NationStates Jolt Archive

Strategic Negating-Obtusity Treaty; Nations Against Obtusity

20-12-2007, 04:21
Strategic Negating-Obtusity Treaty
Huanmao, 19.12.2007


The States party to this Treaty, the legal representatives thereof having signed below, reaffirm their faith in the continued viability of the intelligence of mankind, and their desire to bring about a progressively more intelligent world.

They remain committed to stamping out, by whatever means necessary, inane or insane governments which lead their people astray, the desire of which being based on the most fundamental drive for success and improvement in the human mind, spanning all cultures and creeds.

They are resolved to unite their efforts for collective improvement and policing of the world's obtuse. They, therefore, agree to the Strategic Negating-Obtusity Treaty, as follows:

Chapter I – Use of terms
+ Article 1 – Definitions
++ For the purposes of this Treaty:
+++ a||'obtusity' means any activity made by a government taken as a whole or individual person which exhibits one or more hallmarks of identifiable mental illnesses, or that demonstrates distaste for rational dealings on the international and/or national theater;
+++ b||'rational dealings' means those actions which manifest as 'common sense', insofar as such a term can be coined;
+++ c||'common sense' means that which is identified by the earmarks defined by Thomas Reid as it applies to human behavior (excepting mathematics and the sciences, with which this Treaty does not deal);
+++ d||'natural intelligence' means the intelligence level to which mankind naturally aspires to and wishes to attain, regardless of physical limitations of the mental equipment given

Chapter II – Measures to be taken on the inter-national level
+ Section 1 – Substantive anti-obtusity law
Title 1: Offenses against the natural intelligence of mankind

++ Article 2 – Unnatural cultivation of obtusity
+++ Whereas mankind naturally aspires to a level of intelligence above that of a common shrew, certain people, whether because of their own unnatural obtusity (whether because of some mental irregularity, disease or other unnatural means, whether that is to control the populace or to make them obtuse for the enhancement of their own ego) or because of their unnaturally-cultivated obtusity (whether by those who are purposefully cultivating obtusity for their own malevolent ends or because of their own obtusity), endeavor to suppress this aspiration, the States party to this Treaty hereby denounce forever these practices and those which advocate them with the greatest possible prejudice.

++ Article 3 – Response to unnatural cultivation of obtusity
+++ Given that the States party to this Treaty denounce the unnatural cultivation of obtusity with maximum prejudice, all States party to this Treaty hereby agree to consult with a gathering of the other States which are party to this Treaty to decide upon whether or not action shall be taken against a given government or individual. The States party to this Treaty also establish the United Nations Forum to both decide what constitutes a broach of this Treaty and what action, military or otherwise, shall be taken. The States party to this Treaty hereby establish the Backlash Tactical Armed Response Divisions, which shall consist of military personnel from member States, and shall be subordinate to the Forum-appointed commanders of those units. These units will, in the event of a decision being reached in the United Nations Forum by those States which are party to this Treaty, exact aggressive discipline through the waging of war upon those governments or individuals deemed to be cultivating obtusity or acting obtuse.

Chapter III – Signatures
+ Fan Banou, Jeuna
+ Dr. Jules Hodz, Akimonad
+ His Majesty King Alistair I, Vojvodina-Nihon
20-12-2007, 04:24
Dr. Jules Hodz,
First Minister, Akimonad
20-12-2007, 04:24
Alistair I, by the Grace of God, His Marionette Majesty, Puppet Monarch of the Holy Jingoistic Federation of Unaligned Nations of Vojvodina-Nihon, wishes to affix his signature to this document as a gesture of full and unconditional support; and also to mark the passing of his two hundredth post.
Dyelli Beybi
20-12-2007, 05:13
OOC: Is the acronym supposed to be SNOT?

Dyelli Beybi wishes to let it be known that while we would usually sign such a treaty we are worried the occasional lapses of sanity in Dyellian MPs (usually brought on by the advanced stages of syphilis) may have a negative impact on our standing within SNOT.
21-12-2007, 01:45
[ That'd be it. The organization is NAO; the treaty itself is SNOT.

also bump ]