NationStates Jolt Archive

Like a Phoenix, I am Reborn.

31-03-2008, 00:21
Hello nations of the world.

I was pretty heavy into NationStates I don't know how long ago. Then as things in my life got busier, I drifted away from it.

Now I am back.

I was thinking of starting a RP involving a government change within my country. I originally had planned this story years ago, but like I said, I drifted away from NS.

My question is, is there anyone who remembers me from that time and would be interested in RPing with moi?

Also, could someone brief me on the current situation in the world, e.g., the alliances, conflicts, trends, etc.?


Ruthless Slaughter
31-03-2008, 00:27
Indeed, I remember you! Don't know if we've ever RP'ed...maybe once or twice in a war game. At any rate welcome back! I too am a recently returned nation, and I've found that having a population much lower than your contemporaries kinda sucks...

Hasn't slowed me down at all, and I'm hoping it doesn't slow you down either. Best of luck and I look forward seeing out in the world!

EDIT: Pretty much the only ones worth noting are Doom and AMF...and everyone on the other side of the political scale (Praetonia, ViZion, etc.)

Many of the guys we've RP'd with are rarely active, fight in closed wars, or are happy making and selling weapons.
31-03-2008, 00:58
Indeed, I remember you! Don't know if we've ever RP'ed...maybe once or twice in a war game. At any rate welcome back! I too am a recently returned nation, and I've found that having a population much lower than your contemporaries kinda sucks...

Hasn't slowed me down at all, and I'm hoping it doesn't slow you down either. Best of luck and I look forward seeing out in the world!

EDIT: Pretty much the only ones worth noting are Doom and AMF...and everyone on the other side of the political scale (Praetonia, ViZion, etc.)

Many of the guys we've RP'd with are rarely active, fight in closed wars, or are happy making and selling weapons.

Thanks! It looks like I'll have to make some new friends. Interesting.
The Far Echo Islands
31-03-2008, 01:01
*feels like a newb*

But welcome back anyway.
31-03-2008, 01:11
Never read any of your work, but I'm hoping I'll get to. Welcome back!
Golden Rebirth
31-03-2008, 01:13
hmm, I just re-joined NationStates today... I used to be Random Kingdom (still have an account in that name, but meh), and I quit a few months ago because I'd joined another community and it sucked all of my spare time up, and I'd run out of good roleplay ideas and started boring people with awful bleh.

I'd like to find a roleplay, too. This nation is kinda "MT in a FT timescale".

and ugh I feel like I'm thread hijacking so I'll lay off T_T

PS: welcome back!
31-03-2008, 01:18
Never read any of your work, but I'm hoping I'll get to. Welcome back!

Possibly my best work:
31-03-2008, 01:49
Welcome back, man! Haven't seen you in years, literally...
31-03-2008, 01:52
Welcome back, man! Haven't seen you in years, literally...

Doomingsland! A sight for sore eyes, for sure. It's good to be back.
31-03-2008, 02:27
Oh my Allah, it's you!

I haven't seen you around in ages! Glad you've returned to NS!
31-03-2008, 02:43
Hallad! Nice to see you again!
31-03-2008, 02:49
Man, you're bring me wwaaaaayyy back. Back when TIOR was still around.

Oh, and we should definately RP together!
31-03-2008, 02:50
Man, you're bring me wwaaaaayyy back. Back when TIOR was still around.

Oh, and we should definately RP together!

Totally. Hit me up with a PM!
31-03-2008, 02:56
*is a noob* Welcome back old timer.
31-03-2008, 03:06
I don't expect you to remember me. I was fairly new when you were around, but have something of a reputation now.

Depending on which change in government you're planning, I might get involved, though I can't get in a war because of Praetonia. (Yes, he's still around.) Special operations or diplomacy are feasible, though.
31-03-2008, 03:08
Welcome back, I remember skimming over some of your names somewhere, but never really read anything. Glad to have an old timer back.

*hands him a cane*

I'm a fossil, now all you need to do is fart that old dust out and bring some old spunk into it! Or whatever...damn kids...get off my yard!
31-03-2008, 03:09
Welcome back man!
31-03-2008, 03:57
I don't expect you to remember me. I was fairly new when you were around, but have something of a reputation now.

Depending on which change in government you're planning, I might get involved, though I can't get in a war because of Praetonia. (Yes, he's still around.) Special operations or diplomacy are feasible, though.

Okay, Hotshot. :D

Kidding of course. I'll PM with more info once I develop the story in my head more.

Anagonia, thanks for the cane!

And thanks, Illior!
The Ryou Black Islands
31-03-2008, 03:59
Hiya, you might Remember me.
31-03-2008, 04:04
Anagonia, thanks for the cane!

What? Who are you?! How'd you get my ca-..

What was I saying? Oh..right...GET OFF MY LAWN!
03-04-2008, 20:20
Okay, Hotshot. :D

Kidding of course. I'll PM with more info once I develop the story in my head more.

Anagonia, thanks for the cane!

And thanks, Illior!

Actually, my reputation isn't that good, but most people on II know who I am. Sorry if I sounded arrogant.

I'm interested in seeing where this is going...
04-04-2008, 00:17
Actually, my reputation isn't that good, but most people on II know who I am. Sorry if I sounded arrogant.

I'm interested in seeing where this is going...

I was just kidding, mate. You didn't sound arrogant at all.

I'll start writing as soon as I'm feeling better. A fever of 101 can give one writer's block..