NationStates Jolt Archive

Portest of the WA!

Ne Behemes
21-08-2008, 14:34
Presidential PR Room, Klesko, Ne Behemes
President Uiste steeped up to the podium to address the entire nation. He had not done so since the Asyuk Aliara Islands War (ooc: War on Ne Behemes), a thought that rang through the back of his head, a heavy blotch on the President's drive to turn the Ne Behemes into the influence everyone always knew it could have in ints region and beyond. With the Treaty of Higephon being debated and legislature being debated over trying to loosen restrictions on busimess in his great nation, President Uiste had not seen what was coming.

The day before the WA had revoked the Ne Behemes' membership and ban the nation indefinitley. The WA Mods had sent a prompt, short, and unspecific letter to the President-Your nation is to be removed from theWA because it is suspected of cinspiracy and manipulation of the WA system. Never had anyone seen the President in such utte disbelief--not when he found out he was elected president, not when Trafica and Roen had declared war on his nation, not when Trafica and Roen had attacked his nation, not when he found out one of his 3 sons waas gay--no, never anything like this before. The President was a democtart's dream in a historically socialist nation, transforming the largest nation (by population) in the region, into the power it had the capibility of being.

Immediatley Uiste ordered an explanation and evidence from the WA. The letter had been so short and unspecific, as if it assumed that the President would simply roll over and take it. But the President was not about to do that. He ordered a response and in return recieved another concise letter--Though we have no way of tracking users movements and porvidindg names, we are not able to reinstates you, though you are welcom to create another WA nation if you like. Sorry for the inconviniece.. 'Great, Thanks' the President thought to himself sarcastically. He now had to alert his nation of their expulsion and with little explanation to back it up. That was something his people would not be used to from him, and would begin to wonder why he would hold back information from his people. A thought he could not bear his people to believe in.
21-08-2008, 14:42
TO: Ne Behemes
FROM: Vamperial Kingdom of Lynion, King Vamp

You have obviously done something to have upset the WA to be expelled from it. We don't welcome the protest but we hope that you can find another way. Have you ever thought og talking to the people who have expelled you? Maybe they'll be willing to give you a more detail report but it seems a short message can be short and straight to the point.
Ne Behemes
21-08-2008, 14:45
President Uiste's Speech
The President opened his mouth and began to speak, firmly, for though he was ashamed, he was still angry. "My dear citizens,yesterday i recieved a letter from the World Assembly. It was directed towards our nation as a whole." He could see the faces in the crowd almost twitch with surprise and then excitment. 'could this finally be the recognition our nation deserves?', 'have they decided to help with the Treaty?'. The President continued--"Out nation, the Ne Behemes, has been formeally banned as a World assembly delegat, idefinitley." he said ending not much different from how he began. The looks seemed to be staring as if they had not heard what the President had just said. 'What does this mean?' the faces seemed to say. Everyone waited for more, for the President to continue. "Our nation has been accused of conspiracy and manipulation of the World Assembly, and though they responded to a letter we sent back to them yesterday, with a letter this morning, they have informed us that will we not be allowed back into the World Assembly. We wil continue to report as much explanation as we can, but for now, all World Assebly charitys, fundraiseres, organizations, or any of the like, will be removed from the country. Thank you citizens of the Ne Behemes." The President turned away without asking for any questions, this was promised to come only after any possible further developments. The crowd was uneasy but not disoriented. They were not being attacked, or robbed, simply purgedby the international community, thats not so bad they thought. But everyone left the room, citizens back home even, who had been watching on TV, were left with a bad taste in their mouth. 'Well see how it goes...' were everyones final thoughts before they resumed their daily lives.
Ne Behemes
21-08-2008, 14:46
OOC: yes, lynion we responded and asked for a mored detailed explanation which they said they could not give us in another response back.
21-08-2008, 14:48
OOC: What do you expect when you break the laws? Usually they have firm evidence to back it up soo...why don't create a puppet nation that could join the WA?
Imperial isa
21-08-2008, 14:48
OOc yur most don't care for the WA so you not going to get much post about it
Ne Behemes
21-08-2008, 14:53
OOC: i dont want puppets. I had to fight a war against a nation with like, 6 fightinf against me
Ne Behemes
21-08-2008, 15:01
In the back corridors, the President began walking towards a meeting with his top advisors. He turned a corner where Secretary of Defense Till Somme stood waiting.

"What are we proposing to do, have a set time limit for all WA related everything to be removed? Like 72 hours or something." Somme said with a brusk voice, much harsher than you would excpect from such a lean, skinny man.

"Im sure thats what we'll have to do, but hold off on announcing that, let's get through the meeting first." Uiste said, in a voice that resembled his hustling walking pace.

"What about the, ah, World Assembly Department down on Annahieem Avenue, across drom Republic Square?" Somme said, "Might be some protesters.

"That doesnt sound like too much of a problem." the President said in a voice that Somme took as questioning, "Just make sure they arent breaching the building or going over the top, its not like a little show of our nationality would hurt either." Uiste continued

"Alright," Somme said with confidence, "lets go in and see what they have to say, then we'll make the announcement...

They continued walking into the double doors, as if they had not had the conversation and just happened to come upon the door at the same time, and they each took their respective seats, with the 8 advisers who created the men voraciously.
21-08-2008, 16:03
OOC: You do know that the WA is merely a function of gameplay and does not ICly exist on the forums right?
Ne Behemes
21-08-2008, 19:15
ooc: thats dumb
Third Spanish States
21-08-2008, 19:19
Take my advice on this: The World Assembly is the most irrelevant and useless organization in the modern world, and makes the Flat Earth Society logical in comparison. You should be glad you will no longer be forced to comply with their insipid, on-the-clouds and illogical laws which increase the vulnerabilities of your country to imperialistic interests.

- Cecily Lockhelm.
21-08-2008, 19:27
ooc: thats dumb

OOC: No dumber than protesting an OOC ban from an OOC gameplay function by posting an IC thread in II.
Ne Behemes
21-08-2008, 20:43
OOCThanks Cecily Lockhelm. We appreciate your wakiong up of my nation. but now they have banned the Ne Behemes from forums. im only on here because i got on the site then logged on instead of logging on from NS
Ne Behemes
21-08-2008, 20:44
OOC: HELP! the WA is consuming me in a conspiracy!
Brittanican Adenia
21-08-2008, 20:52

Read please - great help. Try not to mix your OOC and you IC too ;)
21-08-2008, 22:22
OOCThanks Cecily Lockhelm. We appreciate your wakiong up of my nation. but now they have banned the Ne Behemes from forums. im only on here because i got on the site then logged on instead of logging on from NS

OOC: That happens to lots of people it's a glitch with Jolt not a WA conspiracy.:rolleyes:
22-08-2008, 02:21
" Your Imperial Majesty" greeted Angela Hakodai politely.

" Yes, Angela. What is it ?" the Emperor of Avarahn Jason Chrissahn Serention I asked softly.

" Your Majesty, I have news concerning Ne Behemes." Angela said.

Jason frowned, what was this news from Ne Behemes all about ? As far as he knew, they had just got out of a war. He hoped that the wars would not resume again, as several of the Avarahnian trade routes had to be altered thus costing a huge amount of money.

" Yes, what now?" he asked his Second Imperial State Secretary.

Angela answered , " We have just received news from the WA" His sat straight up in his chair. " We have been told that the WA has dismissed Ne Behemes from the assembly" she continued.

"What ? But ..but why ?. I do not understand at all." he stuttered confused. Banning a member nation from the WA ?? ..but why on earth ?? Unless of course .. .. But no ..

" They merely stated that Ne Behemes had interfered within the WA and they are dismissing them.

Curious indeed. He leaned back in his chair and thought about it for a while.
Ne Behemes
22-08-2008, 14:59
i dont knoe how that helps me...too much stuff and i cant find what im looking for
Ne Behemes
22-08-2008, 15:24
World Assembly Department, Nuveau, Ne Behemes

The chairman of the World Assembly in the Ne Behemes stood looking out the marvelous glass window over the crowd that was quickly starting to gather outside the building. Most World Assembly stations on the island had already packed up and left for the World Assembly world Headquarters. The department remained though, to see that all other units be removed safely.

Outside men, women, and children gathered, waving their nations flags and stepping on WA flags. They shouted, they cursed, several men had tried to break in, but the WA and Ne Behemes Police quickly stopped them berfore they could even get past the doors.

"Without any disrespect," the chairman, Bill Holton, began in a very rich and diplomatic voice, ", i did not excpect this sort of turn-out or reaction from the Ne Behemes' people."

Jose Wellintigo, a tall man of average stature and an always shy look, responded carefully, "Without an yexplanation? And after the recent war and the treaty they took into their on hands, quite honestly sir im sure they were excpecting the opposite. Praise, condolences, support, respect, not furor and te cold shoulder." Jose ended with a slightly harsher tone than he had began with, his crisp accent well defined by many years among the international community.

"I suppose so, it should..." Bill looked for the right words to say," will all be resolved soon," he stopped, but then unneedlessly added, "im sure of it."

Jose peered out the window, 'im sure of it?' he thought to himself, 'we'll see'
23-08-2008, 00:05
OOC: RPing as a character from another enitity, even the fictional WA, is godmodding.