NationStates Jolt Archive

WMD for Sale

Bedouin Raiders
21-03-2008, 20:31
OCC; If you have a terrorist group that you like to use in your nation because I know some people do that, they can buy too.

The Rogue Nation of Bedouin Raiders has produced much more WMD then we need. We are willing to sell them for food stuffs due to a poor crop yeild. Please place bids for the amount of WMD you want. We have:
32 Thermonuclear weapons
600 Sarin Gas artillery shells
15 Sarin tipped warheads for cruise missles
583 Mustard Gas artillery shells
30 Viles of the gentically enhanced plague recently used within Bedouin Raiders.

If winning bidders are willing to double their bids then Bedouin Raiders will also carry out any attacks they want with the weapons they buy.
21-03-2008, 20:39
OOC: Its spelled Sarin.....
The Fedral Union
21-03-2008, 20:40
From: President James Miller
To:Bedouin Raiders
Subject: sales, and aid

The United Democratic Federation dose not condone, the sale of WMD, but we understand your desperation due to plight. If you are willing to stop the sale of WMD on the public market, we are willing to provide aid to you, and invest in construction of infrastructure, irrigation and other necessary things for your nation.

Sincerely,President James Miller of the United Democratic Federation
21-03-2008, 20:42
Ministry of State Security

"Check this out." Golovko put on his thick glasses (at a hundred and twenty seven, the eyes are going bad) and read through the documents detailing the sale of the weapons. he shrugged.

"Meh, weapons are weapons. Just track whoever buys from the Raiders. This isn't that important."
21-03-2008, 21:08

To: Bedouin Raiders
From: National Bureau of Civilian Protection (NBCP), Itisas High Command, Protectorate of Itisas.

The NBCP would like to purchase a single thermonuclear device, and bid the sum of Ten Million USDs for this weapon.
Bedouin Raiders
21-03-2008, 22:48
To: National Bureau of Civilian Protection (NBCP), Itisas High Command, Protectorate of Itisas
Concerning: WMD sale

If you turn that 10 mil. dollars into 10 mil. dollars of wheat we will give you two of the requested order. Today is the Buy one get one free day. If you decide to make the transaction we will give you information on how you will recieve our goods.

From: Bedouin High Command
Bedouin Raiders
21-03-2008, 22:51
To:the Federal Union
Concerning: WMD sales

NO. We have a right to sell what we want to who we want for what we want. These are excess they are of no sue to us. What better way to get rid of them then to sell them for something we need? If you try in any way to inhibit our sales of weapons you will be sorry.

From: President S.A. Smith
22-03-2008, 00:10
A personal letter

President S.A. Smith,

It has recently come to our attention that the nation of your governance, Bedouin Raiders, placed an offer on the international market for the sale of weapons of mass destruction, due to a low crop yield and imminent food shortages.

Normally, the official stance would be to condemn a nation for the sale of such weapons without the proper safeguards to prevent terrorist organizations from obtaining them, or merely ignore the sale, in this case, we must make exception.

Our initial reaction was to issue a statement of condemnation towards the sale, but due to the potential humanitarian crisis Bedouin Raiders may experience, we understand that desperate times call for desperate measures.

Therefore, we would like to open pricing negotiations for your entire stock of weapons of mass destruction currently on the market. This would be so that the weapons would not fall into the wrong hands, and so Bedouin Raiders would not suffer food shortages this coming year.

We look forward to your response.

His Most Eminent Majestic Highness Tsar Xavier Alexeitovich Andropov II, Fedei Defensor, By the Divine Grace of God;
Ambrosial Seraph of the Divine Prussian Empire of Derscon
Lord Protector of Saint Rynald
Leath-Ri of the Redemption Isles
Emperor of Greater Prussia and all Imperial Territories
Veliky Kralj of the Eternal Empire
Khšaçapavan of the Covanent of God
Bedouin Raiders
22-03-2008, 00:14
To: His Most Eminent Majestic Highness Tsar Xavier Alexeitovich Andropov II, Fedei Defensor, By the Divine Grace of God;
Ambrosial Seraph of the Divine Prussian Empire of Derscon
Lord Protector of Saint Rynald
Leath-Ri of the Redemption Isles
Emperor of Greater Prussia and all Imperial Territories
Veliky Kralj of the Eternal Empire
Khšaçapavan of the Covanent of God
Concerning: WMD sales

You may bid on anything you wish but some weapons may have already been sold or may be sold before you bid because deals are already in the works.
22-03-2008, 00:20
President S.A. Smith,

If you sell any items, we would request that you conduct a background check on that organization or nation, as to ensure that such devastating weapons do not enter the hands of those who have little respect for human life.

We also request that you send a full list of all items on the market to the Dersconi Ministry of Foreign Affairs, so that we may begin price negotiations for the full lot.

We look forward to your response.

His Most Eminent Majestic Highness Tsar Xavier Alexeitovich Andropov II, Fedei Defensor, By the Divine Grace of God;
Ambrosial Seraph of the Divine Prussian Empire of Derscon
Lord Protector of Saint Rynald
Leath-Ri of the Redemption Isles
Emperor of Greater Prussia and all Imperial Territories
Veliky Kralj of the Eternal Empire
Khšaçapavan of the Covanent of God
22-03-2008, 00:45
I would like to buy it
22-03-2008, 02:06
To: National Bureau of Civilian Protection (NBCP), Itisas High Command, Protectorate of Itisas
Concerning: WMD sale

If you turn that 10 mil. dollars into 10 mil. dollars of wheat we will give you two of the requested order. Today is the Buy one get one free day. If you decide to make the transaction we will give you information on how you will recieve our goods.

From: Bedouin High Command


The NBCP agrees to this proposal.
Bedouin Raiders
22-03-2008, 05:09
To: His Most Eminent Majestic Highness Tsar Xavier Alexeitovich Andropov II, Fedei Defensor, By the Divine Grace of God;
Ambrosial Seraph of the Divine Prussian Empire of Derscon
Lord Protector of Saint Rynald
Leath-Ri of the Redemption Isles
Emperor of Greater Prussia and all Imperial Territories
Veliky Kralj of the Eternal Empire
Khšaçapavan of the Covanent of God

Concerning: WMD

The full list is available:
30 nuclear weapons
550 Sarin artillery shells
15 Sarin tipped cruise missle warheads
550 Mustard Gas shells
29 viles of plague
22-03-2008, 05:13
We would be willing to purchase all available items. What price would you accept? (negotiable, of course).
::Minister KABANOV
Foreign Minister, TDPED
Ustio North
22-03-2008, 05:22
Today is the Buy one get one free day.

OOC: Dude, for a WMD sale you sure are taking it lightly :D
Roma V
22-03-2008, 05:43
Reply Concerning the Sale of WMDs

I, Emperor Quaeus, while a fond supporter of humanitarian aid for struggling nations, find the situation of the Bedouin Raider's sale of WMD's to replenish their coffers to be highly unorthodox considering how easy it is for weapons such as those on sale to fall into the hands of terrorist organizations.

While we understand nations want to support the starving peoples of Bedouin Raider's, we also feel the need to bring into the light the fact that their spending must have been heavily directed into the construction of these weapons to create them in such quantity and deadliness.

Also we question the authenticity of their innocence considering they mentioned they would willing fire purchased items on the highest bidder's enemy if requested by the client if they doubled their bids on their item(s) of choice.

I humbly request statistics from the government of Bedouin Raiders for national leaders to see how much of the nation's money was being directed into the funding of the projects to make and develop these weapons.

Emperor Quaeus
Republic of Roma V
Bedouin Raiders
22-03-2008, 06:02
OCC: I am just in a good mood today.:)

To: All Governemnts concerned
Concerning: WMD

Our financial records are our's and no one elses. Our problem is lack of water and rapid deforestation on private lands.
You may make offers. We don't have set prices. All prices will be negotiated.
Bedouin Raiders is a rogue nation and is a mercenar nation. This willngness to carry out attacks is nothing new. Why would we sell to terrorists. We did jsut finish a little war on terror because they spread plague in our country. That is where the vials of plague come from. We grew the plague to learn how it had been enhanced and how to fight it.
22-03-2008, 07:04
To: Bedouin Raiders
From: Vladimir Varkov, Ministry of International Affairs

Upon seeing the plight of your country, the government of Volzgrad immediately decided to aid you. We will send the 22nd Pioneer Korp to build up your nations infrastructure and we will send humanitarian aid in the form of food and water. If you wish, we will also send the 41st Infantry Regiment to maintain law and order in areas that currently lack it. We will do this entirely free of charge and we only expect you to keep our forces safe from threats (terrorists, rebels, thugs etc.). Once your nation is stable, Volzgrad would be more than happy to engage in trade with your nation.
Bedouin Raiders
22-03-2008, 16:19
To: Volzgrad
Concerning: WMD

Thank you for your generous offer. However we already have engineers working to repair oru land and make it fruitful agian. All we need is food to hold us over until the crops grow again.
22-03-2008, 18:11
OOC: Did my offer get accepted?
Bedouin Raiders
22-03-2008, 19:03
OCC: All you have to do is say 10 mil. dollars of wheat and it will be.

TO: All concenred nations
Concerning: WMD

WMD will not be sold to rogue or terrorist nations. Only those deemed trustworthy by me will be able to purchase weapons. I find your interfenrece to stop me greatly disturbing as you are trying to dictate the policies of my nation.
22-03-2008, 22:29
TO: Office of the President
From: Paul Hook, Secretary of Defense

We are intrerested in purchasing 5 vials of the genetically enhanced plague for research purposes and are willing to supply you with $10 million in surplus meat and bread supplies.
Bedouin Raiders
22-03-2008, 22:42
To: Paul Hook
Concerning: Weapons

Your shipment is on the way. Please designate where and when you would like your shipment delievered. It can be delivered to you anywhere within your nation within 24 hours.
22-03-2008, 22:50
Dear Government of Beduoin Raiders,

I have been alerted that you are selling WMD's. I understand your situation yet I do not want the genetically enhanced plague being released to my land. So I am willing to buy 1 vial of genetically enhanced plague for 3.5 million dollars worth of fish (to be specific, we are shipping zander and tuna) and wheat. Mind you, we are only buying this to study it so we can develop an antidote for this genetically enhanced plague in case of biological warfare.
Red Tide2
22-03-2008, 23:29
Secret IC: A letter was found delivered by mail to the leader of the Bedouin Raiders...

It said:
"Hello. We hear you need food and water. Well, we can ship over $200,000,000 worth of foodstuffs within two months. The majority of it will be grain and patatoes, but there will be a good amount of beef as well. In exchange, all we ask for is for are all of remaining your nuclear warheads. If you accept, please reply to the address provided. Thank you.

Signed, Viktor Borisovich Ivanov

PS: We request that this transaction be kept secret until all the warheads and the food has been delivered."

The letter had, tucked in it, the address to a casual looking warehouse down at the docks of a major Bedouin Raider port city. The name on the letter would not mean anything to the Bedouins, but Viktor Borisovich Ivanov actually ran by another name: Field Marshal Herring.

The second-in-command of the Red Tide Mafia.
23-03-2008, 01:05

We are willing to offer you three quarters of a billion Universal Standard Dollars ($750,000,000) for the full remaining stock of weapons of mass destruction, to be paid in infrastructure investment and foodstuffs.

::Minister KABANOV
Foreign Minister, TDPED
23-03-2008, 01:51
TO: Office of the President
From: Paul Hook

We agree and are sending the food as was previously agreed. Our deal is signed and we'd like the stuff delivered to our labs in the capital. We humbly thank you and will expect delivery on the morrow. The food should start arriving in a day or two.
Ruthless Slaughter
23-03-2008, 01:58
The Dominion does not condone such a blatant disregard for the safety of others nor such careless disposal of weapons of mass destruction. We will not hesitate to tell you that Dominion Intelligence is watching each and every one of those weapons and will hold your nation accountable for each and every life they extinguish.

The Free World will not tolerate a slap to the face of peace such as this.
23-03-2008, 02:26
Official Memo to the Rogue Nation of Bedouin Raiders:

If the sales by your nation of admitted "Weapons of Mass Destruction" are not ceased immediately, the Maniacan Death Corporation will have no choice but to mobilize it's army and declare war on your nation. This is a gross threat to global security and safety, and you are endangering the lives of billions of people. Your intelligence is in no way capable of screening purchases sufficiently. Any orders that have not been shipped will not be shipped, any orders that have been shipped will be recalled immediately. If you refuse to comply your nation will be destroyed. This is not negotiable.

-Andre Romell
-Eric Wright
Bedouin Raiders
23-03-2008, 04:41
To: All nations threatening Bedouin Raiders
Concerning: WMD

All weapons are now sold. It is too late to stop the sales. Derscon who is against the sale bought out what excess stock(all of the chemical and all but 5 of the plague vials nukes are all gone) I had left after previous sales. Be fore warned that if any of you threaten us like this again there will be consequences and you will regret your threats.

To: Paul Hook

The shipment is already in your country on the way to your labs. It was nice doing buisness with you.

To: Red Tide 2
Concerning: WMD

The shipment is on the way. Please deliver your part of the bargain soon

OCC: That means you got 30 Warheads.

To: Itisas
Concerning: Shipment

The requested shipment is on the way. It should arrive tommorow.
23-03-2008, 04:50
Official Statement from the Dersconi Ministry of Foreign Afairs

We condemn the blatant disregard for the humanitarian needs of Bedouin Raiders people demonstrated by Maniaca. As the old adage goes, desperate times call for desperate measures. The official stance of Derscon also placed the Empire in opposition to the sale. However, instead of threatening more violence, and more death, the Empire went down a more constructive path and chose to buy out the remaining weapons in exchange for the fulfilment of the needs of the people of Bedouin Raiders.

We would like to reiterate our condemnation of the brashness and immature bullying demonstrated by Maniaca, and firmly request they retract their statements.

Zheleztsolupp Kabanov
Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Divine Prussian Empire of Derscon
Red Tide2
23-03-2008, 04:58
The response letter came rapidly:

"We, again, thank you for your business, the first freighter carrying foodstuffs has already left Red Tide.

Signed, Viktor Borisovich Ivanov"
23-03-2008, 05:18
Official Statement from the Dersconi Ministry of Foreign Afairs

We condemn the blatant disregard for the humanitarian needs of Bedouin Raiders people demonstrated by Maniaca. As the old adage goes, desperate times call for desperate measures. The official stance of Derscon also placed the Empire in opposition to the sale. However, instead of threatening more violence, and more death, the Empire went down a more constructive path and chose to buy out the remaining weapons in exchange for the fulfilment of the needs of the people of Bedouin Raiders.

We would like to reiterate our condemnation of the brashness and immature bullying demonstrated by Maniaca, and firmly request they retract their statements.

Zheleztsolupp Kabanov
Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Divine Prussian Empire of Derscon

Open Memo from MDC Concerning WMD Sales:

Desperate times do not call for jeopardizing the safety of innocents worldwide. The development, much less the sale of weapons of mass destruction is not a justifiable response to economic hardship. Your condemnation of measures taken to protect the people of the world is nothing less than absurd, and the MDC requests you retract it.

The Maniacan Death Corporation suggests the Rogue Nation of Bedouin Raiders prepares for war.

-Andre Romell,
-Eric Wright
Bedouin Raiders
23-03-2008, 05:39
To: manica
Concerning: WMD

We didn't begin producing it recently. All but the plague was made long ago in a military build up. the plague is a reult of an attack upon my nation. I may use any means necassary to get what I want. Just ask Machiavelli and Von Bismarck.

I told you that you would regret your actions. Bedouin Raiders only sold the excess weapons. Those deemed necassary were kept. Your threatening my nation leaves me only oen choice. As of now all strategic weapons forces are on full alert ready to attack your country. IF you attack us we will make you very sorry. If you don't attack us then you don't ahve to worry.
23-03-2008, 05:43
To: manica
Concerning: WMD

We didn't begin producing it recently. All but the plague was made long ago in a military build up. the plague is a reult of an attack upon my nation. I may use any means necassary to get what I want. Just ask Machiavelli and Von Bismarck.

I told you that you would regret your actions. Bedouin Raiders only sold the excess weapons. Those deemed necassary were kept. Your threatening my nation leaves me only oen choice. As of now all strategic weapons forces are on full alert ready to attack your country. IF you attack us we will make you very sorry. If you don't attack us then you don't ahve to worry.

Open Memo to Bedouin Raiders:

The MDC would like to know how a nation of less than 400 million intends to make a network of 11 billion with a sophisticated anti-nuclear grid and state-of-the-art military technology "very sorry."
Bedouin Raiders
23-03-2008, 06:02
It will be very simple. Very simpe indeed. Nobody said I was going to use nukes. Lets just say that I have a unique way of doing things. I learned a lot from the terrorist that attacked my nation recently. Population will matter little when I am done. Oh and I msut ask why you claim to be for peace and stabilty when the region you founded 3 hours ago advocates anarchy in its name?
OCC: You don't honestly think I will give away war plans do you? I'm not stupid but apparently you are if you think I would do that.
Bedouin Raiders
23-03-2008, 06:10
Oh and why do you get confrontational once the situation ahs been resolved. There are no more sales of WMd going on. It has ended. You could let it go but you get confrontational. and why is a capitalsit going around sticking his nosie in other peoples buisness and trying to regulate trade amongst nations?
23-03-2008, 06:21
It will be very simple. Very simpe indeed. Nobody said I was going to use nukes. Lets just say that I have a unique way of doing things. I learned a lot from the terrorist that attacked my nation recently. Population will matter little when I am done. Oh and I msut ask why you claim to be for peace and stabilty when the region you founded 3 hours ago advocates anarchy in its name?
OCC: You don't honestly think I will give away war plans do you? I'm not stupid but apparently you are if you think I would do that.

Open Memo to Bedouin Raiders

Anarchy is peace. The state is a crime. The market anarchy that has allowed Maniaca to flourish since the deposition of the Emperor is the ideal system. The MDC would like to advise against arrogance as you seem to not comprehend the situation you face


OOC: I wouldn't expect you to give away war plans, I was just making sure you weren't fooled by my join date which got messed up

OOC again: The MDC's stance against WMDs is the result of a neuroticism in the minds of the Heads of State, considering the amount of arms traffic the corporation has been involved in and is involved in currently. This whole incident actually drips with irony
23-03-2008, 12:29
OCC: All you have to do is say 10 mil. dollars of wheat and it will be.

OOC: I did, it's on the first page. 12th post.
Bedouin Raiders
23-03-2008, 14:38
OCC:I already sent you a message in a post above saying you won what you wanted.
OCC:It does seem to be ironic that a weapons trafficing company is threatening war with a nation for weapon trafficking

To:All concerned nations
Concerning: End to problems

WMD trafficking has ended. I will not be trafficking again in the near future because I have no need to get supplies or money now. If I ever do agian it will be to established stable nations because I don't want this uproar against me. I think that the situation has been resolved and thus we should all take a deep breath and take a step back. Then we can avoid war and avoid doing things we don't want to do.
23-03-2008, 16:57
OCC:I already sent you a message in a post above saying you won what you wanted.
OCC:It does seem to be ironic that a weapons trafficing company is threatening war with a nation for weapon trafficking

To:All concerned nations
Concerning: End to problems

WMD trafficking has ended. I will not be trafficking again in the near future because I have no need to get supplies or money now. If I ever do agian it will be to established stable nations because I don't want this uproar against me. I think that the situation has been resolved and thus we should all take a deep breath and take a step back. Then we can avoid war and avoid doing things we don't want to do.

Open memo to Bedouin Raiders:

The situation has not been resolved. Weapons of Mass Destruction have been sold to nations whose behavior is unpredictable. The MDC understands that war would solve little at this point, but must reiterate it's outrage at your actions. Eat well.

-Andre Romell,
-Eric Wright,
Bedouin Raiders
23-03-2008, 17:57
Concerning: WMD

It has been resolved. There are no weapons for sale and I can't be held responsible for their use. Would you arrest the seller of the gun that killed the person or the the person who pulled the trigger? Besides it is not your right to interfere with commerce fo other nations. War is not a solution that should be used. Derscon was smart to buy them out to ensure safety. If you don't want the sold weapons to be used then don't go after me, go after those who bought them. They are the threat to you. I am not.
24-03-2008, 00:44
Official Statement from the Dersconi Ministry of Foreign Afairs

We are pleased to see that the situation has been resolved. The Empire also stands by its condemnation of the brashness of Maniaca, as well as its illegitimate interference in international commerce. The Empire also stands by its condemnation of Maniaca's inability to think beyond the polarized black and white, and beyond the use of illegitimate force and needless violence, and develop a diplomatic solution. If Maniaca was actually concerned about the loss of innocent life, they would have also proposed the same deal Derscon proposed, which was to purchase the weapons of mass destruction on the market. Instead, they attempted to condemn the people of Bedouin Raiders to die of starvation.

The Empire would like to express its praise to Bedouin Raiders for remaining collected and level-headed in the face of opposition from militaristic nations such as Maniaca, and look forward to doing business with Bedouin Raiders in the future.

Zheleztsolupp Kabanov
Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Divine Prussian Empire of Derscon
24-03-2008, 00:54
[CENTER]Official Statement from the Dersconi Ministry of Foreign Afairs

The Divine Prussian Empire of Derscon[/SIZE][/I]

Open memo from the MDC:

The MDC condemns the repeated condemnations of the Free Market Network by the Empire of Derscon.

-Andre Romell,
-Eric Wright,
24-03-2008, 02:53
ICCD recognizes the right of the free market to buy and sell goods provided they do not create a general health risk to others, in such practices as environmental pollution, which I sense many nations may otherwise blatantly neglect. When these pollutants from industrial and other practices are 10x the equivlent of any chemical weapons attack on the broadbased global population, spreading cancer, death due to bad air quality, and global catastrophy by global warming. Likewise the stockpiling of nuclear weapons is much different then the use of nuclear weapons.


ICCD would be willing send engineers to B.R. to help implement agricultural systems and analyze the environmental system.

Note that environmental analysis is needed, but we feel we can turn your economy around. We would also be willing to buy up private land as it becomes available for sale at a reasonable rate.
Bedouin Raiders
24-03-2008, 03:06
Concerning: Your offer

thank you for your offer. It ouwld be very appreciated if you sne tyour engineers. You seem to be an enviromentalist naiton that can aid us in our recovery

Concerning: Condmenation of Derscon

I strongly disagree with your narrow mind set that says you are right and we are all wrong. You are open to no possiblity but war whereas everyone else(including me) was willing to seek a diplomatic solution.
24-03-2008, 03:22
Very well ICCD will send a corps of engineers and support staff, gauged at assessing the situation and implementing an action plan.
The Genovians
24-03-2008, 04:24
DuPont calls WMD Sale “Simply Atrocious”, No Action Taken
Genovia National Radio: World News,_2006.jpg
Minister of External Affairs Pierre DuPont
(File Photo)

SAN IGNACIO, Genovia- After consultation with Minister of Defence and Security, Emma Lee (Communist Party of Genovia, CPoG), Pierre DuPont (Pacifist Party, PP), the Minister of External Affairs of Genovia issued a press conference on the recent sale of weapons of mass destruction, including substances such as thermonuclear weapons and Sarin and mustard gas tipped artillery shells, by the Bedouin Raiders. There, he condemned the actions saying,

“This is atrocious, simply atrocious, and I’m not just talking about the Bedouins, who sold the weapons, everyone that bought them should rethink their actions. I call upon the purchasers to begin to destroy the weapons, in order to prevent them from being used in warfare.”

However, no action was taken by the Genovian government, DuPont announcing that “…economic and total sanctions will do nothing but harm. We will remain committed to the situation and take action if it is need, though.”