NationStates Jolt Archive

A war of revenge( FT,semi-closed,TG for entry)

13-12-2008, 01:26
Shalan Dynisty Year 1658
Plythu Eligne system
26 orange flashes erupted in orbit over Negwan Hunau as 26 huge ships ( jolted sudenly back into realspace. Instantly they acted, blasting large balls of orange energy at the planets surface.

14 minuits later they moved on to the next planet in line, leaving behind them a planet striped to the mantle by the high power energy blasts they had fired.
As the ships drifted onwards (with suprising speed for thier imense bulk) a single bright white flash erupted near Negwan Hunau, another 3 following it. Seconds later the 4 shrikes that had emerged from trans-warp sent a single blast towards one of the giant ships, the ssilvery-white shot striking the hull and dispersing itself across its entirety in under a minuit.

The ships drifted silenty for a further minuit scaning the hit vessle before moving forward swiftly, cannons, phaser/disrupters and torpedo launchers blazing. Again, in less than 15 minuits 4 glowing orenge hulks remained where there were once 4 proud shirkes of the Dragona Empire.

At the edge of the system there was another white flash signaled the escape of a single vessle with 26 people on board.

A day later at Ih8uwannakillu's orbital militery rallypoint 30 Dragona ships (10 baatleships(Sca'uh class) 5 shrikes, and 15 Sabertooth destroyers) were gatherd. As one they jumped to transwarp to the lowan system.

2 hours later they arived and sent out a general transmition on Templar frequencys
To: Any VTAF forces with clearance
From: Dragona Taskfleet C13
RE:Lycanpyre revolt

Admaral Quin to any Templarian militery craft or senier diplomats. We have been sent by the emporer to request imediate assistance in queling a lycanpyre uprising. It is likely not nesecery to let you know what will happen if they suceed. Attached are endevouz co-ordinates, please respond ASAP
Void Templar
14-12-2008, 18:33
Once more, lights flicked on, thier old switches audibly thudding as they clicked into place in the room which no one living thing had entered in the VTN Miraluka's 70 years of service. A circular room completely devoid of any stimulus (the entire room was a dull grey color, the lights sending out a dull white light) apart from what appeared to be a jacuzzi in the very center of the room, filled with a viscous electric blue-green liquid. It was only when a few sparse bubbles formed on top of the surface that anything moved in that room. A few seconds after, the shimmering white form of an Unbound rose through the liquid, not disturbing it, until it was about waist high. This one, Unbound Number One Hundred and Ninety Three, chosen name Stryker, was dressed in Marine fatigues, his head, however, was skeletal. A panel flashed silently to his side, and he waved a hand over it. The room echoed with the Dragonan message.
"A rebellion eh? I knew they would never be able to hold them down." The panel faded back into the grey nothingness, replaced by a holographic image of the ships captain, Ricardo Karabin.
"Stryker? Report."
"The Dragonans have finally lost control over those Lycanpire things and are requesting aid."
"Hmm. Very well. Relay the message to the fleet and tell them to jump to the co-ordinates."
"Master." The feed cut off as the Unbound faithfully went about his task.

A few minutes later, 3 Sabbath class Dreadnoughts, 17 Baldur class Battlecarriers and 5 Leo class heavy carriers fell out of warp near the Dragonan fleet.
"Dragonans, I am captain Karabin of the Templarian Navy. We have come to respond to your aid call."
14-12-2008, 18:41
"It is apriciated captain, forgive me but, given the urgentness of the matter we must jump straight to the hive system of.." the com chanle cut off as 7 hives entered the system and imediatly opened fire, the 20 cruisers they had with them following suit.

Imediatly the fleet raised its shileds, minamizing the damage done to the ships and bringing thier heavy guns to bear and blasting heavy rounds into the organic hulls of the hives.
Ustio North
18-12-2008, 15:29
A tear in the fabric of reality began to form. Through it came one of the largest warships ever to grace the inky blackness of space: The Yamato-II Super-Dreadnought ( It was soon joined by another pair of Yamato-IIs, and then several Exterminator Class Battleships. They immediately turned their guns on the Hive Ships, the Yamato-IIs firing salvos of ThermoNuclear Torpedoes at them.
18-12-2008, 22:06
A salvo of thermite tiped missiles fired from the sabertooths shot towards one of the hives, exploding against a slightly shimering shield. the Sca'uh fired rapid bursts of silver-white shots at the hives before switching to regular MAC and magna shots as their primary lasers powered up.

The shrikes filled a so far minimalistic role in the battle, moving to a position to attack the new arivles should it be needed. The lead shrike sent the following transmition
Unknown vessles, thank you for coming to our aid, please state your alligance.

The hives barely reacted to the new arivles, only one switched its fire to them, the rest dividing thier fire betwenn the Dragona and Templars. Thier shields with stood the blasts from the new ship's guns and managed to withstand the nukes, but large parts of the hulls began to slowly turn red as the radiation from the blasts began to burn the ships organic componants.