virginia:
Dr. John Granger smiled as he looked out on the men and women that were pouring into the port of New Virginia. The rabbi was standing on the balcony of a large house, other clerics on either side of him. This is glorious. He thought, smiling. The righteous children of the almighty rising up to destroy evil.

Beside him the imam Elijah Hooper chuckled. "Is it not a wonderful sight, John?" He asked in the nation's ancient tongue, a language that sounded as though the speaker was singing and was generally reserved for poetry and as a form of encryption, while gesturing to the men below. "The multitudes of faithful marching forth to ensure the fall of they who would be the oppressors of mankind."

"Indeed it is." Granger replied. "This will be a truly holy war, for we fight to preserve God's greatest gift to man, the freedom of will, from destruction at the hands of tyrants."

Hooper nodded. "Let us hope, brother, that the martyrs to die in the service of our creator during this great struggle shall be few in number."

"Yes, though I do fear that such a hope is not a realistic one."

"As do I, my friend, as do I."


Robert Stevens smiled as he sipped a glass of wine, sitting at a table that was upon the balcony of his country home, overlooking the nation's northern mountain range. Robert was the single wealthiest man in the Holy Empire, and the current head of the Commercial federation, a group of many of the richest and most prosperous individuals in the nation that was currently devoted to assisting the Abrahamic League in the war effort. "This fleet we have assembled is quite an expensive one, George." He said to the archbishop, who was sitting across from him.

"It is," The latter replied. "but such is our civic duty."

"To destroy tyranny and fascism," Robert said. "So that all may be free in their speech, in their minds," He paused, laughing. "and in their wallets."

"Indeed." George Claxton leaned back in the amazingly comfortable chair. "the government shall do it's part for the cause of liberty, and so shall we."



HIDF-AL-CF Joint Fleet:

100 Type 251 'Triumph' Class Carriers
84 Type 168 'Admiral' Class Cruisers
116 Type 165 'Town' Class Cruisers
66 Type 192 'Sandakan' Class Battlecruisers
500 Type 29 Class Destroyers
150 Type 31 ASW Destroyers
200 Type 46 'Parish' Class Destroyers
66 Type 47 'Captains' Class Destroyers
600 Type 36 'Firefly Class' Frigates
300 Type 540 Class Submarines
3240 F/A-18Cs
1080 F/A18Es
2160 F-35Cs
2160 B-103 Buccaneers

Total: 2182 vessels (transports and logistics not included)

HIDF Initial Ground Force:

3 Armored Divisions
7 Infantry Divisions
2 Marine Divisions

approx. 375,000 men

Abrahamic League Initital Ground Force:

2 Armored Divisions
3 Infantry Divisions

approx. 150,000 men

HIDF Expected Reinforcements:

48 Armored Divisions
144 Infantry Divisions
42 Marine Divisions

Total: 7,020,000 men

Abrahamic League Expected Reinforcements:

80 Armored Divisions
224 Infantry divisions

Approx. 9,600,000 men

Commercial Federation Expected Reinforcements:

2 Armored Divisions
3 Infantry Divisions

approx. 150,000 men
East Congaree
04-03-2009, 03:49
Guaymas, Sonora, East Congaree

Suspecting an attack on the GWO capital, East Congaree moved Task Force Forefront off the Washington/Oregon coast to divert forces from the enemy that may attack Magna Polis.

Task Force Forefront

40 Iowa Class Battleships

100 Whiskey Class Submarines

30 Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers

100 Jianghu-I Class Frigates

1,000 Fremantle Class Patrol Boats

1,500 Armidale Class Patrol Boats

100 Osa Class Missile Boats

2 Nimitz Class Carriers, Each carrying 30 F-14Ds and 10 EA-18G Growlers
04-03-2009, 03:58
The Allanean deployment had been smaller than the one sent in by their friends. Twenty carrier battlegroups manned by Allaneans and ten under the CSS flag, escorted by ten escort squadrons and twenty Torrent class Arsenal ships were headed in from Mediterranica.

The speeches had been made. The war was about to turn hot.
04-03-2009, 04:24
OOC: Permission from GWO to tele-fleet. Yes, I just said tele-fleet. Deal with it. In addition to semantic shenanigans, this is a rushed post so that I can just make clear that I’m getting involved here.

Admiral Fuchs paced the bridge of his flagship, glancing outside every so often as if the ship in front of him was going to spontaneously combust if he did not keep his eyes trained on it. Vengence for the attacks on the Leistungi homeland had eluded the Leistungi people for some time now, but as it would seem, fate had brought them again into conflict with the Grand World Order. Rather than wait for their allies in ODECON to respond, the Leistungi government had decided that for now, this was a Leistungi issue—not an alliance once, and as such, only those willing had sent forces to Magna Polis.

The city loomed in the foreground, the omnipresent Spire towering over even the largest ships. The Leistungi fleets were vast, joined by allies and acquaintances from every corner of the globe, and if all went according to plan, the city would lie in ruins by the end of the month.

Then, and only then, would the world be rid of the Orderian menace.


1st-10th Fleets (numbers are per fleet)
-1st Carrier Battlegroup (divided into 3 Carrier flotillas)
--4x Beherrscher ( CGN
--3x Hauptstadt ( CVN
--6x Houston ( CLG
--15x Jäeger ( DDG
--10x Falken ( DDG
--15x Spitze ( FFG
--10x Preußisch ( FFG
--8x Tödlich ( SSN
-4th Heavy Attack Battlegroup
--2x Storm ( BB
--4x Sovereign Class CGN
--2x Eagle ( CV
--4x Houston Class CLG
--8x Jäeger Class DDG
--4x Falken Class DDG
--4x Spitze Class FFG
--6x Tödlich ( SSN
-2nd Independent ASW Division (attached to 1st Battlegroup)
--2x Knight ( LHD (no troop complement)
--10x Warhammer ( FF
--6x Preußisch Class FFG
--4x Schützen Class FC
-3rd Independent ASW Division (attacked to 4th Battlegroup)
--2x Knight Class LHD (no troop complement)
--10x Warhammer Class FF
--6x Preußisch Class FFG
--4x Schützen Class FC
-1st, 5th, 6th, and 9th SSGN Attack Groups
--12x Oktober ( SSBG (SSGN variant)

OOC: As GWO and I spoke about earlier, this is technically taking place earlier than now, since it took 2 RL months to actually get a thread going.
East Congaree
04-03-2009, 04:54
OOC: Last post of the night, or at least for several hours.

Off the Coast of Washington

The fleet headed northward to begin its attack on the Leistung fleet. With Leistung and Lord Sumguy now supporting Stoklomolvi in the war, things had been shaken up, to say the least.
Lord Sumguy
04-03-2009, 04:57
OOC: Last post of the night, or at least for several hours.

Off the Coast of Washington

The fleet headed northward to begin its attack on the Leistung fleet. With Leistung and Lord Sumguy now supporting Stoklomolvi in the war, things had been shaken up, to say the least.

OOC: we aren't supporting Stok.
The Northern Baltic
04-03-2009, 05:04
OOC: Here is my blockade post ( Mine as well put it up now. Next, finding my ORBAT. Though I'll probably just end up making up a new one.
The Grand World Order
05-03-2009, 03:08
The Spire, Magna Polis

GRIFFITH-II was playing one of his guitars. The song he was playing wasn't from paper, or anything of the sort. He simply played his instruments (Which was perhaps his greatest hobby, aside from gutting rebels alive in his "Human Butcher Shop", which was one of the greatest secrets of the GWO) to his current emotion. The song was a rather basic tune, sounding like it was from a talented street performer somewhere in Spain (One of the nations where Griffith Artiche had heritage from). It was slightly repetitive, since it wasn't actually written down. The song was amplified through the office's speaker systems, which were simultaneously used when the Spire was under direct fire. Suddenly, Heinrich Slaag burst into the room, holding his Horsehaired Stahlhelm in the crook of his arm. "The Northern Baltic and their fellow malcontents are blockading the city. We're up against a larger naval force than our own, and the Pacific Fleet is already prepared to carry out the current plan we're using for situations like this. I personally worry for your safety up here, and respectfully ask you to move to the lower levels."

GRIFFITH-II agreed to this and moved to his "Emergency Office" on the lower floors. He had a bunch of Grand Guards move some of his stuff (I.e., instruments that can be moved easily, clothing, et cetera) so that he could live semi-normally during the blockade. The city's defense systems were once again brought online, and Faraday shielding had been prepared before hand to shut nearly instantly in the case of EMP weapons being detected. This was a cheap addition to the Magna Polis Defense System, simply taking principles and technology employed on microwaves across the world. AA systems were scanning the sky constantly, and F-22/F-23 air patrols were increased over the city (Air patrols were almost constant; however, only small amounts of planes usually were up at one time), with the AA systems registering them as friendlies. T-212 submarines were the first vessels to take position. They wouldn't fire until any of the aggressor ships committed an act of war, in which they would release delayed-action Shkvals before escaping, after which the torpedoes would activate, thus avoiding giving away the position of the submarines, only where they had been (Which would be infuriating eventually).

Destroyers, frigates, and cruisers moved to surround the city, backed by the city wall's defense systems. Heavier ships were within the city's harbors and docks, safer from incoming missiles and the like.

((OOC: ORBAT coming later.))
East Congaree
05-03-2009, 04:54
Off the Coast of Alaska

The East Congaree task force leader was a tall man, in full naval garb. He eyed the icy waters around him before turning around to his assistant, Lieutenant Roger Watie IV. "Tell 'em all to get the anti-shippers ready, we're about to fuck the dirty Jewfaggots off these seas.", the task force leader said. With that, all of the East Congaree ships were ordered to unleash their harpoon-anti ship missiles when they got in range of the Lord Sumguy ships. The Iowa Class Battleships each carried 16 Harpoon anti-ship missiles, while the Arleigh Burke class destroyers each had 20 Harpoon anti-ship missiles. This was, after alll, an anti-insurgency flotilla, and by no means was armed to go in sea-sea warfare. The task force had been fighting negro rebels by sending off missiles into Northern Baja California and Sonora when the news of the raid on Magna Polis came. Also, the Jianghu-I class frigates, who possessed four Styx anti-ship missiles each, would fire on the enemy ships when they got in range, and after the Harpoons had been fired off. The target ships were those of the Northern Baltic and Lord Sumguy. Across the carriers, EA-18G Growlers and F-14Ds flew up. The goal of the EA-18Gs was obvious, but the F-14Ds actually were on an anti-ship mission, each carrying four Mk82 bombs.
The Northern Baltic
05-03-2009, 05:00
2,700 Longboat Class
3 Mi-14
200 Oscar-II Class
85 Akula-II Class
15 Ulyanovsk Class
70 Mig 39
05-03-2009, 08:41
The Allanean Armada was still closing upon the enemy. They were now two thousand kilometers to the south of Magna Polis – the perfect time to try out the enemy's defenses. From the rear of the Allanean fleet (about 2200 kilometers) a single Allanean Torrent class Arsenal ship fired half of its payload – 600 Tomahawk Anti-Ship missiles, directed at the enemy harbors. As we all know, satellite is no was to track a ship at sea, but an immobile ship, anchored in harbor, is a different fish altogether.

And so the missiles were on their way.

OOC: EC, I believe you should post in our other thread.
The Grand World Order
06-03-2009, 04:33
Magna Polis Outer Defense Ring

The 600 Tomahawks were quickly targeted by the outer ring. The ring had easily smashed a number of them (50 went down) and then the more concentrated Outer-Middle, Middle, and Short-Middle rings quickly wiped out the rest, using weapons ranging from lasers to Patriots to counter-missile missiles.

The Allaneans were now open for attack, but since they were far, the GWO didn't immediately open fire on the ships. That would be a bit wasteful, as the long range would permit large or 100% shootdown rates.
06-03-2009, 12:02
The Allaneans saw, and were satisfied – not with the loss of 345 million dollars' worth of missiles, but that they knew now that the Outer Ring of Orderite defenses was capable of taking down approximately one out of twelve of their missiles, the rest proceeding inwards Therefore, they now launched a second attack – now aimed not at things in Magna Polis itself, but at the Outer Ring.

Now, two Torrent class Arsenal ships emptied their entire magazines, launching 2,400 Tomahawks, aimed at the Outer Ring defenses solely and completely. The Allaneans expected -based on previous performance – that about eleven out of twelve missiles would come through – but even that weren't true, they expected to give the enemy a serious pounding.

Their ships did not, of course, close in on the enemy yet. The crews were not that stupid.
06-03-2009, 13:17
(OOC: I can't believe that I only just saw this thread... Also I never actually dispatched anything to GWO I just said I would. I'm not really sure I have time for this at the moment either, but I will try. Angry letter coming soon...)
The Grand World Order
06-03-2009, 22:02
Magna Polis Outer Defense Ring

The outer defense ring had a lower shootdown rate due to being stretched out. The inner layers had higher ones simply because they had defense systems rather close together.

The southern and some of the west and eastern installations of the Ring were completely obliterated, but the northern part was safe simply because the Allanean missiles would have to go over the city or the inner rings themselves, which would be quite a problem.

Seeing what the Allaneans were doing (Destroying the rings beforehand to make the siege much easier), several T-212 wolf packs were sent to the Outer-Moderate Ring to keep tabs on advancing Allanean ships.
06-03-2009, 22:48
The Allaneans were so far unaware of the enemy submarines - but to them, it did not matter. Out of their twenty arsenal ships, two had exhausted their armaments completely, and were sent home, to Allanea. One had only been half-loaded, and then with anti-ship missiles - but there were still other ships.

The Allaneans were also rather surprised at the great effectiveness of their attack. Clearly this was a great use of taxpayer money. They ordered another salvo - with two more Arsenal ships - now aimed at the installations of the Outer-Moderate Ring.
East Congaree
08-03-2009, 08:18
Off the Coast of Alaska

The missiles were fired off at the Lord Sumguy fleet.
Lord Sumguy
08-03-2009, 16:41
Off the Coast of Alaska

The missiles were fired off at the Lord Sumguy fleet.

OOC: These are harpoons, right? How many?
East Congaree
10-03-2009, 18:53
OOC: 1240 Harpoon missiles in total, I believe. Also, a lot of F-14Ds were headed towards your fleet.
10-03-2009, 19:00
OOC: ECongaree, you still owe me a response in the swamp thread.
10-03-2009, 21:58
OOC: Blah blah, generic missile spam, blah.

Combined Leistungi Fleets
Off the Coast of Magna Polis

Admiral Fuchs paced the bridge of his flagship and watched the viewscreen as hundreds of red blips appeared, representing Congarese missiles launched at the fleet’s Sumguaian allies. The fleet admirals had shared a chuckle over their secured video communications lines over the size and composition of the Congarese fleet, and as the capital ships neared firing range (some seven hundred kilometers for the Völkerfaust (, waves upon waves of navalized FA-15N ( fighters took to the skies, flying at high altitude and taking full advantage of the pathetically low number of carriers in the Congarese fleet as they fired off scores of AGM-200A+ Typhoon ( at the Congarese carriers and battleships.

The thousands of enemy patrol boats were completely ignored, as their 20mm peashooters and machine guns presented no real threat to anyone, though the Osa Class vessels were each targeted by Beherrscher ( battlecruisers and fired upon by Völkerfaust missiles. With the small size of the Osa considered, as well as the massive explosive power of the Völkerfaust, one missile should have been sufficient for each vessel, though more could of course be launched should some mishap occur.

Kill-groups of Leistungi destroyers and frigates, moving into attack range swiftly and under the cover of fighter air cover, fired off their complements of Bluebelly ( at the pitifully small amount of enemy destroyers and frigates, hopefully overwhelming their defenses with sheer numbers.
The Grand World Order
11-03-2009, 02:34
Outside of Magna Polis

Four T-212 Wolf Packs (20 subs spread out) were diverted to provide limited assistance against the Leistung fleet. They were going to see if they could sneak close enough to target the aircraft carriers with their delayed-action Shkvals, during which they would run off before the torpedoes began flying at the carriers.

They stealthily crept through the cold, dark waters of the Aleutians towards the Leistung fleet, turning their RADAR and sonar systems on only for very short pulses, and only one submarine would be using it. If they detected a carrier, they would peacefully push out a DAS (Delayed-Action Shkval, as anyone could guess) before rapidly heading away. The Shkval's guidance systems would then seek out the specified carrier. Of course, the T-212s had to actually detect a carrier first.

Outer-Moderate Ring

The Allaneans would find that the shootdown rate was better in the Outer-Moderate Ring, as the islands were more closely packed and could cover each other easily. Of the 2400 missiles, about 1600 were neutralized. This left 800 missiles left, which slammed into several of the Southern installations. The next Rings were each able to protect the other, so they wouldn't be as simply to neutralize.
11-03-2009, 09:59
The Allanean fleet remained in its formation - the escort craft in the front, protecting the more important carriers and Arsenal ships that remained to the rear. Anti-submarine helicopters were routinely launched from the escort craft, maintaining a 150-kilometer perimeter to the front and sides of the Allanean vessels, while similar aircraft launched from the carriers patrolled the rear.

In the meanwhile, the Arsenal ships continued their fierce bombardment. Now, a truly massive attack was launched, pursuing several goals at once. Three of the Arsenal ships launched their missiles against the Outer-Moderate ring, targeting it with a massive salvo of 3,600 missiles. Two more ships fired their salvo into the city itself. Their targets were government office buildings, public utilities and radio stations. The aim was simple – to kill as many Orderite bureaucrats as they could get their hands on while disrupting power, water, and communications in Magna Polis.

The Allaneans knew that such a launch would split the attention of the enemy air defense. It was likely the enemy would either sacrifice targets in the city city to protect the air defense grids, sacrifice parts of the air defense grid to protect the city, or split his attention and incur losses to both – and really, either of these suited the Allaneans just fine.

On the other hand, the arsenal ships were starting to run low on ammo.
Lord Sumguy
14-03-2009, 00:05
Off the Coast of Magna Polis:

Aboard the HSS Polemarch, Admiral Buckley of the Hegemonic International Defense Force could not help but laugh at the reports of incoming Congerese missiles. "That's it? That is all they are throwing at us?" As he stood watching, reports of damaged and sunk Sumguaian vessels were received. There were not many. Of the missiles fired, four hundred had not been shot down, and only a few dozen Sumguaian vessels had been damaged beyond use. After a short period of discussion with the admiral of the Abrahamic League's fleet, it was decided that the East Congarese attack would be responded to sixfold.

From the Sumguaian armada nearly eight thousand P-600 Sea Lion missiles were launched at the Congarese fleet as hundreds of aircraft took to the sky, their task being to mop up any remnants that survived the missile strike and destroy any possible incoming hostile aircraft.

____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________

OOC: specifics:

7500 P-600 Sea Lion ( missiles

600 F/A-18A's
480 F-35C's
415 B-103's


destroyed: 38 Type 36 Frigates, 6 Type 46 Destroyers, 18 Type 29 Destroyers, 1 Type 165 Cruiser

damaged: 5 Type 31 Destroyers, 26 Type 29 Destroyers, 57 Type 36 Frigates, 4 Type 46 Destroyers, 2 Type 47 destroyers, 2 Type 168 Cruisers, 1 Type 192 Cruiser

if you have any problem with this post EC, please inform me.
East Congaree
15-03-2009, 06:28
Off the Coast of Alaska

Without much of a contest, the East Congaree ships were sunk, and the F-14Ds were all brought down. East Congaree's new goal became defending its homeland.

To: The GWO Department of War

From: East Congaree Executive Office

The GWO government will need to send no less than 10,000 surface ships and innumerable ground forces and aircraft to East Congaree's Pacific Coast, if it wishes for its ally to continue on in the war effort. Failing to reach this requirement will ultimately result in East Congaree signing peace agreements with the invading powers.

-Reginald Deere
15-03-2009, 11:38
OOC: EC, you still need to respond to my post in the Swamp thread.
The Northern Baltic
18-03-2009, 04:48
Off Of GWO
The blockade had been, up to this point, quiet. The stealthy Longboat Class ships held their positions with minimal communication between them and, although helicopter and fighter recon were being sent off constantly, actual ship to ship communications were kept on a necessary basis.

Then the order came. Red lights went off in the command ships of squadrons all around the blockade. Sirens cried and hydraulics whined into positions. As the ships moved to ready status, the submarines set up a perimeter in front of the ships. Supplemented by anti-submarine and anti-air patrols, any hostile submarine that came within range would be destroyed once spotted. No questions asked.

Then, with an enormous fury, a total of 6,000 Raduha Kh-555s ( launched from various ships, heading at coastal emplacements, power plants, and substations. Another 3,000 Kh-555 missiles prepared to fire after, concentrating primarily on surviving coastal emplacements, but also were prepared to concentrate on military bases and supply depots.
18-03-2009, 22:00
(Sorry for the crappy first post I'm just in a rush. For now here is the ORBAT.
This is about 60% of my entire Northern Pacific Fleets so its huge.

Pearl Harbor, Ralkovian Territory of Hawaii


United Naval Fleets of Hawaii (2-15)

6 Vegas Dreadnoughts
8 Nimitz Carriers
60 Arleigh Burkley destroyers
100 Kuznetsov Carriers
1000 Manticore Cruisers
300 Shadow harbor landing vessels
6000 Modified Type-22 Destroyers
50 Virginia class submarine

Air Escort
2800 Su-27 “Flanker”
200 F-20 “Tiger Shark”
200 Dassault Rafale
2 E-2 Hawkeye

Landing Force
1.3 million Death Guard
500 Earth III tanks
400 Linebacker APCs
1000 Piv-30 APC
100 Td-7 Self-Propelled gun
600 MCA-7E Ubara Tirak MBT
600 U-3A2 MBT)
The Grand World Order
20-03-2009, 02:31
Magna Polis, Strategic-wise

The Outer-Moderate Ring was completely wasted; why the Allaneans had sent so many missiles after them was beyond most people's thoughts. Inside the city, most of the missiles sent had been shot down by the remaining rings. The remaining ones were scarce enough that the Emergency Defense System wasn't fired. All of the radio stations and most public utilities were privately owned; the GWO was Capitalist, after all. Very much so, actually.

There were, of course, government office buildings, quite a few of them. Most of them were Registration Centers or an occasional CCU Station.

The attack from the TNB had been largely unsuccessful. The KH-55s they had launched were simply slow as all hell. They were no match for the kinetic kill projectiles, counter-missiles, and even standard CIWS systems of the Rings.

Random Park in Magna Polis

A rather decently sized group had swarmed into a park. In the center was a bunker, built before the current situation. An Army Captain stood on top of it, holding his M14, immediately surrounded by a few Lieutenants. He was one of the many GWO citizens with a Scottish "Drunkard" accent, which was coupled with his "Bottle o' scrumpeh" (Scrumpy) dangling from his belt in a cliche sort of fashion. He was making various cracks at the invaders before the crowds would respond with cheers, jeers, and overall hatred of anything that was Leftist. City-wise, lynchings had begun against Leftists (Note that Leftism is not illegal in the GWO; however, it is tricky to practice such ideas without breaking other laws) and several buildings had been set on fire accidentally during mass flag-burnings. Suicide vests were being produced in the homes of Civilian Militia members, for sale to those who were willing to kill themselves for the Order. Many houses had an assault rifle or some other "large" weapon, being rented out to those who couldn't afford to have their own armories. Just about every single house had a handgun; this was simply because handguns were the most favored form of self-protection in the GWO.

A television news crew had begun filming the gathering in the park.

"Ya know, I think I'm tired of how this citeh seems blue in colouh. I think we should paint it! Yar, we should paint it red! We oughta splatter all their glam jam in ta the streets! Yar, that's tha way to do et!"

He continued rambling on in his drunk Scottish ways before getting boozed to the point where he fired a rifle shot in the air before a group of Federal Guardsmen dragged him off the bunker. When this happened, the crowd erupted with laughter, lightening the mood a bit. The citizens of Magna Polis had a fire in their eyes, a hot blue fire of pure patriotism.

This was seen across the city; the large-screen televisions the government had placed essentially everywhere were constantly shouting propaganda and what to do in the coming fight against the "Evil Left-wing forces spawned from Hell itself!" and why they were needed in the fight.
20-03-2009, 12:58
The Allanean cheered at their own success, seemingly oblivious to the incredible waste of their missiles. They could aim at their new target now – and it had now been decided to shoot the bastards and get it 'the hell over with'. Of the eleven remaining Arsenal ships, six fired their entire naval bombardment payload at the various defense rings – 3,600 fired at the Moderate, 3,600 at the Inner, and 3,600 at the Inner-Moderate Defenses of the city.

But this was not everything. From the Allanean mainland,five global-range Starbolt ballistic missiles were fired at the center of the city. They were not capable of carrying their full payload in this modification, but as they descended, they still carried thousands of fifty-kilogram thermite incendiary bombs, encased in special re-entry casings – 30 tons of bombs each. As they re-entered, they would open up and drop out 3,000 of these bombs on the unsuspecting city, starting 5000-degree fires and causing civilian casualties.... or they would distract the air defense system from putting down a far more important threat - the salvo of Allanean Tomahawks.
21-03-2009, 03:30
"This is the HRM Vegas Dreadnought the Kalypso of Ralkovian Leviathan Fleet. We are aiming to land troops and tanks to help the defense of Magna Polis. Where shall we begin landing," Ralkovian admiral Okinu Getsin spoke out contacting the spire. The fleet was only a hundred or so nautical miles away from the enemy fleets. However that was not the main fleet merely a decoy, a huge force of over 5600 Type 22 Destroyers, 10 Kuznetsov carriers, 2 Nimitz Carriers, and 3 Vegas Dreadnoughts.

The real landing fleet lay on the other side preparing to rush through the enemy fleet. The plan was simple, the decoy fleet would create as much noise as possible while the small and scattered landing fleet slipped past hopefully unnoticed. Okinu Getsin, the admiral of the decoy fleet was in fact a convict who had been promised freedom if he survived. Over 2 million convicts made up the decoy fleet and most had been sentenced to death but had been promised pardon if they should undertake this vital mission for the security of their nation.

Several of the convicts on the bridge gulped and gripped the aging steel of the Type 22s. These boats had been commission almost 5 decades ago and now they had been amassed and sent to their deaths. The type-22 had lost its role as the primary destroyer of ralkovia almost 20 years ago and had been used as coast guard or as the primary anti-pirate force of Ralkovia's african and asian colonies. Now the type-22 would be replaced in that role with the less older type-23 which numbered almost 3000. While the type-22 had ensured ralkovian naval supremacy it was a time honored tradition to 'scrap' a ship by sending it into battle for a final hurrah.

That had been the case for the HRM Historia and her thousands of compatriots of the Type-22 fleet. Each ship now steamed ahead aiming to puncture the enemy blockade of Magna Polis.

As the ships began to reach full speed the Ralkovian War Anthem ( began to play on the loudspeakers of every ship. The sound of millions of marching feet transformed into a classical music as the words began to ring out.

Truth and hope in our Fatherland!
And death to every foe!
Our soldiers shall not pause to rest
We vow our loyalty

Old traditions they will abide
Arise young heroes!
Our past inspires noble deeds
All Hail Ralkovia!

Immortal beacon shows the way
Step forth, seek glory!
Hoist your swords high into the clouds
Hail Ralkovia!

Our Emperors stand astride this world
They’ll vanquish every foe!
Their truth and justice shine so bright
All hail their brilliant light!

Never will they be overthrown
Like mountains and sea
The bloodline immortal and pure
All Hail Ralkovia!

So let their wisdom guide our way
Go forth and seek glory
Hoist your swords high into the clouds
Hail Ralkovia!
The Grand World Order
23-03-2009, 02:50
The Allanean cheered at their own success, seemingly oblivious to the incredible waste of their missiles. They could aim at their new target now – and it had now been decided to shoot the bastards and get it 'the hell over with'. Of the eleven remaining Arsenal ships, six fired their entire naval bombardment payload at the various defense rings – 3,600 fired at the Moderate, 3,600 at the Inner, and 3,600 at the Inner-Moderate Defenses of the city.

But this was not everything. From the Allanean mainland,five global-range Starbolt ballistic missiles were fired at the center of the city. They were not capable of carrying their full payload in this modification, but as they descended, they still carried thousands of fifty-kilogram thermite incendiary bombs, encased in special re-entry casings – 30 tons of bombs each. As they re-entered, they would open up and drop out 3,000 of these bombs on the unsuspecting city, starting 5000-degree fires and causing civilian casualties.... or they would distract the air defense system from putting down a far more important threat - the salvo of Allanean Tomahawks.

Magna Polis Defense Rings

The Moderate Ring had taken the most damage, with 75% of it being obliterated in defense of the rings closer to the city, which suffered relatively minor damage.

Several groups of anti-Missile ships made their way out to reinforce the remaining rings.

As for the Starbolts, the GWO's massive satellite systems quickly targeted the ICBMs as they got high enough off of the ground. Lasers, kinetic kill munitions, and anti-missile missiles began swarming the Starbolts, theoretically before they even left the space above Allanea.

Meanwhile, encrypted coordinates were being sent to the Ralkovians, pointing out where to go, et cetera.

((OOC: Shitty post, I know.))
23-03-2009, 14:25
[OOC: Obviously my troops don't know the fleet is a decoy]

As the Ralkovian Type-22s were detected approaching the allied fleets, it became obvious to the Allaneans what was going on: the enemy was getting fast attack ships into range! A missile attack was imminent! Something had to be done!

Immediately, Allanean attack aircraft were scrambled. A fleet of light bombers took to the air. It was not immense in number – 500 bombers, ten EW and fifty fighter aircraft, armed with air-to-air missiles. They screamed off into the distance.

As they closed in, they performed the usual evasive maneuvers, launching several hundred decoys. To enemy RADAR it would surely appear as if hundreds of B-52s appeared out of the thin air and were now speeding towards the enemy, obscuring the smaller craft with their giant RADAR shadows.

EW craft started 'screaming' in the RADAR and radio bandwidth of the Ralkovian fleet, blotting out enemy attempts to communicate. Those who turned on a radio aboard the Type 22 ships were destined to hear rather simple music instead.

She's into superstitions, black cats and voodoo dolls.
I feel a premonition that girl's gonna make me fall.

The Allanean bombers cut loose with their weaponry – AS-58 anti-ship missiles, five per plane – 2,500 in total, aimed at the Type 22 boats.

She's into new sensations, new kicks in the candle light.
She's got a new addiction for every day and night.

And now, the last remaining Arsenal ship – the one with 600 Tomahawk Anti-Ship Missiles – emptied its remaining armament at the enemy fleet's ships. The EW fleets provided target designation to it – it and the other ships of the Allanean fleet. From the cruisers and the fast attack ships, 1920 P972 anti-ship missiles took to the air, aimed at the surviving enemy vessels. But it was the Parish class nuclear destroyers who delivered the most devastating blow. They carried 49 Tomahawk Anti-Ship Missiles each, enabling a salvo of 4,500 missiles. In total, there would be
almost two missiles per enemy ship.

Hopefully, the Ralkovian CIWS systems weren't too advanced…

* * *

Classified Message, to all allied commanders, tightbeam, encrypted

Satellite recon confirms that we have whittled down the enemy's air defenses. Only the two innermost rings of air defense now remain completely functional. If it is possible for you to concentrate your firepower upon these, then we will soon be able to commence air strikes on Magna Polis.

Yours in Liberty,

Marshal Shinji Watanabe,
Commander of Army Group Magna Polis.
East Congaree
24-03-2009, 05:53
Off the Coast of Guaymas, East Congaree

The East Congaree navy had a simple goal: relieve the Grand World Order by launching an invasion of an enemy that was particpating in operations against the GWO at Magna Polis. Leistung was the perfect target, with it being much smaller than East Congaree. Quickly, a hellish force was thrown together to batter Leistung, and knock it out of the war. If the operation failed, the East Congaree navy would cease to be an effective fighting force. With that, Operation Southern Might commenced.

Task Force Crescent City

500 Iowa Class Battleships

500 Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers

200 Ohio Class Submarines

1500 Whiskey Class Submarines

2000 Osa Class Missile boats, stored in larger ships

3000 Jianghu-I class frigates

40 Kashin Class Destroyers

100 Sovermenny Class Destroyers

10,000 Pontoon Boats armed with a single 12.7mm machine gun, stored in larger ships (Freedom Party National Naval Defense Militia)

500 Barges armed with a 5 inch deck gun and a Styx Missile (Freedom Party National Naval Defense Militia)

5000 Fremantle Class Patrol Boats

5000 Armidale Class Patrol Boats

1,000,000 East Congaree infantrymen

500 Divine Tiger Infantry Killer Tanks

4000 T-55 Tanks

2000 T-34 Tanks

100 T-62 tanks

10,000 Technicals, armed with 12.7mm machine guns

5000 3 Inch Artillery Guns

2000 5 Inch Artillery Guns

1000 Buk SAM systems

5000 12.7mm AA guns

1000 20mm AA guns

1000 Katyusha missile trucks

Tons of Refueling and resupply ships
24-03-2009, 20:47
OOC: Hang on, you're attacking my homeland, despite claiming that GWO must send forces to your country, lest you be completely destroyed? And I don't even warrant a new thread?!?! *cries*

It's okay by me, but don't you think this should be separate?
New Greston
25-03-2009, 00:09

Official Communiqué
Alliance of Maritime Nations

To: Grand Commander Griffith II of The Fascist Federation of The Grand World Order
CC: President Evan Bachmeier of The Federal Republic of Leistung, Empress Mary Basset of The Holy Empire of Lord Sumguy
From: Office of President
Subject: Alliance of Maritime Nation's Official Stance

There comes a time in every mans life when it is vital that he sees through with something he began. As a man of principles, I feel that it is necesary to finish what you have started in order to maintain a peaceful state of mind; in order for me to do so, I feel that unless the Imperial Republic helps put an end to an era of violence and war mongering within the Grand World Order, I have not been fulfilled.

The Imperial Republic has found itself through tough times while involved with the Oceanic Defence Coalition. On an Earth where two world power alliance blocs cannot come together to unite against a common enemy, chaos can only ensue. For AMNAT to prosper, for ODECON to prosper, for the world to prosper, our two alliances must be able to unite together, without our petty differences coming in between.

In a act of good faith, the Imperial Republic, backed by AMNAT and the Alliance of Maritime Nations Military (AMNAM), wishes to extend a helping hand and lend support until a surrender is issued by the Grand World Order.

The Rt. Hon. Sir Jerry Striker
President of the Imperial Republic of Greston
Acting President of the Alliance of Maritime Nations


The troops will be landing in three waves after the naval section helps with the bombarding. First too land will be the 1st Ryouese-Grestonian Commonwealth Army, then the 1st Army, then the 2nd Army.

Land Section
1st Army (2nd Wave)
--3rd Heavy Imperial Union Brigade (11,200)
--114th Imperial Standard Division (10,500)
--115th Imperial Standard Division (11,000)
--112th Imperial Light Infantry Brigade (10,000)
--7th Imperial Heavy Armor Brigade (10,500)
--8th Imperial Heavy Armor Brigade (10,500)
--12th Imperial Mobile Infantry Division (7,700 Mechanized)
--13th Imperial Mobile Infantry Division (8,500 Mechanized)
--1st Imperial Infantry Brigade (8,500)
--2nd Imperial Infantry Brigade (8,500)
--29th Imperial Engineering Battalion (750)
--30th Imperial Engineering Battalion (750)
--19th Imperial Heavy Artillery Brigade (5,000)
--20th Imperial Heavy Artillery Brigade (5,000)
--23rd Imperial Airbourne Infantry Brigade (7,000)
--11th Imperial Special Services Brigade (2,000)
--112,000 Mixed Logistical Services
Subtotal: 214,400
The Rt. Hon. Field Marshal Sir Richard Baugchet

2nd Army (3rd Wave)
--23rd Heavy Imperial Union Brigade (11,200)
--154th Imperial Standard Division (10,500)
--155th Imperial Standard Division (11,000)
--156th Imperial Light Infantry Brigade (10,000)
--9th Imperial Heavy Armor Brigade (10,500)
--10th Imperial Heavy Armor Brigade (10,500)
--14th Imperial Mobile Infantry Division (7,700 Mechanized)
--15th Imperial Mobile Infantry Division (8,500 Mechanized)
--3rd Imperial Infantry Brigade (8,500)
--4th Imperial Infantry Brigade (8,500)
--28th Imperial Engineering Battalion (750)
--31st Imperial Engineering Battalion (750)
--20th Imperial Heavy Artillery Brigade (5,000)
--21st Imperial Heavy Artillery Brigade (5,000)
--25th Imperial Airbourne Infantry Brigade (7,000)
--13th Imperial Special Services Brigade (2,000)
--112,000 Mixed Logistical Services
Subtotal: 214,400
Field Marshal Edward C. Barkin

3rd Army (Reserve)
--8th Heavy Imperial Union Brigade (11,200)
--119th Imperial Standard Division (10,500)
--120th Imperial Standard Division (11,000)
--121st Imperial Light Infantry Brigade (10,000)
--122nd Imperial Light Infantry Brigade (10,000)
--123rd Imperial Light Infantry Brigade (10,500)
--124th Imperial Light Infantry Brigade (11,000)
--125th Imperial Light Infantry Brigade (10,500)
--126th Imperial Light Infantry Brigade (11,000)
--127th Imperial Light Infantry Brigade (10,000)
--128th Imperial Light Infantry Brigade (10,500)
--9th Imperial Heavy Armor Brigade (10,500)
--10th Imperial Heavy Armor Brigade (10,500)
--14th Imperial Mobile Infantry Division (7,700 Mechanized)
--15th Imperial Mobile Infantry Division (8,500 Mechanized)
--5th Imperial Infantry Brigade (8,500)
--6th Imperial Infantry Brigade (8,500)
--7th Imperial Infantry Brigade (8,500)
--8th Imperial Infantry Brigade (8,500)
--9th Imperial Infantry Brigade (8,500)
--10th Imperial Infantry Brigade (8,500)
--31st Imperial Engineering Battalion (750)
--32nd Imperial Engineering Battalion (750)
Subtotal: 259,900
Field Marshal Charles Dalton

1st Ryouese-Grestonian Commonwealth Army (per contract we put together when he became my colony)
--1st Ryouese Commonwealth Imperial Officer Brigade (5,000)
--1st Ryouese Imperial Standard Division (10,500)
--2nd Ryouese Imperial Standard Division (11,000)
--3rd Ryouese Imperial Light Infantry Brigade (10,000)
--4th Ryouese Imperial Light Infantry Brigade (10,000)
--5th Ryouese Imperial Light Infantry Brigade (10,500)
--6th Ryouese Imperial Light Infantry Brigade (11,000)
--7th Ryouese Imperial Light Infantry Brigade (10,500)
--8th Ryouese Imperial Light Infantry Brigade (11,000)
--9th Ryouese Imperial Light Infantry Brigade (10,000)
--10th Ryouese Imperial Light Infantry Brigade (10,500)
--11th Ryouese Imperial Light Infantry Brigade (10,500)
--13th Ryouese Imperial Light Infantry Brigade (10,500)
--14th Ryouese Imperial Light Infantry Brigade (10,500)
--15th Ryouese Imperial Light Infantry Brigade (10,500)
--16th Ryouese Imperial Light Infantry Brigade (10,500)
--17th Ryouese Imperial Light Infantry Brigade (10,500)
--18th Ryouese Imperial Light Infantry Brigade (10,500)
--19th Ryouese Imperial Light Infantry Brigade (10,500)
--20th Ryouese Imperial Light Infantry Brigade (10,500)
--1st Ryouese Imperial Heavy Armor Brigade (10,500)
--2nd Ryouese Imperial Heavy Armor Brigade (10,500)
--1st Ryouese Imperial Mobile Infantry Division (7,700 Mechanized)
--2nd Ryouese Imperial Mobile Infantry Division (8,500 Mechanized)
--1st Ryouese Imperial Infantry Brigade (8,500)
--2nd Ryouese Imperial Infantry Brigade (8,500)
--3rd Ryouese Imperial Infantry Brigade (8,500)
--4th Ryouese Imperial Infantry Brigade (8,500)
--5th Ryouese Imperial Infantry Brigade (8,500)
--6th Ryouese Imperial Infantry Brigade (8,500)
--1st Ryouese Imperial Engineering Battalion (750)
--2nd Ryouese Imperial Engineering Battalion (750)
--112,000 Mixed Logistical Services
Subtotal: 289,200
Field Marshal Miroku Nabishin

Total: 2,089,900 (including logistics)
The Rt. Hon. Field Marshal Sir Isaac Colmera II

Naval Section:
--1x Davidson Class BBG
--3x Hauptstadt Class CVN
--5x Longsword Class FF
--7x Reprisal Class DDG
--2x Houston Class CLG
--5x Sovereign Class CGN
--7x Type 90 Mako A Class SSK
--6x Falken Class DDG
--2x Paladin Class SSGN
--4x Warhammer Class FF
--1x Guardian Class DDG
--3x Acheron Class DDG
--16x Seastabber Class DDG
--15x Hermin Class CLG
--2x Mercy Class Hospital Ships
--24x Fleet Replenishment and Supply Ships of Various designation
Subtotal: 77 Warships
Total: 103 Vessels
The Rt. Hon. Admiral Sir Riley Nigel Cradock
25-03-2009, 00:32
Off the Coast of Fighter4u

Under moonless cloudly dark sky a huge armada was afloat upon the open seas. Numbering in the thousands it was considered the biggest fleet that fighter4u has ever launched and its formation had taken months due to all the planning and preperations. Numberous fleets have been combined to create this huge fleet and so not to tip off enemies satellites monitoring fighter4u naval ports. The fleets had to slowly slip off in small parts over a period of a month as it was replaced with dummey ships, hollow hunks of steel that were contructed to fool any watchful analyzer.

The armada was led by only the most experiened and bravest men and its plan was quite simple. To break the Magna Polis bloackade.


75x Nimitz Class Carriers
55x Kittyhawk Class Carriers
30x HMS Ocean (L12) Class Helicopter Carriers
345x Ticonderoga AEGIS Class Ships
40x Los Angeles Class Submarines
420x Seawolf Class Submarines
575x Arleigh Burke Class Guided Missile Destroyers
575x Ticonderoga Class Guided Missile Cruisers
645x Halifax Class Frigates
720x Iowa Class Battleships
600,000 Fighter Marines

Carrier Aircraft:
12000x F-35 Lightning IIs (
3025x AV8B Harrier IIs (
100x E-2D Hawkeyes
100x EA-6B Prowlers
100x ES-3 Shadows

Carrier Helicopters:
250x NHI NH90s (
220x MH-60R Seahawk
220x Bell AH-1Z Viper
220x MH-53E Sea Dragon
220x CH-46 Sea Knight
220x SH-60F/HH-60H ASW helicopters

Sliently this fleet did sail towards the Grand World Order. But they were not the only guardians that would soon come marching to the Grand World Order aid. For above in the skies angels joined together in a glorious dance of mid air refueling. Soon the enemy would know fear. Soon they would litter the bottom of ocean. Their warships shall become their graves.
East Congaree
25-03-2009, 01:40
To: All Governments Attacking Magna Polis

From: East Congaree Executive Office

The government of East Congaree expresses its desire to attain peace with the parties fighting the GWO. East Congaree will withdraw from the Imperial Fascist Alliance, pay 500 billion dollars to each government, and contribute forces to fighting the GWO.

-Reginald Deere
25-03-2009, 01:45
To: All Governments Attacking Magna Polis

From: East Congaree Executive Office

The government of East Congaree expresses its desire to attain peace with the parties fighting the GWO. East Congaree will withdraw from the Imperial Fascist Alliance, pay 500 billion dollars to each government, and contribute forces to fighting the GWO.

-Reginald Deere

OOC: A excause to go nuclear!! :D
New Greston
25-03-2009, 02:11
[OOC: I'm gonna take a little liberties with this, F4U, by the way, if possible, stop on by MSN.]

12:37 PM GCT, GMNS Ares
Nearing Magna Polis Waters, International Waters

The Rt. Hon. Admiral Sir Riley Nigel Cradock stood in the conning tower's deck, deep in thought. The sky was bright, the seas calm and the sea life energetic. A few feet off to his side, a pod of dolphins swam in the wake of his massive superdreadnought, jumping occasionally. It was a beautiful scene, and for a time it made the 50 year old fleet commander forget that he was aboard one of His Excellency's Imperial Navy's finest ships, and that that fleet was partaking in war on a global scale. It was rare for a ship to go straight into enemy lines, even in peacetime, and Cradock took in the sights with a mix of happiness and melancholy. It was true, Ares' defenses were top notch, but even still he knew not when he would see the Grestonian home again, or even if he would.

It had been two years since he had used his famous Ode to Joy battle tune to turn the massive Ryouese Invasion fleet into little other than scrap metal at the bottom of the ocean. A lot had changed for him and Greston as a country since then. Cradock's fleet was transporting the soldiers of a country he had once fought against valiantly. The surface fleet, dubbed by the parading citizens as it steamed off six monthes earlier as the Liberator Fleet, was lacking compared to the other fleets Cradock had commanded before hand.

Air suppourt was lacking, above the fleet, the air suppourt was to be supplied by the blockade already in progess. The Rt. Hon. Field Marshal Sir Richard Baugchet, leader of the 1st Army, had decided that air crafts weren't necesary for the Order's Navy near Magna Polis had already been wiped out and air crafts grounded, he also felt it wouldn't be necesary to straf the lines of the fascists on the islands.

Unknown to Cradock, this would leave the Liberator Fleet at a great disadvantage. It wasn't until an hour after noon when Cradock came accross a small portion of the F4U Fleet Deployment. Shortly after the fleets find, an Officers meeting was called on the deck of the Ares.

A timid sweat broke out upon Cradock's face as he was told of how horrible a death his fleet would face were they to push on. But Cradock attempted to remain his robust self when faced with such a tragic future.

"There is only one logical thing to do in a case like this; we must first off inform the Magna Polis Blockade Patrol about such a large fleet coming up, and then turn tail and run," insisted Vice Rear Admiral Johnathon Priest

Instantaneously the rest of the officers agreed with Vice Rear Admiral Priest's in put. It was the logical explanation and the one that would help them to survive. Cradock, however, remained silent for a majority of the talks, letting his lower ranking officers squabble so that they could do what they felt would help them survive.

Shortly before they were ready to get up and inform the rest of the fleet, Cradock was asked for his opinion. He look at Vice Rear Admiral Priest, his wild eyes blazing, there was no telling what he could imagine in his sadistic, moody mind.

Cradock opened his mouth slowly, "Quite frankly, we can't turn around now."

2:23 PM GCT, Capitol Hill
Easen, Greston

Out side a busy capital of somewhat cheery Grestonians bustled loudly. However inside the room, dubbed The Tank by the cabinet which met there, an eerie silence crept over the audience as they stared blankly at the President. The ever aging president, all of fifty - two years old, looked as if he was sixty. Fours years of the five year term of being President of the Imperial Republic had dragged him through seven different alliances, two world wars, and an uncountable number of small wars and rifts.

The President's aging process had mutiplyed by two. But that wasn't what kept the Cabinet staring blankly at him. Raising her hand timidly, the coloured Minister of Agriculture spoke up, "Um, sir, Mr. President, you are seriously requesting to have us agree on a short term proposal to deploy a total of 1,000 ships to help combat the fascist naval presence near Magna Polis?"

Instead of staring back blankly for a three minutes Striker answered swiftly, as if they couldn't waste a second before deploying, "Yes, this isn't an entirely ridiculous request however, Mrs. Marie. Look back on at our history and you'll notice that the Leocardian's sent a much larger fleet, the Great World Fleet you'll recall? We could easily pull it together, we can drag all of the deployed ships from the area and merge them into a temporary fleet, The Great Seatop Fleet."

Striker clicked his remote and the projector turned on, showing pictures of different classes of ships with a number next to them. Then he scrolled down and showed the number of each ship within the estimated area.

"The Colonial Madagascaran Navy can supply a good number of old Seastabbers, Hermins, and Irondecks. All of the patrols we can add together equal close to 300 alone. There are still patrols coming back from the Ryouese - Congareen Tea Wars. Whatever is left needed to bring the total to 1,000 we can deploy in less than a week. If needed, they'll meet up with Cradock's fleet and fend off the F4U fleet."

Striker's plan, however ludicrous, was possible. As it was carried out shortly after the Cabinet left The Tank.

6:45 AM GCT, GMNS Ares
Nearing Magna Polis Waters, International Waters

Ships were pouring in, mainly older Iowa classes, Hermin Class CLG's, Seastabber Class DDG's, Irondeck Class DDG's, and the works. There was an international fleet numbering near the two hundred's and counting by seven in the morning. The waiting time was used to notify near by allied fleets about the F4U fleet.
25-03-2009, 02:21
[OOC: I'm gonna take a little liberties with this, F4U, by the way, if possible, stop on by MSN.]

OOC: I'm hiding offline on msn now. |Bakes the first letter in the name. Shoot me a message I got a surpise for you too.
25-03-2009, 21:12
The Ralkovian decoy fleet was in all words,"Fucked."

If destruction could be conjured into an image this would be it. At least 80% of the decoy fleet was destroyed before it could even respond. Type-22's, their burning carcasses littered the ocean like sea shells littered the beach. The smell of burning fuel mixed with the smell of cooking explosives. In many ships still standing secondary explosions went off turning the former Grand Naval Fleet Of 1980 into the largest display of death.

Men screamed as they lept into the water in an attempt to get away from the fire however the freezing water was as deadly as any flame and hot piercing metal would open the men's skin. Those who stayed on the ships do to wounds or the inability to swim were burned alive. Of course these men were convicts that had been given the death penalty so the government had offered them a choice.

Some men were lucky enough to fire flares and send signals for help some luckier men dragged mattress's from the ship and threw them overboard. The plastic mattress's floated and the men began to use them like life rafts.

With the decoy fleet doing its job it was the landing fleet with its advanced systems that allowed it to make it to the beaches of Magna Polis. The modified shadow harbors capable of pulling right onto shore. Their human cargo spilled out into the once burgeoning metropolis that was eerily empty except for the fighting men of GWO. Civilians were nestled safely in the inner rings and in bomb shelters. The Ralkovians emptied the tanks, APCs, and artilleries of their ships. However these were no normal ralkovians, these were the death guard and they were under the direct orders of the Empress.

(Hope this is okay)
East Congaree
25-03-2009, 23:49
All the while, East Congaree hadn't officially left the IFA. It would not do so until other nations ratified peace treaties with East Congaree.

Along the East Coast of East Congaree

The task force readied for an invasion of Leistung was now told to head to off the coast of Maine for an unspecified operation.
26-03-2009, 05:50
Skies off of Magna Polis shore
4:07 AM GST

The enemy fleet hadn't been hard to locate. They were transmitting enough radio communications and heat to power a small city. Never less it was the job of the lumbering Tu-95RTs to find and identity the high valued targets within the enemy fleets so that a follow up could be made within the hour by advancing bombers. The Bear-Ds climbed from the tips of the ocean waves and their sensors reached out across the hundreds of miles as they used the enemy radar,aircrafts and SAMs to pinpoint where they were and read the enemy defensive networks to find the best place to attack. The information received would be transmitted back to the attack force so the enemy radar and defensive systems could be jammed and their capital ships could be target accurately enough to wound or destroy the majority of them.

After recording the information they needed the bombers quickly dived back down to escape any enemy radars and quickly headed for a friendly near by base.

On the way back several Bears-D picked up intense communications from a previously unknown enemy fleet. They recorded the information and passed it on to the fleet. The fleet would be dealt with when it was time.

4:21 PM GST, Carrier Sunshine
Near Magna Polis Waters,

Overall Commander Admiral Blakewater was busy scanning incoming reports and throwing away the endless stream of Flash messages that were pouring in. He remarked to himself, "Its seems like we have quite the target rich environment here"

"That we do Admiral," replied Admiral Husher coming out of nowhere. "Intel reports that the enemy fleets are yet unaware of our approach. With any luck we shall be able to sandwich the enemy between us and Magna Polis. With GWO land based aircraft and missiles and our might we shall crush them like a beetle between cement and a soldier jackboot."

"Excellent then. I assume that the plan is working so far?"

"Yes, but we can have a new problem. It seems the Bears-D on their way back from Magna Polis spotted enemy fleet carrying reinforcements for a invasion. Judging by the intense communications recorded I believe they have spotted us and are in a panic as what to do."

"Very well then, send the seawolves and harriers to deal with this fleet. Right now those our glorious first strike is about to land."

Skies off of Magna Polis
5:01 AM GST

After a nearly twenty-seven hour flight and two mid-air refueling along the way the Fighter4u Air Strike Force was rapidly approaching their targets. Numbering well into the ten thousand, F-35 Lightning IIs took off from their carriers and climbed above the bombers to link up with the thousands of F-22 Raptors that were already jettisoning their empty external stores of fuel for the upcoming fight. These fighters would provide top cover and protection for the squadrons of Bears and B-52H Stratofortress bombers that would attack en-mass the enemy fleets. While at the same time providing fighter protection for the three hundred E-2D Hawkeyes,EA-6B Prowlers and ES-3 Shadows who job would be to jam the enemy radar,communications and direct the air battle.

Then one/third of the Prowlers and Shadows switched on and began their electronic jamming of the enemy fleets using spot jamming or base jamming to jam the most common radar frequencies and knock out the enemy fleet long range radar and make them useless and very hard to burn through while the rest worked together to shut down as many other frequencies as possible using sweep and barrage jamming. Such heavy jamming would make the enemy fleets radars unworkable unless they kept on switching frequencies as much as possible which would be hard as so much would be jammed well knocking out the long range radars by jamming the long range directly and such hiding from the enemy fleets the full horror of what was about to be unleash. Heck even if they somehow saw it they probably think most of it are decoys or defensive jamming. Which some of it was.

As the range quickly fell between the bombers and the ships the first hundreds wave of bombers fired their full load of Kh-55SM cruise missiles at the enemy Frigates/Destroyers/Longboats/Ring ships.At the speed of 3000+ km at subsonic speeds, flying under 110 m the missiles would be hard to hit. With the memory of the missile already program to remember where it target is. It would have a very high degree of accuracy and be almost impossible to fool. Nearly 12000 cruise missiles were fired to destroy the enemy fleets ring ships. Or about 3 missiles per ship. Then quickly afterwards the Stratofortress bombers fired 10200 AGM-129 ACM cruise missiles to target the inner ring of the enemy fleets(any surviving escort ships/battlecruisers//suriving longboats or carriers) and destroy the main core of the fleet. These missiles with a low radar cross section and able to be fired at a high or low attitude to spilt up the enemy defense/ Altogether if the first wave took out most of their targets this wave would equal to about seven missiles per ship.

Lastly but not least the finally wave of Tu-22M Blackfires would now be within 300km of the remaining enemy fleet and over 2400 Raduga Kh-22M anti-ship missiles. With a max speed of Mach 2 it would be fired in high-altitude mode and climb to an altitude of 27,000 m and make a high-speed dive into the carriers, with a terminal speed of about Mach 3.4.

If anything remained a few hundred fighters carried harpoons missiles to quicken the sinking of any ships. And the Los Angeles Class Submarines launched Harpoon and Tomahawks missiles to destroy anything still somehow left floating.

When this attack was over the Raptors and some Lightings would escort the bombers back to base and away from danger.

Near Greston Fleet
6:03 AM GST

The three hundred AV-8B Harrier II planes backed by AEW planes approach the Greston fleet and after noticing the huge increase of ships fired off 2100 AGM-84 Harpoon missiles at the enemy fleet as they targeted the landing crafts. Meanwhile seawolf submarines approach silently and fired over 520 Mk-48 torpedoes at the enemy ships. While over a hundred other seawolfs left the area and from a net of subs to hunt other Greston ships looking to link up with their main fleet.
26-03-2009, 12:52
OOC: FWIW, East Congaree just posted a message to the IFA saying he's leaving in the other thread. Also this is my reaction to East Congaree's surrender right here (


This is Army Radio, Liberty-City. As of 12:00 today, the East Congarese have surrendered to us. Operation Chlorine is complete. Victory has been accomplished without any casualties on that front, and we will now be able to…

Everywhere across the Allanean fleet, the hearts of men had been filled with new purpose and the sense of victory. They knew now that one of their foes has been defeated, and that their enemy in the Grand World Order had now been even worse outnumbered than before. Victory, sweet victory was about to be theirs.

And it seemed that they were scoring another one upon the Pacific seas as thousands of Ralkovian ships were plunging into the briny deep. From the once-mighty enemy navy, only about a thousand ships remained afloat – and the Allaneans were going to finish them off.

The strike bombers were rearmed and refueled and sent out again, now in even greater numbers – 300 planes with 200 fighter escorts were sent out to smash up the survivors.

This was a simple matter – almost like an exercise.

The Allaneans came in, firing their AS-58 missiles from near-maximum range. Each of the bombers fired off five of the rockets, and the fighters launched two each – a total of almost two rockets per target.

As they returned, they noted that hundreds and thousands of men were still afloat upon the surface of the sea, clinging to life preservers and rubber mattresses as their one and only hope.

"Mother, this is Omega. I am spotting lots of tangos, floating on the surface. You know, with rubber boats and stuff. Requesting permission to open fire, over."

"Omega, this Mother. Use standard protocols for comms, please. DO NOT, repeat DO NOT open fire, over."

Minutes later, several SAR helicopters took off from the Allanean fleet, heading out to the former location of the enemy navy. Their mission was to pick up several Ralkovians under the guise of 'humanitarian rescue'.

The true reason was, of course, different.

But as far the Ralkovian crewmen were concerned, there were helicopters hovering low above the ocean, throwing down ropes to rescue them.
26-03-2009, 21:37
OOC: F4u, you're jamming long-range radar frequencies while simultaneously firing off long-range missiles.
26-03-2009, 21:40
OOC: It's quite possible for him to jam only your frequencies but not his own.
26-03-2009, 21:52
OOC: I'd personally be more concerned with the single-seat fighter pilots who've been in the air for twenty seven hours straight. There is no way those pilots would even be physically fit enough to fly that long, let alone fly that long and enter combat.

Fighter, might I suggest you rotate your planes onto your carriers for four hour (at the very least) rest breaks, so that your pilots can stretch their legs, use the restrooms, have a meal and sleep?
26-03-2009, 21:55
OOC: Not if he's using the same radar band as I am, which he likely is--his ships are RL western, so there's a strong possibility that those radar arrays would be on the same frequency and jammed as well.

This being said, I really know nothing about electronic warfare, so everything I'm saying right now could be total crap.
New Greston
26-03-2009, 22:15
[OOC: Leistung, can you get onto MSN so we can figure out what's going on?]
27-03-2009, 00:31

OOC:Then I guess you will have a easier time to shoot them down and Lesitung I not jamming the same freqs as mine as that would just be stupid. We are using different freqs on our radar for this combat operation. Also the long range radar is being base jammed as in the radar itself is being targetted to jam just that radar at all of its freqs. So it won't affect my missiles.
27-03-2009, 00:52
OOC: Different nations use different frequencies. Sometimes even different RADAR installations need to use different frequencies or they'd be jamming each other, IIRC. Anyhow, I don't have any problems with this, consider my long-range RADAR jammed.
27-03-2009, 01:58
OOC: Firing 10300 AGM-129 missiles and 12000 Kh-55 missiles means that you have a whopping seventeen hundred B-52s and seven hundred fifty Tu-95s in the immediate area, completely undetected by my forces until they magically teleported to the battle.

The active phased radar arrays on the Leistungi fleet’s anti-air frigates and destroyers (and battlecruisers, in fact) had an extremely high ERP, making the sort of noise-based jamming the Fighterian (?) fleet was attempting nearly futile. The speed of the scanning done by the EMPAR and APAR radar arrays made it near impossible for the circling Fighterian planes to ascertain the correct elevation and azimuth to jam the radar arrays with, and despite the picket frigates with their non-APAR/EMPAR radar systems being blinded, AWACS were still in constant communication, relaying the positions of incoming enemy missiles to them.

Picket frigates of the Spitze Class were the first to detect the incoming missiles, and with practiced speed the anti-swarming missile ships fired their loads of Aster-30 missiles, detecting and targeting dozens at one time, firing some six missiles per second. Further back, kill groups of [i[Jäeger[/i] Class destroyers targeting the missiles that leaked through the first line of defense with their own SM-2 and Aster-15 missiles, launching barrages to counter the incoming tide. Meanwhile, waves upon waves of carrier-based FA-15N fighters already airborne turned face and each fired their hefty load of fifteen AIM-359A air-to-air missiles each.

Realizing that the enemy air assault would have to be guided by AWACS—the same planes engaging in jamming against the Leistungi fleet, several flights of FA-15Ns armed with home-on-jam missiles targeted these slow-flying planes which had just been made the easiest targets in the air. Leistungi AWACS quickly informed the nearby Sumguiaian and Allanean fleets of the danger, relaying target information before the missiles reached the two hundred kilometer mark.
27-03-2009, 02:14
OOC: Firing 10300 AGM-129 missiles and 12000 Kh-55 missiles means that you have a whopping seventeen hundred B-52s and seven hundred fifty Tu-95s in the immediate area, completely undetected by my forces until they magically teleported to the battle.

OOC:Magically teleported? Where did you get that from Leistung? And your long range radar is being base jammed. Look it up on wiki. And nice 100% shoot down rate.

IC: With so many friendly fighters in the area the Lesitung FA-15N fighters were engaged at almost stand off range after the bombers missiles were already launched and the bombers themselfs turning home. Fighter4u Lightings II planes fired their full load of AIM-359A missiles at the enemy fighters as they more of less swarmed them effectly turning the airbattle into a dogfight the Lightings II could win. At the same time the attacking FA-15Ns were engaged before they could get in range of the AWACS which were protected by hundreds of planes. In the same breath hundreds of more planes track down the Lesitung AWACS as their huge number adavnght let them swarm the enemy fighters as they shoot HARMS missiles as the AWACS which would most likely force them to shut down or risk being destory.
The Northern Baltic
27-03-2009, 02:21
Off of GWO
After receiving information regarding the incoming swarm of enemy fighter aircraft, the UWR Fleet positioned itself for firing. Each Longboat Class Cruiser carried a total of 96 S-400 missiles and each ship fired 90 of those 96 missiles at the swarm of aircraft. With a total of 2,700 Longboat Class ships deployed, 243,000 S-400 missiles were sent screaming at the enemy fighter formations.

Bay of Nations, The Northern Baltic
Several dozen large supply ships were being quickly loaded with a mix of Moskit and S-400 missiles. The Moskits were brought out of storage and would serve as expendable missiles for the Arsenal ships, while the S-400s would reload the Longboat's diminishing missile stores.
New Greston
27-03-2009, 02:48
6:04 PM GCT, GMNS Ares
Nearing Magna Polis Territorial Waters, International Waters

Cradock felt that he could get a good night of sleep. If ever there was to be a blatant advertisement of that it would have been the night he attempted to spend resting before the attack. The sirens to awake rang half an hour earlier, rising the ship's crew up at 4:30 PM. Thankfully it gave them enough time to prepare for the attack that was obviously coming.

The swarm gathering nearby just hinted, more blatantly, about the rest of the obviously not thought out "sneak attack". Defensive preparations were thrown together within the two hours they had. RADAR jamming systems were put on board, attempting to scramble enemy air crafts lines.

The swarm of planes was flying blindly for minutes at a time. Using the oppurtunity to his advantage, Cradock swiftfully used the moment to launch a massive counter-strike of missiles. The Phalanx Close-In Weapon System upon the ships fired faster then the heart beats of the sailors.

The extremely small number of air combat planes deployed were lifting off, guns rattling. The ninety-six helmets of ninety-six marine air pilots of ninety-six Eurofighter Typhoon F2 were quickly fastened. The pilots, using their time wisely, were off the deck in minutes. The IRIS-T air to air missile systems installed under the wing would cause significant damage within the massive air strike. More AIM-132 ASRAAM missiles were being fired off from both the ship's armamant installations as well as from the planes.

Trails of smoke were left from the missiles streaming across the pale blue sky. The once clear ocean was littered with more scrap metal then a junkyard. The enemy bombers served as flys to the much more superior humans, played by the Davidson class superdreadnought Cradock flowed upon.

Being prepared more so for an air strike rather than a sub marine attack, the Ares did take a slight hit to the side, rather though, it served as a jolt to ship, waking Cradock up, as well as destroying the first layer of protection slightly.

After the first two minutes of battle, seven Eurofighter Typhoon F2's were tailspinning into the ocean as one Irondeck took on too much water and led to the ultimate death of the ship and crew.
East Congaree
27-03-2009, 04:25
To: Nations of the IFA and Nations Fighting the IFA

From: East Congaree Department of Foreign Affairs

East Congaree will refuse to sign a peace treaty with the foreign powers fighting the IFA, unless this treaty agrees to a fair and just peace with all IFA nations and their allies in this conflict.

-Reginald Deere, President of the Nations of the Confederate Empire, and Chairman of their Freedom Parties

- Jefferson Davis Beauregard, Head of the East Congaree Department of Foreign Affairs

Off the Coast of Maine

The fleet intended to invade Leistung went back right on course to invading Leistung.

Kenyan Shores of Lake Victoria

It began. Whites and Africans alike had been drilling for this day for what seemed like forever. 700 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles were fired off at radar stations, air defenses, and airfields all across Grestonian Uganda. Two Ohio Class submarines fired off 258 more, all aimed at radar stations, air defenses, and airfields in Northern Tanzania. 60 TU-16s, 40 TU-95s, 200 MiG-17s, and 100 F-14Ds screamed across the waters of Lake Victoria to airfields in Uganda to destroy radar stations and air defenses. The TU-16s each carried 55 250 lb. bombs. The TU-95s each carried twenty five 250 lb. bombs. The F-14Ds, which would make their run first, each carried eight Mk82 bombs, which they would drop on radar sites. Escorting the incursion would be 40 MiG-23s, 100 MiG-29s, and 40 F-14Ds. The MiG-23s each carried two aphid air-air missiles, while the MiG-29s carried four aphid air-air missiles. The F-14Ds carried six AIM-7s and two AIM-9s, citing the weakness of the MiGs in radar air-air capability. Circling above at home were 10 MiG-29s and 40 MiG-25s. The MiG-29s carried the same armament as those on the mission over Uganda, while the MiG-25s each carried two acrid air-air missiles. Across Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, Djibouti, and Eritrea, anti-air systems were alerted to be ready for inbound Grestonian aircraft. Meanwhile, just across the border from Grestonian Tanzania, 100 Katyusha Rocket trucks, along with dozens of 5 inch and 3 inch artillery batteries opened up on Northern Tanzania, spitting out great swathes of shells each minute, as hundreds of T-62 and T-72 tanks prepared to spearhead an invasion across the border. From Kenya, 20 Whiskey Class submarines and four Arleigh-Burke class destroyers left port and fired off their missiles at the Grestonian island of Zanzibar. They would escort 20,000 East Congaree infantrymen and 20 T-72 tanks to an invasion of the island. Supporting the invasion of the island would be 15 MiG-23s, with the same air-air armament their counterparts were using over Uganda, and twenty TU-16s, each carrying a bombload that those being unleashed against Uganda were using. East Congaree military stations requested that GWO bombers destroy any threat naval and air forces from Madagascar make, and to assist in holding air superiority over Uganda, Tanzania, and Madagascar. Meanwhile, in Lake Victoria, 32 Osa Class missiles boats, four Arleigh-Burke Class Submarines, and two whiskey class submarines began to escort a force invading the shores of Uganda, especially the area around Port Bell. The force consisted of 20,000 East Congaree infantrymen, and 100,000 Mecca State infantrymen. They would also escort 40 T-62 tanks and 200 T-55 tanks that would be used to capture the area around Port Bell. The Arleigh Burke Class destroyers escorting the force invading Uganda fired off twenty Tomahawk cruise missiles at the Northern shore of Lake Victoria in Northwest Tanzania to avoid any counterattack from there. The missiles would also provide room for a force of 12 Osa Class missile boats escorting 20,000 East Congaree infantrymen to capture Northwestern Tanzania. The Arleigh Burke Class destroyers then fired off forty Tomahawk cruise missiles at any air defenses, radar, and airfields around Port Bell. The Battle of East Africa was set to begin.
The Grand World Order
27-03-2009, 05:15
Unknown location, Magna Polis

Several Admirals, Generals, and Marshals were gathered around a rather large digital map of Magna Polis. It was pointed at a slightly diagonal angle, as to provide a look at all three dimensions of the battlefield. Digital, semi-generic models of units were moving about, constantly watched by satellites.

"Zoom, Allanean fleet," said General Thomas Beltway, the de facto Commandant of the GWO Marine Corps, and a veteran of both the Final Wars and the Foundings. He was one of the few recipients of the High Legion of the Fascist Order of Brotherhood, something not even GRIFFITH-II had on his chest (Though GRIFFITH-II inherited it from Griffith Artiche.) The medal was the most honored medal ever to be awarded. Benito Mussolini was the only foreigner to ever receive the medal, and he did so posthumously. He had received the medal for being the founder of Fascism.

"As we can see, F4U units are heavily engaged with the Allanean fleet, with an unknown winner thus far. As the Allaneans are currently the most threatening force, it is possibly the most logical course of action to use this as an opportunity to hit them hard and cripple them. Analysts believe that they're currently low on ammo, considering the bombardment we've had hitting our Rings, and the anti-air munitions they've been hitting F4U with. Course of action?" He stated. He knew he didn't have to ask the group around him for permission to start, but he wanted to know objections before ordering the counterattack.

Various Defense Installations, Magna Polis

Beltway's ordered had not been objected to. Within seconds, thousands of AShM Cruise Missiles and dummy missiles (The dummy missiles formed groups magnitudes the size of the actual missiles, as they were far cheaper and would make the enemy waste ammo) were flying at the Allanean ships. Just minutes before, EA-18G Growlers had went to go jam the enemy's RADAR, but found that it already had been jammed by the F4U forces. In all, close to 5 real missiles per ship had been launched, with thousands more dummies being lobbed.

Meanwhile, 10 B-2 bombers (Nearly all of the ones in the city) were flying above the positively massive amount of missiles. With laser-guided Anti-Shipping missiles on board, they picked out the carriers before launching. If a plane absolutely could not find a carrier (I.e., if they all were already sunk before the planes were out of missiles), they targeted a storage ship, hoping to cause huge explosions by hitting such ships filled with ammunition.

Various Pacific Provinces

GWO satellites were feeding any Province with Pacific Fleet forces information on incoming logistics ships. The new GWO strategy was to send stealthy aircraft out to butcher the logistics ships, occasionally with backup from smaller Provincial fleets. After all, what would all those enemy ships do without munitions for their counter-missile systems? What if they had no offensive munitions?

They'd become scrap metal to be salvaged and used in future GWO fleets.
27-03-2009, 13:54
OOC: I fired air-to-air missiles? These are news to me. But now I will!


The Allaneans had a worthy opponent now. Thousands of missiles streaked in towards Allanean fleet. Had the Leistungi not come in to warn them, devastation would have been complete and utter. But the Allaneans had been warned – and they would now begin firing their weaponry – well... not all of them.

Between them, the air defense cruisers squadrons could fill the air with 24,800 long-range and short-range missiles missiles. The long-range missiles, sprung out half a minute after the warning from the Leistungi came in, would target the vague location of the enemy missile waves, based on that warning. When they crossed paths with the enemy missiles, they used close-range active-radar (which was not jammed by the enemy) and infra-red seeking to home in on their enemy. Kh-22s and Tomahawks were easy targets for RADAR-seeking missiles, and so many of them would be shot down. What remained would be butchered by short-range missiles.

But this was not enough. Even estimating 90% accuracy on behalf of the Allanean missiles, some enemy weaponry was bound to come through. Radar jammers were activated. Dozens of RADAR decoys were fired off, pretending – for all the world – to be cruisers, carriers, and fast attack boats. And... even more missiles.

The carrier fleets were escorted by MORE Type 165 craft, and 13,440 more short-range AA missiles took to the air, swatting the primitive enemy missiles from the sky. The clatter of close-range defense cannon followed up on what remained alive and was not diverted by the hundreds of RADAR decoys.

But this butchery was not enough. The psychological effect, too, would matter. As far as the Fighterian fleet was concerned, the Allanean fleet had supposedly quintupled in size – with now over fifteen thousand ships detected on RADAR where only about 3,000 existed in reality.

Even as the Allaneans worked feverishly to reload their missile tubes with anti-ship and AA missiles, An encoded message was sent out to the Leistungi:

Thank you. We owe you a whole stack of beers, there. 250 Arbiter bombers and 1500 B22s are en route to your nation to defend it from possible Congarese invasion..
The Grand World Order
27-03-2009, 15:49
Underwater, Near Magna Polis

Another phase of the attack was to begin soon. One of the GWO submarines quickly began emitting false SONAR signatures at a location nowhere near the wolf packs. According to Allanean SONAR, it would appear that three submarines were approaching, but from somewhere else. The DA-Shkvals on board of each submarine slowly made their way out of the tubes holding them before slowly moving forward. They wouldn't begin moving fast until a timer on each torpedo hit zero, after which, they would supercavitate. This was to allow the submarines to escape before the torpedoes exposed their position.
27-03-2009, 16:25
“Submarines in the water at bearing zero, zero, six! Fire ASROCs! Fire torpedoes! Depth charges! Kill them all!”

Within seconds, a hail of ASROCs and depth charges, dropped from ASW helicopters pummeled the water where the fake “submarine” signals came from.

But minutes later, the real threat revealed itself to the Allanean warfleet.

“Torpedoes in the water! Torpedoes in the water!”

Immediately, action was taken. As the 42 enemy Shkval torpedoes were detected, UDAV launchers came alive on the frontal Allanean ships. Every targeted ship launched 8 decoys, and, 15 seconds later, eight low-caliber close-in-defense torpedoes. And again. By the time the torpedoes reached their targets every torp had to contend with 16 UDAV torpedoes going after it.

Yet at least one of the torps did get through, taking down an air defense frigate. As it approached, the crew leapt into the Pacific ocean, hoping to make it to safety. But as the ship's ammunition magazine exploded in a terrible cloud of fiery smoke, many were sucked into it or killed by shrapnel. Many also didn't make it off the ship in time, and were instantly eliminated.
27-03-2009, 16:28
Official Announcement of the Allanean Government

To comply with the East Congaree – Allanea Peace Accord, the North Delaware Territory shall be renamed Douglas, and the following military units shall be assigned to its protection:

5,000 Fortress Defense Personnel to handle a stockpile of 100,000 Tomahawk missiles.
10 Armored Divisions
20 mechanized infantry divisions
10 Field Artillery Divisions
The Northern Baltic
27-03-2009, 17:04
Off of GWO
The massive Fighter4U fleet was still a large concern to the blockade. To cure to problem, the UWR fleet prepared to fire again, but this time, instead of S-400 missiles, they fired BrahMos anti-shipping missiles. 100,000 of them. As the enemy ships came into range, they fired missile after missile at the collection of enemy ships. The blockade would not be broken today.
The Grand World Order
27-03-2009, 17:14
Underwater, near Magna Polis

The T-212s snuck closer towards the Allaneans, but only by a hundred meters. They put their depth down to 700 meters. Then, another fake SONAR signal was created, looking like a group of retreating submarines.

Then, of course, 42 more Shkvals were spat out before the T-212s were on the move again. Another wolf pack was preparing to take their place in the torpedoing of the Allaneans.

((OOC: TNB, that's 273 BILLION dollars you just launched at F4U.))
27-03-2009, 18:05
OOC: Sure, but if he wins the war, it'll be worth it, wouldn't it?


The reaction to the second submarine attack has been similar to the first, although a lot more competent. Now, 84 ships had launched entire payloads of anti-torpedo decoys and dozens of defensive torpedoes – 16 decoys and 16 defensive missiles per incoming torpedo in th first 16 seconds alone.

Yet again, torpedoes were launched at the locations of the fake enemy submarines.

In the meanwhile, two of the Allanean ships had been successfully rearmed by the convoys, and they fired again – now targetting the Inner-Moderate Ring with 2,400 Tomahawk misiles, attempting to finish it off.
East Congaree
27-03-2009, 18:55
OOC: Also, Allanea, no cessions were official. Just remember that, and we're back at war as it was before.


The ships meant to invade Leistung made a southward move, headed towards the coast of Grestonian Angola.

Trinidad, East Congaree

Forty TU-95 bombers took off from Trinidad, hoping to destroy any naval installations along the tiny coast of Grestonian Congo. They each carried 25 250 lb. bombs.

GWO West Africa

The hundred fifty MiG-29s of the East Congaree National Airforce in GWO West Africa were scrambled to prepare for an air invasion by the Grestonians. They each carried two aphid air-air missiles.
The Grand World Order
27-03-2009, 19:15
((OOC: ODECON's official reason for ignoring us during the invasion of Zinaire was the "Unrealistic" combined launch of 40,000 Tomahawks. Since UWR and ODECON work closely together, I just wanted to point out that 100,000 missiles that cost more than 2,000,000 each is far more unrealistic than 40,000 Tomahawks.

Also, UDAV doesn't work below 600 meters; by the time the torpedoes are within depth, they'll be very close to the ships.))

Magna Polis Inner-Moderate Ring

The incoming missiles were promptly fired upon by the remnants of the Moderate Ring, the Inner-Moderate Ring itself, and the air/missile defense ships now backing up the rings. Most were shot down, but obviously a few got through and severely damaged several of the installations, and hitting the ammo dump on one of them, causing a rather massive explosion, sending bits and pieces of just about anything into the ocean.

Magna Polis, Strategic

Several groups of EA-18 Growlers moved out to jam the RADARs of all the fleets, escorted by F-22s. Soon after this was done, another massive strike was called on the Allaneans, one of the same size as last time. However, several B-1B Lancers and B-2s were flying above the missiles, along with F-22s and F-35s. Just like last time, laser-guided munitions were being launched at virtually any ship that was important. The F-22s and F-35s would be able to provide cover (Assuming that the Allaneans would be able to see the planes through the massive swarm of missiles and decoys) long enough for the bombers to escape, before hurrying back to the city, where air defenses would chew through the pursuers.
Lord Sumguy
27-03-2009, 19:18
OOC: ODECON and the UWR do not work closely together, we share only a common enemy. Furthermore, Lei and I are involved here, ODECON is not.
27-03-2009, 21:05
OOC: I never claimed a hit rate, F4u, that was the were supposed to say how many of your missiles were hit by my counterattack. By the way, everything I said was valid--base jamming doesn't work if you can't find the correct azimuth in the first place.

In addition to that, didn't I just shoot ridiculous amounts of missiles at your AWACS? How are you tracking my entire air force without electronic recon? And my teleportation line was because you never mentioned them taking off, en route, etc. They just appeared from some 27 hour journey and fired missiles.

To GWO, "ODECON's official reason for ignoring us during the invasion of Zinaire was the "Unrealistic" combined launch of 40,000 Tomahawks" is completely false. It was because EC and RT decided to call me some sort of "jewbag homo-loving negro faggot." Or something like that, anyways.
27-03-2009, 21:57
OOC: THis is why I do not specify that my version of UDAV is the UDAV-1 the Russians use. That said, another post is forthcoming after Sumguy and Leistung post.
East Congaree
06-04-2009, 00:53
I'm retconning the war, and the previous Allanean war, which was in principle part of this war. This is because nations on the opposite side refuse to post in this thread, and it has died. Also, there seems to be some desire to ignore my massive invasion of Grestonian Africa.
06-04-2009, 00:59
OOC: Actually, I was waiting for F4u to respond to my OOC points. He misunderstood my last post.
06-04-2009, 01:38
OOC: So I don't immediately post and you want to retcon everything? Ha. FWIW I am still waiting for Lord Sumguy and Leistung to post their reaction to GWO's bombers, as they probably need to get past them before they get past me.
06-04-2009, 01:40
OOC: Yeah, I know you are, but it isn't really fair for me to move on until F4u re-responds.
06-04-2009, 01:56
OOC: So we're all stuck until he posts? That makes no sense - these actions are not directly related to him and we can proceed on this tangent until he returns, now can we please get back to posting?
East Congaree
06-04-2009, 03:56
OOC: If you take the time to make a post every few days, I will have no problem opening hostilities in this war as if East Congaree just entered.
06-04-2009, 06:23
ooc: well you do have an issue moving troops then, since SICly I have 37 attack submarines sitting around off your coast patrolling all over the Atlantic. I also shot ASAT missiles at some known EC satellites. And began preparing troops for an assault.
06-04-2009, 13:36
OOC: No, I think that makes no sense. Events happened. Either recognize them or leave the RP. I cannot RP with a person who randomly ignores events that directly affect me without consulting me.
Lord Sumguy
06-04-2009, 18:43
OOC: IC post up later today.
Lord Sumguy
07-04-2009, 02:13
Off the Coast of Magna Polis, Hegemonic Armada:
As the bombers of the Grand World Order passed by the Sumguaian fleet they were not unnoticed. Nearly 3500 surface-to air missiles with dual-sensor (active-RADAR and IR seeking) guidance systems arose from the fleet's cruisers and destroyers, as three hundred F-35's took to the skies to intercept the tail end of the group of aircraft.

HSS Polemarch
Admiral Buckley chuckled to himself as he leaned against the wall of the carrier's command deck. The siege was thus far an astounding success, and even the appearance of the new fleet from Fighter4U didn't much dampen the coalition's odds of victory in his eyes. Beside him A hooded figure stood, watching the activity around it. As the Admiral was musing, it spoke for the first time since the battle's beginning: "Observe Admiral, how they who would oppress the children of the Almighty fall before the armies of righteousness, as wheat before the reaper."

"Aye." Buckley said, nodding. "That they do. Let us hope that the good Lord continues to smile upon us."

"Fear not brother." The hooded figure replied. "So long as our cause is noble, our actions just, and our intentions pure we shall be victorious, for so it has been written."
The Grand World Order
07-04-2009, 02:41
Off the Coast of Magna Polis, Hegemonic Armada:
As the bombers of the Grand World Order passed by the Sumguaian fleet they were not unnoticed. Nearly 3500 surface-to air missiles with dual-sensor (active-RADAR and IR seeking) guidance systems arose from the fleet's cruisers and destroyers, as three hundred F-35's took to the skies to intercept the tail end of the group of aircraft.

HSS Polemarch
Admiral Buckley chuckled to himself as he leaned against the wall of the carrier's command deck. The siege was thus far an astounding success, and even the appearance of the new fleet from Fighter4U didn't much dampen the coalition's odds of victory in his eyes. Beside him A hooded figure stood, watching the activity around it. As the Admiral was musing, it spoke for the first time since the battle's beginning: "Observe Admiral, how they who would oppress the children of the Almighty fall before the armies of righteousness, as wheat before the reaper."

"Aye." Buckley said, nodding. "That they do. Let us hope that the good Lord continues to smile upon us."

"Fear not brother." The hooded figure replied. "So long as our cause is noble, our actions just, and our intentions pure we shall be victorious, for so it has been written."

GWO Air Groups

The pilots noticed the missiles instantly. The dummy missiles were emitting rather large IR signals (As well as RADAR signals), and the EA-18G Growlers were making the missiles RADAR systems useless, that is, until they realized that the missiles were using Active Homing. While the RADAR-IR systems had been thwarted by flares, et cetera, the Active RADAR Homing missiles had better luck. As the planes of the group flailed their planes around in evasive maneuvers, 75% of them were destroyed.

The LS air units weren't going to fly under or over the GWO Air Force's planes without a horde of missiles from the AIM and MBDA families of all guidances screaming at them, with the survivors being targeted by cannon fire. The bombers carrying decoys quickly released, making the apparent number of planes increase by magnitudes. In their retreat, the air group instead launched their payloads at the LS fleet.
07-04-2009, 15:49
Yet again, Allanean AA missiles took to the skies by their thousands. 30,000 long- and short-range missiles filled the air, attacking the enemy missiles as they screamed in, and even more of them were taken down by close-range gatling cannon. But nothing is bullet-proof. Thirty-four AA frigates and five Type 165 cruisers were eliminated by the wave of enemy fire, and two carriers went down. Ten Arsenal ships were also destroyed, and 530 sailors were killed. Injured men were being treated on all Allanean ships, and two Arsenal ships, loaded with the injured, were sent home under escort of two AA cruisers.
08-04-2009, 02:47
OOC: This post is done with the permission of the Grand World Order. All casualties are approved by him.


The Strategic Air Command has been the pride and joy of the Allanean Army and Allanea's people for decades. They had destroyed Auckland and caused the collapse of the Fascist government of Gods Own. They have given Allanea victory in the First Congarese War. The Azahan military – with 200 million troops – had once deserted in fear when Strategic Air Command leveled the capital of Azaha. The Questarian royal family and the Egyptiannstani rebel movement had been both familiar with Strategic Air Command.

And now, the Strategic Air Command was prepared to make itself even more famous. Four squadrons of B-22's were speeding towards the Grand World Order. On their fuselages, scantily-clad girls, boys, and other, more perverse scenes appeared – each chosen to the liking and tastes of the crew. On the fuselages, one could see not merely humans, but obscenely-posed Dohwar [OOC: sentient penguin-people), elves, and even catgirls. Allanea had many nonhumans and fursuit wearers, and some of them would happily volunteer to an operation against a country that genocided the 'furry' races.

And now, it was time for retribution.

The strategic bombers were adjusting formation, spreading out as a line across the evening sky, a line about a hundred miles from edge to edge. Their bomb bays opened slowly, allowing for the Tomahawk missiles to be finally launched.

Thousands of reddish-grey streaks of terrible, punishing fire now arched out towards the Grand World Order's Inner-Medium Defense Ring. The Allaneans were dipping into their Strategic Ordnance Reserves – gigantic stockpiles of guided missiles, stored in bases across the United States – to throw incredible punches.

The bomber crews were not able, of course, to see their targets – but they knew, that, 2,000 kilometers away, hell would soon wake on earth.


The Inner-Moderate Defense Ring growled for one final time, like a she-bear fighting off a pack of attack dogs. Automatic cannon fired from every installation, the clatter of thousands of Gatling guns uniting ion an obscene howl that seemed to shout insults at sanity itself and the very gods. Defensive missiles rose from the ground, the very air around them screaming as they pushed past the sound barrier.

Hundreds, thousands of Tomahawk missiles plummeted into the cold polar seas, destroyed by the enemy's defenses – but ultimately, the Allanean punch was just too heavy for the enemy to bear.

In one place, a Tomahawk warhead opened in mid-air, sowing an air defense installation with dozens of submunitions – and almost immediately, a ripple of fire and smoke tore through the place as secondary explosions destroyed ammunition magazines, fuel tanks and vehicles. In another, a heavy HE warhead tore into a defended installation – and the ground shook with a massive explosion.

Gradually, the roar of the Orderite she-wolf grew quieter as one after one, the installation were put down – and with every one that went down, the remaining stations grew more and more vulnerable to the incredible onslaught. And eventually, the wolf fell silent.

Eleven thousand missiles had been launched by the Allaneans against their foe. Many at home would think the expense would not be worth it. But for now, the job had been done – for as the smoke cleared, the Inner-Moderate Defense Ring had ceased to exist.

Fire and smoke rose from the ruins where its proud installations once stood, the waves of the Northern Pacific lapping at the charred support beams, the mangled barrels of the anti-air guns, and the bodies of the dead.

The thunder had ended. There was only silence now only the setting sun to the West and the slow rumble of the ocean, lulling the Orderite dead to sleep. They could afford to sleep now – for their duty was complete. Like all dead, they have finally seen what all honest men dream of:

The end of war.
08-04-2009, 02:52
OOC: So, ah, are we done here?
The Grand World Order
08-04-2009, 03:34
((OOC: Well, Magna Polis itself is still standing, along with the Inner Ring. Depends on if you wish to continue.))
Lord Sumguy
08-04-2009, 05:18
Sumguaain Armada, HSS Polemarch:

As the missiles fired by the remnants of the Orderian bombers were detected by the Sumguaian fleet, Admiral Buckley shook his head. "The fools divert their attack from their most aggressive attacker to strike at an even larger fleet that has thus far concerned itself with other matters."

"They have drawn our ire, Admiral." The man next to him spoke quietly, his words traveling only a few feet. "Do not be conservative in your response."

"I've no intention of being so." Buckley smirked. From outside could be heard a faint rumbling as the missiles* that weren't shot down before they reached the fleet impacted. A fifth of the munitions fired had made it through, and had caused significant, though by no means unaffordable damage. A number of vessels were sunk, including several that had been previously damaged, and fires raged on dozens of decks. The Hegemonic retaliation was not long in coming, and before long ten thousand missiles streaked from the armada towards the inner defensive ring of Magna Polis.

Skies Above Sumguaian Fleet:

Despite the countermeasures deployed byt he Sumguaian fighters, twelve of them fell from the sky as Orderian missiles brought them down. They responded with volleys of their own, triple-teaming the now badly outnumbered Orderian aircraft as they pursued the retreating planes.

*about 125

destroyed: 10 Type 36 Frigates, 2 Type 46 Destroyers, 10 Type 29 Destroyers, 1 Sandakan Battlecruiser

damaged: 2 Type 31 Destroyers, 6 Type 29 Destroyers, 20 Type 36 Frigates, 2 Type 46 Destroyers, 1 Triumph Carrier
08-04-2009, 23:14

Landing Force
1.3 million Death Guard
500 Earth III tanks
400 Linebacker APCs
1000 Piv-30 APC
100 Td-7 Self-Propelled gun
600 MCA-7E Ubara Tirak MBT
600 U-3A2 MBT

1.3 million death guard stood waiting for their orders, at first they were following the orders of the GWO but then the voice of their Empress, their mother, asked them to "Take the city with mercy." Their orders had switched just like that and the death guard turned on the nearest soldier.

Tanks, which had held their positions, turned their turrets and let loose shell after shell of armor piercing rounds into their compatriots. At that close a range it would turn the enemy tanks into nothing more than a metallic carcasse.

Heavy artillery, the TD-7's, which had watched the city from the safety of the shadows harbors began to pound round after round of kolokol shells. The nerve gas spreading paralysis on those with open skin. The gas was absorbed through the skin and into the nerve system so even the gas masks would not protect them.

From out of the belly of the shadow harbors rolled an even deadlier weapons, the MCA-7E's and PIV-30's. Of course all were modified to Ralkovian standards and as they rolled out into the city they crushed all non-paralyzed opposition with their assortment of weapons including a mounted gatling gun and a coaxial flamethrower.

The Hazar Death Guard began to pump kolokol into ventilation shafts of buildings before heading to the top of them to get into counter-sniping positions. Again the shadow harbors would play another important role as mounted mortars and cannons began to shell the city with smoke rounds. Despite its size the capital would easily be blanketed by the hundreds of thousands of 'Dope Masks' rounds.(Named because they penetrate gas masks and cause light headedness and passing out)

The chemical and smoke attacks would put soldiers wearing gas masks out of combat as well as civilians. The death guard would be safe from their incapacitating effects because each of them carried a tank of oxygen with them.

As most of the GWO forces would be paralyzed or unconscious the death guard set to work taking out generators and moving closer to the spire. If Griffith was watching all he would see was the blanketing smoke that had begun to cling to the city.

From out of this smog marched the soldiers of the end, they had been split into 4 groups and aptly each Legion had received a name,"Pestilence, War, Famine, and Death."

Legion V or Amon would enter the subways and underground tunnels and destroy electrical wiring. They would also hack the communication systems and rewire it to shadow harbor VI3.

Legion III, Mammon had completely different orders, they had been told to round up civilians in their sector and move them east towards the shadow harbors. Of course they would crush all opposition in their way as well and sabotage what important things they could find.

Legion XX or Invidia would be in charge of destroying the fortifications they would find.

Finally, Legion XIII or NATAS group, their name symbolizing evil, bore the insignia's of demons of hell simply crushed opposition with overwhelming fire power. They would be the first to enter the spire when they finished with the GWO defenses. They were arrogant and prideful but they had cause to be, they had never lost a single battle in their history.

The orders were to be completed and Magna Polis would fall not to a democracy or communism. It would fall to fascism and to monarchism. More than a million men would take the city certainly not easily but they would definitely take it. If they didn't then the communist and the democracy would.

Intercom Chat/Death Guard Group NATAS/ Fleet Net Server 13/ Company I
1. Take the Spire[primary]
2. Capture Griffith and Government[primary]
3. Destroy all resistance[secondary]

4. Spray paint side of spire pink[Primary, designated by Sgt. Gallows.]

"Gallow's would you knock it off!"

"Sorry Captain Dag just testing out the new appropriation system."

"It's not a fucking toy! Keep the chat clear or I'll have you decommissioned!"

"That's why we get accused of having no humor. Any funny guys get killed off"

"Corporal Gene Shut the hell up, we are in the middle of a fucking battle!"

"*'Let the bodies hit the floor' playing in the background* BOOM HEADSHOT BOOM HEADSHOT. HEY HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING? WELL WELL BOOM! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE."

"Private Dunce keep the chat clear. This is for strategic intelligence
information only"

"Its fine captain. No need to be so anal. Its war let them have their fun."


"Ooh he got over ruled"

"I haven't seen an ass whooping that bad since we beat them muslims extremists in the Laton Desert"

"Oh boy wasn't that fun, remember the mix up."

"Oh yeah, they gave us our black armor."

"What fun, didn't Captain Dag pass out from the heat."

"Hey my water system wasn't working!"

"Oh yeah, you had a scorpion or something stuck in it."

"He did?"

"Oh yeah you should have seen the way he jumped. Would of put the Empress to shame"

"Wasn't he almost decommisioned for that"

"You do realize I'm right here and I wouldn't be talking mister forgot to clean my rifle and mister didn't see that mine oh my Empress I soiled myself."

"HAHA even I've suffered a fear before"

"Colonel Drev fears? I wouldn't believe it in all my years."

"Oh yeah, Gaal Bridge, I was a Machine gunner Lt. and was in the new Huxle tanks. It broke part of the bridge and I was thrown from my gun almost off the ledge. Luckly those machine gun belts that we never removed, thank Empress for that, caught me but I was hooting and hollering."

"Well I reckon a 1049 ft drop would scare man and animal alike."

"Gibs stop using the internet access and get back to shooting. You got an enemy to your left."

Intercom Chat/Death Guard Group Invidia/Fleet Net Server 3/ Company IV

"Sniper spotted, 247 degrees east, 51 feet, 5th window from the right."

"I see him. He's behind some sort of block, the shot ain't happening with this rifle."

"Stop lolly gagging. Piv-30 IVB commander put a round into that window"

"I got you"

"Look at that gatling gun go!"


"Shit Piv-30 IVB is down. We've got 8 guardsmen dead another critically wounded and one with a broken leg."

"Decommision the two. Command needs to make sure that this advance goes unheeded."

"I see."


"Nothing personal. You served the Empress and you have served your country"

"Ten ID tags have gone down on the intel map. Captain Davis what's your company status?"

"We're fine, we lost a piv-30 and had to decommission two wounded."

"Captain? Under whose orders? This is a sweep mission with an injury classification of WL."


"Also Captain your objective has been reassigned. Your sector will be given to company IV. You are to be transferred to fleet net server 13. Company I. You are to take the Spire"

"Captain. Isn't server 13 the-"



"What the fuck is this!"

"Who in jimminy fucking crickets are you guys"

"Fleet net 3. Invidia. Captain Davis"

"HEY get a load of the twibs!"

"SHUT UP PRIVATE DUNCE. Captain Davis I'm Captain Dag. Why are you on my server?"

"We got reassigned. Hold on a second I'm getting my order update...My Piv-30's are going to bring support. Your sector supposedly has several enemy concentrations that are not being affected by gas. We also have the option of calling in a tomahawk and 4 gas strikes. We are to follow you to the spire and wipe out any fortifications there."

"Okay. So lets take this bitch!"
The Grand World Order
08-04-2009, 23:42
((OOC: Ralk, you just claimed my Capital city in one post. That's sort of godmoding, last time I checked.))
10-04-2009, 19:53
OOC: Since Ralkovia's post got retconned apparently, I am now posting again.


The United States had seen the Sumguyans launch 10,000 Tomahawk missiles at the enemy's last known remaining air defense ring. Immediately, 150 B-22 Bombers were being prepared for launch. They had been armed with air-to-ground variants of the venerable Tomahawk missiles, shipped in from New Bavaria. The New Bavarian missile stockpile was already at the level of only 960,000 Tomahawks, and 20,000 more were being now loaded into planes. By the time they took to the air, the results on the Sumguyan bombardment would be in – and it is those results that would decide the targeting of the Allanean missiles.
11-04-2009, 03:13
In the Senate Building

“Let us take things like they are! Let us be truthful!” - Antalia Reynes' voice rang with pathos and anger as she did her duty, decrying the evils of the President's policy - “Does anybody think we can win this war? There are two hundred million men and women in Magna Polis prepared to fight to the death for their leader! Our entire army is not half as big! How can we conquer these people? President Kazansky has gotten us into another no-win war, and all of you are just afraid to admit-”

Suddenly a whisper has gone through the senate building as the senators were approached by their aides. Antalia paused in surprise to look at the men around her.

“What? What has?”

The coalition Senators were the first, getting on the chairs, screaming loudly.

“Long live victory! Long Live the President! Long Live Allanea!”

The opposition paused only a moment – and then, as the reality of what was going on dawned on them, joined in on the cheering. Antalia Reynes, the Senate Minority Leader, suddenly found herself in a political void.

Minutes later

Alexander Kazansky was sitting on his infamous throne – yes, leaders of Republics rarely have thrones. Kazansky, however, had a throne, parked in his private palace, Minas-Faerie. Here he sat now, flanked by lovers, fans, and disciples, with President Thoreson on his left and Empress Isabella on his right, a level lower than his actual throne. The camera was pointed into his face as he spoke.

Freemen! Allaneans! Allies!

Today, the United States had won another glorious victory. We have brought the Grand World Order to its knees. With a cost of five hundred lives and about one hundred and fifty billion dollars – less than the cost of the United States' war in Iraq – we have been granted a triumph greater than the conquests of Ghenghis Khan, of Julius Caesar, of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Siberia. North-East China. Latin America. Polynesia. Greater Germany. These are not random names on a world map. These are the names of the newest conquests of the United States Military. The banners and arms of dozens of enemy units, thousands of square kilometers of land, tons of gold and megabarrels of oil – these are but but a few of the spoils of our victory.

The opposition parties in Congress have attacked me, have attacked this administration as useless warmongers. They claimed that we will bring the nation to ruin. We have brought it to glory and victory – and we have brought the people of Iron Province, Iodine Province, Gerk and Polynesia freedom on the bayonets of our rifles.

The Grand World Order has admitted its defeat – and our victory. With that victory, we stand upon the doorstep of an unprecedented peace and prosperity. Even as I speak, fleets turn away from the Grand World Order, and bombers stand down from alert. The war Allanea has waged against the Grand World Order is over.

Thank you, Allanean soldiers.

Thank you, Allanean sailors.

Thank you, Allanean airmen.

And above all, thank you, Allanean Freemen, for voting for this war and supporting it. It is you who funded this war. It is you who forged this great victory upon the anvil of your determination with the hammer of your patriotism.

Thank you all.

May God Continue to Bless Allanea.
New Greston
11-04-2009, 03:53
Grestonain Fleet, GMNS Ares

"The Grand World Order is on it's last life," muttered Cradock to himself, as well as fourteen members of the missions leadership board at the same time. What Cradock said was true. If the Order was desperate enough to get rid of an enemy to give away 31 of it's largest provinces, they were definitely scared. All that was left until a victory could be gained was for the three leading flags to eniciate a massive bombardment of Magna Polis.

The United States had finished off the final ring of Orderian Inner Defense, all that was left was to finish off the fascist presence all together. The first of many large bombings to come was of the Final Ring as well as targeting air fields of the Orderian Air Force.

Over 10,000 Tomahawks were launched in total from the fleet. The targets were various air fields across Magna Polis as well as the final ring of Magna Polis artificial island defences. The second launch was of at least 5,000 BrahMos, attempting to straffe large groupings of enemy infantry and mechanized troops.

32 B-2 stealth Spirit Bombers flew across the sky, dumping large amounts of dummy bombs across the final ring of protection. 96 F-15E Strik Eagles came screeching behind them, AIM-7M Sparrow missiles soaring from the Bomb Rack Accesories of the fighters, aimed at the launched enemy fighters. The AGM-84 Harpoon on the plane flew from the BRA, aimed at targets across Magna Polis, specifically storage depots and transport systems.

The F-15E Strike Eagles that did not engage in air to air combat began to draw closer to the land to pack a punch with their AGM-84K SLAM-ER missiles. Followed shortly after by AGM-154 JSOW missiles, also aimed at land installations.

With a successful bombing, they would land again, refuel and resupply then go back out and aim at apartment buildings, train tracks, school buildings, work places, parks, libraries, military depots, and churches.

But the second attack wouldn't come until exactly 4 pm. Until then, they would drop leaflets that read:


All Orderian citizens that recieve this leaflet are to be forewarned that a final bombarding will happen at exactly 4 pm. However, we can avoid such carnage if the citizens can successfully take down the current regime.

If this cannot happen, we recommend that you stay in the lowest levels of your housing and pray.
The Grand World Order
11-04-2009, 05:20
Grestonain Fleet, GMNS Ares

"The Grand World Order is on it's last life," muttered Cradock to himself, as well as fourteen members of the missions leadership board at the same time. What Cradock said was true. If the Order was desperate enough to get rid of an enemy to give away 31 of it's largest provinces, they were definitely scared. All that was left until a victory could be gained was for the three leading flags to eniciate a massive bombardment of Magna Polis.

The United States had finished off the final ring of Orderian Inner Defense, all that was left was to finish off the fascist presence all together. The first of many large bombings to come was of the Final Ring as well as targeting air fields of the Orderian Air Force.

Over 10,000 Tomahawks were launched in total from the fleet. The targets were various air fields across Magna Polis as well as the final ring of Magna Polis artificial island defences. The second launch was of at least 5,000 BrahMos, attempting to straffe large groupings of enemy infantry and mechanized troops.

32 B-2 stealth Spirit Bombers flew across the sky, dumping large amounts of dummy bombs across the final ring of protection. 96 F-15E Strik Eagles came screeching behind them, AIM-7M Sparrow missiles soaring from the Bomb Rack Accesories of the fighters, aimed at the launched enemy fighters. The AGM-84 Harpoon on the plane flew from the BRA, aimed at targets across Magna Polis, specifically storage depots and transport systems.

The F-15E Strike Eagles that did not engage in air to air combat began to draw closer to the land to pack a punch with their AGM-84K SLAM-ER missiles. Followed shortly after by AGM-154 JSOW missiles, also aimed at land installations.

With a successful bombing, they would land again, refuel and resupply then go back out and aim at apartment buildings, train tracks, school buildings, work places, parks, libraries, military depots, and churches.

But the second attack wouldn't come until exactly 4 pm. Until then, they would drop leaflets that read:


All Orderian citizens that recieve this leaflet are to be forewarned that a final bombarding will happen at exactly 4 pm. However, we can avoid such carnage if the citizens can successfully take down the current regime.

If this cannot happen, we recommend that you stay in the lowest levels of your housing and pray.

Magna Polis, Strategic-wise

The Inner Ring was finally destroyed; the cruise missiles could fly over the walls without passing by rings first, but this didn't mean the city was defenseless. Virtually everywhere, things ranging from RADAR stations to Stinger stations scanned the skies for hostile aircraft, and the F-22s, EA-18s, and F-23s were always keeping an eye out.

When the missiles came coming in, things ranging from Flak cannons to Millenium guns, from Kinetic Kill Vehicles to cluster counter-missile systems unleashed hell into the skies. They were far more ferocious than the Ring installations.

Most of the missiles either slammed into civilian buildings (Causing thousands of civilian deaths) or were beaten around like an ambushed Hood in a gang movie. Three airfields had most of their runways completely disabled, and two more were put out of commission altogether.

As the F-15s came flying in, MBDA Meteors, AIM-120 AMRAAMs, and SAMs of various types shot out to greet them. The F-15 has a RADAR Cross Section of something like 100 square meters. The B-2s, however, had a millionth of a square meter, roughly that of a hummingbird. No matter though, some of them were confirmed as B-2s and quickly targeted by F-23s, utilizing both cannon and missile.

When the leaflets fell, people began swarming the bomb shelters, trampling others, even. The Liberty Confederation, however, decided to act. Quickly, they mobilized and prepared to head to the Political District. They knew they would fail if they attacked the Spire itself, but they hoped that they could just prevent or postpone the bombardment.

The city's response came in the form of 20 Sieg cruise missiles, hidden among 6,000 Tomahawks and 20,000 dummies. The Siegs were new GWO missiles that flew at Mach 5, though the payload often made a difference. They had been programmed using point-to-point mapping to fly over the walls and then fly low and "drunk." Each one was loaded with anti-Ship munitions. Who was the target? The Grestonians, of course.

And the Leistungis would be glad to know that Markus Dubois (The man behind the Hauptstadt attacks) was in Magna Polis, that is, if they presumed he was still alive. He had been transported to one of the NBC bunkers.

Home of the Sterns, Magna Polis

The Stern family was a normal, run-of-the-mill family in the Order. The patriarch of the family, Jonathan, worked for the Emorden-Geist Weapons Manufacturing Corporation, specifically, attaching RIS rails to MI-8A2 rifles. The family had a two-year old daughter, a "Terrible Two" in every sense. Her name was Alexandra. Their son, 12-year old Howard (FUCK YOU, THE HOWARD STERN SHOW SUCKS), was a devout follower of the Grand Commander. He even had a rare "Nowhere Avoids Us" propaganda poster, which symbolized GRIFFITH-II's face (Though his face isn't actually in the picture; the things in the picture simply resemble a face to represent him) as the GWO war machine moving forward to destroy the Communist foe. Two satellites formed his eyes, with the left one being an ABM laser satellite about to fire off a red beam of light at something unknown. His mouth was shown as his bottom teeth being a wall of Divine Tigers charging forward, his top ones being helicopters. Two unidentifiable jets acted as his nostrils. The matriarch, Jennifer Stern, was a typical woman with red hair, part of her Irish heritage. This showed up in Howard, who had freckles on his face, as well as curly red-gold hair. The family's method of transport was a car that resembled a 1950's Buick. This was common in the GWO, as the appearance of cars in that era appealed to the populace more than the "Crappy ass tiny foreign cars" popular in 21st Century America.

When the leaflets fell, the family was inside. They lived in a "Indoor Community", where the interior of the building was open-air and tried to simulate life in a typical suburb. Houses were built indoors, and even still, they had yards, individual mailboxes, et cetera. A CCU patrol car came rolling down the street, lights on, siren off. The loudspeaker was playing a pre-recorded order for evacuation to the NBC shelters. Quickly, the family (As well as several others on the floor) gathered some of their belongings and hurried to their car. It was a neat black, with white tires. As they nearly floored it down the street, they came close to PIT'ing another car trying to get out.

When the family was close to the shelter, they quickly noticed Marines and Civilian Control Officers everywhere coordinating the crowds. A Paramedic team was loading a person who had been trampled, while another Ambulance was carrying a shooting victim who had been shot by an MP5-toting man who had gone insane. The man was still on the grass, encased in a yellow body bag. An armed citizen had shot him in the stomach twice with a .357 Magnum.

After pulling onto the park ground, where several bunkers were manned by men behind machine guns, a CCU officer quickly pointed them to the check-in table, where a CCU Lieutenant and several Marines were standing. This area must've been designated for Marines, as there were no Army personnel to be seen. Most notably, there was an Anti-Air station on top of the NBC bunker. Nobody felt safer with it there, but nobody objected to it.
New Greston
11-04-2009, 19:51
Grestonian Fleet, GMNS Ares

"Press our attack, we cannot wait for a regime change to take place in two hours" - the statement was bitter and painful to the ears of the mission leadership board, but it was true. The first bombing had only resulted in civilian deaths and the destruction of the final ring. Cradock rapped his fingers on the table that his ordinance leaders were sitting at. Looking at them sternly he said, "We want them to come to us for peace. We shall not offer it. The point of the war is for them to lose, if Griffith can come to use with an olive branch we'll take it, but we aren't going to give him one."

He pulled down the screen and the slide show turnde to a picture of a Penetrator Tungsten Needle MicroSatellite. The Imperial Republic had a total of four of them, all of which had been deployed to the stars fifty hours earlier, the necessary amount of time needed before they could be launched upon an enemy target.

Pointing at the picture Cradock said, "We will launch all four of these at the four largest NBC bunker positions on Magna Polis, attempt to get them to collapse in on themselves."

A hesitant officer raised his hand in question, "But aren't these this NBC bunkers holding non combatant civilians?"

Cradock raised his brow as he replied, "A man once said there are no civilians in war. This is a prime example of that. Due to various documents, Griffith II stated that every civilian is legally a member of a militia, thus, according to the Geneva Convention and all other documents regarding war crimes, this civilians are legally military combatants."

Another officer questioned Cradock's logic, "But what is the point of striking these NBC bunkers? Other than a few SAM installations around it and a few Orderian soldiers to regulate the incoming crowds, all of the casualties will mainly be civilians."

"Well, Lawrence, striking these NBC bunkers would be pressuring the goverment even more to come groveling at our knees, as well as fueling anger and hatred towards the government within the lower classes. Civil revolt and anarchy will work on the Orderian governments nerves and make it easier for us to finish them off in the end."

Cradock clapped his hands, looked around, and proclaimed, "Well then! No more questions, the second strike starts in fifthteen minutes."

Grestonian Orbiting Space Station, Penetrator Tungsten Needle MicroSatellite 1 "Breaker", 2 "Earth Shaker", and 3 "Widow Maker"

The order to launch the first three Penetrator Tungsten Needle MicroSatellites had been given and the MicroSatellites found themselves rotating backwards for three seconds until the remaining fuel lit up and launched the satellite downwards. Burning through the atmosphere, the microsatellites came deadly close to their targets.

Travelling at Mach 7, the tungsten needles hurdling towards the NBC bunkers would travel unseen until the last 30 seconds until it would hit its target, rendering the NBC bunkers virtually defenseless towards them. To maintain that the MicroSatellites would hit, the second bombing volley was launched, aimed at prominent SAM and Flak Cannon systems. 8,000 Tomahawks were launched, followed closely by 5,000 BrahMos missiles, with 25,000 dumb bombs to rattle the civilian districts.

Grestonian Fleet, Skies Above Magna Polis

Two B-2 bombers had taken hits, only one of the hits being fatal, the other plane only took a clip to the wing. However seven F-15E Strike Eagles met a much more gruesome, fiery fate. Three more dropped in another three seconds fighting the Orderian Air Force prescence, which was looking more and more like an outdated dog fight.

One specific pilot whose Strike Eagle caught the bad side of a AIM-120 AMRAAM was Peter Lanberg. A deadly sweat broke out upon his whole body, he ripped the air mask off and was pressing the eject button excessively, the seat just wouldn't budge. In a last ditch effort he slammed his weight against the steering handle, sending its final course into the side of a building and the seat, with Peter in it, out into the sky to gently float to the ground of Magna Polis.

The F-15E Strike Eagles not caught in deadly battle in mid air were unloading their BRA's on Magna Polis, going back and resupplying, then repeating. With suppourt from the the fleet, the air presence was flying about doing their jobs.

However, some of the fleet just couldn't pull of the manuevers, flares were thrown up as well as number SAM systems and flak cannons as the misisles rained down. One Irondeck class battleship began to take on water from letting just one missile slip which then led into thirty more.
Lord Sumguy
12-04-2009, 02:56
Hegemony Headquarters, War Room:

Mary Basset smiled as she looked at images of Magna Polis which had been captured by Sumguaian satellites. She and a number of high-ranking military officials were gathered around them, and General Alexander Mcalpin, Supreme Commander of Hegemonic forces, was explaining the images to the rest. "...and as you can see all of the defensive rings are destroyed. Grestonian bombers are currently conducting raids on the city."

"Very well." Mary said, cutting him off. "As most of their anti-aircraft capability is now gone, perhaps it is time to put our carriers to use. Mcalpin, I want every military installation in that city leveled."

The General smiled. "As you command, ma'am."

Off the Shore of Magna Polis:

As the Grestonians continued their attacks upon the city, thousands of planes arose from the Sumguaian fleet to strike at the city's military structures. The Spire, however, was not targeted, as the Sumguaian commanders wished for it to be taken intact. Preceding even the swarms of planes was another salvo of 4,000 Tomahawk missiles, nearly all that remained within the Sumguaian fleet. No further large-scale missile strikes upon the city would be possible until a resupply fleet that was currently in transit arrived.

OOC: all of the B-103's and F/A 18's in my fleet are now conducting rotational runs on MP. Half of the F-35's are conducting strike runs, and half are flying out to hunt GWO aircraft.
The Grand World Order
12-04-2009, 06:15
Magna Polis, Strategic-wise

The incoming Godrods were targeted by the city's Ground-based Midcourse Defense stations, destroying one and sending another shooting off course. The NBC bunker hit by the remaining godrod was utterly destroyed, killing the 400 civilians inside.

Meanwhile, ASAT missiles along with the GWO's satellites promptly targeted the remaining Grestonian satellites for destruction. Five Space-Based Laser systems began concentrating their lasers, prepared to melt the satellites. The lasers were designed to destroy ICBMs and the like, but doubled as an anti-Satellite weapon, similar to the Patriot system (Though the Patriot works well against aircraft, despite sucking at missile defense).

The moment long-range RADARs picked up more planes incoming, 3,250 F-22s and F-23s took to the sky, along with several AWACs. As soon as the LS planes came within range, they were met with an initial wave of MBDA Meteors and other beyond-visual-range missiles. The newly taken-off planes also began contributing to the fight against the Grestonians. Surely, the fight was making the Battle of Britain look like a pansyfest. The cruise missile strikes, yet again, killed even thousands more civilians.

The Tomahawks were targeted by not only ground-based defense, but also by the new planes in the air.

Another volley of Tomahawks was hurled at the aggressors, hidden within swarms of dummies with minor explosives. This swarm was the same size as last time, minus the Sieg missiles. On-board computers had recorded the flight data of the Sieg, and would be calculated with counter-threat assessments, and other geeky stuff which don't have to be described in this post.

Landing site of Peter Lanberg

The Grestonian pilot's parachute wasn't going to be ignored. A few MG positions and a Mk.19 opened fire, but because the troops behind them weren't expecting him, they were too late to do much.

Quickly, two CCU patrol cars carrying four officers, a Grizzly filled with more CCU officers, and a Cougar loaded with Army troops arrived, and the men disembarked to scour the area. The Army infantrymen had thermal image filters in their gas masks (Or in the Sergeant's case, a pair of nifty-looking glasses and a beret). Most of the men were armed with MI-8A2 Modular Assault Weapons, but a few of the CCU officers preferred other submachine guns like the Kriss Super V or P-90, or even their always-carried MP7s.

The clouds above Magna Polis were getting darker, and small raindrops could be felt and seen, getting heavier as time went on.
East Congaree
12-04-2009, 13:54
OOC: I'm begining to get impatient with this thread.
New Greston
12-04-2009, 15:54
OOC: "The incoming Godrods were targeted by the city's Ground-based Midcourse Defense stations, either knocking them off-course or destroying them." <------- lulwut. I sent you the info on them, that is pretty much impossible to do what you just did.
New Greston
14-04-2009, 02:55
Grestonian Fleet, GMNS Ares

The news of the succes, or failure, of the tungesten microsattelite strikes came into the bridge almost immediately. First came the news of one hitting it's target, the crew went in a raccous, uproarious cheer. Then came the news of one being shot of course but still causing the aimed amount of damage, a less energetic reply met the news. Then came the news of one being shot down altogether. The crew felt glum but Cradock was happy as two of the three hit Magna Polis.

Cradock then decided to pull out his next bastardly trick. He was upon the main deck, along with the crew scrambling to release another wave of Tomahawks and flak to survive the return volley. Surrounded by the highest ranking crew and the mission leadership board, Cradock stood between two AGM - Harpoon missiles. They looked standard enough, the only difference between them and the rest being lobbed at Magna Polis was the red marking on the side and what it contained.

Along with the standard ordinance any AGM-Harpoon would carry was two kilo liters of Sarin (GB) nerve agents, laced with acetylcholinesterase to pack an even deadlier punch. Three of the B2 Spirit stealth bombers had two of the nerve gas Harpoons on them and ten more were to be launched via the weaponry on deck.

To hide the Harpoon missiles with sarin, giving them a better chance at wreaking havoc upon Magna Polis, yet another volley of 10,000 Tomahawks was launched. Following the Tomahawks were 5,700 BrahMos missiles, and 30,000 dumb bombs. The harpoons looked exactly the same as the rest of the missiles and the chance of them being shot down was 15 in 40,700 (the missiles and bomb being lobbed), and there was no chance what so ever of them being circled out and shot down.

Five of the AGM-Harpoon missiles were aimed the at the largest military installations, specifically ones with SAMs and the Tomahawk installations. Five more were aimed at air fields across Magna Polis, the remaining five distributed across the most heavily populated areas in Magna Polis, the only area not directly targetted was The Spire.

Grestonian Fleet, Skies Above Magna Polis

The B2 pilots made haste, dodging various attacks and SAMs. Their target was the Ground-based Midcourse Defense stations. Each Spirit pilot would drop one of his AGM-Harpoon sarin gas missiles ontop of the satation and then drop the other where ever they felt necesary. As a distraction, the rest of the B2 Spirit Bombers were targeting buildings and other SAMs. The F-15E Strike Eagles were being blasted out of the sky but were alleviated by the Sumguaian Air Force, from there they commence their ground attack, unloaded their entire Bomb Rack Accesories upon enemy military units.

Nothing would stop the Imperial Republic from ending the Siege of Magna Polis, as the united coalition militaries were begining to call it.

Grestonian Orbiting Space Station, Penetrator Tungsten Needle MicroSatellite 4 "Armageddon"

The first three microsatellites were shot down instantly. It was imperitive that the remaining Penetrator Tungsten Needle MicroSatellite survive and hit its target, which was the side of the Spire, but not the building. The point was to collapse any underground escape routes, which there was bound to be tons of.

Numerous Vympel RX-100 'Asp' Space to Space Missiles were shot at the Orderian Satellites engaging the remainign tungsten needle. Whilst the spewing of space-to-space missiles, the microsatellite began its launch sequence and was then shoot out towards the side of the Spire.
East Congaree
14-04-2009, 21:51
OOC: So, what's going to be done about my invasion of Grestonian Africa? If there is no response to it, I will retcon the entire war and the conflicts that took place immediately before it, and were in principle part of this war.
16-04-2009, 23:36
OOC: I am so sorry to do after the RP was held up by me as my internet was knocked out and a tech never arrived until 2 and a half weeks later. But in the process all of my saved notes and files on my nations,weapons,ships,missiles,unit organzation and tatics have all been losted. As such I must recton my involement in the war. I am very sorry for all this. I had no way to know that my new internet was going to be tossed and my information losted. I really felt like the IFA had a really good chance to win this. But now it gonna be months or however long until I got through the huge efforts of rebuilding and regathering all of my notes.


P.S Does anybody have any ideas about saving my information so this doesn't happen again? :(
17-04-2009, 01:48
OOC: EC, stop threatening to retcon every time you have to wait have to wait a few days. Greston is trying to write quality posts, so stop trying to rush him. F4u, I'm sorry to hear that, and for the future, you can back everything up to an external hard drive, though I wouldn't recommend that (since it's quite expensive). Try a tiny little zip drive in the future.
17-04-2009, 02:18
OOC: EC, stop threatening to retcon every time you have to wait have to wait a few days. Greston is trying to write quality posts, so stop trying to rush him. F4u, I'm sorry to hear that, and for the future, you can back everything up to an external hard drive, though I wouldn't recommend that (since it's quite expensive). Try a tiny little zip drive in the future.

Sure. I so will as the RP info wasn't the only thing I losted. As for the RP. Nexts time man. Next time! :p
East Congaree
17-04-2009, 17:22
OOC: I launched my invasion of Tanganyika about a week ago. He refuses to even respond unless I make a special thread for him.
18-04-2009, 00:06
OOC: I launched my invasion of Tanganyika about a week ago. He refuses to even respond unless I make a special thread for him.

That is usually what is done to stop threads from becoming cluttered.

Lord Sumguy
19-04-2009, 21:54
That is usually what is done to stop threads from becoming cluttered.


OOC: correct, seperate theatres in a war are generally divided into seperate threads.

also, why did a missile strike on military facilities kill only thousands of civilians? Sorry about the shortness of this post, but im a bit rushed.


Skies over Manga Polis:

Hundreds of planes fell from the sky as Hegemonic aircraft battled those of the Grand World Order over Magna Polis. The Sumguaian air force had not expected such a large number of Orderian planes to be directed against them. They still outnumbered their foes by more than two to one however, as many of those assigned to bombing roles were re-routed to eliminate the Orderian air threat once it was recognized as deserving such attnetion. The added presence of Grestonian air forces meant that the dogfighting over the city likely amounted to little more than a delaying action.

OOC: currently editing.
The Grand World Order
26-04-2009, 23:43
Magna Polis, Strategic

As RADAR stations picked up more planes incoming, the Magna Polis Air Defense Force sent out 2,000 more F-22s to confront the enemy. It was impossible to tell what the casualties were of the air battle at the moment, as it was still going on and casualties from both sides were mounting.

On the ground, huge amounts of civilians were being slaughtered, with somewhere around 80 various military installations being demolished. The sarin munitions utterly failed against the military at some of the targets; every combat personnel member was issued a GIPU, a HAZMAT undersuit with ballistic protection capabilities. This had been practiced since shortly after the Foundings. Combined with their gas masks, the sarin simply went off and killed even more civilians. Of course, some of the stations lost some vital members, thus resulting in their disabling.

In response, massive swarms of methane-filled missiles flew out at the aggressor fleet; they wouldn't even have to hit the ships, and the methane would cause the water to bubble madly, capsizing the ships and scalding the sailors aboard to death. Of course, huge amounts of missiles had to be used for this, and a large amount would have to reach the fleets.


The GWO satellites quickly focused their fire at the orbital bombardment satellites, ignoring the satellites attacking them for now. More satellites had begun to fire on the Grestonian satellites. This possibly would become the first battle for control of space...

((OOC: A bit rushed...))
26-04-2009, 23:48
ooc:um...this would not at least have some understanding of Bermuda triangle theories though.
New Greston
28-04-2009, 21:19
[OOC: Btw, how many installations do you have around the city?]

Grestonian Fleet, GMNS Ares

"I think we just broke MP's right leg. Let's pressure them and break the left then move onto more important bones like the spine, neck and head." - Cradock seemed to be talking entirely in metaphors, and the missions cabinet was not very pleased. It took the officer who majored in English first, before military hierarchy, to explain to the rest what he was actually saying.

The only thing that wasn't confusing for the mission's board members was the fact that a new operation was being opened up. Operation Twenty-Four Hours. Since out side foreign naval prescence was entirely wiped out, ammunition fleets were able to run back and force with no resistance. Operation Twenty-Four Hours was a simultaneous missile bombardment that would carry on for, reluctantly, twenty-four hours.

What ever was on the brink of falling and the areas showing the least attempts at fighting back were targeted in the final massive bombardment before Operation Twenty-Four Hours. Once again, 20,000 Tomahawks, 5,600 BrahMos, and 20,000 dumb bombs were being lobbed at Magna Polis.

The methane missile strike utterly failed, the missiles were being shot down like flies and only a small portion landed; even then the plan of boiling the water was not working as it was scientifically impossible.

Grestonian Fleet, Skies Above Magna Polis

The Grestonian forces were no longer taking casualties with the exception of an air craft every one in a while. The Hegemonic planes had taken up the dog fighting and the casualties were mounting, specifically for the Orderian Air Force. The Grestonian air crafts continued unloading missiles upon Orderian targets, their role in Operation Twenty-Four Hours was to knock down Orderian counter missile systems.
The Grand World Order
10-05-2009, 08:54
((OOC: A few things I'll have to discuss with that post before I RP a reaction to it... but here's an offensive maneuver.))

Magna Polis

"Methane attack was a no-go. Wasn't that fun? Let's try something else."

Quickly, torpedoes mounted on dummy (And real, in some cases) cruise missiles were flung at the enemy; 15,000 torpedo-cruise missile mixes in all. The cruise missiles flew out at the enemy fleets, releasing their torpedoes as they entered countermeasures range. The missiles were behaving like regular ones, and flew in their kamikaze way at the ships while the torpedoes weaved in and out to do the real damage...
10-05-2009, 19:51
OOC: Isn't your entire navy at the bottom of the ocean? Where are you firing these things from?
The Grand World Order
15-05-2009, 01:56
((OOC: No, actually, you haven't attacked the ships. And apparently you don't understand that it is possible to launch missiles from the ground. I see no reason for you to believe that my Navy has even suffered a single sinking when you have neglected to post any sort of attacks against it.

You actually have not posted actions against my ships currently ported at Magna Polis, with small patrols on the outskirts. Therefore, as you have not posted an attack against them, they have suffered no damage. Furthermore, my entire navy isn't at Magna Polis. The Magna Polis Defense Fleet, which is still very much afloat, is currently the only thing there.))
15-05-2009, 03:04
OOC: Erm, wow. Okay, a simple "no" would have sufficed. On a side note, launching 15,000 "torpedo-cruise missiles" (a hypothetical design, but whatever, This Is NS, I suppose) from land would basically mean having 15,000 launch vehicles in your capital city, which, even for you, is simply insane. Besides the idea of where they would be located in a city, what about the fact that Magna Polis has been essentially carpet-bombed?
The Grand World Order
15-05-2009, 03:29
((OOC: Magna Polis is in the process of being bombed at the moment. Also remember that currently I have somewhere around 6,000 planes in the air...

As for the launch vehicle thing, I'm not launching all the missiles at once. I'm firing, reloading, firing, reloading, you get the drill. I could actually launch all of them simultaneously using something like 50 old Ticonderogas.))
15-05-2009, 03:38
OOC: Aegis only illuminates 4 targets a time.

Open Transmission to Orderian Government

This is our final offer. Consider it carefully, and answer knowing full well that the alternative will be the absolute destruction of Magna Polis and the death of every man, woman, and child taking up residence in that unholy place. Your government is responsible for millions of deaths, both directly and indirectly, and we cannot hold back our allies any longer – the choice now falls on you. Surrender, or watch as Magna Polis is reduced to rubble.

We are willing to negotiate, but know full well that the terms will never be favorable to you. You cannot escape the sins of your past, and we will not allow you to. The only option for you now is to show a willingness to atone for them by saving the lives of your citizens – surely you realize that the war is now lost. There is no further point to resistance.

Surrender now, or we will show no restraint in the destruction of every building, every life, in Magna Polis. We will go to every length – every length – to ensure that you never do harm to another innocent again.

General Staff of Leistung


Over the skies of Magna Polis

The flight of B-22 Zeus bombers lumbered through the clouds, flanked by nimble escort fighters hidden visually by the thick cloud cover. The ultimatum has been sent, but Leistung was seen as soft by the Grand World Order, and by more authoritarian nations in general – it was time to show them just how serious the Republic could be when freedom was threatened.

“Altitude is good…airspeed…good.” The co-pilot of the lead bomber checked his instruments nervously, and the pilot placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Calm yourself, Fritz; they surely will surrender. Don’t think of anything more than the mission at hand,” he said, his own voice cracking from nervousness as well. In truth, neither men were comfortable with what their mission entailed, but it was a necessary one nonetheless, and after all, who were they to question orders?

As the escorts peeled off to occupy the Orderian planes already dogfighting, waves of carrier-launched fighters took their place, forming a vanguard which shielded the thirty-two bombers. Flak began to fill the air, and the rearmost plane exploded in a brilliant flash, its tail careening off into the night sky as the men were incinerated instantly.

“Coming to drop distance – all planes, prepare to drop,” the bombardier commented, opening a radio channel with the rest of the flight. “Drop on my signal.” His finger hovered over the drop button, and he said a brief prayer, begging God for forgiveness. “Drop – now, now, now.”

OOC: Thirty-one planes, 750 dumb bombs each, if you need numbers.
The Grand World Order
15-05-2009, 06:08
Official Response of the Fascist Federation of the Grand World Order

Do you even hear yourselves? You're threatening to kill well over 150 million innocent people in the name of your petty leftist ideals. Your casus belli isn't even existent. You've already ordered kinetic strikes on civilians. You've dumped sarin gas on them. Now you're threatening to kill all of them, like the true bloodthirsty leftist scum you are.

Let it be known that not even a quarter of the military power of the Order has been called to even assist in the Magna Polis crisis. And for what is done to us, we can promise worse. Vengeance will be swift and hard, should the city be flattened. We can promise, should the city of Magna Polis be destroyed in such a manner, the entire Republic of Leistung will be subjected to a Vendetta, a Blood Feud in which no single citizen will survive, so as to prevent the proliferation of Leistungi blood. Not with nuclear weapons, either. No, that would be too swift. And to top it off, you wouldn't even stop the Order. Even if the city is flattened, the Order will live on. The Artiche Protocols are embedded in Man forever, and even in death, Artiche rules our people. You cannot kill an idea, for an idea is immortal.

Here, we will stand and fight.

Magna Polis Military Shipyard #33

Fleet Admiral of the Navy Erane Jenvus Buwan straightened his white uniform as he took his seat at the bridge of the FWS Grand Justice. He knew his objectives, and knew well that he might not make it out of the next battle, however short it may be. The entire Magna Polis Defense Fleet, all 750 fighting surface ships ranging from the tiny MABs to the mighty Grand Justice itself, was preparing to head out. Satellite jammers across the world began targeting belligerent satellites.

The Fleet solemnly proceeded to leave their shipyards. It seemed as if every sailor, every Marine, and every Airman knew that heavy sacrifices were to be made to destroy the Communists. They all knew that they were going against a numerically superior enemy. They all knew that even the optimists projected that the Fleet wouldn't win.

The PAs on every ship sounded. Grand Commander GRIFFITH-II himself was going to address them as they sailed to fight the menace outside of the city. Everyone looked up and listened. The extremely powerful and charismatic voice of their leader came on, speaking perfect E.D.I. (English-Deutsch-Italiano). As everyone fell quiet, the speech echoed across the harbor, blending in with the stormy weather.

"My men and women of the sea, tonight you are to embark on a quest to vanquish the enemies of our Grand Order, to eradicate the Red Menace! You will purge the ocean of the scum, and they will see our righteousness! Here, we will stand and fight! Here, we will fight, and they will die! Here, the glory of Fascism and God will reduce their fleets into the material with which we shall make our own fleet and ravage their populace, just as they have done to our men, women, and children! They have come to kill your families, to rape your mothers, sisters, and wives, to savagely murder your priests, your friends, your ministers, your rabbis, to pillage and plunder all of your belongings! The Communists you will be fighting are numerous, cunning. Your mission will not be without difficulty.

I only hope God will have mercy upon them, for I know for damn sure that you will not!"

((OOC: More will come later, I have to go for the night.))