NationStates Jolt Archive

Extending the Gauntler [Eldire PT, Gulf of Tobias]

15-10-2008, 13:41
***Hoffnungschimmer: The Royal Palace***

High King Rendacil smiled sweetly at his wife, Ilseia. The small sun elf woman, barely more then a girl really smiled back at him. They had been chosen by Nobanion only four years hence. He a simple miners son, who took up his fathers pick to slay a score of goblins as well as their ogre master in defense of his fathers claim. Who went on to join the militia of the frontier and aid a dozen towns in such defenses. However four years ago, fate stepped in and changed his life completely. He was approached while sifting through pans on the bank of the Tarednor river, when he was approached by a man wearing a green and gold robe, with a wild grey mane of hair and great long beard. He went to get his father but was stopped by the man who told him that the old King, Richter Alberecht had died peacefully in his sleep, after a hundred and eighty years of rule.

The boy knew what it had meant immediately, and asked to get his things. It was then that he met Ilseia, the love of his life. As he left the farm he was met by an elven woman wearing a soft gown of silver, with a heart shaped locket around her wrist. She proclaimed herself as First heart of Hanali Celanil, and an elven man standing behind her in golden armour stepped aside, revealing his beloved Ilseia. He still remembered how red her cheeks blushed, how she clenched her hands at her sides and tried to look away from him. It was love at first sight, the gift of Hanali Celanil.

Four years later he had learned things that he never thought he would, for a simple boy barely able to read his letters, the things he was now capable of seemed a lifetime from where he was then. In four short years, with the finest tutors in the kingdom he had learned history, art, culture, politics, the finer points of trade as well as military craft. He was young and untested surely, but now he was confident he could pass those tests.

"Husband, do not worry, we are doing the right thing, we were chosen by Nobanion and the Seldarine to rule this land fairly and wisely, surely you do not think they have erred in their judgement with us." Rendacil smiled and clasped her hand. "I know Ilseia, its just..that the recent troubles on the northern border." he sighed softly. "Though we may reaffirm friendships long ago forgotten to the west of the bay, the north troubles me."

Recently reports from frontiers men and the elves of Siluvair had shown that a kingdom of men had grown up to the north in a short period of time. Less then fourty years, not too long a time, even for an arendacilian, a group of people started to settle the lands above them. Now there were reports of loggers, homesteaders and even foreign knights crossing the river Haleia, in to Tannelornian land. So far there had been no violence or bloodshed, but this could change quickly if nothing were done.

As well, a foreign ship was sailing in to Reinheit, the first in many years. High King Altenor Rendacil decided it would be best now to send ships across the gulf, and an envoy north to the lands that had sprung up seemingly over night above them. The ships would sail to the lands of the Empire and the Star Republic, to see how they had fared throughout the years. Always there had been villages, tribes and minor kingdoms of men in the gulf, but Tannelorn had stood firm and apart from them. Her powerful armies, and magic protecting her from any would be emperors, and her needs filled by the great resources of the lands that the nation had come to encompass.

What he proposed to do had been opposed by some amongst the Sun elves, and welcomed by the Duke of Heronor. The ships however would go forth, finally Coronal Leuthilien had broken the deadlock and simply acted, as is his right. In the end the High Kings will, was nobanion's will, and the High Queens will was Corellons, it was that simple.

The King and Queen were now present for the launching ceremony of the Providence and the Mandate These two ships would sail across the gulf, swift and sure to deliver their ambassadorial cargo to the lands of the empire, the Star Republic and north an envoy would go on foot, escorted by the Order of the Azure sky. He said a simple speech and Ilseia walked forward, sprinkling each of the vessel's hulls with ground up leaves from the sacred oaks before they were allowed to slip in to the water. The crowd cheered as the ships sailed away in to the dusk, as all launchings were made then, in ancient arendacilian mariner tradition.


The ships sailed straight and true, seperating as the Mandate neared the coasts of the Star Republic, she sailed straight in to port, heraldry flying from the mast. The Providence sailed to the empire, stopping only for a few swells and spots of bad weather before appearing off her coastline, scanning for any port, city or ships that may direct them there.

***Northern Border of Tannelorn***

The Knights of the Azure sky marched in parade formation beside the caravan carrying Envoy Erstalia Moondancer. She was a moon elf from a rich family in Hoffnungschimmer, she had several half elven cousins and her family had supported the king since the founding of the city. She was chosen because of these ties, and because she was trained in the bardic arts, her soothing voice could likely avert any hostilities upon a misunderstanding or even help in negotiations. The caravan and convoy headed further north along old unused roads that started to appear more and more in use as they went.