NationStates Jolt Archive

Emperor Julius II passes away, an Empire mourns (Closed, ATTN ppl who signed up)

Pro Patria Puritania
10-09-2008, 19:17
The preparations for Emperor Julius II's funeral had been going on for several weeks, and the preparations for the coronation of the Emprie's first Empress in its entire 1000 year history. The Grand Marshal, Gerhard Repke, had also ordered the biggest military parade in history to be organized for the coronation.

At the Julius Heide International Airport everything was ready for the guests. The Princess wasn't there personally, but the Grand Marshal had arranged one of the Praetorian Guard's generals to receive the guests. The general was his son, recently graduated from the military academy.

His aide, a woman in her early 20's, was giving last minute instructions. She spoke to the general. "Sir, we're ready. Everything that's missing are our guests."
10-09-2008, 20:23
"Five minutes to landing, mylord."
"Thank you, lieutenant. Return to your duties." Dietrich Antonn leaned back into his seat and sipped his drink. Flying in the Airbus A380, one of the five used for official state visits, was a comfortable means of travel, that he couldn't deny. He looked out of the window. The aircraft had begun to descend, and he thought he could see people moving down there. So this was Pro Patria Puritania, a country which had once fought against his father's forces. And now he was going to the funeral of the man who had ordered the attack. The word was a strange place indeed. He felt a slight bump as the airplane landed. He waited to it fully stopped, then stood up and handed the glass to a stewardess. Time to make my entrance on the world scene, he though with a wry smile. He stopped in front of a mirror and looked at his reflection. A young man in his twenties with black, curly hair, grey eyes and a athletic body stared back at him. A black dress uniform and a small silver crown completed the picture. Perfect. Now I only have to hope I don't trip on the stairway. He took a deep breath, and as the doors opened before him, he walked out of the plane, smiling to the waiting welcoming committee.
Pro Patria Puritania
10-09-2008, 21:23
The general walked up to Dietrich Antonn. "Your majesty, I am General Sepp Repke. It's a pleasure to meet you. Welcome to Pro Patria Puritania."
11-09-2008, 16:29
The prince nodded. "Thank you, general. It is an honour to be here." He looked around. "The other delegates haven't arrived yet, I presume?"
11-09-2008, 17:09
OOC: IC post later today.
Pro Patria Puritania
11-09-2008, 17:32
The prince nodded. "Thank you, general. It is an honour to be here." He looked around. "The other delegates haven't arrived yet, I presume?"

"No they have not, but it was to be excpected that everyone wouldn't arrive at the same time. Your transportation to the hotel has been arranged, unless you want to meet the Princess first." He took the prince to a limo, which had several military vehicles to escort the guest. "So, what'll it be?"
11-09-2008, 19:57
The prince thought about it for a couple of seconds. "Take me to the Princess", he said. "I'll go to the hotel once I've paid her my respects."
Pro Patria Puritania
11-09-2008, 22:56
The prince thought about it for a couple of seconds. "Take me to the Princess", he said. "I'll go to the hotel once I've paid her my respects."

"Very well." Sepp ordered the driver to take the prince to the Imperial Palace. After a 30 minute drive, they arrived. The guards at the gates took a quick look inside the car and gave the permission to go on the palace grounds. In the palace, the prince was directed to the top floor and into the Princess' quarters. She smiled at the prince. "You must be Crown Prince Dietrich Antonn." She curtsied. "I'm Princess Dora."
11-09-2008, 23:20
OOC: Puritania, is Dora's Ixanian husband with her in her quarters? Just making sure.
11-09-2008, 23:48
Prince Floran looked at himself in a mirror to see himself with his combed hair and dressed in a funeral tuxedo that he never wore unless he had to see someone being laid to rest. He made sure that he looked presentable because he did not want to make himself look like some ragged fool because he was soon to become the Emperor Consort of Puritania and because he didn't want to make people think less of him. Once he was finished with his routine, Floran walked through the halls of the Palace till he noticed Dora talking to what looked like one of the guests. With a smile, he walked inside and greeted Dora with a small kiss before turning to look at her guest with a smile and a firm handshake. "I overheard heard that you were the Crown Prince of Zaheran and I must say that it is a pleasure to meet you. You must be here for the funeral. Tell was your flight?"


Svetlana Sturmer had been to plenty of funerals during her life including that of the Empress' father when he finally let go of his life after a long period of bitter struggle but this was the first time she would attend the funeral of a foreign monarch although it was really nothing more than a time to reflect upon a dead man's life in her eyes because funerals were funerals no matter who was being remembered. She woke up after a long period of sleep to see the sun rise over the Puritanian landscape and she smiled as she took the chance to look out the window before a flight attendant came to tell her it wouldn't be long before they landed. Svetlana freshened up for a while and then gathered her things before feeling the plane gently land upon the runway of the airport. Once it fully landed, Svetlana Sturmer walked out of the plane and noticed the reception party was already there. She rooted herself in the ground so she could be given her welcome from the Puritanians.
Pro Patria Puritania
12-09-2008, 14:18
The general wasn' pleased about Sturmer's arrival, he would have expected a civilian to show more respect to a man in his position. Slightly irritaded, he walked up to her. "You are Svetlana Sturmer if I'm not mistaken. Welcome to Pro Patria Puritania."
12-09-2008, 20:44
The prince bowed to the royal couple before shaking the offered hand. "Princess Dora, it a true pleasure to meet you. Please accept mine and my father's condolences. Your father was a great man, widely respected in the Zaheranian Empire. His death is a hard blow to the entire world." He bowed again, then turned to the prince consort. "Prince Floran, I presume? A pleasure to meet you too. Yes, I'm here for the funeral and the coronation of the new Empress. My flight was very comfortable. My motherland takes good care of it representatives."
Pro Patria Puritania
14-09-2008, 11:12
"Likewise... I always thought your people hated him for his actions during your civil war and during that incident in Wulfenstein." A maid came into the room and set a table for three. "Would you care for something to eat?"
14-09-2008, 12:02
"Yes, please. Well, the people might have hated him, but they are only people and don't know better. We nobles have a wider 'field of vision', so to say. The Wulfenstein incident wasn't really your fault, and the Civil War...yes, some people might have died, but at least you helped rid us of the communists. Our nations have no reason to be enemies. We are so alike, really, both culturally and politically. Our real enemies are those that try to spread communism or democracy at any cost. We should fight them, not each other."
Pro Patria Puritania
14-09-2008, 23:05
"Yes, well, I suppose the only real differences are religion and slavery." The maid filled everyone's glass with wine, curtsied and left the room. "My father hated Communism even more than democracy. That is why he didn't help your pre-civil war goverment, he only gave them a few thousand tanks.. Outdated if I'm not mistaken."
15-09-2008, 04:18
The prince bowed to the royal couple before shaking the offered hand. "Princess Dora, it a true pleasure to meet you. Please accept mine and my father's condolences. Your father was a great man, widely respected in the Zaheranian Empire. His death is a hard blow to the entire world." He bowed again, then turned to the prince consort. "Prince Floran, I presume? A pleasure to meet you too. Yes, I'm here for the funeral and the coronation of the new Empress. My flight was very comfortable. My motherland takes good care of it representatives."

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Your Highness. I must say that it is a very saddening day to have to mourn an amiable man like Dora's father; he certainly was a trustworthy man and a wise ruler who loved his people. I must say that it is nice to see you here. I am sure that seeing at least one guest makes my wife smile as she sees one person, at least, care. Why don't you tell me about yourself? I'm interested in making new friends."
15-09-2008, 16:21
The prince raised the glass to his lips and took a thoughtful sip. "A good vintage. Yes, that may be the difference between us. A true Zaheranian would never accept to be a slave. That's part of the reason we decided to get rid of the republicans, actually. You're not mistaken about the tanks, by the way. The only thing they were useful for was target practise. For our men." He laughted and turned to Florian. "Thank you. Not much to be said, really. What you see is what you get, as we say. My name is, as you may know, Dietrich Antonn. I'm Crown Prince of Zaheran, Heir to the Imperial Throne and a lot of other fancy titles. And you?"
Pro Patria Puritania
17-09-2008, 17:27
ooc: I won't be posting in a few days.. I managed to get sick.
Pro Patria Puritania
19-09-2008, 20:50
After everyone had finished their lunch, Dora got up and lit a cigarette. "You must be tired from your trip. Someone will take you back to your limo and to the hotel, unless you still have something to ask."
19-09-2008, 22:34
"I think I have already taken up to much of your time, Princess Dora. Thank you for your time." He bowed to the royal couple. "A pleasure meeting you both."
19-09-2008, 22:37
The prince raised the glass to his lips and took a thoughtful sip. "A good vintage. Yes, that may be the difference between us. A true Zaheranian would never accept to be a slave. That's part of the reason we decided to get rid of the republicans, actually. You're not mistaken about the tanks, by the way. The only thing they were useful for was target practise. For our men." He laughted and turned to Florian. "Thank you. Not much to be said, really. What you see is what you get, as we say. My name is, as you may know, Dietrich Antonn. I'm Crown Prince of Zaheran, Heir to the Imperial Throne and a lot of other fancy titles. And you?"

OOC: Damned be me for my lateness!

"I am Prince Florian of Ixania, the humble consort of Puritania's soon to be Empress. I must say it's nice to meet you, Dietrich. I hope you will not mind if we do not rely upon our titles when addressing one another but rather just stick to a first name basis. You may just call me Florian. I would not mind if you took your leave; although I wouldn't mind having you around for a longer time as well."
19-09-2008, 23:33
7:13 PM, Unnamed Volksluft Plane
Pro Patria Puritania Airspace

Prince Ostermann tapped his fingers on the armrest nervously, checking his watch for the third time in as many minutes. His flight had been delayed by heavy snowstorms leaving Hauptstadt and he hated being late to such an event. The Ostermann family was descended from the last kings of Leistung, and although they held no administrative power at all, they were still symbols for the people and were the first ones to volunteer when dealing with foreign monarchies.

Ostermann's Federal escorts sat next to him, barely containing their boredom. There were five of them, a Deputy Foreign Minister and four members of the Federal Protection Agency, dressed in suits, ties, and sunglasses. Each and every one would rather have been shot that accompany one of the Royal Family members to anything, let alone an overnight event in a foreign country, yet duty required it for each of them.

The SL-12 Jetliner set down on the tarmac with a hiss and the delegation quickly filed into a limo, setting off.

OOC: Sorry for my lateness, I completely forgot I was invited to this...About Prince Ostermann, he's 26, heir to the throne (non-official), non-married, and extremely excited to be at any foreign event, unlike his Federal escorts.
22-09-2008, 16:12
OOC: Damned be me for my lateness!

"I am Prince Florian of Ixania, the humble consort of Puritania's soon to be Empress. I must say it's nice to meet you, Dietrich. I hope you will not mind if we do not rely upon our titles when addressing one another but rather just stick to a first name basis. You may just call me Florian. I would not mind if you took your leave; although I wouldn't mind having you around for a longer time as well."

"I don't mind, Florian. I would be delighted to speak some more with you two, but I'm feeling quite tired. It's been a long journey. I will be at the funeral and Her Highness's coronation, so we will probably meet there. Maybe we can speak more then."
Pro Patria Puritania
22-09-2008, 21:23
The same limo took Prince Dietrich to the hotel, where he was escorted to the top floor, filled with guards. An aide came up to him. "Your Highness, I hope the room is satisfactory. Should you need anything, feel free to use the room service, all costs are covered by the national treasury."

Prince Ostermann was taken to the same hotel, only not the top floor. He too was approached by an aide, who asked him the same question.
22-09-2008, 23:26
Ostermann smirked. "Why yes, actually, there are a few things I require..." His Federal escort's eyes opened wider and from behind Ostermann he shook his head violently from side to side, arms crossing as if to say, "God no." He stepped in front of the Prince and shook the aide's hand.

"No, we have everything we need here," he said, rolling his eyes. Ostermann's face fell. "We'll be staying for the funeral and coronation, so if you require anything of us, don't hesitate to ask."
Pro Patria Puritania
23-09-2008, 21:07
ooc: Waiting for Ixania's post, his representative is still at the airport.
Pro Patria Puritania
26-09-2008, 11:13
Pro Patria Puritania
01-10-2008, 11:44
ooc: Meh, screw Ixania's guy.

The following morning, the guests were woken up and served breakfast. After they'd finished eating, they were escorted to their limos. The limos were, as was customary, escorted by a platoon of the Praetorian Guard, the Empire's elite forces. The streets were filled with people who wanted to watch the funeral on the huge screens that had been set up throughout the city.

The guests were received, along with the Puritanian aristocrats, by the High Priestess of Apophis, who would be conducting the ceremony. She came to greet Prince Dietrich and Ostermann. "It's a pleasure to meet you, even during these diffucult and sorrowful times."
01-10-2008, 16:03
"An honour to meet you, High Priestess." The prince bowed courteously. "These are indeed times of sorrow and difficulty. Julius II was a great man and his death was a hard blow to the entire world. Alas, it might never again be the same."
01-10-2008, 16:09
The general wasn' pleased about Sturmer's arrival, he would have expected a civilian to show more respect to a man in his position. Slightly irritaded, he walked up to her. "You are Svetlana Sturmer if I'm not mistaken. Welcome to Pro Patria Puritania."

OOC: I was sure I had responded to this....oh well, here's my response.

"You are correct, general. I'm Svetlana Sturmer, a diplomat of the Ixanian Empire. The Foreign Minister was unable to make an appearance here due to other pressing matters but I was sent to represent our nation in this dreadful time. I'm sorry about the horrible tragedy that has occured and I'm sorry for your loss. The Empress of Ixania hopes that Her Highness, the Princess Dora, has a prosperous and successful reign."
Pro Patria Puritania
05-10-2008, 15:00
Bump for Leistung.
05-10-2008, 16:59
She came to greet Prince Dietrich and Ostermann. "It's a pleasure to meet you, even during these diffucult and sorrowful times."

Ostermann bowed, kissing the High Priestess' hand. "A pleasure indeed." His Federal escorts rolled their eyes, while the Deputy Foreign Minister brought his hand up to face, exasperated. While the Prince and High Priestess minced words, the Federal Agents took a look around, shaking the hands of the aristocrats scattered around the immediate area.

OOC: sorry, I never know what to write about these things...
Pro Patria Puritania
06-10-2008, 08:08
ooc: np.
Sturmer's room was, as requested by General Sepp Repke, a small one with no minibar nor a tv. The next morning, she was also taken to the temple.

The ceremony started with the most decorated generals carrying the Emperor's coffin to the altar. The High Priestess said a few words about his reign and about how his soul would go to his ancestors, to eternal paradise. She also mentioned the civil war the nation's Christians had started and were inevitably defeated by the loyalists.

After everyone who wanted to say something had their chance, a priest brought a torch, which he gave to the High Priestess. The Emperor's coffing was set on fire, which was supposed to release his soul from his body. The room was filled with the stench (sp?) of burning flesh, but no one seemed disturbed by it. After the coffin and the corpse in it had been turned to ashes, she collected it into an urn, which was placed in front of a huge obsidian statue of Apophis.

After the ceremony was over, the guests were directed to another room with long tables. The soon-to-be Empress sat down at a table at the furthest wall from the entrance, after which everyone else was allowed to sit. Food was served along with alcoholic drinks. The aristocrats were quite curious about the guests, some even started conversations with them.

An aristocrat, Baron Heinz von Barring, who sat at the 'best' table along with the soon-to-be Empress and the foreign guests, started a conversation with Prince Dietrich. "I'm Baron von Barring, and you must be Prince Dietrich from Zaheran. Am I right?"
06-10-2008, 20:19
The funeral ceremony had reminded Dietrich of the rites carried out by some parts of the Church of Oceanus, even if the later mostly had the bodies burned outside, often on a raft floating on an ocean or lake. Still, it had reminded him of home, especially the smell. The stench of burned flesh was not anything you forgot easily.

Now sitting at the table, he raised his glass in greeting to the nobleman, smiling politely. "That is correct, baron. What can i help you with?"
Pro Patria Puritania
07-10-2008, 19:28
"Well, how are things in Zaheran? The last news we heard back here was about the little... 'incident' in Wulfenstein."
07-10-2008, 19:43
"Getting better. We hunted down those AHC bastards after the 'incident', so hopefully they won't be a problem for a time ahead. We still have the occasional car bombing and such, but on the whole, terrorist activity has decreased significantly. And how about you? You don't have any problems with terrorists?"
Pro Patria Puritania
07-10-2008, 19:57
"Well, some problems, yes... But with the vast majority of Christians in slavery, it's not a big problem. Tehcinally we're still at civil war after reclaiming our lands to the east, and that scum is still fighting back."
07-10-2008, 21:14
"Well, that might be a way to deal with Christian fundamentalists", the prince said with a smile. "Every nation finds its own solutions, I suppose. So, you're still having a civil war, eh? Do you have any major problems, or is it just car bombings and guerilla warfare?"
Pro Patria Puritania
09-10-2008, 08:01
"Yes, we consider it to be a civil war, since the area.. well, our neighboring country to be exact, used to be a part of the Empire, and now it is again. Luckily the problems are restricted to that little island of theirs."
14-10-2008, 08:41
"I wish you success in pacificying the separatists, baron. Should you desire our help, we would be honoured to assist you. We have ample experience in dealing with rebels, so to say. Anyway, how is life in Pro Patria Puritania, apart from the rebellion? We haven't heard much from you lately."
14-10-2008, 20:45
"Well, some problems, yes... But with the vast majority of Christians in slavery, it's not a big problem. Tehcinally we're still at civil war after reclaiming our lands to the east, and that scum is still fighting back."

The Deputy Foreign Minister choked on his wine. "I'm sorry, slavery, did you say?" He whipped his his head around to Ostermann and the escorts, looking desperately for information as he stuffed the cross he was wearing around his neck into his shirt.

"My dear friend, why ever are you enslaving Christians?" he asked, trying to keep a level tone.
Pro Patria Puritania
14-10-2008, 22:08
"I wish you success in pacificying the separatists, baron. Should you desire our help, we would be honoured to assist you. We have ample experience in dealing with rebels, so to say. Anyway, how is life in Pro Patria Puritania, apart from the rebellion? We haven't heard much from you lately."
"You'd have to talk to the Grand Marshal about the assistance part, and I doubt he'll accept it. When the time comes, they'll all be slaves. For me, life is great; I have a hundred slaves myself, and being an aristocrat makes things easier."

The Deputy Foreign Minister choked on his wine. "I'm sorry, slavery, did you say?" He whipped his his head around to Ostermann and the escorts, looking desperately for information as he stuffed the cross he was wearing around his neck into his shirt.

"My dear friend, why ever are you enslaving Christians?" he asked, trying to keep a level tone.
Von Barring smirked when he noticed the foreigner stuff his cross into his shirt. "Yes, I did say slavery. They're paying the price of the civil war a couple of years ago. But don't worry, you're a guest here; you don't have anything to worry about."
14-10-2008, 22:22
The man relaxed a little, but the four Federal Agents calmly and silently unvelcroed the tops of their holsters, more as a precautionary measure than anything security-wise. Ostermann was digging into a large meat slab placed in front of him, and so missed the gesture one of them gave--a single finger to the temple, indicating danger.

The Deputy Minister swallowed the liquid in his mouth, dabbing the corners of his mouth with a cloth napkin.

"To be honest with you, Baron, I'm a bit unnerved by your nonchalance. Slavery has been banned in most of the world, and for good reason. I assume that these people are sold on some sort of black market, then? Women, children, et cetera?"
14-10-2008, 22:28
OOC: You can post someone talking to Svetlana, Puritania. Sorry for the lateness of my post.

Svetlana Sturmer stoically watched the funeral procession and ceremony with the memories of the funeral of the current Empress of Ixania's father renewing themselves in the confines of her mind. Everything that was Puritanian today reminded her about everything that was Ixanian then even though the two funerals were different in procedure but, yet, were one in that they shared the common sorrow associated with such events; sorrow permeated the day with its cold and unforgiving hands whilst the soul of the Emperor ascended or descended, if there was one, depending on the leisure of the hosts of the other world. Svetlana didn't show much emotion out of her mind's inability to think of memories with Julius the Second that would have, upon reminiscence of them, generate emotion. Needless to say, however, she showed respect. The soon-to-be Emperor Consort of Puritania showed nothing more than the expected consolations that Dora would expect to be given by her faithful and loving husband. Once was all was said and done, Dora's husband looked at her and smiled. ".....I am sure you will be a good ruler for Puritania, have your father's determination."
15-10-2008, 14:31
"You'd have to talk to the Grand Marshal about the assistance part, and I doubt he'll accept it. When the time comes, they'll all be slaves. For me, life is great; I have a hundred slaves myself, and being an aristocrat makes things easier."

"Repke? No, I suspect he won't. But you can handle it perfecly well yourself, I'm sure. Speaking of slaves, do you know what happened to those of former general Nausser's men we handed over to you, after the Wülfenstein incident? Not that we are interested in retrieving them, traitors as they are, but just out of general curiousity. Nausser killed himself, I have heard, but we haven't heard anything about the others."
Pro Patria Puritania
15-10-2008, 18:05
The man relaxed a little, but the four Federal Agents calmly and silently unvelcroed the tops of their holsters, more as a precautionary measure than anything security-wise. Ostermann was digging into a large meat slab placed in front of him, and so missed the gesture one of them gave--a single finger to the temple, indicating danger.

The Deputy Minister swallowed the liquid in his mouth, dabbing the corners of his mouth with a cloth napkin.

"To be honest with you, Baron, I'm a bit unnerved by your nonchalance. Slavery has been banned in most of the world, and for good reason. I assume that these people are sold on some sort of black market, then? Women, children, et cetera?"
"If there's a better way to punish criminals and traitors than to make them work for the benefit of the nation, I'd like to hear it. Most of the slaves are owned by the goverment, and all trade is heavily regulated. I have a hundred slaves myself, and the things I had to go through to be given permission to buy them... Women can be slaves, yes, but chilrden under the age of 16 will simply be sent to a juvenile prison or a foster home, depending on their age."

The Federal Agents' gesture went unnoticed by the other guests. The guards, however, did notice. Two of them came up to them. "Gentlemen, come with us."

"Repke? No, I suspect he won't. But you can handle it perfecly well yourself, I'm sure. Speaking of slaves, do you know what happened to those of former general Nausser's men we handed over to you, after the Wülfenstein incident? Not that we are interested in retrieving them, traitors as they are, but just out of general curiousity. Nausser killed himself, I have heard, but we haven't heard anything about the others."
"Yes, it was all over the news. He was a coward. I believe his men are mining uranium in the south."

Svetlana Sturmer stoically watched the funeral procession and ceremony with the memories of the funeral of the current Empress of Ixania's father renewing themselves in the confines of her mind. Everything that was Puritanian today reminded her about everything that was Ixanian then even though the two funerals were different in procedure but, yet, were one in that they shared the common sorrow associated with such events; sorrow permeated the day with its cold and unforgiving hands whilst the soul of the Emperor ascended or descended, if there was one, depending on the leisure of the hosts of the other world. Svetlana didn't show much emotion out of her mind's inability to think of memories with Julius the Second that would have, upon reminiscence of them, generate emotion. Needless to say, however, she showed respect. The soon-to-be Emperor Consort of Puritania showed nothing more than the expected consolations that Dora would expect to be given by her faithful and loving husband. Once was all was said and done, Dora's husband looked at her and smiled. ".....I am sure you will be a good ruler for Puritania, have your father's determination."

General Harder, who had been punished for cruelty to prisoners during the civil war and burning dozens of Christian villages of no military interest, was sitting next to Sturmer. He turned to Sturmer. "Hi. I am General Harded, and you might be...who?"

Dora wasn't a big fan of public displays of affection, but still kissed her husband. "Thank you... I'll at least try to be as good a ruler my father was and to restore the Empire back to it's former glory before the civil war."
15-10-2008, 21:09
"Yes, it was all over the news. He was a coward. I believe his men are mining uranium in the south."

"Good. Than they get what they deserve. Traitors." He almost spat out the last word. "Slavery is the least of what they deserve. The bloody fools almost started a war that could have killed millions."
Pro Patria Puritania
15-10-2008, 22:02
Repke joined the conversation. "Yes, we had a finger on the button to launch a pre-emptive strike. You couldn't have timed your intervention any better."
15-10-2008, 22:24
"If there's a better way to punish criminals and traitors than to make them work for the benefit of the nation, I'd like to hear it. Most of the slaves are owned by the goverment, and all trade is heavily regulated. I have a hundred slaves myself, and the things I had to go through to be given permission to buy them... Women can be slaves, yes, but chilrden under the age of 16 will simply be sent to a juvenile prison or a foster home, depending on their age."

The Federal Agents' gesture went unnoticed by the other guests. The guards, however, did notice. Two of them came up to them. "Gentlemen, come with us."

Ostermann removed his face from the table to face the two Puritanian guards at the table. "You dare speak to royalty?" he demanded, as the Deputy Foreign Minister turned to face them as well.

"Please excuse the Prince; he hasn't taken May I help you gentlemen?"
Pro Patria Puritania
16-10-2008, 09:43
The guards turned away from the prince with disgust. "Your guards will have to come with us."
16-10-2008, 16:33
Repke joined the conversation. "Yes, we had a finger on the button to launch a pre-emptive strike. You couldn't have timed your intervention any better."

The prince shrugged. "We had kept our eyes on Nausser for a time. He was a good soldier once, but since his family was killed in the Civil War, he had been a little...unbalanced. He was particulary paranoid about your people, blamed you for the death of his family and was convinced that your naval base would be used as a springboard for an invasion. But anyway, somehow he slipped through the military bureaucracy, eventually ending up as military commander in Wülfenstein, where he obviously could do the most damage when the conflict started. But luckily, the Storm Legion managed to find and arrest him before he was able to launch the SAMs against your aircraft."
16-10-2008, 20:57
The guards turned away from the prince with disgust. "Your guards will have to come with us."

The Foreign Minister chuckled. "Where, to prison? Diplomatic immunity, my friend, diplomatic immunity. Our escorts pose no risk to your security, you can take that to the bank."

He turned back towards the Baron, a frown evident on his face. "You obviously have a lack of faith in our motives for coming here today. Know now that none of us will be going to any foreign prison."
Pro Patria Puritania
17-10-2008, 07:11
The Foreign Minister chuckled. "Where, to prison? Diplomatic immunity, my friend, diplomatic immunity. Our escorts pose no risk to your security, you can take that to the bank."

He turned back towards the Baron, a frown evident on his face. "You obviously have a lack of faith in our motives for coming here today. Know now that none of us will be going to any foreign prison."
The guards laughed. "Oh no, they're not going to prison. We just want to have a chat about infidels bringing weapons to the temple."

Von Barring lowered his voice to a whisper. "Personally I don't think your escorts would be stupid enough to cause trouble... But the Serpent Guard doesn't trust anyone, especially Christians."

The prince shrugged. "We had kept our eyes on Nausser for a time. He was a good soldier once, but since his family was killed in the Civil War, he had been a little...unbalanced. He was particulary paranoid about your people, blamed you for the death of his family and was convinced that your naval base would be used as a springboard for an invasion. But anyway, somehow he slipped through the military bureaucracy, eventually ending up as military commander in Wülfenstein, where he obviously could do the most damage when the conflict started. But luckily, the Storm Legion managed to find and arrest him before he was able to launch the SAMs against your aircraft."

"Well, I don't know much about the military, other than that... Well, that they're there for the good of the people."
17-10-2008, 18:00
"Well, I don't know much about the military, other than that... Well, that they're there for the good of the people."

"Soldiers are humans too, with the same faults as other citizens. Greed, jealousy, corruption, incompetence. We have cleaned the ranks of the worst scum, but you can never get rid of them completely."
18-10-2008, 01:02
The guards laughed. "Oh no, they're not going to prison. We just want to have a chat about infidels bringing weapons to the temple."

Von Barring lowered his voice to a whisper. "Personally I don't think your escorts would be stupid enough to cause trouble... But the Serpent Guard doesn't trust anyone, especially Christians."

The Prince cleared his throat audibly, before leaning across the table and speaking in a soft tone. The other Leistungi delegates were visibly surprised by the sudden change in demeanor, and the Foreign Minister was caught by surprise for enough time for Ostermann to speak.

"Sir, I may very well be a Christian. In fact, I think it would be safe to say that each and every citizen of Leistung currently seated at this table follows the word of God," he started, clearing his throat again to continue. "The fact of the matter is that it matters naught. We may be Christians, but we are humans first--and that's why my friend here was so appalled at the idea of slavery based on religion.

"To be honest with you Von Barring, if you call us infidels once more, you can rest assured that there are a number of names I could call yourself, and I will fully exercise my power to use them. The guards stay, their weapons stay, and this conversation is now over." He finished by taking a long swig from the crystal glass in front of him, as the five other Leistungi men sat in awe--not only of the forcefulness of his speech, but of his previously unknown ability to string more than three words together coherently.
Pro Patria Puritania
19-10-2008, 21:26
"Soldiers are humans too, with the same faults as other citizens. Greed, jealousy, corruption, incompetence. We have cleaned the ranks of the worst scum, but you can never get rid of them completely."

"True, unfortunately." He made a gesture in the direction of general Harder. "He murdered hundreds, maybe even thousands, of people during the civil war. He convinced his superiors that the villages had strategic importance, but everyone knows they were simple farmers who'd been tricked into believing the rebels' lies."

The Prince cleared his throat audibly, before leaning across the table and speaking in a soft tone. The other Leistungi delegates were visibly surprised by the sudden change in demeanor, and the Foreign Minister was caught by surprise for enough time for Ostermann to speak.

"Sir, I may very well be a Christian. In fact, I think it would be safe to say that each and every citizen of Leistung currently seated at this table follows the word of God," he started, clearing his throat again to continue. "The fact of the matter is that it matters naught. We may be Christians, but we are humans first--and that's why my friend here was so appalled at the idea of slavery based on religion.

"To be honest with you Von Barring, if you call us infidels once more, you can rest assured that there are a number of names I could call yourself, and I will fully exercise my power to use them. The guards stay, their weapons stay, and this conversation is now over." He finished by taking a long swig from the crystal glass in front of him, as the five other Leistungi men sat in awe--not only of the forcefulness of his speech, but of his previously unknown ability to string more than three words together coherently.
ooc: The guards called him an infidel, not von Barring.

The guards smirked again. "Perhaps, but are you Christians not preaching about freedom of religion, respect for the other religions, et cetera? If so, you will respect the rules here. Now, your escorts will hand over their weapons, or I will be forced to take them without their consent."
21-10-2008, 17:50
"True, unfortunately." He made a gesture in the direction of general Harder. "He murdered hundreds, maybe even thousands, of people during the civil war. He convinced his superiors that the villages had strategic importance, but everyone knows they were simple farmers who'd been tricked into believing the rebels' lies."

Dietrich eyed the baron suspiciously. Was the man trying to provoke him into saying something that could be taken as an insult? He had seen the heated discussion between the Leistungi delegation and his hosts, and he did not want to get into a similar situation. Instead, he smiled politely.

"I'm sure that General Harder is not one of the men I described. Even the best of men can make mistakes based on faulty information. Surely, he just did what he thought was justified."
21-10-2008, 21:01
The guards smirked again. "Perhaps, but are you Christians not preaching about freedom of religion, respect for the other religions, et cetera? If so, you will respect the rules here. Now, your escorts will hand over their weapons, or I will be forced to take them without their consent."

"This has nothing to do with freedom of religion," one of the Agents piped in. "This has to do with the safety of the Prince abroad. Now, you can either let us be and this meal will continue as planned, or you can try to take our weapons, in which case I promise you it won't end well--for any of us."

The Foreign Minister nodded his head. "The man speaks the truth."
Pro Patria Puritania
23-10-2008, 01:12
"This has nothing to do with freedom of religion," one of the Agents piped in. "This has to do with the safety of the Prince abroad. Now, you can either let us be and this meal will continue as planned, or you can try to take our weapons, in which case I promise you it won't end well--for any of us."

The Foreign Minister nodded his head. "The man speaks the truth."

The guards unholstered their batons. "Is that a threat?" The other guards in the room had formed a circle around the federal escorts and also unholstered their batons.

By now, Princess Dora had noticed the situation. She turned to the High Priestess. "Get your lunatics under control, now. I'd hate to see you mining uranium... I've heard they make slaves spend 16 hours down in the mining shafts per day..." The High Priestess shrugged at the thought, and ordered the guards to back down. The disapointed the guards walked away, mumbling. "Infidels in the temple... What's next? That guy isn't even real royalty..."

Dietrich eyed the baron suspiciously. Was the man trying to provoke him into saying something that could be taken as an insult? He had seen the heated discussion between the Leistungi delegation and his hosts, and he did not want to get into a similar situation. Instead, he smiled politely.

"I'm sure that General Harder is not one of the men I described. Even the best of men can make mistakes based on faulty information. Surely, he just did what he thought was justified."
The baron smirked. "There's no need for that. He is one of the men you described. Hopefully the new Empress will see that and send him down into the mines."
23-10-2008, 16:08
The baron smirked. "There's no need for that. He is one of the men you described. Hopefully the new Empress will see that and send him down into the mines."

The prince decided to keep his diplomatic approach, just in case Barring really was a provocateur.

"I am sure you will find an appropriate solution to the situation, baron. As I don't know General Harder in person, I cannot form an opinion of his character. But I have no doubt that the Empress will take a right and just decision in the matter."
23-10-2008, 21:53
General Harder, who had been punished for cruelty to prisoners during the civil war and burning dozens of Christian villages of no military interest, was sitting next to Sturmer. He turned to Sturmer. "Hi. I am General Harded, and you might be...who?"

Dora wasn't a big fan of public displays of affection, but still kissed her husband. "Thank you... I'll at least try to be as good a ruler my father was and to restore the Empire back to it's former glory before the civil war."

Svetlana turned around to see General Harder's face and smiled. "....It is nice to meet you, General. My name is Svetlana Sturmer and I'm one of the senior leaders, so to speak, in the Ixanian Foreign Ministry. I must express my condolences for the loss of your Emperor; he was a good man in Ixania's eyes."

The prince spoke to Dora, meanwhile, in a tender tone: ".....I know you will be a good leader of the Puritanian people, Dora, and I will do what I can to help you achieve your goal. You can count on me and the people can count on you."
Pro Patria Puritania
27-10-2008, 11:16
The prince decided to keep his diplomatic approach, just in case Barring really was a provocateur.

"I am sure you will find an appropriate solution to the situation, baron. As I don't know General Harder in person, I cannot form an opinion of his character. But I have no doubt that the Empress will take a right and just decision in the matter."

Von Barring lowered his voice to a whisper. "To be honest, I have my doubts about her. I heard that she's going to allow elections in the provinces..." His sentence was cut short by two guards, who grabbed him by the shoulders and dragged him away. Count Heimlich zu Gernstein who'd been listening to their conversation turned to Prince Dietrich. "He won't be seen again. It's a shame really, his wineries are the best in the country..."

Svetlana turned around to see General Harder's face and smiled. "....It is nice to meet you, General. My name is Svetlana Sturmer and I'm one of the senior leaders, so to speak, in the Ixanian Foreign Ministry. I must express my condolences for the loss of your Emperor; he was a good man in Ixania's eyes."
"Likewise... I would have thought Empress Anastasia would have come herself, we are allies after all."

The prince spoke to Dora, meanwhile, in a tender tone: ".....I know you will be a good leader of the Puritanian people, Dora, and I will do what I can to help you achieve your goal. You can count on me and the people can count on you."
"I hope you're right.. The people loved my father, and it will be hard to live up to their expectations."
27-10-2008, 17:59
"Likewise... I would have thought Empress Anastasia would have come herself, we are allies after all."

"I hope you're right.. The people loved my father, and it will be hard to live up to their expectations."

Svetlana nodded. ".....The Empress would have attended the funeral but she has been unfortunately bogged down in matters of state that require her immediate attention. She does send her condolences, though, and prays that prosperity and peace will grace Puritania under Her Highness' reign."

Dora's husband smiled. ".....Govern with the hearts and minds of the people in your mind and you shall do well. Even absolute monarchs can live by the people's will. Often, the people are more willing to bestow their respect upon governors who will listen to them....even if the governors know they aren't right."

He grinned for a moment and then kissed Dora. ".....I'll be at your side, my love, and will do everything to help you. Together, we can make Puritania even greater than it already is."
Pro Patria Puritania
29-10-2008, 09:09
Bump for Leistung and Zaheran.
31-10-2008, 13:46
Von Barring lowered his voice to a whisper. "To be honest, I have my doubts about her. I heard that she's going to allow elections in the provinces..." His sentence was cut short by two guards, who grabbed him by the shoulders and dragged him away. Count Heimlich zu Gernstein who'd been listening to their conversation turned to Prince Dietrich. "He won't be seen again. It's a shame really, his wineries are the best in the country..."

The prince raised a eyebrow in surprise. The guards were truly paranoid, that was sure by now. It had been a wise decision to keep the diplomatic approach, it seemed. Now he only had to get through the rest of the dinner without saying anything that would make the guards arrest him.

"Nevertheless, he was a traitor. A foolish one to. I hope you deal with him harshly. I am sure the wineries will flourish even more when they come under new management."
Pro Patria Puritania
03-11-2008, 11:18
Svetlana nodded. ".....The Empress would have attended the funeral but she has been unfortunately bogged down in matters of state that require her immediate attention. She does send her condolences, though, and prays that prosperity and peace will grace Puritania under Her Highness' reign."
"Understandable... It's a shame that Julius and Empress Anastasia never had the chance to meet in person."

Dora's husband smiled. ".....Govern with the hearts and minds of the people in your mind and you shall do well. Even absolute monarchs can live by the people's will. Often, the people are more willing to bestow their respect upon governors who will listen to them....even if the governors know they aren't right."

He grinned for a moment and then kissed Dora. ".....I'll be at your side, my love, and will do everything to help you. Together, we can make Puritania even greater than it already is."

"I hope your optimism isn't wrongly placed..."

The prince raised a eyebrow in surprise. The guards were truly paranoid, that was sure by now. It had been a wise decision to keep the diplomatic approach, it seemed. Now he only had to get through the rest of the dinner without saying anything that would make the guards arrest him.

"Nevertheless, he was a traitor. A foolish one to. I hope you deal with him harshly. I am sure the wineries will flourish even more when they come under new management."

"Yes.. It's sad how often people forget that royalty is above all criticism, especially the ruling monarch."

ooc: Waiting for Leistung's post so the thread can move on.
03-11-2008, 22:13
The guards unholstered their batons. "Is that a threat?" The other guards in the room had formed a circle around the federal escorts and also unholstered their batons.

By now, Princess Dora had noticed the situation. She turned to the High Priestess. "Get your lunatics under control, now. I'd hate to see you mining uranium... I've heard they make slaves spend 16 hours down in the mining shafts per day..." The High Priestess shrugged at the thought, and ordered the guards to back down. The disapointed the guards walked away, mumbling. "Infidels in the temple... What's next? That guy isn't even real royalty..."

The Deputy Foreign Minister frowned for the umpteenth time that day. Ostermann leaned across the table over to him and whispered something inaudible to the rest of the room.

"I think we may have overstayed our welcome here," he muttered, jerking his thumb at the guards. "My nation doesn't need the likes of these religious fanatics as our friends." The Foreign Minister was irritated enough by the whole exchange that he didn't even bother to roll his eyes at the "my nation" comment.

"I agree," he said, motioning to the other guards and standing up from the table. He looked over at the High Priestess and Princess and shook his head. "Unfortunately I feel that your nation's civil rights policies are too appalling to allow us to stay here with our dignity," he said, raising his voice so that the two women could hear him. "When I took office, I made a vow to uphold the laws of the Republic, and staying here to treat with you would make a mockery of everything our great nation stands for. Farewell, Princess." He bowed, and with the Prince and escorts in tow, left the room, heading back towards the airport.

OOC: Well...there you go. Nothing against you personally, obviously, but my nation's policy when it comes to these sorts of civil rights abuses is generally, "invade." Since there's not really a fair causus belli, I'll just settle for breaking off relations.
07-11-2008, 17:29
"Yes.. It's sad how often people forget that royalty is above all criticism, especially the ruling monarch."

Dietrich nodded.

"Yes, royalty has to know better, otherwise they wouldn't be royalty, would they? And the ruling monarch always knows better, for only the most suitable individuals gets the throne. Unfortunately, some people just don't seem to grasp this."
Pro Patria Puritania
12-11-2008, 22:03
After the meal and several speeches by military personell, businessmen and aristocrats, the guests began to leave. Sturmer and Prince Dietrich were escorted to the hotel and were told that it would be ok to go out to town, if they so wished.

The next day the weather was great; only 27 degrees celsius and no clouds in sight. It was almost as if Mother Nature wanted to give her best wishes to the new Empress. Thousands of people had gathered along the main street where, as usual, large screens had been set up so everyone could see the coronation.

The coronation would be performed by Lucius Heide, Dora's uncle, at the Temple of Apophis. Before the ceremony started, he greeted the foreign guests. "A pleasure to meet you, I am Lucius Heide, brother of the deceased monarch."

ooc: Sorry for the lateness, I've been sick. Also Leistung: fail. -.-
13-11-2008, 21:45
After getting a good night's sleep, Dietrich felt refreshed and alert. The good weather and the slightly cooler temperature were pleasant, especially so for a Zaheranian who was used to a more temperate climate. It was with a smile on his face he bowed to the brother of the deceased emperor.

"An honour to meet you. An excellent day for a coronation, isn't it?"
Pro Patria Puritania
17-11-2008, 10:51
ooc: Waiting for Ixania's post.
Pro Patria Puritania
23-11-2008, 21:13
ooc: Bump for Ixania.
28-11-2008, 00:09
OOC: IC post coming soon.
05-12-2008, 16:03
OOC: Alive?