NationStates Jolt Archive

New ties are formed CLOSED (Attn: Colstream

07-01-2008, 06:08
With the embassy exchange request between the Free Republic and the Republic of Colstream had come further requests for a Non Aggression Pact, and a Mutual Defense Pact. The Free Republic had been watching Colstream from afar by means of Colstream and other media, attempting to form a picture of just how things stood in that nation, as well as how they conducted themselves, and what the culture there was like. The government of the Free Republic liked what it saw; for Lamoni was not in the best of financial straights, and would need someone with a strong military to call on if needed.

Thus was born the requests, and a response had come back from Colstream. Not only was the Lamonian embassy in Colstream established, but the NAP and MDP were agreed to in principle. The only thing standing in the way was to negotiate the pacts.

To begin that process, a message was sent to the Colstream government:

TO: Republic of Colstream
FROM: Foreign Ministry, Free Republic of Lamoni

We are ready for the negotiations to begin. On our end, they will be run by our Foreign Minister, Tanya Ley. Defense Minister Stephan Hendrick will also be in attendance to provide any required information on the military forces of the Free Republic. We leave the choice of the location for the diplomatic conferences up to the Republic of Colstream.

It is our hope that these talks will begin the process of increasing the friendship of our two nations.
07-01-2008, 19:05
To Lamoni:

The Colstream Ambassador, Larry Gresman is on his way to your capital. He will have the questions the Colstream Government has drafted about your military, plus the questions about the terms of the Mutal Defence Pact and the Non Aggression Pact.
08-01-2008, 04:58
To: Republic of Colstream

We are ready to receive Ambassador Gresman. We look forward to progress filled negotiations.
08-01-2008, 13:49
Larry Gresman's Colstream Government owned Boeing 747 landed in Lamoni's capital. A private limo was waiting to take him to the new embassy. He was then escorted to where the negotications would take place.
08-01-2008, 23:53
The conference room in the Lamonian Foreign Ministry had been set up for the meeting, and the Ambassador and any others that came with him were seated at the table. Lamonian Foreign Minister Ley and Defense Minister Hendrick were already seated, but both extended warm welcomes to Ambassador Larry Gresman.

DM Hendrick took a moment when no one was looking to look around the conference room. It was well done with faux oak paneling, red silk fabric, and real crystal.

When he turned back to the meeting, Foreign Minister Ley was already starting the meeting.

"The Free Republic welcomes the ambassador from the Republic of Colsteam," she began, "I would like to restate for the record that these talks are meant to create a lasting peace between our two nations via a Mutual Defense Pact, and a Non-Aggression Pact. We shall start with the Non-Aggression Pact.

The Free Republic restates the fact that the Republic of Colstream and are both democracies, and as such, are bound to the will of the people. Democratic societies also do not like to make wars on each other, and also generally tend to respect other similarly elected governments of the people. The interests of the Free Republic and the Republic of Colstream have never collided, and there is no reason that our two great nations cannot be friends."

OOC: Something unexpected came up IRL, must run. I'll be back to finish this post later today.
09-01-2008, 08:07
09-01-2008, 16:25
Larry Gresman replied "I would like to state for the record that the Colstream Government has been watching Lamoni's economy and participation in world events and have been impressed with what we found. This meeting will cement our friendship and bring great rewards to the Lamonian People. These will be economic as well as military. Could you please state what terms you wish to put into the Non Aggression Pact?"
09-01-2008, 19:36
Foreign Minister Ley nodded. They had gotten the initial formal stuff out of the way, so the remainder should be easy.

"We suggest the following terms. The non-aggression pact would last ten years, with an option for both sides to resign it at ten year intervals. In the meantime, neither party to the NAP would be able to attack each other, just like all NAP's. Both parties would agree to settle disputes through diplomacy. Are these terms acceptable to the Republic of Colstream?"
10-01-2008, 09:00
10-01-2008, 14:42
Larry Gresman nodded. "Also, we offer a 10 year deal which includes guarantee to be helped if attacked, a contract to buy weapons and military equipment plus economic trade agreements. Also, help on aquiring nuclear weapons by us exporting uranium to you which is mined in the Republic Of Colstream. Also we will give you the factories to help make the weapons plus giving you some already completed Nuclear Missiles. There is also an offer of a permanent military base in the Republic Of Colstream."
11-01-2008, 08:23
A smile could be seen on the Foreign Minister's face. 'Business was business, the world over,' she thought.

"The Free Republic is gratified by the generosity on display by the Republic of Colstream. We would have to jointly go over each proposal, but our government would not be adverse to such an agreement. The Free Republic would also like to offer the Republic of Colstream a permanent military base in Lamonian territory. Such a base would be on the southern tip of the Lamonian island of Lemnos (OOC: The big island to the west of my mainland on the map on my wiki: ). Such an arrangement would give the base an area of approximately ten miles square, and the area already has a former civilian ship offloading facility, which could be used to help supply the base. I am also authorized to offer a annual joint training exercise between Lamonian and Colstream forces, which would be held in the deserts of eastern Lamoni, starting next calendar year."
11-01-2008, 17:52
"This offer is very generous and the Republic Of Colstream's government would like to have a permanent base in Lamoni, to assist Lamoni more easily if drawn into a conflict. The exercise you propose we will be able to attend. I think it's time we go into these points in more detail."
11-01-2008, 21:20
"Very well," the Foreign Minister agreed, "the Free Republic would like to start with the economic trade agreements offered by the Republic of Colstream. Constant wars both inside and outside of our home region have drained Lamoni's economy, and we are always looking for honorable trading partners. The workforce of the Free Republic is as good as anyone, and we feel that we would be fit trading partners for your nation."
12-01-2008, 06:02
12-01-2008, 20:53
13-01-2008, 04:55
Ba Bumpa
13-01-2008, 13:46
Larry Gresman put a piece of paper in front of the Lamonian Foreign Minister. It read:

Economic Trade Agreements offered by the Republic Of Colstream:

1a. Low prices on any Military Equipment bought from the Republic Of Colstream.
1b. Military equipment can be exchanged between both countries for free.
2. Lamoni can import grain and other agricultural materials for half of the price offered to other countries.
3a. Lamoni Companies will be given priority on the Colstream Stock Market.
3b. The Lamoni Currency will be given a high value on the Colstream Stock Exchange.
4a. 2 Million Colstream Pounds to be injected into the Lamoni Economy to protect it from going into recession.
4b. "Colstream Cash for Lamoni Goods"- a scheme to support Lamoni businesses by offering cash for their goods and asking the Lamoni Government nothing for goods from our businesses.
14-01-2008, 04:45
The Foreign Minister was reading the document, nodding as she went. "The Free Republic agrees in principle to the joint Lamonian-Colstream Non Aggression Pact. We also agree to the offer of a permanent military base in the Republic of Colstream. Our government is interested in hearing more about the nuclear weapons issues raised by your government. In particular, would Colstream's offer include help with the installation of missile silos for the missiles?"
14-01-2008, 21:23
Larry Gresman nodded. "Yes, the proposal also includes that the Colstream Military will supply the materials and the Colstream Government will give the money to help build the silos and also provide the first missiles". A piece of paper was put in front of the Lamoni Foreign Minister giving the specification of the Missiles:


Length:1240 metres
Warhead weight: 30,000lbs
Yield:5 Kiloton
15-01-2008, 00:19
The Lamonian Defense Minister read the specifications along with the Foreign Minister. He was nodding, and quietly told the Foreign Minister that the missiles would best be described as 'city busters.'

"The Free Republic is agreeable to the terms of the Non Aggression Pact," she said, "and appropriate papers will be ready to sign tomorrow. Unless the intent of the Republic of Colstream is to have both Pacts as one treaty, then we can move on to the Mutual Defense Pact."
15-01-2008, 15:43
Larry Gresman replied, "Lets have them as 1 treaty with 1 section for the NAP and the MDP. What terms would you like in the Mutual Defence Pact?"
16-01-2008, 00:04
"Lamonian terms for a Mutual Defense pact would be that one nation will help the other as best they can militarily or economically if either nation is attacked in such a way. The entire treaty would then have a built in expiration of 10 years, after which it can be resigned at 10 year intervals with the consent of both nations. In addition, a secure communications link between our heads of state would be instituted for when such calls of assistance need to be made.," the Foreign Minster paused for a breath. "Are these terms acceptable to the Republic of Colstream?"
17-01-2008, 09:29
17-01-2008, 21:01
Larry Gresman replied, "These terms are acceptable to the Republic Of Colstream. The Colstream Government also asks that the Mutual Defence Pact has a term that gives each government unrestricted access to our airspace. Is that Ok?"
18-01-2008, 06:26
"The terms are acceptable to the Free Republic. We can have the required treaty drawn up and ready for signing tomorrow morning, if that is acceptable to you. Unless there is a problem, I move to adjourn this meeting until the treaty signing tomorrow." The Foreign Minister awaited the response of Colstream's ambassador while taking a sip of the water that was traditionally placed on the the table at important diplomatic conferences.
19-01-2008, 06:46
19-01-2008, 23:42
Larry Gresman replied "We have no objection to these terms. We will wait until tomorrow morning when the treaties are signed."
20-01-2008, 05:19
The next morning

Foreign Minister Ley walked back into the conference room, feeling pretty good. The Free Republic was getting... well, if not quite officially an ally; then it was as close as you could get without an alliance treaty. As long as the Republic of Colstream lived up to their words, this could be the thing that the Free Republic needed in order to get back onto it's economic feet. Also, they had someone that they could turn to for military help if needed. She was less sanguine about the nuclear weapons, though. As a diplomat, she couldn't imagine killing on such a scale. However, that was also not her concern, as President Stinson had re-iterated.

As a matter of fact (OOC: this thread takes place before the one dealing with Monavia), President Stinson himself was here, ready to sign the treaty. He had assured the Foreign Minister that the Lamonian Chamber of Deputies and Congress would both vote to ratify the treaty.

President Stinson was seated in one of the two ceremonial chairs, with a copy of the treaty placed right in front of him. Like all international treaties, these were bound in fine leather. Both President Stinson and the representative from Colstream would each sign two copies of the treaty, and both sides would each take one copy from each signatory. Like all other treaties, they would probably be placed in some dusty basement storage facility somewhere, rarely to be seen by the eyes of man again after they were signed.
20-01-2008, 16:01
Larry Gresman entered the Conference Room and sat at the table. He then waited for the resuming of the conference. He was glad that both Colstream and Lamoni had agreed to the treaty which had been his goal.
21-01-2008, 09:39
Foreign Minister Ley started the resumption of the conference. "Before us is two copies of the treaty for the signers from both nations to read. If neither side has a disagreement with the treaty, then they are free to sign the treaty."

After carefully reading the treaty (even though he already knew the highlights from the report of the Foreign Minister), President Stinson signed his first copy of the treaty. After the traditional blotter roll, he signed the second copy. Once the Lamonian Senate and Chamber of Deputies voted to ratify the treaty, it would be in full force on the Lamonian side of things.
22-01-2008, 01:22
23-01-2008, 10:13
23-01-2008, 13:15
Larry Gresman signed his first copy, followed by the second copy. Finally an agreement had been reached. The treaty had already been approved back in the Colstream Parliament by an unanimous vote of 150 votes to 0.
24-01-2008, 10:03
After the treaty signing, both houses of the Lamonian Congress had voted to ratify the treaty, with the vote totals going well past the 80% mark in the Chamber of Deputies, and all fourteen of the Lamonian Congress voting to ratify.

The treaty between the Free Republic of Lamoni and the Republic of Colstream was now in force. President Stinson shook the hand of Ambassador Gresman, and a bottle of Lamodka (Lamonian Vodka) seemed to materialize from nowhere; along with two shot glasses. President Stinson offered the drink to Ambassador Gresman, pouring some for himself first.
25-01-2008, 21:09
Larry Gresman accepted his offer of a drink and waited as President Stinson poured his to try Lamodka, which was recognised in the Republic Of Colstream as a extremely good vodka.
26-01-2008, 12:07
President Stinson finished pouring both drinks, and gunned his down without swallowing. Refilling his own glass, he gave a toast to the new friendship between the Free Republic and the Republic of Colstream.
28-01-2008, 23:15
Larry Gresman toasted the Lamoni President and then gulped him. It was the best drink he had ever tasted. He asked if he could have a case to take home. He presented President Stinson with a case of Colstream White Wine as a parting gift.
29-01-2008, 13:54
A case of Lamodka was delivered to the Colstream embassy that very day, after President Stinson agreed to send a case of it to him as a diplomatic 'parting gift.' Inside the package (which was addressed to Larry Gresman) was a note from President Stinson.

It read:

"Thank you for the case of Colstream White Wine. It was very good, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. In this package, you'll find the case of Lamodka that you wanted. May the relations between our two nations remain as friendly as they are today."
29-01-2008, 17:18
A letter to President Stinson was sent and it read "Thank you for the case of Lamodka. I hope that we forever stay friends. In peace and in war, we will stick together." Larry Gresman then boarded his 747 to take him home. At that very moment, factories started to produce goods that would arrive in Lamoni within 5 days. Also military weapons was also being built stated in the MDP for immediate use by the Lamonian Army.
29-01-2008, 22:12
OOC: I need to know the types, numbers, and specs of the specific weapons that you are sending me so that I can RP them properly. I'm also planning on keeping my assault rifles:

IC: Five days after Larry Gresman left the Free Republic, the weapons began to arrive at Lamonian ports aboard Colstream flagged ships. Some of them would most certainly be taken apart circuit by circuit, and wire by wire; in order to both make their own blueprints, and to be able to repair the weapons if needed. Others were immediately going to be field tested under the toughest conditions that could be thought of.

Seeing as the first Joint Lamonian-Colstream military exercises were months away yet, that should give the Lamonians some time to learn how to best use their new weapons before then. The planning (OOC: We should do an OOC discussion on how the exercises will be set up sometime) was being undertaken by both Lamonian and Colstream military personell.

A contingent of 10,000 Lamonian troops were being prepared to fly out to Colstream and inspect their new military base there. Their commander would be Lt. General Clinton Peavey. He was a career Calvary man, and he was the first good officer available for the position. Also under the Lt. General was Major General Darren Lev of the Lamonian Air Force (LAF) (OOC: I'll probably station 30 F-16C's for base defense if the base is big enough and you allow it). In addition to a possible sqaudron of F-16C fighter-bombers, he would also be in command of ten C-130 military transport aircraft. He found that he was rather looking forward to it.
29-01-2008, 22:44
OOC: I have started the Military Exercise Thread:
Here is the Location: