NationStates Jolt Archive

Edcuation Development Comission (att. Allanea)

The Ryou Black Islands
11-01-2009, 00:12
As the new education system is developed in the TRBI, there has been dispute over what curriculum should be developed. Having heard of Allanea's new school program, they called for a meeting between them to reach something all the Ryous could agree on. Afterall some wanted purely Christian education, others secular, some wanted to maintain the old system, others didn't want a foreign one.
11-01-2009, 01:07
Official Message from the Demented Schooling Corporation:

We recommend two recourses: either switch to a school voucher system, or subcontract your schooling system entirely to a competent entity like DSC itself, which operates over six million schools world-wide, providing quality education to over five billion children every year.

We can provide both Christian and secular education, with competent instruction in both the humanities and the sciences.
The Ryou Black Islands
18-01-2009, 03:28
Official Message from the Demented Schooling Corporation:

We recommend two recourses: either switch to a school voucher system, or subcontract your schooling system entirely to a competent entity like DSC itself, which operates over six million schools world-wide, providing quality education to over five billion children every year.

We can provide both Christian and secular education, with competent instruction in both the humanities and the sciences.

We have put the options on the ballot and will let the Ryou People decide
18-01-2009, 04:23
(There is some irony in the fact that he is asking for schooling for his country and he can spell neither education nor commission.)
Console do Anjo
18-01-2009, 04:33
(There is some irony in the fact that he is asking for schooling for his country and he can spell neither education nor commission.)

like you've never misspelled your own threads
18-01-2009, 06:06
(I actually have not ever. I am a spelling nazi. I use word check on every post I write except when I forget.)