NationStates Jolt Archive

MT Rebellion/Civil War Interest, Ideas and Sign Up Thread

07-10-2008, 17:51
My last thread died a slow, somewhat ignoble death, no doubt aided by the fact I took a holiday and several short breaks in quick succession just as things were starting to pick up.

Obviously, I could just have Ret-con'd the happenings there and pretended the rioting had never happened, but where would the fun be in that? Before I do start another thread, however, I decided I'd try to gauge interest in the idea, to avoid having another thread sink to the bottom of the forum lists.

Basically, the events take place about three months after the riots began, and about two months after the last thread died. In an attempt to quell the riots, the police carried out a series of very heavy-handed operations which proved successful, at least in the short term.

About one month prior to the new thread, the violence re-emerged and rapidly escalated from small-scale riots to armed raids to rocket attacks. Whilst the government refuse to call it a civil war, that's probably the idea most people within the nation have, and is evident by the increasing exodus of the population from major urban areas.

Right now, other than a very basic idea as to where I want this to end up, it's all in flux. I've no real idea how much international intervention I want, who I want to play factions within the nation (or even what factions I want) or, most importantly, how much interest my fellow NSer's would show in the idea.

And that's what this thread is far right now, finding out who's interested, what they're interested in, and also getting ideas from people. As I said, it's very flexible as for as how we get from where the thread starts to where I want it to end (which itself isn't 100% set in stone), and am certainly open to people input and ideas as to how they'd want to play it. Once that's sorted, I can start filling in the details.
07-10-2008, 19:00
I would be interested if an international interest is required, though I usually RP on a small scale ie a few individual up to Brigades - Divisions not 10,000 tanks.
I am busy with RL stuff till next Tuesday so cant start until then, but if you want me in I would love to get the Rechburg forces involved. If not no prob and I hope it goes well for you.
07-10-2008, 20:13
I would be interested if an international interest is required, though I usually RP on a small scale ie a few individual up to Brigades - Divisions not 10,000 tanks.
I am busy with RL stuff till next Tuesday so cant start until then, but if you want me in I would love to get the Rechburg forces involved. If not no prob and I hope it goes well for you.

I'd rather not have my nation turned in to a car park for tanks anyway, so a small-scale deployment would be good. Obviously there's still some work to be done on the idea, and I'd planned on starting the thread over the weekend/early next week anyway, so that ties in well with when you're able to join.
Van Luxemburg
07-10-2008, 20:18
I'd take part, like we discussed last time. I still have a half-finished post somewhere that can be reused. I'll be taking somewhat of a background role, though: I'm not sure I can perform on three RP's at the same time.
07-10-2008, 20:29
OOC: I can deploy my navy off your shores once again as I did with your nuke tests. I'm even up for a small scale ground intervention if you wish.
07-10-2008, 20:47
Could my Black Fist anarchist militia have something to do with this?
08-10-2008, 00:23
I'd take part, like we discussed last time. I still have a half-finished post somewhere that can be reused. I'll be taking somewhat of a background role, though: I'm not sure I can perform on three RP's at the same time.

That's fine by me. From what we discussed, you could definitely take a 'part-time' approach to your replies on this one, as you wouldn't exactly be operating on the front lines, so to speak.

OOC: I can deploy my navy off your shores once again as I did with your nuke tests. I'm even up for a small scale ground intervention if you wish.

Your ships are more than welcome to pester my shores once again, although don't expect quite the response you got last time. Shore-based operations would be a possiblity, although we'd have to figure out who'd be there, what their goals were, etc.

Could my Black Fist anarchist militia have something to do with this?

Have you got any more info on those fellows? I'd like to see what they're all about before I give a definite answer either way.
08-10-2008, 00:37
Hey man, i will send some troops to aid your goverment or somthing like that? ground forces, and air force with some ships that have a designated landing zone. All you would have to do is tell me where to send them and what needs to be done to stabilize your nation. If you agree i will need information about your nation.
08-10-2008, 00:58
Hmm, if the rebellion is just a small rebellion then I might be willing to support your nation.
08-10-2008, 02:52
Hey man, i will send some troops to aid your goverment or somthing like that? ground forces, and air force with some ships that have a designated landing zone. All you would have to do is tell me where to send them and what needs to be done to stabilize your nation. If you agree i will need information about your nation.

Hmm, if the rebellion is just a small rebellion then I might be willing to support your nation.

Aid for the current government is fine (and probably expected, after all, not everyone wants to see change within a nation), although you may have to eventually put up with losing the battle, although by that I don't mean being beaten back into the ocean, more having to bow out gracefully as a new group sweeps into power. If you're fine with that, I'm certain we can work out something.

There seems to be a fair bit of interest on all sides, so I'll probably start fleshing out the background a little more, see if I can't give you some more meat on the bones to help figure out if it's something you really want to be a part of.

Obviously, I'm still open for more people to throw their hats in as time goes on, but now I'm going to start building on the basics I laid out
08-10-2008, 03:15
Here is what i can do. I don't really like the idea of withdrawl and i can't openly take part in a war due to alliance agreements and what not. Therefore i will support your rebel factions with mercenary forces, they will help supply small arms, medical aid and various equipment that will aid your war effort. In return i'll want trade agreements and some access to oil and fuel which we can discuss.
Spit break
08-10-2008, 03:18
If permitted I could say send in a special forces team to help train this "resistance" in secret, lead them into battle early on, maybe a victory or two thanks to professional military tactics?
08-10-2008, 03:27
Yeah...^^^ what he said. I'll help.
08-10-2008, 20:38
If permitted I could say send in a special forces team to help train this "resistance" in secret, lead them into battle early on, maybe a victory or two thanks to professional military tactics?

Yeah...^^^ what he said. I'll help.

That could work, certainly, and would certainly help explain how they move from rocket strikes to more organised efforts to disrupt the government.

Right, so here's what I've got right now:

The initial rioting was put down by an incredibly brutal police response. Live rounds, baton charges, even martial law complete with dusk to dawn curfews and tanks on the streets. Whilst not everyone was happy with this, few people believed in their cause enough to actually risk their lives, and those who did decided it would be better to wait for things to cool down and take action then. As soon as the interest dropped and the government interest turned elsewhere, the strikes on government facilities started, then moved to indiscriminate attacks on population centres. These lead to the mass exodus from the nations major cities.

Stockmoor's population is down from around 18 million to less than ten million, Deton had seen two million people leave, and the story is similar across the nation, meaning shanty towns have sprung up in the countryside, and the government is still in control of these places, and there haven't been any major rebellions in these new communities. The policing situation, however, is pretty light. The rural police aren't equipped to deal with such a large influx of people, and as such crime is on the rise, as is vigilantism.

Then you've got the rebels themselves. It's unclear if they are one unified group or a series of unrelated groups. Either way, they're causing trouble by launching armed raids on soft targets and dropping rockets on cities to stir up fear, and it is certainly working, as the above bit about people leaving the cities proves.

Right now, from the responses I've had, it seems there's a fair bit of interest in aiding the rebel forces, along with a couple of nations willing to put boots on the ground for various reasons. I think it's only fair now that I know there's interest in this basic concept to explain in a little more detail what I hope to achieve over the course of the thread.

The overall goal is to shift my nation from what it is now (a fairly liberal state) to a covertly oppressive totalitarian nation (Think Oceania from 1984) complete with its own 'Big Brother' figure. I'm not talking a bloody coup, more a sweeping rise to power over the fallen reputation of the current government. It would be a popular movement that brings them to power, rather than a violent takeover. I know this might change some peoples minds about helping the government forces, but I feel inclined to tell you if you're going to be on the 'losing' side.
08-10-2008, 20:55
That's fine by me. From what we discussed, you could definitely take a 'part-time' approach to your replies on this one, as you wouldn't exactly be operating on the front lines, so to speak.

Your ships are more than welcome to pester my shores once again, although don't expect quite the response you got last time. Shore-based operations would be a possiblity, although we'd have to figure out who'd be there, what their goals were, etc.

Have you got any more info on those fellows? I'd like to see what they're all about before I give a definite answer either way.

The Black Fist siezed power after a BF inspired mob of 4,000 murdered 300 members of the Zansk parliament. Consisting of many different militias, we would not declare war, but send about 60,000 lightly-armed militia to use guerilla warfare.
08-10-2008, 22:16
I'm with Laceenia on the entire Brutal police thing, but we could bring in a third party to take advantage of this to recruit unhappy people into a growing terrorist operation. Who start a rebellion as a cover but they are really slowly converting the people to follow their "God" kinda like a Cult army.
08-10-2008, 22:37
If you do get enough people to do this, then please drop me a TG and some details and I will include it as a regular updated news story in my 'NS happenings' thread "Into the Unknown".
08-10-2008, 23:15
The Black Fist siezed power after a BF inspired mob of 4,000 murdered 300 members of the Zansk parliament. Consisting of many different militias, we would not declare war, but send about 60,000 lightly-armed militia to use guerilla warfare.

Oh, I like those guys. Anyone who can fire up a mob to kill an entire parliament gets my vote. 60,000 might be a tad high though, the entire Laceenian Armed Forces only totals about ten times that across all branches.

I'm with Laceenia on the entire Brutal police thing, but we could bring in a third party to take advantage of this to recruit unhappy people into a growing terrorist operation. Who start a rebellion as a cover but they are really slowly converting the people to follow their "God" kinda like a Cult army.

You've got my interest. Drop me a TG or IM (MSN is on my profile) and we'll discuss this more.

If you do get enough people to do this, then please drop me a TG and some details and I will include it as a regular updated news story in my 'NS happenings' thread "Into the Unknown".

If this ever gets off the ground, I'll be sure to let you know so you can mention it. I'd love to see how you tackle it too.
Spit break
09-10-2008, 03:47
One issue is if we bring in outsiders to train the resistance, how is contact originally made? Should my nation send this team in to spy first and they get involved with the resistance? or does a call go out for help?

Personally I think what I would do is have a small team of 4 or 5 go in to investigate, they get caught up in a crack down and save some members of the resistance and get brought in where it is revealed there outsiders (probably by the fact they would be carrying the same type side arm or other stuff). Then i'd help organize the resistance (or the cell any way) and more precise strikes begin happening.
09-10-2008, 05:13
Well, I am not yet prepared to "lose a war" since I just created my nation. I could not stand the humiliation of losing the first conflict I tried to settle. I do support your government but be warned, I might withdraw from the conflict if the situation takes a turn for the worst.

With that said, I fully support your use of military force to supress the rebellion, but I fear that might not be enough. Try using air raids on rebel sites and propoganda. I cannot provide much at the moment but I have just increased funding for my military and shall be transporting munitions to your nation in a short while.
09-10-2008, 16:42
One issue is if we bring in outsiders to train the resistance, how is contact originally made? Should my nation send this team in to spy first and they get involved with the resistance? or does a call go out for help?

Personally I think what I would do is have a small team of 4 or 5 go in to investigate, they get caught up in a crack down and save some members of the resistance and get brought in where it is revealed there outsiders (probably by the fact they would be carrying the same type side arm or other stuff). Then i'd help organize the resistance (or the cell any way) and more precise strikes begin happening.

We could work together on this one...
09-10-2008, 16:45
okay, so how about 20,000 militia?
09-10-2008, 17:04
if you would like to Hire some Mercenaries from Montana Inc they would be more then willing to fight for you,

as long as the money keeps coming in.

Also I have been looking for a good RP to introduce them in
Spit break
10-10-2008, 00:02
We could work together on this one...

Coordinated efforts? sounds like a plan
10-10-2008, 00:10
Coordinated efforts? sounds like a plan

Awesome, there it is then. :-) Should go rather well.
10-10-2008, 01:13
Spit break/Osteia, if you two fancy working something out between yourselves then getting back to me, that's cool. It seems you both have similar ideas, so that's a good start. Let me know any details you need either here, by TG or by IM.

Kulomasciovia, I've no probs with you being there, then leaving as the government starts to crumble completely. There are lots of reasons a government might give for pulling the boys out while the going is good and not lose (too much) face internationally. Regime change is the driving force behind this idea, and I know not everyone enjoys the prospect of being on the losing side which is why I put it out there in the open. And rest assured, there'll be lots of propaganda from all corners, that's the part of the thread I'm really looking forwards to crafting.

Mokastana, I'm sure we can figure out something. Whilst the current government probably wouldn't use foreign mercs, I'm sure there are people who would. Drop me a TG or IM and we'll work out the details, or we can do it here if you don't mind the public nature of the forums.

Zanski, if you could stagger their deployment, bringing more in as they were needed, that number would work for me. Who knows, you might not need the full 20,000 in the end.

All interested, my MSN is in my profile, and (should) be somewhere to the left of this post. Feel free to add me if you want to discuss your actions away from the public eye. I'm probably going to kick this off with an intro post before the end of the week, so hopefully we'll all have at least a rough idea what we're doing by then.
10-10-2008, 01:36
I was going to send a Battalion of Mercenary commandos. The company is goverment funded and 'Don't exactly exist', the only hint of a name for it ever recorded is section 3. Have a look and tell me if you want them...

Commandos, Section 3:

Section 3 Agent:
10-10-2008, 01:53
it would be a small unit, battalion size unit...

Paramilitary Battalion:
1,000 Paratroopers
100 Ironheart IFVs
100 M8 Ridgeway Armoured Gun System
100 Shepard Air Defense Ironhearts
5 Iron Heart Command post
50 Iron Heart Ambulances
50 Stormdrake Mortars, Ironheart

the cost is $5,000 per soldier, at $200 per day.

This Battalion would be $5 million dollars to deploy and cost $200,000 to support each day.

These prices are negotiable but must for reasonable reasons.
Spit break
10-10-2008, 15:10
Simply put I'm sending in a "Ghost" unit, 9th squadron of the Order of the Zodiac tis squadron is code named "Black Knights". All OotZ are the best of the best, hand selected by the His excellency the chairman of Spit Break and there are only 15 teams in the nation, each a 5 man team. They'll infiltrate the counter and blend in, and then make a dramatic and highly viable entrance into the scene, through the spread of word about these "Black Knights" I'll make contact with Osteia and go from there.
15-10-2008, 20:23
This must be dead?
15-10-2008, 20:52
i guess so....
15-10-2008, 21:00
Ack! I have one busy weekend and people start assuming everythings dead! That'll teach me to think the outdoors is worthwhile ;) (actually, it did nothing but rain anyway...)

So anyway, this isn't dead, I've just felt dead these last two days and have let my internet use slip. I has to click back four pages on LJ just to find the last post I'd read :p

So, um yes. The thread lives, I've been polishing the opening post and it's about ready to be set loose on those poor electrons that run the internet. I'll update here as soon as it is. I'm pretty happy with the crowd I've got here, we'll see how many I can carry over into the IC thread when I up it shortly.
15-10-2008, 21:57
Everyone who's put their names in the ring so far is in, the IC thread is here. (
15-10-2008, 22:22
Thats awesome! Lol... well im here and good to go. I'll be posting Section 3's arrival in your nation.
15-10-2008, 23:29
Montana Security forces will arrive soon to secure businesses in the area and to 'assist" in the security
17-10-2008, 14:30
change of plan. I will send 20,000 ethnic Zansk volunteers to help the rebels, and may officially join the war later. But I will RP the volunteers.
Spit break
17-10-2008, 23:06
opening post in the works now, ill be in your country shortly