NationStates Jolt Archive

Wazzi dispells Parliament, declares Constitution void

17-04-2008, 22:43
Days after his victory, Aranethon Wazzi, the new Arch-Minister of Faurea has dispelled Parliament, torn up the constitution and set up a provisional government. Many citizens, despite these radical changes however, still say they are behind Wazzi 100 percent. "The time of Unity is now" Wazzi said at a rally a few days ago. "We must unite and work to fix the problems we have in this nation. We must fix the large crime rate, the rich-poor gap and the unwillingness of the previous government to help its people. But most of all, we must take back what was taken from us by a bunch of rebels." He said this in reference to the recent independence of the Aria and Darshi islands, who were once member states of the "almost non-existant" Faurean Confederation. Wazzi dispelled Parliament and literally tore the Constitution in half. Wazzi, however, stated his reasoning at the honorary parliament session. "The Constitution, upon review, should not be in effect. Mainly because it never guarantees any freedoms, except for cultural recognition, and it never specifies what kind of govenrment needed to be in place. In fact, it seems as though the bureaucrats of been dictators ruling by a decree. None of what you have done is legal, and it seems that you civilocrats and conservatives do not care about your own citizens or care enough to do anything about the false 'republics' of Aria and Darshi. Hell, we don't even have a standing military. So by powers vested by me, Parliament is now dispelled and the Constitution is now null and void. There shall be no political parties,as they divide a nation, but instead, everyone will unite under the new flag, the symbol of the Unity Movement (Wazzi's Party). A provisional government will be in place and a new unitary state will be set up to put democracy back to the people. We will bring order back to this great nation." Wazzi also declared that as of now, Faurea is no longer a neutral country."
17-04-2008, 22:56
Carrier Battle Group 20
50 Nautical Miles from Faurean Waters

Once again the Tolvanic Navy found itself called upon to patrol the waters near another nation that had done something or another to bring instability to a region of interest of the Commonwealth. While it was true the Commonwealth was not particularly concerned with the internal affairs of other nations, it was concerned with the busy shipping lanes near Faurea.

In order to ensure stability and the safety of Tolvanic merchantmen plying the seas near Faurea Carrier Battle Group 20 was dispatched to "show the flag". Hopefully, that would be enough to keep a lid on any problems that may emerge.
17-04-2008, 23:07
Carrier Battle Group 20
50 Nautical Miles from Faurean Waters

Once again the Tolvanic Navy found itself called upon to patrol the waters near another nation that had done something or another to bring instability to a region of interest of the Commonwealth. While it was true the Commonwealth was not particularly concerned with the internal affairs of other nations, it was concerned with the busy shipping lanes near Faurea.

In order to ensure stability and the safety of Tolvanic merchantmen plying the seas near Faurea Carrier Battle Group 20 was dispatched to "show the flag". Hopefully, that would be enough to keep a lid on any problems that may emerge.

Wazzi had been enjoying a fair afternoon. The weather was nice, as it usually was, he had held a succesful rally and parade and had assembled together some of his supporters to discuss government ideas. "We should keep it like this," said one supporter, "because we know, I mean, YOU know what the people want. You were there, plus, we don't need something like politics to get in the way of what needs to be accomplished. And Besides, we have order now. We have been able to crack down on the crime rate." But Wazzi responded coolly, "No, that wouldn't be fair to the people. I was around when the theocrats still held power, which is one of the reasons why our economy was so ho-hum in the first place. Yeah, I've been there before. The reason why we are doing this is to peacefully overthrow the previous government and prevent our already deteriorating nation. We have the potential to be great, but our previous government never saw it like that. No, we will establish democracy, but a new kind." Just then, Wazzi's phone rang. He picked it up and put it on speaker. "Sir, I have been out patrolling the waters near the Arian Cape and there seems to be a ship from a foreign nation there,sir." "Well, are they good people?" "Not sure, but they seem to have good intentions." Just check it out for me will ya?" said Wazzi. "Yes sir," replied the voice, over and out."
17-04-2008, 23:54
bump for interest:D
18-04-2008, 00:38
China-East Asia
18-04-2008, 01:21
The Foreign Department of The Dictatorship of China-East Asia would like to comment for our Dear Leader, the great Chairman, that these events in Faurea are troublesome to neighboring regions. The rebel leader Wazzi is "trying to spread his Imperialist and Capitalist ideals" among the world. If order is not maitained, this "revolution and rebellion" will spread to other states. The situation in Faurea must be controlled and order restored!

- The Foreign Department of The Dictatorship of China-East Asia
West Ponente
18-04-2008, 01:27

Communiqué Diplomatique Officielle

His Serene Highness' Government would like to congratulate Mr. Wazzi on his newly invested powers and acession to the Arch-Ministership of Faurea. We ask only that you respect the sovereignty of the neighboring republics of Aria and Darshi.

Grand-Duc Jean-Pierre Savoie
Grand-Duc Jean-Pierre Savoie
Foreign Minister of the Sovereign State
Raw Unadulterated Evil
18-04-2008, 01:38
Somewhere deep in the bowels of the Political Science Wing of the Elite Compound in the capital city of Sulteen, 'Fauria' is written onto a flow chart crammed with the names of other nations. A checkmark is placed next to the name. The writer gazes at the number of nations with checkmarks next to their names and sighs, "It may be time to approach this from a different direction."
18-04-2008, 01:46
Auburn smiled as he stared at the coast of Faurea. Which, to him was little more then a country with temper problems but, despite this he was sent to act as an ambassador between Faurea and home country. He sighed,They should be receiving the telegram in 3, 2 ,1.

Official Transmission from the Benu Office of External Affairs
To:The new Arch-Minister of Faurea

I am sorry for the short notice due to my ambassador's over eagerness. My country is sending Nathan J. Auburn to assist in a smooth ascension by your Grace. He will be arriving by boat around the time you receive this telegram. Once again I apologies for the lack of notice.

Alexi Stravoski
18-04-2008, 01:46
The Foreign Department of The Dictatorship of China-East Asia would like to comment for our Dear Leader, the great Chairman, that these events in Faurea are troublesome to neighboring regions. The rebel leader Wazzi is "trying to spread his Imperialist and Capitalist ideals" among the world. If order is not maitained, this "revolution and rebellion" will spread to other states. The situation in Faurea must be controlled and order restored!

- The Foreign Department of The Dictatorship of China-East Asia

To His Most Honorable, The Great Chairman of China-East Asia,
I promise that no harm has come from this Unti Revolution. In fact, I am establishing Law and Order, it is because of our previous government that there was no law and order but rather "organized anarchy." And I am actually not a corpratocratic capitalist, but a socio-capitalist, as I believe in enterprise in buisness, but that we should in turn use the money to take care of our poor and destitute and our blue-collar citizens. Be not worried, this is a great time, and we will not tolerate international incidents. And if you so wish, we would ike to establish trade between our two sovereignties.
In Good Faith,
Aranethon Wazzi

Communiqué Diplomatique Officielle

His Serene Highness' Government would like to congratulate Mr. Wazzi on his newly invested powers and acession to the Arch-Ministership of Faurea. We ask only that you respect the sovereignty of the neighboring republics of Aria and Darshi.

Grand-Duc Jean-Pierre Savoie
Grand-Duc Jean-Pierre Savoie
Foreign Minister of the Sovereign State

To the Office of The Grand-Duc of West Ponente
Dear Grand-Duc and Regional Ally Jean-Pierre Savoie,
Thank you for your blessings, as we do look forward to establishing a stronger relationship with your nation, however, I must insist that West Ponente disassociate any affliation with the so-called "republics" of Aria and Darshi, seeing as they were both founded by terrorists (one is now even a communist totalitarian state and the other an oligarchy of sorts that is truly controlled by a terrorist organization, but acts through its "President." In truth, these are not real nations. They have no soveriegnty, and they must rejoin the Great Faurean State, but rest assured, I will not resort to violence. Rather, I will see if I can broker a deal when the time is right. Again, thank you for your support.
Aranethon Wazzi
18-04-2008, 01:47
Somewhere deep in the bowels of the Political Science Wing of the Elite Compound in the capital city of Sulteen, 'Fauria' is written onto a flow chart crammed with the names of other nations. A checkmark is placed next to the name. The writer gazes at the number of nations with checkmarks next to their names and sighs, "It may be time to approach this from a different direction."

OOC: ..uummmm..what does this "check" mean? Just curious.
18-04-2008, 01:50
Auburn smiled as he stared at the coast of Faurea. Which, to him was little more then a country with temper problems but, despite this he was sent to act as an ambassador between Faurea and home country. He sighed,They should be receiving the telegram in 3, 2 ,1.

Official Transmission from the Benu Office of External Affairs
To:The new Arch-Minister of Faurea

I am sorry for the short notice due to my ambassador's over eagerness. My country is sending Nathan J. Auburn to assist in a smooth ascension by your Grace. He will be arriving by boat around the time you receive this telegram. Once again I apologies for the lack of notice.

Alexi Stravoski

To The Benu Office of External Affairs:
This is quite alright, as we are very happy to establish some diplomacy with other nations. We will recieve Mr. Auburn with the utmost sincerity. No need to apologise.
In Good Faith,
Jaz Kasmira
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Unity Movement Brother
18-04-2008, 02:00
To The Foreign Department of The Dictatorship of China-East Asia,

The funny part about your statement is how hypocritical and ironic it is.

President and Brigader John Batther

Carrier Battle Group 6
Mediterranican International Waters

"Foreign carrier group moving inbound. Move inbound to intercept them."

Admiral Jacob Morane found himself with the task to the intercept the Tolvanic Fleet. He was head of one of three task fleets shipped out to patrol the Eastern Seas of the Mediterranica. This was the one that covered from the Aschenhurst colony of Isthmia all the way down leveling to the Grestonian colony Corslack.

It was a relatively small fleet of 30 Seastabber battleships, 5 Hermin cruisers, and 10 Oscar subs. Under order of the Admiral Benjerman Farder they were travelling at a fast rate in order to reach Faurea before any foreign inlfuences decided to stop by. It seemed they were a bit late.

"Get an uplink on the unidentified fleet. Get me on a radio system with them."

A private responded. He worked the keyboard then handed him a radio.

"Here you go sir."

"Thank Private. Get me connected with them. Good.

Under order of the second Battle Fleet of the Eastern Mediterranica Patrol System I hereby order you to cease and desist and exist these waters. Failure to comply in one hour will result in being fired upon."

OOC: Tolvan: Number one Faurea is in my region and since he is an ally of our nation we have regular potrols around his area. Furthermore to get into the Med you would most likely have to pass my nation or one of Asch's colonies. Or even West Ponente and he wouldn't let you in if you were there to do harm to a member of the region.
18-04-2008, 02:01
Alexi sat at his desk looking over a new proposal by the council when his intercom beeped.

"What is it?" He asked politely
"Telegram for you sir," Replied to the high tones of his secretary Benta
"Good, bring it in would you."
"Right away sir"

The emitted a small pop as the message finished.Followed by the sound of the door opening, and the clicking of his secretary's shoes on the marble floor.

"Thank you," Alexi said as the papers slid onto his table. Quickly he scanned the report his smile broadening with every word.

-Faurea coast town-

After docking Auburn paid the ferry man and debarked onto the foreign soil.

All there is to do now is wait, he thought hoisting his rucksack over his shoulder and heading to the nearest governmental building.
The Shillian Alliance
18-04-2008, 02:07
Certian things had to be brought to attention, constantly checked to make sure things were still kept within order and other things were not going to spill over across borders. It was due to recent changes in the government of one particular nation that such attention had to be paid. President Conner Ricter scanned his dossiers, noting one country in particular. Faurea. The Jingoistic States of Faurea to be exact. Their government seemed to be in the middle of a particular struggle, nothing overly noticible, though President Ricter was always the cautious type. Especially with the number of other nations that seemed to be taking an interest in this.

To the desk of the Arch-Minister of Faurea

Salutations. Durring this time of transition within the government of Faurea we have seen fit to document potential threats to both your great nation and ours. Due to this, I, Ambassador Vres Rell, will be traveling to meet with you, Arch-Minister Aranethon Wazzi, to discuss your current political standings and perhaps your current, possible need for international trade and even military assistance.


Vres Rell
Ambassador of the Shillian Alliance

Connor Ricter
18-04-2008, 03:00
Alexi sat at his desk looking over a new proposal by the council when his intercom beeped.

"What is it?" He asked politely
"Telegram for you sir," Replied to the high tones of his secretary Benta
"Good, bring it in would you."
"Right away sir"

The emitted a small pop as the message finished.Followed by the sound of the door opening, and the clicking of his secretary's shoes on the marble floor.

"Thank you," Alexi said as the papers slid onto his table. Quickly he scanned the report his smile broadening with every word.

-Faurea coast town-

After docking Auburn paid the ferry man and debarked onto the foreign soil.

All there is to do now is wait, he thought hoisting his rucksack over his shoulder and heading to the nearest governmental building.

Jaz Kasmira waited anxiously for Mr. Auburn from Benuhal to arrive any minute. Kasmira looked particularly sharp, dressed in a tan suit, which had the badge of the flag on it. He waited outside until another man came rushing to him. "Mr. Kasmira, look at this message I recieved from this place called the Shillian Alliance." Kasmira took the message, looked and said to the other man, "message back and ask about his ETA please." "Right away, sir" said the man. And he went back inside and sent the message.
Raw Unadulterated Evil
18-04-2008, 03:12
OOC: ..uummmm..what does this "check" mean? Just curious.

OOC: checkmark =

18-04-2008, 04:05
OOC: checkmark =


West Ponente
18-04-2008, 04:37

Communiqué Diplomatique Officielle

Our apologies, we had been looking forward to seeing the trade opportunites in these "nations". We now see that their "governments" can never be productive and we wish to extend our hand if you need help reinforcing the law. Feel free to drop us a line anytime.

Grand-Duc Jean-Pierre Savoie
Grand-Duc Jean-Pierre Savoie
Foreign Minister of the Sovereign State
18-04-2008, 19:11
Carrier Battle Group 20
60 Nautical Miles from Faurean Waters

Just as quietly as the battle group had arrived, it left. The Commonwealth had no real interest in the area and now that more nations had taken a interest the Prime Minister was satisfied that things were in order and recalled the ships. They were other situations that needed tending to anyway.
18-04-2008, 22:44

Communiqué Diplomatique Officielle

Our apologies, we had been looking forward to seeing the trade opportunites in these "nations". We now see that their "governments" can never be productive and we wish to extend our hand if you need help reinforcing the law. Feel free to drop us a line anytime.

Grand-Duc Jean-Pierre Savoie
Grand-Duc Jean-Pierre Savoie
Foreign Minister of the Sovereign State

Thank you for your offer. There is no need to apologise, as most do not know the whole story, but we will keep your offer in mind.
Aranethon Wazzi
18-04-2008, 23:36
Several days after his announcement of rule, Arch-Minister and Leader Aranethon Wazzi has finally traveled to the Aria isles to meet with the two leaders of the new "republics", said Unity Ministers this morning. Wazzi, who won his campagin on nationalism and the feeling of utter loathe of the rebel forces who split from Faurea, has said that he would meet with the new leaders and to broker a deal. "I will not be satisfied until these two islands are back in our glorious nation" Wazzi told Journal reporters. "Hopefully, if we can do something, these rebels will disarm and come to their senses. Then we will all be happy."
19-04-2008, 00:25
bump fo' interest.
19-04-2008, 00:38
Message to Aranethon Wazzi

The Principality of Canaery would like to congratulate you on your recent endeavors not only to form a new, stronger governmet for the people, but also an attempt to make peace with the dissenters from those other islands. The Prinicpality will not recognize Aria and Darshi as sovereign but would like to offer that if you so please, you along with the other two leaders of the rebel republics, come to the capital of the Principality, Canaery City, to hold the negotiations for peace.
19-04-2008, 01:56
Message to Aranethon Wazzi

The Principality of Canaery would like to congratulate you on your recent endeavors not only to form a new, stronger governmet for the people, but also an attempt to make peace with the dissenters from those other islands. The Prinicpality will not recognize Aria and Darshi as sovereign but would like to offer that if you so please, you along with the other two leaders of the rebel republics, come to the capital of the Principality, Canaery City, to hold the negotiations for peace.

To Prince Ryan:
Thank you. I along with the Arian President and Revolutionary, D'Arizo Forzi, and Darshi Supreme Commissar Erv Kavik, have agreed that for safety reasons, we should meet in your nation. Kavik lately has been dealing with some Raianistic Extremists (Raianism is Faurea's indigenous religion, polytheistic, we worship the Sun, Moon, and Stars) I myself am a recently converted Raianist. Anyway, we will be in Canaery City tommorow morning.
OOC: Could you make a thread about the meeting?
In Good Faith,
Aranethon Wazzi
19-04-2008, 01:59
To Prince Ryan:
Thank you. I along with the Arian President and Revolutionary, D'Arizo Forzi, and Darshi Supreme Commissar Erv Kavik, have agreed that for safety reasons, we should meet in your nation. Kavik lately has been dealing with some Raianistic Extremists (Raianism is Faurea's indigenous religion, polytheistic, we worship the Sun, Moon, and Stars) I myself am a recently converted Raianist. Anyway, we will be in Canaery City tommorow morning.
OOC: Could you make a thread about the meeting?
In Good Faith,
Aranethon Wazzi

Glad to here it. Maybe some progress will be made.
OOC: Yes, I can make a new thread.