NationStates Jolt Archive

Liberal First Five Year Plan (FFYP)

Hard Core Liberals
03-03-2009, 22:57
The Liberal First Five Year plan has been put into affect, in an attempt to rapidly collectivize agriculture, and industrialize the nation to begin producing weapons and the ammunition to go with them. Liberal Chancellor, Alex Featherston, had this to say;

"We may be a small nation, we may even be a weak nation, but we are strong in terms of pride and nationalism! I look around this stadium today and see our flag flying everywhere! This plan will help farmers, the middle class, people of all kinds, excuse me, maybe not the capitalists," a small chuckle from the crowd "will be included! We will advance as a people! We will fall as a people! We are the Liberal people!"

The crowd roared with approval. Cheers and applause went up everywhere. He could even feel it through the news cameras from the people at home cheering. All of a sudden, Alex Featherston made his hand into a fist, and stuck straight up in the air.

Immediately, the crowd followed. The crowd was now a sea of fists. They truly were one people. Many elderly people, people who had been around in the time of democracy, weeped that day...

OOC: Let me know what you think. :rolleyes:
03-03-2009, 23:17
OOC: Well, I dislike Liberals in RL... a lot..... Beside the fact, very nice post. I've seen quite a lot of crappy intro posts from new nations during my time here, but this is probably one of the best ones! Oh, and welcome to NS!
03-03-2009, 23:23
(OOC: Oh my, I think I'm going to cry, a first post that isn't "I declare war on suchandsuch" I believe this is a good day for 09's everywhere, now please... please don't ruin it by going all "NUCEAR WAAAR" on us, please for our sanity. other than that good first post, welcome to NS and have a good time :D
I won't be doing an IC reply as my country is semi-isolationist and anti-liberal but good job and keep at it)
The Fanboyists
04-03-2009, 02:40
OOC: Very good first post. Much better than my first. Good writing. Keep it up, and welcome to NSG, II. Enjoy yourself!
Generalissimo Steven Grimmeberger looked at the report that had just reached him from the so-called 'liberal nation.' He gave a small chuckle.

"Poor misguided fools. Got to admit they're enthusiastic, for all that. John!"
"Sir?" his aide asked.
"Prepare a message for them from us. I can dictate."

Dear Chancellor Featherworth,

First of all, congratulations on you emergence as a world player. We look foward to trading with you, and hope that our nations will enjoy peace with one another.

However, as a private citizen, I must offer my advice as to the running of your country. Make what you will of it: ignore or use, it will not affect me or my people.

It has come to our attention that your people are embarking on a collectivization and nationalization effort of your economy. While your intentions may be nothing but good, I have a few words of caution:

"This is an intensely bad idea."

Speaking from the experience of watching my nation stagnate and suffer. Yes, suffer under such programs, I must warn you that such economic policies are not to be taken lightly: if done with even the slightest mishap, your economy, and by extension, your citizens, will suffer greatly. I would advise against such measures, as one leader to another, but if you truely believe that such methods are the right way foward, I urge you, for the sake of your people, be careful about it.

I hope that your program suceeds and that all turns out for the best.

Welcome to the world.

Generalissimo Steven Phillip Grimmeberger,
Head of State, Federation of North Atlantic Territories
Commander-in-Chief, Federal Armed Forces
04-03-2009, 02:44
OOC: Like the others said above me, nice first post and welcome to NS. I also won't do an IC reply, as my nation is currently speeding towards a civil war type of thing (which you're welcome to join if you'd like, there's still plenty of room). Enjoy your stay!