NationStates Jolt Archive

All About The Ryou Black Islands for Tourists

The Ryou Black Islands
21-09-2008, 21:39
The Ryou Black Islands.........a Great Nation unlike any other.

Many people may think of The Islands as a Barbarian Nation, one that kills people, hates western styles, out to conquer the world. But this is a Lie by nations that are against The Ryouese people and culture, nations so raceist, so evil, so barbaric, even their own people want to leave them.

What they don't want you to see it was The Islands are Really like, who the people are, what sights to see, what the Islands are about.

To start off, The Islands are in The Region of Xanadou, near The Pacific Ocean. Because of it's strategic positon it feeds off of both the cold waters of the Atlantic and Arctic, as well as the warm waters of the South Pacific thus giving a wide vareity of climate, Xanadou is a Climate wonderland. The Ryou Black Islands are close to the South Pacific and is like a Caribbean island.

Tropical climate, The Ryouese are warm year around, in the Dry Season, the Temp is around 80 to 90 Degrees. The Wet Season, which lasts from March First to January First, The Temps go don a bit in day to 70. At Night, it can go down to 60, some times going down to 39 Degrees in some areas in The Wet Season.

But that doesn't stop Ryouese people from swimming. Being in a Small Part of The Xanadou Ocean, known as the Ryouese Sea, The Ryouese live by The water. Their Way of Life is on The Sea and The Sea Alone, Fishing and Tradeing on it.

The Beaches are good, even in the wet Season, Beach goers can swim in the Ryouese sea, Play Vollyball on the Beach or other things. Some Coves are open for Nude Swimmers or those that want to be alone with their lovers for Sex.

Being Tropical, The Ryou Black Islands have Rainforests, Large ones with many animals live. Near these Rainforests are The Sea-water Swamps, rich in life.

More to come
Cersonesoc Coralliov
21-09-2008, 21:51
We of the Kingdom of Cersonesoc Coralliov really finds your nation to be a wonderful tourist destination for everyone and will begin sending ships for both commercial trading and tourism to your island in the region of Xanadou. Any other questions can be worked out diplomatically.
Red Tide2
21-09-2008, 21:55
IC: When the brochure was given the inspection from the Intelligence Commissariat, the Commissar scratched his head in question and then said: "It needs a few adjustments for accuracies sake..."

Below is the entirety of the pamphlet that was released, with word changes/add-ons highlighted in bold.

The Ryou Black Islands.........a evil Nation unlike any other.

Many people may think of The Islands as a Barbarian Nation, one that kills people, hates all styles, out to conquer the world. These people would be 100% correct.
The Ryou Black Islands
21-09-2008, 21:56
We of the Kingdom of Cersonesoc Coralliov really finds your nation to be a wonderful tourist destination for everyone and will begin sending ships for both commercial trading and tourism to your island in the region of Xanadou. Any other questions can be worked out diplomatically.

To Kingdom of Carsonesoc:

It is Islands not one Island but ISLANDS
The Beatus
21-09-2008, 22:01

To the Ryou Black Islands,

We have reviewed your brochure, and before we decide whether or not to include it in our over 95 thousand travel agencies world wide, we have one thing that we believe needs to be changed, the brochure, mainly the pictures, but the entire thing overall, seems to be geared towards males. This is not a good choice, as our demographics have shown, that 5 times out of six, it is the woman that plans the vacation, when done as a couple, and that single woman are 6 times as likely to vacation with their single woman friends, looking for a good time, than single men, and their friends are. Basically, what we are saying, is you need more pictures, and things that appeal to women, such as, now this is just an idea, single men playing volleyball, or some such thing. If you work this out, we could provide a big boost for your tourism business.

Howard Tate,
V.P. in Charge of Brochure Selection
Exotic Travel
Cersonesoc Coralliov
21-09-2008, 22:11
To Kingdom of Carsonesoc:

It is Islands not one Island but ISLANDS

We don't take kindly to such rudeness of being back sassed. This leaves us to reconsider our options with you.

That is all,
Chara Floros
Administrator of External Relations
(Διοικητής των εξωτερικών σχέσεων)
21-09-2008, 22:48

DoSA is interested in flying to Ryou, what are the laws like, what are the main draws (other then anime girls) how many flights are you interested in soliciting from a single airline.
The Ryou Black Islands
22-09-2008, 00:22
Many people think of the Ryouese as monsters, genocideal people that want to destroy Western Civilization.

They are wrong.

The Ryouese are more of a Warrior People, Honorble, proud and great. The Ryouese first came to Xanadou from outside around 1000 AD, their Origin is unknown, so is their Oringinal Homelands. Some thing that Golgothia was the origin of the Ryouese, others think Haven. a few point to South East Asia or Japan. one person even thought that the Ryouese were from Atlantis or Pacifica (He was laughed at for that idea).

Where ever The Ryouese Came from, they were more war-like then today. Attacking Ships in the Pacific, raiding Islands for women and young boys. the ryouese were a whole Civilization of Pirate-Warriors.

Then they entered Xanadou and made a bee line for one area..........


Invadeing Hataria, they faced Horse-rideing Nomadic peoples well armed and very deadly, but divided into Tribes.

In Short: the Perfect target for a Invader like The Ryouese, who was ruled by one ruler and many Cheifs. Takeing The Coast, the Ryouese were the founders of The Hatarian Empire, Conquering the Nomadic tribes.

When The Hatarian Empire ended, The ryouese soon left and headed for what are now The Ryou Black Islands.

The Ryouese
a Ryouese Priestess of The Rainforest

The Ryouese are the main people of The Islands, they are Oriental in looks, and ways. They are very good looking, Females very shapely and Beautiful while the males are hasome.

The reason for this goes back to the Ryouese Invasions of Polynesia. stealing young girls and boys from their Islands, the Ryouese males and females soon took those they captured to a Island near Xanadou. Polynesian Warriors, chaseing down the kidnappers soon heard The Screams of many people. Thinking it was Ghosts, the warriors rowed back in fear.

But The Truth was the Screams were of the young boys and Women being raped in a Orgy buy Ryouese Warriors of the same ages (Ancent Ryouese Warriors were of both sexes). Soon, the Ryouese women were with child, along with the Captured Polynesian women.

The Ryouese speek Ryouese, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Spanish, Portugese and Italian. their hair can be many colors. They have larger eyes then most and hae a lighter color.

They are still War-like, proud of their warrior past and good Sailors.

The Syanipan Arabs

Syanipan Woman, Pirate and Lady

When the Ryouese came to the Black Islands, they found it already had people on it.

The Syanipan Arabs were from Islamic Spain, driven out of Spain by The Spanish in 1492. Named for their City of Al-Syani, they are a Mysterious people. Their religion is Islam.

They are well known for The Coral Mosque, a Large Mosque in Al-Syani


Italians, Spanish and Portugese from Europe come here for the Tropical Sun or for jobs in Shai, The Capital of The Ryou Black Islands.


a Group of people in The Ryouese Comoros

Coming from the Comoros Islands, Africans live on The Islands also. being Citiziens of The Ryouese Empire, they have more rights then other Africans around the world

the Nekos and Kitsune

Kitsune Priestess

the Nekos and the Kitsune are Human-Animal Hybrids common in Xanadou. The Nekos or Cat people are human-like beings with Cat ears and Tail. They are mainly peaceful, but can be deadly if threated.

The Kitsune or Fox Demon have Fox ears and a tail, with Crimson Hair for both sexes. They are not Demons (At lest they claim they aren't) they are well known Trickters.

More later
The Ryou Black Islands
22-09-2008, 00:48

Read that
New Kereptica
22-09-2008, 01:24

leave the Thread now!

As OP, I have a right to kick you out of the Thread.

OP? What is this? 4chan?

Other then that, I like the history. Especially the care taken in describing the specific ethnicities.
22-09-2008, 02:07

OOC: Yes, but there has been a Hataria. As far as I understand, Ryou is free to claim his people have a Hatarian origin (which he's doing). I don't think the ruling was that Hataria never existed, merely that it ceased to exist at some point. Otherwise all of us who interacted with RBI's old nation would have to retcon patches of our history.
The Beatus
22-09-2008, 02:18

To the Ryou Black Islands,

You still seemed to have missed the point, woman are a much better advertising target for the tourism business, specifically straight women. Your advertising is clearly targeting either men, or lesbian woman. These are poor choices, as they are a small audience in the travel business, and mainly for business travel. Now, if you gear this more towards single lonely women, you want to put attractive men in your brochures, I guarantee you it will double if not triple your tourism revenues. Again, this is just a suggestion, and if you take it, we will place your brochure in a prominent position on your racks, in our many agencies across the world.

Howard Tate,
V.P. in Charge of Brochure Selection
Exotic Travel
22-09-2008, 02:26
Message from the White House

As of 4:24 AM this morning, on the 5th day of a continuous party, President Kazansky signed an Executive Order extending a visa-free travel status to all Ryouese citizens willing to travel to Allanea, providing Ryou is willing to reciprocate.
Third Spanish States
22-09-2008, 02:39

Fallout Tour: Where you never run out of glass for your beer

Fallout Tour would like to establish a NBC-shielded airline to The Ryou Black Islands for our niche of nihilist and post-nuclear retro enthusiast tourists.
22-09-2008, 03:07
We are willing to run a weekly DoSA flight between Ryou and Sarros International Sarrowquand, if approved we will be using an A340-200. Assuming all the seats are filled every week this will add 13,572 tourists to your head count annualy. If the situation remains stable in Ryou and our relationship deepens this will increase.
25-09-2008, 17:02
Kurona is preparing to run more ships into Ryou's ports for tourist and business.
25-09-2008, 17:09
Reported for inappropriate content.
26-09-2008, 00:39
Reported for flaming and spam (
26-09-2008, 16:21
Many AHSCA islanders will be sure to have a great vacation time in the lovely Ryou Black Islands. As such we hope the good people of Ryou will also visit our islands.