NationStates Jolt Archive

For the Emperor (IC Thread, see OOC for sign-up)

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28-12-2008, 08:46
The Immaterium. A dimension of swirling colors, violent currents and of course, daemons. It was the realm of chaos, and yet it was so vital to the Imperium of Man. For as long as life filled the Emperor's half-dead body, his light lit the dark realm of Chaos for mankind. Millions of ships traversed the void every day. One such ship, a Titanic ancient troop transport cruised along through the Immateriuam, en route to the edge of Segmentum Pacificus. The gigantic troop transport held within it's metallic shell two dozen Imperial Guard regiments to be deposited through out a little known solar system that had fallen victim to an Ork Waaagh!

One such regiment, the 1st Mobile Infantry was being deployed for the first ever time. On record, anyway. The 1st was actually made up of several regiments shattered by battle, most by the end of the 13th Black Crusade. Many troops were battle hardened by the experience, but a few had never tasted battle their regiments had been so quickly decimated. Either way, their leaders were tasked with preparing them to face not the Archenemy of Mankind this time, but the Greenskin menace that loomed ahead of them.
28-12-2008, 09:09
Karl slept in his rack with several of his squad members in their own racks along the bulkhead of the ship. Karl was rocking around having a nightmare from his first and only engagement in his time in the Imperial Guard….

“Fire now, in the name of the Emperor!” Screamed, Commissar Henrich as the Dark Eldar approached the village during the darkness of night. The Xenos moved quickly and silently killing several Guardsmen in the initial strike.

Karl and his fellow Stormtroopers returned fire using their Plasma guns shooting volley after volley of the unstable energy at the Dark Eldar. Karl remembered seeing one of the slower Dark Eldar fall and he aimed for that one shooting the stumbling target and nailing him in the chest. The alien screamed in pain and terror as the Plasma ripped into his chest and burned a hole the size of two men’s fists into his chest.

Karl smiled and then frowned when the village was hit by Wyches from the eastern perimeter. The valiant stromtroopers promptly moved to intercept them only to be hit from behind by a volley of enemy fire in the back.

Karl then felt a sting in his left leg as one of the Wyches sliced into his leg with a large wicked knife and then swung it into his right eye blinding him on the spot. Karl gripped his Plasma gun and shot her point plank in the head…

The Xenos female lost her head in the blast and it sent Karl sprawling to the ground. The young Stromtrooper stayed down and howled in pain as his comrades continued on fighting to the last man….

Karl woke up and screamed a shout of alarm…..

“Dear Emperor! We are being overrun!”

He looked around and noticed the looks of alarm and surprise from his squad mates and decides to leave before they decide to report him for having false visions of heresy…

Karl walks out of the berthing and heads out to hallway to find other members of his new regiment. The 1st Mobile Infantry Regiment…
28-12-2008, 09:10
Regimental Commissar Marcus Schultze placed the data-slate he'd been looking at on his desk, and scratched his cheek. It had only about a 10 months since he had graduated from the Schola Progenium, and he was already sad that life there was so much simpler in comparison. His first assignment was to this regiment, the 1st Mobile Infantry. It had been slapped together by the Departmento Munitorum from a bunch of other regiments that were more or less destroyed during the 13th Black Crusade.

What those idiots at the Munitorum didn't know was how hard it would be on the common Guardsmen. The thing is, you can't just mix a whole bunch of people from entirely different backgrounds together in an instant, it just doesn't work. The data-slate he had just put down contained a disciplinary report. Apparently, a bunch of his troopers had gotten into a sizable brawl in the barracks, and six naval provosts were put in the medicae breaking it up. He had considered having the whole lot shot, but figured that would be doing more harm then good. So for now, he had the instigators confined to the brig until they made planetfall.

He sighed, and stood up. He reached over, and placed his Commissar's hat atop his head. He still wasn't used to the thing. It seemed all new commissars received hats that were a little too big for them. Maybe they shrank in the wash, or after they were stitched up from all the holes that would get shot through it in battle. Either way, he still put it on, and stepped into the corridor outside his office.

He walked through the corridors, when he head a sudden scream:

“Dear Emperor! We are being overrun!”

Wondering who said that, he ran in the direction of the noise, coming to the stormtrooper's barracks. Swinging open the door, he stuck his head in.

"Everything alright, trooper?"
28-12-2008, 09:16
Karl looked at the Commissar and realized he had to keep himself composed this was a delicate matter when dealing with a Commissar.

The Sergeant stood up straight and said softly, “Nothing, Just a few bad memories from the past…”

The Stormtrooper was dressed in his carapace armor with cameoline that made him a tad stealthier than your average stormtrooper and his right eye had a cybernetic replacement. It seemed the man had suffered greatly in the last regiment he had been in. He also had a scar along the right side of his face permanently disfiguring him.

He promptly saluted his superior officer smartly and said, “I did not mean to frighten the men with my outburst. I will keep my bearing next time…”
28-12-2008, 09:23
Marie Tipker wiped her forehead with the rag she had been using to clean the barrel of her lasgun. She had been sitting on her bunk, cross legged as she went over her kit for the 100th time making sure everything was in tip-top order. She was of course used to the crowded confines of troop transports, that wasn't what was making her sweat. In an all-Valhallan regiment, this area of the ship would of had it's temp-modulators way down, to a level comparable to that of her frozen home world. Of course now that she had been mixed in with people from many different worlds, the temperature was a more "neutral" one. Which was almost summer-like to all the Valhallans in the 1st Mobile Infantry, who slept on top of their blankets, and now walked around without their tunics on sweating all the while.

Marie nearly jumped into the roof when she heard someone say they were being over run, but it turned out to be one of the other troopers having a nightmare. The commotion caused her to bump one of her lasgun's springs down onto the floor, and she cursed audibly. "Ah Frack it all!" She groaned, jumping onto the floor to look for her missing spring.
28-12-2008, 09:29
"I see..." Schultze replied, noting the condition of the trooper he was talking to. It seemed he had run into more then a few scrapes in his last regiment, and had the scars to show. Well, at least that eye gave him some sort of enhancement, but the Commissar would prefer to keep his human parts human. He must've had some sort of traumatic accident.

"At ease, trooper." He said, noticing that the stormtrooper had worked his way into a sharp salute. "And don't worry, I can't punish you for something you do in your sleep."

Looking over, he noticed another trooper cursing audibly, and jumping onto the floor. He raised en eyebrow as she began to approach him, still unaware of his presence.
28-12-2008, 09:36
Sergeant Karl promptly dropped his salute and stood at ease. The carapace armor made him look more bulky and the 1st Xharnian regiment insignia was still on his shoulders. The Stormtrooper promptly nodded and said, “That policy must be new Commissar Henrich would have probably thought that I was being possessed by the dark powers and would have executed me on the spot. I guess things are a little different in this regiment..”

Sergeant Karl promptly added, “With respects, to your fallen colleague and faithful servant to the Emperor..”

Sergeant promptly took his plasma gun and began to inspect it to make sure it would not suffer a melt down and blow himself up on the upcoming battle. It was a common enough occurrence for plasma weaponry to malfunction and perform terrible things like exploding in the hands of the user..
28-12-2008, 09:40
Schultze turned his head back to Karl, chuckling.

"Are you volunteering for execution, trooper?"
28-12-2008, 09:44
Marie found the screw, it having rolled under another troopers bunk. She promptly returned it to it's rightful place in her weapon before noticing, finally, that they had company. The Regimental Commisar at that. She instantly snapped to attention and saluted, though he looked otherwise occupied talking to the trooper that had the bad dream.
28-12-2008, 09:52
Schultze turned his head back to Karl, chuckling.

"Are you volunteering for execution, trooper?"

"No Sir, I was just noting the difference in command style!" squeaked the large sergeant of the Stromtroopers and some of the squad started to chuckle at the look of surprise that their squad leader was showing…

Karl’s face suddenly began to harden and replied, “If it is in the best interest of the God Emperor and Mankind. I will gladly give up my life!”

The squad then stopped chuckling, they saw the new look of determination and military drilling that made up the sudden response. One of them said, “Frack, The Sarge is going to be a hard ass when drilling comes up!”
28-12-2008, 10:06
"Very good, trooper." The Commissar replied, straightening up. "Your dedication to the God-Emperor is duly noted. Carry on." With that, he whirled around, and paced toward the door. While walking by, he noticed the female trooper standing at full attention.

"Trooper." He said while passing by. Without another word from him, he paced out of the barracks, back into the corridor.

OOC: Well, I'm out for the day. G'night!
Free United States
28-12-2008, 10:16
ooc: this will also be my first (and last) post for the work tomorrow


Kat had been walking around the corridors. He was used to being on ships, and actually felt weird planetside. That was the effect of being born on an orbiting station, he supposed. He walked in just as a commissar walked out of the barracks. He saluted briskly as he passed, and poked his head in warily as he reached the entryway.

"What I'd miss...?" he asked, half-rhetorically.
28-12-2008, 10:17
Karl promptly turned to his squad and barked out, “You think that your time in your piss poor regiments make you something special? I don’t care what the standard infantry call you “Big Toy Soldiers,” “Glory Boys” etc. In my squad we are going to be in the thick of it. We are not going to just sit back and hide behind the wall that makes up the core of the Guardsmen. We are going to be either in with them or infiltrating behind enemy lines to perform covert actions against the enemy!”

Karl then looked at the one squad member that had muttered out during the Commissar's visit "If you think training is going to be hell, I suggest you get use to night time infiltration and firing drills. We are going to be doing this constantly once we get some time for training! Do you Fracking Glory Boys understand me!”

The Squad replies in a subdued tone, “Yes Sergeant, We understand your orders!”

Karl looks upon his men and said, “Carry on, I recommend you all check your plasma guns and pistols to ensure they are combat ready when we make planetfall. If they are not, I will personally send you to the Commissar for punishment for negligence of duty!”

Karl promptly walks with his plasma gun to his rack and begins cleaning and prepping it for the upcoming holocaust that was sure to becoming…
28-12-2008, 11:29
In the meantime,Datrohan was reading The Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer Section 3...his thoughts were disturbed and he was eager to fight the enemy they were facing...he read the book to calm himself....

...The Emperor's light is cast throughout the galaxy.You benefit from basking in His luminescence,and thus you are a wholesome and obedient servant.(Note:Watch your comrades closely.If any of them show signs of corruption or impurity,do not hesitate to report them to a commisar.Rest assured.You are being watched.)...

The last part troubled Datrohan,he knew that he would have to report his comrades if they fall,but he also knew that if he makes a mistake and reports someone the Inquisition will torture and murder him.A scream from the other room dispersed his thoughts...

“Dear Emperor! We are being overrun!”

He walked out of his room to see what is going on,in the corridor he saw Regiment's Commissar and a trooper discussing something...When he was assured that it was nothing..he quietly went back to his bed and continiued reading...

...But what of those unfortunates who live far from His Light,where the vigorous clamor of the Imperium is but a distant hum and the chastening visitations of the Inqusitors naught but a fading memory?They became surly,willful and insular,like children let in the wild...

For a second Datrohan imagined an Ork dressed like a child,it made him laugh...but he continiued reading the book...he reached a Section called "The Tau and their invidious wars"...

The Adeptus Mechanicus's vessel "Land's vision" made first contact with the Tau's primitive forebears when they still lived in caves 789.M35.While our proud ancestor's were plying the depths of space,cataloguing all lesser races,the tau were still throwing mud at each other!

Datrohan was very tired and disturbed,he knew that tomorow's gonna be hell on the ground,worse then a firestorm,worse then inferno...and he know that his regiment are sheep getting ready for slaughter,but still he didn't woried about that...
28-12-2008, 19:39
OOC: Hey Xharn, would you mind if I put my character in your squad? I'll edit my post later if you say no.

IC: Lydia, not yet knowing it would simply cause her more grief, groaned aloud. Of course, she thought to herself, My first squad, and the sergeants going to be hell. She sighed, and looked down at her lasgun. Though she would never admit it, the thought of battle terrified her. She wasn't sure if she would be able to pull the trigger when it came down to it. She had never killed anything in her life, and she wasn't sure if she could. I'm sure I can if a big angry Ork is coming my way. She told herself halfheartedly.

She looked nervously at the sergeant. "Say, ah, sir? If you don't mind me asking, whats it like in battle?"
28-12-2008, 20:15
Datrohan soon realised he can't sleep...
He was troubled by the memories of the past...He walked out of his room,and saw a young whiteshield female trooper on the being a polite person he aproached the rookie and said in a warm tone...

"You should keep that Lasgun close to you at all times,you'd never know when something is gonna jump you"

28-12-2008, 20:20
Lydia jumped despite herself. She sighed when she looked behind her. "Oh, you startled me." She grinned sheepishly. "I guess that wass sorta your point, huh?" She frowned. "Do I need to call you sir?"
28-12-2008, 20:24
"Oh,my apologies,i didn't want to scare you...well believe me that im right i saw many action, need for Sir,i hate those bureaucratic calls...also i didn't introduced myself...Datrohan Windicore glad to meet you...?...
28-12-2008, 20:26
Lydia laughed, and jumped to her feet, offering her hand. "Lydia Setanyo. Pleased to meet you as well." She grinned. "And no worries about the scaring. I should really pay more attention, huh?"
28-12-2008, 20:30
"Well,tommorow you definetly should pay max attention and listen the advice of the Commisar...I see we are in the same regiment,1st Motorised...i hope we will prove that we aren't cannon meat tomorow...but don't worry Orks aren't nothing compared to the Armies of Imperium..."
28-12-2008, 20:34
She nodded nervously. "I've heard it said that Orks fight only with brutality and numbers. Is this true?" She smiled wanly. "I'm just kind of worried if this is true, because I've heard that Orks are very large, and I'm not exactly the biggest person in the Regiment." She said, gesturing at herself, only two inches above 5 foot.
28-12-2008, 20:39
"Well,they are brutal and numerous,but incredibly easy to break,the most important thing to do when facing Orks is to try to see who are the bravest amongst them,the guys who are charging in front of anyone else,and take them down fast,or much better cripple them in a way that they scream to bo killed...that has a devastating efect on them,also aim at their chest and heads,for the ordinary ones wear almost no armor..."
He said confidently and remembering the battles he fought...
28-12-2008, 20:41
She blinked. "No armour? Do they just charge in wearing nothing but ordinary clothes?" She thought for a second, then blushed. "Or do the go in, er, naked?"
28-12-2008, 20:44
Datrohan smiled...
"No they wear only light armor,and they are not naked...hehe...but they are badly...*cough*....equiped...but you must not underetimate them...their savagery knows no limits..."
He said with a wide smile on his face...
28-12-2008, 20:47
Lydia narrowed her eyes, not understanding what Datrohan was smiling about. "So, they don't have much in the way of technology, but if they got up close they are more than deadly?"
28-12-2008, 20:53
"Basicly yes,but also they have guns,not very effective that way but still dangerous,my advice to you is to awoid open ground,and always,always go from cover to cover,and stick to your teammates,and also..."...he aproached Lydia and quietly said,almost whispering "don't try to be a hero,most of the people die that way.Because you see,heroes die first,and what do they die for?.... he opened his pocket to show his Medalion Crimson..."for a small piece of worthless metal,and a little glory that means nothing...."
28-12-2008, 20:57
Lydia forced a smile and shook her head. "Right, no hero stuff. Got it." She grinned somewhat. "Besides, I'm not really the hero type."
28-12-2008, 22:11
OOC: Hey Xharn, would you mind if I put my character in your squad? I'll edit my post later if you say no.

IC: Lydia, not yet knowing it would simply cause her more grief, groaned aloud. Of course, she thought to herself, My first squad, and the sergeants going to be hell. She sighed, and looked down at her lasgun. Though she would never admit it, the thought of battle terrified her. She wasn't sure if she would be able to pull the trigger when it came down to it. She had never killed anything in her life, and she wasn't sure if she could. I'm sure I can if a big angry Ork is coming my way. She told herself halfheartedly.

She looked nervously at the sergeant. "Say, ah, sir? If you don't mind me asking, whats it like in battle?"

OOC: Sure, I was thinking I was with a group of Stroomtroopers but a few regular guardsmen under my command could be feasible considering the mixed match regiment we have been put in…


Sergeant Karl looked upon the young woman that had asked her question in a nervous tone and replied solemnly and kindly, “Battle is like a whole new experience in itself, you first have to meet the enemy and pray to the God Emperor his terrifying and unholy weapons do not kill you. I have seen armored men like myself being blown up by their own weapons and I have seen Xenos scum burned to a liquid like goo under the barrage of plasma fire.”

Karl then added bluntly, “I expect for you new people it is going to be a scary and frightening experience. I suggest you stick to people that have seen action and let them teach you the ropes. I would have like to have more time to train all of you but we didn’t get much time for that. I cannot guarantee all of you will be coming back home and many of you will lose friends and fellow compatriots to the Xenos, The mutant, and the Heretic. I pray you all have the strength and courage to follow the will of the Emperor and purge them from existence..”
28-12-2008, 22:17
Lydia gulped. "Do think that will happen? She blushed. "I mean, I'm sure it will be frightening and all that, but the Heretic thing. Will we actually have to fight other humans? I think I can stand killing the xenos and mutants, but I'm not sure if I can pull the trigger when a human being is on the other end."
28-12-2008, 22:21
The Sargent looked at the young woman and his battle harden expression did not change in the slightest. He was an Xharnian human born to fight and trained to kill at the command of his leaders. He took one look at Lydia and replied harshly in response, “You dare let a heretic survivor the mercy of the God Emperor? Those traitors are damned in the eyes of our Emperor and to all of Mankind. They don’t deserve pity or remorse they deserve the mercy of the God Emperor and that mercy is death!”
28-12-2008, 22:22
Lydia looked down, and said softly. "But what if they aren't traitors? What if they're just new, and they haven't yet seen the light of the God Emperor?" She was thinking about the rest of her people on her home planet.
28-12-2008, 22:30
Lydia looked down, and said softly. "But what if they aren't traitors? What if they're just new, and they haven't yet seen the light of the God Emperor?" She was thinking about the rest of her people on her home planet.

Sergeant Karl merely shrugged and with his scared up eye replied almost automatically, “If they refute the emissaries of our glorious God Emperor and refuse to change their depraved and dark ways and come to his light. We will then be called in to cleanse them in the name of God Emperor and all of Mankind. I am surprised by your lack of conviction in the commands of our glorious Imperium.”

Sergeant Karl then added, “Do you think your faith is wavering? I would hate to have to report your lack of conviction to the Regimental Commissar..”
28-12-2008, 22:37
Datrohan heard the conversation and it made him think a bit....

"Sergeant,if i have a permission to speak,i would like to state something."
28-12-2008, 22:40
Lydia's eyes flashed in sudden anger, but she held her tongue when Datrohan spoke. My faith is unwavering. She thought fiercly to herself. But not all of us are callous monsters.
28-12-2008, 22:41
Karl looked up at Datrohan and decided to let the trooper add to the conversation. The Sergeant was tough on his squad but fair as well and decided to let Datrohan have a chance at saying whatever was on his mind…

“You have permission to speak..” grunted, The grizzled Sergeant..
28-12-2008, 22:46
Datrohan steadily replied...

"Sir,don't report the whiteshield in,she's still a child,and by child i mean mentally,because she never faced the terrible things of war,and believe me by terrible i mean, i saw a much worse things then ordinary battlefront...she's full of questions that need to be answered and i saw fear in her eyes,fear that i see in the eyes of evey Guardsmen a knew and know...fear of death...but i have to say much worse is the fear of dishonor..."
28-12-2008, 22:50
Lydia didn't know why the man was standing up for her, but she did know she was very grateful. The sergeant scared her, and she didn't look forward to standing up to him herself.
28-12-2008, 22:54
Datrohan steadily replied...

"Sir, don’t report the whiteshield in, she’s still a child, and by child I mean mentally, because she never faced the terrible things of war, and believe me by terrible I mean, I saw a much worse things then ordinary battlefront...she's full of questions that need to be answered and I saw fear in her eyes, fear that I see in the eyes of every Guardsmen a knew and know...fear of death...but I have to say much worse is the fear of dishonor..."

Sergeant Karl Von Carstein merely shrugged and said, “I know what war is like trooper, I have seen my fair share of it on Anubis II and Anubis I. I am the last of my late regiment; I lost comrades, brothers, and even sisters to the enemy. I understand the whiteshield is but a baby in the eyes of warriors but she must start with her conviction early, lest she be corrupted into the false beliefs of the heretic. She was but a moment ago speaking of refusing to shoot down heretics! I mean can you trust someone not willing to kill in the name of our beloved God Emperor and for the good of all mankind?”
28-12-2008, 22:56
Datrohan undestood the suffering of his Sergeant...
"Still,she will grow up tomorow,And i know how it feels to lose friends,i even had to kill corrupted felow Guardsmen who fell into herecy,the most horrible thing to do is to look in their red eyes,who were burning with anger and bloodlust.."
28-12-2008, 22:56
"If they are truly traitors, I will do my duty!" Lydia broke in angrily. "I may weep for it afterwords, but I will do it. But, if they are not traitors, merely unenlightened, then I believe we should attempt to show the the light of the Emperor."
Imperial isa
28-12-2008, 22:58
" some question's can get you killed"said Exitus unseen as he was wearing his Stealth Suit which hide him from their surroundings
28-12-2008, 23:03
"ooo,we have a honor to face the presence of a Vindicare temple assasin,what brings you to these tropical destionations dear "friend""
After hearing the stealthed man's speech..
28-12-2008, 23:10
Sergeant Karl merely nodded to the experienced trooper with a look of understanding and finally said, “I will not report her transgression this time but should her faith waver again. I will let the Commissar know that she is has left us (wanting).”

The Sergeant let that threat linger and added this time facing Lydia, “I hope you like classes in the faith of the God Emperor. I am hereby ordering you to pray for the Emperor’s penitence for this transgression. I demand that this prayer be done every morning and every night. You shall perform this chore without fail unless a higher ranking officer dismisses you from this chore. If you fail to do so you know the penalty…”

The large man in the carapace stood up to walk out and heard the Vindicator’s words. Karl didn’t know where they came from and his cybernetic eye began to go infra red attempting to locate the source of the disruption of the conversation..

OCC: Found Wanting: A term used by the Commissar for summary execution for any variation of crimes ranging from heresy to dereliction of duty etc..
28-12-2008, 23:14
"I will not report her transgression this time but should her faith waver again. I will let the Commissar know that she is has left us (wanting).”

"I thank you for your realictic view of our current situation Sergeant,it is obvioues that you area an experienced and battlehardened man.It is a honor to serve undeneath you command.If you dont mind a question was bugging me...Where did you fought for the Imperium?"
Asked Datrohan puzzled...
28-12-2008, 23:17
Lydia scowled and went to go sit down by herself. Damn him! My faith is just as firm as his, but apparently we're not allowed to taint faith with humanity.
Imperial isa
28-12-2008, 23:19
"ooo,we have a honor to face the presence of a Vindicare temple assasin,what brings you to these tropical destionations dear "friend""
After hearing the stealthed man's speech..

"i go where the Emperor orders and you are wise not to ask what my orders are"answer Exitus as he looked at the Sergeant trying to find him,before looking at the girl
28-12-2008, 23:22
"Hehe,i was just joking,trying to lift the spirits up before we land tomorow,and be polite to show youlself just that we all get to know each other,because we are possitioned in the same platoon,Assasin."
He responded with a smile in his face...

OOC:also guys i see a begining of a great thread
28-12-2008, 23:27
"I thank you for your realistic view of our current situation Sergeant, it is obvious that you area an experienced and battle hardened man. It is an honor to serve underneath you command. If you don’t mind a question was bugging me...Where did you fought for the Imperium?"
Asked Datrohan puzzled...

Sergeant Karl looked at Datrohan and his expression was one of painful sorrow, He hated the thought of having to think back to the Anubis System. That damn star system that stole his comrades in the war that raged across two planets inhabited by Xenos and humans.

The Sergeant kept on looking for the Vindicator his infra red cybernetic eye searching for the Vindicator’s body signature. The Sergeant was also an infiltrator of sorts but his type of infiltration was more for covert operations like planting bombs behind enemy lines and ambushing enemy patrols under the cover of darkness..

Karl eventually said, “I served in the Anubis Campaign, my regiment was the 1st Xharnian Heavy Infantry. We were ordered into Anubis I and Anubis II and we were wiped out to the last man on Anubis II when the vile Xenos surrounded us and cut us off from reinforcements in orbit…”
28-12-2008, 23:35
“I served in the Anubis Campaign, my regiment was the 1st Xharnian Heavy Infantry. We were ordered into Anubis I and Anubis II and we were wiped out to the last man on Anubis II when the vile Xenos surrounded us and cuts off from reinforcement in orbit…”

Sawing sorrow on Sergean's face Datrohan felt he was obligated to tell him his story..

"Hmmm..horrible war,and even more horrible bureaucrat's mistake...My story is full of similar things...I thought that the 13th Black Crusade was bad...then i faced Melora Prime....(looks to the floor,and hardly countiniues speech)...My regiment was issued with a task to help out the Planets Human Goverment aganst the Tau...but when we came...there was no Tau and no Humans...Chaos legions decended from the warp as we investigated the planet for any signs of life...They.....butchered my friends...wave after wave of damned Possesed Marines,and Warp creatures decended on our lines...and after they destroyed our main forces,they started with their foul rituals...i was hiding in the forest,with three of my felow Guardsmen.We saw terrible mutilation,blood drinking,blood bathing,foul deamons...i cant say anymore..After three months i was picked up by the Imperial reinfocements..."
28-12-2008, 23:46
Karl listened to the Troopers words and suddenly his own memories came to life in the war against the Dark Eldar. The 1st Xharnian Heavy Infantry was meant to push out the Eldar Pirates that had been ransacking the Anubis system for quite some time…

Karl eventually adds, “We made planet fall on Anubis I and attempted to meet up with the local human settlements along the northern continent. We got there around sun set and noticed that they were all destroyed. The Xenos left no survivors they left severed heads and limps laying around and many of us could see the skulls like masks that moved toward our positions at night.

The enemy attacked us repeatedly during the night on that forsaken jungle world; We had to hit them with covert actions along the eastern jungles. My squad was one of the Stroomtrooper squads that started using planting traps and bombs along the jungles. The Eldar raiders would fall into these traps and then we would spring from the cover of the jungle brush and fire upon them…

We eventually forced them off Anubis I only to discover they had moved to the next planet over Anubis II. We chased after them by Imperial Cruiser and landed on the planet with no knowledge that the “nearly wiped out enemy” had reinforcements already entrenched on that God Emperor forsaken planet..”
28-12-2008, 23:48
"We eventually forced them off Anubis I only to discover they had moved to the next planet over Anubis II. We chased after them by Imperial Cruiser and landed on the planet with no knowledge that the “nearly wiped out enemy” had reinforcements already entrenched on that God Emperor forsaken planet..”

Datrohan responded in grief...
"And a bloodbath followed.." he took a pause and looked to the floor and then continiued his speech...
"Sarge,tomorow stick close to one part of the Whiteshields,and i will stick to the other part,and instead of them send me to the most dangerous tasks just so they dont die as soon they land...they will need all the help and advice they could get...and it would definetly a huge morale boost to se their Sergeant perform heroicly..."
He said the last parts almost whispering to the Sergeant,so other troopers dont hear the conversation
Imperial isa
28-12-2008, 23:54
"Hehe,i was just joking,trying to lift the spirits up before we land tomorow,and be polite to show youlself just that we all get to know each other,because we are possitioned in the same platoon,Assasin."
He responded with a smile in his face...

"you are forgetting what i'am Guardsmen"answer Exitus before going over to Lydia

"what is your name female" he asked
28-12-2008, 23:57
Karl nodded somberly and a tear fell down from his human eye on his left side. He noticed the touch of wetness on his face and promptly wiped it off. He would not show such weakness in front of his men and immediately raised his head up and kept his composure up.

He was a Sergeant of a Stormtrooper squad a man of respect and skill he would not show his inner feelings to his subordinates and merely replied strongly, “We hit them hard and with attrition, They lost a lot of their number when they meet us on the field and we saved several villages from slaughter but the Eldar had clearly taken the day.

They even killed our Regimental Commissar right before my own eyes. He died with the same look and determination since the day I meet him. I can still see it even in my dreams..”

Sergeant Karl nodded in response to the whisper from the Trooper, It made sense to give the new recurits a feeling of heroism early in their careers in the Guard.
29-12-2008, 00:00
This showing of great inner strenght assuered the seasoned veteran:

"Stay strong Sergeant,ill watch your back...and i wish you best luck to survive and great courage to either die with glory!May the Will of the God-Emperor guide us to victory!"
29-12-2008, 00:21
"you are forgetting what i'am Guardsmen"answer Exitus before going over to Lydia

"what is your name female" he asked

Lydia blinked. "Uh, Lydia Sentayo, er, sir."
29-12-2008, 00:25
"What is your name female...?" Marie questioned, emerging from the background. "Wow...that is the worst pick up line I've ever heard." She kind of regretted speaking up though, after she saw the man in question was no normal Guardsmen...
29-12-2008, 00:26
Lydia smiled slightly. "I've heard better." She agreed.
Imperial isa
29-12-2008, 00:32
Lydia blinked. "Uh, Lydia Sentayo, er, sir."
"it is wise to watch what you say "
"What is your name female...?" Marie questioned, emerging from the background. "Wow...that is the worst pick up line I've ever heard." She kind of regretted speaking up though, after she saw the man in question was no normal Guardsmen...

Lydia smiled slightly. "I've heard better." She agreed.

"i'am a Vindicare Assassin ,you two think i would pick up a Guardsmens in the lower ranks ,when i can try for a officer"
29-12-2008, 00:34
"Lydia smiled somewhat. "I know that. But, sometimes certain things need to be said." She grinned. "Gaurdswoman, thank you very much."
29-12-2008, 00:35
Marie gave the Vindicare assassin a snarky smile. She knew of course she could get in pretty deep, but she knew how to take care of her self. "Guardsmen as good looking as ourselves? Why wouldn't you?"
29-12-2008, 00:43
The Sergeant was tiring of the Vindicare assassin's intrusion into the berthing. The cybernetic eye was straining but eventually the assassin got a little careless and stayed in one spot talking to some female guardsmen.

One of them was under his personal command, The Sergeant finally said in an authoritative voice, “Vindicare, If your goal in being in here is to intimidate one of my subordinates, be they female or male. I humbly suggest you take that up with me, or the Regimental Commissar, or maybe even the Colonel of our Regiment!”

Sergeant Karl Von Carstein stood up straight and looked directly in the assassin’s direction with a deathly glare. That radiated from his scarred up facial features. He gripped his plasma pistol tightly incase the Vindicare took offence and decided to avenge his honor by executing him on the spot.
Imperial isa
29-12-2008, 00:47
"Lydia smiled somewhat. "I know that. But, sometimes certain things need to be said." She grinned. "Gaurdswoman, thank you very much."
"sorry Gaurdswoman"
Marie gave the Vindicare assassin a snarky smile. She knew of course she could get in pretty deep, but she knew how to take care of her self. "Guardsmen as good looking as ourselves? Why wouldn't you?"

"you both are good looking but i'am not in the mood to try an picking you up,right now i'am set for what i must do"said Exitus taking his rifle which he was named after ,off his back
29-12-2008, 01:01
When the Sergeant 'politely' asked the assassin to leave them alone, Marie prepared her self to start dodging lasfire. She was grateful none came, but she was sure the assassin wouldn't take kindly to it. What was he here for exactly, anyway? He couldn't do anything to the Orks that good ol' frontal assaults cold not. She turned to the other female guardsmen and gestured down the hall. "Come on, let's get out of here."
29-12-2008, 01:05
Lydia nodded thankfully. "That sounds like a good idea." She hopped to her feet and headed down the hall.
29-12-2008, 01:08
Marie walked alongside the other Guardswoman and extended her hand as they walked. "Name's Marie. Wanna grab something to eat? I heard the briefings coming up soon, and Emperor knows how long that'll last."
29-12-2008, 01:10
Lydia took the hand and smiled. "I'm Lydia." She said. "Sure. I'm starved, and I guess they won't exactly be handing out food during the briefing, will they?"
29-12-2008, 01:15
"Nice to meet you, Lydia." Marie said with a smile. "And no, they probably won't. Trust me, I've sat through briefings before." She lead them to one of the ships many mess halls and picked up a few ration bars, plus a steaming hot cup of recaf for her self.
29-12-2008, 01:15
(OOC: Thank you!)

IC: Commissar Schultze folded his arms as he gazed out of the view-port in the corridor, looking at the passing miasma of the Warp. Normally, staring into pure Chaos would only shatter the minds of those who looked upon it, leaving them shambling husks of men and women. But the ship provided ample shielding against the horrors of daemons and the like, and Schultze was secure in the knowledge he was safe from insanity. The thing about Commissars was that he had access to that knowledge, and doubted if the common soldier knew anything real about the Arch-Enemy. He shuddered, wondering if he would ever have to fight the stuff of Chaos.

He pushed the thought from his mind, as he heard footsteps approaching. Turning his head, he noticed the figures of two female guardsmen, sporting the uniforms of his regiment, strolling down the corridor, chatting.

"Out for a stroll, troopers?" He said.
29-12-2008, 01:16
Lydia smiled ruefully. "This'll be my first. I'm kind of nervous, personally."
29-12-2008, 01:17
(OOC: Thank you!)

IC: Commissar Schultze folded his arms as he gazed out of the view-port in the corridor, looking at the passing miasma of the Warp. Normally, staring into pure Chaos would only shatter the minds of those who looked upon it, leaving them shambling husks of men and women. But the ship provided ample shielding against the horrors of daemons and the like, and Schultze was secure in the knowledge he was safe from insanity. The thing about Commissars was that he had access to that knowledge, and doubted if the common soldier knew anything real about the Arch-Enemy. He shuddered, wondering if he would ever have to fight the stuff of Chaos.

He pushed the thought from his mind, as he heard footsteps approaching. Turning his head, he noticed the figures of two female guardsmen, sporting the uniforms of his regiment, strolling down the corridor, chatting.

"Out for a stroll, troopers?" He said.

Lydia jumped, again surprised. "Ah, yes sir. Is that a problem sir?"
29-12-2008, 01:23
"If you think the briefings bad, wait till' you see combat." Marie replied, a wistful looking flashing across her own face as she remembered her own experiences. She took a seat at an empty table ans was about to ask Lydia to join her when Commisar Schultze showed up. Marie instantly snapped to attention.
Imperial isa
29-12-2008, 01:24
The Sergeant was tiring of the Vindicare assassin's intrusion into the berthing. The cybernetic eye was straining but eventually the assassin got a little careless and stayed in one spot talking to some female guardsmen.

One of them was under his personal command, The Sergeant finally said in an authoritative voice, “Vindicare, If your goal in being in here is to intimidate one of my subordinates, be they female or male. I humbly suggest you take that up with me, or the Regimental Commissar, or maybe even the Colonel of our Regiment!”

Sergeant Karl Von Carstein stood up straight and looked directly in the assassin’s direction with a deathly glare. That radiated from his scarred up facial features. He gripped his plasma pistol tightly incase the Vindicare took offence and decided to avenge his honor by executing him on the spot.

"my goal is to kill a Traitor Sergeant"answer Exitus as he turn off the Stealth Suit
"and the Commissar, and the Colonel have no part in what i do till carry out the kill" he add before walking out with rifle in hand
29-12-2008, 01:25
"Technically." The Commissar answered, not even sure if it was. The answer was probably in his Commissar's Primer somewhere, but he decided to just go along with it. "Regulations state that all non-commissioned officers are not to roam the corridors during the night cycle. But..." he looked at his chronometer "...I can let this one slide. The day cycle's beginning in less then 10 minutes, anyway."
29-12-2008, 01:28
Lydia nodded in relief. "Thank you sir. We just thought to grab a bite to eat before the briefing." She thought a moment. "When will that be, anyways?"
29-12-2008, 01:32
"my goal is to kill a Traitor Sergeant"answer Exitus as he turn off the Stealth Suit
"and the Commissar, and the Colonel have no part in what i do till carry out the kill" he add before walking over with rifle in hand

Karl scoffed at the assassin and replied boldly, "I don't give a frackin crap about your problems. I have to maintain discipline and military bearing amongst my squad and your presence is messing that up!"

Karl's right hand squeezed the grip of the Plasma Pistol's handle and he slowly moved back towards the door. He was going to mess decks and head out of the berthing....
29-12-2008, 01:34
"0600." The Commissar said, raising an eyebrow. Didn't all troopers know that already? "You have about an hour."
Imperial isa
29-12-2008, 01:34
Exitus saw the Commissar talking to the two Gaurdswoman he was talking to before and walked over to him

"Commissar you know if the drop pod is all set yet?" he asked the man as he looked at the two woman friom under his mask
29-12-2008, 01:36
Marie stood at ease, glad to hear she wasn't in trouble. Truth be told all Commisar's scared the frak out of her. She had been lead they were all detestable, overbearing men that would shoot you for the slightest infraction, and she was pretty sure the 613th's commisar was the victim of a "friendly fire accident" just before her regiment was destroyed.
29-12-2008, 01:46
"Commissar you know if the drop pod is all set yet?"

"Oh, assassin." Schultze looked over, seeing the assassin's armored form approaching them. Technically, he was attached to the regiment as a specialist from the Vindicare Temple, and therefore operated outside the normal chain of command. Schultze had no power over him, not did he want to exert any. Assassins were the type to not respond well to direct orders from political officers. To be honest, he wasn't even told about the Vindicare's mission, and had no idea what he was talking about, but he decided to pretend like he did. "Sorry, but I have no idea. You should check with the Colonel, if he's awake, that is."
29-12-2008, 01:51
Lydia giggled despite herself. "I thought military officers were supposed to wake as early as possible?"
29-12-2008, 02:06
Marie scratched her head, slightly lost with the sudden reappearance of the assassin. It was obvious that he even made the Commisar uneasy, and then Lydia giggled. Marie just scratched her head.
29-12-2008, 02:11
Karl walked out of the mess decks after eating his rations and headed down the passageway and then noticed the Commissar, The assassin and the two female guardsmen talking to each other in the middle of the hallway.

Sergeant Karl moaned inwardly at the sight of all the problems of the day. The Commissar was his superior officer. The assassin was beyond his ability to control and thus was a problem for the integrity of his command and the girl Lydia was his subordinate that was semi close to admitting heresy in front of her superior non-commissioned officer.

Karl decided it was in his best intrest to get away from the situation and promptly did an about face while in carapace armor and headed back the way he came. He hoped he would not be noticed by the group several feet ahead of him…

The battle hardened Sergeant silently prayed, “Please Emperor, Don’t let them notice me..”
Imperial isa
29-12-2008, 02:11
"Oh, assassin." Schultze looked over, seeing the assassin's armored form approaching them. Technically, he was attached to the regiment as a specialist from the Vindicare Temple, and therefore operated outside the normal chain of command. Schultze had no power over him, not did he want to exert any. Assassins were the type to not respond well to direct orders from political officers. To be honest, he wasn't even told about the Vindicare's mission, and had no idea what he was talking about, but he decided to pretend like he did. "Sorry, but I have no idea. You should check with the Colonel, if he's awake, that is."
"great how am i meant to drop ahead of you all"
Lydia giggled despite herself. "I thought military officers were supposed to wake as early as possible?"
Marie scratched her head, slightly lost with the sudden reappearance of the assassin. It was obvious that he even made the Commisar uneasy, and then Lydia giggled. Marie just scratched her head.
"got someithng in your hair?"
29-12-2008, 02:14
Karl walked out of the mess decks after eating his rations and headed down the passageway and then noticed the Commissar, The assassin and the two female guardsmen talking to each other in the middle of the hallway.

Sergeant Karl moaned inwardly at the sight of all the problems of the day. The Commissar was his superior officer. The assassin was beyond his ability to control and thus was a problem for the integrity of his command and the girl Lydia was his subordinate that was semi close to admitting heresy in front of her superior non-commissioned officer.

Karl decided it was in his best intrest to get away from the situation and promptly did an about face while in carapace armor and headed back the way he came. He hoped he would not be noticed by the group several feet ahead of him…

The battle hardened Sergeant silently prayed, “Please Emperor, Don’t let them notice me..”

"Why the rush, Sergeant?" Said a voice behind him.
29-12-2008, 02:15
"great how am i meant to drop ahead of you all"


"got someithng in your hair?"

"Why would you want to do that?" Lydia asked, a blank look on her face.
29-12-2008, 02:17
“Emperor do you hate me?” whispered the sergeant under his breath and he turned around slowly.
29-12-2008, 02:19
The colonel raised an eyebrow. "Is there something wrong with me, Sergeant? Something offensive about my smell, mayhap. Or perhaps a personality flaw?"
29-12-2008, 02:21
When Colonel Vander entered the mess, Marie felt her stomach sink. As if the Commisar being present was bad enough! She instantly snapped to attention, and noted that oddly, this was the first time she had seen Vander since the regiment was formed.
29-12-2008, 02:23
The sergeant popped tall and promptly saluted smartly…

Karl’s massive frame bolted upward and he replied smartly, “No Sir, I was merely trying to avoid the Vindicare assassin down there. They personally scare me and I thought that the Vindicare assassin had called me out.…”
29-12-2008, 02:29
Aurelios smiled warmly, but none of that warmth reached his eyes. "But of course. The Vindicare assassins do have a tendency to make the flesh crawl, don't they?" He glanced around the mess. "I want you to assemble your squad. I've decided to have briefing a bit early." He glanced at the Commissar. "And would you be so kind as to gather the rest of the regiment, hmm?"

Lydia had snapped to attention right along with Marie. This man exuded authority, and being in the same room made her distinctly uncomfortable.
Imperial isa
29-12-2008, 02:31
"Why would you want to do that?" Lydia asked, a blank look on her face.

"you really are a greenhorn"
29-12-2008, 02:36
Commissar Schultze saluted as Colonel Aurelios looked at him. Technically, the Commissariat operated outside the normal chain of command, and Schultze technically didn't have to do anything the Colonel told him to. However, it would probably be better if he got along with the Colonel and Major as best he could. After all, they had much more combat experience then he did, and might just end up saving his life one day.

"You got it, Colonel." He responded, before turning to the two female troopers he was talking to. "You heard the Colonel, get your squads to the Auditorium, double time!"
29-12-2008, 02:38
Lydia smiled somewhat, and pointed at the Sergeant. "I'm in his squad."
29-12-2008, 02:40
"Did I ask for your opinion, trooper? Move it." Commissar Schultze replied, raising his eyebrow. It was time to put his foot down.
29-12-2008, 02:40
"Yes sir!" Marie replied. Though of course since she was a lowly Corporal, it really wasn't her duty to rouse her squad. None the less she made the effort to inform them that the briefing was about to begin. There were a variety of groans and curses as she woke some of the men up. But what could she do about that? She didn't fancy getting shot.

Meanwhile, in the auditorium Jag Gambit oversaw the Regiment's Engineseer's as they went about setting up holo-projectors. The Cog Boys of course annoyed him, with their constant gibbering about how holy these piece o' frak projectors were in the first place.
29-12-2008, 02:42
Lydia gulped nervously. "No sir. Its just, I'm the lowest ranking soldier in my squad. They'd probably just laughif I told them to go anywhere. Its up to him to get them."
29-12-2008, 02:43
Karl dropped his salute and promptly got his plasma gun and pistol holstered. He looked around at the Commissar and the Vallahan and merely ignored them focusing only on the only person in his direct chain of command...

Sergeant Karl looked at Lydia and decided to act quickly, “Private, go up to the berthing and collect the boys and girls in there. I will head down to the outer passageways and recreational areas and find our squad mates over there…”

The seemingly polite way he suggested it was an order and one Karl hoped Lydia would understand. If she did not, Karl would give the order more directly latter but right now the Colonel gave him an order. It was time for the Regimental Commander to see how his non commissioned officers obeyed their orders…
29-12-2008, 02:46
Lydia nodded, and strode quickly out the door, on the way towards the berthing.

"I'll never understand why even little girls like that are allowed to join the Gaurd..." The Colonel muttered to himself.
29-12-2008, 02:50
The Sergeant did not respond to his superior officer’s original comment but merely said, “If you will excuse me Sir. I have my men to gather for the briefing…” Karl knew protocol and saluted the Colonel waiting for him to dismiss him formally… He would charge down the passageways to get the various members of his squad into the area for the major briefing that was scheduled…
29-12-2008, 02:51
A message boomed over the ship's vox:

"We have just left the Immaterium. All regiments are to report to their respective briefing areas for deployment orders immediately!"
Imperial isa
29-12-2008, 02:51
"I'll never understand why even little girls like that are allowed to join the Gaurd..." The Colonel muttered to himself.

"don't know why they let that happen"
29-12-2008, 02:53
The colonel shrugged, and without answering the assassin, he made his way towards the briefing room. His people considered assassination dishonerable, and he had a distinct dislike of the Vindicare as such.
29-12-2008, 02:54
"Give the girl time, Colonel." Commissar Schultze responded, moving to his side. "She'll change once she sees actual combat, unless she ends up getting killed, that is." Schultze really shouldn't be talking. While it was true he had never seen actual combat against a real enemy, live-fire training exercises were put heavily into place in Moridian, which he, like all children, had taken part in.

As he spoke, the ship's vox boomed over them.

"Well, let's get this show on the road."
29-12-2008, 02:58
Major Gambit had managed to contain his anger toward the Cog Boys whom had finally finished their "rituals" and hooked up the pic-casters and holo-projectors. Members of the 1st Mobile Infantry began to file in, Marie among them. Gambit acknowledged all of them, and even made a half-hearted salute to the colonel when he walked in. Gambit considered him self a superior officer, and thought he should be the leader of the regiment. None the less, he had managed to form a respectable professional relationship with his superior.

"Everything's ready, colonel." He reported gruffly.
29-12-2008, 03:00
The colonel blinked. "What? Oh, no Commissar, its not that. We were all new once. Either we die, or we become more experience. You see, on my planet, we do not send out women to war. With the population dwindling as it was before the Imperium came, any woman able to bear children was protected at all costs. One of the ways to cripple your enemy was to make off with their women." He smiled slightly in remembrance. "It was on just such a raid I had my first taste of battle."

Lydia, having ran the entire way, had gathered up het squad, and was on her way.
29-12-2008, 03:01
Sergeant Karl had to push and pull his fellows out of a mob of charging guardsmen that were stampeding from various berthings all across the ship. The sergeant upon reaching the destination took out his muster sheet and called out names of the various squad members, “Lydia, Datrohan, …, …, Etc”

He waited for each one to call out their name to acknowledge they had made it to the meeting spot…
29-12-2008, 03:01
Major Gambit had managed to contain his anger toward the Cog Boys whom had finally finished their "rituals" and hooked up the pic-casters and holo-projectors. Members of the 1st Mobile Infantry began to file in, Marie among them. Gambit acknowledged all of them, and even made a half-hearted salute to the colonel when he walked in. Gambit considered him self a superior officer, and thought he should be the leader of the regiment. None the less, he had managed to form a respectable professional relationship with his superior.

"Everything's ready, colonel." He reported gruffly.

"Very good, Major." Aurelios said. He glanced around. "It seems we're missing only one squad. We'll begin as soon as they arrive."
29-12-2008, 03:03
Lydia, followed by the rest of the squad, bellowed, "Here!"

The colonel nodded. "It would seem we can begin."

OOC: There anything you want me to go over? Or should I just make it up as I go along?
29-12-2008, 03:05
Karl called out quickly, "Wait, we are missing Datrohan we need to find him before this debriefing starts or we could all be held accountable for failure to follow a direct order!"
29-12-2008, 03:05
"It would seem so." Gambit replied, watching as the last of the squads settled in. He couldn't make out the regimental Commisar, and truth be told he didn't care if he was here or not.

((OOC: Make it up, probably. Just stick to the plot about the system being over run by Orks.))
29-12-2008, 03:08
The colonel rolled his eyes. "We'll hardly suffer from the lack of one soldier, Sergeant. If he cannot be found, that is dereliction of duty, and you can handle it at a later date. Right now, we need to get going. The Xenos will not purge themselves after all."
29-12-2008, 03:09
"Looking for someone, Major?" Schultze stepped out from behind the Colonel.

"Wait, we are missing Datrohan we need to find him before this debriefing starts or we could all be held accountable for failure to follow a direct order!"

"And I'm sure nobody here wants that." Schultze said, smiling.
29-12-2008, 03:13
Gambit smiled at Schultze, though there was no warmth behind it. "Ah. Only you, Commisar. After all, it'd be a shame for our moral officer to miss the briefing." Gambit had never liked the Commisar, this one or any other for that matter. Meanwhile. down in the stands Marie took a seat with the rest of her squad, which included the Sarge and Lydia and waited for the briefing to begin.
29-12-2008, 03:13
Karl saluted and said, “Yes Sir!” He quickly marks down Datrohan as UA. (Unauthorized absence) The penalty would be carried out once the wayward soldier was found and since the Colonel put it up to the Sergeant's discretion it meant that the Commissar would not get to execute him without Karl giving a full request for it to be handled by that level of punishment…

Karl merely sighed and decided he would deal with Datrohan in his own time once this was all done..
29-12-2008, 03:16
"Then lets get down to business, shall we?" The colonel said. The lights switched off, and a hologram appeared, a layout of a city. "This here is the capital of this world." The hologram widened to show the rest of the world. "And it just happens to be one of the few places not yet overrun by Orks." He paused. "Yet."
29-12-2008, 03:26
Sergeant Karl whispered under his breath, “Emperor protect us, they intend to send us into a city that is about to be overrun by the greenskin hordes! This is the worst kind of scenario for a new regiment!”

The carapace armor with cameoline made him stand out from most of the normal troopers in the squad. He merely watched the holo screen but made silent comments to himself through the briefing…
29-12-2008, 03:35
"Yes, that is exactly what they are doing." Said Aurelios, proving he had excellent hearing. "Despite my most vehement objections, this is to be our test." He smiled grimly as he looked out at the assembled troopers. "Most of you will not survive this. A good many who do will wish they had not." He pointed again at the hologram, and it zoomed back on the city. "Anyway, this city, thankfully, is not without defences. They have what could best be called a fortrerss in the middle of the city, and that will make an excellent option for retreat." The smile dissapeared. "That is where the good news ends. The walls are old and decrepit, and a single rush from the Orks will topple them. What we are going to do, is try to build up our own defences while we have the chance. We must try to do this in narrow streets, or in buildings, where they cannot bring their numbers to bear."

He grinned, and agiain the smile did not touch his eyes. "We are, of course, outnumbered. The Xenos have endless numbers and brutality at their command. We must try to kill the Warboss. Kill him, and the Waagh! will fall apart."
29-12-2008, 03:41
Karl had a wicked idea and said outloud, “Sir, If I may address the assembly… I think we could use the Vinicare assassin along with a squad of highly trained personnel to take out the Warboss. I believe with a squad of Stormtroopers and the assassin trained in deep strike infiltration behind the Orks lines would be our best approach in killing the Warboss thus ending this Waaagh! I would like to volunteer me and my squad for this mission!”

Several squad member looked at the Sergeant like he was insane and one of them said, “O Emperor save us!”

The Sergeant smiled his wicked wolfish smiled and his eyes made it clear he would lead his men to hell but maybe not back…
29-12-2008, 03:41
Gambit groaned to him self hearing the colonels report. Though sound, he didn't have to add the bit about many of them not surviving. That was the last thing a 'new' regiment needed to hear. "The colonel gives an excellent assessment, but as ever, misses a few details." Gambit scoffed, coming up. "We have full support from the Imperial Navy. And here..." Gambit said, zooming in on a building in the capital. "This a convent. The Battle Sisters of the Order of Our Martyed Lady well be here to support as well."
29-12-2008, 03:43
"And not to forget..." Schultze added. "This troopship carries more then one regiment. We will be deployed in conjunction with the Thracian 273rd Armor. I want everyone here to cooperate with them as if they were one of us."
29-12-2008, 03:46
The colonel glanced at the Major. "Of course. We cannot forget the Sisters of....Battle." He said, expressing his obvious scorn for women soldiers. "The Navy, I'm afraid, won't be of much help. I've been ordered to keep the city intact as much as possible, so they will be able to do little more than send reinforcements, should they grant me that privilege."

He turned to Karl and gave him an evil grin. "What a delightful idea, Sergeant. This is exactly the type of thing that will demoralize the Orks. No grand, pitched battle where they get to excercise they're rage. No, they awake, and discover they're Warboss dead."
Imperial isa
29-12-2008, 03:50
Gambit groaned to him self hearing the colonels report. Though sound, he didn't have to add the bit about many of them not surviving. That was the last thing a 'new' regiment needed to hear. "The colonel gives an excellent assessment, but as ever, misses a few details." Gambit scoffed, coming up. "We have full support from the Imperial Navy. And here..." Gambit said, zooming in on a building in the capital. "This a convent. The Battle Sisters of the Order of Our Martyed Lady well be here to support as well."

"great they nuters"said Exitus as he gose over a file as he stood at the back
29-12-2008, 03:51
Karl returned the wolfish grin and said, “I believe that the Orks will not be expecting us to use a small kill team instead of our usually tactics of massive amounts of men and tanks. If we do this, the team will have to be either highly experienced or highly suicidal. I would dare not impose such idea if I was not willing to sacrifice myself or my squad to see it done so therefore 52nd tactical squad will volunteer for this risky assignment…”

Karl looked at Lydia to see how the greenest member of his squad felt about this..
29-12-2008, 03:58
Aurelios nodded to himself. "Your sacrifice for the emperor will be honoured." He glanced at Lydia and Marie. "Although its a shame they weren't put to...use." He muttered under his phone, too low for Lyia to hear.
29-12-2008, 03:59
Lydia gulped. "I'm, ah, honored that we can do this for the Imperium sir."
29-12-2008, 04:09
Sergeant Karl smiled to himself and thought that this would truly make his squad more dependable with the type of operations they should be facing. They were not going to be a grunt infantry squad but a special operations force that would combat the enemy from behind their front lines.

He would make men out of his little boys and some cases little girls and turn them all into a true tactical squad. He immediately looked upon his colonel and said, “It is an honor to fight and possibly lay down my life and the lives of my men in the service of the God Emperor and all of mankind! I only wish that I had more than just one life to give in the service of the Imperium!”

The Sergeant barked at his troopers, “Alright maggots get up and prepare for a muster at the gym. We are going to go over infiltration tactics and covert operation action ranging from bomb placement to ambushing under the cover of night to assassination of a specific target. You will have five minutes to get their after the Colonel’s brief!”
Imperial isa
29-12-2008, 04:13
"ha ha assassination of a specific target,yes that is one you really need to train for,seeing you can take days or weeks to get your target"
29-12-2008, 04:15
Aurelios nodded at Karl, a smile upon his face. "Your dedication is noted. As you will be operating differently, you and your squad are dismissed. Come to my quarters after your training to go over the details."

Lydia, realizing that meant the brief was over, for them anyways, began running full speed to the gym. She made it in six minutes.

The colonel smiled to himself, and pointed back at the hologram. "Anyways, I'll want heavy bolter emplacements here, here, and here. I want soldiers armed with rocket laucncher on the roof, ready for Ork air support, such as it is. Then, we must reinforce the fortress...."
29-12-2008, 04:16
"Actually." Gambit said, rising and gesturing to the whole room. "The Lord General wants us on the ground ASAP. We don't have time for any training, he's ordered us and every other regiment on this ship down there and now. We are to report to the troop bay immediately after this briefing." Marie meanwhile looked a little blue in the face, after hearing the tactical assessment. It looked like a doomed mission from the get-go.
29-12-2008, 04:16
"ha ha assassination of a specific target, yes that is one you really need to train for, seeing you can take days or weeks to get your target"

Karl smiled and added, “I seem to remember asking for your assistance in this matter assassin! You are being volun-told to come along in this mission to kill the Warboss and save this world in the name of the God Emperor. If you refuse I have to assume you are a traitor and will promptly have you dealt with like a traitor in the name of the God Emperor provided a superior officer does not come to your defense!”
Imperial isa
29-12-2008, 04:19
hour later Exitus steps inside a one Drop Pod

"am go for go"he said into the radio after the ramp had closed on him

"copy launching in five ,four ,three"
29-12-2008, 04:20
"And remember." Schultze said, raising his voice for all the regiment to see. "Mind yourself, and mind your comrades. I don't care what backgrounds you are from, these people are your new brothers and sisters. Watch each others backs, and do our regiment proud! Let this battle be the first of many victories for the 1st Mobile Infantry, and for the Emperor!"
29-12-2008, 04:21
"Actually." Gambit said, rising and gesturing to the whole room. "The Lord General wants us on the ground ASAP. We don't have time for any training, he's ordered us and every other regiment on this ship down there and now. We are to report to the troop bay immediately after this briefing." Marie meanwhile looked a little blue in the face, after hearing the tactical assessment. It looked like a doomed mission from the get-go.

Karl promptly saluted and replied, "Sir, I know that Lord General want as much force on the ground as possible, I however believe that if you let me and my squad do this operation. We can potentially save this entire planet and save this regiment from almost total annihilation at the hands of the Greenskin hordes!"
29-12-2008, 04:22
The colonel sighed. "In that case, we will have to forgoe that mission for the moment, Sergeant. We may be able to get a little impromptu training in between the fighting. But for now, they will have to fight as normal." He looked around at those assembled, and said, "Dismissed. Get to the landing craft immediatly." He glanced at Marie. "And go get the other girl, hmm? She seems to have jumped the gun."
29-12-2008, 04:26
"I'm sorry, Sargent. But my hands are tied. Lord General Varitek is a...unreasonable man. This is his first mission to you see, and he wants to make a good impression. And that means getting this done as fast as possible." Gambit said shaking his head. Meanwhile, Marie saluted and ran off to fetch Lydia for the colonel.
29-12-2008, 04:27
Karl snarled and decided to do the only thing left for him to do and saluted and asked, “Sir, if I can find a way for my squad to get behind the Orks lines may we pursue the mission on the ground?”

Karl knew that his men were going to have a hell of a ride and he watched them head to the troop bay. He would follow shortly after receiving the answer to this one question…
29-12-2008, 04:29
"You may." Gambit replied. He didn't see any reason to squash the troopers enthusiasm, besides, who knows. He might just be able to pull it off. "However, you more than likely be without the possibility of reinforcement or extraction. So be careful." Gambit continued, strapping on his carapace armor and his weapons. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm needed at the troop bay. The Emperor Protects."
29-12-2008, 04:30
"Well, you can't fault her for enthusiasm, I suppose." Schultze said, moving up next to the Colonel as they walked toward the dropships. "It won't be an easy fight. Even if his squad does succeed, the greenskins will continue to advance."
29-12-2008, 04:33
"True." Said the colonel. "But they'll be fighting each other just as much, trying to be the next Warboss."
29-12-2008, 04:33
Lydia was alone in the gym tapping her foot when she saw Marie. "Where is everyone Marie? Aren't they worried about the Sergeant?"
29-12-2008, 04:36
"And that's just when we'll move in to strike the killing blow." Gambit commented. "Now gentlemen." He said to the Commisar, and the Colonel. "I believe we have a ride to catch."


Marie gasped as she ran into the gym, seeing Lydia standing there alone. "Lord General....we have get down there right time...for training." She panted.
29-12-2008, 04:37
Aurelios nodded. "Tha we do." He stepped onto the aircraft reserved for commanding officers.

Lydia gasped. "What!" She tok off down the hallways witthout waiting for an answer, heading towards the hangars.
29-12-2008, 04:39
The Commissar nodded. "I suppose you're right." After all, the Colonel had much more experience then him, and probably knew better when it came to fighting the green tide.

"Now gentlemen. I believe we have a ride to catch."

Schultze smiled. "After you, Major." Those looking would have noticed that Schultze had prepared for a sudden departure. He wore his carapace armor, which was covered by his Commissarial greatcoat, which he had buttoned up. His laspistol rested in a holster on one hip, and his chainsword was sheathed in the other.
29-12-2008, 04:44
The troop bays were a busy place. Several Aquila transports were being filled by lines of troops and machines of different regiments. The 1st Mobile Infantry had a spot at the very end of the western side of the troop bay, and do to their relative distance to the chaos of the other mingling regiments trying to load their troops, they were able to do so at a much faster pace. The void stared back at the Aquila, with the shimmering green planet that was their target floating beneath them.

Lydia gasped. "What!" She tok off down the hallways witthout waiting for an answer, heading towards the hangars.

Marie groaned and took off after Lydia, not wanting to be left behind. Meanwhile, Major Gambit stepped aboard the drop ship and mused it was a rather stupid idea for all of the regiments officers to be on a single aircraft. Too likely it was for them all to be taken out in one fell swoop. He shrugged the notion off and took his seat, strapping it.
29-12-2008, 04:46
When Lydia reached the ship she was gasping for air so hard she couldn't talk. She merely stumbled aboard the craft, and slumped into a nearby seat."
29-12-2008, 04:47
Schultze nodded, and stepped aboard the officer's shuttle. "Does anyone else think it's odd they put us all in the same shuttle?" He took a seat, and strapped himself in for the ride.
29-12-2008, 04:48
Inside the Troop Bay……

“52nd Tactical Squad listen up good, we are going down to the planet to support the local population in suppressing the Greenskin tide! I however intend to keep us outside of the main fighting and have us reserve ourselves inside the city. You are to make up camouflage gear once you reach planet side with the things you can find on the surface of the planet. You will then meet up with me near the outer perimeter of the fighting and we will attempt to use the cover of friendly artillery and darkness to move outside of the city and into the wilderness.

We will then slip past the Ork forces and attempt to get behind their lines. We will not receive help so stealth and ingenuity will be the key. I want you all to be ready for nightfall and if anyone tries to contradict these orders send them to me. I will personally deal with any threats of insubordination…”

You are going to be the weapon that will save this planet and cause the Orks to collapse under the combine might of the 1st mobile infantry. I will personally be leading this operation and will report to the regimental Commissar…”

Sergeant Karl barked this long set of orders to his men and women as they entered into the drop pods that would drop them onto the surface of the planet. He also added, “check your weapons we may being going in hot!”
29-12-2008, 04:50
Lydia threw a wan smile at Marie, and clicked the safety off on the lasgun.

The colonel shrugged. "I suppose they want to have us exude an air of superiority."
29-12-2008, 04:55
Marie smiled back,feeling an odd flushing feeling in her cheeks when her fellow Guardswoman smiled at her. The hatch to the Aquila closed, and soon the troop ship was rocketing toward the planet at hyper velocity. Gambit nodded to Schultze's comment.

"Yes. But that's Lord Generals for you."

((OOC: Last post for a little bit. Try not to get too far ahead.))
29-12-2008, 04:56
"Yes." Schultze went on "But if we're hit, the entire Regimental Command structure is gone. If there's a next time, might I suggest us all going on different dropships. That will minimize the chances of losing the chain of command. And if one of us were to be killed, there are others who can take his or her place."
29-12-2008, 04:58
Sergeant Karl Von Carstein watched the Aquila hatch closed and sighed as he strapped himself into his seat and prepared to take his plasma gun off safety and onto kill mode. He enjoyed the clicking sound and watched his cartridges and made sure the plasma was not to unstable for the weapon.

He smiled and said, “Locked and Loaded!”
29-12-2008, 04:58
Lydia smiled at the flush, not really understanding the why of it.

Aurelios shrugged. "Do you want to argue with the Lord Generals?"

OOC: Define a little bit.
Imperial isa
29-12-2008, 04:59
Exitus step out of th pod ,once the dust had clears,to be greeted by a battle sister

"this way to the CP assassin " said the sister as she turn to lead Exitus to it

"all right"answer Exitus falling in behind her while keeping a watch fall eye
Free United States
29-12-2008, 05:01
"Yes." Schultze went on "But if we're hit, the entire Regimental Command structure is gone. If there's a next time, might I suggest us all going on different dropships. That will minimize the chances of losing the chain of command. And if one of us were to be killed, there are others who can take his or her place."
Katsushiro listened intently, checking his boltrifle and laspistol before cradling them in the ready position. If he was comfortable onboard a ship, the opposite could be said of the ground. It always seemed so...grimy to him. He polished the engraving on his rifle *Ultima ratio regum, reciting the words silently.

*trans: the last argument of kings
29-12-2008, 05:02
OOC: What rank is you guy again FUS?
Free United States
29-12-2008, 05:04
OOC: What rank is you guy again FUS? that a valid rank?
29-12-2008, 05:05
OOC: I'm just not sure if thats high enoughto be with the upper command.....
29-12-2008, 05:06
OOC: Well, I suppose Technical Sergeant is a rank, but all the tech stuff is handled by techpriests...

I would suggest changing to lieutenant.
Free United States
29-12-2008, 05:08
OOC: I'm just not sure if thats high enoughto be with the upper command.....
ooc: well, i'd be on another dropship, though, right...? or maybe i could be a specialist...
Free United States
29-12-2008, 05:09
OOC: Well, I suppose Technical Sergeant is a rank, but all the tech stuff is handled by techpriests...

I would suggest changing to lieutenant.
ooc: ok, i'm usaf, btw, and go by those ranks...lieutenant it is.
29-12-2008, 05:10
OOC: Good enough for me.

IC: "You've been rather silent, lieutenant." Aurelios said. "Anything you want to add?"
Free United States
29-12-2008, 05:19
OOC: Good enough for me.

IC: "You've been rather silent, lieutenant." Aurelios said. "Anything you want to add?"
"Just thinking..." Katsushiro said, looking again at his inscription. "An ancient saying, In hoc signo vincens. It means In this sign, you shall conquer..."

ooc: is there an Imperium logo, etc...?
Imperial isa
29-12-2008, 05:21
"Just thinking..." Katsushiro said, looking again at his inscription. "An ancient saying, In hoc signo vincens. It means In this sign, you shall conquer..."

ooc: is there an Imperium logo, etc...?
29-12-2008, 05:21
OOC: I think that would be a two headed eagle or somesuch.

IC: Aurelios raised an eyebrow. "And?"
29-12-2008, 05:21
OOC: Haha, I was right.
Free United States
29-12-2008, 05:26
OOC: I think that would be a two headed eagle or somesuch.

IC: Aurelios raised an eyebrow. "And?"
"The story goes that a god showed itself to a general and said this to him...they drew the symbol of that god on their shields and were victorious in battle."

Katsushiro lifted up the sleeve of his uniform, showing his bicep. The Imperium eagle was tattooed there, with the saying scrolled in Latin script.
29-12-2008, 05:28
"Why, lieutenant." The Commissar said, noting the tattoo with great interest. "I didn't you were interested in ancient Terran history." His voice went a shade darker "But be careful. There is only the God-Emperor, and you know that." He smiled "I'd hate to have to shoot you."

OOC: Also, Latin could also be translated as High Gothic, the language used by Imperial nobility and the like.
29-12-2008, 05:28
OOC: Er...Any talk of Gods other than the God-Emperor is considered heresy by the way.
29-12-2008, 05:29
OOC: Not if it's ancient Terra. It's before the time of the God-Emperor.
29-12-2008, 05:30
OOC: Don't they say that the Emperor is the only true God ever to exist?
29-12-2008, 05:31
OOC: Hmm. Good point.

Editing post.
Free United States
29-12-2008, 05:31
"Why, lieutenant." The Commissar said, noting the tattoo with great interest. "I didn't you were interested in ancient Terran history."

OOC: Also, Latin could also be translated as High Gothic, the language used by Imperial nobility and the like.
"Another ancient text, written by a warrior, says that all one needs to be of good service is to know of one's people, famous figures and their history," Katsushiro answered.

ooc: even considering he's saying it with "it's a 'myth'" tone of voice...?
Imperial isa
29-12-2008, 05:34
ooc: even considering he's saying it with "it's a 'myth'" tone of voice...?
ooc most likely yes,i really don't know that side of the history
29-12-2008, 05:34
Screams echoed in Karl’s head… The war of Anubis was being fought in his head again as he geared himself to kill the hated Xenos. His mind was fighting another Xenos invader in his head……

“Get up corporal; you don’t want to die here do you?" asked, Commissar Henrich as he helped the badly wounded Karl Von Carstein up from the ground as the Dark Eldar continued to decimated his platoon all around him…

The wounded corporal had blood spraying from several wounds at least two crippling to him. He cried out in pain and cursed, “Damn, these Xenos to the darkest pits of hell!” Commissar Henrich smiled as the wounded Corporal continued to fire with his Plasma gun at the incoming enemy.

He even through a frag grenade at a group of Wyches that were advancing upon them with their wicked looking weapons ranging from whips and knifes to strange energy pistols that fired dark matter like energy.

The grenade blasted the group and at least three wyches fell to their deaths from the bursting shrapnel that punctured into their lightly armored flesh.. The Commissar said, “Good work, The Emperor has blessed your aim to kill the Xenos scum!”

The two men continued to move away from the carnage and the Commissar put Karl down near the base of a nearby hill away from the fighting. The proud Commissar then ran back to the fray to the village. Karl watched his superior officer charge into the burning village with determination and valor. He made it only a few feet into the village when a pack of warp beasts descended upon him followed by a beast master..

The warp beast attacked and Commissar Henrich used his chain sword to hold them at bay until the Beast Master struck from behind and forced Henrich to fall to the ground and the hungry pack descended upon the wounded officer…

Corporal Karl screamed, “Noooo!!!!

Sergeant Karl awoke from his daydream nightmare and silently began to pray, “The Emperor Protects! The Emperor Protects! The Emperor Protects!”
Imperial isa
29-12-2008, 05:35
OOC: Also, Latin could also be translated as High Gothic, the language used by Imperial nobility and the like.
Free United States
29-12-2008, 05:36
"Why, lieutenant." The Commissar said, noting the tattoo with great interest. "I didn't you were interested in ancient Terran history." His voice went a shade darker "But be careful. There is only the God-Emperor, and you know that." He smiled "I'd hate to have to shoot you."

"Of course, Commissar," Katsushiro said, rolling sleeve back down, "It's a romantic story, though...and it reminds me of my devotion to the God-Emperor." He was quiet before adding, "I'm a student of history, is all."
29-12-2008, 05:45
"Good to know." Schultze remarked, checking his crash-webbing. "But next time, be careful what you say."
Free United States
29-12-2008, 05:49
"Good to know." Schultze remarked, checking his crash-webbing. "But next time, be careful what you say."
"Yes, sir," Kat replies, scratching the back of his head. "Sorry sir."

ooc: assuming you out-rank me...
29-12-2008, 05:51
OOC: Technically he can execute the Colonel. I would thus say yes he does..
29-12-2008, 05:53
OOC: The Commissar technically operates outside the normal chain of command, and answers to the Commissariat, or the Lord-General. Technically, he could pull rank on anyone in the regiment, but Schultze is smarter (and newer) then that.
Free United States
29-12-2008, 05:55
OOC: The Commissar technically operates outside the normal chain of command, and answers to the Commissariat, or the Lord-General. Technically, he could pull rank on anyone in the regiment, but Schultze is smarter (and newer) then that.
ooc: oh, he's a zampolit(political officer) then.
29-12-2008, 05:57
OOC: Doesn't the word commissar give it away?
29-12-2008, 05:57
OOC: The Commissar technically operates outside the normal chain of command, and answers to the Commissariat, or the Lord-General. Technically, he could pull rank on anyone in the regiment, but Schultze is smarter (and newer) then that.

OOC: Does that mean he won't try to stop my squad’s side operation of night time infiltration behind orks frontlines? Since he is an inexperienced Commissar..
29-12-2008, 05:58
OOC: No. He's aware of the op, but won't do anything to stop it. At this point, he still trusts the Colonel and Major, who are far more experienced then he is, to make the correct tactical decisions.
Imperial isa
29-12-2008, 05:58
ooc: oh, he's a zampolit(political officer) then.


Exitus looked at the Map ( he shakes his head

"great my target behind line hiding" he say to himself
29-12-2008, 06:01
OOC: So, yes, technically he outranks everyone. Hes there for morale and discipline reasons. Although if I remember right, though I could be wrong, other have more actual military authority. Don't count for much when he can execute 'em though.

IC: Aurelios smiled somewhat. "How refreshing. A learned combatant, and a romantic at that."

Lydia glanced around nervously. "Have you ever fought Orks before, sir?" She asked the sergeant.
Free United States
29-12-2008, 06:08
OOC: So, yes, technically he outranks everyone. Hes there for morale and discipline reasons. Although if I remember right, though I could be wrong, other have more actual military authority. Don't count for much when he can execute 'em though.

IC: Aurelios smiled somewhat. "How refreshing. A learned combatant, and a romantic at that."

Lydia glanced around nervously. "Have you ever fought Orks before, sir?" She asked the sergeant.
ooc: if she's referring to me, i'm a lieutenant now


"A soldier should be both a warrior and a the warrior-poets of old," Kat replied with a chuckle. "And actually, no, I haven't." he answered.
29-12-2008, 06:09
OOC: Shes in a different ship. Was referring to Xharn.
Imperial isa
29-12-2008, 06:10
OOC: Shes in a different ship. Was referring to Xharn.

ooc put a line of dots between next time
Free United States
29-12-2008, 06:11
OOC: Shes in a different ship. Was referring to Xharn.
ooc: my bad
29-12-2008, 07:01
Lydia smiled at the flush, not really understanding the why of it.

Aurelios shrugged. "Do you want to argue with the Lord Generals?"

OOC: Define a little bit.

((OOC: Two hours?))

Marie waved at Lydia slightly as they descended, the heat of the atmosphere surrounding the craft now. Meanwhile, Major Gambit tore the vox-set off his ears and turned to the Colonel and the Commisar. "That was ground side. Seems they've secured a landing field a couple of clicks away from the city square, so that's where we'll be landing. It'll be hot from then on out though, so tell the troops to get ready."
29-12-2008, 07:45
Commissar Schultze nodded, and turned his head to those present in the shuttle. He swallowed. This would be his first inspirational speech as a Commissar. He'd been rehearsing such a speech in front of his mirror for some time now, and by the Emperor, he was going to do it right.

He took the vox set, broadcasting to all those in the regiment.

"Soldiers of the 1st Mobile Infantry! This is the moment of truth! Our first trial in combat, and the day of our first victory! We will not fear! We will not falter! We will not give a single step to the enemy! The enemy has come here to die! The Immortal Emperor is with us, and we are Invincible! We shall strike them down with the lasgun, the bayonet, and the chainsword!

The enemy is at the gates of our beloved Imperium, and we shall defend it! So remember, to those who have already fought, and to those who are fighting for the first time, we are the 1st Mobile Infantry, and today is our Victory Day!"

OOC: /shameless rip-off.
Free United States
29-12-2008, 08:00
ooc: ripoff of what?


Kat did a silent prayer to the Emperor, checking his weapon one last time as he waited for the dropship to land.
29-12-2008, 08:01
OOC: Where'd you get that from? I want to say Lord of the Rings for some reason, but I doubt it.....

IC: Lydia grinned and waved back. Its nice to see someone is friendly here. She thought to herself. The colonel nodded. "Very well." He smiled at the Commissar. "Excellent job, good sir."
29-12-2008, 08:08
OOC: Dawn of War: Dark Crusade. I added a few extra lines, and replaced the regiment's name with ours.

IC: Schultze nodded.

"Standard Commissar stuff." He said modestly. "There's a class in the Schola Progenium devoted to learning to say that sort of thing."
29-12-2008, 08:11
OOC: Hmm....I wonder why I didn't remember that....maybe its cause I never particuarly like the IG in that game. Or was it when you attack them? I should definetly remember it then....

IC: Aurelios smiled. "And I'm sure your flair with words will only be honed in the battles to come."
Free United States
29-12-2008, 08:39
Kat felt like joining in the 'rousing.'

"He that shall live this day, and see old age, Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours, Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars, And say 'These wounds I had on This day.' Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot, But he'll remember, with advantages, What feats he did that day. Then shall our names, Familiar in his mouth as household words-Be in their flowing cups freshly rememb'red. This story shall the good man teach his son; From this day to the ending of the world, But we in it shall be remembered-We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile, This day shall gentle his condition; And gentlemen in England now-a-bed Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here, And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks That fought with us upon this day!"

ooc: sorry, but he is a warrior-poet
29-12-2008, 08:45
Aurelios blinked. "That was wonderful. You should be a commissar yourself. But, if you don't mind me asking, what is England?"

OOC: You have to realize this is about 33 thousand years into the future.
29-12-2008, 08:58
Marie continued to smile at Lydia as they rolled the rocky atmosphere down to the planets atmosphere. She really found her self liking that girl. Meanwhile, Gambit groaned as the dramatic speeches kept popping up. "At this rate you're going to bore the troops to death. Save a little of us for the greenskins, trooper." He glared at Kat.
Free United States
29-12-2008, 09:01
Aurelios blinked. "That was wonderful. You should be a commissar yourself. But, if you don't mind me asking, what is England?"

OOC: You have to realize this is about 33 thousand years into the future.
ooc: i've never played the game, so, didn't notice how far FT it was...


"An ancient and long-since fallen country," Katsushiro said. "It was once said that the sun never set on their empire, for it stretched all across the globe."
29-12-2008, 09:22
"As the Imperium spans the Galaxy." Schultze added. "You'd do well in our ranks, Lieutenant."

OOC: By the way, only Schultze was wearing the vox-bead.
Free United States
29-12-2008, 09:27
"As the Imperium spans the Galaxy." Schultze added. "You'd do well in our ranks, Lieutenant."

OOC: By the way, only Schultze was wearing the vox-bead.
"Thank you," Kat said with a slight grin.

ooc: well, kat was saying it to those around him...
29-12-2008, 09:57
Datrohan thought deeply to calm himself...

"Ok,this is just one more dropzone scouting mission,nothing to be alarmed for,youve seen much worse things then few Orks.."

He said that quetly as he meved towards his platoons landing zone...
He was sent ahead of his platoon to mark the zone with red smoke and to secure it...

OOC:I just woke up and read the things you posted i hope this fits in with my absence
Imperial isa
29-12-2008, 14:20
"green to the left and green to the right"Exitus said rhetorically to himself as he lay on his stomach, peering through his optical sight at a small camp of Orks. Exitus had been lying here on a hilltop, under a brush of red ash for only for a small time watching them as he waited for the troops to land
29-12-2008, 19:03
The colonel held his hand out to the commissar. "May I see your vox, commissar? I'd like to tell the troops we're about to land."
29-12-2008, 19:05
"Ok let's get this part over with,red smoke in 20 meter diameter,hmmm or was it thirthy...well it isnt a mistake,all set...smoke deployed in 5,4,3,2,1,0.OOO it's realy huge,i just hope Orks dont spot it.."

Datrohan thought in himself as he deployed the smoke in the landingzone...
29-12-2008, 20:43
"I hope we land soon." Lydia said. "The suspense is killing me." She grinned at her own little joke.
Imperial isa
29-12-2008, 21:12
Exitus was now at the LZ waiting for the troops to land while he eat a apple

"oh shit Ork Fighter Bomma" Yelled a guardsmen pointing to the east as others open up at it,with Lasguns

"they don't have the range" Exitus said to himself as he change his mag for APHE rounds
29-12-2008, 21:25
The Aquila carrying the 1st, along with several other of it's kind veered sharply into the skies above the city. Below the aircraft, the expanse of the city burned with random fires and flickers of lasfire visible even from this high above. And though they were tiny from this distance, the green horde was plainly visible, moving through the streets on the outskirts of the capital. The Aquila sat down at it's designated landing zone and the rear hatch opened up, letting in the raw smell of smoke, lasfire and bolter rounds. Major Gambit stood and barked orders.

"Everyone, out now!"
Imperial isa
29-12-2008, 21:40
Exitus saw the Corporahe was talking to on the ship and kicked over a Orks head over to her

"welcame to shit hole this place is" he said to her as he took out a canteen
29-12-2008, 21:51
The colonel hopped up, and jogged to the ship with the common gaurd. "Alright, move move!! Everybody out! I want this place fortified by nightfall! Any slackers will be handed off to the Commissar!" Lydia, after mouthing, 'Good luck' to Marie, hopped off the ship with the rest of the soldiers.
29-12-2008, 22:07
Marie smiled and mouthed "Good luck!" back. Meanwhile, Major Gambit was assisting the Colonel in hording the troops off the ship. A vox-officer ran up to Gambit, and he had a curt discussion with someone at the other end of the line before turning to the Colonel. "Sir." He said, as if the word physically hurt to say. "The Thracians are requesting support in their push toward the city square. Shall we?"
29-12-2008, 22:14
Aurelios thought on that a moment, then nodded. 'Leave some squads to began the fortificatoin, whilst the majority of us help the Thracians. Let it never be sasid we left our fellow man without aid against the green tide." Lydia sighed, and checked to make sure her lasgun was fully charged. Looked like she would get her first taste of combat soon.
29-12-2008, 22:16
As soon as the lander touched down, Commissar Schultze jumped into action. Stripping off his crash-webbing, he pulled his laspistol from it's holster, and was the first man off the lander, hoping to give the impression of leading from the front. He stayed with the Colonel and Major as they rounded up the soldier, putting them into combat readiness.

So this was war.

"The Thracians are requesting support in their push toward the city square. Shall we?"

"I'll lead the push myself." He volunteered, drawing his chainsword from it's sheath. It was new still, and it's polished metal gleamed in the light..
29-12-2008, 22:17
The colonel nodded. "Very well, Commissar. Take however many men you feel you need."
Imperial isa
29-12-2008, 22:21
Exitus walks over to Lydia and taps her shoulder

"now do you go getting youself killed"
29-12-2008, 22:22
Lydia jumped, again. She scowled at Exitus. "Well, I won't be trying to die, thats for certain." She grinned impishly. "And why do you care, hmm?"
29-12-2008, 22:25
"Thank you, colonel." Schultze replied. Schultze was new yet, and he was a bit eager to taste real battle for the first time. He turned around, and made his way to one of the landers, where a gaggle of squads from the 1st Mobile Infantry were assembling.

"You lot!" He bellowed "With me! We're taking the fight to the enemy! Anyone who falls behind is left behind! Is that clear!?" He paused, waiting for the confirmations from the troopers.

OOC: Anyone with a trooper character can choose to follow me if they wish.
29-12-2008, 22:29
Lydia nodded vigirously. "Yes sir!" She shouted.
29-12-2008, 22:30
Marie shot up and saluted. "Commisar! I want to come with you!" She shouted, giving a once over to her lasgun before moving to join Schultze's squad. Meanwhile, Gambit put a vox-bead in his ear and voiced some information to the Commisar and the Colonel.

"Commisar, the command channel for the 1st Mobile Infantry will be Kappa-Beta Wave. The Colonel's call sign will be one, mine two, and your own zero. Secondary channel is Alpha-Delta, and emergency is Kappa-Kilo. Understood?"
Imperial isa
29-12-2008, 22:33
Lydia jumped, again. She scowled at Exitus. "Well, I won't be trying to die, thats for certain." She grinned impishly. "And why do you care, hmm?"

"i find you cute "he answer then hand her a gun
"a Hellpistol" he added
29-12-2008, 22:34
Commissar Schultze went to his own vox-bead. "Understood, Major. Emperor be with you." That said, he turned his attention back to his troopers.

"Right then, mobilize and MOVE OUT!" He shouted. And with that, he jumped in a nearby Salamander and took off towards the square.
29-12-2008, 22:52
Marie managed to hear the off-hand comment the Assassin made to Lydia, and glared at him. She mouthed something like "Frak off." to him before she fell into line and began advancing toward the square. As they advanced, the first green skins could be seen, an Orkish war band consisting of Shoota' and Slugga Boys. Upon seeing the Imperials, they roared in excitement and charged!
29-12-2008, 22:58
Advancing into the square from his vantage point, Schultze could make out the green-skinned forms of the Orks. Vile things. Of course, he had seen picts of them, and read about them during his time at the Schola, but seeing them up close for the first time was something different entirely. Upon noticing the advancing Imperials, the let out something of a battle cry, and rushed towards their lines.

"For the Emperor!" Schultze shouted "Attack!" He jumped on the bolter emplacement on his salamander, and began unloading explosive-tipped death into the advancing greenskins.
Imperial isa
29-12-2008, 23:05
Marie managed to hear the off-hand comment the Assassin made to Lydia, and glared at him. She mouthed something like "Frak off." to him before she fell into line and began advancing toward the square. As they advanced, the first green skins could be seen, an Orkish war band consisting of Shoota' and Slugga Boys. Upon seeing the Imperials, they roared in excitement and charged!

"oh she a wild card that one and all so cute"Exitus said to himself before a sister walked up to him

"it's requested that you go to the CP"she said to him
29-12-2008, 23:37
Lydia took a deep breath as she put the lasgun to her shoulder, aimed at one of the oncoming Orks, and pulled the trigger. She gasped as the brute took a shot in the head and went down. Getting over the surprise as quickly as possible, she began firing into the oncoming horde.
29-12-2008, 23:41
Several Orks were cut in half, but many continued to fire on covering the Slugga Boys as they ran forward to get in close. Bolter rounds pinging all around her, Marie dodged and weaved and managed to take cover behind a burnt-out ground car and began unloading lasrounds toward the green skins.

((OOC: I'm out for then night. If necessary, Mereshka has my permission to control Marie and Gambit.))
29-12-2008, 23:44
OOC: Righto boss.

IC: Lydia, not knowing what else to do, took cover with Marie, shooting as fast as she could and still hit an Ork. They're getting closer! She thought to herself desperately.
30-12-2008, 00:05
They're getting closer!

"Well give them a warm welcome!....said Datrohan and throwing a grenade and running towards Lydia...."1st Mobile today we earn our name,fight for the Emperor with pure hearth!"...He yelled on the field as he shoot his lasgun at the oncoming Orks...
30-12-2008, 00:11
Heartened by Datrohan's act, Lydia took a deep breath, and popped her head above the cover so she could actually aim. "For the Emperor!!" She cried, firing off shot after shot.
30-12-2008, 00:16
"Keep your heads down troopers,dont lose faith the Emperor is waching over us!!!"
Inspired by the thrill of battle he encouraged other troopers with advice and warcries...
Another groop of Orks was running over to the left of him,he aimed and at them,because if they pass they will surround his platoon...."Men,filth on our left,make them hot!"
Imperial isa
30-12-2008, 00:22
Datrohan, Lydia and Marie where not only the one killing Orks as right now Exitus was smiling as he watched the Inferno round as it tore into the skull of the Ork he just fired at. At first, no one had noticed the slow trickle of blood seeping from between the Orks eyes, but soon, the oxy-phosphor gel ignited with the excess of air enclosing it, and the head exploded into a swirling mass of flames.

ooc yes you would see that happening
30-12-2008, 00:46
Meanwhile, Schultze's hands were full. Firing the bolter at full automatic, his rounds cut down a number of Orks, but there were still many more. The greenskins surged forward, coming dangerously close to Schultze's Salamander. An Ork jumped onto the armored skirt, and managed to clamber it's way into the actual cabin. If the thing didn't let out a great roar before striking, Schultze would have been a dead man.

Letting out a great cry of "WAAAGH!", the Ork ran at the Commissar, bringing up it's choppa to strike. Schultze whirled around, startled by the noise, and managed to dive out of the way just as the Ork brought his choppa down. The choppa impacted on the now-unmanned bolter emplacement, shattering the weapon under the weight of the strike. The Ork turned it's head to look at Schultze, but it was already too late. A single bolt from the Commissar's laspistol went through it's skull, splattering blood on the armored inside of the vehicle. The Commissar picked himself up, shooting the downed alien several times for good measure.
30-12-2008, 00:52
Lydia ducked her head, norrwly missing getting her head split open by an Ork Choppa. The choppa was buried in the car, and Lydia put a round through the aliens head before he could extract it. She took out the hellpistol the assassin had given her when Orks started clambering over the car. "Come on!" Said Marie, and grabbed Lydia's hand, draggin her away whilst they both fired behind them at the Orks.
Free United States
30-12-2008, 08:58
ooc: geez, gone for one day...


Kat was amazed at how calm he was as he ran, ducking behind cover as he could and taking shots at the Orks. He glanced over and saw the Commissar dispatch one with his laspistol, and ran over, thankful, at least, for a familiar face.
30-12-2008, 10:27
Datrohan saw Marie and Lydia trying to pull back from the oncoming Greenskins,he cover their retreat with heavy lasgun fire,blood of the oncomig Orks splattered over the destroyed car,but their numbers were still huge...he saw the numrous Orks charging toward the outnubered platoon..he yelled...

"Commisar,this would be a good moment to get into the building on our left and try to make a stand!What are your orders?"
30-12-2008, 10:58
Lydia glanced around nervously. "Have you ever fought Orks before, sir?" She asked the sergeant.

Sergeant Karl grunted sharply and honestly, “The Xenos, I fought were Eldar pirates on Anubis I and Anubis II. The Orks are a Xenos, I have personally never gone up against but they did hit my home planet of Xharn a few decades back. My Grandfather said they were like a swarm of green locusts destroying everything in their path. They rely on swarm tactics and getting in close while firing randomly with makeshift weapons…”


On The Ground……….

Sergeant Karl groaned as he and the majority of his squad gathered inside the fortifications. The Stromtrooper Sergeant looked and noticed that Lydia had gone off with the Commissar. It was probably for the best considering the mission. He had in mind would have probably gotten a green one like her killed in a heartbeat…

The Sergeant said, “Okay ladies listen up, Get ready to get some camouflage gear and some explosives. We are going to wait for nightfall to sneak into the front and we will be going into a fire fight most likely..”

“Sarge is that a good idea?” said, one of the squad members..

Karl grinned and replied, “My boy, infiltrating when the enemy is busy fighting the main part of the regiment is the best plan for some of these situations. The Orks are not an organized bunch so don’t expect heavy patrols but lots of mobs of idiots wandering around shooting everything that moves!”

The squad replied, “Yes Sir!” and quickly went around secure area looking for explosive devices and local foliage. They would begin getting this ready before nightfall. The sergeant however took two of his men and headed up towards the walls with his plasma gun. He prepared to fire at any incoming greenskins that might try to take the wall…
30-12-2008, 11:05
"Datrohan was taking cover behind a pile of bricks,when he saw an orc Kill Kan moving toward his platoon"...he was too far away and busy trying to not get killed by a group of Orks who were running towards him...
30-12-2008, 11:10
“Well this is boring!” exclaimed, Sergeant Karl as he shot a blast of plasma at the incoming group of Ork slugga boys that were heading toward the wall he and his men were manning…

The Orks were not as fast as Eldar and could not move well in their tight and massive formations that came towards them. The mob took hit after hit as the las guns on the wall rained volley after volley of fire spilling Orkish blood on the ground.

The Sergeant even exclaimed, “Like shooting fish in a barrel!” as his plasma gun took the head off a large Ork that was trying to climb up the stone wall. The greenskin screamed, “Waaagh!” as his head was vaporized by the close proximity of the plasma shot…
Imperial isa
30-12-2008, 11:13
"Datrohan was taking cover behind a pile of bricks,when he saw an orc Kill Kan moving toward his platoon"...he was too far away and busy trying to not get killed by a group of Orks who were running towards him...

Exitus watched the Kill Kan four abit before moving and cutting his head off with a sword he had gotten off the sister's

"now to find the one leading this lot"Exitus said before turning unseen to start cutting a path through the Orks
30-12-2008, 11:15
"Sergeant!!!More Orks coming this way!!"..yelled the trooper when he came close to the wall his squad fortified on,and running like mad as he was being chased by around 100 Orks...

Ooc re-edited
30-12-2008, 11:48
The Sergeant cursed and charged over towards the trooper’s location with his three squad members and barked, “Okay, You get the rest of the boys up here!” He raised his plasma gun and started firing into the massive mob of Orks heading towards the wall trying to stem the tide of advancing greenskins..

The three guardsmen in the squad followed their sergeant and begin pumping las fire into the Orks. The Orks began to take several incoming blasts as the rest of the squad was mobilized up to the wall stopping their preparations for steming the incoming tide of greenskins..

The Sergent waited for his boys and girls and screamed, “52nd Tactical Squad fix bayonets!” The first couple of them did this as they geared to fight the Orks in hand to hand combat. The Sergent prepped his plasma pistol and continued to fire with his plasma gun into the greenskin tide. He prayed that backup would arrive shortly and gave another command, “Vox operatior, call for help on the Emperor damned vox! We need help to hold this position!”
30-12-2008, 12:06
"Sergeant pull the troops to the wall,ill try to buy us some time!If we get into hand to hand we will be slaughtered,move them back!"...
yelled Datrohan as he armed three thermo-plasma grenades and just throwed him 2 meters behind him....
In 4 seconds three huge explosions happened,rising a huge cloud of dust rocks,and debree,his bombs killed several orks and the other were disoriented and confused,but soon they reorganised and moved towards the wall...
30-12-2008, 12:15
The Sergeant growled his acknowledgement and cried, “For the Emperor!” as he pulled the pin off a frag grenade and chucked it into the middle of the green skin mob below him…

The Orks were hit with a sharp blast of shrapnel and some of them were killed instantly from the impact of the blast. A few were disorientated and fell to the incoming fire of Las guns on the wall.

The Sergeant cursed and bellowed, “Everybody up top to the wall we are going to cleanse the Xenos from the wall. I will then give the command to fire at will into the mob. That will most likely break the Greenskin morale and maybe they may retreat. If they do shoot those bastards in the back!”

The troopers heard him and many of them fell back some falling to random bullets from the primitive ork guns. The Sergeant cursed and jumped down from the wall and landed on a group of corpses. He was not going to leave some of his wounded for the Orks to butcher with their sluggas and Choppas.

He charged in with his heavy carapace armor and began to use the bayonet on his plasma gun to slice several of the Orks trying to get to his fallen subordinates. The troopers on the wall saw this and lay suppressing fire to support the counterattack by the Stroomtrooper sergeant…
30-12-2008, 12:21
Datrohan saw his Sergeant jumping into the mob of Orks to defend the wounded...he couldn's just watch him die....
He yelled at the rest of the platoon on the wall....
"oooo shit...!!! Domingez,Ferdovski on me,rest of you provide hell to cover the guys down there."
Then he jumped of the wall and flanked the huge mob of Orks,one of them noticed three Guardsmen but he didnt had time to say anything as lasgun blew his head of in a huge burst of blood which covered several Greenskins...they were in the middle of a bloodbath...
He encouraged the scared troopers...
"For the Emperors light purge those Xenos!"

OOc added a pic =) hope you like it
30-12-2008, 12:31
The Sergeant received strike after strike from the Ork choppa and his heavy ceramic armor did it’s best to deflect the deadly blows on his chest and arms. This only angered the Sergeant Karl and he struck back with his razor bayonet cutting into the offending ork's chest open with its wicked serrated edges. The Orks blood spilled in a spray of blood that bathed the Sergeant and he screamed, “Purge the Xenos!”

The other Orks noticed the large armored figure and tried to come at him only to be struck by las fire from support on the wall. It was going to be a blood bath as Sergeant Karl rammed his bayonet into the face of an Ork about to chop at wounded trooper that was crawling towards the wall.

The Ork screamed in pain and using a quick movement with his left hand Sergeant Karl pulled out his plasma pistol and silenced the creature permanently. The large Ork fell to the ground dead it’s comrades moving away as they were being killed right and left from the 52nd’s barrage of las fire and frag grenade strikes from the walled position..

The experienced sergeant held his ground and prepared to defend these wounded men with his life. He could not move them without first defending them from the advancing forces of the greenskins.

Karl pulled out his last frag grenade and threw it into the advancing Ork causing yet another wave of explosive destruction into their ranks. He used his plasma gun to continue firing more volleys into the crippled Orks that had survived his close proximity of the grenade attack..

Karl cried out, “Emperor be with me in this time of tribulation!”

Edit: OOC: Yes I do!
30-12-2008, 12:40
"Fireteam Beta,chargee!!!!"
Yelled Datrohan as he and his two fellow Guardsmen battled their way towards the Sergeant and the wall...Their bayonets cut thorugh a path into the Orkish line strenghtened by Sergeant heroic deed,the Orc line was allready heavily crippled by grenades and lasgun fire from the wall and the Sergeant...they were about to reach him when he heard a scream from the wall....
a young whiteshield screamed... "OH my god another group coming from the east!We will be slaughtered!!!..."
Datrohan looked towards east and saw a massive Orc group running towards them they were around 800 meters awat...
He needed to warn the Sergean...
"Sir,we need quicly to pull back on to the wall,more Xenos coming from the East!"
30-12-2008, 13:03
The Sergeant cursed, “God Emperor take them all to hell!” Sergeant Karl finally screamed his counter command, “Datrohan, take the wounded and head back up on the wall. I am going to rally the troops on the wall for the Xenos counter assault on our position. Once you get these men back to our lines. I want you take a group of our veterans and prepare for your own counterattack on the advancing Orks. We are going to win this fight but we need to kill enough of them to force them to either a stalemate or retreat!”

The Sergeant charged up to the wall and headed up into the gate and went up the stairs. The troopers moved out of his way as he moved towards the east rallying the fire teams on the top towards the eastern perimeter. He gathered a sizeable force and began taking firing positions along the wall. They were going to unleash hell once the Orks were within 100 meters of their position.

They wanted to conserve ammo long enough to be effective against the Orks numbers…
Imperial isa
30-12-2008, 13:22
"Charge" yelled Shadow as he lead 30 of his troop in the Orks from the west with their Hellguns blazing
30-12-2008, 13:25
Sergeant Karl breathed a sigh of relief as Major Shadow and his men moved into the greenskin mob heading towards them. The battle hardened sergeant was not about to let a brother Stromtrooper suffer without help however and called out, “Give our boys down there a hand gentlemen!”

The troopers on the wall started to rain down suppressive fire for Major Shadow’s men and las fire mingled into the Ork positions. The Sergeant took aim with his plasma gun and fired a few volleys into the Orks aiming for the largest ones in the group hoping to crack their morale and force the smaller ones to fall back…