NationStates Jolt Archive

University of Tucker: Hackers Paradise (MT Interest Thread)

Third Spanish States
18-10-2008, 06:47
I got something wrong in my head to be suggesting an university thread, except this is not a conventional one, and thus, no offense intended to those who actually like it, this is not going to be a:

Written version of Habbo Hotel*
RP centered on emulating a text-based dating sim
Compendium of 1 to 3-line long posts

The IP Range of the most famous and infamous Third Spanish States University has been banned in more than 150 countries due to continued use of its anonymous proxy servers by both white and black hat hackers, griefers, Internet trolls and alike, or due to the subversive messages forcefully sent to dictatorial countrys through hacktivism. Its Computer-related degrees are obviously infamous for the number of hackers it tends to draw, in accordance to the anarchic nature of its location, as are infamous its Philosophy, Arts and Sociology degrees regarding the percentage of students that smoke marijuana or other drugs.

The explanation for such popularity among hackers lie with the fact Tucker University's computer networks are by all accounts part of a Data Haven (, completely anonymous, with no logs or traces done, and filled with everything that can be expected from an entirely anonymous online environment. The "Dark Side" of course also exists, including the dreaded and heinous pedophilia, which is the reason why supposed young Blackguard operatives in-training supposedly pretend to be students in premature intelligence gathering missions.

But there is more than what seems to be obvious, and rumors and conspiracy theories persist regarding the existence of a secret society inside the campus. Blackguards are also known to check the university for potential recruits. Due to the radical educational standards and methods of the Confederacy, people as young as 14-years old tend to already be in College education, which has nothing to lose from more conventional educational systems.

Alongside such heavily freedom-focused university a truly diverse underground exists, which is protected by its very discretion, and by the fact people who have an idea of it are afraid of asking too many questions.

Now what is the point? I basically want to try making a college RP unlike any other, unique and that breaks off with the tropes and bandwagons of this type of thing. This thread shall be centered in the following themes, different from most university threads. Most classrooms will be background material to the actual RPing, as will deeper relationships between classmates. What I hope to focus this thread on are:

Strange Happenings
Criminal Investigations
Organized Crime
Satire, "LULZ" and Comic reliefs
Stoner comedy (

Again, if you are just looking for a conventional thread of this type, for the goal of written dating sim, then you are looking at the wrong thread. I won't bother with a few posts about it, as long as they are kept to a limit, and as long as no sex RP ( is added to the equation, because just as in excess, it ruins a good reading in a book, it does the same here, and truth be told, once it happens, a snowball of poor posts do follow.

And at last, because of several logical IC reasons related to Third Spanish States and to the inevitable associations with OOC references, I won't be accepting furries, elves, talking hens, Spacemoose, Flying Spaghetti Monsters, Mary Sues and Munchkins.

I see no need for a standardized sign up form, or for describing the characters being sent after all. I believe it's always better to present a character in-depth and slowly in the IC thread than through a sign-up, just like a fiction writer would do, and as this won't be a competitive RP, it'll basically be a good thing. Just don't bring a man who is at the same time as skilled as RL Kevin Mitnick in hacking, a basketball genius, a sharpshooter, as cunning as Bismarck in politics, as intelligent as two Albert Einsteins and as fast as Chuck Norris, or I'll reserve to the right of ignoring such character unless it's clearly a comic relief or satire.
Third Spanish States
05-02-2009, 13:57
Where do you want your Raid today?

Bump because I decided to give another chance to this idea.

Well, when I mentioned there'll be strange happenings, I was referring to something inspired by this:
06-02-2009, 02:49
Im interested in this
Third Spanish States
06-02-2009, 03:05
I won't ask for any forms of any sort... the background of all hackers, puppeteers, biker gangsters, ANTIFA and skinheads nearly, and sometimes literally killing each other in their street fights or would-be pimps that may participate of this RP will be more interested if it is unfolded through in-character conversations rather than OOC. Just think up on any character, from the typical computer geek to socially and intellectually skilled individuals of great potential who may draw the attention of secret societies and/or of hidden recruiters for intelligence agencies.

As for the teachers and characters I'll present, there won't be exceptions to this just because I am the OP. I'll present all of them ICly as well, and there will be... different teachers and of course the total pricks who will either give F- or A+ in an exam, no exceptions. Some of the teachers may be recruiters for secretive groups, or perhaps none of them are, others may be notorious hackers which pseudonyms have a great reputation, while others may lead troll organizations in the Internet and be regular posters in that place, but I won't give any clues.
06-02-2009, 03:21
Alright i was thinking of a new Freshman football superstar committed to the college to play football who also wants to be a rapper and is a gang member
Third Spanish States
06-02-2009, 03:28
Alright i was thinking of a new Freshman football superstar committed to the college to play football who also wants to be a rapper and is a gang member

I hope you mean football as soccer. Rugby isn't particularly popular in the Confederacy and only played in niche clubs. Thus it doesn't exist in universities. Regardless, I'll be frank: you won't achieve much with such type of character. I suggest you to throw conventions away to achieve maximum amusement here. Forget all University RPs that have happened in NS and their clichés and High School cliques, because like the first post mentioned, this isn't conventional, and I'll personally let it die should it fail in its purpose and become another University thread filled with 2 and 3-lines long posts and infested with Fail. Not that it should have ridiculously tl;dr posts either, just something reasonable which wasn't half-baked in an office computer while the boss wasn't seeing(I recommend for anyone's financial safety to not do that). Arranging conversations through IM and TGs is also a good idea to avoid a flood of short posts that could be putted in a single one regarding two different characters, while allowing some depth to it as well because collaborative posts can only improve.

Regardless, it's your choice, and there are always ways to make a typical footballer different from the clichés about this type of character. And consider that quality and originality != serious business. Thus well made comedic characters are more than welcome.
06-02-2009, 09:37
I'd be interested in throwing together a hacker personna.