NationStates Jolt Archive

Burlovia declares a worldwide snowball fight!

16-02-2008, 18:12
CBC news, 16:00

The government of Burlovia was overwhelmed by the snow that came down the sky the past week, and many ways to get rid of it were thought. The government saw no other option but to start a huge, worldwide snowball fight.

Ok, this is meant to be a less serious thread. All voluntary countries may involve the fight. No conventional weapons are used, only snow. No casualties will occur, and the fight does not affect international trading, relations or politics. Different kinds of snow weapons may be developed (for example snow guns, bombs etc.).

There is only one rule:

1. Don´t take it too seriously!
2. Don´t throw anyone to head.

Ok that was two, but this is not supposed to be a math lesson.
16-02-2008, 18:20
As fun as your offer seems to be, The Hallowed Empire of Greater Saggitarya is located in a tropical zone and does not recieve snowfall. However, we will broadcast your snowball fight through our TV networks to replace that boring show called "Home Improvement" on Nick@Nite, until our S.S. can "persuade" Nick@Nite to add more Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
16-02-2008, 18:21
The Angaorian government would like to send to 2 Angaorian Army division equipped with SX-11 Snow guns
16-02-2008, 18:27
We may transport you snow, too
16-02-2008, 18:32
Your divisions are welcomed. They may battle in the snowball fight when it starts after we get enough participants.
16-02-2008, 18:55
Nice to see some communists participating, too. We are glad that our comrades are up to a good fight.
Soviet Aissur
16-02-2008, 18:59
We will send the First Militia Divsion outfitted with Tanks equppied with the 125mm "Snow Cannon" and snow guns. Let the snowball fight begin!