NationStates Jolt Archive

Kansiov Civil War [MT/Open]

05-02-2008, 13:08
OOC: Its a long time since I RPed on II, but bare with my slow replies as I live in a totally different time zone, GMT +8.

Zhyur, Hevech Province, Kansiov

"Wake up, Wake up!"

*Quickly wakes up*

"Today is the day, its time to put a end to the new Capitalist Pig Government of Kansiov."

"Aye, lets go"

*Walks out of the bunk, with rattles of gunfire in the background*


Presidential Palace, New Neglev, Kansiov City

"President Forlevski, the situation is not improving. The troops somehow killed their NCOs, and turned over to the Ultra-nationalist army. Basically we lost the entire Eastern Front."

"What about General Kharovski?"

"He is dead sir, killed by his own bodyguards."

"Man were fucked then, 400,000 men in our Armed forces, 400,000 Kansiovian trained Soldiers, 400,000... in the hands of the communist. How the hell did they get the money?"

"That sir, our intelligence has yet to tell us..."

"Our intelligence? DO WE EVEN HAVE A FUCKING INTELLIGENCE AGENCY? They have flopped this up completely, how can they not inform the Senate and me about the emerging threat of a Communist overthrow? They have failed me and the Kansiovian people, maybe... its not them, its me. I am barely 1 month into my rule and everything is coming down on me, the Terrorist attacks, Prochnya and now a Natioanwide Civil War..."

"Sir, do not say that, if you need any assistance, I will be here. If you need a break, take it, I will help you guide us out of this Crisis."

"Thank you Helskev, I never doubted your ability to be a good Prime Minister since day one, you have been of great help."

Yuri walks to his Office, going back to his video conference along with the Prime Minister.

"Marshal Popov, how long would it take to divert every Kansiovian unit guarding the west Coast of Kansiov and moved to the east?"

"With the poor infrastructure, and likely ambushes along major roads by the Ultra-Nationalists sir, I would take weeks."

"How long give me and exact figure."

"As I told you earlier on sir, that could vary between a week or even 3 weeks."

"Have you called up the Reserves?"

"Yes, yes 6 million men will be fit for action in 3 months sir."

"Thats too bloody long, can you make the training quic.."

"Afraid not,the troops will be needing the training to prepare for Combat. I will pass the video conference over to Air Marshal Yaskil."

"Good morning Sir, the Kansiovian airforce with its new fleet of F-35s will be supporting loyalist resistance forces on the ground, We would also be willing to air-drop 3 Airborne Divisions and 6 Spec-Ops Regiments into Zhyur. Rest assured, we will not allow the Communists to get their hands on Old Kansiovian Aircrafts. We could also fly in 100 tons of supply to resistance fighters daily, food medical supplies and probably set up Command and Control in the area. Rest assured, the Kansiovian Airforce will work around the clock to defeat the Communists."


Back at Zhyur

*Gunfire and explosions in the background*

"Brother, have the communists taken over our home yet?"

"No, but its not safe, I have made contact with the rest of our gang they are fighting alongside the Police at Donysha Street Police Station. I think we should head there, the Ultra-Nationalists are coming."

Grabbing whatever ammunition they had in their shop, they headed for their parked car outside. Quickly they dumbed in as many food, and guns they had into the car and drove away as fast as possible.

"Brother, turn on your headlights!"

He reminded, although the street lights were off, the fires from the surrounding building lit up the roads, Valentin's days as the gang's lead driver was in "good" use. In just 30 minutes they drove near to the battling Police Station, they picked out several Communist Troops on their backs and quickly entered the Police Station.

"Good to see you Leonid! Ah and Valentin too."

Rather happily with bullets whizzing pass his head.

He immediately stood up to spray a few rounds before ducking back down for cover.

"Want to help?"
he asked the two brothers.

*Gun battle continues*
Etoile Arcture
05-02-2008, 15:53
OOC: A map of Kansiov showing friendly and enemy dispositions, information on the types of units and their equipment/weapons, and any rules on the conduct of the RP would be very welcome.

Official Diplomatic Communiqué
From: Frank Covington, Secretary General of the General Secretariat, Unitary Technocracy of Etoile Arcture
To: President Forlevski of the Federal Republic of Kansiov
Security: Top Secret, Eyes Only
Subject: Kansiov Civil War

By unanimous vote of the General Secretariat I am authorised as a fellow ally and member nation of Nova to extend the full support and military machine of the Etoile Arcture Defence Forces in the defence of the true and democratically elected government of the Federal Republic of Kansiov. The Technocracy has already taken defensive measures resulting from this emerging crisis, and has sealed the border between Etoile Arcture and Kansiov along all land, air and sea routes

The Technocracy is prepared to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Federal Republic to defend it and defeat the communist rebellion that has taken root in your nation. Therefore, I have issued orders placing the Rapid Reaction Forces of the Etoile Arcture Defence Forces on immediate readiness to deploy to Kansiov to assist federal forces in fighting the rebels. The Technocracy also stands ready to render other aid, whether it be financial, logistical or materiel support to the war effort, and humanitarian assistance to the citizens of the Federal Republic.

Frank Covington, Secretary General, Unitary Technocracy of Etoile Arcture
05-02-2008, 18:38
[Reuters Agroprom - 05/02/2008]

A prominent headline in many publications in Agroprom, especially The Northern Truth, was the emerging civil war in Kansiov. A communist vs largely capitalist war, this is somewhat a symbol of current situations in Agroprom. It is believed that this is just the start of a large conflict - once the government gets its act together, this could be a mjaor civil war. The almost 2 billion population of Kansiov isnt likely to lie down to a 400,000 army of communists - further action is likely.

The Truth suggested that the nation of Agroprom closely monitor this situation, as a prelude to other situations worldwide.

[Zarkov Air Base]

The hangar was lit up in an odd way - hangar X18 was traditionally darkened at night. However, on this night it was lit up.

And for a reason none of the Airmen and Engineers on the base could figure out.


Can you tell me the existence of any publicly known (in your nation ) research labs, secret labs and military research centres?

I might get involved with this plot, maybe.
Nova Boozia
05-02-2008, 19:40
OOC: This isn't Boozia as conventionally understood. Instead, it's my MT "new me", the German Empire, 2008. No, not that one. The good one. With the Kaiser.

Am I allowed to assume you're approxiamtely where Russia is? I'm where Germany (1871. It was bigger then) is, so that simplifies up geography no end.

IC:Official Statement

From the Office of the Imperial Chancellor

The German Empire is totally commited to resisting any spread of any spread of communist influence at the expense of legitimate democratic government. We in the chancellory are ready to render any assistance deemed necessary by your civilian and military authorities. We must advise you, however, that we can guarantee nothing until we pass it through parliament and obtain the approval the Emperor.

We are fairly confident of success on that regard, however. The stand-by units of the German Army are ready for action at hours notice. We have a variety of airborne task forces awaiting deployment to crisis zones, and the main body of our forces can then follow on.

We understand that this war may also put a strain on your economic capacity and we can arrange a loan of several million reichsmarks at minimal interest, a regular subsidy, or possibly both. It all depends on how well your finances hold up. Regarding hard industrial assets, we can arrange a lend-lease, or a simple sale. Whichever, if any suits your needs.

There are other options to consider. Armed forces training programs. Propaganda warfare. We recomend your send us a reply outlining your requests so we can test the parliamentary water. We may have to ammend on the fly. But always be aware that I, my staff, and the Emperor, who is a life-long opponant of communism, back you to the hilt, and we are confidant in the majority of our main parliamentary supporters.

Friedrich Glogauer, Chancellor of the German Empire.
Etoile Arcture
05-02-2008, 19:48
OOC: @ Agrprom, for reference, the civil war is in Kansiov, not Etoile Arcture.
05-02-2008, 19:57

I apologise, I'm sure thats what I meant.

What exactly is Etoiles involvement in the conflict?
Etoile Arcture
05-02-2008, 20:03

I apologise, I'm sure thats what I meant.

What exactly is Etoiles involvement in the conflict?
No worries, Agroprom. Etoile Arcture and Kansiov are in the same region, are both members of the Free World Alliance and share a common border.
05-02-2008, 20:09

Ok, thanks. I did some investigation and figured out you were in the same region, but the rest is news to me =)
05-02-2008, 20:30
OOC: Thread ( for out of character chat in order to avoid suffocating the RP with OOC remarks & comments here. EA, you don't have a land border with Kansiov. I'll post ICly here as soon as I can.
06-02-2008, 04:26
OOC: This isn't Boozia as conventionally understood. Instead, it's my MT "new me", the German Empire, 2008. No, not that one. The good one. With the Kaiser.

Am I allowed to assume you're approxiamtely where Russia is? I'm where Germany (1871. It was bigger then) is, so that simplifies up geography no end.

IC:Official Statement

From the Office of the Imperial Chancellor

The German Empire is totally commited to resisting any spread of any spread of communist influence at the expense of legitimate democratic government. We in the chancellory are ready to render any assistance deemed necessary by your civilian and military authorities. We must advise you, however, that we can guarantee nothing until we pass it through parliament and obtain the approval the Emperor.

We are fairly confident of success on that regard, however. The stand-by units of the German Army are ready for action at hours notice. We have a variety of airborne task forces awaiting deployment to crisis zones, and the main body of our forces can then follow on.

We understand that this war may also put a strain on your economic capacity and we can arrange a loan of several million reichsmarks at minimal interest, a regular subsidy, or possibly both. It all depends on how well your finances hold up. Regarding hard industrial assets, we can arrange a lend-lease, or a simple sale. Whichever, if any suits your needs.

There are other options to consider. Armed forces training programs. Propaganda warfare. We recomend your send us a reply outlining your requests so we can test the parliamentary water. We may have to ammend on the fly. But always be aware that I, my staff, and the Emperor, who is a life-long opponant of communism, back you to the hilt, and we are confidant in the majority of our main parliamentary supporters.

Friedrich Glogauer, Chancellor of the German Empire.

OOC: A map of Kansiov showing friendly and enemy dispositions, information on the types of units and their equipment/weapons, and any rules on the conduct of the RP would be very welcome.

Official Diplomatic Communiqué
From: Frank Covington, Secretary General of the General Secretariat, Unitary Technocracy of Etoile Arcture
To: President Forlevski of the Federal Republic of Kansiov
Security: Top Secret, Eyes Only
Subject: Kansiov Civil War

By unanimous vote of the General Secretariat I am authorised as a fellow ally and member nation of Nova to extend the full support and military machine of the Etoile Arcture Defence Forces in the defence of the true and democratically elected government of the Federal Republic of Kansiov. The Technocracy has already taken defensive measures resulting from this emerging crisis, and has sealed the border between Etoile Arcture and Kansiov along all land, air and sea routes

The Technocracy is prepared to stand shoulder to shoulder with the Federal Republic to defend it and defeat the communist rebellion that has taken root in your nation. Therefore, I have issued orders placing the Rapid Reaction Forces of the Etoile Arcture Defence Forces on immediate readiness to deploy to Kansiov to assist federal forces in fighting the rebels. The Technocracy also stands ready to render other aid, whether it be financial, logistical or materiel support to the war effort, and humanitarian assistance to the citizens of the Federal Republic.

Frank Covington, Secretary General, Unitary Technocracy of Etoile Arcture

[Reuters Agroprom - 05/02/2008]

A prominent headline in many publications in Agroprom, especially The Northern Truth, was the emerging civil war in Kansiov. A communist vs largely capitalist war, this is somewhat a symbol of current situations in Agroprom. It is believed that this is just the start of a large conflict - once the government gets its act together, this could be a mjaor civil war. The almost 2 billion population of Kansiov isnt likely to lie down to a 400,000 army of communists - further action is likely.

The Truth suggested that the nation of Agroprom closely monitor this situation, as a prelude to other situations worldwide.

[Zarkov Air Base]

The hangar was lit up in an odd way - hangar X18 was traditionally darkened at night. However, on this night it was lit up.

And for a reason none of the Airmen and Engineers on the base could figure out.


Can you tell me the existence of any publicly known (in your nation ) research labs, secret labs and military research centres?

I might get involved with this plot, maybe.

Kansiovian Response

We thank our international partners for giving us assistance, any of those we will be more than willing to accept, Militarily and Economically. We however do not suggest, should your Nation intervene Militarily use WMODs unless permitted by the Kansiovian Government, otherwise it would be considered a major act of war, thus could escalate the conflict further. Currently we do not need any finical loans as most of the Nation is in good shape, although the Rebels might overrun the Northern Oilfields, which contribute to almost 23% of Kansiov's GDP.

Yuri Forlevski
President of the Federal Republic of Kansiov

OOC: Of course, Kansiov is developing a Weapon to replace our Nuclear Arsenal of 40,000 Nukes, although hydrogen bombs are likely to replace them, we might look for better possibilities.
Nova Boozia
06-02-2008, 09:25
Going ahead with assuming you're to my east.

IC: Bialystock military base, Bialystock Vovoideship, Kingdom of Poland

Another convoy growled it's way along the thin black ribbon through white field that led to one of the joint Imperial/Royal military stations set up along the eastern frontier of Poland, sending clouds of freshly fallen snow and slush into the air as a thin spray of water, like liquid mist.

The Ninth (First Hannoverian) "King of Romania's" Dragoon regiment, was completing it's transfer to forward position. It was part of the mechanised task-force being assembled by Eighth Army for action in Kansiov. This detachment was mostly trucks, stacked to full with the many supplies necessary to sustain a campaign, with an armoured commander's humvee in the middle.


The soldier who had shouted from behind his barrier spoke passable German, despite his czapka. Most Polish, Czechs and Lithuanians in the armed force picked up enough German to get by.

"Supply convoy 8b, password Kornblumenblau."

The soldier glanced at the paper he was holding.

"All good. Carry on."

As if worried his words were hard to comprehend through his thick Slavic accent, he waved the vehicles on through the open gate.

"It appears to me that we've basically been greenlighted for anything short of WMDs. Why wait?"

Further back, in Oberkommando Ostheer, Warsaw, uniformed generals sat around a table in rough alteration with suited civilian ministers.

"That may appear to be the case, general, but we are best to begin operations in moderation."

"I'm not planning to fling the whole army at communist forces. But I am saying there's no need to delay actions we're ready for. I'm sure the legitimate government of Kansiov would prefer help now to help as soon as they've made every detail of that help crystal clear."

"That is a good point. Still, your orders are the following. This has already been heavily modified on input from the general staff and district commanders. That includes you, Geltner, so no negotiations."

"Very well, continue."

"You'll send a full command liason detchment by helicopter to the Kansiov caital immediatelt to integrate operations and recieve any direct requests. In the mean-time, you will have your mechanized assets deployed overland immediately, to move to were the Kansiov government thinks fighting is most important. The units under your command for these operations are the Royal Polish and Lithuanian armies, all German forces quartered in treaty bases, the Eighth army and the Army in Livonia."

"They will be quite adequate."

(continued when I get back. Busy now)
06-02-2008, 15:35

OOC: Note, the west of the providence is connected to the greater Kansiovian Landmass, this is not an Island.

"Alright here is the situtation, the Communists, battling in Zhyur are likely to launch a winter offensive, northwards, probably taking the oilfields so they can get a basic income from the already war torn NS International Market. It is likely the Communist could have taken heavier arms from the weapon storage depots."

"What kind of weapons are we talking about here sir?"

"MiGs, Several Old T-72s and maybe even several Chemical Warheads and Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles. From Records of the Department of Defense, there are a total of 14 major weapons depot in the province. RPGs, AKs, RPKs god knows what stockpile they got to feed their already growing Ultra-nationalist army."


"Yes they are feeding the Communist Supporters in the masses with Weapons now. Their total Estimated strength is around a million now."

"Any Loyal Kansiovians in the area still?"

"Yes, Police, Mobs and anti-Communist gangs, fighting and holding on to their homes, Police Stations."

"Aye, where are assigned to sir?"

"Capital, 'intelligence' have marked this man for leading the ultra-nationalist front. Demtri Shapliov, Former Spetsnaz member during the Communist times, had suicidal thoughts after the collapse of Communism. Was one of the leading leaders of the Ultra-Nationalist Party until it was banned in the 1995 elections. Our job is to move in find him, and take him out."

"Aye, when are we going?"

"3 days time, we can't afford to wait any longer, we will be briefed again by Command and Control tomorrow morning, pack up, have a good rest. Dismissed."
06-02-2008, 15:48

I, Pablo Azani, humble leader of Zanski and protector of her peoples, extend recognition to the Communist rebels of Kansiov.
We have six hundred thousand troops to help your rightful role should you need it, and will donate as much money to your organisation.
Speaking of which, what is the name of your organisation?
06-02-2008, 16:05

I, Pablo Azani, humble leader of Zanski and protector of her peoples, extend recognition to the Communist rebels of Kansiov.
We have six hundred thousand troops to help your rightful role should you need it, and will donate as much money to your organisation.
Speaking of which, what is the name of your organisation?

Response from the Kansiovian Ultra-Nationalist Union

We thank you Zanski for their help, our organization is called the Ultra-Nationalist Union of Kansiov.

-Name Classified-
Leader of the KUNU
06-02-2008, 16:38
OOC: Short and crappy post, I'll edit it later today.

Damiran News Network, Live from around the world!

"Thank you Dana, that much about the official visit of the president in Independent Hitman, now to our war correspondent In Kansiov, Andrea?"

The infernal noise covered the voice of the reporter until she managed to find a quieter spot.

" I was saying, these hostilities are not the first ones to affect this country, the Prochyna conflict being a grim reminder of the darker sides of human nature, but the current civil war involves trained professional troops that until a few days ago were loyal to Kansiov.

In response to the crisis, naval assets of the Principality, including several strike groups in the vicinity of the area have assembled to form a blockade, restricting access to the troubled area and ready to provide military support to the legitimate Kansiovean government and with the Mephrasi conflict nearing a closure, it is very likely that the nation will dispatch further assets in assisting the Kansiovean government."
06-02-2008, 17:48
OOC: Wanted to post here last night, but no time. I'm still allowed in, right?


The United Federal Republic of Antigr

The Antigran peoples are shocked by the blatant and illegal acts of the new communist faction and declare their immediate support for the correct, democratic, lawful government and their supporters.

We will set the communists with an ultimatum; Stop and reverse your actions in the next 48 hours or a state of war will exist between us, plain and simple. Communism may not neccesarily be a menace, but the higher extremities of it plague the world like a virus, one which must be stopped.

As always, we are open to diplomatic discussion.


President Pierce sighed.

"John, who are we 'allied' with?"

"The German Empire, Etoile Arcture, and most recently, Damirez. It seems we're against Zanski"

"Well, at least we'll have the upper hand, so to speak. These communists sure as hell won't listen to our ultimatum. They never do. What forces do we have on RD?"

"Rapid Deployment? Uh...let's see, we have...the usual for this month, and a few specials. 3rd, 4th, 7th, and 20th Marines, 1st, 2nd, 5th, and 12th Airborne, and the usual army"

"Damn. It sounds good, all right, but...oh, the army isn't as up-to-scratch. Brave as hell, good equipment, well-trained, but not many of them. 'Least we got the navy and the marines"

"And a bloody powerful navy too. We have the Second Fleet ready as always"

Pierce sighed wearily.

"See that they're ready"
06-02-2008, 17:51
Zanski, after re-reviewing the situation, has withdrawn support for the rebels and recognises the de facto government.
We apologise, and are in the process of gathering 500,000 troops specialised in counterinsurgency to aid the rightful Federal Republic of Kansiov. Zanski will set up heavily guarded refugee camps along the coast of Kansiov and swears that the lands that will be under our control will be ceded back ASAP, once the conflict is over.
06-02-2008, 17:53
OOC: Wanted to post here last night, but no time. I'm still allowed in, right?


The United Federal Republic of Antigr

The Antigran peoples are shocked by the blatant and illegal acts of the new communist faction and declare their immediate support for the correct, democratic, lawful government and their supporters.

We will set the communists with an ultimatum; Stop and reverse your actions in the next 48 hours or a state of war will exist between us, plain and simple. Communism may not neccesarily be a menace, but the higher extremities of it plague the world like a virus, one which must be stopped.

As always, we are open to diplomatic discussion.


President Pierce sighed.

"John, who are we 'allied' with?"

"Nova Boozia, Etoile Arcture, and most recently, Damirez. It seems we're against Zanski"

"Well, at least we'll have the upper hand, so to speak. These communists sure as hell won't listen to our ultimatum. They never do. What forces do we have on RD?"

"Rapid Deployment? Uh...let's see, we have...the usual for this month, and a few specials. 3rd, 4th, 7th, and 20th Marines, 1st, 2nd, 5th, and 12th Airborne, and the usual army"

"Damn. It sounds good, all right, but...oh, the army isn't as up-to-scratch. Brave as hell, good equipment, well-trained, but not many of them. 'Least we got the navy and the marines"

"And a bloody powerful navy too. We have the Second Fleet ready as always"

Pierce sighed wearily.

"See that they're ready"

ooc: we didn't change our stance becaus of you, by the way... just for reference.
06-02-2008, 19:06
[Reuters Agroprom - 06/02/2008]

As reported in more publications than usual for a similar incident, the ongoing civil war in Kansiov. The sheer scale of the forces involved is what makes this news so important - this is a major civil war.

The entrance to the war of Nova Boozia, Etoile Arcture, Damirez, Zanski and Antigr has heightened the situation. International Reuters reporters have found that the communist forces are growing massively - their numbers have swelled to over 1 million armed troops. Military warehouses have been seen to be over run, and a reporter from a foreign state unknown witnessed the capture of a military chemical facility through a night vision scope last night.

This situation is bound to be constantly monitored by many of the worlds forces - Agroprom government reaction is unknown at this time.

[Zarkov Airbase]
[Hangar X18]

*To be filled*
Nova Boozia
06-02-2008, 19:08
OOC: Not a problem or anything, but I'm not actually RPing Nova Boozia. If you remember, call me "the German Empire" or "Germany".

IC:The SMS Sachsen was one of only six Preussen class aircraft carriers in the Imperial Germany Navy, and a genuine super-carrier. As was procedure, she had other ships with her, destroyers, cruisers, tankers, and frigates, but wasn't operating in anticipation of actual naval combat. Communist rebels weren't going to have anything like bluewater-capable assets, it was thought. But for safety's sake, the Livland, another carrier, with full combat group, was just finishing readying for action in Reval, Estland, not far from Sachsen's area of operations.

The ship was on high alert, awaiting the call to action that would come as soon as the reply to a recently transmitted message was recieved.

To the legitimate government of Kansiov

The carrier Sachsen is off your western coast, ready for action. We request any targets in the northwest of your country for air action. In addition, we are preparing to despatch a liason of experiences staff officers to integrate operations, are request landing site.

We are assembling forces all allong your Western frontier and will cross the border on your command, so long as we have some intelligence on the situation in the West.

Awaiting eagerly your reply,

Emperor Georg Friedrich Ferdinand of Germany

Chancellor Friedrich Glogauer
07-02-2008, 18:54
Direktor Boris Berenovski was reading the morning papers when his aide walked in.
"What on EARTH is going on in Kansiov! Why aren't we involved? If we're not seen to be taking a hard line on communism, we could lose ourselves the next election"
"Well, sir..."
"Don't give me excuses! Just find me the Minister of Peace!"
Dear President Forlevski,
On behalf of my goverment and people, I offer my commiseration on the poor state of affairs in Kansiov. Indeed, we only emerged from the tyranny of marxism 50 years ago.
As a mark of our sympathy, MiniPax will dispatch the First Overseas Air Group comprising of 35 airships including HDAS Jellicoe and HDAS Wellington. We will also send an undisclosed number of nuclear submarines (please treat this information as top secret) to enforce a blockade of communist-held territory. We assume you intend to launch a counter-offensive and would be happy to help with bombardments before-hand. We could also fly airships into the occupied territory to rescue trapped loyalists.
Wishing you all the best,
Direktor Boris Berenovski of the Thalassocratic Oligarchy of Prevania, Protector of the Nation, High Admiral of the Combined Fleets, Grand Marshal of the Army, Victor of the Seventh Prevanian Air War, Savior of the Albatross, etc.
10-02-2008, 21:29
Waiting on Kansiov here
13-02-2008, 10:55
13-02-2008, 16:03
Well I hope not...this was starting to be a fun Rping thread too and i plan to join it
16-02-2008, 16:27
Dead, for sure.
16-02-2008, 17:59
OOC: I had problems getting onto jolt for the past week. Sorry. Tired gonna make a short crappy post so bear with it.


The Blackhawk touched down.

"Lets go c'mon lets go."

Kansiovian troops of the elite 117th Air Landing Brigade landed on "Royalist Controlled Zhyur Domestic Airport. Setting up a defensive perimeter in the area. Quickly elements of the 262nd Air-Mobile Artillery Regiment arrived with several "Archer" Artillery systems to fire at Communist strongholds in the city. Very soon, the Ultra-Nationalist Milta made its presence known, 6,000 Warriors armed with various old weapons rained down on the Airport.

Very soon the Archers were busy, pounding incoming troops with GPS guided bombs. F-35s flew sorties overhead, and 2 newly arrived Tigres joined the mass killing.

The Rebels quickly took cover in the surrounding buildings, popping up to fire several RPGs at either the troops on the ground or at the Tigres.

"This is 117th Air Landing Brigade, we are outnumbered by almost 10 to 1, request backup I repeat, request backup, LZ will be overruned if not helped."
Etoile Arcture
16-02-2008, 19:33
High above in Kansiov's grey skies two aircraft flew in close formation. The lead aircraft was an Airbus A400M Tactical Airlifter, it's cargo bay converted into a fuel store that contained close to 130,000 pounds of JP8, two refuelling hoses trailing into the air stream from wingtip pods. The second aircraft, known to her crew simply as the QTR, was an even stranger beast. For the QTR was in effect an enlarged, four engine, tandem wing reconfiguration of the V-22 Osprey scaled up to the size of a C-130 Hercules. It had a long refuelling boom extended past its nose and connected to one of the two hoses trailing from the A400M, pumping the JP-8 that fuelled its four proprotors. And yet this was still not the strangest thing about this aircraft. For along her port side were five doors concealing the real surprise, two 40 mm cased-telescoped autocannons, a pair of M301 20 mm lightweight Gatling guns, and not least, a 105 mm smoothbore low-recoil howitzer gun.

"Songster Four-Nine, this is Looking Glass Three. New mission. Proceed Zhyur Airport to provide fire support to Kansiov forces in contact with communist rebels. How copy?"

On the flight-deck of the QTR the transmission had been proceeded by the electronic squeal of the cryptographic key that identified the source as a A340M command post flying a hundred clicks away in international airspace. The pilot, who had been monitoring his co-pilot flying the refuelling operation, and so pushed the squawk box himself. "Looking Glass Three this Songster Four-Nine, good copy. Orders understood," the pilot replied. "Charlie, let's unhook," he told his co-pilot as he pushed a new frequency on the squawk box. "Thanks for the refill, tanker."


Aboard Looking Glass Three the officer-in-charge was inspecting the battlefield picture on his display as Etoilian aircraft he had ordered tasked to assist the Kansiov troops in Zhyur creeped across the screen towards the airport. It had been sheer luck that the two gunships, call signs Songster 4-9 and Songster 5-1 had been airborne at the time hostilities begun.

"117th Air Landing Brigade, your message has been received. Be advised two gunships will be entering your airspace in five minutes. More assets are en route. Fast movers are inbound and will arrive in twenty minutes. How copy?" The commander released the transmit button and waited for the reply.


"I have positive identification, captain," the gunner said as he turned his head slightly to get a better view. Sensors in his helmet-mounted display and cueing system automatically sent signals to the huperspectral sensor turrets along the belly of the QTR that slewed them wherever the gunner was 'looking'. By use of a simple joystick and keypad he could zoom in on targets or pull back, pan and tilt, lock a target into the memory, select the weapon and ordnance and then then command his guns to fire. The experience was almost indistinguishable from training, except for the movements of the aircraft as the pilot responded to his inputs to line up his aircraft.

"117th Air Landing Brigade," the co-pilot of Songster Four-Nine spoke into his headset. "We are starting our gun run now."

With a thundering crack the 105 mm howitzer fired its first shot, the target below obscuring from view in a cloud of pulverised masonry as a rebel position was eliminated with extreme prejudice. Within seconds the rebels were throwing everything they had into the sky at the unseen gunship orbiting 40,000 feet above but to no effect. The gunner simply slewed the bank of 20 mm and 40 mm guns and returned the compliment.

A whole street disappeared in great billowing clouds of debris but the gunner simply selected thermal channels to see through the dust. Unlike the old AC-130s that had to fly a race-track to keep its guns locked on target but the QTR could hover in place and slide back and forth whenever threatened. It made for a much more stable and safer platform and the gunner could take his time walking his fire up and down enemy positions. He didn't see people, only thermal traces that glowed white against the colder inorganic background. "Good hits," the gunner said dispassionately as he lined up for the next target.

Meanwhile the airwaves crackled with another voice. "Songster Five-One on station. Starting our gun run now..."
16-02-2008, 20:22
The Talemetran Empire has taken intrest in this civil unrest, and has decided to send forces to support the rightful goverment IF they will allow us preffered rates on oil, then we will send the following troops:
1st, 2nd, 3rd Armored Divisions of the Talemetran Army
1st, 2nd, 3rd Infantry Corps of the Talemetran Army
1st Talemetran Fleet, of the Talemetran Armada
these forces will be lead by Prelate Edemon Khalil, a decorated war hero of the Jasari Uprising
16-02-2008, 23:05
A Truck
Southern Kansiov

The battered old Ural-375 truck chugged steadily along the road, its canvas back flapping in the wind and exposing its metal frame. The suspension wasn't designed for this kind of use - the road had been deformed and cratered by days of Air Force bombing, and carcases of rebel tanks and truck lay on the road.

In the front seat sat a slavic man with a beard, wearing jeans and a knitted jumper. He had been driving for some hours, but was not tired - the only thing that showed was the red in his eyes. In the back were five other men, dressed similarly, sitting on camoflage bergens. Two were asleep, the others silently sat and looked out the back.

Suddenly the truck veered off the road, waking the sleeping men and spurring the others into action. Shouts followed by gunfire were heard further down the road - a rebel roadblock, one of many set up since the rebellion. Bullets dinged off the hood and the main scrambled out the back, picking up various weapons on the way out, mainly heavily modified russian equipment.

The rebels continued to pour rifle fire down the road, joined now by a heavy machine gun taking great chunks out the truck. The six men crawled along the treeline just off the road, keeping their heads as low as possible. Around two hundred metres from the roadblock, the point man through a smoke grenade out onto the road, the wind carrying it like a sheet towards the checkpoint. This allowed three of the men to cross the road and get into positions on the other side.

As soon as the smoke cleared, the team started to fire accurately upon the enemy position. One member had a modified SVD, and after three straight headshots the fire from the rebels was diminishing. Two rifle grenades and a smoke grenade later, and around eight rebels had been killed for no loss.

Upon return to the truck, the engine was found to be dead, and currently on fire. Sighing, the man with the beard turned to his now filthy men.

"Get the bergens on and follow me. It isn't far to Minisev now, and then its into the mountains. We'll kit up when we reach the outskirts. Confmired?"

The men nodded, and off they went.

Army HQ
Rostok Military District

The aide bustled into the office with a piece of paper, saluted, and placed it on the Generals desk.

"News, Captain?"
"Anthrax have arrived in Kansiov, sir, details in the paper."
"Good stuff. Now get me a coffee."
17-02-2008, 06:59
"Thank God for our fellow allies!"

Said Capitan Zitmsev, with a huge sigh of relief upon seeing the EA ground attack aircraft pounding the oncoming communists.

The Archer Artillery systems continued the rain down accurate shots onto the city, which were given to special recon teams on the ground. At around afternoon that day, elements of the 3rd Tank Guards Division arrived, with them were 30 Leopard 2A6s, ironically the Communists too brought up their T-80s and T-90Ss, and a tank battle emerged. To ease the pressure off the tank crews, the airforce was called in, 2 F-35s pounded the nicely lined up Communist Tanks with 2 laser guided 500lb bombs. A-10 Tank busters followed up, finishing the last blow to the enemy tanks. The Kansiovian Tanks then proceeded to the outskirts of the city, to attempt to surround and lay siege on the City, what became known as the start of the battle of Zhyur.

Kansiov has the upper hand, complete air supremacy, has the heavier power and has much better trained troops compared with the ill-equipped Milta army and the already battered "ex-Kansiovian Troops" who were still battling in Zhyur with Loyalist Mobsters and Policemen. However the Communists have agents all over the country and possibly they will be the ones which will change the tide of the battle...
17-02-2008, 17:59
"48 hours is over, Gentlemen. The communists haven't even acknowledged us"

"Should we give another 24 hour..."

"No. Commence Phase 1, get reports from Kansiov intelligence and army on enemy positions [OOC - that's what these square brackets mean - I need intelligence and army reports on enemies, and where we can land our marine forces, and what opposition they'll face, okay?], I trust at some point we'll have a sattelite over Kansiov?"

"I believe we will"

"Dispatch the fleet"

President Pierce was reffering to the naval invasion fleet, comprising every sort of vessel, among them marine transports and aircraft carriers for the airborne. Soon, they'd be in international waters, and not too long after that, in Kansiov.
17-02-2008, 20:02
A Basement
Minisev, A Town in Southern Kansiov

"Right, listen up. We need to breach the rebel HQ, get the papers, blow it up, and then hitch a ride north through the mountains. I've outlined the plans, are there any questions?"


"Right, grab your gear and follow me."

The team left the small house they'd sheltered in, leaving a small fire burning. In it lay some food remains and the ashes of the clothes they'd worn in. Now wearing green combats, flak helmets and another days stubble, they left into the street. Dodging rebel patrols was the first step - they came every hour or so down the main street, and the security around the rebel area HQ was tight - around twenty men and a BMP.

Around two hours later and the team had arrived at an abandoned house opposite the HQ. The man with the SVD was working his way up to the roof, and the machine gunner and rocket soldier were sandbagging themselves in a second story window. The remaining three had lightened their load to simple combat vests and webbing, and were getting ready to assault.
Agroprom Spec Ops Soldier

And so it began. The BMP simply ceased to exist, blown away by an AT missile. A machine gunner on the roof followed by a guard in the front yard were taken out by the sniper, and a two smoke grenades thrown onto the street. The assault team scrambled across the road under the aimless fire of rebels inside the building. They set up explosives on the wall as quickly as possible.

As the smoke dissipated, several rebels left the building, weapons raised. They moved skilfully - the Kansiov Army had taught them well, mused the Machine Gunner. Right before he tore through them with a General Purpose Machine Gun.

The Sniper, a man called Petrov, was relocating across the roof just as a 40mm grenade smashed into the chimney next to him. The shrapnel didn't do him any harm, but the concussion wave blew him down, off the roof. He landed in a bush in the back garden, chunks of tiling and gutter raining down on him, unconcious.

The assault team finished, took cover in a crater, and detonated the charge. A huge hole was blown in the wall, and a corner of the building crumbled. The three men dove in, moving from room to room, looking for the commanders office. It appeared to have been a primary school, adorned with pictures of animals and primary colours splashed on the walls.They the office relatively quickly - a greying man burst out with a pistol and was gunned down. After a quick search, various letters and ID's were found, and the team escaped back through the hole.

Upon return to the house, they noticed things were getting tight. A platoon of rebels was working house to house down the street, and bullets were slicing through the walls. As they prepared to leave, they noticed the sniper had wasn't there. After a quick search, the AT soldier found him in the bush. HE dug him out and slung him over his back. Just as they escaped down a side alley, a tank round smashed through the room the GPMG had been in, collapsing the building.

When the rebels investigated, they found hundreds of empty cases, pieces of bullet links and empty grenade cartridges. But no enemy - Anthrax had dissapeared into the surroundings.
18-02-2008, 13:37
18h00 - New Scapa Flow:
The air-harbour was a hive of activity. Airships had been gathered from all over Prevania for this mission. Inside the massive hangers drilled into the side of the fjord, final checks were made as the aero-fleet waited for dark.

20h35 - New Scapa Flow:
The sun had just dipped beyond the horizon when the massive doors slowy swung open. Down below, two nuclear submarines slipped silently out of their hidden base. The 35 airships of the First Overseas Air Group slid out into the night. Soon they were gone, with only their navigation lights visible from the shore.

23h50 - Prevenstein:
Far away, another airship was also taking off. This was the HDAS Boris Berenovski, the only areo-battleship in the Prevanian Air Fleet. Onboard was enough conventional explosives to level a city and 100 of Prevania's best troops: the Direktoral Guard. Cutting short a state visit, the Direktor had decided that he wanted to lead his airships into battle. He would arrive some time the next day, the First Overseas Air Group joining him the day after.
19-02-2008, 19:53
Another Truck
North of Minisev - Heading into the Mountains

This road was even bumpier than the last. The truck crunched down crater after crater caused by constant artillery and bombing on the road. Flames flickered through the darkness as vehicles and buildings burned at the side of the road. Petrov had been driving through the mountains for hours now, as he rest of the team slept.

Under a headlight in the back of the truck, the Captain raked through the documents captured from the rebel HQ. They had revealed a number of interesting facts - reports on battles in the north, Orders of Battle, etc. Also, a crucial battle plan, the teams objective - Operation Northern Gate.

A Rebel Base
15 Miles south of Zhyur

It was minus five degrees, raining artillery and the sun had just gone down. Things couldn't get worse, thought Dmitri Kalinn. He had assumed the role of commander of the rebels in the area, and had not slept for nearing three days. Various new units from abroad had arrived in the area, causing no end of problems for his forces. They had so nearly secured the whole of Zhyur, before being driven back by the damn attack helicopters.

They had kept up the pressure, but were massing as units from further south made their way to preparation areas around Zhyur. Everyone was getting ready for Northern Gate. Three tank regiments were massing, three artillery battalions from Getali Flann, an anti air battalion and an entire division of Infantry. It would begin. Soon.

And besides, this time, they had an extra weapon. They had secured a rather interesting package from a military - industrial facility in the mountains. Perhaps this would turn the tide of the war.


A row of fireballs erupted from the eastern side of the rebel base, throwing men and equipment all over the place. Soil rained from the sky and men yelled and ran for cover. Another air raid it seemed - things could get worse, thought Kalinn.


Is it ok with you guys if I role play the rebels for a little bit? Any chance of an Order of Battle for the rebel forces?
20-02-2008, 13:07
Wednesday 20/2 12h00 - Off the east coast of Kansiov -

"Direktor, our long-range scanners are detecting a large concentration of SAM batteries ahead; should we go round them?"

"No, Captain, we need to be over the Zalfur oilfields by 20h00 to meet with the rest of the fleet. Charge up the capacitors, prepare the LASER defence turrets and continue on our present course."

"Yes, sir!"


The 1.2 km long airship advanced ponderously onto the waiting rebel positions. As the range closed, the communists, confident of an easy kill, opened fire. A series of missiles sped towards the airship. On-board, as sirens wailed, a series of turrets lowered from the hull and started firing LASER beams at the incoming missiles, deonationg them one by one.


"Ah, I'd have loved to have seen their faces when their missiles blew up."

"I know how you feel, Direktor"

"Well, let's teach them a lesson. Launch 5 Tomahawks at them from here and when we pass over them, give them a taste of a couple of MOABs and some napalm. They'll learn not to fire at my airship!"

"Certainly, sir"
22-02-2008, 16:22
OOC: Agroprom Just a note that last post of yours was more or less god modding. ;) read stickies to get an idea how not to God Mode.
22-02-2008, 16:33
Zhyur, 900hrs

"General, we are likely to lose the city. The Kansiovians are going to encircle the city, we will be trapped in."

"What about Zitsev?"

"He is fine...why, should I?"

"Yes hand him over the entire Communist army to him, make ready for the present we will give to those Imperial Capitalists, turn every house into a fortress, every building mined, we will not give them back the Zhyur of yesterday!"


By 1200hrs that day, some 1,600,000 communist troops have been trapped by a much smaller yet more efficient force of just 137,000 Kansiovian professional troops. However somewhere in the city lay a completely deadly weapon that no one might expect...

On the streets of Zhyur however, yet another blood bath, between partians and Communist troops, waging almost a seemingly endless war, RPGs, Aks and IEDs are almost a part of everyday life. Above, what the Partisans lack, the Kansiovian Government give, supplies, new weapons and tons of air support.
22-02-2008, 17:22
Resistance to my naval force, currently in international waters...?
22-02-2008, 17:31
The Talemetran Empire has taken intrest in this civil unrest, and has decided to send forces to support the rightful goverment IF they will allow us preffered rates on oil, then we will send the following troops:
1st, 2nd, 3rd Armored Divisions of the Talemetran Army
1st, 2nd, 3rd Infantry Corps of the Talemetran Army
1st Talemetran Fleet, of the Talemetran Armada
these forces will be lead by Prelate Edemon Khalil, a decorated war hero of the Jasari Uprising

OOC: a response would be nice :(
23-02-2008, 08:22
Resistance to my naval force, currently in international waters...?

None Communist Navy Almost non-existent.

OOC: a response would be nice :(

Ok I will try to reply ASAP, didn't see it sorry
23-02-2008, 15:35
Fleet Carrier S.F.F. Stenhill, Antigran-Kansiov Expeditionary Force (AKEF)

"Captain! Entering Kansiov territorial waters"

Yelled A Lieutenant. The Captain of the ship, an Ottado-Class fleet carrier, sighed. It was all going too well. The planes were overhead, the submarines were underneath, the warships next to him, but none of them enemies.

At that moment, he heard several very loud thuds. He looked sideways, through the portholes, and saw a massive sheet of smoke and flame clearing.
The sound was the 8 15inch guns of the Fire-Support Ship St. Kierraston, a Battlecruiser from the 1930s that had been modernised in everything but it's huge guns, so it could provide consistent gunfire to help with landings.

Several more guns opened up, then dozens, followed by rockets and missiles, heading towards [insert enemy beach name here, Kansiov, what beach am I invading? I'd like anything with some communists on it or nearby], to enemy positions relayed by sattelite.
23-02-2008, 15:41
Fishing Village Antigran-Kansiov Expeditionary Force

"Shit, Kansiovian ships attack us, get the silkworm antiship missiles ready. Fire back ASAP."

In a matter of seconds the village was pounded with artillery shells.

"We're hit! Land expected any time soon! Man your Stations, get into your positions! Start digging the second line of trenches! Go Go!" The rather small and ill-trained garrison quickly entrenched themselves, rather optimistic that the high tech weapons of the Antigrian army would not touch their WW1 style trenches, although the truth was likely the other way around. The fired a couple of antiship missile back at the "Kansiovian fleet". They have also heard that a massive Communist army was hidden the the forest behind them waiting for a counter attack, and they were just there to hold them back...
23-02-2008, 19:59
OOC: Agroprom Just a note that last post of yours was more or less god modding. ;) read stickies to get an idea how not to God Mode.

My friend, its likely I have been roleplaying here far longer than you guys. I'm sure you do not even know the originations of the term "godmode".

Regardless, it is common courtesy when objecting to another players roleplaying technique to actually state what you are object to - which part of my previous post are you accusing of being a godmode?
23-02-2008, 20:17
OOC: Agroprom Just a note that last post of yours was more or less god modding. ;) read stickies to get an idea how not to God Mode.

OOC: Sticking my nose in a bit, but there isn't really a godmod here
24-02-2008, 20:42
AKEF Landings

The Quad 30mm CIWS systems swung into action immediately, estroying the missiles in a matter of milliseconds. The ships responded with immediate missilefire and gunfire, as the amphibious vehciles and landing craft of the Antigran Federal Marines began to accelerate, firing their weapons.

In a short matter of time, the first amphibious vehicle, being a lot faster than the landing craft, hit sand underneath it's tracks, and then accelerated onto the beach, then slowing to unload it's marines.
26-02-2008, 18:30
Tuesday 26/2 17h00 - Over Zhyur on the HDAS Boris Berenovski -


"Yes, Direktor?"

"Reading the intelligence reports from Alfegos, I've decided this is the wrong time for me to be having 'fun' with the communists. Alfegos could declare war on Damirez any moment (OOC: see"

"I agree totally, sir"

"Good. Then, turn this airship south, give me all the power you've got and get me back to Prevoygrad ASAP!"

"Yes, Sir!"

Tuesday 26/2 17h03 - Over Zhyur on the HDAS Jellicoe -

"Admiral, a message from the Direkto has just come through. He is leaving for Prevania and is leaving you in charge."

"Very well. Radio the rest of the fleet. Tell them to follow us. Let's give the commies a taste of our medicine!"
26-02-2008, 19:42
Official Telegram to Kansiov from Dashie:

Though Dashie would like to remain neutral in this conflict, Beagle Arms wishes to send 10,000 security forces in the area to help your armed forces fight the Communists. These men are highly equipped and well trained. Our forces will consist of 5 units, numbering 2,000 men each, who would dispatch to various locations via landing craft. We also have some air capability, but this will take time to get there.

If approved, our security forces will leave immediatly via transport craft to make camp on a neutral location of Kansiov (if there is one). These transports will be escorted by 5 battleships, and 3 destroyers. We look forward to your response in this matter.

Dashie Camel - King of Dashie
Cracker Snarls - CEO of Beagle Arms
29-02-2008, 17:11
dead? please not dead.
17-03-2008, 17:11