NationStates Jolt Archive

Forever Lost In Ruin - Open - (ATTN: Corrosia)

The Shamoin Islands
11-10-2008, 17:59
Aleksandr Vasilii walked out onto the street from his underground bunker, in the Library. The street lay in ruin. Everywhere bodies lay, smoldering from the biological disease. It had been 2 years since he last saw Kazangrov. When he had, it was full of many different languages, thanks to the Shamoin Island's world famous language receptors. But now.... this.

"They will pay for this!" he muttered to himself.

His cabinet began to emerge. They went pale as soon as they saw what lay before them. As they walked around the streets, women and children began to emerge, looks of despair on their faces. One particular woman came over to him,

"Tell me it's going to be alright!" she said as tears spread down her face.

He couldn't bare it, "Take her away!" he yelled to the guards. The guards, only 13, led her off somewhere down the street. All around lay women luck enough to be left alive after the Dectubech raping rampage. The soldiers would get drunk, and what would be known as the hunting hours, go off in search of women. As he walked towards the only standing building, the Shamstag, he recieved a message on his blackberry.

***Begin Transmission***
Vasilii, our great leader is dead. Lutzov has died from the bio attack. You are now in charge of what is left of the Shamoin Islands. What shall we do.
***End Transmission***

"Oh my god," he said.

"What is it?" asked the Secretary of State.

"Lutzov has just died from the bio-disease!" he said. "So that means, it's not safe here ye-" people all around him began exploding into gory masses.

"Get inside!" he screamed and ran towards the Shamstag.

When they were safely inside, scientists checked them for signs of infection. They brought two people into the back. He heard growls and screams. It was time to go.

When they were back underground, he sent out a transmission to all nations nearest him:

To Whom It May Concern:
The nation of the Shamoin Islands has been ravaged be the war, and the highly contagious bio-missile sent by the Kryozerkians. All across the Shamoin Islands, people are becoming infected and displaying cannibalistic behavior. All outside assistance is welcomed and needed. In our finest hour, all we ask is for sympathy and ai - ZZZ - Tha - ZZZ - good luc - ZZZZZZZZ
The Shamoin Islands
11-10-2008, 19:21
The Royal Code
11-10-2008, 19:39
To the Shamoin Islands,

The Colonial Empire of The Royal Code would like to offer her assistance in containing and managing this biological crisis. Upon the approcal of the Shamoin' governing body, Royal HAZMAT troops can be put on the ground via airborne insertion within 36 hours, to collaborate with Shimoin' troops on a management effort. The CERC would also like to hear what proposed plans are laid out regarding a retaliatory strike against the Kryozerkians.

-The State Department, Foreign Ministry Office, CERC
The Shamoin Islands
12-10-2008, 02:30
To the Royal Code,

First off, we would like to thank you for your assistance. It seems no one else will come to our aid. A retaliatory strike at Kyrozerkia will come, but now is not the time. Please deploy your troops to the Shamgrad. Warn them, most of the population in Kazangrov have become "cannibals", or re-animates. Shamoin troops will fight their way to you. Then await further instructions. Out.

-Shamoin Island Cabinet
The Royal Code
12-10-2008, 02:51
The following day, Midnight, local time, over Shamgrad outskirt airspace

The tall sergeant stood up to examine his men one last time and to issue his last words before they hit the door.

"Alright men! Keep it tight down there! Once you hit, get on the bounce and form up!"

He heard the loud buzzer go off, the signal they were 1 minute out from the drop zone.

"Okay, this is it! Here we go ladies!"

The light at the door glowed red hot against the blackness. Right behind the Lieutenant, Sergeant First Class Rusky, and the rest of 1st Platoon, awaited anxiously for the light to go green.

The LT turned around and yelled out "Thirty seconds!"

'This was it, go time.' Sergeant Rusky thought.

He saw the light turn green, and the LT was gone. He stepped forward and dropped out the door, the wind overtaking him instantly.

He counted to five, and saw his main had deployed. "Phew!" he said to himself during the decent.

It took only a few seconds, but he hit the ground in a perfect roll, and disengaged his chute. Looking around, he saw his platoon had landed fairly well, the rally point was only about a half click north, towards the city. Rusky got up and ran over to the Lieutenant.

"We good sir?"
"Yeah Sarge, let's get goin'!" The short lieutenant began a slow trot towards the next trooper.

Some minutes later, they linked up with the rest of the platoon at the ORP (objective rally point).

The city was in sight, only about 1200 meters north of their position. They would first be going through the suburbs, which were sure to be a real picnic.

"Ok, everyone here?" The Lieutenant asked.
"Yeah LT, we're up." one of the other sergeants said.
"Ok, we're picking up and moving into the city with the rest of Bravo Company. Due west and east are friendlies, so watch your fire. We've got several companies moving in tonight so check your fucking sectors. Everybody got it?"
The men sounded off with a soft war cry as confirmation.
"Alright men, on the bounce!"

The platoon broke up and scattered into a wide formation. The city would be only a few minutes walk away. The pilots had done a remarkably good job of landing them on target.

It was going to be an interesting night...
12-10-2008, 03:36
OOC: I'm in if Kryo is, but she isn't regognizing your existance, remember? Also, SI is evil, don't bother, he'll just get the mods mad at himself again and tell them to "go suck a lemon!" He may drag you down with him. Search "Fozcira", his old nation, before it got deleted by the mods.
The Royal Code
12-10-2008, 04:10
Encrypted Message to Shamoin Leadership:

Our troops have made landfall at the specified city, and are beginning to secure it.

On a foreign note, the CERC is not here to instigate war with Kryozerkia. Unless a rather large coalition can be assembled to attack en-mass, it is not recommended that either one of our nations retaliates in the meantime.

The CERC is here to assist Shamoin forces in containment and management.

That is all. END.

ooc: oh yeah, i remember fozcira. I must have missed the show, i was down at Fort Benning for the last two months, so i missed alot. So long as THIS RP doesnt go spiraling towards disaster like this (, i'll stick around.
12-10-2008, 11:20
To The Shamoin Islands

The nation of Swaq would like to assist you in this crisis. We can send medical supplies and some troops to help manage your country.

- Foreign minister of Swaq
The Shamoin Islands
12-10-2008, 13:28
To:The Royal Code
From: The Shamoin Islands

Don't listen to R539. I am a new nation. I was new then, and foolish. Anyway, infection has spread to 2 other cities, because we have lost contact with them and have received absolutely no communication from anyone inside there. DO NOT ENTER THOSE CITIES. The infection may be spreading, but it is still minimal.
-Aleksandr Vasilii

To: Swaq
From: The Shamoin Islands

Please send as many troops as you can. The two other cities that have been infected are only infected minimally, you may be able to contain it without sending large numbers of troops as you have stated.
-Aleksandr Vasilii
-- IC --

"Keep an ear out men," Bryan Vefr said to his men. He was only 14, and the oldest one in his platoon. All other old men had been killed in the war. All around he saw faces of fear. The re-animates, or rightly called "undead" were out there, either waiting to pounce, or actually behind them.

The rear guard was a mile behind them making sure no one tried to sneak up. He started to think about his girlfriend, maybe she had survived, maybe she was dead, or maybe she was one of them. All of a sudden, growls erupted from behind them, followed by screams, and gunshots. The gunshots and screams stopped almost as soon they had begun, but the growls grew louder, almost happier.

"Let's get outa here!" screamed Bryan. "Make towards the Shamstag and hold 'em there!"

"But sir," said an NCO. "The Royal Codian's are still JUST entering the city! It'll be days before they get to us."

"You 're forgetting about the 4th Assault Regiment," he screamed. "They are just 10 miles away doing clearing work."

When they were safely inside the Shamstag, he had the NCO radio the 4th Assault Regiment (4th AR). They got the soldier on the radio;

"We need help, re-animates are destroying us! Holy shit! Berguson! -Gunfire- God dammit is anyone out there? I repeat, is anyone ou"-----SIGNAL LOST.

"Shit," was all he could say. "Well, bunker down men, I think we may be lunch."

OOC: Don't worry, it won't.
12-10-2008, 13:57
OOC: Don't lie to them SI *cough* Foz *cough*.

The third one directly links you to Foz. You can't hide your past from the others.
12-10-2008, 13:58
OOC: Shamoin, if possible, can you draw a map of your country that shows the areas of the infection and the position of your troops?
The Shamoin Islands
12-10-2008, 15:01
OOC: Yes Swaq. I'll have it up soon.
The Shamoin Islands
12-10-2008, 15:31

Will update later as the story progresses.

-- IC --

To: Swaq
From: The Shamoin Islands

Please deploy your forces mainly in the Neif, Nouf, and National Wildlife Reserve infection areas. We need to contain this threat, it could infect the whole world.

-Aleksandr Vasilii
The Royal Code
12-10-2008, 16:34
Dawn, the First Day

COMS came alive just as the sun was coming up. The battalion commander was putting out his orders for the morning.

"Bravo, Charlie, and Delta companies are ordered to move north into grid sectors Juliet One through Three. Alpha is to cover the left flank, Foxtrot has the right. Establish new ORP by 0800 hours, and standby for new orders. Out."

The LT and Sergeant Rusky looked at each other nervously. The groans of those horrid undeads could be heard clearly from inside their safehouse. Sporadic gunfire pierced the thin morning air like a needle through Styrofoam.

The LT tuned in his COMS piece to talk to the other company commanders. Meanwhile, Sergeant Rusky walked over to the first squad squad leader, who was at a window just a few feet away.

"What's the news?"
"We're on the bounce momentarily. Let everyone know while we wait for the LT."

As the squad leader walked off, Rusky took a look out the window. From the second story complex, he could see up the road a good ways. Nothing in sight, but he knew. The night had taught him how they loved the shadows and narrow corridors.

"Ok Sergeant," the Lieutenant said, "We're on the bounce. Got about a klick to go northbound. Our new rally point is a small park inside the city. Should be open ground and the like."

"Roger that sir." Rusky acknowledged apathetically. It didn't matter to him where the ORP was, he just wanted to get moving. Everyone met up on the ground level and started filing out the doors into the streets.

They hugged the buildings close, moving cautiously in tight files. By the First Sergeant's command, the SAW gunners were on point, with the heavier crew serves in the middle. Bravo company advanced in four columns (as squads) up two streets. So far they were doing a decent job of staying on line.

They left the block they had cleared, and entered the 'Hot Zone'. The first buildings came up as they crossed the street. "Ok ladies, stay frosty. Prepare to stack up!" Sergeant Rusky said.

Rusky took a look down the street as they had crossed. The other companies were moving across as well. Excellent. Then from down the road to the right, a large volume of rifle fire broke the silence. A healthy reminder it was game-time.

"Ok break off and stack up!" The Lieutenant ordered. The platoon broke formation and the eight fire teams each stacked on separate doors on the two two-story buildings.

Rusky took point-man spot in his fire team. He slapped the thigh of the man behind him, and the message was passed to the #4 man. The four-man, a giant kid from inner-city Beth, came up to the door with his shotgun at point, and gave it a firm kick just below the lock.

As it flew open and slapped the wall behind it, Rusky was already passing through the doorway. With his flashlight turned on, the very first thing he saw in his sector was a reanimated fellow, rather nasty looking, damn-near sprinting right for him.

In an adrenaline-fused instinctive maneuver he took a knee and squeezed his trigger. The fully automatic burst from the assault rifle disoriented the horrid beast. Rusky held his burst until the bastard was right on him. He lunged forward underneath the reanimate, and flipped it over him, where the #2 man in the stack finished it off with a pair of rounds to the back of the head and spine.

Rusky scrambled to his feet and checked the room. His men were up, all clear. "One up!" "Two up!" "Three up!" "Four up!" Rusky then said, "Room clear! Restack!"

They stacked up on the next door, and again, the Four man kicked it down and they filed in. A few automatic bursts rang out, and in an instant, the shooting was over with two bad guys on the floor, twitching.

They restacked on the exit door, but heard their men in the hallway. The other fire teams were on their way up the stairs already. A testament to the training the Royal Army regularly underwent.

'Great,' Rusky thought to himself, 'only ten more blocks to go!'
12-10-2008, 17:19
ooc: Mind If I hop in?

Official Communique
To Aleksandr Vasilii
From Foreign Secretary John Gregory

We have been studying your problem with much interest we would like to enter in to give complete humanitarian and military aid. We would like to send you
a Battalion of Pathfinders, from our elite shock-troop regiment. Supporting them will be the TRS Snowcone and the TRS Fearless. The TRS Snowcone is a Destroyer which shall give fire support, such as cruise missiles. The Fearless is an Aircraft/ Troop transport. Where Supply and Helicopter support will be sent from. We hope you will accept this offer.
Good luck and God-Speed
The Right-Honorable John Gregory
12-10-2008, 17:57
A Swaqian carrier SN Doomsday was approaching the Shamoin islands.
Lt.Hamilton stood on the deck near an UH-60 that was leaving for a scout flight.

"Patrol around Wildlife Center and then report back." Hamilton said.
"Roger that." Chopper pilot Lewis said

The chopper lifted off and headed towards Wildlife Center.

-Near the Center, inside UH-60-

"1 and a half kilometers from shore" Lewis said.
"Looks quiet" Co-pilot Marks said
"Do you think there's any survivors?"
"Probably not"

The chopper made a few overflight and headed back towards SN Doomsday.

"You can start landing operations" Lewis radioed back.
"Roger that. Task Forces Armadillo and Bear have already started securing the cities of Nouf and Neif."

-Near the coast of Wildlife Center-

Lt.Hamilton sat inside a landing boat. He rose from his seat to brief the men.

"Alright, listen up. Our mission is to secure Wildlife Center, set up a perimeter and most important of all, stop any traffic between the Center and the mainland. Do not let anyone get through the perimeter. If we fail to contain this area, the infection might spread all over the planet. The area should be clear of any infections but just in case, everyone should wear their gas masks. Is this clear."

"Sir, Yes sir"

After a few minutes the landing boats reached the shore.
12-10-2008, 18:21
Official Communique

The Commonwealth of Zoingo has looked over this situation, the aftermath, as well as all of the causes that could have caused, or prevented, such an atrocity to happen. We must say, unfortunately, that it was directly the Shamoin Islands' fault for the environmental hazard that has rapidly spread across their lands. At first, the whole disaster made us feel sorry for the Shamion Islands, and that someone with a very black heart would be the only one who could have massacred civilians like this. So our investigation teams went back into the history of the war that recently happened, and found shocking 'stuff'.

The Shamion Islands directly warmongered in a way that would make most other wretched nations seem saints. In which they quote "were forced to declare war", and did not, even for a second, consider diplomacy.
Their declaration stated that they would quote "Not Surrender" even as they quote "had a 2% chance of winning".
SI intentionally went up and tried to bully nations that were at the least had a military larger than all of the Shamion Islands population put together.
The Shamion Islands tried to smuggle a nuclear weapon into Dectubech to blow up innocent civilians and assasinate leaders.

The Nation of Kryozerkia had tried to defuse the stiuation but had no avail.... and admiltily used a biochemical weapon that was never tested before. After being asked, they claimed that if the Shamion Islands had not reached the level of obtaining nukes, then they would have not retaliated in such a manner. In conclusion, The Commonwealth sees that the blame is distributed on both SI and Kryozerkia, in thinking that launching a biochemical weapon was too harsh of a manner on the Shamion Islands.

But, had The Shamion Islands not declared a foolish war in the first place, they would have not seen their own quest for power come back and smack them straight in the face. Zoingo would like to ask the nations helping The Shamion Islands now, after uprooting this evidence, if they still feel content on helping a nation that caused its own tragedy. We agree with R539, and will lobby against helping these people.


King Ragnald IV
Prime Minister Martin Dalons
Forign Minister Francis Pierock
Parliament Head Lord Dunmore
12-10-2008, 18:33
Official Communique
To Zoingo
From Foreign Secretary John Gregory
In light of this new evidence the Government of Whiskeasy does NOT withdraw it's support. All though this was brought about that is no reason for innocent civilians to suffer as of the result of foolish Foreign Policy. The Original Government of Shamion Islands has all but disappeared and I remain certain that this country needs help now more than ever. Perhaps by our helping a new better Shamion Islands may emerge.
Regards The Right-Honorable John Gregory
Ustio North
12-10-2008, 18:34
OOC: I'll join - i'll be sending a research team from my secret research organisation SRPA. They'll want to assess the extent of the bio-attack. Red areas are infected, yes?

Over Kazangrov, The Shamoin Islands

Two Kingfisher helicopters flew in over the city. All of the occupants wore protective body armour, full body suits, masks & helmets. They gripped their M5A2 carbines as the helicopters landed in a clearing in the city. As soon as they touched down, the SRPA soldiers jumped out and quickly set up a defensive perimeter. The helicopters lifted off and began their return to the Zumwalt Class destroyer SRS Broken Mirror.

Once the air cleared, the troops began inspecting the bodies.
12-10-2008, 18:37
To The Commonwealth of Zongo

The nation of Swaq will not draw its help from The Shamoin Islands. Even though they have caused this misery on themselves, it doesn't give us the right to stop helping the Shamoin government and its people to survive. Swaq will always help those who need help.

Foreign minister of Swaq
12-10-2008, 18:58
Official Communique
To Zoingo
From Foreign Secretary John Gregory
In light of this new evidence the Government of Whiskeasy does NOT withdraw it's support. All though this was brought about that is no reason for innocent civilians to suffer as of the result of foolish Foreign Policy. The Original Government of Shamion Islands has all but disappeared and I remain certain that this country needs help now more than ever. Perhaps by our helping a new better Shamion Islands may emerge.
Regards The Right-Honorable John Gregory

Official Communique

At least you see the general point that we are trying to make, the earlier form of the Shamion Islands was a nation that godmoded several times and then cried "help im being attacked by godmoders!" which resulted his previous nations deletion due to trolling. In spite of what you have said, most back here scoff at the fact that a better Shamion Islands will emerge, and would gladly place a bet against you. However, many benifactors are double checking this stiuation, and may donate a few million to your cause to make shure this doesn't spread any further. We just want to shed light on this situation, not enforce military action to make our point clear.

To The Commonwealth of Zongo

The nation of Swaq will not draw its help from The Shamoin Islands. Even though they have caused this misery on themselves, it doesn't give us the right to stop helping the Shamoin government and its people to survive. Swaq will always help those who need help.

Foreign minister of Swaq

Official Communique

We are not trying to restrict your right to help these people. We are just coming out and stating all of the facts that lead to this mess. Again, we are not going to use military force to make our point, but all that has come before this.

Your sense of morall help is quite interesting, really.
Ustio North
12-10-2008, 19:09
OOC: There won't be any response from my troops, as officially they don't exist...
The Royal Code
12-10-2008, 20:24
Public Telegram to Involved Parties:

The Colonial Empire of The Royal Code, having already put troops on the ground, shall not withdraw it's support from Shamoin. Shamoinian political affairs are of it's own business, and the CERC shall not interfere with it. The Royal Troops on the ground are in place to assist in a greater humanitarian effort. END
13-10-2008, 06:26
-Wildlife Center, an hour after the landing-

General Williams had set up a command center in the Wildlife Center. He was briefing Lt.Hamilton

"How did the operation go?"

"We have set up a perimeter around the center, we found no survivors nor any infected."

"It looks clean. Where did you put the bodies? Did you burn them?"

"No, sir. We haven't found any bodies. There is no sign life in here."

"That's strange."

"It sure is. How about Nouf and Neif."

"Task Force Armadillo in Neif survived without any casualties. There were survivors and Armadillo moved them closer to the harbor if there comes need for an evac. There were some infected but they were killed and their bodies burned."

"What about Nouf. I want to know if my brother is alright."

"I've got some bad news. We lost contact with Task Force Bear about half an hour ago."

"That could be just normal radio problems."

"Yes it could be. But there is green smoke there. That means they are in trouble."

"We need to help them. I can send some men to investigate and..."

"Task Force Cobra will stay here and guard the Center."

"But we need to do something!"

"We'll send "'Almighty'" in."

"Almighty? We can't send them in there. They are unpredictable. They are meant for war time special missions. Not on a scouting trips and saving people. They will never agree to go there."

"They already have. And you'll be leading them. Go and bring your brother back. There's a boat waiting for you in the shore."

Hamilton packed his equipment and boarded the boat. It took him to SN Doomsday that was waiting 5 kilometers off the coast. The Almighty was already waiting for him.
Ustio North
13-10-2008, 11:45
The SRPA troops rolled bodies over, inspecting their life-signs - or lack of - to determine what had killed them. They began taking blood samples. They appeared to be talking with each other, though with their face masks on it was impossible to tell.

A Kingfisher returned, and the blood samples were loaded aboard. A body was also brought on, but only after the SRPA troops put a bullet through it's brain to make sure it was truly dead. As the chopper left again, they began a search for survivors.
13-10-2008, 14:19
The Troops had boarded up and set sail for the Shamion Islands the two ships were supported by a civilian freighter carrying supplies troops and two extra Chinook helicopters. They also had the heavy duty combat trucks which would transport the troops. Deep in the hold of this freighter, the MS Irene, were the two light tanks which would provide close fire support. The small convoy soon came into the international waters of the Shamion Islands. Major General Johns re-checked the infection map they had been wired and looked over the infected areas. He was going to moor just off the central island labeled "labour camps" and wait for further instructions. He looked over at the radar and noticed that there was a lot ship and helicopter movement. He sent out a radio message saying
"OPEN Task force Amoeba on station, calling out for further instructions. In a position to start work immediately.END"
The Shamoin Islands
13-10-2008, 18:45
The undead were running towards them with such a ferocity that it couldn't have been even relatively human.

"Hold your fire!" screamed Derek. His soldiers' faces were full of fear and unsureness, after all, 13 year olds with weapons isn't a pretty sight, but it was all they had.

The undead were almost right on top of them.

"FIRE!" he yelled. There wasn't a sound. "FIRE YOUR FUCKING GUNS!"

It was already too late. The undead were already jumping over the barrier. After for what seemed like forever, the soldiers were being ripped apart by the hands and teeth of the re animates.

"Retre--!" he tried to scream. But a re animate grabbed his throat and sunk his teeth into it. He pulled out his pistol and blew it's head off.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" he screamed at the dead body.

All around him children were doing their best to simply stay on their feet. He pulled out his GL-47 and started to shoot the things. But it seemed that for everyone he shot two more appeared. He started to hear some more shots and cannon fire. It was the 4th Assault Regiment!

"Blow 'em to hell!" he yelled to them. The undead began to fall over one another, struck with over 10 rounds.

When the battle, more like a massacre, was over, there was only 23 of the 250 soldiers left. The rest were either infected or killed. Soon scientists showed up and began to inspect the infected. The insisted on taking them back to the lab. He let them.

About an hour after the massacre they received orders to abandon the city. The scientists had first priority. They were being loaded onto the cargo planes when he saw Aleksandr Vasilii. He was a 5' 9" man with blond hair, blue eyes, and parted hair on one side. The perfect Shamoin. But there was no time to waste, the undead has located their position and would be here in less than 20 minutes. They were being evacuated to the only uninfected island, Revbogrov.
The Royal Code
13-10-2008, 19:52
"Yes it was just minutes ago sir. Gunfire, and lots of it. Didn't sound like Royalty to me." Sergeant Rusky said.

The Lieutenant thought about it. "You're sure it was due north?"
"Absolutely sir. We heard a few strays fly right past us. Definitely southbound."

"Hmm. I'll have Penski call up to higher. We might have some friendlies up there. How far north would you say?"

Rusky paused, "Uh...I'd say... based on the volume, maybe two klicks. Not far sir."

"Alright, we'll take that into consideration when we get closer. I'll see what higher thinks of this first."

"Roger that sir." Rusky turned back to scan his sector down the street. This time he saw something.

He got on COMS and called his second squad squad leader downstairs. "Hey Max you see this chump?"

"Yeah, i see him. You got him or do you want me to?"

"Go ahead man, he's all yours."

The squad leader flipped his safety switch to SEMI, and placed the red dot of his CCO on the reanimate's chest. A smooth 100 yard shot, no problem. He took a breath, and as he reached the bottom of his exhale, squeezed the round off.

Sergeant rusky watched the creature take the round and saw it impact the wall behind him, but despite the rather large exit wound, aparent from the splat of blood and tissue on said wall, the reanimate still stood tall.

The squad leader came back over COMS, "Uh Sergeant, that bastard just took it like nothing happened."

"Yeah i saw, let me get the LT." He got off COMS, "Lieutenant! We got somethin' over here."

"What!?" The LT was not in the business of being inturrupted.

"Fucker took a Seven-Six-Two center mass... that one right there, see him?"

Before the LT even had time to think about it, they saw the reanimate jerk violently, as if having a short seizure. It then tilted it's head up, and bellowed a deep groan into the city. "What the hell..." both men exclaimed at once.

As they finished their statement, doors all down the street slammed open and hordes of the undead came pouring into the street, agitated, and looking for targets.

LT was quick to get on COMS, "Nobody move!"
They looked on to see their reaction. The one reanimate they had shot trembled, but still remained standing.

They stood en-mass, groaning, and angry.

Then, from a sector far left, the city exploded into gunfire. "Fuck!" The Lieutenant screamed, "God Damn Alpha Company!"

He saw the horde face his company's position, and start a dead sprint.

"Grenadiers, let em have it! All units Bravo lay into them! Get some soldiers!"

The Bravo Company Grenadiers launched their first volley, which did alot to thin up the lead echelon of the advancing undead. It could be heard now, all down the line all the Companies were under assault. Crew-Serve weapons were dominating the airwaves as every machine gun in the city opened up on these reanimates.

Sergeant Rusky flipped to 'AUTO' and buried his sights in the mob.

Still closer they came. Every wave of tube-launched grenades only delayed them for a split second. They seemed to have an endless resupply of men, or whatever they were.

When they got within 35 yards, Sergeant Rusky got on COMS and said, "Frag out! Everybody frag out!"

The onslaught of grenades pounded the undead. A mix of fragmentary and white phosphorus was thrown, and shown to be very effective.

Their charge was slowed down enough that the roof-top machine guns were able to clean shop, and really bring the hammer down on those bastards.

Down at ground level, nearly everyone was running their weapon on fully automatic. Magazine after magazine was expended. Barrels began to overheat, and the Grenadiers were almost out. By now, after firing at least a thousand rounds a piece, the crew serve weapons, notably the 8mm Casius Medium Machine Guns, had glowing red-hot barrels. The non stop fire party was slowly eating up equipment.

The LT finally got his call from the roof, "They're thinning up sir. Looks like what's in the street is all they've got for this push."

The LT didnt bother responding. It wouldn't make a difference to his men if they knew anyway. So he got back on his rifle, and poured fire into the dispersing undead. Non of them were in a dead sprint anymore, apparently dazed by the overwhelming effects of having a hundred and fifty hand grenades thrown at them.

Eventually the streets in front of Bravo company lay still. Shooting could still be heard down towards Foxtrot's end. The LT was sure he'd hear about it soon as they got a lull.

"Everybody check ammo, check yourselves. Aid and litter, get out there and police up any salvageable equipment you can find. Let's go! Let's get it done!" The LT said over COMS.

He turned away from the window, and sat back against the wall. He looked over at Sergeant Rusky, still steady on his rifle. "We got lucky sir." he said.
13-10-2008, 19:53
-The command deck of SN Doomsday-

Admiral Hanssen was standing on the command deck.

"Private Skås. Send message to Swaq that they may begin supply operations. Tell them to bring mostly food and medical supplies."

"Yes sir."

-The mess hall of SN Doomsday

There were ten soldiers sitting in the room. They were part of The Almighty, a mercenary group that was used by the army to handle the most dangerous missions. Lt.Hamilton stepped in. No one saluted.

"What's wrong? You're not saluting officers?" Hamilton said with a frustrated face.

"Sorry, Sir, but we're not part of the military. We don't have to do any of those silly hand moves." One of the mercs said


"Oh, was I rude? Well let me introduce you to my men. I'm Richard Sapanko, leader of this squad. There is our electronics specialist Gabriel Winks, explosives specialist Felix Brown, The MacFarrell brothers named Éimhín, Ríoghán and Aodh, our priest Ludvig Xanton, marksman Charlie Vinn and finally our scouts Peter Svensson and Rick Gillington."

"Hello. Nice to meet you. I'm sorry to say this but i'm taking over your squad."

"What? Who told you can do that?"

"General Williams."

"Fine. But as soon as those zombies have eaten you, I'm taking command."

"Well go ahead. But until then you will follow my orders. Is this clear?


"So, are you all ready to go?"

"It depends. Do you have your suit?"

"What suit?"

"Your K-59. That will protect you from the infection. Go get it from the armory and after that meet us outside. A chopper will transport us to Neif and we'll continue by boat from there."

Hamilton left the room and headed for the armory. There he found his K-59. It was a black full body suit that could stop a knife but not a bullet. He put the suit and the mask that came with it on and rushed to the deck. There he met the mercs. They all boarded a chopper and headed towards Neif.

"You don't have to wear your mask yet Hamilton." Sapanko said.

Hamilton took his mask off. Peter opened his mouth:

"Have you noticed that we all look like Darth Vaders in these suits."

"You wouldn't be a good Darth Vader." Rick said

"What makes you think that?"

"Your "'lightsaber'" is a little bit too short. And besides, you probably won't get it working when there comes time to light it up. If you know what I mean."

Everyone started laughing.

"Haha. Really funny. But at least it's bigger than yours."

"Sure it is."

"Okay girls stop comparing your dicks and concentrate on the mission." Charlie Vinn said.
The Shamoin Islands
13-10-2008, 20:38
OOC: Lol nice.

-- IC --

NCO was staring nervously Derek's throat, where the re animate had bitten him.

"Don't worry, I won't change. What's a bite going to do?" he asked the NCO.

"N-nothing sir," he replied.

"That's right," he said. "Now go tell General Krebs that it's time to go. The undead will be on us in a minute or two."

"Y-yes sirrrr," said the NCO. He ran towards the HQ.

Derek had a terrible headache and throbbing in his bite wound.

"Fuck," he muttered.

His began pounding like mad.

"What the-," he started to say. The infection took him over.

When the NCO reported back, he saw Derek in his re animate form.

"Sir are you okay?" he asked stupidly. Derek responded with a growl, and pounced on the NCO. General Krebs heard the screaming and ran into the room. He saw what was going on and shot both men with his pistol.

5 other soldiers nearby had heard the shots and screams.

"Holy shit," said one of them.

"That's all the proof we need. Get all of the wounded off those planes." he told them.

It was too late. They heard loud angry un-human like growls.

"Close the blast door!" screamed General Krebs.

The soldiers rushed to keep the undead out while the scientists closed the door. After about 5 minutes, the door was finally closed and the undead were left pounding on the door.

"Call the Royal Codes, and Swaqians." he told the radio operator. "We only have enough food for 2 days, and our ammunition is low. We are at the docks, awaiting rescue and aid. Kazangrov has fallen."
Ustio North
13-10-2008, 23:56
The SRPA soldiers picked up the radio broadcast. Luckily, they were only a block away from the docks. The first squad began running towards the dockyard they passed over on their way in, while the second squad boarded a waiting heli, and were airlifted to the docks. They both arrived around the same time. Seeing the re-animates, they neither hesitated, nor flinched. Their tactics were simple: Soldiers on the ground fired shots into the re-animates' heads. Large groups were dispatched with flamethrowers, with a special blend of fuel which lit them up with blue flames. Overhead, door gunners on .50 calibre machine guns picked off the clever ones, ones that attempted to attack from behind and such. In about three or four minutes, the bodies of a dozen scorched re-animates lay smouldering on the ground. Large unmarked wooden crates stood beside them, containing ammunition, food and medical supplies.

And apart from the smoking remains, there was no evidence that SRPA had ever been there.
14-10-2008, 07:08
-Near the shores of Nouf-

"Masks on!" Hamilton said.

"What's our plan?" Gabriel asked.

"First we land south of Nouf. We're going to advance by the shore until we reach the docks of Nouf."

After the boat reached shore the men jumped off the boat and regrouped at the edge of a forest.

"Okay. Everyone, keep silence. Svensson and Gillington, you're scouting. Everyone else, follow me"

"Roger that."

It was already dark when the soldiers arrived near the edge of the docks. Svensson and Gillington came back.

"Guys you have to see this." Svensson said. There was something strange in his voice. It was both scared and amazed.

"What did you see?" Sapanko asked.

"There's soldiers and civilians just standing there. A lot of them."

"Soldiers? Did you see any Swaqians?"

"I couldn't tell. It's too dark. But there was something strange. All the supply boxes were closed. I'm not sure if the seals were broken. We need Vinn and his night scope."

"Of course you need me. You always need me. Stupid brats. Can't do their own jobs." Vinn said with a grumpy voice.

"Well it's not my fault that you're the only one with a scope. No one forced you to be a marksman."

"Okay, I'm going. Just shut up."

They started walking towards a good observation point. Hamilton walked next to Aodh MacFarrel and asked:

"Why is he like that?"

"Not now. I'll tell later." Aodh said with an irish accent.

-Observation post-

Vinn was looking through his scope.

"Those soldiers sure are Swaqians. And the seals of those supply boxes are not broken. They were never opened."

"Fuck. How are we going to get in to the city through those zombies?" Sapanko said.

"We can try entering the city from south. About a klick east of here it looked calm. I didn't see any of those creatures there."

"We'll try that."

-Southern edge of town-

The city was silent. There was no one there. No survivors, civilians or the infected.

"Where should we go?" Éimhín asked.

"There is a city hall at the center of Nouf. We should go there."

The men were walking down the main street toward the city hall. They could already see it. They were passing a junction when Ludvig looked left. The street was full of the infected. They were all staring towards the men.

"Holy Mother of God. Boys you see this." Ludvig said and made a cross sign above his chest.

Everyone looked left.

"The street on the right side was full of them too." Sapanko whispered.

"They are behind us too." Vinn whispered back.

"Everyone stay calm. When I count to three, we all start running towards the city hall. Okay." Sapanko whispered.


"Everyone ready. 3!"

They started running towards the city hall. They were giving all they got.
They reached the town hall and got inside.

"Lock the door." Sapanko yelled.

It didn't help. The infected were pounding the old wooden doors down. Finally they broke down.

"Everyone to the roof." Someone yelled.

They hurried to the roof with the infected right behind them. They entered the roof through a door.

"Give me covering fire while I blow this doorway to hell!" Felix Brown yelled.

Everyone fired their G-36s. Infected after another fell dead.

"Get back. It's gonna blow."

They took cover as the doorway exploded and collapsed.

"They sure ain't coming through that." Peter said.

Charlie Vinn noticed that there was man standing at the edge of the roof.

"Put your hands up and turn around, you freak."

The man turned and revealed his face.

"Jeff. You're alive." Hamilton said. It was his brother.

Gillington walked near the man.

"Are you alright?"

"No. Please get back. I'm not myself."

"What should we do to him?" Gillington said and turned his head towards the others. At the same time Jeff grabbed his throat. As Rick struggled against Jeff they both fell of the edge.

"Riiiick!" Peter yelled and rushed for the edge. He saw Rick's dead body lying next to Jeff. A horde of the undead started biting Rick.

"You fuckers. Get off him." Peter yelled and started firing his gun.

"Peter! Stop it!" Gabriel yelled.

But Peter didn't stop. He felt his blood boiling inside him. Anger, hate. He felt like he could kill every infected with his bare hands. Gabriel grabbed his shoulder and pulled him of the edge.

"Let me go!" Peter shouted.

"Stop it Peter. He's dead. You can't help him anymore." Vinn said.

Peter started crying.

"We're all going to die here."

"Gabriel, send a message to command center. We need immediate evac." Sapanko said.

"Roger that." Gabriel answered and radioed the message. Soon he got an answer.

"Richard. They are sending us a chopper but we're not going home yet. They have another rescue mission."

"Well that's nice."
The Royal Code
14-10-2008, 08:44
Dusk came with another assault, and casualties. Four men dead down at ground level. Several others wounded from having furniture and the like thrown and tossed about the room in the scuffle.

The Lieutenant was stressed out beyond all belief.

"That's it sir," Rusky said, "We're all used up. I just got off COMS with Echo company, they're in the same boat. He told me the reason we havent been able to reach Foxtrot is because most of them got killed last charge."

The Lieutenant was shocked. He couldn't believe it. Some of his best friends were in that outfit.

"We're out of options sir. We've got about a thousand rounds left between the four crew-serves. Most of our rifle men are down to one or two mags at best. Grenadiers are completely dry. Most of us in CoC (chain of command) are completely out ourselves. All that said, orders sir?"

The Lieutenant drew a long breath. "What are the other companies doing?"
"Waiting for us to reply, for one. They want to start a withdrawal within the hour."

The LT wiped his face. He thought about it for a moment. Dark was coming, now would be better than later...

"Ok, i'll get on COMS and let them know. You get this company moving southbound ASAP Sarge."

Rusky calmly answered, "Can-do." and he turned about and walked off.

The Lieutenant got on COMS and relayed his orders to the other CO's, who were already moving as well.

He took a gander into the street. Huge piles of bodies, stacked two or three high, lined the entire street. The craters the grenades had made in the roads were enveloped by the now officially dead. The other CO's told him they had twice the body count he did. He could only imagine. What a curse upon mankind. A thought came to him. He had thought of it earlier, but got caught up in managing the last charge.

He got on COMS again, and called for higher. He wanted his resupply waiting for him as soon as his men cleared the city limits.
The Shamoin Islands
14-10-2008, 23:33
OOC: Well, there goes my capitol city. rofl.

-- IC --

General Krebs now had a choice to make, either stay here and wait for the help that would never come, or try and break out.

"Well sir, what shall we do?" asked the Field Marshal. "Sir? Sir? SIR!?!?"

"What? Oh yes, please tell the men we're breaking out at 1700." he replied.

"Yes sir." said the Field Marshal and left.

They would have to make due with the ammo they had. The men had been expierimenting with the new flamethrower, the Scorch 2. It was able to fire more than 200 FPS (Flames Per Second), and was immune to overheating. It was gonna cut through those undead with so much force they were gonna fall apart. He prayed.
-1700 Hours - At the Gates-

"On my command!" shouted Krebs.

The doors were almost fully opened now. The outside was almost fully visible. Still no signs of undead.

"CHARGE!" screamed Krebs. Some 400 soldiers and 2,000 civilians rushed out. "For the Fatherland! For Vasilii! For LIFE!"

He stopped short in his tracks.

"What the?" he said. Everyone stopped running. There were no undead here, the cargo planes were untouched, and there was fresh supply cases opened.

"Who could have done this?" asked a soldier.

"I haven't a clue," said Krebs. "Well, that doesn't matter, load up the planes. Civilians on first, then soldiers, then supplies. Set course for Nouf. Those Swaqians need our help. Radio the Royal Codians, tell them to do their best to take back Neif."

All of the remaining Shamoin armies were regrouping on the last 3 mega transports outside of Nouf to take back the birthplace of his beloved country. The courageous Royal Codians were holding up the undead, but they were also evacuating. The undead were being held up, but soon they would figure out what had happened.

"Time to go sir! Last plane leaving!" yelled the Field Marshal.

"Coming!" he yelled back. As the plane lifted up, he though he heard a very loud, unhuman growl.
The Shamoin Islands
14-10-2008, 23:43
OOC: One more post. Soz. Let me know if this is okay Royal Code.

-- IC --

The Shamoin Air Force (SAF) was just sitting around at Revbogrov when they recieved the order to evacuate the Royal Codians around Kazangrov.

In the briefing room, the commander, Bryan Kodenski, was explaining the mission.

"We have several Royal Code soldiers on the ground around Kazangrov, whom of which need to be evacuated." he said. "The fighter pilots need to provide hovering fire support to the Royal Codians, while the new AV Helicopters evacuate all of the troops on the ground. Demtikrov?

"Demtikrov" they said.

"Then lets move out!" he said a little too enthusiastically.

OOC: Royal Code pick up from there, you too Swaq. Thanks again everyone.

Demtikrov = Shamoin word for; Okay.
The Royal Code
15-10-2008, 00:26
"Sir!" Rusky yelled out, "Shamoin air force wants to give us a lift!"

The Lieutenant couldn't believe his ears. "They what?"

"No kidding sir. What should i tell em?"

"Well, make sure they know we've got six companies on the ground over here, this wont be no light lift operation."

"Roger that sir, i'll have us something ready shortly." He got back on COMS and radioed to the Shamoin reciever,

"Shamoin Air Force Controller, this is Bravo-One, Royal Army 52nd Airborne. We are requesting that your air-lift op be able to accommodate for nine hundred Soldiers. I repeat, Niner Zero Zero soldiers. Requesting pickup ASAP. Over."
15-10-2008, 07:04
-The roof of the city hall of Nouf-

All of the men were sitting in a circle except Vinn. He was looking over the edge and watching. Peter was silent. He hadn't said a word since the accident.

"Can you now tell what's wrong with Vinn?" Hamilton asked from Aodh.

"He was the oldest of seven children. They were all boys. The Almighty had recruited all of them years ago. They always fought together. But, on our last assignment all of his brothers were killed. Only Vinn survived. After that, he has always been a little bit grumpy and silent." Aodh answered. He didn't notice that Vinn was standing just behind him.

"Hah. Well you're not perfect either. At least I didn't murder anyone, or rape someone, or steal anything." Vinn said.

"What is he talking about?" Hamilton asked.

"Have you ever heard of the MacFarrel brothers? The Crazy Irish? The most famous crime gang in Swaq? They left the country 11 years ago. The Almighty recruited them. And our great Swaqian military had mercy on them. They don't have to answer for their crimes for as long as they serve The Almighty and Swaq."

"We were criminals a long time ago." Ríoghán said. "But not anymore"

"So you all have your secrets. So do I. But i'm not going to share it yet. So does anyone else have something to tell. Ludvig, how can a Holy man of God be in the military?" Hamilton continued.

"I don't know. I've always loved weapons and my God. So here is a perfect chance to love them both. And if you die, at least you'll get a proper burial."

"But aren't you afraid?"

"No. My Lord will protect if he wishes so."

"Ok. How about you Felix. Where did you lose your left eye?"

"This is what happens when play with fireworks. I was seven years old back then. By the way, don't ask Gabriel why he is here. He's a geek."

"That's true." Gabriel said.

"How about you Sapanko? What's your story?"

"I had a beautiful wife and a son. But someone murdered them "'accidentally'"." Sapanko said and looked at The MacFarrel brothers.

"I'm going to say this now like I've said it before: It was an accident. We were stealing some stuff from your home. Your wife and your son assaulted us with baseball bats. We had no other option but to defend ourselves." Éimhín said

"But why did you kill them! Why didn't you just knock them unconscious!"

"It was not that simple. I..."

"Shut up! Our ride is coming." Vinn said.

"Why are they landing on the wrong roof? Vinn what's going on in there?" Hamilton yelled

"Seems like there's some Swaqian soldier zombies on the roof. They probably think they're us. And now the chopper pilots are being eaten. And now we are stuck here."

"Gabriel. Radio to the command post that we need another lift." Hamilton said.

"Already did. They're not giving us another chopper. Look like we are alone here."

"Can anyone fly a chopper?"

"I can." A silent voice. It was Peter.

"Good. This is what we are going to do. We head downstairs, run to that building and get the hell out of here."

"There's one problem. I blew the doorway." Felix said.

"Fuck! What the hell are we supposed to do now."
The Shamoin Islands
15-10-2008, 21:54
OOC: You want a lift too? Srry, not enough planes. My forces will fight to you.

""Shamoin Air Force Controller, this is Bravo-One, Royal Army 52nd Airborne. We are requesting that your air-lift op be able to accommodate for nine hundred Soldiers. I repeat, Niner Zero Zero soldiers. Requesting pickup ASAP. Over." said the radio.

Bryan took the radio piece to his mouth.

"Roger, we got enough birds to lift an army out." he said. "Tell your commander to be ready to get some rest, you guys are going on leave in Revbogrov."

"Yes, sir," said the operator.
The Royal Code
16-10-2008, 03:38
Rusky tapped the Lieutenant's shoulder. "Sir they're on their way. We better get clear. I'll let the other commanders know."

"Haha! Good job Sergeant! I'll see you promoted to Master Sergeant for your work here."

The LT stood up and switched his COM to his company frequency, "Listen up Bravo! We got pickup on the way, time to go! Everybody up and on the bounce! Southbound men!"

The buildings cleared out quickly. The rooftop machine gunners pulling up the rear. Bravo was the first company to start moving, but soon all six were on the bounce, making haste for the southern outskirts.

No resistance was met on the way south. Apparently the Royal Troopers had done a thorough sweep and clear.

As the buildings got smaller the roads got narrower. A good sign that they were clearing the city. The rumbling clop of nine hundred pairs of boots let a faint echo into the night. Dawn was fast approaching, and the overall consensus was to be off ground zero by then.

Soon the buildings were behind them, and the rolling hills of the south enveloped the 1st Battalion of the 52nd Airborne.

"Ok stop, stop stop!" The Lieutenant said over COMS. "Set beacons up here! Establish three hundred sixty degree 'hundred percent security. Stay sharp men!"

The companies set up in interlocking fields of fire, across an area two hundred meters wide. Everyone went prone. The beacons sent out active pickup signals and coordinates. All that was left was to wait.
16-10-2008, 05:49
OOC: If you clear the harbor of Nouf, the trapped soldiers can fight their way through. After that I can send boats to evacuate.

"Richard, I have good news!" Gabriel yelled.

"What is it?" Sapanko asked.

"It seems that the Shamoin forces are coming to rescue us."

"How? Are they sending choppers or something?"

"No. They will come by foot."

"That's good enough. But how are we going to get down from here?"

"I've got an idea." Felix said. "What if we rappel down."

"With what? By tying up all our clothes together and landing with them?" Vinn said

"No. If you haven't noticed, these suits have rappel equipment."

"What? And now you tell this!" Vinn said.

"Because i just noticed it myself."

"Okay, calm down Charlie." Sapanko said.

"Okay. This is our plan. As soon as we get some signal from the Shamoin troops. We rappel down and head to their positions." Hamilton said
The Shamoin Islands
16-10-2008, 21:42
OOC: kthx!

-- IC --

"Set her down Johnny!" yelled Bryan. He repeated the order through his radio to the other helicopters.

"Yes sir," replied the pilot.

They right next to the Royal beacon. Thousands of soldiers were streaming towards the copters.

"All aboard that's going aboard!" he yelled to the soldiers. A cheer arose from them.

He started to search around for the commander. He finally found him at the back of the column.

"Commander!" he yelled.

Just then he realized his, or anyone's, worst fear. A horde of dead running straight for them.

"Commander!" he screamed again. "WATCH FUCKING OUT!"

OOC: Pick up from there. I'm not good at climaxes.

-- IC --

At the harbor of Nouf.

The sea-land transports landed.

"EVERYBODY OUT!" screamed sergeant Baker. Most of the soldiers around him were pale. He didn't know whether it was being seasick, or what awaited them in the city. There was no need to charge, after all, it wasn't like gunfire was hitting them.

Big mistake. The undead started running at them full speed.

"OPEN FIRE!" he screamed, along with many other officers. Suprisingly, many did. The walking dead began to fall. Most still alive, but at least not running at them.

When they were all dead, they began pushing towards the Town Hall. They only got, say, 4 miles into the city. They were still 7 miles away from the Town Hall.

"Radio the Swaqs on the short wave. We can provide artillery support up to 5 miles inland. Tell them to tell us when to begin the barrage. We can only stay here for a day." he said to operator.

"Yes sir," he said.

Already infected soldiers with hidden wounds were beginning to cause problems. They had to leave SOON.
17-10-2008, 05:52
"Hamilton, the Shamoin are coming. We have to leave." Gabriel yelled.

"Good. Everyone, get ready to rappel."

Everyone hooked themselves and went standing near the edge.

"Does everyone know how to use it?" Hamilton asked. There were some silent answers.

"GO!" Hamilton gave the order and everyone started lowering themselves towards the ground. Suddenly Felix slipped and started falling. He stopped 10 meters before hitting the ground.

"Holy fuck that was close."

Soon they were all landed.

"Now we'll continue towards the harbor as fast as we can." Hamilton said.

"Sorry to interrupt but the undead are already coming towards us." Vinn said.

"Then we should start running."

"Running? It's 7 miles." Gabriel said.

"We only have to run a little more than 2 miles and then we can call that arty on those zombies."

When they reached the area where artillery could reach they were all getting exhausted.

"If we call that arty now it will also kill us." Sapanko said.

"We have to keep those zombies still." Hamilton said.

"But if we stay here to hold them we will get hit by that artillery."

"Someone has to stay. Any volunteers?"

"I'll stay with my brothers." Éimhín said.

"Are you sure? You know that you're not going to survive the artillery."

"I know."

"We will continue half a mile and then call the arty. Do you think you can give us enough time?"

"I think so."

Éimhín, Ríoghán and Aodh took positions were they could hold the zombies.

"This is it boys. Our heroic end." Aodh said.

They all hugged each other and braced themselves. The zombies attacked. They fired their weapons, firing accurately, sparing ammunition. The undead were held at bay but there was too much of them. Soon they overrun Éimhín's position and he had to fight them hand-to-hand. Soon he fell under the sheer number of undead.

"Éimhín!" Ríoghán said and rushed to his help. He bashed the zombies with his gun. He shouted wildly while doing it. Soon they were too much for him too. He was bitten by one of the zombies. While screaming in pain he tripped over and soon he was covered with zombies.

"Where the fuck is that artillery!" Aodh yelled.

Meanwhile everyone else were running towards the docks.

"Gabriel, call in the arty." Hamilton ordered.

"I will. This is The Almighty to Shamoin troops. Requesting artillery strike at map grid Cf 45. I repeat, requesting artillery strike at map grid Charlie-foxtrot 45. You may fire at will. Do you copy?"
The Shamoin Islands
17-10-2008, 20:59
"Copy!" said the operator. "General Krebs, call it in!"

"FIRE!" screamed Krebs.

A thunderous boom erupted from over 100 guns, plus the SIN (navy) 12 pound guns. After about 5 minutes it stopped.

"Out-fucking-standing!" screamed Krebs. "Now get on those boats before we're all lunch!"

A cheer arose from Swaq troops and Shamoin troops alike.

He started to weep. It was the only time in ages the Shamoin troops had an ally to rely on.

OOC: Still waiting for you Royal Code.
The Royal Code
18-10-2008, 03:56
ooc: sorry, i was out of town for the day


The nine hundred men made haste to pile onto the Shamoin choppers. The Royal machine gunners made a point to expend the rest of their ammunition.

The undead made their advance aggressively, there was no way the Royal Troops, almost depleted of ammunition, would have been able to neutralize them all.

As the last gunner backed up into the door of the last chopper, the fleet began to lift off. Not a moment too soon. As the choppers lifted into the air, the men could see just how clearly they would have been screwed. The undead horde filled every gap in the treeline. Everywhere they looked, they scowled.

The Lieutenant looked out the window and scoffed, "Humph, clever bastards. Never seen a thinking zombie horde before. They tried to creep up and overrun us!"

"Clever indeed sir." Rusky said. "So what's next sir?"

"Well, if the Shamoin command decides that city is worth taking back, Royal Command will definitely get six or seven divisions on the ground down here to clear it out. We're talking the Heavy Infantry Divisions."

"Heavy Infantry Divisions, my favorite." Rusky snorted. The Air Cavalry troopers and the Heavily Armed (and armored) soldiers of the Heavy Infantry never really saw eye-to-eye on much of anything.

Royal Command awaited the debriefing from Shamoin officials. If they wanted the city back, the Royal Could would have a hundred thousand men on-station to mount a campaign, and take it back. The Royal Code had underestimated the defensive capability of the undead. Obviously one battalion wasn't going to be enough. But the heavy workings of the 1st Royal Army could sort things out.
18-10-2008, 06:59
Aodh was defending the point alone when he heard a whistling sound.

"This is it."

The barrage lasted for five minutes.There was smoke everywhere. Buildings collapsed and undead body parts flew across the air. When it finally was quiet and the smoke and dirt had faded off, the whole place was in ruins. The ground was full of holes and body parts. There was no one alive. Not even Aodh.

-Docks of Nouf-

"Finally we're safe" Sapanko said.

"Tank you, General Krebs. You and your men are brave soldiers. Without you we would all be dead." Hamilton said and shook the general's hand.

"Let's just board the boats and get the fuck out of here." Vinn said.

They boarded the boats and left the city of Nouf. But they knew they would come back.
The Shamoin Islands
18-10-2008, 15:19
OOC: tis ok

-- IC --

"Have the Royal officers arrived yet?" asked Aleksandr Vasilii, despotic ruler of the Islands.

"Yes sir, they are awaiting debriefing," said the aide.

"Good, send them in," he instructed the aide.

The Royal command walked in.

"Good morning commanders!" he said.

"Good morning generals!" exclaimed Vasilii.

"Good morning Mr. Vasilii!" they said.

"Call me Aleksandr."

"Sure thing, sir."

They got right to business.

"Ok, this is where the Royal Heavy troops will land." said Vasilii. "At every secondary city on the island of Kazangrov. You are to surround it, and await orders. We are going to use our last G-Bomb (Goreiffic Bomb) on the city, and you need to have secured the rest of the island for us to drop it. After 3 days, when the radiation wears off, you will clean the city up, and check for survivors. Although I doubt anything can survive a G-Bomb. Clear?"

"Crystal!" they all said at once.

On the mega transport, Lutzov, off the city of Nouf.

General Krebs walked off the helicopter and went straight to the captain of this ship.

"Captain, you have to lock these civilians in this ship." he said. "Already bite wounds are spreading like wildfire."

"What!?!?" screamed the captain. "Are you telling me that I need to order a full scale evacuation of this ship, because you don't trust your soldiers to put down the uprising. Are you telling me to kill thousands of innocent civilians because of a few bite wounds!"

"Well, yes but--"

"This I can assure you can be put down without lifting a finger by my sailors." the captain said.

"But captain, you don't know what your up against!" screamed Krebs with anger building inside him.

"We shall see general."
A few hours later.

"Captain! Captain!" screamed the second in command.

"Yes yes, what is it?" asked the captain.

"We have lost contact with the sailors you sent in!"

Krebs smiled under his Field Cap.

"We have also lost contact with the WHOLE south sector!" said the aide.

That smile disappeared and with it returned anger.

"Do you see what you have done dammit!" screamed Krebs. "Now YOU have killed innocent civilians because of YOUR ego hungry personality! Now YOU endangered this whole ship! YOU!"

The captain went pale.

"I g-g-guess we should o-o-order an evacuation then." said the captain.

"DO YOU FUCKING THINK? I am taking over command of this ship." He turned to the second in command. "Please calmly order all all personel and civilians off this ship, we have a crisis on our hands."

"Yes sir."

The captain was weeping in the corner.

"Leave him," said Krebs and walked out.
The Royal Code
19-10-2008, 02:42
In less than 10 minutes from the time word was passed on by the 1st Batallion, 52nd Air Cavalry Division Commander to higher in Beth (the Royal Capitol), the entire 7th Royal Army was put on high alert/ deployment status. Three hundred twenty thousand men were called, paged, emailed, or otherwise, alerting them of the oncoming deployment. The 7th was the most ready-to-deploy force available at the moment, given their near-dozen pre-mobilizations. This time was for real. The lucky thirteenth alert was the real deal.

Two cavalry divisions, two standard (mixed) infantry divisions, four light-infantry divisions, three heavy infantry divisions, four support and logistics divisions, and one Special Infantry division. Of these sixteen units, the pride of the Royal Army, the 73rd Special Infantry Division, and the 40th, 41st, and 42nd Heavy Infantry Divisions, would be among the first to be placed on the ground.

Within 24 hours, the 35th and 36th Light Infantry Divisions would be air-dropped onto an area where they would establish a perimeter and a forward operating base. In the week to follow, the rest of the 7th Royal Army would arrive by sea en-mass. It was not a vast army of tanks, or a thunderous plot of artillery. It was a tactical infantry-based army. Motorized and Mechanized, but not heavy armored. These brave souls were the very best infantry the Royal Code had to offer. They were fanatical about simply being infantry. They lived, breathed, ate and slept infantry tactics, doctrine, and lifestyle. Their entire world was the art of combat and campaigning.

Not once in the history of the 7th have they ever needed rescue from another allied unit, requested support of any kind, armor, artillery, air power, etc, and had never by their own doing willingly retreated from a pitched battle. This was the perfect army to fight the forces of darkness. The perfect army to liberate stolen territory; territory of men, haunted by the demons of the night.

This was the army to break the night.

ooc: Next post, 7th army arrives en-mass, and the fun begins.
The Shamoin Islands
19-10-2008, 14:45
OOC: Rofl k.

-- IC --

To: The Royal Code, Swaq
From: The Shamoin Islands

The Shamoin Islands is interested, when this is all over, to form a Triparte act. My nation has had a bad history, but we are arising anew. Please consider this.

Also, Once Kazangrov is secured, we need to clear out the island of Lutzov City.

-Aleksandr Vasilii
The Royal Code
20-10-2008, 04:11
In the days that followed the command decision, the Royal Command took a review of the status of the Royal Military.

It was decided after a day of debate to deploy The Rock of the Infantry, the 4th Royal Army. A newly organized collection of units who's history dated back to the Separatist Movement.

The scale of the operation was increased two-fold. It was decided that the 7th Army was not large enough to undertake this huge commitment, thus the 4th was activated.

During the week that passed while the 4th was loaded onto Naval transports, the undead continued to spread and multiply by infecting new areas, spreading their terror across the land...

Two weeks after the Battle of Kazangrov, the Royal Army was ready to strike back. Serving as the new Royal Expeditionary Force, The 'Rock' was ready to strike...


-On the deck of the RNS Classic-

Two men, a career Sergeant Major Kessler, and a newly promoted Captian Sereno, stood against the guard rail observing the undead toddy about on the docks with nowhere to go. They watched as the many thousands of landing craft broke their homing patterns and made full speed for the shoreline.

The undead were fearsome sights. Command had decided not to shell the docks themselves, because it would impede the unloading process of the 4th.

In light of this, the 50th Heavy Infantry Division was selected by higher to be the first one sent ashore. 25,000 men loaded into thousands of amphibious landing craft steamed at full speed for the shoreline. Each soldier was wearing every availible piece of body armor Royal Armament could produce. Helmets, back and torso plates, shoulder cup plates, thigh plates, groin plates, shin guards, rear shin guards, rear thigh guards, underarm guards, forearm guards, and back-of-hand plates. They were modern day knights, except covered in lightweight ceramic disks rather than steel.

The undead sprung to life as they realized live men were before them. Three or four boats came up to the main dock and slowed down, the men opened fire on the undead, toppling them over with their heavy caliber assault rifles.

Along a mile-wide front, the men stormed ashore guns blazing, carving a path into the waterfront town. For the next week, the 4th would unload and set up their new base of operations in this overrun city, which by this nightfall would be secured by the 50th and 57th Heavy Infantry Divisions.

Kessler and Sereno took notes of how the 50th performed as they went ashore. As members of the famed 198th Brigade, Kessler and Sereno were very critical of the quote 'regulars' they were attached to with the 4th Army.
"Took em more than a minute to clear the docks. And look! I think i see a man down up there!" Kessler pointed out. Sereno looked with his binoculars and saw one of the troopers looking down at the deceased, stick his muzzle against the dead man's forehead and squeeze a round off.
"At least they're not idiots." Sereno concluded.
20-10-2008, 17:07
OOC: As I understood from Royal Codes post, it has passed two weeks in the RP since post #48?


To: The Shamoin Islands
From: Swaq

Swaq is interested in this Tripartite pact.

Foreign ministry of Swaq.

-Two weeks ago, command center in the Wildlife Center-

The men were standing in line in front of the general.

"You did good job boys. Here's your paychecks." Williams and gave the soldiers their checks. They all got 1 million Swaqian dollars. "What do you want me to do with the rest of these checks?"

"You can keep them, you greedy bastard." Vinn said.

"I'll do that. You'll get them when we have no need for you anymore. But your job is not done yet. We are taking back the islands. Task Force Armadillo will be moved here, and the 5th Mechanized brigade and 7th Armored brigade will be deployed in Neif. You will go with them.That includes you too Hamilton."

"You can't do that. We had a deal. One mission and we could all go home." Sapanko said.

"I can, and I will. The mission was a rescue mission and you didn't rescue anyone, only lost more."

"We couldn't save anyone because there was no one to save. All your cowardly soldiers couldn't match a few zombies and they died."

The general hit Sapanko with his fist. Sapanko tried to hit back but Hamilton stopped him.

"The deal has been changed. You have two weeks to rest."

-Present day-

The 5th and the 7th brigade were only an hour away from Neif. 7th brigade consisted 1000 tanks and their crew and the 5th had 10,500 men and 1500 APCs with their crew. Soon they would land and a few hours after that they would start advancing.
The Shamoin Islands
21-10-2008, 21:04
To: Swaq
From: The Shamoin Islands

We will keep you posted.
The Royal Code
24-10-2008, 15:35
With the port-city nearly 90% clear, operations of landing troops were fully underway.

The first tank to hit Shamoin soil would be an aging DMG Behemoth III super-heavy battle tank. It sat on the deck of the specially designed Behemoth-Sierra landing craft, ready to roll off the ramp onto the concrete dock, just wide enough to allow the tank to maneuver and drive onto the mainland. The boat was pushed into position by two tugs, and secured with line by the dock hands. The ramp was lowered and also tied down, exposing the nose of the massive war machine behind.

The Royal Beachmaster, Master Chief Petty Officer Rick Bryant, gave the Tank Commander, Staff Sergeant Howard Pray, the hand-signal 'go ahead' to roll off the ramp.

The tank's engine let a plume of grey smoke into the air behind it as the transmission engaged and the engine revved up to start the vehicle moving.

It rolled forward onto the ramp slowly, stopping just before the dock. The Beachmaster examined the dock for any signs of strain, and found none. He motioned for the tank to come on. This time the tank gunned it a lot more than before, and rolled quickly onto the dock, cut 90 degrees right, and prepared to move onto the street leading into town a few yards away.

The Master Chief signaled the tank forward, and so the driver revved up again. But before the tank could move, the dock was caught off guard by a loud cracking, or snapping noise. All movement stopped as everyone listened. Then the entire dock jerked violently, and the concrete collumns on the right side gave way completely, tilting the entire dock to the right. The tank's immense weight only hastened the turn, and it slid sideways into the shallow water, only barely not turning over onto it's turret. With two sets of tracks still on the dock, and the other two, and half the tank under water, the driver acted quickly, and turned his steering tracks to the right, and slowly gave it some gas. The tank managed to climb off the dock, drop into the waterline, and settle out level in the water. Granted it was now sunk 3 or 4 feet into the muck at the bottom, but it was at least not drowned.

Operations had a shaky start, but by the end of that same day, over 50,000 men and machines had been unloaded onto the various other docks, having learned the lesson from the incident before.

Soon enough the senior Royal Command Officers would arrive to take command of their units, and get the largest campaign (and deployment) in Royal Army history underway.
The Royal Code
27-10-2008, 05:32
ooc: *ahem* Shamoin..
27-10-2008, 16:27
-Command Post-

"General Williams. Message coming from Swaq." Radio operator said.

"What is it?"

"Our President has drawn back 7th brigade."

"What? Why?"

"He says that it would be too expensive and this kind of mission does not require armored forces."

"Does he even know what we're doing here?"

"He does."

"What about 5th brigade? Are they still coming?"

"Yes, they have already landed. A chopper was sent to transport Almighty there."



There were hundreds of BMP-2s moving inside the city. Hamilton was talking to Major General Brix who was in charge of the 5th brigade.

"What is your plan?" Hamilton asked.

"We'll wait here until our fuel shipment arrives. It's only few hours away. After that we will start our advance. But for now we are fortifying the perimeter around the city."

Soon the 5th brigade would start their advance and cleanse the island.
The Royal Code
05-11-2008, 22:26
Having taken the time to fully unload the 4th Royal Army, and having secured the port city, the first advance was ready to take place.

On point were the 5th, 8th, and 20th Cavalry Divisions, Along with the 1st and 6th Mobile Infantry Divisions. Over one hundred thousand men in all, staged almost entirely in vehicles. It would be a rapid sweeping advance across the Shamoin countryside on their way back to Kazangrov. Behind them, the rest of the 4th Army would advance at a modest pace to establish securities and supply lines. This was only the first of many big push's to come.

At midnight, aproximately two weeks after the first Royal troopers had hit Shamoin soil, the 4th Army began it's advance. Thousands of vehicles flooded the cool night air with the roar of diesel engines. Two hundred miles of rolling terrain separated the 4th from Kazangrov, and they aimed to have it covered within two days, and be ready to assault the city for the second time by the 4th day of the advance.
The Royal Code
08-11-2008, 05:46
ooc: Shamoin...