NationStates Jolt Archive

The End of the Chain (MT, Closed)

15-10-2008, 21:55
(OOC: First off, this thread is open only to those who signed up. You can put your name down in this thread (, along with what you want to do, and I'll consider you. I'm debating creating a dedicated OOC thread to keep chatter in here down, but that depends on how much chit-chat there actually is.)

LBC News Live Interview, 22 days ago
It's a circle, the people riot, so the government gives the police more powers, which the people then riot against. It's a chain reaction that just spreads outwards, encapsulating more and more people as we move further along its length.

101.5 FM Right Talk Radio, 19 days ago
...and the response from the Laceenian police and, more worrying, military, are completely out of scale. How can they stand there and claim rubber bullets and tear-gas is a 'reasonable response' to strong language and stones?

LBC Early Evening News, 18 days ago
Blood on the streets. Military special forces open fire on a rioting mob killing at least eight and injuring dozens more. No official statement has been released.

Laceenian Herald, 17 days ago
...only clear response it to ensure the Potestas Militaris Act is set in stone. The men and women of the Laceenian Armed Forces, brave as they are, have not been trained for policing the streets, and the sort of incident we saw yesterday will always happen.

LBC Ten o'clock News, 14 days ago
Death from above. Unknown rebels launch rocket attack on a quiet housing estate in Stockmoor. Reports place the number of dead at three, with over twenty injured. Tanks are presently on the streets as the army attempts to restore order and security.

Politics Review, 11 days ago
...and in this day and age violence is seen as the ultimate answer. Soldiers kill rioters, rebels kill civilians. Both killed innocents, and yet through propaganda and manipulation, the government made two plus two equal both four and five at the same time.

92.2 FM Laceenian Liberty, 6 days ago
Where are the attacks on the rebels? The government came down hard enough on the rioters, but now there's a real threat, why are they sitting on their hands? Are the incapable of fighting a foe that is armed with more than just bricks and petrol bombs?

LBC News Public Panel, 2 days ago
Three kettle rockets landed on my street today. There must be at least a dozen dead. Someone needs to start fighting back against the rebels, and by god if the government won't then I think we need a new government.

Stockmoor, Present Day
There was a small crowd to his left as he walked through the bus station. A woman pushing a buggy passed quickly by in the opposite direction, sniffling slightly as she did. It was half past three in the afternoon, yet apart from the group he had just passed, the terminal was devoid of life. Normally the place would be heaving with parents taking their children home, shoppers returning from their busy day bargain hunting, and shift workers travelling to start the evening shift at factories across the city.

Once outside, he climbed some steps up to the road level and continued his plodding path towards what was his home. He passed a large pile of rubble. At one point, before it fell foul of a rebel 'Kettle Rocket', it had been a grand Victorian-era house. Rebel attacks on the city had grown rapidly over the past few weeks, and Kettle Rockets, so called both because of the increasing whistle they made as they fell to earth and because their shells were constructed out of steel.

Over the past fortnight more than two dozen had fallen on Stockmoor alone, claiming over forty lives. The authorities had tried to curtail the bombings with little effect. The missiles were so simple to launch that even before the locals knew one was coming, those responsible were long gone. For many, it was now an inevitable part of daily life. An inconvenience on a par with rush-hour traffic and lost paperwork.

A shabby looking coach eased down the narrow street. Transport out of the city for those who wanted it. There weren't many people on the streets. It was as if the entire populous had moved out overnight, leaving everything as it was the day before. For the briefest of moments, his mind skipped to thoughts of Test Site Alpha and he caught himself glancing skywards, almost expecting to see the same mushroom shaped cloud that he had whilst working in the north. Obviously, his eyes saw only the grey, swirling mist that hung just above the rooftops at this time of year, never encroaching on the streets, lest it be chased away by passing cars. Not that it need worry about that. Besides the coach, only two other vehicles had passed him in the half-hour he'd been walking.

It hadn't always been this way. As recently as one months ago, life had been good. Or palatable, at least. People had jobs, they had money, and they had security.

There was an unmistakable roar overhead and he threw himself to the ground. Moments later, the roar ceased, and was replaced by a gentle whistling, gaining in both pitch and ferocity with every passing second. He pulled his jacket up over his head and waited for the inevitable. The ground shook. It was as if a truck had passed within inches of his head. The missile hadn't landed close to him, maybe half a mile away. He pushed himself of the ground and rose to his feet, brushing the dust from his front and readjusting his jacket. A plume of thick, black smoke drifted idly into the sky from the east. He found himself wondering how many lives had been claimed in the past few seconds.

When the first rocket strikes had been reported, it had rocked the city to its foundations. Now, unless they landed in their street, most people didn't care. It was this desensitisation of the population that most worried him. Bombs could fall, people could die, but so long as the entire nation cared, life would continue as it always had. Once they stopped caring, in his mind at least, Laceenia ceased to exist in any form it once had. He agreed with those who vehemently called for life to go on as before, for the public to pay little heed to the steel cylinders that fell from the sky. To him, that was obvious. People needed to continue about their business as normal. They should work, play, eat, shop and, perhaps most importantly, and now seemingly overlooked, mourn.

Another roar filled his ears, but this one he ignored. He'd heard it on and off for over a decade now, and knew exactly what it meant. Somewhere, probably miles beyond where his ears placed it, was a lone Harrier jet, no doubt dispatched to find and neutralise those responsible for the latest rocket attack. They wouldn't find anyone. They rarely did, and given the conditions at the moment, seeing the ground, let alone anything on it, was going to be difficult from one hundred feet, let alone one thousand. No, this time they'd got clean away with it. Hatred began to boil inside himself, and he caught himself smiling.

"At least someone here still cares.", he thought.
15-10-2008, 23:08
The night was dark, and silent aside from the whistle of the wind along the coastline of Laceenia. The moon cast a reflection of light across the open water, on the beach the tide was comming in washing up on the beach. The sillouttes of trees beyond the beaches swayed with the slight breeze that was present. A small craft cruised through the water towards the beach making minimal sound, when it got close it cut left moving down the coast, six shapes splashed into the shallow water while the boat raced back out to sea.

Six men emerged from the water moving up onto the sand, the men wore all black, some with masks and goggles, others with their faces painted. The six were armed to the teeth, The lead carried an AK108, the second a H&K MP5, the third a Carbine M4, the fouth held a M29SAW, the fifth a M16A2, and the sixth man carried an M40 Sniper Rifle.

The men were from Section 3, an Osteian (Ghost Unit). The agents were supposed to meet their rebel contacts at this location, the rest of the men would arrive once the call went out to the Osteian Nimitz Class Carrier Victory II located off the coast of Laceenia. A total of 100 specialists would enter the country that evening.

The Osteians assembled on the other side of an embankment facing the tree line, their rear and flanks were secured, "Sir, where are they..they are late..", the lead agent turned, "Be patient, stay alert..., they will make contact.."

OOC: Ok, here we go :-)
16-10-2008, 00:37
Stockmoor, Laceenia

The sudden roar of helicopters came over the city as Montana Incorporated, the largest Corporation allowed to exist in the People's Republic, had descended onto the city with its own security force.

Over the last month hell had broken out in this country, riots and rebellions caused the value of many business to drop tremendously as shop owners and businessmen fled the cities in search of safety. Order would be restored eventually, but many business didn't want to risk losing everything to the chaos. So Montana Inc stepped in, offering these companies fair amounts for their assets in these country, definitely less then actual value, but since the value was falling anyways, these owners took any chance they could.

Now Montana Inc owned numerous buildings and warehouses throughout the city and wanted them to be defended.

UH-60 BlackHawks and CH-47 Chinooks skimmed the city sky line as recently purchased Montana companies became landing zones. A warehouse outside of the city was marked 3rd Battalion HQ, codename Unit Raven. It was going to be a bloody future, but if they could hold on to the assets. Montana Inc could make a quick sweep of the cities economics, and show its military might in one move.
16-10-2008, 04:58
Carrier Battle Group 24
500 nautical miles southeast of Laceenia

It had only been a few short weeks since the Tolvanic Navy had departed Laceenian waters after that nation had tested a nuclear weapon. Several other nations had deployed ships, a stand off had ensued, but the situation blew over as quickly as it started and nothing came of the tests. Now the Tolvanic Navy was once again being called to patrol off Laceenian waters, this time in response to growing civil unrest within Laceenia. Normally such internal squabbles would have been ignored, but Laceenia had an active nuclear weapons program and Tolvan had economic interests in the region. Such instability was bad for business after all and if there was one thing the Commonwealth took seriously it was business.

CBG 24 wasn't a particularly large force, just the carrier Osprey eight escorts, a fast support ship, and a couple attack subs. Even so it was enough to keep an eye on things and report back to Brayton if the situation got too out of hand.
Van Luxemburg
16-10-2008, 07:34
‘You know that things are getting out of hand, there in Maniford. At least, from what we have heard. And things got out of hand in Stockmoor. We are living from rocket attack to rocket attack. You do know that we will be one of the mob’s prime targets, don’t you? With MILEX on in Van Luxemburg and Laceenian troops participating in it, we won’t be the peoples’ best friends here in Laceenia, from what I know.’ Stephanie Thibault turned her head towards the Marechaussee officer who stood in her office. As the man nodded, Stephanie continued.

‘I’ve already taken the liberty to ask for some reinforcement Marechaussees and other troops here. They will be more heavily armed, and they will take weaponry for your men, as well as armoured cars for all the major employees here. Some new Monteluci product, I believe, standard government issue in these affairs. Regardless of that, I want to keep everyone in here. Nobody goes out. Also, I have prepared this, it’s a message to the Minafet, a negative travel advisory for Maniford. Could you take it to the communications office?’ Thibault handed the officer a single A4-sized paper which would have to be relayed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Luxembourg, via satellite telephone. The Marechaussee officer saluted and walked away, without having said a word to the ambassador.

Of course, this scene took place in the Van Luxemburger Embassy in Stockmoor, Laceenia. While the satellite connection between Laceenia and Van Luxemburg was put into action, Four Airbus A380 cargo aircraft were occupied crossing the Atlantic, some 100 miles behind eachother. Having took off from Luxembourg-Findel to land near Stockmoor, the aircraft were not only loaded with costly armoured automobiles, military vehicles and firearms, twenty men and women of the Grand-Ducal Marechaussee occupied the passenger compartments, generally relaxing until they would arrive at their destination. A woman was seated just next to the cockpit entrance, overlooking all of the passengers in the cabin. Maria Groenenboom was 31 years of age, and would command the reinforcement troops for the Van Luxemburger embassy in Laceenia, during the time of civil unrest that held the nation in an iron grip these days.

As she looked around, the silence was broken by the crackling of the intercom, followed by the voice of the pilot.

‘We will be landing in Stockmoor in some 30 minutes, Is everything secured and checked? Can the troops please sit down?’

The complete crew of both aircraft were civilian, personnel hired by the Arméi from the Groussherzogliche Fliger Gesellschaft, just like the aeroplanes. This meant that the crew was somewhat nervous, having heard of the situation in Laceenia beforehand. As always, the sensation newspapers had exaggerated about the situation, and some people seemed to think that these messages were serious and true.

‘Yes, everything’s ready.’ Maria shouted towards the cockpit, before closing the door towards the crew quarters again.

30 minutes later, the aircraft touched down on the tarmac in Stockmoor. It took them around 2 hours to complete unloading the vehicles and equipment, before they could move from the airfield in a perfect column, headed by one of the Monteluci Duca E’s (, followed by three military vehicles: one of the first PzW-08 Draach wheeled AFV’s (, followed by a TP-08 APC (, as well as a SPW-08 IFV (, both Sumerian-designed and license-produced at the Müller factories in Van Luxemburg. They had been coloured in a custom-made ‘Urban Neutrality’ pattern, with the Grand Duchy’s flag painted on strategic places around the vehicle. Furthermore, the column was closed by the rest of the Monteluci Duca’s, who all carried the remaining Marechaussees, since the military vehicles did not have enough capacity to carry the full complement.

Some 30 minutes later, these vehicles arrived at the Van Luxemburger diplomatic mission in Stockmoor, where the Monteluci’s were stored away in underground garages, and the military vehicles strategically positioned around the premises. They were all crewed by troops of the Sint-Annabeekse Huzaren, a regiment that was often sent out on international missions. In fact, it had also took part in the protection of Van Luxemburger assets in De Vliggenplaat during the invasion that had taken place some time ago.

Now, being stationed in Laceenia, the danger level had increased substantially, since rebel groups could never be trusted. This meant that the Marechaussees had taken their full weapon equipment, instead of the standard submachineguns that had been requested initially. Of course, one hoped they would not be needed, but ‘never say never’ seemed to be a popular proverb nowadays.
16-10-2008, 22:09
Raven HQ
Warehouse District
Stockmoor, Laceenia

"Ok gentlemen, the Montana Fleet has been kind enough to give us a ride to the country, and thankfully we could fly into the city from them, however in order to get the larger gear inside the city we need a team at the airport to secure all incoming Montana flights, the last thing we want is our Ironhearts destroyed before they serve some use. Now the flights are leaving Mokastana as we speak, so i need someone to take the M8s and get to the airport and secure our goods.

In addition to that I want some UAVs up and looking for these rocket launch sites, do infrared scans of the country side. Once we get the Stromdrakes in the city I want them to immediately launch counter battery fire on any launch location.

Remember primary objective is to secure Montana Assets, bring back stability and win over the public opinion.

Notify the squads in town to hunt for local leaders, be they gangs, political, police....get us some liaisons! ASAP!"
17-10-2008, 14:51
Yesterday the Zansk, Gharrakan and Mhoudian parliaments came together to discuss the recent rebel raids in Laceenia.
The Zansk parliament voted in favour of mobilization to aid the Rebels and so did the Gharrakan. However, the Mhoudian parliament decided to abstain, favoring internal issues, but seemed to favour the Rebels.
So, the decision came to stay neutral to the conflict officially, but send 15,000 civilian volunteers from the Zansk and Gharrakan regions to aid the rebels, and send arms for "peacekeeping purposes". The following were dispatched to the region held by the rebels:
13,000 Paratroopers
2,000 'Kalavar Division' Special forces
700 'Technical' Armed Jeeps
400 Mortars
30 Anti-air Artillery
70 Heavy Artillery
2 Black Hawk Helicopters

OOC:can you tell me a bit about the geography of the conflict Zone?
17-10-2008, 21:57
Stockmoor, Laceenia

At the airport 30 Montana Inc ( labeled M8 Armored Gun Systems ( rolled onto the runway. Each one had on top three or four infantry which dismounted once they were in the airport. Objectives were to secure the airport, and allow safe landing for further Montana flights inside the country.

In the city Montana Inc Soldiers, also labeled with the traditional TM logo instead of a flag tried to make contact with local powers. Buildings that had been purchased by Montana Inc were quickly guarded and had Montana Logos posted to the windows and doors.

Local gang leaders, or those who had gained some power in the chaos were being contacted by Montana Inc.

Police forces were also.

The idea was to get as much local force under Montana Control as possible as quickly as they could.

Soon an M8 was parked outside of the Mayors office as three Montana soldiers dismounted and made their way inside.
Spit break
18-10-2008, 00:21
Empyion, Capital of Spit Break
Two days ago

".....Attacks within the cities continue every day, rural areas see violence on the increase, its to dangerous even to go near the walls of this compound we don't even know if there is a government left in this country, it's almost full civil war out here......." the TV then flickered off and the room went silent. In this dark room sat a single man, the phone then rang and he picked it up "Hello?"

"Defense committee Chairman Sutherland, This is Lt. Colonel "Wind", his excellency has asked the deployment of one of my units, now of course we need your authorization to do so"

"Which unit do you wish to send out Colonel?"

"His excellency has recommended to me to send the 9th out"

"Vary well Colonel you have a go, you know what to do"

"Aye sir"

The phone then clicked and Sutherland hung up the phone, he lit a cigar and took a puff "Damn what is Supreme Chairman Nelles thinking? and just where is he sending the Zodiacs? oh well I'll ask him tomorrow"

Empyion, One Day Ago
His excellency's private office

A knock came at the door "Come" came the voice of the supreme chairman. Sutherland walked in and closed the door "Your excellency I'd like to talk about 'that' he said walking over to the desk.

"Ah yes I figured as much, fact of the matter is we have our own interests to look into so I asked 'Wind' to deploy a unit......" the two kept on talking for about another twenty minutes on the issue, the room was sound proof and was checked for bugs every day. The glass panels behind his desk were several inches thick of reinforced glass for protects and guards were always on duty to protect the supreme chairman and his secrets.

Reinald Heights- Small town 20km north of the Capital
One day Ago

Jack Stevenson just got out of the shower when his phone rang. Still in his bath robe and with a towel over his head he answered it "Yes?" he said to who ever was on the other end. Then a digitally altered voice came through "Fire, the sword of awakening" For a moment Jack was stunned, this did not happen often but he quickly replied "The Sword of Justice, and Fire of Rebirth" it then went quiet and Jack waited for the voice to come back.

"Mobilization orders given to 9th unit, meet team at Zulu Two Fox Niner at 0900 tomorrow"

"Confirmed, Mobilize at Zulu Two Fox Niner at 0900 Tomorrow"

"Confirmation complete" there was then a click. Jack smiled and finished drying his head off "Looks like I'll get some fun, haven't seen the team in a bit"

Fort Daedalus Military Installation
H sector
Present day

Jack walked into a large building which was one of the most secretive facilities in Spit Break. On paper it was a storage facility for prototype weapons and equipment which gave a easy public explanation for the heavy security. However in reality it was one of many possible meeting locations for the most secretive military units in the country.

He then entered the main hall of the facility where his team was already wait for him. He did not know there names though, only person to know there names was there commanding officer, Lt. Colonel 'Wind'. Wind was a sharp field commander back in the day but was now the head of this secretive group. That group was called the Order of the Zodiac the most elite military special forces in the nation. The order was made up of fifteen five man teams each with there own code name, some shared similar code names and were grouped into a sub unit.

"Well, well, well if it isn't 'Knight one' one of the others called out "been awhile hasn't it?" Jack said calmly, they were all good friends even though none of them knew each other outside of work. Wind stomped his foot to signal them to be quiet and they quickly did "Listen up a little bird gave us word that there is a country in great turmoil right now and we have interests in the region, His excellency has ordered you guys in, you'll drop in and blend in and try to stabilize the region your in via working with local resistance forces, understood?"

They all saluted and at the same timed shouted "Yes sir!" the room then went dead quiet as 'Wind' pointed to a large number of duffel bags by some boxes "There is your standard equipment, every thing there can be bought on the black market and of course your special intervention uniforms" Jack walked over and looked in one of the bags "Spit Break made Mk. III Arrow Light Anti-Armour weapon, old enough to be on the Black Market indeed, but new enough to be top Black Market stuff, excellent, when do we move out sir?" Jack inquired, eager to get on the move.

"Right now, change your clothes for a more desert environment then get to the airstrip, we shall be using stealth to get you in as usual, dismissed" 'Wind' then walked away and disappeared into the dark. The team then moved into a separate room where they changed to prepare for a different land and environment and within five minutes they were done and on a plane heading for a different land.
18-10-2008, 05:10
Recon Satellite 37
Low Earth Orbit (LEO) - 500 kilometers above Laceenia

The satellite was one of the older KH-15s, one of only three still in operation, and as a result it was far more capable than the newer KH-16s, but it was adequate for the task at hand. The satellite, code-named "Golf Ten", had been tasked to make a VISINT Pass over Laceenia in order to gather more intel on the situation on the ground. Such passes were not uncommon since the Laceenian nuclear tests several weeks ago. The satellite passed over Stockmoor and captured picturs of burning buildings and a rapidly expanding presence by an as of yet unidentified military force in key areas of the city.
19-10-2008, 02:15
Francisco Estate, Stockmoor
The house was dark and he flicked the light switch. Nothing. Either the bulb was dead or power to this district had been cut. He cursed softly and grabbed a torch from the small table in the hallway. Its red beam swept across the hallway as he strode towards the kitchen. The lights didn't work there either.

"Sod's law."

He slumped into a wooden chair and pulled a cigarette from his pocket, then shivered. The heating was off. He spent a few moments shuffling through a draw, eventually removing a lighter. There was a gentle hiss as he turned the knob and gas started flowing. Less than a second later a low 'whumph' signalled the hob lighting. Rather than use the lighter to spark his cig, he reached down and lit it on the pale-blue flame of the stove.

"Another shit night on the card then..."

East Laceenia
They were running late. Not by much, but it would make their Osteian contacts nervous. It had crossed their minds that the foreigners might actually have written off the meet and left already. He mentally cursed the tire that now sat at the side of the road ten miles behind them. A puncture wasn't a major problem, but it had knocked their timing out by about ten minutes.

It was a little over five minutes later when the ageing Volvo finally eased to a halt at the agreed location. To the unsuspecting eye they looked like little more than a hunting party. They took time making sure if they were stopped, as unlikely as it was on these deserted back-roads, their story of co-workers off on a hunting trip would stand up to scrutiny. Bolt-action rifles only, camping gear in the boot, nothing too military secreted on their person or vehicle. They hadn't been stopped, but no-one ever came off worse for taking precautions.

The driver killed the engine, but left the lights on as his passenger stepped out of the car and paced around to the front of the car, leaning against the bonnet and lighting a cigar, hoping the Osteians hadn't left, and they recognised the signal.

Central Stockmoor
"Looks like trouble..." The office worker had been watching helicopters skim across the buildings for most of the afternoon. Even as he slid his papers back into the desk drawer, he continued to watch them.

"Obviously it's trouble. In case you haven't noticed, there's been bombs falling on us for the last few weeks." His colleague had already pulled on his coat, a heavy, long wool affair. It looked incredibly warm, but then the weather outside didn't look too warm.

"I mean real trouble. Trust me on this, I get a bad gut feeling about this." The papers were in the drawer, which was now locked. Not that it made a difference. Company policy said the keys had to be left in the lock.

"You get a bad feeling about everything." The door beeped as the ID card was swiped through the reader and the worked stepped out of the room, into the foyer.

"Yeah, and I'm usually right in the end, aren't I?" The door slammed itself shut as the magnetic lock kicked back in. He pulled his own jacket on and buttoned it up to the collar "I'm usually right..."

Naval Command Centre Charlie, Handsworth
The first reports of the Tolvanic vessels had come from a civilian airline crew flying in to the country. Their report had been of an unknown number of ships sailing in formation. The pilot had noted they looked like naval vessels, and given the situation in Laceenia had fed this information back. If they'd been Laceenian vessels, it would've been a simple matter to tally up the rough location with their known locations and it would've been nothing more than wasted breath and paper. As it stood, the navy had been sending messages back forth to any vessels they had in the south of the nation, almost willing their data to be wrong. Once all details had been double checked, including side-by-side comparison on the pilots initial report and its radar track, it was finally confirmed they weren't Laceenian Vessels.

"Looks like trouble... better keep tabs on them, see what they're up to."

Stockmoor International Airport
The customs officers at Stockmoor International Airport were understandably confused by the latest arrivals. No-where had it stated a large shipment of weapons would be arriving here. As soon as they had seen the first M8 rolled off the plane they'd been on the phone to anyone who might know what was going on, including the nearest airforce base to ensure the plane hadn't got lost, as well as the local government, police and military.

Each time they'd been told nothing should have been at their ramps. This didn't much help them, seeing as they were now watching what could only be described as a low-level deployment in their own back yard.

A black four-by-four eased towards the Montana Inc. aircraft. It had been decided that they couldn't wait to find out what was going on, so several airport security officers has ventured out to find out what games this company thought it was playing.

"Gentlemen, we need to speak with whoever is in charge about whatever the hell is going on here."
Spit break
19-10-2008, 03:12
30,000 feet above sea level
Location unknown

High above the ocean flew a small unmarked private jet, painted all white. Inside was a total of seven people, five of those seven were some of the deadliest special forces in Spit Break, maybe even the world. Jack walked back into the passenger compartment after finishing a conversation with the pilots "Alright we will be landing in a few hours on a small island south of the target, from there a fishing trawler will take us to a port town, after that we make for the target, understood?" the others nodded in agreement and went back to checking all there weapons. The weapons they had came from all corners of the world, only one piece of actually came from Spit Break and none of it could be traced. This was all part of the covering up of there existence, As far as the government of Spit Break and the people knew they did not exist, they were nothing but ghosts.
19-10-2008, 03:46
Carrier Battle Group 24
350 nautical miles southeast of Laceenia

The battle group continued on its course at a leisurely twenty knots, after all there was no rush. The force wasn't yet on high alert, but they were more than ready to defend themselves. A Combat Air Patrol (CAP) of F-14E "Tomcat" and F-198A "Pandora" fighters was up along with a E-2F "Hawkeye" AWACs bird. In addition four A-206A "Osiris" strike aircraft and eight more Pandoras were sitting at Alert-10 (ready to launch within ten minutes) on the carrier's flight deck. The various escorts were also on stnad by should anyone try anything overtly hostile.
19-10-2008, 09:53
Central Stockmoor
"Looks like trouble..." The office worker had been watching helicopters skim across the buildings for most of the afternoon. Even as he slid his papers back into the desk drawer, he continued to watch them.

"Obviously it's trouble. In case you haven't noticed, there's been bombs falling on us for the last few weeks." His colleague had already pulled on his coat, a heavy, long wool affair. It looked incredibly warm, but then the weather outside didn't look too warm.

"I mean real trouble. Trust me on this, I get a bad gut feeling about this." The papers were in the drawer, which was now locked. Not that it made a difference. Company policy said the keys had to be left in the lock.

"You get a bad feeling about everything." The door beeped as the ID card was swiped through the reader and the worked stepped out of the room, into the foyer.

"Yeah, and I'm usually right in the end, aren't I?" The door slammed itself shut as the magnetic lock kicked back in. He pulled his own jacket on and buttoned it up to the collar "I'm usually right..."

Stockmoor International Airport
The customs officers at Stockmoor International Airport were understandably confused by the latest arrivals. No-where had it stated a large shipment of weapons would be arriving here. As soon as they had seen the first M8 rolled off the plane they'd been on the phone to anyone who might know what was going on, including the nearest airforce base to ensure the plane hadn't got lost, as well as the local government, police and military.

Each time they'd been told nothing should have been at their ramps. This didn't much help them, seeing as they were now watching what could only be described as a low-level deployment in their own back yard.

A black four-by-four eased towards the Montana Inc. aircraft. It had been decided that they couldn't wait to find out what was going on, so several airport security officers has ventured out to find out what games this company thought it was playing.

"Gentlemen, we need to speak with whoever is in charge about whatever the hell is going on here."

A group of five soldiers stood watching over the planes unload, all were wearing Land Warrior Systems ( and sporting M4 Carbines and one XM29 OICW ( This was the group that turned around to see the four by four approach and see what was going on.

"Gentlemen, we need to speak with whoever is in charge about whatever the hell is going on here.

"Hello Sir, my name is Lut. Robert Bartley, Raven Battalion of Montana Inc Security forces. I am under orders to cooperate with who ever is in charge here and to ensure our mutual goals are met. Recently Montana Inc purchased several dozen businesses and structures from the locals, and in many cases paying for their expenses to get out of the country until this situation blows over. And since the city now possesses Montana Inc assets while local security is lacking we were deployed to protect Montana Inc property and work with local forces to ensure stability is returned.

Now may I ask who you are Sir?"

Around them soldiers all with the same logo and Raven patch continued to unload supplies and drive Ironhearts ( off planes, to be loaded up with supplies and taken to Raven HQ. For some reason the Lieutenant could guess that the Stormdrake Mortar column driving into the city wasn't helping negotiations.
19-10-2008, 14:04
Ten Zansk volunteers sat by their BM-27 ( artillery, observing the city of Stockmoor below them. They had been waiting for official Zansk orders to fire, as Zanski didn't want them to engage without first thinking of an excuse.
Narma, a twenty-year old soldier who had already seen action in Mhoudia, was looking at the city through his binoculars.
"There's the Stockmoor airport. An easy target, and it would start our official engagement on a good note. Why can't we just blow the fucker up?" Asked Narma.
An older man, Jarik, from the Gharrakan ethnic group, pulled away on a traditional hashish cigarette. He threw the end into a bush, and cleared his throat.
"Because the government needs to prepare. Word is, if this gets out of hand, they will send in the Air Force. So we should take advantage of that offer and obey." Replied Jarik.
"This is our opportunity to gain an advantage though. shame."Mumbled Narma.
Narma heard some rustling beghind him. he turned around to see Jarik walking to the Missile launcher, and loading into it four shells, mumbling "Fuck it."
A soldier Shouted, "Get Down!" and all ten hit the deck with their hands over their ears.
The four shells left the artillery in quick seccession, THUMP,THUMP,THUMP,THUMP.
And so it was, that the Zansk involvement was begun by an intoxicated grumpy old man.
19-10-2008, 20:02
Lut. Bartley looked up to see rockets streaking up from launchers, right towards the airport. This was not a good way to start the operation. He looked straight at the men in he was meeting with and yelled for them to take cover.

"Get the hell outta here!"

With that he turned around towards the plans and began barking orders into his headset.

"Get all supplies that are open into Ironhearts now. Any planes capable get off the ground, abort all landings. Mortars, Raptors open to engage, I repeat open to engage rockets."

One thing about Montana Inc was that when they go on "security detail" they do their best to protect their assets. For example, when entering an insurrection or rebellion where millions of dollars of Montana property was at stake. The IL-57/C-17s transporting Battalions would always go under escort from F-22 Raptors. While 400 were in service with Montana Inc, only about 80 were ever active at a given point,which equaled two Escort Units. In this case it was the 3rd Raptor Escort Unit escorting the precious military cargo towards Laceenia.

So when the general order for "open to engage" went across the 3rds radio the nearest wing took it. However the F-22 was not meant to engage ground targets, not to say it couldn't. Six of the ten planes were loaded out to combat small ground targets.

The four flew in formation towards the launch site, easily marked by the trails the rockets left heading towards the airport, these guy had gotten lucky, no doubt about to cause millions of dollars of damage, but their luck had just run out.

Flying high and fast, one set of wingmen moved ahead while the back two stayed to see the damage. the two Raptors opened their bay doors, showing up on radar for a few seconds to drop 8 GPU-39 Small Diameter Bombs ( on the target. Then they proceded to give the cordinates back to the ground forces to they could both explore and find out who fired, while returning fire if they feel.

Back at the airport, the four rockets crashed into the ground with deafening explosions, one hit a nearly fully loaded Globemaster, causing its wing to blow off and spin out causes far more damage to the supplies. A second crashed into an Ironheart temporary parking center. Destroying four and damaging another six. While the other two caused damage, it could only be identified by the airport staff the extent of the damage.

Lut. Bartley looked over to the man he still had yet to hear the name of.

"Are you ok?"


Raven HQ

"Sir The airport is under attack!"

"damn it, can we protect it?"

"Raptors are cleaning house, or so I am told."

"Good, get me a damage report once we can. How are we at getting liaisons in the public?"

"A few locals have been met with, we haven't had much luck meeting with rebel forces, but judging by intel reports, the rebels are getting a lot of external support."

"very well, I want a contact into the rebellion as soon as we can. Its best if we can reduce the number of people shooting at us. Maybe we can get this operation done without having to kill to many people."
Spit break
19-10-2008, 22:00
One of the team members had a laptop computer out and was watching something. Jack walked over with interest "Alright whats on the screen today?" he asked before looking over his shoulder "Live feed from Satellite and TV sources of regions all over the target"

"Hows our landing zone?"

"Still clear for now"

"More activity in the capital then eh?"

"Yeah looks like the airports being hit as we speak, from this position"

"Rocket trucks eh? internal or external elements?"

"Can't say for use but I'd guess External, so far attacks have not been at that level or have large equipment behind it"

"Well, I guess we Black Knights aren't the only ones with interest here"

"Personally I think they should of sent the White Knights, heck Trinity or the Hell's Horses units would probably get things done faster"

"We were sent in because they wanted our way of doing things, not blow everything up and leave, we are to give the resistance a face"

They were then interrupted by one of there team members who like every one else was listening "Always wanting the others to do it, how like you K3" each member was referred to as Black Knights, but to make it simple they called each other K1-5. The team had a lone female member, K4 "All we need to do is do our job and get out, understand K3? no running and having the others clean up after us"

"K4, I'm not suggesting we go home, I'm suggesting that you should shut up and let me finish, any way K1 I did some analysis on the patterns of the attacks, when this first started it was heavily urban, over the past few days as the exodus from cities has happened we see more and more spreading of the violence, so far the fringe regions have yet to see anything out of the normal which will benefit us getting in but at the current rate of the spread we will be right in it by the time we reach the target" K2,4, and 5 then walked over to look at the screen "More fun for us then" K5 commented looking at the live feed.
20-10-2008, 16:16
When news of the attack reached Zanski, the order was given to deny direct involvement, and to launch an assault (by the volunteers)on the city, and for widescale Rocket bombardment of the airport.That would effect the country in a devastating way, the Generals hoped.
And so, at midday, ten rockets were fired towards the runways of the airport.
Around the same time,artillery fired 8,000 leaflets at various places, with the following message:

Soon this city will be liberated from the fascist government by noble Laceenian men and us their Zansk allies. Do not panic, we are here to help YOU so you can help US by remaining in your basements or other underground/fortified places and fully co-operating with our soldiers commands. We will deliver food and water directly to your doorstep so there is really no need to come out during the assault. You will soon all be completely equal and free.

OOC:can you tell me whereabouts the rebellion is centred?
Van Luxemburg
20-10-2008, 17:30
‘This is not good. Not good.’ Maria said to nobody in particular, as she read through a short intelligence report of the events around Stockmoor and the Zansk message. She then picked up the handheld transceiver that was placed prominently on the table, otherwise filled with maps and a laptop.

‘All, please pay attention. We have received reports of a possible full-on attack on Stockmoor. The airport has already been attacked by missile artillery. All stay on the lookout, and pay attention. I don’t want to loose some of you guys because of a stupid mistake. Remember, you are authorised to use force, but only when attacked or fired upon.’ She spoke loud and clear, before putting the transceiver back on the table.

She then walked towards the window, and looked into the garden of the embassy. The Draach was standing in front of the embassy, partially camouflaged by netting that fitted it’s local surroundings. The commander and gunner of the vehicle had opened the hatches, and leaned outside, both working on the BRG-15 machinegun that was mounted on the remote-controlled weapons station. Restocking it with the powerful 15.5mm ammunition, which they shared with the HMG of the TP-08 standing on the other side of the embassy, they showed this was the real thing. A real war situation.

Finally, they noticed they had an onlooker, and quickly saluted at Groenenboom, who overlooked the scene from above. She returned the salute, before walking away in the direction of the door, grabbing her FAM-87 assault rifle ( from the table. She quickly checked if there was enough ammunition in the magazine, before she folded the stock away and swinged the weapon on her back, using the weapons’ sling to hold it there. She then rapidly walked downstairs, greeted the receptionist in the lobby – embassy tasks continued, even in dangerous situations – and walked out the door, towards the wheeled armoured reconnaissance vehicle that stood outside. The crew of the vehicle saluted again, followed by Maria. As she climbed on the vehicle, which was essentially a wheeled MBT, she pulled the intelligence report out of her pocket, and handed it to the commander of the vehicle.

‘Moet je zien. Het lijkt erop dat jullie binnenkort wat actie gaan zien.’ She said, switching back to her mother tongue, which the soldiers of the Sint-Annabeekse Huzaren also spoke.
The commander of the vehicle quickly read through the message, before giving the paper to the gunner and answering Maria.
‘Inderdaad. Alhoewel, actie, we moeten nog steeds toekijken. We kunnen niks doen totdat we aangevallen worden, is ’t niet?’ He said, looking at the female officer.

‘Da’s waar. Maar dan nog. Trouwens, kunnen jullie dit ding niet wat naar voren rijden, de weg op, en een vlag op de koepel bevestigen?’ Maria said, waiting for the tank commander to agree with her orders. As he nodded, she jumped off the Draach, allowing the vehicle to move.

And so it happened. With a tremendous roar, the PzW-08 moved forward, very slowly, until the first two pair of wheels rested on Laceenian roads. The commander then mounted a Van Luxemburger flag on the front of the turret, making sure it would not limit the gunners’ view or effectiveness. From the public road, the vehicle could be seen very clearly, the flag likewise. The commander and gunner remained seated outside the turret, now playing a game of cards until they would have to act. Though it may have seemed the crew wasn’t on the lookout for possible dangers, both crewmembers sat in their respective hatches, listening carefully if any gunshots could be heard. Meanwhile, the driver of the Draach had already gotten out, using the embassy’s pressure washer to clean some dirt off the large wheels of the vehicle. He then went on to clean his own interior compartment, up till the smallest details. If he had finished that, he would clean his FAM-87c assault rifle, a smaller version of the standard issue FAM-87 rifle. And while he did that, he could admire the local surroundings. Well, perhaps admire wasn’t the right word now. It would all come down to the next few hours.
20-10-2008, 21:51
Raven HQ

Two hours after the initial rocket attacks.

"Well damn, those bastards think they can just start attacking my property without repercussion?"

"on the bright side the air strike wiped out the attacking force."

"Good, from now on I want that airport under Raptor surveillance whenever we are unloading things. UAVs when we are not, have them outfitted to be able to combat ground targets. Along with that have someone in the control tower directing Montana Inc traffic.

In addition I want all Montana property opened for business ASAP. Stuff the people here need, food clothing, water, the basics. I don't care if it has to be imported. We have an airport. By the way what did they hit out there?"

"Here is the report sir."

Casualties Report:

4x Ironheart IFVs, Damaged beyond repair
2x Ironheart IFVs, Repairable Damage
4X Ironheart IFVs, need maintenance work.
4x Infantry men, hospitalized
2x Infantry men, KIA
6x Crew, Hospitalized

400x AP rounds (Crates), Destroyed
50x MRE supplies (Crates), Destroyed
20x Water (Drums), Destroyed

"Looks like they did a good job using toys older then hell. Send out a press report showing Montana Inc damages by terrorist, include the destroyed water. Add to the report that the airport will be where Montana Inc is flying in relief supplies to these people."


Montana Inc Press release:

Stockmoor Times
1st Edition

Terrorist Attack Airport, Relief Supplies Destroyed

Yesterday terrorist from outside the nation attacked the Airport with a rocket barrage destroying a Montana Inc flight inbound from Mokastana loaded with MREs and water for local refugees. However Montana Incorporated Security Forces(MISF) promise that these types of attacks will not stop the company from continuing to bring in much needed supplies to this nation.

As of this moment, all Montana Inc Owned stores and business will be stocked with relief supplies that can be picked up free of charge. Montana Security personnel will in addition offer security at nights and are currently importing generators in the even that the cities power goes out.

Flights will continue to pour into the airport from around the world to bring stability and security for the people of this nation.

Montana Inc Security Forces(MISF) assist local PD

In an ongoing effort with outside help, MISF has been working with local Police to begin a recruitment program to help keep the city safe from looting and property destruction. Recruits are trained to handle weapons, hostage situations and control themselves in hostile environments, with key training on subdue rather then eliminate. Any interesting parties can visit a Montana Inc owned store or city hall to sign up.

Montana Incorporated does not support any faction in the ongoing civil war. Our duty is to provide peace, security hope for the people of your nation.
Spit break
21-10-2008, 00:15
Several Hours later
Private Airstrip "Echo Six"

"Alright lets move, every one off the plane" Jack called out as the plane came to a stop on the side of the air strip "If you don't want to explain why we got to the target late move your asses double time" he then said jumping out of the plane with his equipment bag over his shoulder. They all quickly got out and headed for the docks where they would meet the boat captain who would get them the rest of the way.

When they reached the docks there were several boats of various sizes but only one was for them. There contact was at peer five, a small deep sea fishing boat, the price for the trip wasn't the issue it was getting there and back in one piece. The team got to the boat and loaded up while Jack talked to the captain "Just how fast a ship you got here?" he asked.

"Fast enough to get your there by the cover of dark"

"then that is fast enough, you've already gotten your advanced pay in cash, you'll receive the rest after"

"then welcome to my ship" the older gentleman said swinging his arm towards the ship. Jack then got on with the captain right behind him and before long they were underway.
21-10-2008, 01:02
(OOC: I'm going to put the brakes on this for a moment, until I've cleared up a few things.

First off, a basic map of Laceenia, complete with the main hotspots of rebel attacks, can be found here ( Big File, ~1mb, silly resolution

It appears a lot of you have jumped right in to the middle of a deployment. I hadn't expected that, and you've taken me be surprise, hence why you've not seen much from me post wise (it seems every time I get half done, someone comes along and changes the game a little). I'd hoped for a little more build up, as opposed to just dropping right in. So far, I've got a few concerns about that.

Mokastana, I'll give you what you've got so far as you at least explained where everything came from, even if getting F-22's into Laceenia undetected would be difficult.

I'm also a little unsure as to how you got your troops in the nation, Zanski. They've almost appeared in strategic locations across the nation and I'm not sure how they got there. Can you clarify what other assets you have in the area.)
Spit break
21-10-2008, 02:28
OOC: I agree with Laceenia, Zanski how did these so called civilians and there equipment get in undetected, as for how Mokastana got F-22's in I think its easy to say things can slip by your radar with so many rebel attacks going on, well any way I shall await your continuation of this Laceenia since we'll need you to post more about whats going on
21-10-2008, 16:16
OOC: okay, my bad. The troops were dropped in by air and so were the artillery, by cargo planes. I waited for you to respond, and you did, but ignored my deployment, so I continued. If you start a thread you should regularly check it. I think it is a bit late to change whats happened, which amplifies my point that you should check & post regularly.
21-10-2008, 17:14
OOC: sorry about the rush into it. I appreciate a build up like any other good RPer, but your first post made it sound like war was around the corner, and I figured in the months building up people would be selling their stores off. so it seemed like the right time to deploy.

I should of had them contact your government to get the ok first, can we assume the government allowed them?
Van Luxemburg
21-10-2008, 19:45
(OOC: Hold on right there Zanski. You only said that they were 'dispatched' in your first post, and in the second post, the artillery is suddenly near the city. It doesn't say anything about airdropping in any of those posts. And it doesn't matter if Laceenia doesn't respond, you should have RP'ed the means of insertion: he can't do anything against troops that were 'dispatched', without knowing how.

Laceenia, perhaps we can better form an OOC thread aswell?)
21-10-2008, 23:16
(OoC: Zanski, Van Luxemburg put it finely there. Saying something is dispatched doesn't mean they are in place, nor is it something I could really have responded to, seeing as how I try not to RP having an all-seeing eye that lets me know what everyone is up to at all times. Also, VL, good call on the OOC thread. It can be found here (
22-10-2008, 04:30
Carrier Battle Group 24
250 nautical miles southeast of Laceenia
0445 hours local time

The orders had came in the night before, but for optimal results the decisions was made to postpone the operation until just before dawn. The Laceenian government had not endeared itself to the Commonwealth after the two nation's last interaction. As a result it was decided that a test of the Laceenian response times was in order.

The plan was simple, the simulated strike package (which would carry live ordinance) would launch from the Osprey and proceed to a postition just outside of Laceenian airspace. The idea was to force the Laceenian Air Force to sortie in response, thus giving the CBG Staff much-needed intel on the Laceenians tactics and capabilities.

A few minutes before sunrise the fourteen plane strike group was launched and formed up above the battle group before heading towards Laceenia. The package was built around six A-16C "Invader" attack aircraft, two EA-16B "Thrasher" EW aircraft, and six F-196A "Pandora" strike fighters. It would only take the planes less than twenty minutes to reach their destination.
22-10-2008, 21:51
LAF Grandsworth, South East Laceenia
Most air stations had at least two flights on standby, giving then the ability to get eight bird airborne within minutes should the need arise. These rapid responders were predominantly used against rebel rocket launches at present, and their payloads were thus set up to deliver ordnance against ground targets.

LAF Richmond, located on the southern-most tip of the south eastern peninsula, had two flights of Panavia Tornado's fuelled, armed and ready to scramble should the call come. These particular flights were carrying a very ground-attack-centric load, with each aircraft carrying three Paveway II bombs as their main armament. In addition, for self-protection, they were carrying a Sky Shadow ECM pod and a BOZ-107 chaff and flare dispenser, along with a pair of AIM-9 Sindwinder missiles each. If things got particularly dicey, all LAF pilots were highly trained in using the cannon to engage both air and ground targets.

"We've got an unconfirmed number of aircraft inbound at speed. Radar returns suggest they number between ten and fifteen. We've been ordered to put our birds up and get another flight up ASAP."

No sooner had the order come in than the pilots were making for their aircraft. There were rumours amongst the men and women on base that the fleet, and therefore these planes, were Tolvanic. It made sense, they'd been in the area only a few months earlier, but for the moment, pending news from DIS as to exactly who had their vessels less than three-hundred miles from Laceenia, no-one knew for certain. Neither did it matter. For now they were just another threat to national security and were to be treated as such.

Eleven minutes after word of the threat came in, the first eight birds from Richmond were up and on their way to intercept the approaching aircraft. At the same time, a further eight aircraft from LAF Grandsworth were 50 miles behind, with another flight being re-armed at LAF Richmond for air-to-air operations.
Spit break
23-10-2008, 01:44
The team was below deck and out of the way of the crew, attracting attention to the ship was not a good thing. They all knew there target but never said it by name, the ship was heading for a small coastal town on the south eastern shore of the country, from there they would make there way to the city of Tilford. The city according to current intelligence had vary little resistance movement which would give them time to set up operations. Jack sat looking over information they had "hmm if all goes well we can be in the target by tomorrow afternoon, it's sunset now so we should reach shore in a hour or two, if we didn't take this fishing ship I bet we probably would of been stopped by the coast guard or navy"

"Yeah that would be a bad situation I doubt we could get out of" K2 said from the corner of the room, he was the more critical thinker of the group and had the most tactical experience out of every one "Well I'll give tactical plans when there needed" he then said.
23-10-2008, 17:39
OOC: Im trying to contact rebels


A recent flyer going around Montana Inc occupied areas was requesting a meeting with any organized guerrilla forces, and if they were interested send a representative to the old court house next Monday at 5PM. It stressed that Montana Inc is a neutral party in their struggle and is willing to cooperate to ensure the public is taken care of.

While no major attacks other then the airport attack had occured, Montana Inc decided it was time to expand into Mandiford. Using a convoy of 5 Dingo 2s and 3 Ironheart IFVs the Montana Inc marked Vehicles rode towards Mandiford, with them was a large supply of checks, hoping to buy any businesses that had owners still in town.

total Montana Inc deployments currently:

Paramilitary Battalion: (Raven)
1,000 Paratroopers
100 Ironheart IFVs
100 M8 Ridgeway Armoured Gun System
100 Shepard Air Defense Ironhearts
5 Iron Heart Command post
50 Iron Heart Ambulances
50 Stormdrake Mortars, Ironheart

Security Company:
200 men
20 Stryker APCs
5 LY4 Wolfhound MBT
20 Dingo 2s
Van Luxemburg
24-10-2008, 15:46
‘Welcome, all. I have called you here for a short meeting. As you know, a few of us made a short patrol through the neighbourhood about half an hour. What I saw was not groundbreaking, it’s a quiet neighbourhood where a lot of upper class persons live. The thing is, shops have closed due to the civil unrest in the area, and food is no longer available through the usual channels, so to say. Now, what I am proposing is that we start handing out prepared food from the embassy garden, three times per day. We start at 07:00 till 09:00 with a breakfast composed of bread and whatever we’ll have lying around, followed by lunch from 11:00 till 13:00 with the same, as well as soup, and a dinner from 17:00 till 20:00. Mainly meat with vegetables and potatoes. We currently have enough in store to maintain this for several days if around 500 persons show up, every time.’ Stephanie Thibault spoke, looking around the meeting room where several of the highest ranking men and women of the embassy sat around the massive oak wood table.

‘I have already contacted the Ministry of Defence. They have agreed to airdrop supplies around 2 times per week, situation permitting. That also includes diesel fuel for our generators.’ Groenenboom said, looking up from her laptop.

‘Yes, that’s the next thing I would like to talk about. We currently have a significant overcapacity with the generators supplied by the Ministry of Defence. In fact, we can power the whole neighbourhood, if we want to. Now, from what I know, there are frequent power outages to reduce energy use, according to the Laceenian government. These are not military measures, but just an attempt to reduce power consumption. Therefore, I propose that we will start offering electricity, free of charge, to the inhabitants of the neighbourhood. As far as I know, we can simply link up these generators to the local substation, and provide power. I have taken the liberty to make brochures listing our services, and distribute them across the neighbourhood. So far, I have told that we’ll start all these measures tomorrow.’

The others nodded. As they left the room, Maria’s laptop beeped. A video conversation window appeared, as ordered by the communications department of the Ministry of Defence.
An imposing man, well in his forties and clothed in the traditional ALD camouflage pattern, looked into the camera, and simply nodded to the woman of the Marechaussee on the other side, as there was no need to introduce him.

‘Generol Lucchesi, what can I do for you?’ Groenenboom asked, when the man did not reply at first.

‘I’m sorry the connection is somewhat slow. I believe there’s a considerable amount of lag. Regardless, Kolonel Groenenboom. I wanted to report to you that the first supply flight is planned tomorrow at 5:00 in the morning. Furthermore, we have allowed to dispatch an A330 MRTT to patrol in international airspace some 500 kilometres away from Laceenia. That is to facilitate the Harrier GR.9’s aboard the ZMS Arvaglio, which is currently around 3500 kilometres away from Laceenia and will remain on station for the next two weeks before returning to port. If you ever need them, they are there for you. We currently gave them orders to exercise CAP’s and general reconnaissance of their direct surroundings, but they can assist you within 5 hours or so.’ He spoke, attending her upon the presence of an Arvaglio-class Landing Helicopter Dock ship with Nuclear propulsion, currently the largest ships in the Van Luxemburger Marine and a class of 4 ships, each named after a region in Van Luxemburg. It was probably escorted by part of her amphibious taskforce fleet consisting of numerous frigates, destroyers and cruisers, but seeing the General hadn’t mentioned troop deployments, they carried no soldiers aboard.

‘Well, that’s very generous of you, Generol. But to be honest, I do not think we will need these. We haven’t been in any threatening situations as of yet, and we are still neutral troops, after all. I suspect we will never need them, but thanks anyways.’ Maria said.

‘Very well then. I think we will end this conversation here. Good luck and Ädi.’ He said, as he closed down the video conversation.

‘Ädi.’ Maria greeted the officer and closed down the laptop. Perhaps this would be harder than expected.
25-10-2008, 21:56
Tolvanic Strike Package
180 nautical miles southeast of Laceenia

The Laceenian fighters were detected soon after launch by the big E-2F AWACS orbiting over the battle group. Once the new contacts were reported to the package commander flying one of the A-16s, the Tolvanic planes took action to carry out their mission. The Pandoras quickly moved to the head of the formation to screen the lumbering bombers behind from any opposing fighters. At the same time the two EA-16 powered up their massive jamming jamming pods and began radiating powerful interference. The two EW birds had more than an enough juice to cloud the entire package in a fog radio waves.

All the while the entire package was slowly altering course, taking it from a straight shot into Laceenian airspace to a course running parallel with the boundary line.

Further away, two F-14E interceptors were detached from flying CAP to move close to te strike group to provide a little help if needed.
27-10-2008, 03:41
Mandiford International Airport

Montana Inc flights had begun flying from nearby airports to continue the relief effort into the poor country. No doubt the massive of milions Montana Inc was dumping into this doing more then well in buying the public opinion and support no political campaign ever could hope to achieve. For every nation that Montana Inc owned property in their drugstores, financial Institutions, banks, docks, and stores were doing a large donation campaign to get donations to the poor people of this nation.

However this flight coming in was not relief for the people, instead it was a weapon that was going to be used to help in the battles. The IL-57 slowed to a stop and soon enough was being unloaded. Besides the few crates and munitions a larger weapon was pulled out of the plane, a weapon that was feared by freedom fighters across the world, an attack helicopter. To be exact it was the TRA-92 "Eiko" Light Attack Helicopter ( A massive upgrade from the familiar Hind, lighter faster, and stronger. The goal was to scare off rebels from attacking, and using these choppers they would be able to respond quickly and efficiently.
02-11-2008, 17:06
After consideration, the governer of the Mhoudia region has voted for intervention in Laceenia. Therefore all 3 Central regions of Zanski approve of military action, and the army can officially be involved. We will give three days notice* and expect a ceasefire to be held on those three days so that Laceenia can contemplate giving us a parcel of land where the rebels can take safe refuge. If not, we will order a land and air invasion.
OOC:*after Lacenia's first post
02-11-2008, 20:07
TO: All Parties involved in this conflict
FROM: Montana Incorporated

Dear Sir or madam,

My name is Antonio Montana, CEO of Montana Incorporated, my company is currently involved in humanitarian work inside the country. My personnel are neutral in this conflict and are there for the protection of the people, supplies and relief to refugees in country.

To secure our relief efforts Montana Security forces have been deployed. Consider them neutral.

Thank you