NationStates Jolt Archive

Rodinia (II Region|MT|Open

11-03-2008, 22:30
OOC: Rodinia is a roleplaying region. For all interested, apply below.

Official notice:
At the request of Uiri, the nations of Rodinia kindly request that any nations who do not wish to apply to Rodinia not post here, but instead direct their problems to myself or Uiri. In short, Stop spamming.

Rodinia (from the Russian for "motherland") is a vast region located in more temperate climates. The large size of this region (running from the equator to 40º N and from 140º E to 180º E) allows for its diverse nature, and the great variety of the people who inhabit it. It spans a large continent, with several outlying large islands. The climate remains cool, but, the great size of the area means that the temperature and weather remains diverse throughout the region.

Rodinia also houses a growing population of nations active on the international scene. Our current residents both take part in many international occurrences and incidents, and are very diverse in their populations and their governmental styles.

Our goal is to provide a community for international incidents regulars and newcomers to find a kindred group with which to RP. Rodinia is a community to all kinds of MT RPers- from dictatorships to democracies, from communist to capitalist, we're glad to take them all.


Full Name of Nation:
Name of National Leader:
Nation's Governmental Style:
Nations Economic Style:

Current Member Nations:

The Promethian Republic of Faxanavia
The Nod Parliametari Republik of Uiri
The Neo Federation of Megalithon
The People's Federation of Spartanox
The Glorious Fascist State of Gourmondinia
The Empire of Miamoria
The Absolute Dictatorship of Talentay
The Dominion of Ugolahn City
The People's Republic of Antarctimerica
The Kingdom of Zionvoc
The Socialist Republic of Jimanistan
The Kingdom of SoKhan

Useful Links:
The Rodinia Region Board (
11-03-2008, 22:31
Official Map:

Notice: Writing will be removed with next update. Legend is here:

Blue - Water
Orange - Uiri
Dark Blue - Faxanavia
Light Blue - Megalithon
Light Green - Gourmondinia
Purple - Spartanox

In case you are wondering:

11-03-2008, 22:34
It seems my concerns have been addressed. As such this post only serves that there used to be an icky treaty you must agree with to get into the region and now it is gone. Oh and...


*Uiri starts the fiesta

One free fiesta with every joining.

Another notice which I am putting here...

The temperatures and climate of each country should be negotiated with neighbours and in general the region runs from the equator to 40º N and from 140º E to 180º. This creates three timezones. +12 UTC is from 172º E to 180º E. The other timezones are +11 UTC which runs from 157.5º E to 172.5º E, +10 UTC which encompasses the rest. Daylight savings doesn't make sense below 30º although if you want to you may use daylight savings (which would be in effect now.)
11-03-2008, 22:59
Rodinia is open and accepting members as we speak!

*joins Uiri in very small fiesta*
11-03-2008, 23:32
Check out the new Rodinia Region Board, located here (!
12-03-2008, 00:03
12-03-2008, 01:04
12-03-2008, 01:47
Greater Headhunters
12-03-2008, 02:22
Here, show you how to make a real map. The Map! (
12-03-2008, 02:35
I had a feeling Kampfers would do that.
East Antairees
12-03-2008, 02:45
I had a feeling Kampfers would do that.

What about me (
No endorse
12-03-2008, 03:24
:/ if it's a real map contest, than the one that Chevrokia and I did jointly needs recognition

That being said, Fax.... NEVER EVER EVER ALLOW GUESTS TO POST ON YOUR FORUM. EVER. EVER. It'll take you a bit to clear all that spam out.

EDIT: Also, maps should always be made in .png, not .jpg. The former keeps it from getting hideously blurry, the latter is just ZOMGSMEAR.
12-03-2008, 03:26

moar like dis ( amirite

No, more like this (

Because Antarchon > Haven. As it always has been, and ever shall be.
12-03-2008, 03:30
No, more like this (

Because Antarchon > Haven. As it always has been, and ever shall be.

You and your three other members amirite?
12-03-2008, 03:47
Guys, leave Faxanavia alone. He's trying to start a region, not a spamfest. Now, I admit that I participated with one post, but this is just too much. Especially on the forums.
12-03-2008, 12:25
Please. As Stoklomovski said, this is not a map contest, and Nosoreppazzau, I am frankly somewhat offended that you'd use this area to ask to join another region. If you wish to become a member of Rodinia, we woul be happy to accept you, but please, this is not the Havenite thread. As for the rest of you, please, direct all map questions to Uiri.

Also, NE, thank you very much for your aid. I am somewhat new to invisionfree, although I did not expect the utter juevenile actions I witnessed there. Be assured, I will think in the future before I allow people of the likes of Kampfers or Praetonia to view said board.
12-03-2008, 13:29
Here, show you how to make a real map. The Map! ( That map is really bad IMO


moar like dis ( amirite


I had a feeling Kampfers would do that.


What about me (

'tis ok

Hey Kampfers can I join your region!



We can bump our own thread and maybe this post attracted further spam. Thanks.

:/ if it's a real map contest, than the one that Chevrokia and I did jointly needs recognition

That being said, Fax.... NEVER EVER EVER ALLOW GUESTS TO POST ON YOUR FORUM. EVER. EVER. It'll take you a bit to clear all that spam out.

EDIT: Also, maps should always be made in .png, not .jpg. The former keeps it from getting hideously blurry, the latter is just ZOMGSMEAR.

Just a close up on Haven?
Not like he can stop it...
Thanks for the tip.

I've TGed you again please respond via TG so I don't get a rep for being a spamer! What are Proles?

This is my last post in this thread,unless I intend to post here for the author's original purpose.That's final!!!!!!!!

That's nice, maybe you should've stayed out instead of spamming.

no proles in mah haven


Guys, leave Faxanavia alone. He's trying to start a region, not a spamfest. Now, I admit that I participated with one post, but this is just too much. Especially on the forums.

Thank You

No, more like this (

Because Antarchon > Haven. As it always has been, and ever shall be.

That map pwns

You and your three other members amirite?


TG for Kampfers(check your messages):D

Don't post that in this thread. PM or IM him or something.
12-03-2008, 19:14
Also, NE, thank you very much for your aid. I am somewhat new to invisionfree, although I did not expect the utter juevenile actions I witnessed there. Be assured, I will think in the future before I allow people of the likes of Kampfers or Praetonia to view said board.

What is more juvenile: wearing a "kick me" sign, or following up on the instructions contained in said sign? Food for thought.
12-03-2008, 19:39
Following up on the instructions contained in said sign. lol. Seriously though please do not spam up this thread unless you are in/would like to come into the region.
12-03-2008, 20:53
Thank you, Uiri, for nailing that down. Bretton, while I understand your anecdote, I do not see how it justifies respectable nations spamming my boards with ridiculous nonsense.
12-03-2008, 21:38
Bump bump.
13-03-2008, 00:17
Bump again.
Great Neo-Russia
13-03-2008, 00:38
requesting to join:

Full Name of Nation: The Great Neo-Russia
Name of National Leader: Czar Nicholas Ramburg
Nation's Governmental Style: Dictatorship
Nations Economic Style: Socialist

(we join because we like the brandy lol)
13-03-2008, 01:06
Anbia: Thanks.

Faxanavia: Could you edit this notice into the first post?

13-03-2008, 01:21
Added, albeit slightly more politely.
13-03-2008, 01:47

a) too small
b)at the end of the post and
c) no one will see it.
13-03-2008, 01:49

a) too small
b)at the end of the post and
c) no one will see it.

Yes sir. Fixed sir.
13-03-2008, 03:20
Well, if you must know, my thesis follows that acts of vulnerability on the internet tend to be rewarded with spite and trolling. This is natural and shouldn't be considered in bad taste: the trollers get some laughs, and the trollees never make that mistake of vulnerability again. Thus I wouldn't specifically call it juvenile.
13-03-2008, 14:51
Bretton: Please shut it.

requesting to join:

Full Name of Nation: The Great Neo-Russia
Name of National Leader: Czar Nicholas Ramburg
Nation's Governmental Style: Dictatorship
Nations Economic Style: Socialist

(we join because we like the brandy lol)

Where would you like to be situated? Look at the map in the second post. For no reason spammers have been posting maps better/worse than the one in the second post.
13-03-2008, 17:13
Full Name of Nation: Neo Federation of Megalithon
Name of National Leader: President Neil O'Conner
Nation's Governmental Style: Democratic Socialist
Nations Economic Style: Socialism
13-03-2008, 17:15
Megalithon: Where would you like to be situated?
13-03-2008, 17:16
What's the space limit?
13-03-2008, 17:34
I'll have to discuss that with Faxanavia. Why, what did you have in mind?
13-03-2008, 17:43
I was just wondering if population would be a variable. Anyways, I was thinking if I could be situated in the two islands in southeast of Faxanavia...the one that kinna looks like New Zealand.
13-03-2008, 17:49
OK, why not. I was kind of hoping it would be two nations on those islands but I don't see why not.

Keep in mind the scale is 1 pixel = 10 square km
13-03-2008, 17:55
13-03-2008, 21:49
Megalithon and Neo-Great Russia, you're both approved. I'll TG you the password ASAP. Uiri, as the map maker don't feel the need to consult me on map descisions- I leave them up to you.
13-03-2008, 22:07
OK, Faxanavia duly noted. IRC channel is up and running btw.
13-03-2008, 23:07
Right. IRC is up and running, for all members of Rodinia. You can find the IRC information over on the boards.
13-03-2008, 23:31
14-03-2008, 00:40
Bump for interest.
14-03-2008, 01:45
Bump for the evening.
14-03-2008, 12:16
14-03-2008, 13:53
I am interested in one of the islands in the south, more exactly the middle one (since Megalithon asked for the south-east ones), but I would like
-to make it look like this ( (sorry for the horrible graphics), instead of that potato-shaped thing
-to move it a little to the south, (not much, just enough so that it will be the southern most piece of land -don't laugh, is for RP touristic purposes).
-since the level of technology was not stated, I think is normal to ask that I would like to keep some "near future" stuff that I have:
*jetpack is a standard equipment for enforcers-paramedics-troopers;
*I can launch and I have launched satellites;
*if you remember reading about that idea of launching a satellite in orbit to receive energy from the sun and to send it back to Earth as a laser/microwave beam, to fulfill the energy requirements? I RPed the whole process, and I cannot get rid of it.

I know that there is a lot of "I want" in this post, but I actually think that you would want to know this from the start, rather then finding later. If "near future" is not what you had in mind, I understand.

That being said,
Full Name of Nation:The RevTerran Alliance
Name of National Leader: Matei Revert
Nation's Governmental Style: democratic, although with a lot of gray areas; elected parliament, supervised by the Alliance's Council (democratically elected representatives from the territory), with an overall chief-of-state, a civilian holding the military rank of (supreme) Comander
Nations Economic Style: protectionist; self sufficient.
14-03-2008, 14:09
I am interested in one of the islands in the south, more exactly the middle one (since Megalithon asked for the south-east ones), but I would like
-to make it look like this ( (sorry for the horrible graphics), instead of that potato-shaped thing
-to move it a little to the south, (not much, just enough so that it will be the southern most piece of land -don't laugh, is for RP touristic purposes).
-since the level of technology was not stated, I think is normal to ask that I would like to keep some "near future" stuff that I have:
*jetpack is a standard equipment for enforcers-paramedics-troopers;
*I can launch and I have launched satellites;
*if you remember reading about that idea of launching a satellite in orbit to receive energy from the sun and to send it back to Earth as a laser/microwave beam, to fulfill the energy requirements? I RPed the whole process, and I cannot get rid of it.

I know that there is a lot of "I want" in this post, but I actually think that you would want to know this from the start, rather then finding later. If "near future" is not what you had in mind, I understand.

That being said,
Full Name of Nation:The RevTerran Alliance
Name of National Leader: Matei Revert
Nation's Governmental Style: democratic, although with a lot of gray areas; elected parliament, supervised by the Alliance's Council (democratically elected representatives from the territory), with an overall chief-of-state, a civilian holding the military rank of (supreme) Comander
Nations Economic Style: protectionist; self sufficient.

I can make it further south, I can give you that island but I will not change it into a tota- well, my island is a perfect circle so who am I to complain, but still. Volcanoes are circular by nature. I may change it but not to such a rigid shape.

Actually the level of technology was stated. If you had read the title you would know it is MT. I apologize if you are new to nationstates and do not know what that means. Here is a quick run down...

PT = Past tech
MT = Modern Tech
PMT = Post-Modern Tech
NFT = Near-future Tech
FT = Future Tech

So, no, near-future isn't what we had in mind but I'm sure you can have satellited which take pictures and what not. Although I'd think it better to check with Faxanavia before usin any of it in our region.
14-03-2008, 14:31
Not that it matter, but my join date says otherwise about my presence on the NS :D Still, I admit having a problem with the definition of MT, since most (well, rather everything) i ask for is demonstrated as being possible, albeit expensive (Yes, I know, that applies to Star Trek too.... )

Hence, the "up front" approach: your world, your rules. :)
14-03-2008, 14:54
OK, do you want the island in that bay thing in what looks like an upside down australia or the one which is just below that land bridge type thing?
14-03-2008, 15:29
I think I'm gonna take the bigger, below-the-landmass one, since, by bringing it more to the south, it would make it somehow isolated, which would better fit RevTerr's profile.
Thank you
14-03-2008, 16:00
Map updated. Any changes you request will be done at the next update when I find the time.
14-03-2008, 20:52
Revterr, I've taken a look at your requirements. Besides the jetpack bit, it looks okay. If you're willing to do away with that, then you're approved. I'll TG you the password.
14-03-2008, 21:04
Faxanavia watch out. In a couple posts you'll have a 1337 post count. Try to preserve it ;) Oh, and I used that seal maker. Here's my new seal:

Oh, yeah, I'm on IRC.
14-03-2008, 22:48
Looks nice. Also, I plan to note whichever lucky post gets number LEET with an edit.
15-03-2008, 07:05
I am sorry, Faxanavia, but I cannot get them out, my internal affairs are conducted around the fast time response of JetPackers, either Enforcers, Paramedics or Firefighters.
Thanking you and Uiri for the chance, I'm pulling off. Happy gaming!
15-03-2008, 13:58
Well, if that's how you feel, then your welcome and good day.

Edit: 1337th post!
16-03-2008, 00:40
16-03-2008, 01:45
bump again.
16-03-2008, 13:13
17-03-2008, 13:19
17-03-2008, 16:07
Update: we have elected our first UN delegate: Megalithon!
17-03-2008, 20:21
17-03-2008, 23:02
Bump, once again.
18-03-2008, 02:09
18-03-2008, 15:48
20-03-2008, 23:07
20-03-2008, 23:51
hey Faxanavia, I "polish" the map with the permission of's the link:
20-03-2008, 23:54
hey Faxanavia, I "polish" the map with the permission of's the link:

Looks sweet. I'll post it in the region. Let Uiri know so he can update his post. I have a couple of ideas as to how to format the map, which I'll discuss when they've fully formed in my head...
20-03-2008, 23:57
I'm glad to hear the only thing is, we need more nations...

and o yeah, one question..does the size of the population in the region affect the size of a nation?
21-03-2008, 00:01
We definetly need more nations to come and join our incredible and great and awesome region. [/advertising]

To tell you the truth, I don't know. I don't belive so, but its possible.

In summation: JOIN RODINIA!
21-03-2008, 00:10
Looks like you guys need more nations...well sign me up! My current region is too big and thus got boring so here's my application.:D

Full Name of Nation: The People's Republic of Spartanox
Name of National Leader: President Neil Harling
Nation's Governmental Style: Centrist Democracy
Nations Economic Style: Strong Capitalism
21-03-2008, 00:28
Looks like you guys need more nations...well sign me up! My current region is too big and thus got boring so here's my application.:D

Full Name of Nation: The People's Republic of Spartanox
Name of National Leader: President Neil Harling
Nation's Governmental Style: Centrist Democracy
Nations Economic Style: Strong Capitalism

Sweet. Glad to have you aboard. Everything looks good and in order, so I'll TG you the password ASAP.
21-03-2008, 00:35
So do i have a size limit? cause that would affect by desired spot in the region
21-03-2008, 00:36
Depends on what you propose. Don't, for example, take up a quarter of the map. The best thing to do would be to draw your proposal onto the map, and send it to Uiri, who's the regional map maker in charge. He'll give you the all clear.
21-03-2008, 00:38
alright sweet
21-03-2008, 13:34
alright sweet

Excellent. Glad to have you onboard.
23-03-2008, 14:33
23-03-2008, 21:47
24-03-2008, 01:26
Bumpity-bump bump.
24-03-2008, 15:28
The Rodinian population is now 6.
24-03-2008, 19:21
People of Rodinia, there's a civil war in Rodinan member nation Gourmondinia! Check it out here (
24-03-2008, 21:07
25-03-2008, 20:37
BUMPity I think it is alright if it is the last thread on the last page...
28-03-2008, 01:31
Bump For new residents. Rodinia needs you, people!
28-03-2008, 13:44
29-03-2008, 14:36
29-03-2008, 15:22
Faxanavia, do u have any map of your nation? cause i'm planning to make my own map but i need to see what others look like
29-03-2008, 15:52
I don't have a map of my new land mass, as that I haven't gotten around to making. However, if you check the Gourmondinian civil war thread, a very basic map of Gourmondinia has been posted which could give you an idea of what to do.
29-03-2008, 23:47
31-03-2008, 00:34
31-03-2008, 22:11
Daily bump.
02-04-2008, 21:53
Added a gradient to the emblem. More of an update coming.
03-04-2008, 23:28
We have an all new regional delegate: The master map maker himself, Uiri.
04-04-2008, 00:10
I have great credentials. Just ask Cookborough or Zhonghua Renguo, I was Delegate of the PI for over 100 days.
04-04-2008, 00:21
Congrats Uiri
04-04-2008, 00:57
It was a long time ago. Started in mid-august and ended sometime in November.
04-04-2008, 01:47
We might have a new candidate for Rodinia. You all might want to look here ( for more info.
04-04-2008, 03:16
04-04-2008, 20:49
Cool. Good to see we have an experienced WA delegate, then.
05-04-2008, 22:17
El bumpo.
06-04-2008, 22:10
We've got ourselves a new regional banner!
12-04-2008, 14:05
14-04-2008, 21:20
El bump.
17-04-2008, 12:23
17-04-2008, 20:56
Faxanavia: "BUMP"
17-04-2008, 21:04
Faxanavia: "BUMP"

There can be variations on it...
18-04-2008, 21:19
Like this: bump.
18-04-2008, 21:35
ill keep that in mind next time:)
19-04-2008, 02:01
Just a heads up- major update to the look of the map is coming soon, so be prepared.
20-04-2008, 13:23
New map is coming soon, just as soon as Megalithon finishes up his edits to it. Its now gone around three people.
20-04-2008, 18:27
i got a quick question...what doe II mean? I just noticed it in the title. And as for the map I've decided to eliminate the colors distinguishing the nations. So you'll just see the nation name and the border lines. I think it shows more of the geography. Are you guys cool with that?
20-04-2008, 18:33
It stands for International Incidents.
As for the map, that sounds good. Just post it whenever your finished, and we'll have a look at it.
22-04-2008, 01:16
A new map is finally up. After three of us working on it non-stop, we've got new geography, and a new political and geographical map. Thanks to Uiri, Megalithon, and of course myself. It'll be up as soon as Uiri can edit his post...
22-04-2008, 21:20
The all new political map is up!
22-04-2008, 21:30

Dunno if you noticed but it's been up since about 50 minutes after your last post last night.

I think Great Neo-Russia is dying and that besides you and I, and perhaps Megalithon (perhaps), everyone has lost interest in the Gourmondinia civil war thread.
22-04-2008, 21:32
Sorry about that. I just realized it now...
True. GNR seems to have lost interest, I guess. We need to get more interest in the region... As for the Gourmondinian civil war, if Megalithon got that trojan horse bit going, we'd be up and running again.
22-04-2008, 21:38
Only it would be you v. Rebels, Meg and I. I don't think Gourmondinia as you know it would last very long. Unless you can survive Op: Trojan Horse than there is know way for you to win, pretty much because now there is the Gourmondinia canal and that means that you must cross the canal and Uiri would probably land 5 km away from the canal on the west side and close the gap because before there was no canal.

EDIT: Maybe we should discuss this on IRC?
24-04-2008, 14:01
So Uiri, when u posting that geographical map?
25-04-2008, 00:55
New Umberland
26-04-2008, 14:27
We's got ourselves two new members- Miamoria and Talentay. Big hand for them.
Seriously, though. We need more members... Anyone got any ideas?
27-04-2008, 04:34
alright we need to put the geographic map up...and im guessing New Umberland is a puppet by someone?..cuz he just came out of nowhere
05-05-2008, 20:59
Yeah, that was me. My apologies.
Ugolahn City
05-05-2008, 23:50
Full Name of Nation: The Dominion of Ugolahn City
Name of National Leader: Sir Damien Riso
Nation's Governmental Style: Father Knows Best State
Nations Economic Style: Socialist
06-05-2008, 12:22
Glad to have you, UC. I'll TG you the password ASAP.
07-05-2008, 01:09
Ugohlan city has raised the membership of Rodinia once again.
07-05-2008, 01:48
18-05-2008, 00:20
Seems we've hit ten members in the region. Finally! Two digits!
18-05-2008, 19:37
and that means Uiri and I need to update the map....which leads to more work:(
..but our region is expanding:)
18-05-2008, 19:41
Yep. Its good. *cracks whip* Now get back to work, map maker!
18-05-2008, 19:46
*gets scared by the whip*...Yes sir!...*grabs a paper and pencil then goes to work*
20-05-2008, 21:28
*gets scared by the whip*...Yes sir!...*grabs a paper and pencil then goes to work*

Good man. And tell Uiri that if he doesn't get to work, I'll send you both back to the dungeons!
20-05-2008, 22:03
Hey! You are the one not updating the World Factbook Entry with the correct map and keeping the old one.

although once I get Talentay's spot it'll be come -7.png instead of -6.png
20-05-2008, 22:07
It wasn't me! *dashes off to update entry* See! Its been like that all the time! *hides the "Seconds ago: The Promethian Republic of Faxanavia updated the World Factbook entry" message*
24-05-2008, 00:02
A good, old fashioned BUMP.
24-05-2008, 00:48
Full Name of Nation: Socialist Republic of Jimanistan
Name of National Leader: Jakob Stivik
Nation's Governmental Style: Non-offensive Centrist Democracy (in transition to Socialism)
Nations Economic Style: Socialism

I was looking for an RP-based region..
24-05-2008, 00:57
Quite glad to have you. Everything looks good, so TG for you. Good to have you onboard.
24-05-2008, 14:48
And... Jimanistan makes us eleven! [/glorified BUMP]
25-05-2008, 14:06
10-06-2008, 04:13
Full Name of Nation: The Kingdom of SoKhan
Name of National Leader: King Muhammad Khan
Nation's Governmental Style: Monarchy
Nations Economic Style: Capitalism
10-06-2008, 13:27
Full Name of Nation: The Kingdom of SoKhan
Name of National Leader: King Muhammad Khan
Nation's Governmental Style: Monarchy
Nations Economic Style: Capitalism

OOC: Sounds good. we can always use new people. Welcome aboard.
06-07-2008, 23:31
14-07-2008, 15:51
After thinking about my current region, Stornoway, and the extreme inactiveness of it, I believe I need a new region. I know Fax really well, and Uiri somewhat, so what the heck. Plus, I heard you guys have soccer playoffs!

Full Name of Nation: The Confederacy of Kenavt
Name of National Leader: Secretary of Foreign Affairs For LION, Premier Duke Andrew da Vincho
Nation's Governmental Style: Corrupt Dictatorship ;)
Nations Economic Style: Market
14-07-2008, 16:15
After thinking about my current region, Stornoway, and the extreme inactiveness of it, I believe I need a new region. I know Fax really well, and Uiri somewhat, so what the heck. Plus, I heard you guys have soccer playoffs!

Full Name of Nation: The Confederacy of Kenavt
Name of National Leader: Secretary of Foreign Affairs For LION, Premier Duke Andrew da Vincho
Nation's Governmental Style: Corrupt Dictatorship ;)
Nations Economic Style: Market

Epic. Good to have you, Ken.
14-07-2008, 16:19
Thank you.