NationStates Jolt Archive

The Allied States of United Khanates Emerges

United Khanates
19-12-2007, 23:41
Thousands of years after the fall of the Mongolian Empire established by Genghis Khan, a member of his bloodline has overthrown the elected President of Mongolia and declared a new regime following Genghis Khan's great reign. Being Genghis Khan is hailed as a national hero amongst the populace the regime has been met with little resistance.

Grand Khan Oyunimo has put local governors out of power and instead replaced them with Khanates who descend from surviving tribes who served Genghis Khan at the time of his rule and divided Mongolia accordingly.

Under his rule Grand Khan Oyunimo has reconstituted laws and practices followed during the time of Genghis Khan's empire. This includes high tolerance for all religions practiced within Mongolia, and strong discipline enforced on its citizens.

Grand Khan Oyunimo seeks Alliances and companionship within the massive world his small nation is a part of. He is also eager to aid in the military campaigns of friends to restore the greatness of Genghis Khan's empire again.
The Scandinvans
20-12-2007, 00:03
We graciously invite you to join the Confederacy of Scandinvan Protectorates, as we might provide with a number of key things essential for a developing nation such as yourself. Though we realize that this offer may seem like one of imperialism we ask that you read our by laws before making any judgement on the matter.

For now we bid you a good day and hope to hear from you soon.

Imperial Steward,
Lord Erida

OOC: Link to sign up forum with the general guide lines and such that govern the Confederacy and calrify matters, such as military aide and loans.