NationStates Jolt Archive

Viva la Revolution (MT, Intro)

05-12-2007, 22:23
The streets are littered with rubble and in some places dead cadavers as a large group of people marched through the streets. These people all wore the same uniform, a pixilised cammo uniform. They also all carried their AK-47 at their shoulders. People gathered at the sides of the street, some looking on in dread while others cheered the group. These men were from the People's Liberation army of HuTianDi which had fought for independence for the last twenty years. Now they have succeeded. The previous corrupt government was toppled in a violent battle in the capital city of Tianjing (heavenly capital). Now the new government, a dictator in the stead of a president, new policies have ensued encouraging ecconomic growth among the industries of the small fledgling nation.
In a speech to the world the new dictator, titled president for life, gave a speech inviting all foreign nations to help rebuild the nation (located in the region of Ityrum). All foreign nations are also invited to open embassies in the new nation and trade was also wanted by the new leader. In all this the previous government and its soldiers were sent to prison camps unless they endorsed the new government.
The war torn country of Heaven and Earth was now well on its way to rebuilding and thus becoming a power in the world.
((I think Ill make a FT parallel also.... FT looks fun))