NationStates Jolt Archive

What's Your National Anthem?

Gibberish America
15-10-2008, 23:33
I was bored and I came up with the idea of asking what the national anthems of the NS Worlds were. So... Answer away!
15-10-2008, 23:36
Land of Confusion, as performed by Disturbed.(Not a joke.)
Conserative Morality
15-10-2008, 23:41
This, minute number five until the end. (

And I'm not joking.
15-10-2008, 23:41
Ode to Joy, with lyrics (German) is the non-official national anthem, played at state and sporting events.

EDIT: Ah yes (, link...this is a nice version, anyways.
15-10-2008, 23:45
Under The Sea from the trailer for BioShock.
Gibberish America
15-10-2008, 23:52
"Worker's Song" by Dropkick Murphys
Mines used to be the theme song for the TVB show Shanghai Bund or The Bund but I decided to use a more traditional and "American" song. (I am a Chinese-Irish-American)
15-10-2008, 23:56
Panzerlied sung in Battle of the Bulge
15-10-2008, 23:56
Hmmmm..... I'll have to come up with one. How about 'Triumph of the Nation' for the title?
16-10-2008, 00:03
"Freedom" by Fleetwood Mac (written by Stevie Nicks and Mike Campbell)

Written by Stevie Nicks and Mike Campbell.
Dim and wavering
On a wind-blown night
Whose honour, whose anger
Cold and quivering
As was the wind-blown night
Into which she'd fallen, fallen
Freedom, well it's a thing that is fleeting
Freedom is standing next to you
My intentions were clear
I was with him
Everyone knew
Poor little fool
Beautiful as you are
With that high spirit
Morning star of evil hit me
Cut me like a knife
Cool and collected
She became that with time
Totally rejected
Freedom, well it's a thing that is fleeting
Freedom is standing next to you
My intentions were clear
I was with him
Everyone knew
Poor little fool
It's all in the eyes
It's all in the way that you look
It's all in the way that you say very little
It's all in the way that you talk
Look at me with daggers
It won't do you any good
All the looks that you've used on me
Don't work now that you've fallen, fallen, fallen
Freedom, well it's a thing that is fleeting
Freedom is standing next to you
My intentions were clear
I was with him
Everyone knew
Poor little fool
Look at me with daggers
It won't do you any good
All the looks that you've used on me
Don't work now that you've fallen
All the looks that you've used on me
Don't work now that you've fallen
Everyone knew
Poor little fool
Poor little fool
Poor little fool
Come with me
Poor little fool
Imperial isa
16-10-2008, 00:05
none don't see the point
16-10-2008, 00:18
none don't see the point

Imperial isa
16-10-2008, 00:23

really what are you a ten year old
16-10-2008, 00:40
really what are you a ten year old

Double that figure, actually. Why?

'Fraid I have no lyrics nor tunes for the national anthems of Hryvatia and Pictland (my other nation), although do have completely fictional names for each:

Pictland: Siansa Briseadh (Pictish: Symphony of Battle)
Hryvatia: Himna Kraljevina (Hryvátijan: Hymn of the Kingdom)

Incandescent Serenity: (or whatever FT people I'll muster; occasionally referred to simply as Serendipity) Samuel Barber's Agnus Dei ( (Latin: Lamb of God), to the tune of Barber's Adagio for Strings à la Homeworld.

Each sung in their respective languages, although as I've said I'm yet to determine exactly what the anthems would entail. Also I'm semi-sure that there's already, perhaps multiple "what's your nation's national anthem" threads and lists out there.
The New Aryan State
16-10-2008, 00:56
La Marsellaise, auf Deutsch.
16-10-2008, 01:09
This theme:

By: Harry Gregson-Williams

reason for use: It sounds heroic and epic.

Our nation's new name for it: The Anthem of the Patriots
Monte Belle
16-10-2008, 01:21
The Empire of Monte Belle's Anthem:

Glory to the Empire

(4th movement Beethoven's Fifth symphony)
Gibberish America
16-10-2008, 01:28
Worker's Song ( by Dropkick Murphys.
16-10-2008, 01:35
Slightly modified version of the Soviet national anthem
16-10-2008, 01:36
It's a song called "Vojvodina-Nihonese National Anthem", which goes like this:

Chorus: Statement singing the praises of Vojvodina-Nihon!
Assertion expressing a positive emotion.
Line juxtaposing ancient glories with modern triumphs.
Nationalist sentiment given form!

Verse I: Line consisting primarily of metaphor,
Line expounding ideological virtues through poetic language,
Now the song drops into a minor key....
and now it returns to a major key!
Reiteration of the name of the nation, in case anyone's forgotten!
Line that has become politically incorrect due to the passage of time,
Statement of what Vojvodina-Nihon is not,
Repetition of first line of the song, to lead into --


Verse II: First line of the second verse,
A different assertion expressing a different positive emotion.
Daa daa da daa, daa daa,
[four more lines in this vein]
Statement of something else Vojvodina-Nihon is not,
Repetition of the first line of the song, leading back to, etc.

Shockingly, it has never been exactly popular.
The Geschke Dynasty
16-10-2008, 01:39
The Holy Geschke Empire.

Name: "Glory to the King!"

"Unbreakable brotherhood of free Kingdoms,
The Lord God has ruled forever to stand!
Born in struggle by will of the people,
Forever may live our land!

Sing to our King,
Father of the free,
Bulwark of the land in brotherhood strong!
To glory may God forever lead us on!

Through tempests the sunrays of God have cheered us,
Along the paths our Great Kings did lead,
True to our people,
Inspired us to glory and valorous deed!

Sing to our King,
Father of the free,
Bulwark of the land in brotherhood strong!
To glory may God forever lead us on!"


(Note: If the Monarch's heir is female, the title is changed accordingly when she ascends to the throne)
Gibberish America
16-10-2008, 01:46
Slightly modified version of the Soviet national anthem

how do you modify it?
African-Akhad Union
16-10-2008, 01:50
Song name: Hail the Name of Akhad

God bless our homeland Akhad,
And make our nation great and strong,
Bold to defend for ever
The cause of Freedom and of Right;
Fill our hearts with true humility,
Make us cherish fearless honesty,
And help us to resist oppressors' rule
With all our will and might for evermore.
(repeat previous two lines)

Hail to thy name, O Akhad,
To thee we make our solemn vow:
Steadfast to build together
A nation strong in Unity;
With our gifts of mind and strength of arm,
Whether night or day, in mist or storm,
In ev'ry need, whate'er the call may be,
To serve thee, O Akhad, now and evermore.
(repeat previous two lines)

Raise high the flag of Akhad
And one with Africa advance;
Black Star of hope and honour
To all who thirst for Liberty;
Where the banner of Akhad freely flies,
May the way to freedom truly lie;
Arise, arise, O sons of Akhadland,
And under God march on for evermore!
(repeat previous two lines)
16-10-2008, 02:04
how do you modify it?

Less tyranny?
Pegasus Autonoma
16-10-2008, 02:10
Final Countdown by Europe
The Beatus
16-10-2008, 02:40
Well, the Holy Empire's national anthem, is an adaptation of the song, We Will Rock You by Queen, aptly named We Will Crush You

Lyrics to We Will Crush You:

Buddy you're a boy show some poise
Figthin' in the street gonna make this a good place someday
You got mud on yo' face
You not a disgrace
Shootin' your Gun all over the place
We will we will crush you
We will we will crush you

Buddy you're a Beatusian ain't losin'
Shootin' in the street gonna take on the world some day
You got blood on yo' face
You not a disgrace
Wavin' your Bayonet all over the place
We will we will crush you
We will we will crush you

Buddy you're an old man rich man
Pleadin' with the world gonna make you some peace some day
You got mud on your face
You not a disgrace
You gonna put somebody back into their place
We will we will crush you
We will we will crush you
We will we will crush you
We will we will crush you
16-10-2008, 02:47
Sea Songs by Jan van Der Roost
Wonderful trio of classic pieces
Hey, can you make more than one nation if the other isn't the WA even if you use the same computer and account?
16-10-2008, 03:19
"Close to You" by The Carpenters. Very manly song - very appropriate for a great warlord republic!
16-10-2008, 03:40
how do you modify it?

changed some names around, left out Stalin.
16-10-2008, 13:40
mozart's clarinet quintet second movement

Youtube video (

Historically performed as the former Uir governor sent from france was killed and subsequently had his house burnt to the ground where the present Uir government buildings stand. It was his favourite mozart piece and seemed an appropriate statement of freedom. Beautiful irony.
Ustio North
16-10-2008, 13:54
"Scotland The Brave (", By Free Radical Design. Has No Lyrics. I notice that MGS themes are quite popular.
16-10-2008, 21:51
"Little Boy You're Going to Hell (" seen in the NS forum thread (
16-10-2008, 22:12
The Russian National Anthem (
Brittanican Adenia
16-10-2008, 22:15
I Vow to Thee, My Country.

The full version, not the sissy one that omits the war and stuff.
Gibberish America
16-10-2008, 23:25
all good choices. i'd like to see some idiot come up with a hip-hop anthem lol
17-10-2008, 00:31

In Russian, not Romanian, of course. Of particular controversy is the lyrics celebrating the "eternal friendship and solidarity" with the people of British Londinium, a nation whose entire population was exterminated and whose foreign policy both prior to and during their alliance with Vetalia was associated with imperialism, war, and extreme and arbitrary acts of violence against colonial and domestic populations.

Anthem of the Free Corps:

Identical to the lyrics of the actual song, it became symbolic of the Corps' struggle to reclaim Vetalia from the decay and corruption prior to the NDPV's rise to power, in particular the real and bloody struggles against organized crime and rogue military units, as well as colonial rebellions. Over 4,300,000 volunteers served in the Corps during this struggle, and 270,000 were killed in that service.

This song, along with "The Sacred War", have considerable personal meaning to the Vetalian people and any mocking or disrespect towards them and the struggles they represent would turn out badly.
17-10-2008, 01:40
Land of scorpion and land of falcon
Land that gave us birth and blessing
Land that called us ever homewards
We will go home across the mountains

We will go home
We will go home
We will go home across the mountains

We will go home, singing our song
We will go home...

Hear our singing
Hear our longing
We will go home across the mountains

We will go home
We will go home...
Ustio North
17-10-2008, 09:43
Land of scorpion and land of falcon
Land that gave us birth and blessing
Land that called us ever homewards
We will go home across the mountains

We will go home
We will go home
We will go home across the mountains

We will go home, singing our song
We will go home...

Hear our singing
Hear our longing
We will go home across the mountains

We will go home
We will go home...

I recognise that! It's in the film King Arthur, although this one is slightly edited.
Dagobah V
17-10-2008, 12:01
Maak me gek by gerard joling is Dagobah's anthem
17-10-2008, 17:15
the flemish lion is my national athem

youtube link:

Zij zullen hem niet temmen, de fiere Vlaamse Leeuw,
Al dreigen zij zijn vrijheid met kluisters en geschreeuw.
Zij zullen hem niet temmen, zolang een Vlaming leeft,
Zolang de Leeuw kan klauwen, zolang hij tanden heeft.

Zij zullen hem niet temmen, zolang een Vlaming leeft,
Zolang de Leeuw kan klauwen, zolang hij tanden heeft.

De tijd verslindt de steden, geen tronen blijven staan:
De legerbenden sneven, een volk zal nooit vergaan.
De vijand trekt te velde, omringd van doodsgevaar.
Wij lachen met zijn woede, de Vlaamse Leeuw is daar

Zij zullen hem niet temmen, zolang een Vlaming leeft,
Zolang de Leeuw kan klauwen, zolang hij tanden heeft.

Hij strijdt nu duizend jaren voor vrijheid, land en God;
En nog zijn zijne krachten in al haar jeugdgenot.
Als zij hem machteloos denken en tergen met een schop,
Dan richt hij zich bedreigend en vrees'lijk voor hen op.

Zij zullen hem niet temmen, zolang een Vlaming leeft,
Zolang de Leeuw kan klauwen, zolang hij tanden heeft.

Wee hem, de onbezonnen', die vals en vol verraad,
De Vlaamse Leeuw komt strelen en trouweloos hem slaat.
Geen enkle handbeweging die hij uit 't oog verliest:
En voelt hij zich getroffen, hij stelt zijn maan en briest.

Zij zullen hem niet temmen, zolang een Vlaming leeft,
Zolang de Leeuw kan klauwen, zolang hij tanden heeft.

Het wraaksein is gegeven, hij is hun tergen moe;
Met vuur in't oog, met woede springt hij den vijand toe.
Hij scheurt, vernielt, verplettert, bedekt met bloed en slijk
En zegepralend grijnst hij op's vijands trillend lijk.

Zij zullen hem niet temmen, zolang een Vlaming leeft,
Zolang de Leeuw kan klauwen, zolang hij tanden heeft.

(from )
17-10-2008, 17:39
We have two. One in Xeraphian ("Up Yours" composed by Moby Grape) and one in English ("Lick My______", the "blank" sung in four part harmony to the following words in this specific order: 1..balls, 2..crotch, 3..ass, 4..armpits, 5..toes, composed by Manny Phuqwad, maintenence director at the School for Juvenile Deviants in Needles, CA.)
17-10-2008, 17:41
One of my favorite songs, The Battle Hymn of the Republic

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord:
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:
His truth is marching on.

Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!

His truth is marching on.
I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps,
They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps;
I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps:
His day is marching on.

Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
His day is marching on.

I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel:
"As ye deal with my contemners, so with you my grace shall deal;
Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel,
Since God is marching on."

Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Since God is marching on.

He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat:
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on.

Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Our God is marching on.

In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me:
As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free,
While God is marching on.

Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
While God is marching on.

He is coming like the glory of the morning on the wave,
He is Wisdom to the mighty, He is Succour to the brave,
So the world shall be His footstool, and the soul of Time His slave,
Our God is marching on.

Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Our God is marching on.
17-10-2008, 19:00
Soyuz nerushimy respublik svobodnykh
Splotila naveki velikaya Rus'!
Da zdravstvuyet sozdanny voley narodov
Yediny, moguchy Sovetsky Soyuz!


Slavsya, Otechestvo nashe svobodnoye,
Druzhby narodov nadyozhny oplot!
Partiya Lenina — sila narodnaya
Nas k torzhestvu kommunizma vedyot!

Skvoz' grozy siyalo nam solntse svobody,
I Lenin veliky nam put' ozaril,
Na pravoye delo on podnyal narody,
Na trud i na podvigi nas vdokhnovil!


V pobede bessmertnykh idey kommunizma
My vidim gryadushcheye nashey strany,
I krasnomu znameni slavnoy otchizny
My budem vsegda bezzavetno verny!
17-10-2008, 19:49
The Freedom of Truth.
By Mark Michaels and Augustus Terral.

Unbreakble Kingdom,
Of our ancestors' will,
We are one yet many united,
In freedom and cause of justice,
We pray,
For King and Country and all there ever was.

Sing to the Kingdom,
Birthplace of Freedom,
Foundation of Liberty and Justice!

We bow to God,
And Freedom and Justice.
Bringer of Justice,
We are True,
Never standing down!

Sing to the Kingdom,
Birthplace of Freedom,
Foundation of Liberty and Justice!

None have conquered,
And none never will,
As our great country stands tall!
Welcoming all,
We remain strong,
United in will,
United by all.

This is Aeslonen!
Home of Freedom,
And all it's truths.
The Unconquered Kingdom,
Standing since times of old!

The Kingdom of Freedom,
Liberty and Justice,
We are true and free by our great King!

We will unite,
And remain strong,
Uniting the nations,
We are strength,
Alert and Tall,
We are Aeslonen!
17-10-2008, 20:45
Liberty or death, what we so proudly hail
Once you provoke her, rattling of her tail
Never begins it, never, but once engaged...
Never surrenders, showing the fangs of rage

Dont tread on me

So be it
Threaten no more
To secure peace is to prepare for war
So be it
Settle the score
Touch me again for the words that youll hear evermore...

Dont tread on me

Love it or live it, she with the deadly bite
Quick is the blue tongue, forked as lighting strike
Shining with brightness, always on surveillance
The eyes, they never close, emblem of vigilance

Dont tread on me

So be it
Threaten no more
To secure peace is to prepare for war
So be it
Settle the score
Touch me again for the words that youll hear evermore...

Dont tread on me

So be it
Threaten no more
To secure peace is to prepare for war

Liberty or death, what we so proudly hail
Once you provoke her, rattling on her tail

So be it
Threaten no more
To secure peace is to prepare for war
So be it
Settle the score
Touch me again for the words that youll hear evermore...

Dont tread on me

(yes yes - It is song of Metallica - but as anthem we play that without solo and not that hard)
17-10-2008, 21:52
I recognise that! It's in the film King Arthur, although this one is slightly edited.

If I had a prize to give I would and yes, that is the Song of the Exile. Sounds better though from a woman's mouth.
Gibberish America
18-10-2008, 03:40
Yeah, this one's for the workers who toil night and day
By hand and by brain to earn your pay
Who for centuries long past for no more than your bread
Have bled for your countries and counted your dead

In the factories and mills, in the shipyards and mines
We've often been told to keep up with the times
For our skills are not needed, they've streamlined the job
And with sliderule and stopwatch our pride they have robbed

We're the first ones to starve, we're the first ones to die
The first ones in line for that pie-in-the-sky
And we're always the last when the cream is shared out
For the worker is working when the fat cat's about

And when the sky darkens and the prospect is war
Who's given a gun and then pushed to the fore
And expected to die for the land of our birth
Though we've never owned one lousy handful of earth?

[Chorus x3]

All of these things the worker has done
From tilling the fields to carrying the gun
We've been yoked to the plough since time first began
And always expected to carry the can
18-10-2008, 06:38
At present, there is no standing national anthem in Tokyoni (though there are a variety of political anthems in favor of the present government). Japan and Korea retain their present national anthems used at events and local government functions.

Japanese National Anthem: Kimi Ga Yo.

(As a political devise, some use "Kira" in place of "Kimi")

Korean National Anthem:

(Sorry, I couldn't find one with good quality singing)
18-10-2008, 06:45
heaven by live
Gibberish America
19-10-2008, 22:09
Francopolis Prime
19-10-2008, 22:23
I know I'll get marked total weeaboo for this, but:

Suiting of an evil empire, yes?
19-10-2008, 22:25
Never gonna give you up : RIck astley nuff'said.
Ruthless Slaughter
19-10-2008, 22:35

Crimson Tide by Hans Zimmer
While maybe not entirely fitting of a Democracy, it certainly makes for good listening and has just the right air of intimidation.
19-10-2008, 22:58
Mine is the Red Guards Song ( and the Artilleryman's Song ( Perfectly fitting for a Communist nation.
New Kereptica
19-10-2008, 23:02
Moonligh Sonata (

I'd have something heroic like Battle Hymn of the Repuclic, Crimson Tide, or Ode to Joy, but they were already "taken".
19-10-2008, 23:08
White Robe (english version) by t.A.T.u I think it fits well...
19-10-2008, 23:12
Hell March (
19-10-2008, 23:21
Hell March (

I prefer this version (
19-10-2008, 23:22
Why am I not surprised? Lol.
19-10-2008, 23:54
This is our "unofficial" anthem (sort of like our version of God Bless America).
Gibberish America
20-10-2008, 01:37
Gibberish America
21-10-2008, 02:31
Gibberish America
23-10-2008, 06:06
23-10-2008, 06:09
Currently it's: There's still hope
But if The Holy Empire of Kingarmy's generals don't manage to get brains It will be changed to one of the anthems listed above.