NationStates Jolt Archive

War with the Ori (OOC/Sign up/ intrest thread)

10-03-2008, 16:06
Im planning to make a thread where the Ori (from stargate) are invading the galixy. We start at thier super gate about 1-2 hours before they activate the gate and enter the galixy and can work out from there to thier gradualy decimation of the galixys fleets/ Succes of thier cruisade.

Please use the folowing template for your race/charicters:
Race name:
Race religion:
Capital/ Flag ship (please provide a picture and description if possable) :
Key figures ( optional) :
Tech level/ equivalent to (i.e. Gao'uld, Tokra, etc)

Max tech level should be equil to that of the asgard at the time of thier mass suicide. If you would like to have a tech level comparative to that of the anchiants/ori please ask me for permission.

The can be only one race at that level for balance as the Ori will pwn most things of the lower tech levels.

Please note that this is not a declairation of war against any nation that RPs as the Ori or any other nation of Ori orianetation.

lastly please excuse my poor spelling and grammer, belive me it used to be waaaaaaaaaaaaay worse
10-03-2008, 21:31
Key figures ( optional) : Admiral Tylius Jion, Lord Arbiter Rok'atu, Field Marshall Lucifer Dominican, Shadow Marshall Maleficius.
Tech level/ equivalent to : Ori, maybe?

Could you (and every one else) please say what role a key figure plays e.g. my emporer will be Sharp talon, etc

As to ori tech level, i will wait untill the thread is a little more filled out, then if there are any other requests then i will google fight it. By Friday I plan to post the IC thread, please get any aplication for the Ori/ anchiant tech level in before that.
Void Templar
10-03-2008, 21:32
Race name: The Imperial Dominion of the Void
Race religion: Sithism (Worship of the God of the Void)
Capital/ Flag ship : The VTN Desecratum. (
Weapons: 1 forward SuperRail cannon ,3 forward Brightlight Supercannons(Combined 3 Laser cannons release 900 zettajoules on impact, however it takes 10 minutes to charge and the ship must offline weapons and either shields or engines for 5 minutes afterwards while power regenerates), over 50 PDF minilasers, 20 forward facing turbolasers, 20 side facing turbos and 10 Sunkiller torpedo ports on either side.
Shields: Dual irradiated uranium/dilithium power cells
Engines: 8 single engines.
Compliment: 200 Requiem class Fighter-Bombers (
Key figures ( optional) : Admiral Tylius Jion, Lord Arbiter Rok'atu, Field Marshall Lucifer Dominican, Shadow Marshall Maleficius, Emperor Palinus.
Tech level/ equivalent to : Ori, maybe?
Bedouin Raiders
10-03-2008, 21:49
Race(included is military affiliation): Bedouin Raiders Space Fleet
Religion: Anything accept Ori beliefs
Flagship: B.R.S. Sand Raider
Specs: Basically a Daedalaus Class ship
Weapons on ship are Asgard Weapons that were given to the Daedalaus prior to the mass suicide and the sheilds are on there to but not sensors, rail guns, missles, gatebuster warheads, and a squadron of f-302 like fighters (F-10 Hawk)
Key Figures:
Admiral Chester Halsey (fleet commander)
Captain Eric Sharpton (commander of all fighters in Fleet)
Lt. Col. Henry Chatam (commander of marine contingent attached to fleet)
Tech: Human-Tau'ri

I am including this on my own as Bedouin Raiders has sent it's entire fleet. All ships sent are:
B.R.S. Sand Raider
B.R.S. Dune Rider (also Daedalaus class which means it too has Asgard tech)
B.R.S. Sand Storm (Promethius Class meaning it has no Asgard tech)
B.R.S. Bandit (Promethius)
B.R.S. Desert King (Promethius)
B.R.S. Sand Scorpion (Promethius)
A total of 100 F-10's are aborad my ships
10-03-2008, 21:54
hm, teeny tiny fleet but meh, ur acepted, as are you void, sry forgot to say.

Being a bit brave thoe, sendin those few ships in (especialy as promethius class can only with stand 2 super laser hits, Deadlus 5 without asgard upgrades, perhapse 7-8 with them.good luck m8 lol).

ALSO: IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please say wether you have been visited by an Ori prior, may help the thread along.
10-03-2008, 22:10
Right then, now to post my template.

Race name: Dragona
Race religion:Spiritualist (Worship of the ancesters AND the Anchiants)
Capital/ Flag ship : D.E.S. Pennance ( (pennance class) Armament:
100 anti fighter weapons (not much use against anything but fighters)
4 heavy ion guns (Powrful anti-shield weapons, essentialy the Tollen anti-ship guns)
56 turbolasers
4 tracter beam emiters
30 Crippler class fighter bombers ( OR 20 Venerable class heavy fighters (
10 defence drones (
Key figures ( optional) : Emporer Sharp talon (Emporer)
High admaral Nesh slan (Leader of the defence/ attack on the super gate)
Dr Gen drohyra (brilliant scientists, there to try and find a weakness with the gate)
Tech level/ equivalent to (i.e. Gao'uld, Tokra, etc): Tollen

Note that i will be sending 3 Pennance class ships (including the Pennance) and 4 Nid class assault cruisers (

Imagin the Nid class ships to be much larger than they are on TV and armed with about 50 turbo lasers, 20 ion cannons and a lot of deconstructer bombers ( (fear them:P)
10-03-2008, 22:14
Bedouin Raiders
10-03-2008, 22:39
The Priors came to my planet. They however failed to convince us as the holy men of my people's religions proved to be just as powerful. (The holy men were origianlly trained by one of the ancestors that was named Odyseus). The fleet we send may be small however we ahve a secert weapon that will soon be ready. The leader of the Holy Men has agreed to provide us with the weapons of the ancestors(OCC: with your permission of course. I would liek to have Daedaulaus ships under construction that have drones and a chair along with the other weapons already on that class of ships.)
10-03-2008, 22:40
At this rate we proboly wont get much more intrest, if that be the case you can be, ONLY IF THAT BE THE CASE.
Void Templar
10-03-2008, 22:41
Okay, I'll post a fleet list as an EG.

The 1st Naval Battalion

Flagship: The VTN Desecratum (See above)


The VTN Dominator
The VTN Invincible
The VTN Indomitable
The VTN Bloodfall

Battleships are of the Moloch ( class, and have 30 turbolasers, 5 Starburst torpedo ports(slightly weaker than Sunkiller), 1 normal Mass Railgun.


The VTN Carpe Diem
The VTN Shadowfall
The VTN Wraithkiller
The VTN Magenta

Cruisers are of the Vulture ( class, and have 10 turbolasers, 2 torpedo ports, 5 missile ports.


The VTN Maggot
The VTN Royale
The VTN Karasi

Cruisers are of the Victory ( class, and are armed with 10 turbolasers, a railgun, laser mines and GravSpike launchers. (Grav Spikes are long cylinders which, upon impact, distort the gravity inside a ship, making work difficult.)

SuperHeavy Patrol:

The VTN Kamikaze

The Kamikaze ( is perhaps the strangest ship in the fleet. Armed with only 10 laser mine launchers and 10 missile launchers, this ship is capable of destroying countless numbers of fighters. (Laser Mines are spheres which are shot out and have a proximity field. When a ship passes into the proximity field, the mine detonates, making a number of homing plasma bolts fire out at any enemy ships. The plasmas are programmed with the ship details of the VT fleet, so friendly fire incidents are rare.)

Oh, and I hope its not too big or powerful. Considering we're all on the same team, I tried not to make it too uber. Still, even if I'm not the Ori tech race, my tech still owns.
10-03-2008, 22:44
(OCC: with your permission of course. I would liek to have Daedaulaus ships under construction that have drones and a chair along with the other weapons already on that class of ships.)

Interesting. How many, if any, will be deployed?i will still count your race as Tau'ri tech and expect that to be the extent of the Anchiant orientated weapons, else i can bring in my O.W. systems lol (they are super drones :S)
Bedouin Raiders
10-03-2008, 22:45
"This is Admiral Chester Halsey of the Bedouin Vessel B.R.S. Sand Raider. I propsoe to use my ships as fire and manuever ships when the Ori arrive. The Promethius class ships can serve to fight their smaller fighters as an anti-air platform, while the Daedalaus class ships can move among the Ori ships quickly using the Asgard weapons on the Ori vessels. I will send all of my fighters against their fighters that come after my vessels. Does anyone oppose this strategy?"
Bedouin Raiders
10-03-2008, 22:55
None will be deployed immediatly. The first will be launched in less than 24 hours though so they will be able to enter battle if we fail to hold the supergate. All of the ships will launch within the next 53 hours. A total of 4 will launch. We have been working since the prior came just over 11 months ago to get these vessels built and operational. All of them were already under construction however they did not have any of the Ancestors (or Ancients as you call them) planned. We only added this feature after the first prior.

It wouldn't be Stargate if there wasn't some force rushing to aid the others agianst the Ori but not being quite ready yet when the battle begins.
Bedouin Raiders
10-03-2008, 22:57
Sounds good. So are there any people that are going to be Ori?
Void Templar
10-03-2008, 22:59
The Void has had a prior visit them. The prior was promptly caught and skinned for blasphemy. He fought back but was restrained by a Force user. So, VT isn't on tea time terms with the Ori.

Also, BR, the IC isn't up till Friday. Although, if Ih8u could see his way into putting it up tonight, there may be a cookie in it.

Choc chip.
10-03-2008, 23:08

Tonight, the IC ( shall go up

Inlight of the situation VT does get the Ori tech level. goin 2 beg now lol, night.
10-03-2008, 23:09
Well i will be RPing the ori and my guys but we will get to that 2morrow lol, night pplz
North Calaveras
11-03-2008, 00:48
Race name:Goa'uld(including jaffa in his service)
Race religion: Kash
Capital/ Flag ship (please provide a picture and description if possable) :
Key figures ( optional) :Kash(goa'uld leader) Typhus(minor goa'uld), other minor goa'ulds in his service, Kash's first prime Maximus
Tech level/ equivalent to (i.e. Gao'uld, Tokra, etc): Goa'uld with some enhanced ancient tech.
11-03-2008, 01:02
It would have been better to put this at the start of the IC thread:

Race name: Alversia
Race religion: Whatever you like, Christianity
Capital/ Flag ship: Doesn't have one particular flagship but for this RP so far away from home, it'll be a DSF Destroyer
Name: APS Amendable
Type: A-Class Destroyer
Crew: 500
Powerplant: 3 x Radial MM-23 Engines
6 x double mounted turbolaser turrets
2 x phaser banks
24 x AA Guns
8 x missile launchers
Speed: Warp 9.98
Tech level/ equivalent to: No bloody idea, I don't watch Stargate
11-03-2008, 11:53
@Alversia: sorry mate but you aint acepted, it wont really work if you dont watch stargate any way but thanks for applying anyway.

Btw, what do you meen it would have been beter at the start of the IC?
The Arazi
11-03-2008, 12:16
Race Name: Arazi
Race Religion: The Order of Kar'Os
Capital / Flag Ship: Warcruiser Arazi
Type: Arazi-Class Warcruiser
x26 LASER Arrays
x14 Plasma Lances
x6 Ion Arrays
Defensive Tech:
x6 Gravitic Defense Field Generators
x4 Energy Defense Field Generators
Hull Polarization
Maximum Speed: PhaseJump Standard Velocity (About Warp 9)
For a Picture, Check my Signature

Key Figures:
Kal'Mel Andreus Dentar - Ship Commander of the Warcruiser Arazi
Kal'daros Muhilim - High Priest of the Order of Kar'Os (will come in later)

Tech Level/Equivalent: EDIT: Reduced to Asgard level.
11-03-2008, 13:46
Hmmm well i was hopeing to save this untill a little later on but i might aswell say it now.

I need to know now: Will we win against the Ori, reactivate the supergate and slaughterr them in thier galixy OR will they win an then we have to push them back.

Please leave your desicion on the OOC thread.

For that reason im reluctant to allow the NEAR- anchiant tech level.
*Several minutes later*
Nope sorry, please keep to the Asgard tech as the absolute maximum.
11-03-2008, 15:21
Little silly, why go to their galaxy where they can flex their Godlike powers? You need to neutralise them first.

By the way, My Gods could totally kick your gods asses :P

I'm tempted, but then I'm not sure what tech-level 40k would match up to here...Better than human and Goa'uld anyways. Could probably give the Asgard a run for their money, considering how they got immensely pwned by robot spiders and haven't thought of inventing ballistics :P
The Fedral Union
11-03-2008, 15:39
Sign me up in a limited role ill be using 3 ships :

1 Warrington class cruiser:

2 monitors

12 SA-40A Dragon furys
My vice President Mike Logan will be my main character along with his younger brother.

(No pic yet)
Thomas Logan.
11-03-2008, 15:45
@Alversia: sorry mate but you aint acepted, it wont really work if you dont watch stargate any way but thanks for applying anyway.

Btw, what do you meen it would have been beter at the start of the IC?

OOC: Fair enough, I hadn't a clue what you'se were all talking about anyway :p.

As for the comment, VT didn't post this until the second page of the IC thread. If I hadn't my head screwed on I would have missed it entirely. You should put a link to the thread at the top of the OP
11-03-2008, 17:38
@Chornoseia: the ori are acended beings that have actuly existed, not gods.
@Alversia: ah now i get it
@TFU: Ok you are acepted but i dont really see how you can have a temporary role lol:P
The Arazi
11-03-2008, 18:47
Alright, reduced my tech level to Asgard equivalent.
11-03-2008, 19:14
Thing with the Feazanthian Dominion is, if they don't feel threatened by a foreign power, they wont pay it the least bit of attention militarily. The Ori would have to piss them off first.

Oh, and they're not based in the Milky Way. The Dominion is based in the Cetra galaxy, a dwarf galaxy some distance away from the Milky Way (made up galaxies are made of win, in case you hadn't realized >.>)

Anyway, I feel a single bombardment group on exploration duty wouldn't be too far of a stretch for me. So here's the stats on what I'll be deploying (further stats available on request). Take me or leave me.

Race name: Kiithid (human)
Race religion: Saju'ka - Worship of the Gods (Sajuuk, Qwaar-Jet, and Koshiir Ra)
Capital/ Flag ship (please provide a picture and description if possible): IFN Toet-Koy, Majiirian Mk.1A Heavy Battleship (see below)
Key figures (optional): Jak'sa (Fleet Captain) Sarah Connors Somtaaw
Tech level/ equivalent to (i.e. Gao'uld, Tokra, etc) - Not applicable. The vast majority of my technology is based on real-world experimental and, occasionally, theoretical military tech. I just apply it in ways that are fairly unheard of in typical space opera. While others have armor made of Wankonium, my armor is made of compressed plates of aggregated diamond nanorods reinforced with single-walled carbon nanontubes and silicone-impregnated ceramic ablators. Doesn't sound nearly as cool as, say, "neutronium", but works a whole lot better. Weapons are a mix of self-guided kinetic kill vehicles (railguns), hydrogen ion cannons, and "bombardment cannons" which accelerate a self-guided delivery system with a proton-antiproton annihilation warhead.
11-03-2008, 19:54
@Chornoseia: the ori are acended beings that have actuly existed, not gods.
@Alversia: ah now i get it
@TFU: Ok you are acepted but i dont really see how you can have a temporary role lol:P

But they're worshipped as such. My Gods happen to be real Gods, which is all the more delicious for when the false ones are smashed :P
11-03-2008, 20:18
But they're worshipped as such. My Gods happen to be real Gods, which is all the more delicious for when the false ones are smashed :P

A god is a relative term. Anything that is seen as a god, is a god.
11-03-2008, 20:22
Araz your in, Feriz, please specifty a tech level equivilant (so we have a general idea), even if you base your tech on real world stuff it should still have an equivilant in stargate.
12-03-2008, 18:49
Well, if you're going to press me.

I guess I'd be around Tollan level of technology, with Asgard-grade shields. Though, as I said, both approximations are VERY rough.
14-03-2008, 06:18
OOC: Tag because it's funny.