NationStates Jolt Archive

Papal Superior Theodosius Shot!

The Ryou Black Islands
15-04-2008, 04:50
Breaking News


News as Come in to Ryou State Tellevision that Papal Superior Theodosius, leader of The Ryou Catholic Church, as been shot out side his Home in Shai this Night. It is unknown who Shot him, a search is going on for the gunman.

More News as it come.
Silver Wolf Republic
15-04-2008, 05:00
We here in the High Church of Tech offer our condolences. Please rest assured that we shall pray for you.
Valtican City
15-04-2008, 05:08
The liver spots seemed to grow over night. But he was getting old. That was Pope Peter-Thomas Aquantais's explanation for everything. He was tired more often, he was getting old. He had aches and pains, he was getting old. But his old age did not hold him back from jumping up and letting out happiness when the news came in. He had been planning on having someone do that for him but someone else did. He didn't even need to ask. How easy.

He was taken to the Pope Mobile and driven to Peter's Basilican and Rome Court of the Lord at the outer reach of the great holy city. He slowly walked out before the podium. His hands were outreached towards the sky. He came up to the podium and quickly did the sign of cross.

"May the Lord be with you."

"And also with you!" enthusiastically replied the adiuence.

"As you all know today is a sad day for many," he held in laughte as he said that, "A rival Pope of the Rouge Church of Ryou has died today. He may have called himself superior, superior over me. That he may not of been, but he was superior over those whom do not follow the words of our Lord and his true son Jesus.

In his short day as a Papal Servicer he declared that some women was the true child of God. That is blaphemy my children. And for that, just that, he shall find himself not in the friendly hands of God but that of the fiery depths of Hell and the Underworld which he so sorely wished to be apart of. Now I am a man of old age. I am wise man. But I do use my power over our faith to do such as to announce a new lord.

That is what grants you into Hell. That is why I am here. To stop it."

The crowd cheered and appluaded. It was true in every meaning. The Pope smiled and backed off the stage. It was a good day.
The Longinean Order
15-04-2008, 05:24
Though we regret that the Ryou Islands have strayed from the path, we wish to send members of the Special Investigation Force of the Knights of the Holy Order of St. Longinus to investigate this matter.

Grand Master Juan Diego de Guadelupe, Archbishop of Port San Lucas, Vicar of Longinus and Peter, Holy Father and Patriarch of the Catholic Church in The American Privateer in Full Communion with Rome
The Ryou Black Islands
15-04-2008, 06:36
Panic Spread, The Papal Superior had died of his wounds. From Shai, where all 800,000 Ryou Catholics lived, Crying came from all their Houses.

This Scared The Imperial Navy, the police Force of The Capital, into Action.

In The Temple of Umi no Kami, the High Priest, Yanshirou, started to call all Worshipers of The Shinto Gods to Morn the passing of The Papal Maximis Superior (as the Full title was.).

The Assyrian Chruch Leader soon sent out The Knights of Saint Basil to look for who ploted the Murder.

The Rival Pope, Nicoelus, call for seven days of Morning.
The World Soviet Party
15-04-2008, 16:53

TO: [Open Communique]
FROM: Alexander Nevskij, Minister of Foreign Affairs, The World Soviet Party

Though we had nothing to do with the assasination of the so-called "Papal Superior", we would like to extend our warmest congratulations to the person that, making a favour to the entire world, carried out such a heroic deed.

We would also like to let you know that you will be forever welcomed in The World Soviet Party, and that we are willing to offer your asylum should the Ryou goverment try and capture and/or execute you.

Alexander Nevskij, Minister of Foreign Affairs, The World Soviet Party.
16-04-2008, 00:18
We would like to take this moment to congratulate the Scientific Community. Whomever the assassin was, he most certainly has proven Natural Selection right.
The Ryou Black Islands
16-04-2008, 01:54
The Imperial Naval Police has Release Composite Sketch ( of four People who are the gunmen in the Assassination of Theidosius.

If seen, Call The Imperial Naval Police.
The Longinean Order
16-04-2008, 02:39
The Imperial Naval Police has Release Composite Sketch ( of four People who are the gunmen in the Assassination of Theidosius.

If seen, Call The Imperial Naval Police.

OOC: Lol

Seventeen agents with the Rapid Response Force and Fifteen agents with the Special Investigations Force where dispatched to The Ryou Black Islands to investigate the crime. All Catholics, no matter their status of communion with the Valtican Church, where by their very nature under the protection of the Order. Thus, it was the responsibility of the order to investigate this crime.

Arriving in The Ryou Black Islands, they presented themselves to Customs, and presented their Passports as well as clearance as Law Enforcement Officials to carry weapons and investigate crimes.
The Fanboyists
16-04-2008, 03:47
Steven Grimmeberger had just gotten the news of the assasination; he didn't smile, but he didn't seem terribly annoyed or perturbed.

"The heretic got what he deserved," the Generalissimo said simply. "All the same, assasination is always bad..."

The aide interrupted him. "No offense, sir, but you sort of had Roger Smith assasinated..."

"No, that's an execution. There's a big difference; one's a public spectacle and is OK morally, especially if the one getting executed is a communist douchebag like Smith was, the other is shady, seedy, and doesn't even give the poor bugger the chance to get away. Or even to see it coming. Terribly unsportsmanlike."