NationStates Jolt Archive

The Anathonian Res Publica (400 B.C. Factbook)

The World Soviet Party
14-09-2008, 03:45
The Anathonian Res Publica

Short Name: Anathonia
State Religion: Greek Pantheon
Government: Republic
City colours: Red, White and Gold
Demonym: Anathonian

Official language: Ancient Greek (with a mix of Anathonian)

Population: 200,000
Currency: 1 Tonia = 10 Tonii
Trade Goods: Timber, grain, art, books
Location: Anathonia (black) (


(All dates are referred to in modern terms)

According to Anathonian historians, the earliest written records, dating back to the early 6th century, tell us that the city-state of Anathonia was founded by the merging of several minor groups circa 563 BCE.

According to the texts, before the rise of Anathonia, the whole area had been a mash-up of warring factions, fighting for dominance over the lands. They also seem to indicate that several of the major tribes had achieved several important discoveries related to sea-faring and iron-working, this enabled them to quickly establish their dominance over their more primitive neighbors.

The next decades are and will remain a mistery, as all documents were lost during the great fire that consumed the city around the year 497 BCE, it's assumed that eventually, one of the warring kingdoms managed to obtain the upper hand on their foes and founded the Kingdom of Anathonia.

The Kings and Queens of the Ellyse dinasty ruled for a comparatively short period, which was marked by droughts, storms, plagues and even internal strife, as the religious leaders of the city accused the monarchs of being cursed by the Gods for their blasphemies, indeed, the first Ellysean King had declared publicly that he feared not the Gods above and that he would live by his own rules, he subsequently died of a mysterious illness amidst great pain.

Finally, the people rose against the monarchy and led a bloody revolution which took down the established order, replacing it with a working republic, devised by the revered Anathonian philosopher, Aristocrates who, in his book titled "Of Politics and Men", carefully described how a perfect society in which men live in harmony and equality, should be organized.

Thus, the Anathonian Res Publica was born in the year 463 BCE.


The Anathonian society possesses four distinct strata, citizens, foreigners, freed slaves and slaves.

The requisites for being a citizen are quite simple, one must have been born in Anathonia. However, there are different classifications depending on the sex of the person in question, as well as the rights entitled to said person. A female citizen shares most of his male counterpart's rights, except the right to serve in the city's defense force and the right to elect their leaders, which are reserved for men of the age of eighteen (18) or above.
Common rights include the right to a fair trial, freedom of religion (albeit missionary work is banned and punishable with exile or death), freedom of trade and travel inside the lands of the Res Publica).

Foreigners, both visiting Anathonia or residing in it, must petition the city's council of trade for a trade permit, and they are required by law to register themselves as soon as they enter the city proper, they do not possess the right to a fair trial or the right to travel freely, as they have to announce themselves to the local authorities of each township they pass.

Slaves are the lowest position in the Anathonian social pyramid, they can be sold and bought in public or private markets, they have absolutely no rights (except for that of religion) and they can't choose their leaders and owners. However, citizens and foreigners alike are held accountable for their slave's misdeeds, often being required to pay a fine or, if necessary, execute the slave in question, this does not entitle citizens to be cruel to their social underlings and there have been cases in which slaves have been freed after proving that they have, indeed, been tortured by their masters.
Furthermore, slaves are allowed to serve in the Armed Forces, as long as they provide a document written and signed by their owners allowing them to do so, even then, this is only valid in times of great crisis and can only be sanctioned by the city council.

As explained earlier, a slave can win his or her freedom by serving in the Armed Forces, or as a reward by his master. However, as foreigners, they must register themselves in the city council and they are not considered full citizens even though they enjoy some rights.
Should a freed slave marry a slave, then he or she will become a slave again, freed slaves are also prohibited to marry a citizen unless the slave in question is a woman and his husband-to-be can prove that he is really in love with her in a court of law.

Quick Reference


The military of Anathonia possesses two branches, the Army and the Navy. The total effectives of the Anathonian Armed Forces is around 30,000 on land and some 5,000 on sea (not counting slaves and counting fresh crews on land).


The Anathonian army is composed, in it's majority, of heavy infantry (hoplites). Only full citizens may serve in this elite corps and law obliges them to endure one full month of training per year after completing their first year of military service upon turning eighteen. Therefore, this is the most respected and professional corps of the army, allowing the Res Publica to be able to count with a large number of veteran troops in times of crisis, without having to resort to conscription.
Hoplites are mostly equipped with either iron or bronze breastplates, depending on the wealth of the citizen, who must procure his own armour and weapons, they also carry large, round wooden shields again, covered with iron or broze. The standard helmet follows the corinthian ( model and to complete the set, a good pair of greaves. It is common practice for soldiers to engrave their personal or family markings on their armour.
As far as armament goes, hoplites carry the typical Anathonian long spear, called "Pilae" (however, some sources cite that commanders in the army have been pushing for the introduction of an even longer pike to take the place of the Pilae) and a short, double-edged sword although it's not uncommon for a given trooper to utilize an even shorter sword, designed for stabbing instead of cutting.
Tactically speaking, the Hoplites utilize the battle-tested formation of the Phalanx, in which the soldiers form a square or rectangular block of infantry and move together towards the enemy as a hammer ready to crush the enemy against an anvil (this will be explained later).

The rest of the army is composed of a mix of light infantry, formed by both poor citizens and slaves trying to earn their freedom. They wear lighter or no armour at all, and are armed with bows, javelins or short swords. Their objective in the field of battle is to wear down and cause disarray on enemy formations before the main force of hoplites advances, thus making it easier to rout the enemy.
The Anathonians also use both light and heavy cavalry, albeit none is standardized. Cavalrymen are often armed with swords, spears or axes, again, depending on the citizen in question. Their goal is to flank the enemy and serve as the proverbial anvil against which the hoplite hammer smashes their enemies.


On the other side, the Anathonian navy is, like all ancient navies, composed of warships, of both the bireme and trireme type, manned by a small core of elite naval infantry (which are, in fact, lightly armed hoplites) and large numbers of slaves operating the oars.
While Anathonia is considered, at least, a force to be reckoned with on the land, this is not so on the sea, as it's navy is small and, according to some, severely underfunded. However, this underestimation of the Anathonian naval prowess has led to many a defeats for it's enemies and pirates that roam the seas, mainly due to the fact that the crews and captains are highly trained, taking years to obtain a command, and that, during the last decades, Anathonia has carried an almost continuous campaign against piracy, thus leading to a level of professionalism unimaginable and unmatched by it's foes.

Military Numbers

Military Units

Hoplites (
As explained before, the Hoplites are the main, biggest and most important component of the Anathonian Army. He belongs to the citizen class and trains for war a given number of days per year, making him a professional, yet socially-profitable soldier.

Peltasts ( and Archers (
Peltasts and archers represent the light support units of the Anathonian armies, they are lightly armed and, more often than not, carry no armour at all. This allows them to move quickly through the battlefield and harass enemy armies also giving them enough mobility to quickly escape.

Heavy Cavalry (
Anathonian heavy cavalrymen are few, but proud to be so. Rich citizens, able to afford horses, ornate armour and weapons compete amongst each other in order to be able to join this elite corps, which stands above all others due to it's valiant charges and bold moves that have often turned battles around.
15-09-2008, 23:09
A messenger rode towards the city of Anathonia. The city was classic Greek style, something he could relate too – he was of Greek decent. It was a very impressive city – nowhere near as beautiful as Ahura Mazdan. But then nothing was. It’s walls of stone where built elegantly, and from his vantage point he could see temples and palaces in the city. So similar to home. He rode towards the main gates, expecting to be challenged by the guards at any time.