NationStates Jolt Archive

People of the Beatus to Vote on New Constitution

The Beatus
13-12-2007, 04:12
The people of the Beatus are voting on this constitution following the death of they're beloved leader, who's greatest dream was a free and proud Beatusian people united under one flag, and free of tyrants for ever, this might just be Edwardo Listless's dream coming true, though sadly, he is no longer around to see it.

The Constitution of the Beatus


This document is dedicated to the memory of Edwardo Listless, our former leader, who lead us out from under the weight of the monarchy, and into the light of freedom, and who now is with the Great Bob, in the Land Beyond.

We the people of the Beatus, hereby do chose to join together under one government, that of the Republic of the Beatus, of which this document defines, and creates.

Article I

Section 1:

This document Guaranties the following rights to all those who are Citizens of the Republic of the Beatus. They are; the right to own full automatic rifles, and firearms, if they are over the age of 20; to form local Militias, for the mutual defenses of they're communities; to take up arms against the government if they deem it necessary; to hold private meetings; to assemble in public areas; to defend they're land from any conceivable threat; to get married, and have children; to an education; to the protection of the government of the Republic of the Beatus; to vote in any election for the district that they reside; to run for any public office, if they are over the age of 25; to use all government owned facilities offered to any other citizen; to refuse service to anyone, for any reason; to worship any god they chose, as long as it does not involve the sacrifice of any animals, or people; to not try to help the environment; and any other right provided them by they're local governments that are not specifically stated here, and do not go against anything else stated in this document.

Citizens do not have the right to; commit murder, unless in the defense of themselves, or someone else, or in the defense of they're property, or that of another; to persecute another based on they're race, age, sex, physical or mental incapacities, size, religion, or hair color; to commit treason against the Republic of the Beatus.

Section 2:

The Government of the Republic of the Beatus shall be made up of three branches. They shall be, the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. Each branch shall be independent of the others, and anyone holding a position in one shall not be allowed to hold any other position in any branch, until such time as they're engagement in the original appointment has expired.

Article II

Section 1:

The Legislative Branch shall be made up of two bodies, which shall be, the Conclave, and the Brotherhood. They shall also be independent of each other, so that a member of one, is not a member of the other.

Section 2:

The Conclave shall consist of a number of Delegates, which shall be based on the land area. There shall be on member per 500 square miles of land, and each shall have his own district, consisting of 500 square miles of land, by whom he is elected, and for which he shall work.

The Brotherhood shall consist of a number of Brothers, which shall be based on the population. There shall be one member per 50,000 people, and each shall have his own district, consisting of 50,000 people, by whom he is elected, and for which he works.

Section 3:

The Conclave shall have full legislative power over approving the President's budget, roads and transportation, utilities, and agriculture. It shall also share limited power in, education, imposing taxes, and regulating employment.

The Brotherhood shall have full legislative power over declaring war, regulating health care, approving ambassadors, and approving treaties. It shall also share limited power in, education, imposing taxes, and regulation employment.

Section 4:

Each member of both the Conclave, and Brotherhood; shall be elected for a term of 5 years; must be over the age of 24; must have been a citizen of the district they represent for over 20 years; must be a citizen of the Republic of the Beatus; shall be compensated for they're services, such compensation is to be determined by the Beatusian Treasury.

Article III

Section 1:

The Executive Branch shall consist of the President, Vice President, and any other officers that the President sees fit to appoint in order to better
accomplish his/her job.

Section 2:

The Presidents duties include, but are not limited to; making a budget; appointing ambassadors; entering into negotiations with other nations; receiving foreign dignitaries; approving bill sent from either parts of the Legislative Branch; pardoning criminals; making and distributing currency; ensuring the freedom of the Citizens of the Republic of the Beatus.

Section 3:

The President shall be elected by popular majority, for a term of 5 years, and may not serve more than 2 CONSECUTIVE terms. The President must be a citizen of Republic of the Beatus, and lived in the Beatus for his entire life. The President must also be over the age of 27.

Article IV

Section 1:

The Judicial Branch shall consist of a military tribunal, appointed by the top generals of the Armed Forces. At any one time there must be own from each of the major branches, the Army, the Air Force, and the Navy. To be on the Tribunal, one must have attained the rank of General (or Admiral, in the case of the Navy), they must have a clean service record, and must have served in a combat situation, at one point in they're military career.

Section 2:

The Judicial Branch duties are as follows; maintaining the peace within the Beatus; defending the nation from outside attack; settling all disputes that do not fall under those of the state or local courts; determining legality of bills proposed by the Legislative Branch, or laws signed by the President; impeachment of the President, and the trial thereof; ensuring the safety of the Beatus in times of war, by any means necessary; to be commander-in-chief of the armed force.

Article V

Section 1:

Any person living in the Beatus at the time of the vote on this document, are hereby granted citizenship in the Republic of the Beatus, and all rights therein promised. Also any child born to parents, legally with in the Beatus, shall become a citizen, with all rights and privileges entitled to them.

Section 2:

At any time, with two thirds majority vote of both the Brotherhood, and conclave, and the approval of the President, and Judaical Branch, a vote may be called for to ratify this constitution, as to keep it in step with the beliefs and views of the Citizens of the Beatus. For such a ratification to pass, it must receive a majority vote from the Citizens of the Beatus.

Article VI

This document shall come into full effect with a majority vote by people currently residing in the Beatus.
The Beatus
13-12-2007, 04:59
The first polling stations are reporting,

They are showing

75 % Yea,
24 % Nay,

Approximately 3% of the Vote has been counted.
13-12-2007, 05:23
[OOC: Join Europa Atlantica; it's very active, and you can be my neighbour :D . I found the section about munitions distressing; so a guy could say that a kid who was in front of his house was defiling it by trampling on his yard...?]
13-12-2007, 05:28
I'm playing Devils Advocate. Hehe.
The State of Monavia
13-12-2007, 05:31
This is a good constitution, and it is somewhat well organized. I recommend that you refine the document so that it reads better, and organize the sections that make up the articles into individual clauses.

The constitution has its shortcomings. It does not detail much about the way the government runs or operates, and does not enumerate powers and authority to a significant degree. Your people may run into disputes anout interpretation because it is not very detailed.

Despite all of this, you still did a fairly good job. Keep up the good work.
The Beatus
14-12-2007, 00:16
More polling stations are reporting,

They are showing

63 % Yea,
36 % Nay,

Approximately 48.64% of the Vote has been counted.
The Beatus
14-12-2007, 01:34
This is a good constitution, and it is somewhat well organized. I recommend that you refine the document so that it reads better, and organize the sections that make up the articles into individual clauses.

The constitution has its shortcomings. It does not detail much about the way the government runs or operates, and does not enumerate powers and authority to a significant degree. Your people may run into disputes anout interpretation because it is not very detailed.

Despite all of this, you still did a fairly good job. Keep up the good work.

(OOC: I intentionally avoided detail, so that it can be applied to the current times, as things change over time, and having one really specific that you need to change all the time is a waste, when you can have one that is very broad, and open to interpretation, so that while the times change, its interpretation can change too. I hope you understand what I am going for now.)
The Beatus
14-12-2007, 03:59
More polling stations are reporting,

They are showing

56 % Yea,
43 % Nay,

Approximately 68.38% of the Vote has been counted.
The Beatus
15-12-2007, 04:12
The final poling stations are reporting,

54.5 Yea
45.5 Nay

100.00% of the vote in.

The constitution has been accepted by a small, margin of votes, but still it has one out.
The State of Monavia
15-12-2007, 23:14
(OOC: I intentionally avoided detail, so that it can be applied to the current times, as things change over time, and having one really specific that you need to change all the time is a waste, when you can have one that is very broad, and open to interpretation, so that while the times change, its interpretation can change too. I hope you understand what I am going for now.)

That is good to know. Thanks for clarifying.